International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics
Vol. 6 Issue 4, August 2017, ISSN: 2320-0294 Impact Factor: 6.765
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed
at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage as ell as i Ca ell s Di e to ies of Pu lishi g Opportunities, U.S.A
Mr. Manish Sharma1, Dr. Bright Kesarwani2, Dr. Vibhakar Pathak3
Research Scholar1, Associate Professor2, Professor3
Computer Science & Engineering
Suresh Gyan Vihar University
What is Cloud testing? Cloud-based testing is more resourceful and effectual than conventional
methods but organizations must comprehend and reliance it before it sees widespread
implementation. Software testing which is based on Cloud Computing Environment is known as
Cloud Testing. The cloud computing not only changes the technique of acquiring computer resources
but also changes line of attack of managing computing services, technologies and solutions and also
delivering it. To make certain elevated worth of cloud applications underneath growth and
expansion, the one who is developing be required to execute testing to scrutinize the worth and
precision anything they design. In this research paper, we tackle the questions of which software
testing methodology can accomplish the cloud testing and why and how one carry on to do cloud
testing and testing environmental architecture with valuable key benefits. We will perform execution
of test cases and used testing methodologies to enhance quality of cloud applications.
Keywords: Cloud, Cloud-Testing, Testing-methodologies, computer-services, technologies, CloudApplications, Cloud-computing Environment, Software-Testing.
Cloud computing has turn out to be a new computing archetype where it provides mutually
virtualized hardware and software resources that swarmed remotely and endow with a use-ondemand service model . Cloud computing offered an ability to access shared resources and common
infrastructure, which provide services on demand in excess of the association to execute operations
that congregate changing business needs. It facilities for users to employ, install and supervise their
appli atio s o the loud hi h i ol es virtualization of resources that safeguards and achieves
itself. To hand round an eminence invention, testing is the final elucidation to any kind of dilemma
we would countenance i futu e f o
usto e s e d. Cloud testing is a structure of software
testing in which testing is done all the way through using resources over cloud applications under the
cloud infrastructure. This is where cloud testing has emerged as a unsullied approach to testing
where cloud computing environments are leveraged to reproduce authentic o ld ith appli atio s
performance, reliability, speed sanctuary and functionality.
Cloud Computing is the next stage in the Internet's evolution, where — from computing power to
computing infrastructure, applications, business processes to personal collaboration — can be
delivered to end user as a service wherever and whenever you need. It is bonded with Distributed
computing; Parallel computing, Network storage technologies. In Typical Cloud computing
Application System there are about six layers each layer consist of a components-Client, Service,
Application, Platform, Storage & Infrastructure. Cloud Computing Involves delivering hosted services
over Internet without Deploying or Installing the Application on user's local computers. Cloud
Environment facilitates deployment of application without the cost and complexity of managing the
underlying Software & Hardware Layers. In Cloud Computing main idea is to provide hosted services
these hosted services are defined in three categories: Software as Service (SaaS), Platform as Service
(PaaS), and Infrastructure as Service (IaaS). Infrastructure as Service provides virtual threads with
unique IP addresses. Customers use the Application Programming Interface (API) to Access, Start &
Stop their Virtual servers. Fig 1 showing different hosted layers in cloud.
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Email:
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics
Vol. 6 Issue 4, August 2017, ISSN: 2320-0294 Impact Factor: 6.765
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed
at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage as ell as i Ca ell s Di e to ies of Pu lishi g Opportunities, U.S.A
Cloud Clients
Web Browser, Mobile App, Thin Client, Terminal Emulator
CRM, Email, Virtual Desktop, Communication, Games
Execution Runtime, Database, Web server,
Decvelopment Tools
Virtual Machine, Server, Storage, Load Balancer,
Fig. 1 Hosted Service on Cloud
(A) Hosted service on Cloud: Cloud Computing also known as Utility Computing Company using cloud
computing has to pay that much which resources they consume. Also know as Pay-what-you-usemodel. Platform in Cloud is set of Software and development Tools hosted on providers
infrastructure. Developers create Application on platform and (PaaS) Platform as Service Providers
use gateway software installed on end user computer. In Software as service provider (SaaS) model
vendor supplies Hardware Infrastructure. From Market point of view (SaaS) is Broad level Market.
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Email:
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics
Vol. 6 Issue 4, August 2017, ISSN: 2320-0294 Impact Factor: 6.765
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed
at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage as ell as i Ca ell s Di e to ies of Pu lishi g Opportunities, U.S.A
Here Services from SaaS platform can be Database Management, Inventory Control. Because
service provider hosts both Application and the Data, Here end user is free to utilize Service. Cloud
Computing Enable end user in sharing resources based on three models. Public Cloud, Private
Cloud, Hybrid Cloud are three different models for sharing Resources.
Public Cloud Owned and operated by Third party Cloud is larger in scale which provides client
seamless, on demand scalability. Private cloud built on individual enterprise provides hosted services
to limited number of users. When a service provider uses public cloud resources to develop private
cloud then it is known as Virtual private cloud. A Typical Cloud Computing Fig.2 shows conceptual
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Email:
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics
Vol. 6 Issue 4, August 2017, ISSN: 2320-0294 Impact Factor: 6.765
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed
at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage as ell as i Ca ell s Di e to ies of Pu lishi g Opportunities, U.S.A
Cloud Testing involves monitoring and reporting on user traffic conditions and also maintaining load
balance and stress testing for wide range simulated condition Fig 3 showing phases of cloud life
cycle. In Cloud Testing user has unlimited resources for disposal paying for what-you-consume. While
doing Cloud Testing Different Steps performed are:
B) Reasons for using Cloud Computing For Testing:
1) Improves Testing Efficiency: Cloud Computing reduce time to built Test environment like
Operating System Installation, Software Installation Of various Tools.
2) Cost Savings: Cloud Testing reduce overall testing cost of tools and testing machines. Every
enterprise has key goal to maximize profit reduce cost. Software testing as part of R&D process also
needs to reduce cost that is minimum infrastructure and testing tools to complete Software Testing.
Cloud testing also reduces maintenance, upgrading machines and testing tools time.
3) Realistic Performance Testing: Performance testing in cloud Testing is external net application
rather than inter-enterprise internet simulation.
4) Changes in External Environment: In Cloud computing Enterprises provide software products and
services through network cloud user can rent services rather than purchasing.
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Email:
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics
Vol. 6 Issue 4, August 2017, ISSN: 2320-0294 Impact Factor: 6.765
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed
at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage as ell as i Ca ell s Di e to ies of Pu lishi g Opportunities, U.S.A
An easy way to comply with the conference paper formatting requirements is to use this document
as a template and simply type your text into it.
(C) Environment for cloud Testing: Hardware Environment: Test Software requirement of Hardware
and environment for different application Platforms. Software Environment: Test compatibility of
software on other Operating system, Database, Operating System. Adaptive/Security Software:
Firewall, Antivirus. Performance Testing: Execute performance and load testing. With Development
of Cloud Computing Technology more testing services for software application developed.
(D) Problems with Cloud Testing:
1) Expensive: Migrating Testing To cloud is expensive process. Test cases format has to be changed
for cloud testing.
2) Security: Enterprise information & network security is key concern. When using cloud testing for
load or performance testing Logical information about enterprise software will shown in Test
scenario meanwhile the weakness and performance condition will reflect those information leaked
to competitor Enterprises.
3) Integration Testing in Cloud: There is lack of well defined validation and Quality Assurance
Standards to address the connectivity Protocols, Interaction Interfaces and service API's provided by
SaaS and Clouds API's. To address software integration issues in cloud testing Engineers need
adequate Test Models and criteria for addressing three types of integration in cloud testing.
4) Innovative test methods and solutions: Cloud Testing requires large scale real time test load in
scalable web based distributed environment. One of them is powerful test simulator which provide
large scale web based data integration and data simulation in cloud using virtual and physical
computing resources. An Innovative end to end programme tracking solution is needed to support
Software testing, Bug Fixing of cloud based programs at different levels.
5) On-demand test environment construction To set up a testing environment systematically (or
automatically) for on-demand testing services in a cloud? Although the current cloud technologies
support automatic provision of required computing resources for each SaaS (or application) in a
cloud, there are no supporting solutions to assist engineers to set up a required test environment in
a cloud using a cost-effective way. It is necessary to provide an on-demand test environment for
TaaS customers. To do this, TaaS vendors need to provide a systematic solution to establish a
e ui ed test e i o e t ased o the use s sele tio .
A) Web Access to Cloud Testing Services: Access to page provided by Cloud Testing Services the
Enterprise do performance and Functional Testing.
B) Using Virtual Machine Technology: Service providers for Cloud Testing Provide IP of Virtual
Machine Client connect to virtual machine through Remote Desktop but to provide access to non
web based application still needs Software to be installed on Virtual Machine and then it can be
tested. Main Steps of Cloud Testing Are as Follows:
Use logi to loud testi g p o ide s e site a d egiste useful i fo atio .
2) User apply for Platform, Application, Resources that describe configuration requirement of virtual
machine like Operating System Version , Hard disk Size , Hard disk Speed , Network Bandwidth ,
Firewall. 3) Service provider review all requirements and also check Comp ability.
4) User login Cloud Testing Platform until Testing Completes.
C) Building Private Cloud Testing Environment: Referring Cloud Testing ideas Enterprise can built own
Internal Cloud Testing Environment Confidentiality can maintained is in this case. Automated Cloud
Testing Environment chooses better performance machine or server to install testing software,
Testing Groups Login to Automated machine and perform Testing. Using Virtual Machine Technology
user can start number of machines on server quickly
D) Why Cloud Testing is Important? Comparing with Software Testing Cloud Testing Has Several
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Email:
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics
Vol. 6 Issue 4, August 2017, ISSN: 2320-0294 Impact Factor: 6.765
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed
at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage as ell as i Ca ell s Di e to ies of Pu lishi g Opportunities, U.S.A
Reduce cost by leveraging with computing hardware and software and hardware resource. This
refers to effectively using virtualized resources and shared cloud infrastructure to eliminate required
computer resources and licensed software cost in Test Laboratory. Conduct large scale and effective
real-time online validation for Internet based software Clouds. Easily Leverage scalable Cloud testing
system infrastructure to test performance and scalability. While implementing cloud testing in small
division where flexible and cost efficient cloud based testing implemented and this demonstrate
following major benefits: Virtualized resources reduce its Capital and licensing expenses as 50% to
70%. Reduce operating & Labour cost by 30% to 50%. Shorten its Development and testing time from
weeks to minutes. Detected Defects get resolved by 15% to 30%.
E) Forms of Cloud based Software Testing There are Four different forms of Cloud based Software
Testing. Each one focuses on different objective: Testing inside a Cloud: It checks quality of cloud on
based infrastructure of Cloud and specified Cloud capabilities. Only Cloud vendors can perform this
testing as they have accesses to internal infrastructure and connection between its internal SaaS and
security, management and monitor. Testing Of Cloud: It validated quality of Cloud from from an
External view based on provided Cloud Capabilities. Especially Vendors are interested in this type of
Testing. Testing over Cloud: It test Cloud Based services application over cloud including Public,
Private and Hybrid Cloud based on System level Application and specification.
F) Different Test Environment in Cloud
1) Cloud SaaS oriented Testing: This types of Testing Activities Performed inside Cloud By Engineer of
Cloud. The primary objective is to assure the quality of provided service functions offered in a cloud.
These engineers must go through unit testing, integration, system function validation and regression
testing, as well as performance and scalability evaluation. Since clouds and SaaS usually provide
certain service APIs and connectivity interfaces to their customers, it is required task for engineers to
validate these APIs and connectivity in a cloud environment. Furthermore, performance testing and
scalability evaluation in a cloud is very important and critical to cloud/SaaS vendors because this
assures the quality of cloud elasticity to support SaaS and cloud services inside a cloud.
2) Online-based application testing on a cloud - This type of testing activities usually is performed For
checking online application systems on a cloud by using with cloud-based large-scale heavy traffic
and user privileges. This is a common usage of cloud technology to help current online application.
Testing and performance evaluation on a cloud by taking the advantage of cloud environment so
that diverse and scalable computing resources in a cloud can be used without using any in house test
laboratory. When applications are connected with legacy systems, the quality of the connectivity
between the legacy systems and the under-test application deployed on a cloud must be validated.
3) Cloud-based application testing over clouds This type of testing refers to the engineering activities
performed to assure the quality of a cloud-based application crossing different clouds. When
applications are developed to be deployed and executed over different clouds, new testing tasks are
needed to assure its quality. Unlike the previous two types, the primary testing objective here is to
assure the quality of the end-to-end application over clouds. This suggests that the system-level
integration, function validation, performance evaluation, and scalability measurement must cope
with different cloud technologies. This definitely complicates the tasks for checking system
compatibility, interoperability, and connectivity between different clouds.
Cloud computing continues to mature; one is hard to identify a class of enterprise software that is
not delivered and consumed as a service. Performance and Load based testing can be counted
among these cloud offerings. Moving these functions to the cloud offers typical cloud benefits, most
notably lowered capital and operational costs, and support for distributed development teams. But
testing based on cloud also changes the way the tests themselves are performed. These changes
come at a time when more and more organizations are looking at software as their competitive
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Email:
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics
Vol. 6 Issue 4, August 2017, ISSN: 2320-0294 Impact Factor: 6.765
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed
at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage as ell as i Ca ell s Di e to ies of Pu lishi g Opportunities, U.S.A
1) Testing at scale Cloud based testing providers provide a cost-effective means of testing
applications at scale – as opposed to a lab environment that simulates a small subset of the
production environment. This means that instead of testing an application against a portion
of users and extrapolating that data to scale with a production environment, the cloudtesting provider can test your application against the actual number of expected users.
SOASTA, for example, offers Cloud Test, a functional and performance testing service for
Web and mobile applications. In the case of performance testing, SOASTA uses cloud servers
to simulate traffic that would come from users visiting a website.
2) 2) Testing globally Cloud based testing tools enable testing on a global scale, thereby
reflecting the regions from which users are accessing the application. This is often done
through partnerships with other cloud providers, such as Amazon and Rack space. For
example, Blitz allows customers to run load tests constituting millions of concurrent users
coming from multiple continents. 3) Advice for using Tools Tools like SOASTA, Blitz offers
se e al e o
e datio s. ―Whe usi g a test tool i the loud, ake su e you u de sta d
how licensing is working. How are you going to pay that vendor for using that tool in the
loud? U de sta d hat you e payi g that tool e do fo a d ho you osts a e goi g to
be affected as you attempt to test for more users. Advises organizations to understand the
software ve do s oad ap, i ludi g ho they pla to put out diffe e t o
u i atio s
for the development lifecycle and how tests are reported. Understand how to interpret, read
and act on the advice from the tool . Determine the two or three tools that you think you
might want to adopt and do a proof of concept on each one, looking at integration with
other tools in use, how the tool works with your different platforms and, again,
u de sta di g the osts a d ho you ll e payi g fo the . Cloud ased Soft a e Testing is
Good but unnecessary Cloud based Testing of Software Application brings cost benefits but
this alone does not make it a top priority for most companies as they still have to contend
with issues such as data security and interoperability of cloud systems. The most obvious
advantage of cloud-based testing tools is that these bring cost effectiveness as there is
better utilization of existing infrastructure. Time saving in setting up and Tearing down of
Physical Test Laboratories. Performance testing is particularly well-suited for the cloud, as
load simulation can be done easily in the cloud. Data security and integrity in the cloud
remain contentious issues to date. While vendors are making strides to address this, it is
essential for organizations to keep control of their data and administer the structure of that
data in accordance with their quality processes.
This Paper described our Research in area of Cloud Computing and Definition of Cloud
Testing and then different types of Cloud Testing, its need, Issues in handling Cloud Testing,
Environment for Cloud Testing. Here work is aimed for doing Research for Future Software
Testing Methods.
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Email:
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics
Vol. 6 Issue 4, August 2017, ISSN: 2320-0294 Impact Factor: 6.765
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed
at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage as ell as i Ca ell s Di e to ies of Pu lishi g Opportunities, U.S.A
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International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Email:
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics
Vol. 6 Issue 4, August 2017, ISSN: 2320-0294 Impact Factor: 6.765
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed
at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage as ell as i Ca ell s Di e to ies of Pu lishi g Opportunities, U.S.A
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