Books by Sophia Germanidou more
Ecaterina Lung, Marina Vogkli, Stavroula Papanikolopoulou, Susanne Metaxas, Florentia Evangelatou - Notara, Kalliope Mavrommati, Konstantina Gerolymou, Eleni Barmparitsa, Paraskevi (Voula) Tritsaroli, Nevena Dimitrova, Madgalini Parcharidou Sofia Menenakou, Andromachi Economou
Papers by Sophia Germanidou
Science Journal of Volgograd State University. History. Area Studies. International Relations 28/6(2023), 212-239 DOI:
This article reconsiders the textual and archaeological evidence on the delimitation and, most im... more This article reconsiders the textual and archaeological evidence on the delimitation and, most importantly, on the naming and the praised "goods" around or in "Kisterna", a still disputable area situated in the NW (Messinia province) or southern (Laconia province) Mani peninsula. These are a Venetian document, as well as the French and Greek versions of "Chronicle of Morea", the historical works of George Pachymeres, Nikephorus Gregoras, Makarios Melissenos and archaeological heritage, that is, the castle of Leuktro in Stoupa, Oriokastro in Ano Poula, Tainaro cape in Kinsternes bay. According to the interpretation introduced, the regional landscape and topography, the naming could potentially be associated with cisterns and basins where fish by-products preservation and processing was taken place. These workshops were known from the Roman period as cetariae and probably as "lakkoi" in the Byzantine era. The article by its structure includes the parts "Introduction-Aims", "Deconstructing a) the term and the reason of the "theme" and "Deconstructing b) the naming", "Revisiting a) the primary sources" and "Revisiting b) the archaeological evidence" as well as "Conclusions".
The ‘Hydromedie’ is a Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship funded project implemented at Newcastle ... more The ‘Hydromedie’ is a Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship funded project implemented at Newcastle University, under the supervision of Prof. Sam Turner. Focus area is Messinia, in southern Greece, and time frame the medieval and post
medieval periods. It aims to form a framework for new interdisciplinary lab and
digital methodologies to be applied in hydraulic archaeology. Main topics include
typology of cisterns, water collection and management systems in general, of various settlement patterns (fortified, rural, urban, monastic sties) and landscapes
(hydraulic, semi-arid, arid ones)
D. Mourelatos (ed.), Art and Archaeology in Byzantium and Beyond. Essays in honour of Sophia Kalopissi-Verti and Maria Panayotidi-Kasisoglou, Oxford 2021, 157-163.
The plough was a seminal invention that transformed human history and formed an integral part of ... more The plough was a seminal invention that transformed human history and formed an integral part of the technological, economic and societal changes in the medieval world. An interdisciplinary and cross-cultural approach to the archaeology, textual documentation and iconography of the implement is the subject-matter of the present study, further debating on the two different mechanic types that Byzantines and the Latins were using.
D. Wallace-Hare (ed.), New Approaches to the Archaeology of Beekeeping, Oxford 2022, 19-29
The smoker was a necessary tool in beekeeping; it was used during the early phase of the wild hon... more The smoker was a necessary tool in beekeeping; it was used during the early phase of the wild honey collection, as well
as during beekeeping activities that involved beehives. Many morphological variations of this ceramic object are found in the
Greek territory, dating as early as Prehistoric times. However, there is no published sample dating in the Ancient and Byzantine
periods, save only scarce references and representations. This article deals with the methods and the raw materials which were
used to smoke the bees; it also investigates the typological evolution of smokers in time, taking into account the main textual and
iconographic evidence. Furthermore, the features of smokers used in traditional Greek beekeeping are described, citing relevant
ethnographic parallels.
Π. Ανδρούδης - Δ. Π. Δρακούλης (επιμέλεια έκδοσης), Αρμολόι. Χαριστήριο στον καθηγητή Αργύρη Π.Π. Πετρονώτη, Θεσσαλονίκη , 2021
STAR: Science & Technology of Archaeological Research, 2017
This study focuses on the analysis of a post-medieval assemblage of glass vessels and tableware, ... more This study focuses on the analysis of a post-medieval assemblage of glass vessels and tableware, recovered from an Ottoman bathhouse in Kyparissia, SW Peloponnese, Greece. The chemical composition of the samples was estimated using SEM/EDS, whereas minor and trace elements were identified by qualitative XRF analysis. Raman spectroscopy was applied in order to examine the connectivity of the silicate glass matrix in more detail. The acquired data indicate significant chemical variations among the samples, especially in regards to the alkali source and the decolourant used. Moreover, one high-lead glass has also been identified. The provenance analysis, which was based on the statistical treatment of the resulted and published analytical data, indicated that the different glass types originated both from the eastern regions of the Ottoman Empire and from glassmaking centres in central and northern Europe. The determination of technology and provenance of the assemblage provided with valuable new information regarding the production and trading network of glass in mainland Greece during the Ottoman rule.
Yemek ve Kültür 63(2021),10-12
The Ancient Near East Today vol. 8/5(2020)
It is impossible indeed t o imag ine lif e wit hout sweet ness, espec ially sinc e c raving sweet... more It is impossible indeed t o imag ine lif e wit hout sweet ness, espec ially sinc e c raving sweet sensat ions is inst inc t ive for humans. Pursuit of sweet ness is t hus espec ially anc ient . From t he earliest t imes humans c onsumed spec ies suc h as g rapes, fig s, dat es, or c arobs. The Old Test ament also refers t o anot her exot ic and myt hic al sweet ener, manna, a subst anc e t hat fell from t he sky in t he form of rain during t he c ool nig ht s in t he desert . C o l l e c t i n g t h e m a n n a f a l l i n g f r o m t h e s k y . F r e n c h m a n u s c r i p t i l l u m i n a t i o n , O l d T e s t a m e n t , M S M . 6 3 8 , f o l i o 9 v , 1 2 4 4 -1 2 5 4 C E , P i e r p o n t M o r g a n L i b r a r y , N e w Y o r k .
̕Eν Σοφίᾳ μαθητεύσαντες Essays in Byzantine Material Culture and Society in Honour of Sophia Kalopissi-Verti, edited by Charikleia Diamanti and Anastasia Vassiliou in collaboration with Smaragdi Arvaniti , 2019
Yemek ve Kültür 57, 2019
* İngilizcede başka bir deyişle filbert (corylus maxima), muhtemelen 20 Ağustos günü Fransız aziz... more * İngilizcede başka bir deyişle filbert (corylus maxima), muhtemelen 20 Ağustos günü Fransız aziz St. Philbert'in adına kutlanan bayram gününden geliyor. Bu aynı zamanda fındık hasadının doruğa ulaştığı zamana denk gelir. İkinci sebep ise fındık kabuğu, şekli itibariyle sakalı andırır ve Almancada "tam sakal" kelimesi "vollbart"tır. Zamanla, İngilizcenin etkisiyle, bu kelime "filbert" olmuş olabilir. Diğer bir deyişle, filbertlerin daha uzun ve daha ince türler olduğuna inanılmaktadır ve uzun ince olmayanlar daha kısa ve yuvarlaktır. İngiltere'deki diğer fındık türlerine "cobnut/fındık" adı verilir, bu ad türün vahşi doğada yetiştiğini ve kurutulmadan taze satıldığını, gösterir. ** Dr., arkeolog. Fındık: Eski Yunancada "Pontos cevizi", La-tincede "nuces pontica", Pontus Rumcasında "leptokarion", bilimsel adıyla corylus avellana veya maxima, Yunanca κόρυς (korys)/ κορύνη (koryni)/ κόρυμβος (korymvos): Kafa, kask, miğfer burada meyvenin etrafını kaplayan kas-ket kastedilir. Avellino, Campania bölgesinde bulunan, Roma döneminden bu yana üretimin bol olduğu ve bugüne kadar da sistematik ola-rak sürdürülüğü şehre verilen isimdir. Kültür fındık yetiştiriciliği, düşük sıcaklıklara dayanıklı ve bu sıcaklıklarda verimlidir. Özel-likle Doğu Karadeniz'de (Pontus'ta) hüküm süren ideal coğrafi ve iklimsel koşullara; nemli topraklara ve serin iklime, dağlık ve ormanlık yükseltilere çok iyi uyum sağladığından çabuk gelişir. Fındık ağacı hızlı büyür ama kısa boylu ve bodur bir ağaççık şeklinde kalır, meyvele-ri ovaldir, meyveler dıştan yumuşak yeşil bir örtü ile kaplanmış ve içten çok sert bir kabu-ğa sahiptirler. Renkleri kahverengi olduğunda olgunlaşırlar, yani temmuz ayının sonundan ağustos ayının sonuna kadar. İki ana çeşidi var-dır: Yuvarlak (tombul) ve uzun ince.
Yemek ve Kültür 2019, 90-93
Since very ancient times, herbal and animal products were used for therapeutic, pharmaceutical, c... more Since very ancient times, herbal and animal products were used for therapeutic, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and generally aesthetic purposes. Honey was recognised as one of the most useful and significant products, due to its nutritional value and its antiseptic action; its high carbohydrate content and its low moisture prevent the development of microbes. Hence, it was widely used in medicine and paramedicine in various ways: as a component of recipes, creams, poultices, syrups and even of cosmetics. Honey was also often mixed with other substances to compose liquid or solid formulations (hydromel, oxymel, honey-wine and so on) that would be used, warm or cold, against the symptoms of various diseases and mental illnesses, as well as for the treatment of wounds, injuries and bites.
Archaeology and Arts 128 (2018), 56-65, 2018
Srědnjevěčni pčelari: stilj, oblěčenje, pribory (pol. 11 -pol. 15 stolěťja) Sophia GERMANIDOU Arc... more Srědnjevěčni pčelari: stilj, oblěčenje, pribory (pol. 11 -pol. 15 stolěťja) Sophia GERMANIDOU Archaeologist, Greek Ministry of Culture, GREECE
Books by Sophia Germanidou
Ecaterina Lung, Marina Vogkli, Stavroula Papanikolopoulou, Susanne Metaxas, Florentia Evangelatou - Notara, Kalliope Mavrommati, Konstantina Gerolymou, Eleni Barmparitsa, Paraskevi (Voula) Tritsaroli, Nevena Dimitrova, Madgalini Parcharidou Sofia Menenakou, Andromachi Economou
Papers by Sophia Germanidou
medieval periods. It aims to form a framework for new interdisciplinary lab and
digital methodologies to be applied in hydraulic archaeology. Main topics include
typology of cisterns, water collection and management systems in general, of various settlement patterns (fortified, rural, urban, monastic sties) and landscapes
(hydraulic, semi-arid, arid ones)
as during beekeeping activities that involved beehives. Many morphological variations of this ceramic object are found in the
Greek territory, dating as early as Prehistoric times. However, there is no published sample dating in the Ancient and Byzantine
periods, save only scarce references and representations. This article deals with the methods and the raw materials which were
used to smoke the bees; it also investigates the typological evolution of smokers in time, taking into account the main textual and
iconographic evidence. Furthermore, the features of smokers used in traditional Greek beekeeping are described, citing relevant
ethnographic parallels.
Ecaterina Lung, Marina Vogkli, Stavroula Papanikolopoulou, Susanne Metaxas, Florentia Evangelatou - Notara, Kalliope Mavrommati, Konstantina Gerolymou, Eleni Barmparitsa, Paraskevi (Voula) Tritsaroli, Nevena Dimitrova, Madgalini Parcharidou Sofia Menenakou, Andromachi Economou
medieval periods. It aims to form a framework for new interdisciplinary lab and
digital methodologies to be applied in hydraulic archaeology. Main topics include
typology of cisterns, water collection and management systems in general, of various settlement patterns (fortified, rural, urban, monastic sties) and landscapes
(hydraulic, semi-arid, arid ones)
as during beekeeping activities that involved beehives. Many morphological variations of this ceramic object are found in the
Greek territory, dating as early as Prehistoric times. However, there is no published sample dating in the Ancient and Byzantine
periods, save only scarce references and representations. This article deals with the methods and the raw materials which were
used to smoke the bees; it also investigates the typological evolution of smokers in time, taking into account the main textual and
iconographic evidence. Furthermore, the features of smokers used in traditional Greek beekeeping are described, citing relevant
ethnographic parallels.
Η ψαροφαγία ήταν πολύ διαδεδομένη γενικά στον ελλαδικό χώρο, με ιδιαίτερη ανάπτυξη ζήτησης στη ρωμαϊκή εποχή. Από τότε χρονολογούνται ειδικές κατασκευές ιχθυοτροφείων, κοντά σε ακτές θαλασσών ή άλλων υδροφόρων οριζόντων (ποταμών, λιμνών, ρεμάτων κτλ.). Παραμένουν ελάχιστα γνωστές ως αρχαιολογικά κατάλοιπα, ενώ σπάνια αναγνωρίζονται τα ίχνη τους. Στη Μεσσηνία εντοπίστηκαν λίγες περιπτώσεις ελεγχόμενης εκτροφής και προμήθειας ψαριών από λιμναία ή ποταμίσια ύδατα κυρίως κοντά σε φράγκικα και βενετικά κάστρα, αλλά και σε μονές, κτηριακά συγκροτήματα τα οποία συνήθως βρίσκονταν αφενός σε υψόμετρο αφετέρου σε πεδιάδες. Με την πολύτιμη μαρτυρία των γραπτών πηγών και την ταύτιση των πενιχρών ορατών καταλοίπων αποκαλύπτονται ενδιαφέροντα στοιχεία γύρω από τις διατροφικές συνήθειες, την τοπική οικονομία, την αξιοποίηση του περιβάλλοντος και την (σοφή) επιλογή στην τοπογραφία των κοινοτήτων αυτών.
The next conference, slated to be held in early April 2016, is themed Texts/Inscriptions/Images. Generally, this wording evinces the idea of examining the role of word in arts as well as presenting art itself as a language and correspondingly, as communication.
The expectations of the organisers are to encourage presentation of papers that would come up with texts significant to the development of arts, setting sustainable trends in shaping the tastes both of the artists themselves and the recipients of arts. These could be ancient treatises on painting, architecture, music or manuals containing lessons or notes by particular masters on their creative practices. Recent observations about representations of visual arts of the type of Byzantine ekphraseis are also eligible. In this regard, literary historians, architects, art historians, musicologists and art restorers are expected to present their ideas of the so-called intertextuality, for instance, in their scientific reports.
The papers may trace the relationships between texts and representations, between canon and creative interpretations, accentuating the path of a passage from a manuscript or a book to the painted area or to re-contextualising it in vision. This segment allows epigraphers for presenting the sources of, say, biblical or hymnographic quotes and highlighting the function of the latter in the decoration of churches, commenting on the impact of apocryphal works, bringing to light palaeographic, dialectical specifics of inscriptions on icons, murals, sacred vessels, proposing instruments for epigraphic dating. The presented inscriptions may be in Cyrillic, Greek or Latin letters.
Traditionally, the focus of the papers will be on the Balkans’ historical conditions, but we also encourage studies relating geographically to wider regions. Generalising observations about the existing until the end-nineteenth century relationship between word and work in fine arts, architecture, music; their interaction with other types of languages, including questioning the already established scientific stereotypes as viewed by contemporary intervisuality are also welcomed. And last but not least, recent theoretical observations are expected about the presence of word in visual arts and about the principles of building musical-verbal images.