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2009, Filomat
7 pages
1 file
Let G be a simple graph with n vertices and m edges. Let edges of G be given an arbitrary orientation, and let Q be the vertex-edge incidence matrix of such oriented graph. The oriented incidence energy of G is then the sum of singular values of Q. We show that for any n ∈ N , there exists a set of n graphs with O(n) vertices having equal oriented incidence energy.
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2014
The incidence matrix I(G) of G is the n × m matrix whose (i, j)-entry is 1 if v i is incident to e j and 0 otherwise. The incidence energy IE of G is the sum of the singular values of I(G). In this paper we give lower and upper bounds for IE in terms of n, m, maximum degree, clique number, independence number, and the first Zagreb index. Moreover, we obtain Nordhaus-Gaddum-type results for IE.
An orientation of a graph G is in-out-proper if any two adjacent vertices have different in-out-degrees, where the in-out-degree of each vertex is equal to the in-degree minus the out-degree of that vertex. The in-out-proper orientation number of a graph G, denoted by ←→χ (G), is minD∈Γ maxv∈V (G) |d ± D(v)|, where Γ is the set of in-out-proper orientations of G and d±D(v) is the in-out-degree of the vertex v in the orientation D. Borowiecki et al. proved that the in-out-proper orientation number is well-defined for any graph G [Inform. Process. Lett., 112(1-2):1–4, 2012]. So we have ←→χ (G) ≤ ∆(G), where ∆(G) is the maximum degree of vertices in G. We conjecture that there exists a constant number c such that for every planar graph G, we have ←→χ (G) ≤ c. Towards this speculation, we show that for every tree T we have ←→χ (T ) ≤ 3 and this bound is sharp. Next, we study the in-out-proper orientation number of subcubic graphs. By using the properties of totally unimodular matrices w...
Match-communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 2020
Let G be a simple undirected graph with n vertices, m edges, adjacency matrix A, largest eigenvalue ρ and nullity κ. The energy of G, E(G) is the sum of its singular values. In this work lower bounds for E(G) in terms of the coefficient of μκ in the expansion of characteristic polynomial, p(μ) = det (μI −A) are obtained. In particular one of the bounds generalizes a lower bound obtained by K. Das, S. A. Mojallal and I. Gutman in 2013 to the case of graphs with given nullity. The bipartite case is also studied obtaining in this case, a sufficient condition to improve the spectral lower bound 2ρ. Considering an increasing sequence convergent to ρ a convergent increasing sequence of lower bounds for the energy of G is constructed.
Open Mathematics, 2020
Given any digraph D, its non-negative spectrum (or N-spectrum, shortly) consists of the eigenvalues of the matrix AA T , where A is the adjacency matrix of D. In this study, we relate the classical spectrum of undirected graphs to the N-spectrum of their oriented counterparts, permitting us to derive spectral bounds. Moreover, we study the spectral effects caused by certain modifications of a given digraph.
Procedia Computer Science
An orientation D of a graph G is a digraph obtained from G by replacing each edge by exactly one of the two possible arcs with the same ends. An orientation D of a graph G is a k-orientation if the in-degree of each vertex in D is at most k. An orientation D of G is proper if any two adjacent vertices have different in-degrees in D. The proper orientation number of a graph G, denoted by − → χ (G), is the minimum k such that G has a proper k-orientation. A weighted orientation of a graph G is a pair (D, w), where D is an orientation of G and w is an arc-weighting A(D) → N \ {0}. A semi-proper orientation of G is a weighted orientation (D, w) of G such that for every two adjacent vertices u and v in G, we have that S (D,w) (v) = S (D,w) (u), where S (D,w) (v) is the sum of the weights of the arcs in (D, w) with head v. For a positive integer k, a semi-proper k-orientation (D, w) of a graph G is a semi-proper orientation of G such that max v∈V (G) S (D,w) (v) ≤ k. The semi-proper orientation number of a graph G, denoted by − → χs(G), is the least k such that G has a semi-proper k-orientation. In this work, we first prove that − → χs(G) ∈ {ω(G) − 1, ω(G)} for every split graph G, and that, given a split graph G, deciding whether − → χs(G) = ω(G) − 1 is an NP-complete problem. We also show that, for every k, there exists a (chordal) graph G and a split subgraph H of G such that − → χ (G) ≤ k and − → χ (H) = 2k − 2. In the sequel, we show that, for every n ≥ p(p + 1), − → χs(P p n) = 3 2 p , where P p n is the p th power of the path on n vertices. We investigate further unit interval graphs with no big clique: we show that − → χ (G) ≤ 3 for any unit interval graph G with ω(G) = 3, and present a complete characterization of unit interval graphs with − → χ (G) = ω(G) = 3. Then, we show that deciding whether − → χs(G) = ω(G) can be solved in polynomial time in the class of co-bipartite graphs. Finally, we prove that computing − → χs(G) is FPT when parameterized by the minimum size of a vertex cover in G or by the treewidth of G. We also prove that not only computing − → χs(G), but also − → χ (G), admits a polynomial kernel when parameterized by the neighbourhood diversity plus the value of the solution. These results imply kernels of size 4 O(k 2) and O(2 k k 2), in chordal graphs and split graphs, respectively, for the problem of deciding whether − → χs(G) ≤ k parameterized by k. We also present exponential kernels for computing both − → χ (G) and − → χs(G) parameterized by the value of the solution when G is a cograph. On the other hand, we show that computing − → χs(G) does not admit a polynomial kernel parameterized by the value of the solution when G is a chordal graph, unless NP ⊆ coNP/poly.
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2003
We present characterizations of connected graphsGof ordern≥2for whichh+(G)=n. It is shown that for every two integersnandmwith1≤n−1≤m≤(n2), there exists a connected graphGof ordernand sizemsuch that for each integerkwith2≤k≤n, there exists an orientation ofGwith hull numberG.
Theoretical Computer Science, 2015
An orientation of a graph G is a digraph D obtained from G by replacing each edge by exactly one of the two possible arcs with the same endvertices. For each v ∈ V (G), the indegree of v in D, denoted by d − D (v), is the number of arcs with head v in D. An orientation D of G is proper if d − D (u) = d − D (v), for all uv ∈ E(G). The proper orientation number of a graph G, denoted by − → χ (G), is the minimum of the maximum indegree over all its proper orientations. In this paper, we prove that − → χ (G) ≤ ∆(G) + ∆(G) /2 + 1 if G is a bipartite graph, and − → χ (G) ≤ 4 if G is a tree. It is well-known that − → χ (G) ≤ ∆(G), for every graph G. However, we prove that deciding whether − → χ (G) ≤ ∆(G) − 1 is already an NP-complete problem. We also show that it is NP-complete to decide whether − → χ (G) ≤ 2, for planar subcubic graphs G. Moreover, we prove that it is NP-complete to decide whether − → χ (G) ≤ 3, for planar bipartite graphs G with maximum degree 5.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2007
Given a complex m n matrix A; we index its singular values as 1 (A) 2 (A) ::: and call the value E (A) = 1 (A) + 2 (A) + ::: the energy of A; thereby extending the concept of graph energy, introduced by Gutman. Let 2 m n; A be an m n nonnegative matrix with maximum entry , and kAk 1 n. Extending previous results of Koolen and Moulton for graphs, we prove that
Let G = (V,E) be a simple graph. The energy of G is the sum of absolute values of the eigenvalues of its adjacency matrix A(G). In this paper we consider the edge energy of G (or energy of line of G) which is defined as the absolute values of eigenvalues of edge adjacency matrix of G. We study the edge energy of specific graphs.
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