Student Performance Drives Career: A Case Study

This research uses the marks of the students and their personal, family information and gives a way for the students to predict their future career and make a choice without confusion. The ability of following a performance of a student is very important in education. In present trend everyone need a good career in his/her educational.To overcome some of the problem in choosing the path in which stream to select,we use the classification techniques/data mining prediction algorithm which help for this study and analyze the attributes which is given by the student and produce a result for the future career growth.

Tapan Kumar Das el at. International Journal of Recent Research Aspects ISSN: 2349-7688, Vol. 3, Issue 4, December 2016, pp. 19-22 Student Performance Drives Career: A Case Study Tapan Kumar Das and Asis Kumar Tripathy SITE, VIT University, Vellore-632014, India Abstract-This research uses the marks of the students and their personal, family information and gives a way for the students to predict their future career and make a choice without confusion. The ability of following a performance of a student is very important in education. In present trend everyone need a good career in his/her educational.To overcome some of the problem in choosing the path in which stream to select,we use the classification techniques/data mining prediction algorithm which help for this study and analyze the attributes which is given by the student and produce a result for the future career growth. Keywords—Data Mining, Decision Tree, Classification, Prediction I. INTRODUCTION Data mining concepts have a tremendous methodology and techniques to evaluate and classify with the given data and show the result using clustering/ classification technique. This project uses the marks of the students and their personal, family information and gives a way for the students to predict their future career and make a choice without confusion. The ability of following a performance of a student is very important in education. In present trend everyone need a good career in his/her educational. To overcome some of the problem in choosing the path in which stream to select, we use the classification techniques/data mining prediction algorithm which help for this project and analyse the attributes which is given by the student and produce an result for the future career growth. The application is applicable when the student after completing the class 12 and are in confusion which course to opt for them. It will have great existence in student life by making the students’ task easier by showing them which course to opt for, by taking the personal information, family information and educational information up to 12th class and show the result. II. LITERATURE SURVEY TECHNIQUE TITLE AUTHOR IDEA Performance improvement in education sector using classification and clustering algorithms M.Sukanya, s.Birutha, Pr.S.Karthik, T. Kalaikumar, 2012 Academics performance is a based upon diverse factor like personal, social, etc. It provide valid information from existing student to manage relationship with upcoming students Clustering/ Classification(Bayesian) A study on student data analysis using data mining technique Uma maheswari. K, S.Niraimathi, 2013 Student into grade order in all their education studies and it helps in interview situation. Examine for helping in rank order for the recruitment process Clustering, Classification, Association Rule, Outlier detection Prediction of student academic performance by an application of data mining techniques Survey on Decision Tree Classification algorithms for the evaluation of Student Performance SajadinSembiring, M. Zarlis, DedyHartama, Ramliana S, Elvi Wani,2011 AnjuRathee, Robin Prakash Mathur,2013 This determines whether a student will be an academic genius, a drop out, or an average performer Smooth support Vector machine classification, Kernel K-means This paper tells about different algorthims and evaluated with certain datasets, and made difference between them Classification Algorthim, Decision Tress, ID3, C4.5, CART Application of k-Means clustering algorithm for prediction of students' Academic performance Oyelade O.J, Oladipupo O.O, Obagbuwa I.C To monitor the progression of academic performance of students in higher Insitution for the purpose of making an effective decision by the academic planners. k-Mean, Clustering © 2016 IJRRA All Rights Reserved page-19- Tapan Kumar Das el at. International Journal of Recent Research Aspects ISSN: 2349-7688, Vol. 3, Issue 4, December 2016, pp. 19-22 Mining Educational Data to Analyze Students Performance Brijesh Kumar Baradwaj, Saurabh Pal,2010 To extract knowlodge that describes students performance in end semester examination and helps to identify the dropouts and student who need special attention and allow the teacher to provide approriate advising Decision Tree(Classification), ID3 Algorithm Data Mining approach for predicting student performance EdinOsmanbegovic, MirzaSuljic, 2012 The impact of students sociodemographic varibale, achieved results from high school and from the entrance exam, and attitude towards studying which can have an affect on success were all investigated Decision Tree(Classification) Evaluation of student performance with Data Mining : An Application of ID3 and Cart Algorithms An Analysis of students Performance using Genetic algorithm ManawinSongkroh, Andrea Ko,2010 The process is complies with CRISP- DATA Mining to ensure its completeness and accuracy CART Algorithm, ID3 Algorith, RapidMiner T.Miranda Lakshmi, A. Martin, V.PrasannaVenkatesan, 2013 Genetic algorithm, RGSPAT model Prediction of student performance by using data mining methods for classification Dorina Kabakchieva,2013 Mining Educational Data to Improve Students Performance Mohammed M.AbuTair, AlaaM.El-Halees The genetic process on the natural evolution principles of populations have been fairly successful at solving problems and produce optimized solution from generation to generation. It is implemented at a bulgarian university, aimed at revealing the high potential of data mining applications for university management Collecting the data and preprocessing the data with data mining techinques to extract knowledge and describe its importance in education domain Predicting students performance using ID3 and C4.5 Classification algorithms KalpeshAdhtrao, Aditya Gaykar, AmirajDhawan, RohitJha, VipulHonrao, 2013 Collecting the data of class X and XII marks and rank in entrance examinations and results in the first year of the previous batch of student. They predicted the general and individual perfromance of freshly admitted students in future examination ID3, C4.5, HTML, CSS, PHP, Code Igniter Framework, MySQL, Rapid =Miner Identification of potential student academic ability using comparison algorithm k-Means and farthest first AthanasiaO.P.Dewi, WirantoH.Utomo, Sri Yulianto J.P, 2013 How to measure the potential of students academic skills by using the parameter values and the area by using clustering analysis comparing two algorithskmeans and farthest first algorithm WekaDatamining application, K-Means, Farthest First III. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Algorithm for Student Performance drives career Step I: Connect to data base Step II: Take phone number as input © 2016 IJRRA All Rights Reserved CRISP-DM, Decision Tree, Weka Tool, OneR classifier classification, Association rules, clustering, Outlier Detection Step III: Retrieve marks for Math, Phy, Chem, Biology from Class 12 data base where ph no is same as input Step IV: Add all the marks Step V: Retrieve marks for Math, Phy, Chem, Biology from Mean data base Step VI: Now add all the marks received from Mean data base and validate the result page-20- Tapan Kumar Das el at. International Journal of Recent Research Aspects ISSN: 2349-7688, Vol. 3, Issue 4, December 2016, pp. 19-22 Step V: If the total mark of the student is less than the total mark of mean data base Step VI: Then display that student name as a poor performer Step VII: End of algorithm V. SNAPSHOTS Naïve Bayes Algorithm IV. DETAILED MODULES Actual predicted calculation and pruned tree Module Thismodulecalculatesbytaking the arfffileandbyusingnaveBayesitgivesoutputasactualandpredict edcombined with the pruned tree J48. Weka Tool Module The Weka Tool module load the arff file and preprocessed and by selecting the classify technique as Nave Bayes shows the output as Mean values. Mean Value Storing Module The Mean Value Storing module stores the Weka tool result and separates the mean values and store in mean excel file and that mean excel file values is stored in database. Signup Module This module signing up for an account to be created so the information will be stored inside the database. The inputs are like name, email-id, phone number, etc. Login Module This module takes the roll number as user name and password, so when the user gives input it will be validated and send to main page. Edit Information (Personal, Family, Educational) Module This module take input from the user and validates with normal with the html, php code and save inside the database. View Information (Personal, Family, Educational) Module This module takes phone number or roll number to retrieve the information from the database and show in html page. Career after 12th class Module This module takes input as phone number and checks theuserinformationmarkswiththemeanvaluewhichiscalculate dfromserversideand retrieve the branches from the database and show in html page. © 2016 IJRRA All Rights Reserved Weka Tool & MySQL Database User Interface page-21- Tapan Kumar Das el at. International Journal of Recent Research Aspects ISSN: 2349-7688, Vol. 3, Issue 4, December 2016, pp. 19-22 [4]. [5]. [6]. [7]. VI. CONCLUSION The application takes personal, family, educational information from student which is logging in the existing system and will be a great strength for the system. The user now really finds the easiest way to find which branches to be chosen with the help of this application, viewing information and the predicted branches which the student is need to take is present. In this way the application could succeed in reaching the goals which leads to an efficient and proper output. [8]. [9]. REFERENCES [1]. Robin Prakash MathurAnjuRathee. Survey on decision tree classification algorithms for the evaluation of student performance. International Journal of Computers and Technology, 4:244–247, Mar-13. [2]. Sri Yulianto J.P AthanasiaO.P.Dewi, WirantoH.Utomo. Identification of potential student academic ability using comparison algorithm k-means and farthest first. International Journal of Computer Applications, 63:18–26, Feb-13. [3]. Saurabh Pal Brijesh Kumar Baradwaj. Mining educational data to analyze students performance. © 2016 IJRRA All Rights Reserved [10]. [11]. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2:63–69, 2011. 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