Conference Presentations by Zamzami Zainuddin
Aceh Development International Conference, 2015
The paper aims to explore the potential of flipped classroom approach for higher education in Ace... more The paper aims to explore the potential of flipped classroom approach for higher education in Aceh. This paper is a conceptual paper that attempt to provide the concept and theory of implementing flipped learning approach for students and lecturers at college level. Findings reported that the flipped classroom has been highlighted as an emerging technology for higher education in 2014 and 2015 by New Media Consortium (NMC) Horizon Report. This emerging technology is recommended to be implemented for higher education worldwide. The flipped classroom or reverse classroom is an approach of learning activity where the students learn the contents outside the class hours through video lectures posted on the websites or Learning Management System (LMS) and establish hands-on activities in the class hours. The flipped classroom is a potential approach implemented for higher education in Aceh especially Banda Aceh which has adequate internet access in numerous areas. This study is encouraging the lecturers in Aceh to implement the flipped classroom in their teaching and learning practices as well as urging the use of various technology tools or Web 2.0 as online platforms. Also, this learning approach will enhance student's self-paced learning in Aceh and improve students' critical thinking and collaborative learning. Finally, this paper will support the University in Aceh in transforming the teaching and learning activities from a traditional to technology-based learning environment.
Papers by Zamzami Zainuddin
Information & Learning Sciences, 2020
Purpose-The purpose of this study is twofold. Firstly, this research aims at helping countries im... more Purpose-The purpose of this study is twofold. Firstly, this research aims at helping countries implement an equitable, innovative and context-appropriate stay-home game plan for the millions of disadvantaged and underprivileged students severely affected by the forfeiture of school closures; and secondly, this study proclaims that the burgeoning popularity of gamification has the potential to lay the bedrock foundation for 'Literacy in the New Norm'. Design/methodology/approach-The temporal closure of schools around the world to limit the spread of the COVID-19 has resulted in massive educational disruptions triggering adverse effects and bringing much of education under grave threat. Through a review of the current empirical and conceptual literature, this study proposes a new gamification concept in a non-technology environment. Findings-Well underway are global dialogues that hold conversations on implementing mitigation strategies to counter the looming global health crisis. This has generated the impetus for a more concerted effort by concerned governments and international organizations to identify appropriate solutions for the continuity of learning so that the learning never stops. While educators and learners plunge further into the core of reconstructing education, the authors recognize that the fundamentals of technology and virtual connectivity have all along contributed to the multi-faceted e-learning stage set. However, concerns regarding the paradigm shift to remote online learning would certainly exacerbate inequalities cardinally felt across disadvantaged communities around the globe. Originality/value-As the world is currently bound by strict isolation measures, learners of all ages have been relegated to the confines of their homes. For the most part, the stark realities of technological mishaps that have befallen underprivileged school children, serve as a reminder to help target children all over the world who are in most peril of losing ground in terms of continued education. It is on these grounds that the criterion set out in this article elucidates the nature and scope of a supplementary stay-home game plan detailing the use of game affordances that bear intelligently in the creation of home-based activities for
Due to the challenges of all-round development, higher-education students are increasingly demand... more Due to the challenges of all-round development, higher-education students are increasingly demanding more flexible learning that goes beyond the on-campus/online dichotomy. However, university students miss learning opportunities because of the conflict of time and space. Blended learning is an effective way to create more learning opportunities and support university students’ flexible learning, but its implementation varies across contexts. This study proposed an alternative blended teaching and learning approach to solve practical problems defined in the context of a traditional classroom in a university in Hong Kong when students pursue flexible learning and global learning. A three-round action research approach was used to improve the effects of blended synchronous teaching and learning. Data collection and analysis in each round showed that the students positively rated the implementation of blended learning according to their needs, the quality of the technologies adopted, and the benefits gained. This blended synchronous teaching and learning mode was structured based on the implementation of different actions in three rounds, bridging the gap between research and practice in blended synchronous learning
Education and Urban Society, 2020
Teachers of urban higher education institutions often explore new methods of teaching using innov... more Teachers of urban higher education institutions often explore new methods of teaching using innovative techno-pedagogical approaches. This study reports on postgraduate students' perceptions of the blended learning mode of delivery, co-taught by two lecturers concurrently during the "Qualitative Research" elective course offered for the Master of Educational Leadership program, in a reputed Malaysian university. A qualitative action research methodology was adopted for this study with students' comments captured through Padlet. Results indicate that students have very positive perceptions of their experiences gained through blended learning and co-lecturing. The findings of this action research study provide evidence of the meaningful and personalized learning experiences reported by students, gained through the collaborative blended mode of delivery. The results also provide more thoughtful reflections for teachers to draw on students' feedback and possibly
Educational Research Review, 2020
The adoption of gamification in learning and instruction is perceived to have mass appeal among t... more The adoption of gamification in learning and instruction is perceived to have mass appeal among the learners in stimulating motivation, learner engagement and social influence. This study is an attempt to present a summary of the empirical findings of state-of-the-art literature in the emerging field of gamification within the educational domain of learning and instruction. It reveals the latest scientific research evidence on the emerging trends of learning technologies and gamification plugins along with extending the possibilities for future research directions in revolutionizing learning and instruction through gamification. A systematic literature review examined the thematic and content analysis of 46 empirical research papers published in the Web of Science database between 2016 and 2019. The review critically appraised and evaluated the various contradictions found in the literature along with setting the stage for the significance of future research studies to reexamine the theoretical foundations of gamification, its methodo-logical approaches, theoretical models, gaming platforms and apps, game mechanics and learning outcomes. This study not only attempts to shed light on the novelty of gamified learning perceived as a game-changer and key enabler of motivation, engagement, and user experience but also sought to outline the key challenges and barriers of gamification.
Computers & Education, 2020
This study investigated the differences in learners' performance and perceived engagement between... more This study investigated the differences in learners' performance and perceived engagement between three intervention groups in a Science class, using two types of pedagogical intervention: traditional instruction with paper-based quizzes and gamified instruction with gamified e-quizzes as formative assessments. With respect to the gamified instruction, three types of gamification applications were employed: Socrative, Quizizz, and iSpring Learn LMS. The effects of the instructional intervention (n ¼ 94), as well as evaluative feedback, were obtained with the aid of formative quizzes, post-questionnaire surveys, and personal interviews. The results showed that the employment of innovative gamified e-quiz applications (i.e., Socrative, Quizizz, and iSpring Learn LMS) and paper-based quizzes were effective in evaluating students' learning performance, particularly as formative assessment after completing each topic. Finding ways to apply games or game concepts in the classroom can be a promising and innovative tool for educators to engage their students in creative learning skills and attractive competition.
IEEE, 2018
This study aims at identifying college students’ interaction in the flipped ICT-based English cla... more This study aims at identifying college students’ interaction in the flipped ICT-based English class at a University in Indonesia. Four aspects of interaction were identified, based on Moore's model of interaction, namely, learners' interaction with peers, instructors, contents, and technology. A mixed-method research approach was employed in collecting the data through a questionnaire survey and focus group interview. 31 participants responded and returned the questionnaire survey and 10 of them were involved in a focus group interview. The result revealed that students' interactions were well established in the flipped-class environment, including interaction with peers, instructor, content, and technology. The interaction activities were not only established during class time but also continued outside of the class hours. These findings confirmed that students were able to learn the content not only from the instructor but also from peers. Pre-class video recorded lectures also empowered students to become more autonomous in learning activities. Besides, the interaction was well-established between students and contents, as well as technologies - enabled students to pause and replay the videos as often as they needed without having to lose themselves in note-taking.
IEEE, 2018
This study aims to provide a design of the flipped learning instructional model for teaching a Cr... more This study aims to provide a design of the flipped learning instructional model for teaching a Cross-Cultural Understanding course for EFL students. A bottom-up of flipped learning model based on Blooms’ taxonomy of cognitive domain has been produced. A Learning Management System (LMS), known as ‘Schoology’ adopted as a platform to share the recorded video lectures for students’ learning before attending class. Three main activities are proposed and recommended for students’ learning outside of the class, namely, ‘Watching’, ‘Note-taking’, and ‘Quiz’ (WNQ), while group discussions and peer-evaluation are two mains activities practiced in the class. This study suggests that a bottom-up of flipped learning model based on Blooms’ taxonomy is potentially implemented not only for teaching a Cross-Cultural Understanding but also other subjects. Finally, this study recommends that the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher education or policymakers in Indonesia, including instructors, students, and community members, must be actively involved in developing, supporting, and maintaining a transformed learning culture, from being traditional to a technology-based learning environment.
Edcomtech, 2019
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi efektivitas interaksi mahasiswa dalam pembelajara... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi efektivitas interaksi mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran mata kuliah Manajemen Informasi dan E-Administrasi dengan menggunakan metode flipped classroom (Kelas terbalik). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian metode campuran. Kuesioner dan wawancara individu digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data. 29 responden dari peserta ajar diberikan kuesioner pada akhir semester dan 10 dari mereka dipilih untuk dilakukan wawancara secara individu. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan analisis data menggunakan SPSS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peserta ajar memiliki persepsi positif dalam semua komponen interaksi dalam pembelajaran mata kuliah Manajemen Informasi dan E-Administrasi menggunakan menggunakan metode flipped classroom. Output dari penelitian ini telah memberikan kontribusi bagi sebuah perguruan tinggi dalam mengimplementasikan digital pembelajaran inovatif flipped classroom dengan menggunakan media WhatsApp dan YouTube.
Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 2019
This study proposes to present a sample design of a flipped learning instructional model for teac... more This study proposes to present a sample design of a flipped learning instructional model for teaching Islamic Studies course at an Indonesian higher education institution. A bottom-up flipped learning model was developed in this study, based on Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives. A Learning Management System (LMS), Schoology, was employed as a platform to share pre-class video lectures for student learning activities outside-of-class. Three main activities proposed by the researchers outside of the class activities, namely, Watching, Summarizing, and Note-taking (WSN), whereas give and take conversation is the main class activity. This study implies that the bottom-up flipped learning model could potentially be implemented for teaching Islamic studies course in Indonesian higher education institutions, with the aim of fostering students' highest level of cognitive domains and independent learning skills. This study has implications for the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education and the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia or policymakers to consider the flipped classroom as a contemporary teaching model for teaching Islamic studies course and other subjects at any in Indonesian higher education institutions.
On the Horizon, 2029
Despite the enhanced popularity of flipped classroom research, there is a lack of empirical evide... more Despite the enhanced popularity of flipped classroom research, there is a lack of empirical evidence reported about the different impacts revealed by the implementation of this concept. Therefore, to respond to this issue, this study aims to review and analyze the trends and contents of flipped classroom research based on 48 studies recently published in 2017 and 2018. The analysis was based on flipped classroom impacts from various fields. A systematic literature review and content analysis were used as a methodology to investigate the positive impacts and challenges of flipped classroom implementation. The results of the analysis were interpreted using descriptive analysis. Analysis of the impact revealed that the flipped classroom yielded positive impacts on students’ learning activities
such as academic performance, learning motivation and/or engagement, social interaction and self-directed learning skills. Meanwhile, the most significant challenge encountered by the instructors is a lack of students’ motivation to watch the pre-recorded video lectures or to study the contents outside of class time. Several issues in this discussion become implications that can be taken into consideration for future research. The findings suggest that the flipped classroom concept might be effective in promoting the twenty-first-century learning skills. While highlighting the limitations of an ineffective flipped classroom implementation, this study proposes further recommendations for future research.
Computers & Education, 2020
This study investigated the differences in learners' performance and perceived engagement between... more This study investigated the differences in learners' performance and perceived engagement between three intervention groups in a Science class, using two types of pedagogical intervention: traditional instruction with paper-based quizzes and gamified instruction with gamified e-quizzes as formative assessments. With respect to the gamified instruction, three types of gamification applications were employed: Socrative, Quizizz, and iSpring Learn LMS. The effects of the instructional intervention (n ¼ 94), as well as evaluative feedback, were obtained with the aid of formative quizzes, post-questionnaire surveys, and personal interviews. The results showed that the employment of innovative gamified e-quiz applications (i.e., Socrative, Quizizz, and iSpring Learn LMS) and paper-based quizzes were effective in evaluating students' learning performance, particularly as formative assessment after completing each topic. Finding ways to apply games or game concepts in the classroom can be a promising and innovative tool for educators to engage their students in creative learning skills and attractive competition.
Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 2019
This paper aims to analyze the trends and contents of flipped classroom research based on 48 sele... more This paper aims to analyze the trends and contents of flipped classroom research based on 48 selected empirical articles published during 2017 and 2018. The inductive content analysis was used as a methodology to
investigate the content of flipped classroom research, including subject-specific areas, methodological approaches, technology tools or platforms, the most frequently used trending searches, countries of research, positive impacts and challenges. The results of the analysis were interpreted using descriptive analysis, percentages, and
frequencies. This analysis found that various subjects were implemented in flipped classroom learning, and some technological tools were also used to enhance teaching and learning. Analysis of the impact revealed that the flipped classroom yielded positive learning outcomes on students’ learning activities such as learning motivation and engagement, social interaction and self-directed learning skills.
Meanwhile, the most significant challenges encountered by the instructor were the lack of students’ motivation to watch pre-recorded video lectures or to study the contents outside of the class time. The findings suggest that the flipped classroom concept might be effective in promoting twenty-first-century learning
IEEE, 2018
This study aims to provide a design of the flipped learning instructional model for teaching a Cr... more This study aims to provide a design of the flipped learning instructional model for teaching a Cross-Cultural Understanding course for EFL students. A bottom-up of the flipped learning model based on Blooms’ taxonomy of the cognitive domain has been produced. A Learning Management System (LMS), known as ‘Schoology’ adopted as a platform to share the recorded video lectures for students’ learning before attending class. Three main activities are proposed and recommended for students’ learning outside of the class, namely, ‘Watching’, ‘Note-taking’, and ‘Quiz’ (WNQ), while group discussions and peer-evaluation are two mains activities practiced in the class. This study suggests that a bottom-up of flipped learning model based on Blooms’ taxonomy is potentially implemented not only for teaching a Cross-Cultural Understanding but also other subjects. Finally, this study recommends that the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher education or policymakers in Indonesia, including instructors, students, and community members, must be actively involved in developing, supporting, and maintaining a transformed learning culture, from being traditional to a technology-based learning environment.
IEEE, 2018
This study aims at identifying college students' interaction in the flipped ICT-based English cla... more This study aims at identifying college students' interaction in the flipped ICT-based English class at a University in Indonesia. Four aspects of interaction were identified, based on Moore's model of interaction, namely, learners' interaction with peers, instructors, contents, and technology. A mixed method research approach was employed in collecting the data through a questionnaire survey and focus group interview. 31 participants responded and returned the questionnaire survey and 10 of them were involved in a focus group interview. The result revealed that students' interactions were well established in the flipped-class environment, including interaction with peers, instructor, content, and technology. The interaction activities were not only established during the class time but also continued outside of the class hours. These findings confirmed that students were able to learn the content not only from the instructor but also from peers. Pre-class video recorded lectures also empowered students to become more autonomous in learning activities. Besides, the interaction was well-established between students and contents, as well as technologies-enabled students to pause and replay the videos as often as they needed without having to lose themselves in note-taking.
Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, 2018
As an agricultural country, attention to the welfare of farmers in Indonesia is considered very s... more As an agricultural country, attention to the welfare of farmers in Indonesia is considered very strategic. One of the measuring tools for farmers' welfare that is used today is Farmer's Exchange Rate (FER). This study aims to examine and explore some of the problems with the exchange rate experienced by farmers, including; Farmer's Exchange Rate (FER) in identifying the welfare of farmers, determining the increase and decrease of Farmer Exchange Rate (FER) in Indonesia; and the potential of Islamic financing in providing solutions for the welfare of farmers. The results show that an increase in FER is not always good. Determination of the increase and decrease rice farmers' exchange rates are productivity, grain prices, prices of consumer goods, and prices of fertilizers, the exchange rate of farmers on food and nonfood consumption, and production costs. Shariah schemes can be used as a new alternative to help the interest-free and profit-sharing agricultural sector.
Sebagai negara agraris perhatian terhadap kesejahteraan petani di Indonesia dinilai sangat strategis. Salah satu alat ukur kesejahteraan petani yang digunakan saat ini adalah Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menggali beberapa permasalahan terhadap nilai tukar yang dialami petani, antara lain; Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) dalam mengindentifikasi kesejahteraan petani, penentu peningkatan dan penurunan Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) pangan di Indonesia; dan potensi pembiayaan syariah dalam memberikan solusi untuk mensejahterakan petani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kenaikan NTP tidak selalu baik. Penentu terjadinya kenaikan dan penurunan nilai tukar petani padi adalah produktivitas, harga gabah, harga barang konsumsi, dan harga pupuk, nilai tukar petani terhadap konsumsi makanan dan nonmakanan, serta biaya produksi. Skim syariah dapat dijadikan alternatif baru untuk membantu sektor pertanian yang bebas bunga dan berdasarkan bagi hasil.
Economics, Social Sciences and Information Management, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016
This study was carried out in order to explore the usage of collaborative tool namely 'Wiggio' to... more This study was carried out in order to explore the usage of collaborative tool namely 'Wiggio' to support collaborative learning for adult learners. Five adult learners from the postgraduate program in University of Malaya were selected and interviewed. Data were collected and coded to summarize the main themes. The study findings show with the use of Wiggio, the opinion of all respondents are positive toward application of collaboration tools to support collaborative learning for adult learners. This means usage of Wiggio is suited to support collaborative learning because it was equipped by features allowing students to meet both asynchronously and synchronously. The paper will be of interest to those who are involved in the area of collaborative learning or who are considering its use. Hence, the researcher suggests that further studies use other adult learning theories and other collaborative tools besides using larger samples from other educational institutions.
Interdisciplinary Journal of Virtual Learning in Medical Sciences, 2018
Context: This research studied student's perception of using SPeCTRUM (as a platform for blended ... more Context: This research studied student's perception of using SPeCTRUM (as a platform for blended learning) at a university in Malaysia.
Methods: A mixed method design was employed to collect data on students' perception and experience of using SPeCTRUM in learning activities. A questionnaire, individual interviews, focus group discussion, and class observations were used as instruments for collecting the data. Participants were from the faculty of education, University of Malay (Malaysia).
Results: The results showed that the students had positive attitudes towards SPeCTRUM regarding its flexibility in learning activities outside the class hours, including students' peer interaction. However, the findings showed that the instructor had limited time to interact with students virtually on the SPeCTRUM outside the class, and their priority is informative quality.
Conclusions: According to the results, SPeCTRUM has great flexibility, which allows students to have easy access. It provides the opportunity to save time and allows learning at any time and place.
On the Horizon, 2018
Purpose – This paper aims to examine the impact of the learning management system (LMS), in promo... more Purpose – This paper aims to examine the impact of the learning management system (LMS), in promoting students’ self-directed experiential learning using the flipped classroom approach. This study further evaluates the effectiveness of integrating video lectures, perceived as a social interface, for students to watch, prior to their class session conducted in class.
Design/methodology/approach – This is a case study that investigated a group of undergraduate students of English as a foreign language (EFL) to identify the impact of the LMS TES BlendSpace in fostering their self-directed learning capacity, using a flipped classroom approach. Data were gathered through a qualitative approach from student interviews and observations of student activities and videorecordings uploaded on TES BlendSpace.
Findings – Flipped classrooms have begun to redesign learning spaces and promote active learning through video-enabled instructional practices. This study provides an overview of flipped classrooms and the benefits students’ gain from the wealth of online content posted on the LMS. The flipped classroom model has clearly shifted the learning paradigm, enabling students the autonomy of their self-directed learning pace and to become acquainted with the currency of video lectures that promote efficacious learning. This study concludes with implications for further research in this area.
Originality/value – This study has the potential to contribute towards the advancement of students’ self-directed learning and proposes its continued application for future EFL classes in this institution, as well as across all courses, to enable self-direction for all students.
Conference Presentations by Zamzami Zainuddin
Papers by Zamzami Zainuddin
such as academic performance, learning motivation and/or engagement, social interaction and self-directed learning skills. Meanwhile, the most significant challenge encountered by the instructors is a lack of students’ motivation to watch the pre-recorded video lectures or to study the contents outside of class time. Several issues in this discussion become implications that can be taken into consideration for future research. The findings suggest that the flipped classroom concept might be effective in promoting the twenty-first-century learning skills. While highlighting the limitations of an ineffective flipped classroom implementation, this study proposes further recommendations for future research.
investigate the content of flipped classroom research, including subject-specific areas, methodological approaches, technology tools or platforms, the most frequently used trending searches, countries of research, positive impacts and challenges. The results of the analysis were interpreted using descriptive analysis, percentages, and
frequencies. This analysis found that various subjects were implemented in flipped classroom learning, and some technological tools were also used to enhance teaching and learning. Analysis of the impact revealed that the flipped classroom yielded positive learning outcomes on students’ learning activities such as learning motivation and engagement, social interaction and self-directed learning skills.
Meanwhile, the most significant challenges encountered by the instructor were the lack of students’ motivation to watch pre-recorded video lectures or to study the contents outside of the class time. The findings suggest that the flipped classroom concept might be effective in promoting twenty-first-century learning
Sebagai negara agraris perhatian terhadap kesejahteraan petani di Indonesia dinilai sangat strategis. Salah satu alat ukur kesejahteraan petani yang digunakan saat ini adalah Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menggali beberapa permasalahan terhadap nilai tukar yang dialami petani, antara lain; Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) dalam mengindentifikasi kesejahteraan petani, penentu peningkatan dan penurunan Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) pangan di Indonesia; dan potensi pembiayaan syariah dalam memberikan solusi untuk mensejahterakan petani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kenaikan NTP tidak selalu baik. Penentu terjadinya kenaikan dan penurunan nilai tukar petani padi adalah produktivitas, harga gabah, harga barang konsumsi, dan harga pupuk, nilai tukar petani terhadap konsumsi makanan dan nonmakanan, serta biaya produksi. Skim syariah dapat dijadikan alternatif baru untuk membantu sektor pertanian yang bebas bunga dan berdasarkan bagi hasil.
Methods: A mixed method design was employed to collect data on students' perception and experience of using SPeCTRUM in learning activities. A questionnaire, individual interviews, focus group discussion, and class observations were used as instruments for collecting the data. Participants were from the faculty of education, University of Malay (Malaysia).
Results: The results showed that the students had positive attitudes towards SPeCTRUM regarding its flexibility in learning activities outside the class hours, including students' peer interaction. However, the findings showed that the instructor had limited time to interact with students virtually on the SPeCTRUM outside the class, and their priority is informative quality.
Conclusions: According to the results, SPeCTRUM has great flexibility, which allows students to have easy access. It provides the opportunity to save time and allows learning at any time and place.
Design/methodology/approach – This is a case study that investigated a group of undergraduate students of English as a foreign language (EFL) to identify the impact of the LMS TES BlendSpace in fostering their self-directed learning capacity, using a flipped classroom approach. Data were gathered through a qualitative approach from student interviews and observations of student activities and videorecordings uploaded on TES BlendSpace.
Findings – Flipped classrooms have begun to redesign learning spaces and promote active learning through video-enabled instructional practices. This study provides an overview of flipped classrooms and the benefits students’ gain from the wealth of online content posted on the LMS. The flipped classroom model has clearly shifted the learning paradigm, enabling students the autonomy of their self-directed learning pace and to become acquainted with the currency of video lectures that promote efficacious learning. This study concludes with implications for further research in this area.
Originality/value – This study has the potential to contribute towards the advancement of students’ self-directed learning and proposes its continued application for future EFL classes in this institution, as well as across all courses, to enable self-direction for all students.
such as academic performance, learning motivation and/or engagement, social interaction and self-directed learning skills. Meanwhile, the most significant challenge encountered by the instructors is a lack of students’ motivation to watch the pre-recorded video lectures or to study the contents outside of class time. Several issues in this discussion become implications that can be taken into consideration for future research. The findings suggest that the flipped classroom concept might be effective in promoting the twenty-first-century learning skills. While highlighting the limitations of an ineffective flipped classroom implementation, this study proposes further recommendations for future research.
investigate the content of flipped classroom research, including subject-specific areas, methodological approaches, technology tools or platforms, the most frequently used trending searches, countries of research, positive impacts and challenges. The results of the analysis were interpreted using descriptive analysis, percentages, and
frequencies. This analysis found that various subjects were implemented in flipped classroom learning, and some technological tools were also used to enhance teaching and learning. Analysis of the impact revealed that the flipped classroom yielded positive learning outcomes on students’ learning activities such as learning motivation and engagement, social interaction and self-directed learning skills.
Meanwhile, the most significant challenges encountered by the instructor were the lack of students’ motivation to watch pre-recorded video lectures or to study the contents outside of the class time. The findings suggest that the flipped classroom concept might be effective in promoting twenty-first-century learning
Sebagai negara agraris perhatian terhadap kesejahteraan petani di Indonesia dinilai sangat strategis. Salah satu alat ukur kesejahteraan petani yang digunakan saat ini adalah Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menggali beberapa permasalahan terhadap nilai tukar yang dialami petani, antara lain; Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) dalam mengindentifikasi kesejahteraan petani, penentu peningkatan dan penurunan Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) pangan di Indonesia; dan potensi pembiayaan syariah dalam memberikan solusi untuk mensejahterakan petani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kenaikan NTP tidak selalu baik. Penentu terjadinya kenaikan dan penurunan nilai tukar petani padi adalah produktivitas, harga gabah, harga barang konsumsi, dan harga pupuk, nilai tukar petani terhadap konsumsi makanan dan nonmakanan, serta biaya produksi. Skim syariah dapat dijadikan alternatif baru untuk membantu sektor pertanian yang bebas bunga dan berdasarkan bagi hasil.
Methods: A mixed method design was employed to collect data on students' perception and experience of using SPeCTRUM in learning activities. A questionnaire, individual interviews, focus group discussion, and class observations were used as instruments for collecting the data. Participants were from the faculty of education, University of Malay (Malaysia).
Results: The results showed that the students had positive attitudes towards SPeCTRUM regarding its flexibility in learning activities outside the class hours, including students' peer interaction. However, the findings showed that the instructor had limited time to interact with students virtually on the SPeCTRUM outside the class, and their priority is informative quality.
Conclusions: According to the results, SPeCTRUM has great flexibility, which allows students to have easy access. It provides the opportunity to save time and allows learning at any time and place.
Design/methodology/approach – This is a case study that investigated a group of undergraduate students of English as a foreign language (EFL) to identify the impact of the LMS TES BlendSpace in fostering their self-directed learning capacity, using a flipped classroom approach. Data were gathered through a qualitative approach from student interviews and observations of student activities and videorecordings uploaded on TES BlendSpace.
Findings – Flipped classrooms have begun to redesign learning spaces and promote active learning through video-enabled instructional practices. This study provides an overview of flipped classrooms and the benefits students’ gain from the wealth of online content posted on the LMS. The flipped classroom model has clearly shifted the learning paradigm, enabling students the autonomy of their self-directed learning pace and to become acquainted with the currency of video lectures that promote efficacious learning. This study concludes with implications for further research in this area.
Originality/value – This study has the potential to contribute towards the advancement of students’ self-directed learning and proposes its continued application for future EFL classes in this institution, as well as across all courses, to enable self-direction for all students.