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Metodología de la ecología cultural política para el estudio de paisajes culturales.
Panel 44 "DESAFÍOS Y DILEMAS DEL TURISMO Y LA CONSERVACIÓN EN TERRITORIOS FORESTALES". Ponencia "Bosques australes y Sustentabilidad: Una aproximación etnográfica a los significados del bosque nativo, en el valle del río San Pedro, Región de Los Ríos", pp. 198-199. Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sidney University - Universidad Diego Portales - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
THE ECOLOGY OF CULTURE© 2021 ISBN978 976 96689 2 8 VOL.2 PART D, 2021
Just as Contours show distinct characteristic features of the terrain, through a Civil Engineering lens; likewise metaphorically through my lens as an Author, Cinematographer, Media Arts Specialist, License Cultural Practitioner and Publisher my lens captures and frames Cultural ecology. This theoretical approach draws attention to similarities and differences in culture as it relates to the environment as developed by Julian Steward in the 1930s and 1940s, cultural ecology became an influential approach within anthropology, particularly archaeology the Cultural ecology or the study of how humans adapt to physical and social environments..
The Ecology of Culture© 2021 VOL2 978-976-96689-2-8 PART A, 2021
Just as Contours show distinct characteristic features of the terrain, through a Civil Engineering lens; likewise metaphorically through my lens as an Author, Cinematographer, Media Arts Specialist, License Cultural Practitioner and Publisher my lens captures and frames Cultural ecology. This theoretical approach draws attention to similarities and differences in culture as it relates to the environment as developed by Julian Steward in the 1930s and 1940s, cultural ecology became an influential approach within anthropology, particularly archaeology the Cultural ecology or the study of how humans adapt to physical and social environments..
Preface Cultural ecology is one of the two major subdivisions of human ecology, the other being human biological ecology.We felt that the books available for a class in cultural ecology focused either too heavily on general ecology, or too much on human biological ecology, or not enough on cultural ecology. Thus, we faced a “Goldilocks” dilemma: none of the usual text books were “just right” for our introductory classes. So we decided to create a new book. We begin with the assumption that the student has no prior knowledge of anthropology or ecology and try to build an understanding from the ground up. All peoples and cultures are faced with a number of major environmental issues, problems that can be addressed by anthropology and cultural ecology.How have other people faced and dealt with the same basic problems that face us all today? How can we improve our situation? What can anthropology and cultural ecology contribute to the future? The key is understanding what the options are, what works, and what does not. This requires a great deal of knowledge that must be obtained through the study of other groups, including the documentation of their environments and adaptations. Next, we must analyze what we have learned to develop alternative responses to environmental situations. We must also understand the consequences of the choices that have been made; we can learn from the successes and mistakes of others rather than having to repeat those same mistakes. We do not attempt to cover all aspects of the incredibly complex and diverse field of the relationships between humans and the environment. We thought it important to provide a reasonably comprehensive introduction to ecological theory in a simple format, combined with discussions of various human cultures. We spend more time defining the concepts and classifying things typologically
ACE. Architecture, City & Environment, 2023
Academic and administrative interest in cultural landscapes has increased in recent decades due to globalization (and the consequent loss of distinctiveness of different territories) and accelerated process of environmental change. As occurred earlier with tangible and intangible heritage items, this has given rise to inventories of cultural landscapes as a first step towards understanding, recognizing and preserving them in the face potential threats that endanger their cultural and natural values. The various theories, methods and techniques which guide the construction of these inventories can be identified in the answers given to the following questions: What is to be inventoried? For what purpose and for whom is the inventory to be produced? Who will direct its production? How will the work be realized? What information is necessary? How will this nformation be generated and managed? We use a bibliographic analysis to compare the principal criteria, methods and techniques used in the development of a set cultural landscape inventories from Europe and North America, and others of world-wide reach. We conclude that, even though cultural landscapes are an increasingly established category in the theory and practice of heritage research and management, the definition of commonly accepted criteria for its recording and ocumentation remains necessary. // El interés por los paisajes culturales desde ámbitos académicos y administrativos se ha incrementado en los últimos decenios debido a la globalización, con la consecuente pérdida del carácter distintivo de los territorios, y a la aceleración de los procesos de transformación del medio. Esta situación ha propiciado, como ocurrió en el pasado con el patrimonio mueble e inmueble, la elaboración de inventarios de paisajes culturales como primer paso para su conocimiento, reconocimiento y preservación ante los potenciales impactos que ponen en riesgo sus valores culturales y naturales. Las diferentes teorías, métodos y técnicas sobre las que se construyen estos inventarios pueden identificarse a través de las respuestas a los siguientes interrogantes ¿Qué se va a inventariar?, ¿Para qué y para quién se va a realizar el inventario?, ¿Quién va a liderar su elaboración? ¿Cuál va a ser el proceso de trabajo? ¿Qué información es necesaria? ¿Cómo se va a producir y gestionar esta información? A partir de un análisis bibliográfico se compararán los principales criterios, métodos y técnicas aplicados en la elaboración de un conjunto de inventarios de paisajes culturales de Europa y Norteamérica, y otros de alcance mundial, para concluir que, aunque el paisaje cultural constituye una categoría patrimonial cada vez más asentada en la teoría y en la práctica de la investigación y gestión del patrimonio cultural, aún necesita de la definición de criterios comúnmente aceptados para su registro y documentación.
This paper presents a research design developed by the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Earthen Architectural Heritage (ISCEAH) to define and identify earthen cultural landscapes. A survey methodology has been implemented collaboratively by ISCEAH members in order to elicit responses from academics, professionals, and policymakers regarding concepts and definitions of cultural landscapes. The questionnaire used as the survey instrument focuses on key concepts and components of cultural landscapes generally and landscapes comprising built earthen heritage, more specifically. Included in the paper are motivations for the research, consideration of principal terms and concepts, description of the collaborative process used to develop the questionnaire, and analysis of preliminary results.
This essay deals with cultural ecology, defined as ‘the study of the ways in which people adapt to their environment by means of behavior, as well as their knowledge of specific natural environments and processes’ (Sutton and Anderson 2004). Cultural ecology deals with numerous aspects of culture and the environment, including how people manage to solve their subsistence problems, how they understand their environment, and how they share with others their knowledge of the natural settings, resources, and landscapes. Cultural ecology seeks an explanation of human adaptation and cultural evolution in both contemporary and ancient societies throughout the world (French and Gonlin 2016). -- On the cover: figure of a deer painted on a pot in the Tarascan community of Huáncito, Michoacán, Mexico. Many of the designs on Tarascan pots show elements of the natural environment, both flora and fauna.
The worldwide expansion of nature conservation initiatives has attracted a great deal of attention among political ecologists. Concerned about the effects on people and the environment, critical scholars have attempted to identify the drivers of conservation, and how power operates. Conservation policies, practices and conflicts have generated a large literature about the role of states, expert bureaucracies, private corporations, NGOs and technologies of government. In this article I aim to extend this literature by paying attention to a largely neglected field of power relations, defined by the efforts made by new inhabitants of natural protected areas, who have moved to these new locations and have strived to construct and maintain an idyll wherein they can enjoy a new, 'natural life.' Using Bourdieu's notions of cultural capital and habitus, I demonstrate that, in certain places, it is in the everyday practices of making a natural protected area a new home where power relations unfold more subtly, although no less intensely. I illustrate this empirically with a particular case study: the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park in southeastern Spain. I examine the role played by neo-rurals in the establishment of this protected area, present an ethnographic account of their everyday practices, and link them to the conflicts that have emerged with other social groups, with whom they compete for the right to use and access local resources. L'expansion mondiale des initiatives de conservation de la nature a attiré beaucoup d'attention chez les écologistes politiques. Préoccupée par les effets sur les personnes et l'environnement, les chercheurs critiques ont tenté d'identifier la façon dont le pouvoir fonctionne dans la conservation. Il y a maintenant pluiseurs ouvrages sur la politique, les pratiques et les conflits sur la conservation de la nature, avec un accent sur le rôle de l'état, des bureaucraties d'experts, des entreprises privées, des ONG et des technologies de gouvernement. Dans cet article, je fais attention à un domaine largement négligé: les relations de pouvoir entourant les efforts déployés par les nouveaux habitants de zones naturelles protégées, qui ont déménagé dans ces nouveaux lieux et se sont efforcés de construire et d'entretenir une idylle dans laquelle ils peuvent profiter d'une nouvelle «vie naturelle». Les notions de Bourdieu, le capital culturel et habitus, sont utiles, afin de démontrer qu'au cours des pratiques quotidiennes de fonder un nouveau foyer dans une zone naturelle protégée, où les relations de pouvoir se dérouler de façon plus subtile, mais non moins intense. J'illustre cela avec une étude de cas: le parc naturel de Cabo de Gata-Nijar dans la région sud-est de l'Espagne. Je examine le rôle joué par les néo-ruraux dans l'établissement de cette zone protégée, et je présente un compte rendu ethnographique de leurs pratiques quotidiennes. Ces pratiques sont liées aux conflits qui ont émergé avec d'autres groupes sociaux, avec lesquels ils sont en concurrence pour le droit d'utiliser et accéder aux ressources locales. La velocidad con la que las políticas de conservación se han expandido a lo largo y ancho del planeta en épocas recientes ha atraído poderosamente la atención de aquellos que desarrollan su trabajo dentro de la ecología política. Preocupados por el impacto de estas políticas sobre las poblaciones locales y los ecosistemas, numerosos autores se han esforzado por desenmascarar las relaciones de poder y el papel jugado por determinados actores clave, como son el estado, los mercados, las tecnologías de gobierno, los procedimientos burocráticos y las ONGs medioambientalistas. Mi intención en este artículo es contribuir al estudio de las relaciones de poder en las políticas de conservación mediante el análisis de un campo por ahora bastante inexplorado: el de las prácticas cotidianas y los estilos de vida de aquellos que cambian su lugar de residencia habitual y se mudan a espacios naturales protegidos en busca de una vida alternativa dentro de lo que para ellos es un ambiente idílico. Mi estudio se centra en un caso concreto: el Parque Natural Cabo de Gata-Níjar, en el sureste del estado español. En estas páginas muestro el papel que la población neorrural ha jugado en la declaración de este espacio como protegido, analizo etnográficamente sus estilos de vida y prácticas cotidianas y exploro, haciendo uso de las nociones de capital cultural y habitus de Bourdieu, la relación que existe entre estos estilos de vida y estas prácticas cotidianas con los conflictos que han surgido en este espacio desde la introducción de políticas de conservación.
A Companion to Spanish Environmental Cultural Studies, 2023
An exploration of how writers, artists, and filmmakers expose the costs and contest the assumptions of the Capitalocene era that guides readers through the rapidly developing field of Spanish environmental cultural studies. From the scars left by Franco's dams and mines to the toxic waste dumped in Equatorial Guinea, from the cruelty of the modern pork industry to the ravages of mass tourism in the Balearic Islands, this book delves into the power relations, material practices and social imaginaries underpinning the global economic system to uncover its unaffordable human and non-human costs. Guiding the reader through the rapidly emerging field of Spanish environmental cultural studies, with chapters on such topics as extractivism, animal studies, food studies, ecofeminism, decoloniality, critical race studies, tourism, and waste studies, an international team of US and European scholars show how Spanish writers, artists, and filmmakers have illuminated and contested the growth-oriented and neo-colonialist assumptions of the current Capitalocene era. Focused on Spain, the volume also provides models for exploring the socioecological implications of cultural manifestations in other parts of the world.
Environmental Cultural Studies Through Time, 2019
Environmental cultural studies (ECS) searches for a multidimensional understanding of pressing issues that affect human communities, in connection to their material environments. ECS, like cultural studies, researches relationships between power structures and everyday practices of life, but it moves from anthropocentric understanding focusing on all biotic communities and matter. ECS is particularly interested in how semiotic and material processes interact within nature-cultural relations. We look at how culture and politics not only produce natures and environments (at once materially and semiotically), but also at how chemical organic and inorganic substances move through matter, ecosystems, and bodies, affecting the ways people think, act, and organize. This leads us to see that we cannot protect ourselves without protecting nature, and that we cannot protect nature by separating it from ourselves.
Sonia Maura Barillari, Martina di Febo (ed. ), Altri mondi. Fra percezione e rappresentazione, 2024
Etnografie del Contemporaneo, 2021
Experimental Agriculture, 2012
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2014
Boletín de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras, 2022