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A review of the 10th Free Linguistics Conference (2016) by James D'Angelo
Treasury of Lives
Sonam Peldren (bsod nam dpal 'dren, 1268-1312 or 1328-1372) was a nomadic woman remembered for miraculous actions and pronouncements, an unusual death, and for claiming to be an emanation of the deity Dorje Phakmo (rdo rje phag mo), despite never having received religious teachings in her lifetime. A nunnery currently affiliated with the Geluk (dge lugs) sect is built upon the reputed site of her death in the village of Ya Nga Chamda (ya nga bya mda’; alternative spelling ya nga lcam mda’). The most extensive source of information about Sonam Peldren is her biography, an unpublished and untitled manuscript composed by her husband, Rinchen Pel (rin chen dpal, c. 14th century).
La scansion cartésienne de l'histoire chez Decartes, Jean-Jacques, Rodinson, Deleuze et Guattari.
El Sistema Internacional de Unidades, abreviado SI, también denominado Sistema Internacional de Medidas, es la forma actual del sistema métrico decimal. El SI también es conocido como sistema métrico.
Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra, por cualquier medio, sin la autorización escrita del editor.
Imagologiya i komparativistika, 2017
Статья посвящается документированнoму восстановлению истории политических, дипломатических и культурных отношений между Неаполитанским королевством и Российской империей с 1777 г., официальной даты установления дипломатических связей, до 1822 г., года смерти герцога Серракаприола, виднейшего представителя Бурбонской семьи при российском дворе в периоды правления Екатерины ІІ, Павла І и Александра І. В исследовании использованы рукописные документы, хранящиеся в Государственном архиве г. Неаполя, в фондах Министерства иностранных дел и семьи Мареска ди Серракаприола. В сведениях и данных об исторических отношениах между двумя государствами рассматриваются жизнь и деятельность первых двух полномочных послов: Муцио да Гаэта, герцога Сан-Никола, и Антонино Мареска, герцога Серракаприола.
SHS Web of Conferences
Due to digital technology, data production has grown exponentially, creating enormous enthusiasm within the scientific community for “big data”. This socio-technical phenomenon gives rise to dualities and conflicting attitudes in sociology: unlimited synchronic numerical data against classical data at risk of expiry, rigorous methodological process as opposed to a stagnation of the protocol. And has put in a vice the research techniques and their associated modes of resonance. In this article, from a consultation of the literature, three fundamental aspects will be subject to explore: the forced adjustment of the domain, the transformations of the methods of data collection, and the models of reasoning about the theory. In the outcome, the vast availability of digital data show how far the digital has invaded sociology by announcing the embarrassment of classical researchers facing big data, the obsolescence of traditional techniques and the change of models reasoning. Moreover, thr...
Journal of Latin American Studies, 2023
In this article, we argue that the speeches and policy documents from the later period of Hugo Chávez's presidency exemplify 'transnational populism', a form of populist discourse that defies the close association between populism and nationalism that frames the scholarly literatures on both populism and Chávez. We explain why Chávez's populism took this distinctive form by reference to the history of international political thought in Latin America and the political context surrounding the creation of the Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América (Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, ALBA). We suggest that while transnational populism may actually amplify the threat that other scholars have argued populist leaders pose to democratic institutions, it also offers an important corrective to how scholars think about the relationship between populism, democracy and international politics, suggesting that international institutions capable of restraining powerful states are essential to stabilising democracies in the Global South.
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Revista Andina de Educación, 2024
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2019
Journal of Computational Mechanics, Power System and Control, 2024
Ahmet Köroğlu, 2012
Global Social Sciences Review, 2019
Tạp chí Khoa học Công nghệ Xây dựng (KHCNXD) - ĐHXD, 2019
Scienza & Politica. Per una storia delle dottrine, 2010
International journal of business and social research, 2013
Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2005
Biomass & Bioenergy, 2020
Salesian journal of humanities and social sciences, 2019
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2005
Journal of Voice, 2010
European Journal of Business and Management Research
Proceedings of the Nineteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, 2015