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The Transition in Dutch Water Management
Article in Regional Environmental Change · January 2005
DOI: 10.1007/s10113-004-0086-7
3 authors:
Rutger van der Brugge
Jan Rotmans
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Derk Loorbach
DRIFT Dutch Research Institute for Transitions
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TRAPESES - Transition Patterns Enabling Smart Energy Systems View project
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Reg Environ Change (2005) 5: 164–176
DOI 10.1007/s10113-004-0086-7
Rutger van der Brugge Æ Jan Rotmans Æ Derk Loorbach
The transition in Dutch water management
Received: 24 November 2003 / Accepted: 22 March 2004 / Published online: 10 May 2005
Ó Springer-Verlag 2005
Abstract Over the past decades, the Dutch people have
been confronted with severe water-related problems,
which are the result of an unsustainable water system,
arising from human interventions in the physical infrastructure of the water system and the water management
style. The claims of housing, industry, infrastructure and
agriculture have resulted in increasing pressure on the
water system. The continuous subsidence of soil and
climate change has put pressure on the land. Hence, the
nature and magnitude of water-related problems have
changed. Longitudinal research of relevant national
policy documents reveals that the water management
regime has changed its water management style over the
past 30 years from a technocratic scientific style towards
an integral and participatory style. We have investigated
if the historical development in Dutch Water management can be characterized as a transition. Based on
longitudinal research through an integrated systems
analysis, document research and expert interviews, we
have reconstructed the historical narrative by using the
transition concepts of multi-level and multi-phase. This
research indicates that the shift in Dutch Water management can be characterized as a transition. This
transition is currently in the take-off stage and near the
acceleration stage. This is a crucial stage as long as the
considerable gap between the strategic macro-vision and
the practical implementation at the micro-level remains.
As long as these levels are not compatible (modulation),
the transition will not be completed successfully. Transition management as multi-level governance model
should therefore be adopted to facilitate the modulation.
Keywords Water management Æ Transitions Æ
Transition management Æ sustainability
R. van der Brugge (&) Æ J. Rotmans Æ D. Loorbach
Dutch Research Institute For Transitions (DRIFT),
P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
[email protected]
Tel.: +31-10-4088777
Fax: +31-10-4089039
Dutch water management has been recognized worldwide for its capabilities to control coastal and inland
waters in order to guarantee safety and maintaining
reliable water functions for agriculture, shipping and
industry. Being a river-delta and having more than 50%
of land beneath sea-level, the Dutch have a century-long
tradition of fighting the water and trying to control it. In
this way, much of the water system is canalised and the
surrounding area protected by dams and dikes. This
technocratic-scientific regime has been dominant well
into the 20th century (Bosch and van der Ham 1998; van
der Ham 1999; Lintsen 2002). It has resulted in a highly
sophisticated and widely branched, but relatively closed
water defence system.
In 1993 and 1995, the Netherlands experienced two
major floods of the rivers Meuse and Rhine, followed by
high levels of regional waters in 1998. The sudden waterrelated problems led parliament to question current
water management practices. Indeed, the installed
committee-Tielrooy stated in their report ‘Water management for 21st century’ that ‘Dutch water management is not sufficiently prepared to meet the challenges
of climate change effects in the next century’ (CW21
2000). Three years later, the river Meuse almost flooded
two times (in 2001 and 2002) and in 2003, without any
warning signal from the regional water board, a small
regional dike in Wilnis broke due to prolonged periods
of drought.
These water-related problems in the Netherlands are
symptoms of a deeper lying, fundamental problem,
arising from the whole of human interventions in the
natural water system over the last centuries. On the one
hand, the increasing spatial claims from agriculture,
industry, traffic, housing and infrastructure as a result of
growing economic development, increased population
density and changing life-styles, led to a growing pressure on the water system. On the other hand, the continuous subsidence of soil, the rising sea level and the
decreasing capacity to retain water due to loss of nature
have resulted in pressure from water on land. In this
changing landscape, the water engineers were predominantly occupied with meeting the increasing societal
demands by the fast drainage of redundant water, canalising rivers and the construction of dams and dikes.
Now it becomes increasingly clear that this ‘pumpingdrainage-dike raising’ strategy has not resulted in a
sustainable water system as many calamities have occurred. The incremental reduction of space for the natural water system (polders and usage of river forelands)
and changes in the water system itself such (reduction of
the natural riverbed and hydrological conditions) has
manifested itself in social damage (reduced safety),
financial damage (floods, droughts, dike breaks) and
ecological damage (drought, loss of water quality). In
the near future, the damage is expected to increase
substantially and could be regarded as unsustainability
symptoms of the current water system in the Netherlands.
The complex water problem is a so-called ‘persistent’
problem. Persistent problems are new types of societal
problems that are characterized by significant complexity, structural uncertainty, high stakes for a diversity of
stakeholders involved, and governance problems (Dirven
et al. 2002). This feeds back to what Rittel and Webber
(1973) describe as ‘wicked problems’: ill-structured
problems in which complex societal interactions, highly
uncertain physical processes and management dilemmas
are present. We consider persistent problems as being of
an even higher degree of complexity than wicked problems, because they are deeply rooted in our societal
structures and institutions (Rotmans 2003). The water
problem is persistent because water has multiple manifestations, multiple functions and multiple values; as a
result of this, many stakeholders are involved with different interests and high stakes, making it complex and
hard to manage. There is no such thing as the single
water problem, because the different forms of water
(rainwater, groundwater, surface water, sea water)
manifest themselves in different issues: water demand
and water supply, water scarcity, wastewater treatment,
sea level rise, and the alteration of the hydrological cycle.
Water has also different functions in our society: an
economic function for navigation and agriculture, an
ecological function for sustaining ecosystems, and a
social function in terms of safety and drinking water
supply. Along the same line of reasoning, water also
represents different values: an economic value expressed
as the utility value of water by using some kind of pricing
mechanism, an ecological value expressed as the water
regulation services for ecosystems, and a social value,
indicating the cultural and emotional meaning of water.
Because water differs in time, place and manifestation
only an integrated approach addressing the multiplicity
of water makes sense. This, however, requires a different
style of water management than the traditional one,
managing for multiple cases at different scale levels: flood
control, drought, municipal supply, hydro-electricity,
irrigation, recreation and ecological preservation. Water
managers can no longer optimise one particular utility
function, but have to manage across multiple utilities and
multiple stakeholders. Furthermore, water management
is constrained by physical characteristics, regulation,
contracts and politics. Thus, integral water management
needs to be pluralistic, involving multiple stakeholders
who represent multiple perspectives (set of values, biases
and preferences).
The changing nature and scope of the water problem
and the accumulating water-related damage and costs
force us to manage the water in a more innovative and
sustainable manner. In the Netherlands, this change in
water management already started decades ago, as shown
by a comparison of the subsequent National Policy
Memoranda on Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat
1964, 1982, 1989, 1998a, b). This longitudinal research
shows that there has been a fundamental shift over the
past 30 years from technocratic water engineering to
integral and participatory water management. Whereas
integral water management perceives the (context-specific) water system as a whole, integrating social, ecological and physical components of the water system,
technocratic water management focuses on the physical
processes within the water system. These days, water is
postulated as a guiding principle in spatial planning,
meaning that water is one of the dominating issues in
spatial planning processes. The ecological functions and
values of water have become more important at the cost
of the agricultural function and economic value of water
(Kamphuis, personal communication). This is illustrated
by emerging metaphors and mantras in the Dutch water
arena such as ‘‘Room for water’’, ‘‘From Stemming to
Accommodating water’’ and ‘‘Water as a friend rather
than an enemy’’, indicating the significant changes in
current water management.
We have investigated if this shift in Dutch Water
management can be characterized as a transition. In
order to analyse the origin, dynamics and chances and
barriers of this transition, we did a longitudinal research
of Dutch water management over the past three decades.
We have reconstructed the historical narrative by using
the transition concepts of multi-level and multi-phase
based on extensive literature survey as well as a series of
in-depth interviews with Dutch water experts who
played important roles in this transformation process.
Before we present this analysis, the concepts of transitions and transition management will be explained. We
conclude with the implications of transition management for implementing integral water management
A transition is a structural change in the way a societal
system operates. A transition is a long-term process (25–
50 years) resulting from a co-evolution of cultural,
institutional, economical, ecological and technological
processes and developments on various scale levels
(Rotmans et al. 2000). An often quoted example of a
more or less ‘managed’ transition is the transition from a
coal-based energy supply system to a gas/oil-based energy supply system that happened in the Netherlands
during the 1950s and 1960s (Verbong 2000). During a
transition, different developments and events on different scale levels from different domains positively reinforce each other (Rotmans et al. 2000). A transition can
therefore be described as a process of the co-evolution of
markets, networks, institutions, technologies, policies,
individual behaviour and autonomous trends from one
relatively stable system state to another. This can be
illustrated by an S-shaped curve (Figs. 1, 2). Although
this is a highly simplified curve, it shows that a transition
pathway could be considered as a system transformation
away from slow equilibrium dynamics through a period
of quick and instable development reverting to relative
stability again (Rotmans 1994). In between the two
equilibrium states, there is a period of rapid change in
which the system undergoes irreversible change and (re-)
organises itself again.
A pre-requisite for transitions to happen, is that
several developments in different domains (ecological,
socio-cultural, economic, institutional, technological)
interact in such a way that they positively reinforce
each other. Transitions are the result of slow social
change and short-term fluctuations or events that suddenly initiate a highly non–linear response. Figure 1
illustrates a transition as complex set of cogwheels that
engage and interact with one another. It could easily
lead to an interlock, but once in a while they reinforce
each other and start turning into one and the same
There are three key concepts that form the basis of
transition theory: multi-stage, multi-level and transition
Fig. 1 Metaphorical illustration of a transition as a complex set of
societal cogwheels (Martens and Rotmans 2002) In the predevelopment phase of the transition, the cogwheels interlock. In the
take-off and acceleration phase, the wheels start turning and
reinforce each other (the slope of the curve(s) increases). In the
stabilization phase, the cogwheels interlock again, however, the
new equilibrium is fundamentally different from the initial one
Fig. 2 A transition is the shift between two dynamic equilibria that
can be described by a set of system indicators. In the transition
process, four phases can be distinguished. In the predevelopment
phase, these indicators change only marginally. In the take-off and
acceleration phase, the indicators change with increasing speed. In
the stabilization phase, a new equilibrium is reached (Rotmans
et al. 2002)
management. The multi-stage concept approaches
transitions from the viewpoint of the speed of change.
From this starting point, a transition than can be described in four stages or phases (Rotmans et al. 2000),
(Fig. 2).
1. A pre-development phase of dynamic equilibrium
where the status quo does not visibly change but
changes take place under the surface
2. A take-off phase in which thresholds are reached and
the state of the system begins to shift
3. An acceleration phase where visible structural changes take place rapidly through an accumulation of
socio-cultural, economic, ecological and institutional
changes that reinforce each other
4. A stabilization phase where the speed of social
change decreases and a new dynamic equilibrium is
Note that the speed of change in transition processes
is a relative notion, which necessitates the definition of
system borders.
The second transition concept is the multi-level
concept, which marks the division between functional
scale levels at which transition processes take place:
micro-, meso- and macro-level. This is based on Geels
and Kemp (2000), who use the division into niches,
regimes and socio-technical landscapes to describe technological changes in socio-technical systems (Fig. 3).
At the macro-level, the societal landscape is determined by changes in the macro economy, politics,
population dynamics, natural environment, culture and
worldviews. This level responds to relatively slow trends
and large-scale developments that play an important role
in speeding up or slowing down a transition, but where its
geology is for the most part unyielding. At the meso-level,
the regimes operate. Regimes are patterns of artefacts,
institutions, rules and norms assembled and maintained
to perform economic and social activities (Berkhout et al.
Fig. 3 Multi-level concept is based on (Geels and Kemp 2000).
Developments at the macro-level correspond to slow broad societal
trends. Dynamics at the meso-level are determined by the regime.
The regime is the dominant pattern of actors, artifacts and
structures in the social system. At the micro-level, individual
persons, organizations, or innovations are distinguished
2003). At this level, the dynamics are determined by their
dominant practices, rules and shared assumptions, social
norms, interests, rules and belief systems that underlie
strategies of companies, organizations and institutions
and policies of political institutions which are often
geared towards preserving the status quo and thus towards optimisation and protecting investments rather
than system innovations. At the micro-level (niche-level)
individual actors, alternative technologies and local
practices are distinguished. At this level, variations to and
deviations from the status quo occur as a result of new
ideas and new initiatives and innovations, such as new
techniques, alternative technologies and social practices
(Kemp et al. 1998).
Interlinking the two transition concepts of multi-level
and multi-stage yields the following pattern. In the predevelopment phase of a transition, the regime often acts
as an inhibiting factor. Typically, it will seek to maintain
social norms and belief systems and to improve existing
technologies. The take-off phase is reached when a
modulation of developments takes place at the microand macro-level. This means that certain innovations at
the micro-level, e.g. in terms of behaviour, policy or
technology are reinforced by changes at the macro-level,
e.g. changes in worldviews or macro policies. It can go
either way: breakouts at the micro-level find fertile soil
at the macro-level, or changes at the macro-level can be
accompanied by suitable initiatives at the micro-level.
An important characteristic in the transfer from the predevelopment-phase to the take-off is that different ideas
or perspectives from different fields cross-fertilize and
converge into one, more or less consistent paradigm.
Often there is a period of polarization between the
existing and emergent paradigm. Parts of the regime will
become susceptible and try to find ways to integrate the
new opportunities. This marks the take-off phase in
which the dynamics within the dominant regime
increasingly modulate with innovative experiments at
the micro level. This is a highly uncertain period in
which results are needed in order to push and pull the
regime over the ‘edge’. If these results are not produced,
there is danger of a drawback and the transition could
suffer from a lock-in. In the acceleration phase, the regime has an enabling role, through the application of
large amounts of capital, technology and knowledge.
The regime changes as a result of self-examination, in
response to ‘bottom-up’ pressures from the micro-level
and to ‘top-down’ pressures from the macro-level.
Through the reinforcement of developments at the three
different levels, dominant practices change rapidly and
irreversibly. In the stabilization phase, the acceleration
slows down, due to a new regime that has been built up,
again resisting new developments. The stabilisation
phase represents another (relative) equilibrium, which
could accommodate the seeds of change for another
Transition management
The third concept of transition theory focuses on
governing transitions, denoted as transition management. Transition management is a process oriented
management philosophy that is rooted in fields as multilevel governance and adaptive management (Rotmans
et al. 2000). Transition management is based on coordinating multi-actor processes at different levels, aiming
at long-term sustainability through the creation of a
joint problem perception and long-term vision, innovation networks and experimental playgrounds. Transition
management is by definition anticipative and adaptive,
as the degree of complexity of transitions is to high to be
managed in terms of command and control. In other
words, while transitions defy traditional planning, they
can be influenced and adjusted in terms of the direction
and pace of transitions. The basic underlying rationale
for the management of transitions is that many past
transitions that happened by chance did not result in a
more sustainable society. On the contrary, often the
detrimental environmental impact of transitions outweighed the positive impact. Thus initiating a transition
from a preconceived goal of sustainability, which is
inherently subjective, should arise from a multi-actor
process, involving a balanced diversity of stakeholders.
Transition management encompasses four coherent
developing lines which evolve in a cyclical and iterative
way: (1) the establishment and development of a transition arena (an innovation network), which consists of a
diversity of actors, (2) the generation of long-term
integrated visions, transition pathways and agendas, (3)
a steering process based on knowledge-development
and learning effects and (4) monitoring and evaluating
the transition process. This joint search- and learning
process takes place in a transition arena, which operates
at a distance from the current policy arena (See Fig. 4).
Table 1 Key differences between current policy and transition
policy (in terms of time horizon, approach, aim, steering mechanisms, arena, knowledge development). In this table, the differences
are dichotomized for the sake of clarity. A more appropriate
conceptualization would be continuous spectra
Fig. 4 During the transition management process there are
converging and diverging movements between the policy arena
and the transition arena (Dirven et al. 2002). Initially there is
divergence and the transition arena operates outside traditional
institutional settings in order to develop innovative transition
visions, agendas and experiments. Convergence takes place when
the visions, agendas and experiments are matured enough to be
adopted by the policy arena
The learning process has three components: learning-bydoing (developing theoretical knowledge and testing
through practical experience), doing-by-learning (developing empirical knowledge and testing that against the
theory) and learning-to-learn (developing learning
strategies, applying and evaluating them).
In the participatory setting of a transition arena, a
selective number of representatives from various societal
groups and domains (governments, business, knowledge
institutes, NGO’s and intermediaries) co-operate in creative sessions formulating a common problem perception
and exploring desired futures. Then, several transition
pathways that lead to these future visions are developed
and explored through the use of scenarios, risk- and
uncertainty-assessments and trend-analyses. Actively
communicating this shared vision and transition pathways into other networks, should stimulate people to join
the innovation network to build joint strategic agendas.
This so-called innovation network is a small but open
network and consists of frontrunners, visionary people
who are willing to put a considerable effort in conducting
joint transition experiments. If each frontrunner would
be able to set up an own transition arena, the visionary
ideas can evolve rapidly and spread unchecked.
In Table 1, the differences between current policy and
transition management, denoted as transition ‘policy’,
are presented. Current policy aims at consensus and
short-term, incremental solutions, whereas transition
policy starts from dissensus and long-term, radical
In general, historical and current transition patterns
can be analysed by using the three transition concepts, in
terms of recognizing causal patterns, temporal dynamics, success and fail factors and governance patterns. The
transition concepts provide a framework for unravelling
complex transition patterns in a structured manner.
However, due to a serious lack of reliable quantitative
and qualitative data at this level of analysis, it is not yet
possible to empirically test the transition concepts.
Hence, one of the ambitions of future transition research
Current policy
Transition ‘policy’
Short time horizon
(5–10 years)
Facet approach
Limited number of actors
One scale-level
One domain
Aimed at incremental change
Long time horizon
(25–50 years)
Integrated approach
Aimed at innovation
for sustainable
New steering mechanisms
Learning-by-doing and
Regular steering mechanisms
Political arena
Linear knowledge development
and dissemination
is to build up a database of historical and current
Historical analysis
The predevelopment phase
The historical trajectory studied spans a time period of
about 30 years, starting with the construction of the
Delta Works (‘Deltawerken’), which seems in retrospect
an important starting point. The construction of this
prestigious water defence project in the Dutch province
of Zeeland was a huge undertaking and unique in many
aspects, driven by a culmination of the technocratic and
scientific regime. However, the impressive dams had also
profound consequences for ecosystems nearby. Aquatic
ecosystems suddenly changed from saltwater systems to
fresh water systems, which had dramatic consequences
for its biodiversity (Interview Saeijs, van der Kleij, 2002)
(Bosch and van der Ham 1998). In order to prevent
further ecological damage, an environmental department was founded within the Delta Dienst, the institute
that was responsible for the construction of the Delta
Works. The Delta Dienst was part of Rijkswaterstaat,
the main Dutch Governmental water institution.
Rijkswaterstaat itself was a technologically oriented
governmental body associated with the construction of
huge physical infrastructures. It therefore suffered a bad
reputation and had to face numerous protests against
the environmental and landscape degrading constructions. At that time, there was growing awareness of
environmental problems, both at the local and global
level; the vulnerability of the environment due to human
interventions was becoming clearer. At the global
(macro) level, there was a deep ecological concern about
the imbalance on a global scale between the explosive
population growth and ongoing economic development
on the one hand, and the exploitation of natural resources and the environmental pollution on the other.
The Club of Rome with their alarming report ‘Limits to
Growth’ (Meadows et al. 1972) was a catalyst in this
growing concern in the early seventies. At the local
(micro) level, the awareness arose that ecological and
economic functions could directly harm each other,
resulting in industrial pollution of water, soil and air
(Interview van der Kleij 2002). The planning process for
the construction of the Eastern Scheldt storm surge
barrier, one of the most prestigious dams, started in the
1960s. When the protest against the Eastern Scheldt
storm surge barrier became that loud that it transformed
the local protest into a national debate, the construction
plan changed in 1974 to a storm surge barrier with
moveable panels to prevent ecological harm.
At the micro-level, the research activities of the environmental department of the Delta Dienst led to a
number of restoration projects, indicating the first signs
towards a more ecological approach of the water regime.
Between 1978 and 1982, the environmental department
of the Delta Dienst was headed by H. L. F. Saeijs. One of
his most important contributions was bringing biologists
into the traditionally technologically oriented water
management institutions (Interview Overmars 2002). He
can be considered as one of the promoters of the idea of a
more ecologically oriented water management (Interview
Verwolf 2002; Overmars 2002). After he became the
chief-engineer (director) of Rijkswaterstaat, department
Zeeland, he confronted current water policy with a new
approach focusing on the relation between the water
system and the ecosystem. In 1985, major elements of this
vision appeared in an official policy memorandum called
‘Dealing with Water’ (RIZA 1985). This could be considered as a breakthrough with regard to a more integrated approach of water management. The report
reached a wide audience, partly due to the ecological
calamities evoked by the Delta Works. The systems approach advocated in this document represented a new
way of thinking, that proposed another perception that
of water as an integral part of an ecosystem in relation to
its community (Saeijs 1991) (Interview Saeijs 2002).
Two important reasons why the ecological perspective
resonated at the meso-level were: firstly, the growing
number of biologists and secondly, the re-organization of
Rijkswaterstaat that took place. During the construction
of the Eastern Scheldt storm surge barrier the Environment Department of the Delta Dienst grew quickly to
over one hundred biologists and confronted the regime
with the consequences of their practice (Bosch and
van der Ham 1998). When the Delta Dienst was
officially removed in the re-organization process of
Rijkswaterstaat in order to integrate water quantity and
water quality policies, many former Delta Dienst biologists were placed in strategic positions (Interview van
der Kleij 2002). Although their language was quite
different from that of the water engineers, they have
cross-fertilized each other over time (Interview Saeijs
2002; van der Kleij 2002; Overmars 2002). In this sense,
Rijkswaterstaat became ‘infected’ with the new ideas.
Although it is not possible to pinpoint the precise
date at which the technocratic regime began to shift, we
argue that the water transition started during the period
in which the original construction plan of the Eastern
Scheldt storm surge barrier was drastically changed. In
the early 1970s, the broad protest against the Eastern
Scheldt barrier led to a drastic change of the construction plan, i.e. to a storm barrier with moveable panels to
prevent irreversible ecological damage. Using the multilevel perspective, we see increasing modulation between
the environmental awareness at the macro-level and the
micro level, e.g. the Delta Dienst niche. The ecological
problems resulting from the Delta Works and the reorganization of Rijskwaterstaat stimulated this modulation. However, the focus on a more ecologically oriented water management was still a niche compared to
the dominant perspective.
In the following years, a number of other niches that
presented alternative perspectives led to an increasing
modulation between the three scale levels. One of them is
‘Plan Ooievaar’. At a national contest called ‘‘Netherlands—Riverland’’, the winning ‘Plan Ooievaar’ contested water management practices in the main rivers (de
Bruijn et al. 1987). Although the authors worked for the
Dutch ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Fishery
(LNV) and Rijkswaterstaat, they contributed on personal account. ‘Plan Ooievaar’ departed from a decoupling of agriculture and nature development, claiming
that agriculture was damaging ecosystems (Interview
Overmars 2002) instead of considering agriculture as
nature preservation. Thus ‘Plan Ooievaar’ broke with the
current paradigm and alternatively put forward a
coherent vision on the management of rivers, nature
development and landscape architecture by separating
conflicting water functions such as nature development
and agriculture and interweaving water functions that
would reinforce each other (Interview Overmars 2002).
In short, it comes down to substituting agricultural land
for nature development areas in the river forelands.
Hence, the plan broke from the traditional influence of
agricultural demand in water management.
At the micro-level, a number of experiments based on
the Ooievaar principles started in different regions, e.g.
the Duursche Waarden, in Rhenen and the Gelderse
Poort (Bosch and van der Ham 1998). At the regime level,
the minister embraced the plan due the debate about the
upcoming dike enhancements. W. Overmars, one of the
authors of ‘Plan Ooievaar’, commented:
‘‘It seemed like Plan Ooievaar got somehow sucked
into these societal trends. If society had not wanted
this, than ‘Ooievaar’ had been an utopia and the idea
had been dismissed. Apparently, there was a kind of
vacuum and when new ideas emerged they all got
sucked in. And now it breaks through, directly to the
minister, who promptly tells the media we are not
constructing any dikes anymore. [...]’’
Whereas ‘Plan Ooievaar’ focused on innovative water
management for the main Dutch rivers, ‘Dealing with
Water’ developed a vision on the water system as a
whole. Both ideas reinforced each other by emphasizing
the importance of natural processes in relation to different sorts of functions and complemented each other
because of their different scope. The Third National
Memorandum on Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat
1989) elaborated on these principles and thereby postulating it as official national policy. Although this was
an important strategic event, the implementation of this
new paradigm was difficult, because of two reasons.
First, the regime was much focused on agriculture as the
organization of the water boards was traditionally organized for this purpose and second, the new policy
concept had no direct link with the regime’s other main
duty of protecting the safety of the people. Hence, there
was little sense of urgency about the implementation of
the policy concept.
This link, however, was provided by a plan from the
Dutch World Wildlife Fund (1992) (WWF). The Dutch
World Wildlife Fund was founded in 1990 and in order
to position itself, it published the plan ‘Living Rivers’
(WNF, ‘Levende Rivieren’, 1992) (Interview De Jong). In
fact, it was an elaboration of ‘Plan Ooievaar’, but with a
focus on the aquatic ecosystem itself. It proposed the idea
of introducing side channels in the river forelands (flood
plains) to reinstall broken food chains. Equally important, ‘Living Rivers’ presented an alternative for the
planned dike enhancements by introducing side channels
and excavation of the clay layers in the river forelands
(Interview De Jong 2002). Rijkswaterstaat embraced the
plans of WWF that had broad support and sympathy
among many civilians (Interview Verwolf 2002).
In summary, we can conclude that at the end of the
eighties and the beginning of the nineties, there was a
series of developments and events that reinforced each
other towards a new strategic vision on water management for the regional water systems and the main rivers.
In a period of approximately 10 years, important building blocks that were developed in niches were added to
the concept of integral water management such as ecological preservation, nature development, food chain
management and alternatives for dike enhancements.
Thus overall, at the end of the eighties, the ecological
calamities, the influence of the biologists and the innovative plans all began to change the perception of water
management practice. From a transition perspective, the
WWF-plan is especially important in setting the conditions for modulation between the niches and the regime,
e.g. linking the niches to the regime by explicitly referring
to a new strategy for water protection and bringing the
transition to a new level.
The take off
At the macro-level, Dutch policy in general promoted
the decentralization of central government and stimu-
lated liberalisation and privatisation. The decentralisation trend also affected Dutch water management. The
proportion of work done by other parties than
Rijkswaterstaat increased, the number of staff decreased
and regional directories became less dependent on the
central government. On the one hand, there was a shift
of power that had consequences for the position of Rijkswaterstaat in the hierarchy and in its top-down policy. On the other hand, the focus on ecological
consequences required other competences and new
professions in the regime of water engineering. The slow
breakdown of the old regime paved the way for water
management to become a more multi-disciplinary and
less hierarchical managed regime.
Although at the meso-level, the perspective was slowly
changing towards the consideration of ecological values
and interests, it had no significant influence upon the
daily work of most people involved. Depending on the
type of institution, the needs, the space to manoeuvre and
the political choices, the regime slowly shifted into the
same direction, but jerkily and heterogeneously. The
Third National Memorandum on water management
management had significant impact in this process as it
proposed a merger in the early nineties of the traditionally separated regional quantity water management
boards and quality water management boards.
At the micro-level, the relationship between spatial
planning and water management was already of interest
in niches during the late eighties (Interview Saeijs 2002).
The report ‘‘Dealing with the Surrounding Area’’
(‘Omgaan met de Omgeving’) (Rijkswaterstaat 1992) had
already explored the integration of both policy domains,
but not until the floods of 1993 and 1995 there was enough sense of urgency within the water regime to integrate policies. The floods made instantly clear that the
current water management strategies could not fully
control the water. Furthermore, what also became
apparent was the increased danger and higher risk that
would result from dike enhancements, were they to
break. After Rijkswaterstaat recalculated the WWFplan ‘Living Rivers’ with regard to the enlargement of
the total river area as a result of side channels and
excavation of clay layers in the floodplains, this actually
became an alternative strategy for guaranteeing safety,
other than dike enhancements.
In the short term, the floods created a opposite
response as the demand for further dike enhancements
were raised; but on the long term, they have acted as
catalysts by modulating the developments at the microand meso-level. From a transition perspective, this seems
to indicate a next stage in terms of modulation. At the
meso-level, the regime could no longer defy that the
engineering approach as long-term strategy was not
viable any longer. Thus, as a result of the floods, the
regime had to abandon its dominant strategy and became
susceptible for the alternatives that still remained at the
micro-level, shifting the transition to the take-off stage.
After the floods, although the regime temporarily reverted to its traditional strategy of raising dikes in the
‘Delta Plan Rivers’, explicit integration of water and
spatial planning was put forward in the ‘Room for Rivers’ report (Rijkswaterstaat 1995 ‘Ruimte voor Rivieren’)
that served as a discussion report in the preparation of
the Fourth National Memorandum on Water Management. In 1998, the Fourth National Memorandum on
Water Management focused on integral and participatory water management combined with a river basin
approach. There was a strong reference to the upcoming
Fifth National Memorandum on Spatial Planning
(VROM 2001) in which the spatial consequences of water
management had to be further developed. Noticeably,
the Fourth Memorandum on water management was
created in an open planning process in which 3,000
people participated, reflecting a noticeable change of
water management compared to 20 years ago: from a
hierarchical, closed engineering organization to a more
open and participatory network institution.
In the midst of these changes, economic damage as a
result of extreme precipitation in 1998, triggered the
Council of Ministers to ask questions about the competence of contemporary regional water management.
In response, Rijkswaterstaat, the provinces and regional
water management boards launched the report ‘Tackling Flooding’ (Rijkswaterstaat 1998 ‘Aanpak water overlast’) and proposed to install a committee to
investigate future water management. The resulting
Committee-Tielrooy explicitly emphasized in its advice
‘‘Dealing differently with water, water management for
the 21st century’’ (CW21 2000 ‘Anders Omgaan met
Water’) the possible adverse effects of anthropogenic
climate change within the next century. CW21 concluded that ‘current water management was not sufficiently prepared to meet these future challenges’. It
proposed a participatory and anticipative river-basin
approach, a ‘retaining-storing-draining’ strategy and no
negative trade-offs to other river basins. Above all, it
promoted the ‘room for water’-policy by the introduction of a so-called ‘water test’ in spatial planning processes. Dutch cabinet agreed and proclaimed it to official
policy. The year after, the Fifth Memorandum on Spatial Planning postulated water as a ‘guiding principle’ in
spatial planning. This was reinforced by the European
Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC; WFD),
which requires the active involvement of all affected
parties in the river basin management plan (Pahl-Wostl
2002). Although, it is quite a challenge knowing how to
deal best with participation in international river basins
(Mostert 2003), the WFD should be considered as an
important modulating factor in terms of the pressure it
exerts upon the Dutch water management regime with
similar principles.
The transition is currently in a stage in which the
integral, participatory water management paradigm is
being implemented. Important steps in this process are
the intention statements of the regional water management boards to the Tielrooy three-step strategy of
‘retaining-storing-draining’ (CW21 2000); at the national level, the ‘Room for Water’ policy has led to the
designation of a number of ‘calamity areas’ that will be
flooded in case of high discharge levels; at the regional
level, long-term water basin visions are obligatory.
However, there is a vivid debate on the practical aspects
of implementation, involving the financial, legal and
democratic aspects. An important instrument in this
procedure is the so-called ‘Water Test’, which should
enable water management to participate in an early
stage in the spatial planning process. A major barrier
still is the traditional way in which the water regime is
organized. Many consider the organizational structure
of the regional water boards as old-fashioned, claiming
the water boards should be integrated with regional
government (province), as spatial planning is a political
and governmental mandate. This discussion was fuelled
by this summer’s (2003) break of small local dikes
(Wilnis and Rotte) as a result of the droughts. However,
despite the warnings issued by the knowledge centre
GeoDelft as to the vulnerability of these peaty dikes in
periods of drought, the regional water board ignored
them. In the Netherlands, there are thousands of kilometres of this type of dikes of which we now know the
regional water boards are not able to control. Questions
are now raised as to whether we should expect water
managers to foresee these kinds of dike problems. On
top of this, anthropogenic climate change is expected to
worsen the current situation, which creates a sense of
urgency that might accelerate the water transition considerably.
With hindsight, the emergence of an integral, participatory water perspective seems a logical and rather
smooth development, but the actual historical path was
a whimsical and intermittent process. The transition
process was the result of highly complex dynamic processes in the past three decades. Summarizing the multilevel-developments, we can distinguish four types of
developments: (1) built-up practical knowledge and
advancing knowledge of practitioners who work on a
daily basis on the water-related problems and in the
predevelopment phase indicated at the micro-level that
the overall situation was problematic, pointing to many
unsustainable symptoms of the existing water system,
and trying to come up with alternative solutions and
setting up new organisations, (2) developments at the
macro-level such as anthropogenic climate change and
sea level rise that were related to a higher frequency of
flood occurrences, accompanied by a deep ecological
concern as a result of the growing environmental
awareness that reinforced the initiatives at the microlevel, (3) slowly changing perceptions, procedures and
organization of the water regime at the meso-level as a
result of the pressure from the developments at the
micro and macro-level pushing the transition slowly to
the take off phase; and (iv) calamities, like the ecosystem
damage in de Delta Works that triggered the transition
and the floods in 1993 and 1995 that acted as catalysts
in terms of modulation between the developments at the
different scale levels resulting in a shift to the take off
phase (See Table 2).
Table 2 Scheme of developments at three levels of scale (macro, meso, micro) that have influenced the system state of water management in the Netherlands over a time period (1975–
2004). System states are described in terms of management concept, approach and priorities (1975, 1985, 1995, 2004)
System state 1975
System state 1985
Growing environmental
Economic growth
to growth
Rio summit (1992)
Delta works calamities
(ecological impact)
1st National Environmental
Policy Plan
1st Nature Policy
Floods (1993, 1995)
Technocratic water Delta works
2nd National Policy
Engineering approach Memorandum
Water Management
Protests against water
management approach
1. Safety
2. Agriculture
System state 1995
Johannesburg summit
Climate change
Sea level rise
EU Water Framework
National Environmental
Policy Plan 2, 3, 4
Management Act
Integral water
WB21 (1999)
3rd National Policy
4th National Policy
Room for water
Water Management (1989)
Water Management
Re-organization Rijkswaterstaat
Hierarchical organization Re-organization regional water Democratic organization (1998)
Plan Rivers
1. Safety
1. Safety
2. Nature development
2. Agriculture
3. Agriculture
3. Ecology
4. Spatial planning
Water system
Engineering approach
Environment department
in Delta Dienst
Dealing with water (1985)
Restoration projects
Plan Ooievaar (1987)
Living Rivers
Dealing with the surrounding
Area (1992)
System state 2004
Room for Rivers (1995)
Tackling flooding (1998)
Adaptive water
Adaptation and
Participatory policy
1. Safety
2. Spatial planning
3. Nature development
4. Agriculture
Water transition management
Although the water transition is in the take-off phase,
there is no guarantee that the transition will be completed successfully, which is underlined by the serious
difficulties of implementing new practices and instruments. At the strategic level, the concept of the new
water management style is broadly shared, but at the
operational level of implementation, there are numerous
practical questions. As long as there are severe incompatibilities between the strategic level and the operational level, the point of irreversibility will not yet be
reached, meaning that the transition still can get stuck in
a lock-in or lock-out. Transition management therefore
aims at modulating these three different levels of governance.
Communication between the three levels of scale has
to be organized into a joint learning process. A project in
the Dutch villages Berkelflow’ to the operational level.
The principle idea of the project was to integrate new
building activities into a sustainable water system. In
practice, this meant a number of things: the creation of
enough space for water; making the water system part of
the destination plans and participation of the communities; maintaining the hydrological balance by retaining
‘area-specific’ and high quality water by letting water
flow from clean to dirty; and creating a desirable environment for plants, animals and people. In practice,
however, the importance of water was limited as opposed to the interests from stakeholders. Water was
hardly a decisive factor in determining the location of
the neighbourhood. Hence, the ‘distance’ between the
strategic level and the operational level resulted in failure of the project.
In order to shift the traditional water management
style, the modulation of different levels of scale has to be
increased by aligning the different levels of governance.
Table 3. contains the principles of the new water management style. The old water management style can be
characterized by a control-paradigm with a sectoral and
Table 3 Key aspects and differences between the water management style of the 21st century and the water management style that
was dominant throughout the 20th century. Also in this table, the
differences are dichotomized for the sake of clarity. A more
appropriate conceptualization would be continuous spectra
Old water management
style (twentieth century)
New water management style
(twenty-first century)
Command and control
Focus on solutions
Sectoral water policy
Pumping, dikes, drainage
Rapid outflow of water
Hierarchical and closed
Prevention and anticipation
Focus on design
Anticipative and adaptive
Integral spatial policy
Retention, natural storage
Retaining location-specific water
Participatory and interactive
technological focus, whereas the new management style
is based on an anticipation and reflection-paradigm with
an integral and spatial focus. Underlying assumption of
the new paradigm is that there are fundamental uncertainties about future physical and societal processes that
cannot be easily reduced. These uncertainties can be
approached and interpreted from different perspectives.
A broad range of different stakes and perspectives
therefore needs to be taken into account in the water
management process. This requires a participatory and
interactive approach that focuses on the long-term.
Thus, the key elements of the management style are
uncertainty, anticipation and participation (NRLO
From a transition management point of view, the
process of envisioning and performing experiments are a
co-evolutionary process. Innovative niches should be
given sustained room to experiment and learn in order to
develop new water management concepts or instruments. Niches like ‘Plan Ooievaar’ and ‘Living Rivers’
are perfect examples of the added value of cross-fertilization between different domains. Such niches have
introduced new ways of looking at water and water
management by departing from the regular thinking
pattern, like nature development, aquatic communities
or spatial planning. At the same time they have provided
integral water management with a set of tools and
instruments that allow for practical implementation. In
retrospect, we could argue that the environmental
department of the Delta Dienst, ‘Plan Ooievaar’ and
‘Living Rivers’ and the Tielrooy-committee could be
considered as different transition arenas in which transition visions were developed. However, these transition
arenas originated accidentally and not as a result of a
pre-conceived transition management strategy. The
innovative visions at the micro-level remained, for quite
a long period, at a ‘distance’ from the dominant regime
at the meso-level. On the other hand, the long predevelopment phase matured the initial ideas and concepts from the various niche arenas.
The above shows the possibility of coordinating
transition processes when a variety of innovative
experiments can be attuned and embedded in a broad
process of learning. Transition management aims to
coordinate and stimulate the interaction between innovative niches at the micro-level and the dominant, conservative regime at the meso-level by tying different
activities at different scale levels. This involves the following steps as part of a cyclical and interactive process:
a joint problem perception, multi-actor strategies, vision- and agenda-building, experimentation and monitoring and evaluation (See Fig. 5). The different
activities coincide with three levels of scale at which
policy and negotiation processes take place (Loorbach
and Rotmans 2004). The transition arena operates at a
strategic level, which focuses on the macro developments
and the development of macroscopic visions, new paradigms and pathways. A broader innovation network
operates at a tactical level and spreads the new ideas,
Fig. 5 Transition management is a cyclical coordinated multi-actor
process at strategic, tactical and operational levels and is organized
around four co-evolving activity clusters (1) the establishment and
development of a transition arena, (2) the creating of long-term
integrated visions, transition pathways and agendas, (3) mobilizing
actors and knowledge development through experimenting and (4)
monitoring and evaluating the transition process (Loorbach and
Rotmans 2004)
deliberating different agendas and policies and trying to
develop joint agendas. The third level is the operational
level where niche-experiments and -projects are carried
out. In practice, these activities happen at all three levels
simultaneously and iteratively. The challenge for transition management is to connect, coordinate and align
these developments in such a way that they reinforce
each other and induce structural changes in the longterm.
In terms of organisation and coordination, a water
transition arena needs to be organized by an independent intermediary or facilitating organization based on
an integrated systems analysis: assessing historical
trends and developments, future trends and scenarios
and actors and institutions involved. We have only made
a preliminary attempt here. The water transition arena
should consist of a small number of people, selected on
specific competences like innovative capability, network
ability, cross-domain and visionary thinking, creativity
and relevant knowledge of the field. The selected participants should join on personal account rather than
representing their home organization or institution, in
order to avoid a rather narrow focus on the short-term
stakes and vested interests of their occupational background. Together, they develop a long-term sustainability vision that consists of a set of qualitative images
in which they illustrate and visualize a future sustainable
water system and what the framing conditions are
(Dirven et al. 2002). These images should contain
physical and spatial elements as well as elements of the
new water management style, such as risk management
in terms of anticipative and adaptive water management
strategies, ‘openness’ towards other policy domains,
institutional organisation with regard to participation
from stakeholders (see also Table 3). This change in the
nature of the water management process means that
another type of water managers is required (Rotmans
2003). In modern water management, knowledge from
the ‘social sciences’ is evenly important as hydrological
or engineering knowledge. Furthermore, communication skills are very important when managing multistakeholder policy processes. Going through this process
of change in water management requires a learning
process in which different transition experiments are
learning opportunities. A broad variety of experiments is
possible such as the creation of retention areas, using
water as a guiding principle in the construction of
neighbourhoods, new rules and regulations for integral,
participatory water management, or experiments dealing
with new ways of combining agriculture and natureconservation using new participatory methods in the
decision-support processes.
The water-related problems in the Netherlands are the
result of the whole of human interventions in the water
system over the last century. Large-scale societal trends,
physical processes and human interventions have led to
increasing pressure from the land on the water and
increasing pressure from water onto the land. The water
system, both the physical infrastructures as well as the
water governance system, has become unsustainable in
terms of reduced safety, costs and ecological damage,
and in which the floods are mere symptoms of these
deeper fundamental problems. In order to cope with
future threads like anthropogenic climate change and
changing societal demands, water management is in the
middle of a fundamental change process that started in
the 1970s towards a more adaptive and participatory
form of water management.
We have investigated if the historical developments in
Dutch Water management can be characterized as a
transition. Based on longitudinal research through an
integrated system analysis, document research and expert interviews, we have reconstructed the historical
narrative by using the transition concepts of multi-level
and multi-phase. This research indicates that the shift in
Dutch Water management indeed can be characterized
as a transition that is currently in a crucial stage, in the
take-off and near the acceleration phase. An important
demarcation point of the start of this transition was in
the 1970s at the time the plan of the Eastern Scheldt
storm surge barrier was adjusted. During the predevelopment phase, there was an ongoing process of
integration between water management and nature
development. This was fuelled by the growing ecological
concern, empirical knowledge, learning experiences and
cross-fertilization. The floods have acted as catalysts by
modulating initiatives at the micro-level with the growing recognition among water managers that the water
problems were the result of an unsustainable water
system; the threat of anthropogenic climate change at
the macro-level, pushing the transition to the take-off
An interesting question from a management point of
view is whether this transition has been managed. Although it has not been managed in the traditional
meaning of the word, it was managed in terms of stimulating new initiatives from frontrunners at the microlevel, providing sustained room to develop these ideas,
for example through the Netherlands—Riverland contest. The upscaling of these ideas took place when niche
players reached strategic positions as a result of institutional reconfiguration, and were catalysed by the occurrence of major floods. Creating space for innovation,
inside as well as outside the regime, was crucial in
breaking the dominant perspective and practice. In order
to bring this transition process forward to a next stage,
the space for innovation needs to be further expanded
and directed towards the operational level. Furthermore,
water managers should be trained to deal with such
transition processes and a new water-innovation network
should further facilitate and coordinate the transition.
Acknowledgements We would like to thank the following persons
for their cooperation in the interviews done: Prof. Dr. H. L. F.
Saeijs; Ir. W. van der Kleij (TAW, Technical Advisory Committee
for Embankment.); Ir. G. Verwolf, (Regional Waterboard ‘ de
Veluwe’); Dr. W. Overmars, (Consultancy Bureau Willem Overmars) Dr. L. de Jong, (World Wildlife Fund); Dr. H. Kamphuis
(Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment); Dr.
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