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Investment in pension schemes is influence by the perception of the investors. The objective of this research is to access the investor's perception on pension schemes and to find the factors involving in investor's perception for pension scheme. This research focuses on the perception of the investors for investment in pension schemes in Allahabad. Talking random sampling of 1000 investors and statistical methods are applied for analyzing the data collected for this research. This research focuses on investor's positive mindset for pension schemes. The pension scheme opted or selected by investors for after service life. Investors collecting the information from pension expert and after expert opinion then invest their money in pension. Most of the investors choose market linked pension schemes for investment selection in pension schemes.
Financial Investments are the commitments which are made with any financial and non-financial instruments hoping for a better and profitable return in the future for a specific objective. The financial and non-financial products act as an avenue for investment and provide the security to the respondents based on the risk-return profile of the products. Out of the available choices for investment, one must select the most appropriate and the best one. The person investing should be aware of all the investment choices and how these can be chosen for the purpose of attaining the objective. In the present research an attempt to analyse the significance of selected demographic factors such as age, gender, marital status, educational qualification, occupation and income level of the respondents working in a bank towards their investment preference on products such as Real Estate, Gold / Jewellery, Bank deposit, Government Bonds, Share market, Commodity market, Mutual Fund, Life Insurance policies and Post office savings. Further, also to find out the significance of demographic factors of the respondents and elements of investment decision like period of investment and information source. The data were collected through a structured questionnaire and analysed using percentage, chi-square test and Karl Pearson's correlation coefficient. The results of research indicate that majority of the respondents are saving money for their safety and the results of the study would be of a guide for personal finance and investment.
Most of the enrolment growth in the coming several decades will be in developing countries and India will contribute a significant proportion of that expansion. India by enacting “Right to Education Act, 2009” has set out on an ambitious path to provide free and compulsory education to all children in the 6 to 14 age group. As a result the number of students enrolled in elementary schools in far flung villages would definitely see a quantum jump. Challenges of funding, availability of qualified teachers, and building a sustainable academic culture and school infrastructure are significant and real. Providing access to the free education for the children of downtrodden peoples like tribals, lower castes, and dalits is a complex issue in India wherein the fragmentation in the society along religious, ethnic and linguistic lines is deep rooted. In addition, rampant poverty which is the root cause of child labour leaves no time for the affected children to undertake formal schooling. In this paper we review various facets of and challenges in providing access to universal elementary education for the children from socially weaker sections in India. The paper delves into various aspects of this ambitious aim and suggest measures for mitigating the risks and pitfall in India’s march towards achievement of 100% literacy of over 1 billion people. We also explore the ways in which the strengths of ICT can be leveraged in achievement of the goal. KEYWORDS Right to Education, Use of ICT in Education, Compulsory Education, State Policy.
Everywhere people talk about money and investment. The investor makes an investment to yield high returns with minimum risk. Generally the acquaintance refers to the neighbours. The investment decisions which is seen as continuous process of interactions between the investor, investor's behaviour and the investment environment. This investment process is influenced by a number of variables and driven by peer influence (including neighbours, friends, relatives, etc.). The experimental results show the decisions made by others, influence individual investor's choices irrespective of whether the payoffs are based on the individual's investment decision. Nevertheless the investor should select their personal utility-maximizing choice. So it becomes important framing effects on investment choices based on the neighbour's choice. This paper discusses the investor's behaviour and the factors that affect the investment choice and decision and the role of 'acquaintance or neighbour' strategy in investment decision.
Academia Biology, 2023
Background: Hypoxia can affect the health and safety of patients and persons in various occupations. There is uncertainty surrounding the effect acute hypoxia may have on cognition and the cardiovascular system. Aims: The aim was to examine cognition using the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence – First Edition (WASI-I) and investigate heart rate variability (HRV) with varied fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) of 0.12, 0.165, and 0.21. Methods: Seventeen healthy volunteers participated in two tasks of the WASI-I: block design (BD) and matrix reasoning (MR). BD, MR, and HRV were measured during randomized gas interventions. A subset had their cerebral tissue oxygenation levels (TOI) evaluated. Results: Cognitive tests for BD (p = 0.133) and MR (p = 0.237) were not significantly different under different O2 concentrations. HRV data showed a decrease in high frequency (HFnu) for MR subset (p = 0.001) with decreasing FiO2. Mean heart rate for BD (p = 0.016) and MR (p = 0.007) increased with decreasing FiO2. NIRS data showed the mean TOI did not significantly change (p = 0.611) during BD; however, during MR, TOI (p = 0.003) decreased with lowering FiO2. Conclusions: Parasympathetic activity and cerebral tissue oxygenation both fell during MR with increasing hypoxia. The cognitive tests did show decreasing trends, albeit non-significant, with increasing severity of hypoxia. HR also increased during hypoxia for both BD and MR. We suspect cognitive function is related to oxygen saturation (SpO2) levels.
Human-induced climate change is an existential risk to human civilisation: an adverse outcome that would either annihilate intelligent life or permanently and drastically curtail its potential. Special precautions that go well beyond conventional risk management practice are required if the “fat tails” — the increased likelihood of very large impacts — are to be adequately dealt with. The potential consequences of these lower-probability, but higher-impact events would be devastating for human societies. The bulk of climate research has tended to underplay these risks, and exhibited a preference for conservative projections and scholarly reticence, albeit increasing numbers of scientists have spoken out in recent years on the dangers of such an approach. Climate policymaking and the public narrative are significantly informed by the important work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). However, IPCC reports also tend toward reticence and caution, erring on the side of “least drama”, and downplaying more extreme and more damaging outcomes. Whilst this has been understandable historically, given the pressure exerted upon the IPCC by political and vested interests, it is now becoming dangerously misleading, given the acceleration of climate impacts globally. What were lower-probability, higher-impact events are now becoming more likely. This is a particular concern with potential climatic “tipping points” — passing critical thresholds which result in step changes in the system — such as the polar ice sheets (and hence sea levels), and permafrost and other carbon stores, where the impacts of global warming are non-linear and difficult to model at present. Under-reporting on these issues contributes to the “failure of imagination” that is occurring today in our understanding of, and response to, climate change. If climate policymaking is to be soundly based, a reframing of scientific research within an existential risk-management framework is now urgently required. This must be taken up not just in the work of the IPCC, but also in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change negotiations if we are to address the real climate challenge. Current processes will not deliver either the speed or the extent of change required.
Il Fuoco nell'Alto Medioevo, 2013
Dans le contexte général de l'évolution des campagnes et du peuplement rural en Occident entre le IIIe et le Xe siècle (mobilité de l'habitat, occupation des sols, orientation et structuration du parcellaire), l'article part de la notion de "foyer" en français pour examiner comment le lieu où l'on fait du feu (foyer1) s'est articulé avec la maison familiale (foyer²) et la famille elle-même (foyer³). L'analyse est conduite à partir des sources écrites et archéologiques, principalement sur le territoire de l'ancienne Gaule.
Наслеђе, 2023
Анализом сачуваних фотографија Гаврила Принципа ово истраживање настоји да понуди одговоре на неколико питања: У којим околностима су настајале фотографије? Како су настајaле и зарад каквих потреба? Шта нам говори изузетна потреба да се „види” Принцип? Да ли фотографије допуњавају или оповргавају постојећа знања настала на основу писаних извора? Кроз фокус на историју објављивања фотографија и њихово систематско сакупљање у раду указујемо на процесе којим је значај самог Сарајевског атентата утицао на однос према постојећим фотогра- фијама, као и на то колико је интерпретација фотографије неи- збежно лоцирана у троуглу односа између аутора фотографије, објекта који се на њој налази и посматрача.
This is a broad study of the field of Psychology and how it can be applied to the Forensic field of work.
Nature communications, 2017
Women and Gender in the Qur'an, 2022
Third European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies, 2018
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2002
Metaphor Variation in Englishes around the World, 2017
US-China Competition and the South China Sea Disputes, 2018
Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022
Kalijaga Journal of Communication, 2020
Chemical Communications, 2016
PloS one, 2017
Postepy Fitoterapii, 2011
Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference, 2014