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Inama Rizki Saputri
33 pages
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Sistem Informasi Manajemen - Pengembangan Sistem Informasi
Dyahtyas, 2018
Pengantar Sistem Informasi, 2019
ABSTRAK Sistem informasi adalah suatu sistem dalam suatu organisasi yang mempertemukan kebutuhan pengolahan transaksi harian yang mendukung fungsi operasi organisasi yang bersifat manajerial dengan kegiatan strategi dari suatu organisasi untuk dapat menyediakan kepada pihak luar tertentu dengan informasi yang diperlukan untuk pengambilan keputusan. Sistem informasi dalam suatu organisasi dapat dikatakan sebagai suatu sistem yang menyediakan informasi bagi semua tingkatan dalam organisasi tersebut kapan saja diperlukan. Sistem ini menyimpan, mengambil, mengubah, mengolah dan mengkomunikasikan informasi yang diterima dengan menggunakan sistem informasi atau peralatan sistem lainnya. Sistem informasi harus dikembangkan dengan alasan adanya permasalahan berupa ddanya ketidakberesan dan pertumbuhan organisasi, untuk meraih kesempatan-kesempatan, dan adanya instruksi (pimpinan, pemerintah). ABSTRACT Information system is a system in an organization that brings together the daily transaction processing needs that support managerial organizational operations with strategic activities of an organization to be able to provide certain outside parties with information needed for decision making. Information systems in an organization can be said as a system that provides information for all levels in the organization whenever needed. This system stores, retrieves, changes, processes and communicates information received using information systems or other system equipment. Information systems must be developed because there are problems in the form of irregularities and growth of the organization, to seize opportunities, and instructions (leaders, government).
Jesica Ronauli Sihombing , 2023
In a journal entitled "Information System Development Process" the system is made with the aim that we know what things are related to planning, control that exists within the company, where there are things that are related or will interact with each other. The process of developing information systems cannot be avoided because of the increasingly modern developments. System development is the preparation of a new system to replace the old system as a whole or improve the existing system. A new information system is created as a solution to a certain type of problem or set of problems facing a company. The problem may be that a manager or employee realizes that the company is not performing as expected, or it can arise from realizing that the company should take advantage of new opportunities to be successful. Activities that lead to the creation of company information system solutions to overcome company problems or take advantage of opportunities are called system development. System development is a type of structured problem solving with clear activities. These activities consist of system analysis, system design, programming, testing, conversion, and production and maintenance.
Edukacja Międzykulturowa, 2016
Edukacja międzykulturowa dla przyszłości-od teorii do praktyki była przewodnim tematem sekcji problemowej zorganizowanej przez Zakład Edukacji Międzykulturowej UMCS w Lublinie w ramach Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej pt. Psychopedagogiczne problemy edukacji i funkcjonowania człowieka-teoria i praktyka.
To support their massively-multithreaded architecture, GPUs use very large register file (RF) which has a capacity higher than even L1 and L2 caches. In total contrast, traditional CPUs use tiny RF and much larger caches to optimize latency. Due to these differences, along with the crucial impact of RF in determining GPU performance, novel and intelligent techniques are required for managing GPU RF. In this paper, we survey the techniques for designing and managing GPU RF. We discuss techniques related to performance, energy and reliability aspects of RF. To emphasize the similarities and differences between the techniques, we classify them along several parameters. The aim of this paper is to synthesize the state-of-art developments in RF management and also stimulate further research in this area.
New York, 1986
In their article The Leadership Challenge -A Call for the Transformational Leader," Noel M. Tichy and David O. Ulrich seek to define a new brand of leadership consistent with the changing nature of the US Economy and world market. They seek to define the qualities of a transformational leader and delineate the organizational dynamics of change a leader must manage, in terms of structure, culture and the individuals that make up an organization. The following discussion provides an over-view of Tichy and Ulrich's main points, questions the outcomes of transformational leadership, and compares and contrasts a transformational leader with the concept of level 5 leadership.
L'Inconvénient n° 68, 0
Revista Aequitas, 2023
Povijesni prilozi, 1999
Revue québécoise de linguistique, 1998
Urban Science, 2024
The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2023
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2007
Al-Mustafid: Journal of Quran and Hadith Studies
Educational Research Review, 2013
American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2011
Gastroenterology & Hepatology: Open Access, 2018
The Journal of Immunology, 2009
Scientific Reports, 2021
Cadernos de Letras da UFF, 2023