2015. Introduction to Fumigation in Mesopotamia

BabMed Annual Workshop 2, 2015, July 21-22 (Berlin) - Mark Geller, Agnes Kloocke, Marie Lorenz, and Eric Schmidtchen - Irving Finkel, Nils Heeßel, Frans Wiggermann, and Henry Stadhouders - Paul Unschuld, Tanja Pommerening, and Giulia Ecca - Reinder Neef and Julia Gresky Introduction to Fumigation in Mesopotamia Strahil V. Panayotov, BabMed Team Berlin BabMed Annual Workshop 2 2015, July 21-22 (Berlin) Photo: Benjamin McMahon The Telegraph 1.1. Vessels for Fumigation burzigallu ((dug/giš)BUR.ZI.GAL) BM 092421 CDLI P452093 Part of the entrepreneurship of the Egibi family 6th-5th cen. BC - wholesale trade. 1.2. Vessels for Fumigation burzigallu ((dug/giš)BUR.ZI.GAL) BM 092388* CDLI P452092 BM 92340 * CDLI P452091 BM 092421# CDLI P452093 BM 092494* CDLI P452094 qu5-tāru(GUR) šá KÚM ‘Fumigation against fever’. qu5-tāru(GUR) šá AN.TA.ŠUB.BA ‘Fumigation against epilepsy’. qu5-tāru(GUR) šá MÁŠ.ZU ‘Fumigation with a young male goat’. qu5-tāru(GUR) šá GAZ lìb-bi ‘Fumigation against depression’. * Rassam’s excavations at Babylon // # Egibi’s archive at Babylon, see Walker 1980, Inscribed Vessels, IRAQ 42: 84-86 2. Fumigation with a Young Male Goat BM 092421 CDLI P452093 AO 6469 obv. 1-9 Photo SVP (If) [ep]ilepsy (lit. fallen from heaven), Lord of the Roof-demon, Hand of God, or Hand of Goddess 2 befall a man: in order to remove it – it’s ritual: you take a young male goat, 3 you recite [in] its right and left [e]ar the incantation ‘Oh, evil, evil’ (and) you slaughter (it). 5 You take ... the dark fluid of his two eyes, naphtha, fish oil, cedar-‘blood’, 6 maštakal-plant, seed(s) of maštakal-plant, owl blood, hide of the god Kuši (black ox), 7 tendril of the god Kuši (tamarisk), the pure fumigants: taramuš-lupine, imhur-līm-plant, imhur-ešrā-plant. 8 [You m]ix [(them together)], he shall eat it (and) drink it, you anoint him and fumigate him over embers, then he will recover. 9 [... drugs for the] fumigation with a young male goat. 2.1. The Series on Fumigation AO 6469 rev. 16’ Photo SVP Tablet One (of the Series) Fumigation, Collated. 3. Burners and Fumigation nignakku (NÍG.NA) ‘burner’ Pungent: snake skin, animals hair, stag horn, dirty rags, excrements, insects, different plants, human bones and skulls, monkey bones, sulphur, etc. Pleasant: conifers, aromatics, etc. Barnet 1976, North Palace of Asb. pl. 64 AO 2491, Photo SVP 3.1. Burners and Fumigation dugBUR.ZI NÍG.NA dugNÍG.NA NÍG.NA U.15815, © British Museum Collon 1987, First Impressions, no. 803, 835 Zwickel 1990, Räucherkult und Räuchergeräte, pp. 63, 92-95 3.2. Burners and Fumigation kirru (dugKÍR) ‘a pot‘ An African woman being fumigated. Images from the History of Medicine (IHM), U.S. National Library of Medicine – search?q=A030263 A woman gives birth and thus she is distended, [her] excrement […], her insides are constipated, (and) her waters and [her] blood have gone back [inside her] ... these 11 drugs 7 you mix together. You gather ašāgu-thorn embers 8 into a kirru-pot (and) you put those plants onto them. 9 You let that woman sit over it (the fumigants). You wrap her in a cloth... Lambert 1969, A Middle Assyrian Medical Text. Iraq 31: 28-39 4. Drugs Lists for Fumigation and Ointment ...kukuruaromatic, droppings of a gazelle, šūmūgarlic, gabû-alum, human bones, stag horn, ... imbuʾ tâmtiseaweed, atā’išuplant, monkey bones, nīnû-mint, AO 17621, Photo SVP These are the drugs of [... for ointme]nt the steppe (used) for and fumigation. fumigation and (Babylon) Copy Finkel 2000, Fs. Lambert, no. 44 ointment. (Nippur) 5. Commentaries (The term) “stag horn” (Sum.) is “stag horn” (Akk.); “horn” (Sum.) is “horn” (Akk.); “stag” (Sum.) is “stag” (Akk.)... Real Stag Horns Wonkwang University, South Korea, Clinic for Traditional Healing. Photo SVP “Naptha” (Sum.) is translated by “naptha” (Akk.), and “fish oil” (Sum.) is translated by “fish oil” (Akk.). Human sperm (Sum.) is the same as (the plant) maštakal, which is derived from “steppeplant.” BRM 4, 32 after Geller 2010, Babylonian Medicine, p. 171 6. Therapeutic Texts If ditto, you fumigate him (the infant) over • ghosts embers with snake skin, mother scorpion, • witchcraft sahlû-cress, dirty rag, combed-out hair. • depression Ointment and fumigants: in order that the • epilepsy lilû-incubus-demon does not approach an • fevers infant. K 3628+ 21ff. • headache • eye and temple problems • ear problems • šimmatu-paralysis • anal problems • haemorrhoids • sagallu-hamstring problems K 2354+ (BAM 480) • female disorders, etc. Photo John Schlesinger 6.1. Therapeutic Texts .... 6 With bīnu-tamarisk seeds, sherd from a female skull, ašāgu-thorn, stag horn [you fumigate him over embers]. 7 Altogether 10 fumigations against Hand of Ghost (to be combined with) the incantation: duppir lemnu (move away the evil) and with the incantation mušallim eku[rra appāre] (The one who provides the well being of the marsh reed-temple). Köcher 1980, Die babylonisch-assyrische Medizin in Texten und Untersuchungen, Band V, no. 469 rev. 6-7 7. Incantations for Fumigation K 6320 CDLI P396453 Fumigation for the incantation ‘Be BM 45393+ Off, Oh Enemy’: Photo John Schlesinger BM 73399, Photo SVP against ‘Any Evil’. Finkel 1991, Muššuʾu, Qutāru, and the Scribe Tanittu-Bēl. Aula Orientalis 9: 91-104 These are four incantations: you have to recite them over the fumigations against the Lamaštu demon and then [put (them)] on top of the b[ed]. BM 45393+ ii 29 8. Nikiptu oil Subsequently I am sending off fumigants. The kanaktu and nikiptu oil which I dispatched should be first dripped [into the ear], [then] let them do the fumig[ation]. Parpola 1993, Letters from Assyrian and Babylonian Scholars, no. 323. BM 91613 (Photo Eric Schmidtchen) Dokument DZA 25.315.300 Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae Nikiptu oil, one-third shekel of silver. Finkel and Reade 2002, On Some Inscribed Babylonian Alabastra. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland 12: 31-46 K 996, CDLI P334392 I Wish You a Pleasant Fumigation Workshop! Fumigation against mosquitoes on the Black Sea Coast, Burgas, Bulgaria. 2015-07-07, ©