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2008, Asian Journal of Information Technology
5 pages
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Agroforestry: Theory and Practices, 2014
Agroforestry provides the basis for producing such goods and services on farms and stabilizing agricultural landscapes and alleviating pressure on natural ecosystems. More than 1 billion rural smallholders grow trees on farms and in agricultural landscapes to access the goods and services that trees provide. The proportion of trees on farms and in forests varies considerably among countries, but two trends seem almost universal in the tropics: the number of trees in forests is declining and the number of trees on farms is increasing. Agroforestry is uniquely suited to address both the need for increased food and biomass resources and the need to sustainably manage agricultural landscapes to provide critical ecosystem services. Moreover, it is suited to achieving these objectives in highly impoverished rural areas. Understanding the extent and distribution of trees on agricultural land, at the landscape level, including the numbers and characteristics of farmers and farming community within those landscapes, can help to assess the importance and role of agroforestry both to the livelihood of farming communities as well as to overall global agricultural production. Further, understanding the geographic, ecological and demographic distribution of agroforestry related land uses can also highlight those areas where increased tree densities could make a greater contribution to livelihoods or landscapes. Major agroforestry systems are distributed in different parts of the tropics and subtropics which are classified as humid lowlands, semi-arid lowlands and highlands. The most common agroforestry systems of tropical, sub-tropical and temperate areas of the world are described for the following regions: • Agroforestry Systems in Africa • Agroforestry Systems in Asia • Agroforestry Systems in Pacific Islands • Agroforestry Systems in Latin American Tropics • Temperate Agroforestry Systems in North America • Temperate Agroforestry Systems in Europe • Agroforestry Systems in Australia and New Zealand
Studi Romani 3 (2021 [2024]), pp. 5-20
eGRI (a cura di), The Archaeology of Mithraism. New Finds and Approaches to Mithras-Worship (Alberto Gavini); ANTONellA PAM-PAlONe, Il cardinale Niccolò Perrelli (1696-1772) burocrate esemplare della Camera Apostolica e committente per caso (Maria Barbara Guerrieri Borsoi); lUcIANO PA-leRMO, Il mercato romano nel carteggio di Francesco Datini (1377-1409) (Daniele Lombardi); ANGelO cASTRORAO bARbA, La fine delle ville romane in Italia tra tarda antichità e alto medioevo (III-VIII secolo) (Federico Marazzi); GAbRIele cASTIGlIA-PhIlIPPe PeRGOlA (a cura di), Instrumentum domesticum. Archeologia cristiana, metodologie e cultura materiale della tarda antichità e dell'alto medioevo (Federico Marazzi); lUIGI MAlNATI, La passione e la polvere. Storia dell'archeologia italiana da Pompei ai giorni nostri (Federico Marazzi
Tesi di laurea magistrale / MA Thesis, 2007
Questo libro è la fedele riproposizione della mia tesi di laurea specialistica. Ho modificato soltanto il titolo: dal pesantemente accademico "Una prospettiva di etica dell'ambiente per la lettura dei movimenti ecologisti: il caso del Movimento NO Tav in Valle di Susa" al più evocativo "Foucault in Valle di Susa". Sono passati oltre quindici anni dalla scrittura di queste pagine: quelle più legate alla cronaca appariranno forse datate, mentre quelle di ricerca teorica scontano la giovane età e l'avvicinamento alla filosofia da autodidatta. Tuttavia, credo che i materiali qui raccolti rimangano interessanti e per questo li ripropongo attraverso
Zeitschrift für Pädagogische …, 2011
Word structure effects denote that familiar letter sequences are easier to remember and to read than unfamiliar, or new letter sequences of less frequently occurring words. Thus, it is plausible that a quantitative increase of novel word structure would predict reading difficulty. E. g., number words would be easier to read than rhymed words with a new word onset, which in turn would be easier than non-words with a new letter sequence. However, German reading beginners did not show this word structure effect which can be observed so often (Lange-Küttner, 2005). Would this be the case due to a prevalence of their auditory memory (Gathercole & Baddeley, 1993)? Hence, the contingency of reading and the word structure effect in visual and auditory memory was analyzed in English-speaking and German children. While in visual memory the word structure effect was present in all children, in auditory memory it appeared only in early-schooled British children. Reading was correlated with visual word memory in English-speaking children, but with auditory word memory in German children. Also neural networks needed only one working memory system. The possible effects of working memory selectivity on reading, and consequences of unimodal vs. bimodal word representation on children and neural networks are discussed.
GT 07-Planejamento e gestão territorial, bens públicos e privatizações, expansão urbana e as relações urbanas rurais.
la conquIsta del patrImonIo. le sfIde della tutela dopo Il 1909: da paolo orsI a quIntIno quaglIatI b. Maurina, Paolo Orsi e la formazione della collezione numismatica del Museo
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Population Genomics, 2018
International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR), 2024
Ηπειρωτικό Ημερολόγιο, 2019
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2010
Qué pasa con el estudio de los medios. Diálogo con las Ciencias Sociales en Iberoamérica., 2011
PloS one, 2017
International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research, 2024
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013
Khulna University Business Review, 2008
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 1995