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Rangka beton portal lengkung Jumlah bentang 3 bentang Panjang bentang tengah 75 m Panjang bentang tepi 35 m Panjang total jembatan 145 m Penampang melintang rangka beton portal lengkung 4. Bahan Struktur Mutu beton : K -350 Kuat tekan beton f c ' = 0.83 * K / 10 = 29.05 MPa Modulus elastik E c = 4700 * √ f c ' = 25332 MPa Angka poisson u = 0.2 Modulus geser G = E c / [2*(1 + u)] = 10555 MPa Koefisien muai panjang untuk beton, ε = 1.0E-05 / ºC Mutu baja : Untuk baja tulangan dengan Ø > 12 mm :
Agents offer a new and exciting way of understanding the world of work. In this paper we describe the development of agent-based simulation models, designed to help to understand the relationship between people management practices and retail performance. We report on the current development of our simulation models which includes new features concerning the evolution of customers over time. To test the features we have conducted a series of experiments dealing with customer pool sizes, standard and noise reduction modes, and the spread of customers' word of mouth. To validate and evaluate our model, we introduce new performance measure specific to retail operations. We show that by varying different parameters in our model we can simulate a range of customer experiences leading to significant differences in performance measures. Ultimately, we are interested in better understanding the impact of changes in staff behavior due to changes in store management practices. Our multi-disciplinary research team draws upon expertise from work psychologists and computer scientists. Despite the fact we are working within a relatively novel and complex domain, it is clear that intelligent agents offer potential for fostering sustainable organizational capabilities in the future.
SAEMC project (South American Emissions, Megacities and Climate) focus in providing more reliable regional emissions and climate change scenarios for South America, as well establishing the basis for operational chemical weather forecast for South American megacities. CCATT-BRAMS (Coupled Chemistry, Aerosol and Tracers Transport model to the Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System) data processing requires a considerable amount of computational power and it's one of the air quality models that is been used in this project. The execution of this model for each megacity can be considered independent, so it's well suitable for running in geographically distributed clusters, using standard Grid-based technology. The main idea of this proposal is to describe a project for a
Intersecciones en antropología, 2006
Journal of Environmental Biology
Six storm periods were monitored from November 2002 to September 2005 at two stations of a receiving pond of the stormwater runoff from a small urban catchment of the city of Santa Fe, Argentina. Weekly samples were taken before and after rain events under different conditions of temperature, pluvial precipitation, and duration of the previous dry period. A sampling station was established at the outlet of the catchment (S1) and another one near the outlet of the receiving pond (S2). Both stations differed significantly in their dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration, temperature, transparency, and zooplankton composition. The concentrations of nutrients and BOD5 values indicated permanently eutrophic condition at both stations. After rainstorms, the concentrations of lead, zinc and suspended solids showed a marked increase. The zooplankton composition at S1 was characterized by the abundance of protozoans (Dexiostoma campylum (Stokes) Didinium nasutum Muller, Plagyopila cf nasuta, and...
The Classical Quarterly (New Series), 2008
El proyecto transform ha sido financiado con el apoyo de la Comisión Europea. Esta publicación es responsabilidad exclusiva de sus autores. La Comisión no es responsable del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida. "7()%"7@)8;%,7$#H8#)(%,E, ($H#)(7,)"8#)#'()%"7@+,I&"1,K(12"&) -XJ --+,!":98#)<7()%"98,9Z#$7&)8()F@)"7$98+ [7()7,'"7,"'9:7,($H#)(7,&9,@78,)"8#)#'()%"98+,<)$(",J+*L&1 5MB -5+,[7()7,"'9:78,($97()%"98,F%@H#)(78+,1%:);)9"#%8Y )"8#)#'()%"98Y,"'9:7,;)@)#7"()7+,4(
Results in Chemistry, 2024
Biogas is obtained from the breakdown of biomass by microorganisms and bacteria in the absence of oxygen. Biogas is considered a renewable source of energy, similar to solar energy and wind energy. Biogas can be produced from biomass or bio-waste; thus, it is environmentally friendly. Biogas is obtained in a suspended monoxide decomposition process by anaerobic bacteria or in a fermentation process of decomposable materials such as agricultural manure, sewage, municipal waste, green waste (gardens and parks), plant material and agricultural products. Biogas is a renewable natural energy source that leaves effective effects on nature and industries. This gas is produced from the decomposition of organic materials, including animal manure, food waste and sewage. Fertilizers and waste produce biogas through anaerobic digestion (ie without the presence of oxygen). Biogas is a mixture of gases generated by decaying biodegradable material without the presence of oxygen. Its main contents are 50–70 % of methane (CH4) by volume, 30–50 % of carbon dioxide (CO2), and traces of other gases, like hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and water vapor (H2O). CO2, H2S, and water vapor content in biogas may affect the performance and life of the energy conversion devices; consequently, their removal before end-use is essential for improving the quality of biogas. This combination is an ideal option for making renewable energy. The most important advantages of biogas (production of energy, reduction of the amount of discarded waste, reduction of pathogens, conversion of waste containing organic matter into high quality fertilizer, protection of vegetation, soil, water, increasing productivity in the field of livestock and agriculture) and It is also one of the disadvantages of biogas (incomplete and small technologies, containing impurities, the effect of temperature on biogas production, unsuitable for urban and dense areas, not affordable). For economical use of biogas, the fermentation process can be carried out under controlled conditions in a relatively simple device called a digestion reservoir. This review summarizes the current state-of-the-art and presents future perspectives related to the anaerobic digestion process for biogas production. Moreover, a historical retrospective of biogas sector from the early years of its development till its recent advancements give an outlook of the opportunities that are opening up for process optimization.
Let b = base (a) 14/2 = (b + 4)/2 = 5, so b = 6 (b) 54/4 = (5*b + 4)/4 = b + 3, so 5 * b = 52 -4, and b = 8 (c) (2 *b + 4) + (b + 7) = 4b, so b = 11 1.6 (x -3)(x -6) = x 2 -(6 + 3)x + 6*3 = x 2 -11x + 22 Therefore: 6 + 3 = b + 1m so b = 8 Also, 6*3 = (18) 10 = (22) 8 1.7 68BE = 0110_1000_1011_1110 = 110_100_010_111_110 = (64276) 8 1.8 (a) Results of repeated division by 2 (quotients are followed by remainders): 431 10 = 215(1); 107(1); 53(1); 26(1); 13(0); 6(1) 3(0) 1(1) Answer: 1111_1010 2 = FA 16 (b) Results of repeated division by 16: 431 10 = 26(15); 1(10) (Faster) Answer: FA = 1111_1010 1.9 (a) 10110.0101 2 = 16 + 4 + 2 + .25 + .0625 = 22.3125 (b) 16.5 16 = 16 + 6 + 5*(.0615) = 22.3125 (c) 26.24 8 = 2 * 8 + 6 + 2/8 + 4/64 = 22.3125
SHS web of conferences, 2022
Meta: Journal des traducteurs, 2012
arXiv (Cornell University), 2021
58. Međunarodna smotra folklora Zagreb / International Folklore Festival. UNESCO-ovi kulturni prostori, Šokadijo, lipa i bogata! / UNESCO Cultural Spaces. Beautiful and rich Šokadija! 17. - 21. 7. 2024., Zagreb, Hrvatska / Croatia., 2024
Studies in American Political Development, 2013
Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, 2012
Buletin Agrohorti
Modern Research in Catalysis, 2013
Geology, 2005
Horizontes, 2021
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2005
BMC Public Health, 2021
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2018
Les Etudes Classiques, 2012
International Journal of Quantum Information, 2008