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Having the most, or least, thorough knowledge about all sides of the negotiating table will make or break the success of the negotiation. Negotiators need to know the value of both sides to know what their side will comfortable accept/settle for and what the other side is likely to offer/counter offer. If either negotiator knows more about either side, that negotiator would have a better chance of winning and with more than the other side was willing to comfortably give.
Negotiating communication has created new challenges, as business becomes global, and the distance between the two parties do not allow to negotiate fully -to take full advantage of the bargaining power remotely. The use of innovation can be beneficial not only to support the negotiation process but also in the preparation phase of the negotiations. In order to properly prepare for negotiations is need to form an effective negotiating team whose analytical work and skills could help to achieve the highest outcome of the negotiations. This is particularly important in the preparation and in the course of intercultural negotiations, which require an understanding of other cultures, other languages, possession of legal knowledge, knowledge of the negotiation context, etc. In preparation for the negotiation phase is needed to know the best way possible about the other side of the negotiation. Knowing the technical communication capabilities of other negotiation side it is possible to prepare effective negotiation support tools. Negotiation's success often depends on the effectiveness of the preparation -the better it will be known the other side of the negotiation and negotiation context, the better results will be achieved. In this article is made the analysis of global scientific literature in international business negotiations innovations. As well there is examined the preparation of business negotiations and considered the formation of negotiating teams. In the conclusions the author provides suggestions for further negotiations research.
Negotiation Journal, 2006
An increasing number of Western firms are negotiating agreements with business partners in Asia and must achieve business-critical results while building and protecting relationships. In this article, we review the literature regarding negotiation norms and approaches in Japan, China, and Korea. Drawing on structured interviews with experienced business executives at Hewlett–Packard, a U.S. corporation with a substantial presence in these countries, we highlight ways in which cross-cultural difficulties can arise in negotiations between American organizations and their Eastern counterparts. We note similarities and differences across these cultures and propose an expanded prescriptive model on how to adapt and implement a mutual gains approach to negotiation with counterparts who are based in Japan, China, and Korea.
Artificial Intelligence Review, 2008
Automated negotiation systems with software agents representing individuals or organizations and capable of reaching agreements through negotiation are becoming increasingly important and pervasive. Examples, to mention a few, include the industrial trend toward agent-based supply chain management, the business trend toward virtual enterprises, and the pivotal role that electronic commerce is increasingly assuming in many organizations. Artificial intelligence (AI) researchers have paid a great deal of attention to automated negotiation over the past decade and a number of prominent models have been proposed in the literature. These models exhibit fairly different features, make use of a diverse range of concepts, and show performance characteristics that vary significantly depending on the negotiation context. As a consequence, assessing and relating individual research contributions is a difficult task. Currently, there is a need to build a framework to define and characterize the essential features that are necessary to conduct automated negotiation and to compare the usage of key concepts in different publications. Furthermore, the development of such a framework can be an important step to identify the core elements of autonomous negotiating agents, to provide a coherent set of concepts related to automated negotiation, to assess progress in the field, and to highlight new research directions. Accordingly, this paper introduces a generic framework for automated negotiation. It describes, in detail, the components of the framework, assesses the sophistication of the majority of work in the AI literature on these components, and discusses a number of prominent models of negotiation. This paper also highlights some of the major challenges for future automated negotiation research.
… of The 8th International Conference on …, 2009
Negotiation surrounds our day-to-day lives. Research in the field of automated negotiations has suggested the design and use of automated negotiators, on one hand to allow facilita-tion of the negotiation process by human negotiators and, on the other hand to provide ...
Marq. L. Rev., 2003
The world is becoming more interdependent. Governments and diplomats negotiate across cultures every day. Some argue that negotiators are professionals and share the common diplomatic culture, therefore their cultural backgrounds are irrelevant to international negotiation and in result culture has no significant influence on the process. The author argues that culture does matter and it could influence the different negotiation elements: individuals, process, and outcome – the larger the cultural gap between the parties, the larger the cultural influence. To substantiate his argument, the author uses a case-study analysis of the Jordanian-Israeli peace negotiation that led to the 1994 peace treaty. The author conducted eight semi-structured interviews with negotiators from the two countries who actively participated in the negotiation – including the heads of the two delegations. From this work, the author concludes that culture in the Jordanian-Israeli negotiation was manifested, and influenced the negotiators, the process, and the outcome in six different ways – culture was an enabler.
Throughout its rule in the Eastern Black Sea region, the Komnenos dynasty tried to maintain its existence by establishing relationships with the Christian world mainly with Byzantium and Papacy as well as with the surrounding Turkish beyliks (principalities) and Mongolians. Their aim to take over the throne as the heir of Byzantium shaped their relationships with Constantinople, while their commercial relationships with the Genoese and Venetians were the bases of their relationships with the Catholic world. The Kingdom of Georgia, after its support to the Komnenos dynasty to establish sovereignty in the region, was their natural ally in the eastern border of the Komnenos kingdom. On the other hand, the Kipchaks that immigrated from Georgia to Trabzon and its vicinity were more privileged than other Christian elements due to their settlement in the area and their support to the Komnenos.
Biomedical journal of scientific & technical research, 2023
This work offers a critical review of the ontological question regarding the origins and nature of consciousness. In the attempt to resolve the structure/agency problematic of the social sciences, Paul C. Mocombe offers his consciousness field theory and phenomenological structuralism in response to structuration theory. This work critically assesses Mocombe's consciousness field theory within the larger body of contemporary ontological debates regarding the nature, origin, and constitution of consciousness, especially human consciousness.
Este cuadernillo contiene las preguntas para cada una de las 10 series. Al iniciar cada una, se encuentra las instrucciones y unos ejemplos ya resueltos. Léanlos con atención. La forma de contestar la encuesta es: anotando la respuesta que consideren correcta para cada pregunta en el CUADRO CORRESPONDIENTE DE LA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS. Si tienen alguna duda, indíquelo en ese momento. NO ESCRIBA NADA EN ESE CUADERNILLO. Una vez que se diga COMIENCEN, inicien su actividad, al finalizar espere. NO VUELVA LA HOJA HASTA QUE SE LO INDIQUEN.
Hypermedia Magazine, 2024
De Gruyter eBooks, 1987
Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas, 2018
Applied Sciences
Tibetan Studies Journal , 2024
Annals of Oncology, 2018
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 2005
Bulgarian Comparative Education Society, 2020