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Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 1991
Subjects watched either an emotional, neutral, or unusual sequence of slides containing 1 critical slide in the middle. Experiments 1 and 2 allowed only a single eye fixation on the critical slide by presenting it for 180 ms (Experiment 1) or 150 ms (Experiment 2). Despite this constraint, memory for a central detail was better for the emotional condition. In Experiment 3, subjects were allowed 2.70 s to view the critical slide while their eye movements were monitored. When subjects who had devoted the same number of fixations were compared, memory for the central detail of the emotional slide was again better. The results suggest that enhanced memory for detail information of an emotional event does not occur solely because more attention is devoted to the emotional information. The purpose of this series of studies was to examine the role of attention and focusing patterns in memory for emotional versus neutral events. We use the term emotional events in this paper to refer to scenes that have unpleasant visual features (e.g., blood) and that have the potential to evoke negative emotional feelings in the viewer. How well are details from such emotional events remembered compared with neutral counterparts? A number of studies have found that central detail information was better retained, while peripheral ! detail information was less well retained from emotional events compared with neutral events (e.g., Christianson, 1984; Christianson & Loftus, 1987, 1991). In the Christianson and Loftus (1991) research, for example, subjects were presented with a thematic series of slides in which the content of one critical slide in the middle of the series was varied. In a neutral condition, this critical slide showed a woman riding a bike. In an emotional condition the woman was seen lying on the ground beside her bike bleeding from a head injury. The results showed that a detail associated with the central woman (the color of the
Stefan Kadelbach, Thomas Kleinlein and David Roth-Isigkeit, System, Order and International Law. The Early History of International Legal Thought from Machiavelli to Hegel (Oxford University Press) , 2017
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have recently attracted a lot of investor interest, with some NFTs achieving selling prices that were previously unthinkable for a non-fungible virtual asset. As with any new and untested investment space, investing in NFTs comes with a number of risks and associated challenges. This paper shows insights on what are NFTs, how do NFTs work and about the sustainability of NFTs. The conclusion of this paper discusses if one should invest in NFTs or not, in addition to its sustainability with respect to environment.
Mobile analytics studies the behaviour of mobile application visitors. Data collected as a part of mobile analytics typically includes page views, visits, visitors and countries along with information specific to mobile devices such as device model, manufacturers, screen resolution, device capabilities, service providers and preferred user languages. Thus, here we are going to explore some set of tools that provide capabilities as event tracking with better extraction of it’s semantic, as well real-time data collection and reporting that will include monthly active users, active users for particular time instance as well providing geographically located active users with the help of map. Also, we will design normalized, actionable metric to assess user engagement over arbitrary period of time for particular event of an application. We can also track the steps completed by user, and the ratio of dropout customers in each step. The semantic report will get generated for all the actions getting performed in applications.
Raam op Rusland, 2022
As a large and growingly respected state in the context of its successful defence against Russia, Ukraine has a new role to play in the Western concert of powers. With its novel potential, Ukraine should try to break new ground in its own rapprochement with the EU as well as in the European support for its resilience. Moreover, Kyiv should try continuing to take Moldova and Georgia with it, as it has already done during the last four monhts with regard to obtaining EU membership prospects.
Social Science Research Network, 2003
When it is said that law represents the rule of reason, it is appropriate to ask what kind of reason is meant. 1 Custom and reason, we learned in part I of this article, were the organizing concepts of the classical understanding of common law, and because they were central, they were also much contested. We also learned that these notions were regarded as interdependent: custom was always subject to the test of reason, but reason was embodied in the common practices of law. One especially important understanding of the interdependence of these notions emerged at the end of our discussion in part I. The reason of the law, it was said, was the 'artificial reason' of the trained common lawyer. Lon Fuller, one of the most important champions of common law jurisprudence in the 20th century, advised us in the epigraph above to take a close look at any claim to associate law with the rule of reason, however ancient or venerable it is. The task of part II of the article is to explore 17th century views of the nature of this 'artificial reason' and more generally its account of the normative foundations of common law. A ARTIFICIAL REASON [H]is Majesty was not learned in the laws of his realm of England, and causes which concern the life, or inheritance, or goods, or fortunes of his subjects, are not to be decided by natural reason, but by the artificial reason and judgment of law … 2 Coke famously wrote, 'the common law itself is nothing else but reason', but rushed to add that by this he meant 'an artificial perfection of reason gotten by long study, observation, and experience, and not of every man's natural Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal 1 * Cary C Boshamer Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Law, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 1 L Fuller Anatomy of Law (Greenwood Press Westport 1968) 5. 2 Prohibitions del Roy (1607) in E Coke The Reports of Sir Edward Coke, in Thirteen Parts (J Moore Dublin 1793) 12th Report 63, 65. Note, I have altered the spelling and capitalization in quotations from 17th century works to conform to modern standards. In what follows I will continue to do so silently unless there is risk of altering or obscuring the meaning of the quotation. 2 Classical Common Law Jurisprudence (Part II) 3 E Coke First Part of the Institutes of the Lawes of England (Garland New York 1979) 97b (originally published in 1628). See also Coke (n 2).
En Misioneros del Capitalismo, Aventureros, hombres de negocios y expertos transnacionales en el siglo XIX. D. Martykánova, J. Pan-Montojo (eds.). Granada, Comares editores., 2023
La geografía de los nuevos estados de Venezuela y de la Nueva Granada se integra en la geopolítica mundial del siglo XIX con los trabajos de Agustín Codazzi (1793-1859). Este ingeniero italiano se distingue, igualmente, por haber participado en las guerras de Independencia, lo que lo ubica además como prócer de las jóvenes naciones. El amplio territorio que abarca toda la región norte de América del Sur fue el lugar de sus combates militares, enraizamiento familiar, amistades, colaboraciones científicas, lealtades personales y políticas; pero, ante todo, fue el territorio de sus trabajos geográficos, corográficos y estadísticos, actividad que desempeñó a lo largo de su vida con maestría y dedicación. La historia de su vida ha sido escrita y rescrita por las historiografías venezolanas, italianas o colombianas en función de las épocas y de las cambiantes visiones o aproximaciones al pasado. Con este texto me acercaré a la vida del geógrafo con preguntas en torno a la circulación de conocimiento. Me preguntaré cómo estableció en sus recorridos conexiones entre personas, entre modos antiguos y nuevos de conocer. Observaré cómo anudó su vida en diferentes lugares y cómo cristalizó, de lado y lado del atlántico, un conocimiento acorde con su tiempo. Examinaré los vínculos de los estudios corográficos de A. Codazzi con aspectos de la expansión capitalista. Indagaré, en particular, el lugar del conocimiento estadístico en sus trabajos y sobre todo en relación con su interés en abrir caminos y vías para permitirle a las nuevas repúblicas su inserción en los mercados mundiales., 2020
Terminological preamble regarding tone-of-voice Recognized importance of tone-of-voice in a variety of contexts Recognition of the variety of tones-of-voice Confrontation of human values and checklists of tones-of-voice Tone-of-voice clustering in terms of value polarities Higher order integration of strategic voice Evoking imaginative appreciation of possibilities of tone-of-voice coherence Insights from diamond as symbolic of the highest value Tone-of-voice insights from music and the organization of the Tonnetz Relevance of tone-of-voice to global strategy presentation Reframing Spaceship Earth as Toneship Earth?
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Rencontres, 2016
P E U C E S E R I E N O U Ă, 2019, 16th October, 2008
Caribbean Studies, 2008
Modern Vibrational Spectroscopy and Micro-Spectroscopy, 2015
Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 2016
International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science, 2015
Cronica de un default anunciado, 2023
Materials Advances
Journal of Medical Research and Innovation, 2020
Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 2021
Conscientiae Saúde, 2011