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2004, Middles in Latin Poetry
18 pages
1 file
Un enfoque multidimensional en la psicoterapia psicoanalítica, 2023
Myagdi Guru, 2024
Indian literature, both inside and outside India, produced by various writers has an wide range of contemporary thoughts. The majority of Indian literature produced in English, although there are collections of works that have been translated from Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi, and other regional dialects, has a creative tradition. There is a movement among contemporary Indian writers to transform traditional India into and professional lives. Every phase of an individual's life is experimented with to how India's struggle for independence and the consequence of globalization added to modernity, and explores the interplay of tradition and innovation within Indian literary modernism. Prominent English writers who have migrated to the West have sliced modern human beings on the pages of literature, and made several attempts to connect their roots to the secular ideologies that are prevalent in India, and Indian ideas of a secular state can serve as a remedy for the current issues with peoplecentric politics.
кандидат философских наук, старший научный сотрудник Санкт-Петербургского филиала Института истории естествознания и техники им. С.И. Вавилова Российской академии наук,
Some comments on the pre-conciliar document of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church on the Mossion of the Church in Today's World by 15 Orthodx missiologists
Oil Fictions: World Literature and our Contemporary Petrosphere, 2021 Oil, like other fossil fuels, permeates every aspect of human existence. Yet it has been largely ignored by cultural critics, especially in the context of the Global South. Seeking to make visible not only the pervasiveness of oil in society and culture but also its power, Oil Fictions stages a critical intervention that aligns with the broader goals of the energy humanities. Exploring literature and film about petroleum as a genre of world literature, Oil Fictions focuses on the ubiquity of oil as well as the cultural response to petroleum in postcolonial states. The chapters engage with African, South American, South Asian, Iranian, and transnational petrofictions and cover topics such as the relationship of colonialism to the fossil fuel economy, issues of gender in the Thermocene epoch, and discussions of migration, precarious labor, and the petro-diaspora. This unique exploration includes testimonies of the oil encounter—through memoirs, journals, and interviews—from a diverse geopolitical grid, ranging from the Permian Basin to the Persian Gulf. By engaging with non-Western literary responses to petroleum in a concentrated, sustained way, this pathbreaking book illuminates the transnational dimensions of the discourse on oil. It will appeal to scholars and students working in literature and science studies, energy humanities, ecocriticism, petrocriticism, environmental humanities, and Anthropocene studies. In addition to the editors, the contributors to this volume include Henry Obi Ajumeze, Rebecca Babcock, Ashley Dawson, Sharae Deckard, Scott DeVries, Kristen Figgins, Amitav Ghosh, Corbin Hiday, Helen Kapstein, Micheal Angelo Rumore, Simon Ryle, Sheena Stief, Imre Szeman, Maya Vinai, and Wendy W. Walters.
Facebook bejegyzéseket kezdtem írni 2019 márciusától, már a következő évben közeledő egyetemi kiszálásomra készülve, és az első két éven keletkezett kis írásokat évente egy-egy kötetben összefogva megjelentettem (Szuverenisták kontra föderalisták. Századvég, 2020; illetve Államcsíny és alkotmánypuccs. Kairosz 2020.) Itt most egyrészt ezekből emeltem ki néhányat, másrészt az elmúlt három évben keletkezett írások közül válogattam, és így ez a kötet a megítélésem szerint az elmúlt öt év fontosabb napi gondolataimnak foglalatát jelenti. Publikálásának megfelelő lesz az honlapja, hisz tapasztalataim szerint a honlap algoritmusa kiértesíti a téma iránt érdeklődőket, és a követőimet, akik már 1600-at is meghaladják, még ha ebben kisebbségben is vannak a magyarhoniak. Ám mivel néhányat ezek közül az elmúlt években a főbb világnyelvekre fordítva feltettem erre a honlapra, és állandóan jelzi az algoritmus, hogy sokan olvassák ezeket azóta is, így szándékom van az egész kötet angol nyelvre fordítására, és erről majd több nyelvre is. Végül hadd köszönjem meg a facebook csoportjaimban rendszeresen kommentelő 10-15 résztvevőnek vitáikat, mert inspirálásuk sokszor segített egy-egy későbbi bejegyzésem megfogalmazásánál. Így elsősorban Erdei János, Tallian Hedvig, Sebes Gábor, Szendrei Melinda, Fodor Miklós neve jut most eszembe közülük.
Although it is fully developed in Philosophy of the Spirit, more precisely in the Philosophy of Right, the concept of freedom is rooted in the Science of Logic, namely, in the very core of the Hegelian system. And it could be no different, since Logic finds its high point in the Doctrine of Concept and Concept is conceived as the “realm of subjectivity or of freedom” (GW, v.11, p.409). Disagreeing with the contemporary attempts at thematizing the concept of freedom disconnected from Hegel’s metaphysics 3 , as in Honneth (2001, p.12,; 2013, p.17), or in Pippin 4 (2008), the present article seeks to examine the meaning taken on in the heart of the Hegelian system, to evaluate its potentials and its limits.
Alternatives, 2024
In this article, I explore the conceptual foundations of integration in Latin America over time. My argument centres on the idea that the region's integration efforts are deeply rooted in indigenous concepts (solidarity, autonomy, and international insertion) which have evolved and intermingled with conceptual pieces from European theories of integration, highlighting the region's unique blend of local and global integration perspectives. These foundational concepts emerged from Latin American intellectual influences and blended with the Western canon, serving as guiding principles for the various phases of integration across the region. I employ a combination of conceptual history and analysis frameworks to constitutive treaties of integration arrangements across the region as evidence of how the concepts of solidarity, autonomy, and international insertion rooted Latin American integration efforts, as well as how policy-and decision-makers viewed, understood, and changed the original conceptual sources of mainstream integration theories. The article contributes with advancement our knowledge on the much-neglected areas of conceptual analysis and history in integration studies and provide a broader perspective on the intricacies and subtleties of integration processes. More broadly, my contribution to the discipline sheds light onto the conceptual structures upon the thinking about world politics and integration has developed in non-Western regions.
Anthropologial Linguistics, 2020
INDIAN FILM STARS. Ed. Michael Lawrence. BFI/Bloomsbury Publishing: London, New York., 2020
ΔΠΕ Δυτικής Θεσσαλονίκης, Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου "Διδασκαλία και Μάθηση : σύγχρονες προκλήσεις και προοπτικές", 2024
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2018
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems/International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2024
Arxiv preprint arXiv: …, 2009
Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 2009
2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 2016
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 2011
IEEE Wireless Communications, 2021