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Highly cited, second of three in the series Understanding Bilingual Education. The previous paper briefly introduced bilingual education and the varying purposes behind using certain languages as the medium of instruction in schools. This paper will show the main types of bilingual education, according to worldwide research. Weak or strong forms are distinguished by bilingual outcomes among students. The third paper will take a pedagogical approach in showing how various cases of school systems can be analyzed into types of bilingual education.
Child Research Net, 2012
Last in the three-part series Understanding Bilingual Education. With the information and charts from the first two papers, the role of languages in any school system can be analyzed in terms of types of bilingual education. This paper takes a pedagogical approach in providing lesson plans that have been used in Content-Based English as a Foreign Language university classes on Bilingualism and Bilingual Education. Ten realistic cases of school systems in Japan and the world are presented for analysis, and a checklist of ten items provides further criteria. Referring to the chart of ten aims in the first paper, and the ten types of bilingual education detailed in the second article, various school situations around the world can be analyzed in terms of established criteria in the field of bilingualism.
Bilingual Education is teaching an academic subject in two languages, i.e. a mother language (first language L1) and a second language (L2), with various amounts in an instructed program models. The early viewpoint about the brain tends to assert that learning an L2 negatively affects the L1 by dismissing it outside the brain, and it emphasizes that the idea of bilingualism creates a problem in the teaching process. The late researches on bilingualism disapprove the conclusions of the early researches come with and make it clear that persons who speak two languages (bilinguals) have cognitive merits much more than those who speak just one language (monolinguals). As for bilingual education in recent times, there are still contradictory opinions. Some believe that learning the first language (L1) will not hurt the second one (English) and that new knowledge learned in L1 will gradually transfer to the second language, English. On the other side, some maintain that developing the L1 w...
Child Research Net, 2012
Understanding Bilingual Education series: first of three articles. What is bilingual education, and what purposes does it serve? This article introduces bilingual education and clarifies why there are such diverse patterns of languages used in education. Then a second paper shows how various school systems in Japan and the world can be analyzed into types of bilingual education. Weak or strong forms of bilingual education will be distinguished in terms of bilingual outcomes among students. Finally, a third paper takes a pedagogical approach, offering lesson plans and realistic cases of school systems to analyze.
Istanbul University - DergiPark, 2020
Bilingualism is the case which occurs when an individual can communicate in two languages. A bilingual person can fully or partially comprehend the messages transmitted in two separate languages. Nowadays, as an inevitable consequence of a very high rate of migration, common implementation of international trades, international tourism events and a diversity of education programs, people are required to be able to communicate in at least two languages together with their mother tongue. Bilingualism plays an important role in today's world because of globalization. As it is related to individuals and languages, it requires detailed investigation in individual, societal, political, cultural, historical, scientific and global level. Considering the importance of the situation, this study focuses on the definition, causes, types, dimensions, outcomes and taxonomy of bilingualism as well as examples across the globe and Turkey. It aims to connect the bilingualism to the changes in people and society, too. It also provides implications of bilingualism in educational context.
This study examines the bilingual education in Spain and in Canada, and discusses their historical backgrounds, current bilingual education programs in use, and teacher proficiency within their bilingual education programs. The purpose of this study is to examine these two countries' bilingual education programs and find a way to implement a bilingual education program in Turkey. Because of innovative legal conditions and the establishment of special programs in Basque Country in Spain, the potential for increasing learners and speakers of the language is greater than ever before. Bilingual education models in the BAC have increased the number of well-educated young students and allowed them to have a better future. French is taught as a foreign language in Canada, and English is usually accepted as a first language, which has hindered the development of diverse types of immersion programs. Immersion programs have helped students learn other subjects and have also allowed them to acquire an additional language. This study presents a comparison of the situation of minority languages in Turkey with Canada and Spain offers many lessons. The purpose of this discussion is to establish the benefits and shortcomings of these bilingual education programs and the suitability of their models for minority groups living in Turkey. To provide an efficient education system, the differing needs of various areas should be considered. This can be demonstrated in examples drawn from Canada's consideration of the French language and Spain's consideration of the Basque language.
Pannon Egyetem, 2019
Bilingualism and Bilingual Education is the 26 th volume of the book series Multilingual Education which, according to the series editors, presents "empirical research on multilingual language acquisition, language contact and the respective roles of languages in contexts where the languages are not cognate and where the scripts are often different" (Kirkpatrick and Adamson 2019). The collection under review inscribes itself perfectly in the above thematic areas with its strong focus on the exceptional phenomenon of using and understanding more than one language. Under the skilful editorship of Piotr Romanowski and Małgorzata Jedynak, it brings together 15 international contributors in an attempt to both expand the theoretical and explanatory scope of bilingualism as well as provide empirical evidence for the relevance of bilingual education and skills in the modern world. As can be learned from the notes on contributors, the authors of the studies included in the book are affiliated with different institutions, concerned with various languages, and their contributions pertain to diverse European research contexts. The latter, as the editors themselves stress in the introduction, constitutes the chief novelty of the volume, which in contrast to many previous explorations of bilingualism and bilingual education, shifts its attention away from the North American context. A further attraction lies in the fact that while some of the papers add to the ongoing discussion of well-established phenomena, others attempt to explore somewhat controversial territories such as Non-Native Bilingualism. The monograph is easy to navigate, as the twelve studies included in it are organized into three major parts, entitled respectively Language Acquisition and Linguistic Aspects of Bilingualism, Language Teaching Aspects of Bilingualism and Language Education Aspects of Bilingualism. These titles function as explicit signals to the readers as to the specific aspects of bilingualism and also multilingualism around which the works collected in each part revolve. The main body of this 241-page book is preceded by a succinct introduction containing editorial encouragement to go beyond the presented general overview of the volume's contents and contributors' main aims. The first five studies are primarily concerned with a nexus of diverse relations between languages, their acquisition and use by bilingual and multilingual individuals. The opening chapter, written by one of the editors-PIOTR ROMANOWSKIis titled Strategies of Communication in an NNB Family: On the Way to Bilingual Maintenance in a Monolingual Context. The author explores the interesting category of Non-Native Bilingualism, which consists in raising children bilingually in a monolingual community by addressing them in a target language that is not native to its speakers, mostly parents. Based on empirical
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Journal of educational issues, 2017
This study examines the bilingual education in Spain and in Canada, and discusses their historical backgrounds, current bilingual education programs in use, and teacher proficiency within their bilingual education programs. The purpose of this study is to examine these two countries' bilingual education programs and find a way to implement a bilingual education program in Turkey. Because of innovative legal conditions and the establishment of special programs in Basque Country in Spain, the potential for increasing learners and speakers of the language is greater than ever before. Bilingual education models in the BAC have increased the number of well-educated young students and allowed them to have a better future. French is taught as a foreign language in Canada, and English is usually accepted as a first language, which has hindered the development of diverse types of immersion programs. Immersion programs have helped students learn other subjects and have also allowed them to acquire an additional language. This study presents a comparison of the situation of minority languages in Turkey with Canada and Spain offers many lessons. The purpose of this discussion is to establish the benefits and shortcomings of these bilingual education programs and the suitability of their models for minority groups living in Turkey. To provide an efficient education system, the differing needs of various areas should be considered. This can be demonstrated in examples drawn from Canada's consideration of the French language and Spain's consideration of the Basque language.
Bilingualism is one of the important issues in the field of sociology of language which is dealt with by most linguists, sociologists and policy makers. Bilingualism is a reality that is occurred in most countries at it comprises a state which a person is trained other than his native language. The spread of globalization and in increasing global interdependence and mass communication often requires the ability to function in more than one language. Bilingualism, whether in civilized or in traditional form, raised issues for educational system which a scrutinized and comprehensive study is requires to be responded to. The advocates of educating bilingualism believe that literacy in the local language must be occurred before learning a second language. They think it makes children become literate in basic subjects in the own language and they should learn their native language before being taught in English.
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