Why the BA of EL is the Bible’s “Living Soul of God” and Why and the KA of RA is the
Koran’s “Vital Spark of God” and Why Both Are Specific Words in the Proto-human Language
Game That Explain the Origins of the Trinity, the Unified Godhead, and the Beginning of
It is the 21st century and academia has still not resolved the basic questions of science.
We submit that the language games of science, philosophy and religion need be redesigned, so
that we are all speaking the same language. 13k Theory provides a comprehensive explanation
of human development and the ecology of the physical world, without resorting to the concept of
God; a new paradigm for the 21st century. From the Age of Reason through the Enlightenment,
philosophy and science have struggled to explain the natural world. The problem with both
disciplines continues to be the God Paradigm. Rene Descartes said, “Philosophy is like a tree, of
which Metaphysics is the root, Physics the trunk, and all the other sciences the branches that
grow out of this trunk.”2 This is simply not true. Physics and metaphysics do not mix. When
philosophy involves itself with the wonders of what might be, it leaves the physical world behind
and ventures into religion. Religion develops first in the human mind, followed after millennia
by philosophy, and much later science. People have been looking at the problem all wrong.
Stop looking back into time trying to figure out how we got here, and start at the beginning to
expurgate yourself from the current paradigm by removing religion from any consideration by
science or philosophy.
There have been six great extinction level events on this planet, but science and
philosophy only acknowledge five of them, with the sixth excluded from consideration, largely
because of religion. The sixth extinction level event occurred within the memory of humanity,
remembered through the oral tradition of the people, including both the Bible and the Koran. All
human oral tradition was created for the sole purpose of memorializing the 13k extinction level
event. In time the meaning is lost, certainly by the time writing is invented and used to preserve
the oral tradition in the written word. The current paradigm of science has been overly
influenced by religion, preventing an understanding of the physical world that makes any sense.
Words that can be defined make sense; words that cannot be defined make nonsense. The Tree
of Enlightenment has been poisoned by the roots of religion; its fruit is corrupt. In a court of
law, evidence is considered tainted, if it was discovered through unconstitutional means. All
evidence derived from the original corruption of human rights, must be excluded from
consideration by the trier of fact, as “fruit of the poisonous tree.” It is that tree we wish to fell,
its planks used to build a wall between the two principals of reality.
There are two states of the human condition; that which is known, and that which is not
known. That which is known may be called, Life; that which is unknown is named Death.3 As
Wittgenstein notes, “the aim of philosophy is to erect a wall at the point where language stops
anyway.”4 Having toppled the Tree of Enlightenment, its wood building the wall at the limits of
language. Words used to describe the physical world, must be capable of definition. Defined
words used in sentences, provide both context and grammar, forming language suitable for both
science and philosophy. Only language subject to a unified definition of meaning may be used
in this language game. Every sentence must be parsed, defined, and reconstituted without any
belief of religion and all religious beliefs should be purged into the metaphysical world.
Burdened by religion to this day, philosophy and science are manipulated to support or vanquish
theories about the environment, either for or against global warming and climate change.
Religion is a subject that cannot be agreed upon for any coherent definition of the concept of
God; therefore, to include God in any discussion of the physical world, corrupts the meaning of
the words used by imbuing them with metaphysical belief incapable of definition. YHWH is an
acronym for “I am that I am,” which by its very nature is incapable of definition. When God is
inserted into any discussion of the physical world, language becomes nonsense. Science and
philosophy use methodologies capable of distilling information about the natural world. The
flaw in both disciplines is their misguided attempt to explain the natural world, while caught in
the God Paradigm. The God Paradigm needs to be identified as “fruit of the poisonous tree,” and
then religious belief must be purged from any influence over explanations of the physical world.
Religion is a divisive, irrational, dangerous, human phenomenon that should have no
place at the secular table of human understanding in the 21st century. It is what Wittgenstein
means when he states, “What can be said at all can be said clearly, and what we cannot talk
about we must pass over in silence.”5 In the next paradigm, there is no principal upon which any
theory of the natural world needs depend that cannot be explained within the confines of the
physical world. There is no need to harmonize the physical world with the metaphysical world.
There have been six great extinction level events.6 The current paradigm of science only
recognizes five, because of religious antimony. A handful of nineteenth century English Royal
Academy members, excluded the sixth mass extinction level event, not because evidence did not
point to it, but because acknowledging that evidence would too closely identify the extinction
level event as an Act of God. Science feared that the 13k extinction event as justification for
Creationism. However, in this language game, because we have, by definition, excluded the
entire field of religion as a relevant factor in explanation of the natural world, we need not
exclude the facts that now prove the existence of the 13k event beyond a preponderance of the
evidence. The 13k extinction level event occurred within the memory of modern man. There is
a wealth, a treasure, a cornucopia of raw information overripe for mining the details and facts of
the event, as described by those who witnessed it. Those oral traditions must be considered
firsthand accounts of the catastrophic event, which nearly destroyed the planet and all life
thereon thirteen thousand years ago. Divorce your belief system and purge any notion that an
intelligent design is functioning in this universe or any of the multi-verses there may be. Space
is chaos at a macro level.7 Space is a dangerous place, so much so, that science accepts the five
epic catastrophic events as facts of natural history. There are scores of academic theories that
make little sense, when viewed in terms of the existing paradigm governing the current science
of the natural world. Migration theory can explain the passage of land animals from Asia to
North America via the Bering Strait, but they cannot explain how plains grazing herds arrived at
the interior of North America some 130,000 years ago, failing to explain how the herds cross
some of the steepest mountain ranges on the continent? The answer under 13k is that the
mountains were not there 130,000 years ago when the plains herds entered the continent. No one
can explain why the Moon engages in apogee and perigee, only that the phenomena exist.
Everyone is familiar with the “man in the moon,” however, no one has ever been able to
adequately explain why the Moon’s surface is scorched, or why the area of the Moon that has
been scorched, has so few impact craters?
The damage was only caused thirteen thousand years ago by a second moon as it
“jumped” over the silver moon, scorching the mark of Cain on the surface creating what we call
the “Man in the Moon.”8 The lack of asteroid, comet, or meteorite strikes is due to the recency
of the 13k event.
Plate tectonics theorizes that continental drift is the cause of the stony
mountain ranges of the world, being pushed up when continents collide. Parts of Pangea smash
into one another, driven by the ocean floor as it moves by the process of subduction. However,
plate tectonics cannot answer the anomaly of why there is a mountain range that cuts across
Antarctica, separating the continent between east and west?9 If the current paradigm of
continental drift/plate tectonics is to account for mountain chains, then how did the
Transantarctic Mountains manifest? The theory should hold that at one time it was caught
between two other landmasses exerting pressure on the continent to create the thrust necessary to
squeeze stone out of the ground. The answer under 13k is that mountains were not created by
continental drift, but by a single catastrophic event occurring thirteen thousand years ago. 13k
resolves the Transantarctic Mountains anomaly as an except to the rule. The assumption that
plate tectonics are alone responsible for the stony mountain ranges is fruit of the poisonous tree.
Only with acknowledgement of the 13k event does the partial theory of plate tectonics make any
The language game is our attempt to building a human understanding of the world in
which we live, beholden to no drogulus for our survival or salvation.10 We find Wittgenstein’s
obsession over George Frasier’s Golden Bough of great import. After Frasier released his
Golden Bough, Wittgenstein took exception to Frasier’s conceptualization of mythology, stating,
“Frazer's account of the magical and religious views of mankind is unsatisfactory; it makes these
views look like errors.”11 However, notwithstanding Frasier’s characterization of myth,
Wittgenstein is correct in his view that mythology does not satisfactorily account for either
magic or religion. Both magic and religion are subcategories of human myth. It is our desire to
elevate human myth, by separating the oral tradition, from later admixture, and reforming its
position in the hierarchy of human storytelling. Myth as a subcategory of human history and oral
tradition should be thought of as Human Oral History. Myth should bow to no religion. Human
Oral History has been relegated to the backwater of mythology far too long. Mythology should
be a word, abandoned in the new paradigm, as a concept beyond satisfactory definition, such that
it borders on metaphysics. However, it does not belong to, or in the world of metaphysics,
because it should not be seen as human fantasy, but as human fact.
“To convince someone of
the truth, it is not enough to state it, but rather one must find the path from error to truth.”12 Our
language game is but one path from error to truth, and we are taking oral tradition with us into
the future. The concept of human oral tradition should now be defined as Human Oral History,
exorcising it from the nebulous world of religion, and giving it a rightful place in the realm of the
physical sciences. The mathematician/philosopher, George Boole once said, “Probability is
expectation founded upon partial knowledge. A perfect acquaintance with all the circumstances
affecting the occurrence of an event would change expectation into certainty, and leave neither
nether room nor demand for a theory of probabilities.”13 We believe that the reliance of science
on Bayesian probabilities is only justified in absence of the correct answer. Therefore, when
overwhelming evidence is properly understood, and a correct answer is agreed upon, the need for
theories based on probabilities also expires.
Having purged the scourge of religion as it applies to the physical world, and resurrecting
the field of study, hereinafter, Human Oral History, from the grip of religion, we lay the
foundation for the new paradigm of science, fit for the 21st century. Science without religion is a
divorce long overdue. Having expurgated science from religion, we are free to move on to the
crux of the matter. Due to the omnipresent twins of global warming and aridification of the
planet, the species inflation of humans has placed the planet on a precarious precipice of
unsustainability. We believe the new paradigm for science, must logically include the
underlying principle that 13k years before present, an event occurred, which wiped out all
megafauna in North America and froze the remaining megafauna in Siberia, when the Earth was
knocked off its axis by 23 degrees. As noted in our paper, “13k Theory, the Six Days of
Creation,” a black mat of carbon debris covers the North American Continent, well into Mexico,
charred by a firestorm larger than any previous impact event ever to occur on this planet.14
Science has recently acknowledged that air-blast explosions can potentially be far greater energy
release than ever previously suspected.15 While North America moved south, Siberia moved
north. This is the reason for so many “finds” of extant Pleistocene animals; they were flash
frozen where they stood on the day of the 13k event.
What caused that event is open to debate. We reject the notion that the event was an
encounter with an asteroid, meteorite, or comet. Had the impact been due to one of those
stalwart options, the “impact” would have resulted in a crater. The planet would have absorbed
the impact, as it had done in each of the prior five extinction level events. While destructive
enough to cause an extinction level event on the planet, none of the prior five extinction level
events, damaged the Earth’s core. The 13k event damaged Earth’s iron core over North
America.16 Why should we doubt oral tradition, when all aboriginal peoples have a flood myth
that a global flood occurred? Religion has obfuscated Human Oral History. Religion has
blinded humanity for thirteen thousand years. The survivors of the 13k event collectively fell
down the rabbit hole, after the shock and trauma experienced by all. Once down the hole,
animism morphs into religion and the story of the 13k event is transliterated from a literal
recounting of the catastrophe into the sacred texts containing God’s very Word. We need to
climb out of the rabbit hole, reach past the looking glass, and see the world as it is and not as we
want it to be. We agree that the concept of God exists, and we do not seek to alter anyone’s
faith. What should not be carried forward into the 21st century is any concept that “God” created
our world. Until we agree upon what the word of God means, his existence must be relegated to
the metaphysical world. Having said that, it does not mean we are through with our discussion
of God, it only means that we reject all definitions of God based upon human belief systems.
God is a construct of human understanding based upon a collective post-traumatic religious
psychosis. Inasmuch as we cannot agree to a definition of God, post-13k, we must address the
concept of God, as it existed pre-13k, to define the word properly.
Prior to 13k, humanity was not “self-conscious.”17 It is only through the process of
catastrophic devastation that the human mind was forced into hearing that inner voice, which
calls out to us from inside our mind saying, “I doubt [the existence of God]; therefore, I think. I
think, therefore I am.”18 The concept of “I” cannot exist prior to 13k. No human would have
thought in terms of themselves, separate from their familial associations. We were all part of the
clan. Human word origins begin pre-13k and they largely involved about 200 or fewer words
that would directly relate to the interrelationship of the familial group. Hence, think MA, for
mother, RA, for father, GOG for grandfather and MAGOG for grandmother. These are the core
words from which all others spring. However, in the beginning, by way of the Bereshis, we are
told, God created the Heavens and the Earth. Therefore, what do we make of the word, “GOD?”
For the Semitic tribes who left the Egyptian Remnant to protect the sanctity of their religious
beliefs, both Hebrew and Arab, we say, 13k theory is the beginning of all Human Oral History
and your Word of God is the story of humanity as it transitioned from the “WE” to the “I” of
today. Since, pre-13k human language was limited to the rudimentary survival necessities of
hunter-gatherers and their interrelationship with other familiar members of the clan, the first
definition of RA, acceptable to this language game is that of “Father.”
Pre-13k, people would have lived in rather small extended family clans, perhaps 20 to 50
individuals, co-existing with other humans, not only as predators, but also as prey, seeking to
avoid carnivores long enough to collect wild berries and roots for survival, with the occasional
meal of meat, should the hunters be successful in finding and killing such food sources.
Language develops as a tool of humanity, communicating the basic needs of survival to their
offspring to ensure the continuation of the species. In the beginning, language is not created to
communicate ideas, doctrines, or any other complex thoughts. Humanity developed the tool of
language no differently than they learned to protect themselves by flaking chert projectile points
for use as spears or arrows. Humans create tools out of necessity. It is only because humans
lived in colder climates that they developed the use of a needle to sew clothing. The need was
survival, which is the sole motivation of early humans. Science proves this out. Humans
develop tools to assist their survival. Homo sapiens sapiens, or thinking wise man, is the
culmination of evolutionary factors, which permitted our species to become that, which we are
today, modern humans.19 How we get there is through adapting to our environment, which
changed at 13k. The extinction level event of 13k forced surviving humans to develop more
complicated tools over time, but “in the beginning” the tools we used were simple, and highly
efficient for protecting our survival as a species.
The fact that humanity did not change its basic weapon design for about two hundred and
forty thousand years, speaks to the consistency of the climate.20 However, something changed at
13k, which transforms the thinking wise person genus of hominid, to adapt greater tools of
human ingenuity in the wake of the 13k catastrophe. It is from this Demarcation Point that
humanity begins its ascent, to becoming the masters of the planet. We can state that the
definition of RA, as used in the proto-Indo-European language (PIE), stands for “Father,” but in
doing so, we now must define the term, “Father.”21 It is easy to define the term “Father” as our
direct male ancestor responsible for 50% of our DNA. However, an acceptable interpretation of
the word “Father” meaning our progenitor, would refer to PA, or Ptah as later developed in
Egyptian religion.22 PA becomes associated with ancestor “Father,” including protector,
provider, parent etc. However, RA is associated with “Father,” primarily in context of the Sun.
The word RA as “Father” included the concept of a “Heavenly Father,” Father in the Sky, the
root of the drogulus that includes thirteen thousand years of admixture tainting what early
humans would have understood the concept of “Father” to mean. RA, the Sun, the Father in
Heaven is the extent of meaning associated with RA the “Father” in this language game.23 RA is
Father Sun, Ma is of course, always, Mother Earth, and Gog and Magog, Grandfather and
Grandmother, are the other two characters that must be addressed. Depending on the oral
tradition used, Grandfather and Grandmother represent two moons that once orbited the Earth.
Professor Noam Chomsky once said, “Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines
everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it's from Neptune.”24
Dear readers, welcome to Neptune. On the last day of the Pleistocene, thirteen thousand years
ago, if you looked up into the sky, you would have seen two moons. One moon would have been
the Silver Moon we all know and love. The other moon would have looked like a red crescent,
or “bull’s horns” due to its orbital illumination by the Sun. The two moons remained in the
Earth’s orbit, since their creation in the giant impact of 2 proto planets. The Silver Moon is a
combination of the Earth’s stony crust, and the stony crust of a binary twin planet that struck the
Earth, stripping off the crust of both planets. The remaining iron core of the binary planet,
Theia, remained in Earth’s orbit on the far side of the Silver Moon. On the first day of the
Holocene the Red Crescent Moon lost its battle to stay in Earth’s orbit, and exploded in an airblast over Michigan, forming the Great Lakes Basin.
This is the sixth great extinction level event for the planet. This theory is not new, but
was relegated to ignominy because of the arrogance of a handful of members of the Royal
Society, who thought the explanation too simple, and too tainted by religion, at the very time
science was attempting to free itself from the strictures of the universal church. Religion should
recuse itself from science. The sacred text of the people should be honored, not as the word of
God, but as Human Oral History. Sacred texts of the people should be honored by science, not
as a religious belief system, but as actual history of humans alive at the time of the most
catastrophic event in human history. The texts are important because they are the words of the
survivors, intent on telling their children the story of what happened to them. It is only because
of admixture and time that the original meaning of the story was lost, emasculated by the written
All megalithic structures on the planet were built to commemorate the 13k event. They
were not built by aliens, or for aliens. They were not constructed to hold grains of wheat, or
bodies of Pharaoh, even if they may have been co-opted for those purposes at a later date. Every
monument on the planet, built before the Common Era was in one way or another constructed to
commemorate the 13k event, even if the original meaning for construction has been lost.25 All
monuments built were built to and for “God.” The anthropomorphism of God occurs, when the
oral tradition of animists is lost to the sacred word of God enshrined in religion. The concept of
God however, is a post-13k construct. The 13k event is explained in both the Bible and Koran;
however, what were once stories told to our children to memorialize what happened, became
intricately involved in the transition from unrealized humans, to self-realized humans, from
animism to religion, and from hunter/gatherers to farmers. It is during this catalytic change to
the planet, that the Earth is transformed, the climate ruined, and the seasons begin. Humans
morph from clever hominids to modern man in the short span of thirteen thousand years.
The image to the left is a
representation of the damage done to
the planet Earth at the 13k event.
The Earth is knocked off its axis of
rotation by 23.44 degrees, moving
the magnetic north pole. This
phenomena is referred to as Axial
Precession, was caused by 13k and
is responsible for the seasons, which
occur to this day.
The reason humans believe in God, is because they lived through an extinction level
event that nearly destroyed the planet and all life on the planet. The stress associated with the
destruction of life, the carnage of catastrophe, left the survivors in shock. The shock
experienced, transforms the human mind into the self-realization of identity, philosophized by
Rene Descartes in the Enlightenment, but beginning at 13k. The post-trauma shock in humans
created a religious psychosis. Religion is essentially a psychosis created by humanity’s posttraumatic shock at seeing most living things on the planet destroyed. Humanity was plunged into
another “Ice Age” called the Younger Dryas that lasted about one thousand three hundred years.
During the Younger Dryas, remnant populations of humans grouped together for succor and
support. There were remnant communities across the planet, likely over 1200, given the number
of creation stories extant, but the most important and relevant one for the purposes of our
deconstruction of the God Paradigm, was the remnant community in the Egyptian Delta Region.
This community accounted for the remnants of what later became the Semitic peoples. It is only
after the Younger Dryas breaks, and the world begins to warm again that people begin to move
from the protection of communal living, intentionally separating themselves from the population
that remained. Those peoples who stayed, became the Egyptian Civilization. The reason that
two communities left the Egyptian remnant was religion. Therefore, as early as the Younger
Dryas, the transition from animism to religion begins to occur. The oppressive cold of the
Younger Dryas acted as an incubator, hatching religion from the egg of animism.
The words used by post-13k humans also transformed during the harsh years of the
Younger Dryas. Our focus is not so much what the people at the end of the Younger Dryas
believed, but more so, what humans at the beginning of the Younger Dryas meant by their
words. Humans anthropomorphized “God,” from the Sun in the sky to God in Heaven. The Sun,
RA, is the Father in the sky that protects us, provides for us, warms us, and gives us life.
Harran is the home city of “Sin”
the Moon god. The four stele from
Harran, were found as part of the steps of
a mosque. The stele is important because
it shows the Sun and two moons that
formerly orbited the Earth. While some
mistakenly see the Earth, Moon and
Venus, such an assumption is wrong. The
trinity of deities shown on the stele is
unmistaken under 13k Theory. However,
by the time the stele was made, the reason
behind the story was long lost to writing.26
Pre-13k humans would have identified the Sun as the source of life on the planet. The
reason religion has a “trinity” of Father, Son, and Spirit/Ghost, is because the Father-Sun, RA,
“mates” with the Earth mother, MA, who has two children, the Silver Moon and the Red
Crescent Moon, Cain and Abel. The Father, RA, sacrifices his son, the Red Crescent Moon,
(Cain, Ishmael, Isaac) for his chosen people, so that they may be fruitful and multiply in a world
created for them, allowing humans to become the Apex predator of the planet. There are many
alternative versions to this story, but when assessed over the many different creation stories of
the people, the three through-line characters in this “creation” story are the Sun, the Silver Moon,
and the Red Crescent Moon. At times, the two moons are also identified as the old gods, GOG
and MAGOG, Grandfather and Grandmother, with their children, the Sun, who is RA the Father
in Heaven, and their daughter Mother Earth. The reason the Jews and the Arabs leave the
Egyptian remnant is for religious freedom; to preserve their oral history and prevent the erosion
of their familial identity. How many of the twelve tribes went into the Levant and Canna, versus
to the Arabian Peninsula is unknown, but related tribes they were. They separate from each
other over there understanding of God. The Arabs held the belief of the unified godhead, while
the Hebrews believed in the Trinitarian godhead.
While interpreted differently by Arabs, the symbolism of the Sun and two
moons is also seen in art recently found in the Arabia desert, with the Red
Crescent Moon ultimately becoming the symbol of Islam.
The farther from the air-blast the survivors were, the less wrathful their gods became.
However, for those survivors of the air-blast hunkered down in the Egyptian remnant, disputes
arose to cause the diaspora of the “Children of the Book,” largely over the issue of human child
sacrifice. After 13k, in reaction to catastrophe, people lived in terror that their Father RA, the
life-giving provider of the planet, would again turn wrathful, and destroy the people, just as he
did when he sent the Great Flood to destroy our ancestors. Those who came before, were at one
time held in the favor of God, so what would prevent him from wrathfully destroying God’s
chosen people and wiping out humanity again? After all, he only promised never to destroy
humanity with a Great Flood again. What promise is broken, if the whole world should explode?
If the Father in Heaven sends his second son, the Silver Moon to destroy humanity for their sins,
we are all doomed, so this child must be sacrificed to show God how serious we are in our
obeisance. The sacrifice must be
made according to the ritual of our
forefathers and failure to follow the
ritual will anger God, so if you screw
up, we screw up and all are punished.
This is where religion picks up the
concept of the law of ritual that later
develops into dogma.
Stone-age altar showing bull horns, representative
of the Red Crescent Moon that destroyed the world;
from Çatalhöyük (Photo: Jason Quinlan)27
Sins become defined as anything that will anger God, and subject to the act of
propitiation, the sacrifice of burnt offerings to appease the Sun, so that he does not destroy us
again. The reality of the term Sin is that it was worship of the Moon. The reason it was sinful to
worship the Moon for appeasement and to prevent him from falling to Earth and destroying
mankind is because it is the Sun who ordered the death of the first moon, the Red Crescent Moon
that destroyed the antediluvian world. Worshipping the Moon to ask for forgiveness would be
offensive to Father RA, so sinful worship becomes the transgression of placing another god, the
Silver Moon, before RA, the Sun. This act of heresy could anger the Father and cause RA, to
destroy all of us; so you, the sinner, must be stopped, or you will cause God to be wrathful on the
just, as well as the unjust.
The transition from animism to religion is as long and arduous as the self-realization
imposed on humanity in reaction to catastrophic trauma and thirteen hundred years of physical
and climactic hardship at a survivalist level. However, the progress may be tracked through the
millennia, if you analyze the data available through the Internet. In this language game we have
selected the story of Abraham, to illustrate the process of deconstruction and admixture removal
to return the meaning to the story, long lost because it began to be written down. The word
Abraham is a compound word that refers to God, the Sun, RA. Over time, transliteration
changes the word from a series of phonetic utterances in a proto-language, having a specific,
limited, and defined meaning, to become the name of a man, the father of his nation. In this
language game, if the word cannot be ascertained from context of use or through definition, we
cannot rely upon that word to convey meaning. Wittgenstein was correct in referring to it as
nonsense; it becomes part of the background hum, insignificant white noise always present
somewhere in the background, but never clearly heard. Post-13k it is appropriate to define the
word God as referring to the RA in heaven, our Father in the sky. By the end of the Younger
Dryas, as the Jews set out for the promised land and the Arab’s set out to reclaim Eden in the
land of milk and honey, each people takes their story with them. The Children of the Book
separate as a unified tribe, their dispute over the unified godhead. Their languages and cultural
similarities divorce, with the Arabs preferring their understanding of Allah to that of the Hebrew
Elohim. This period of the Bible/Koran development was later tainted by admixture; however,
the words of both have survived relatively uncorrupted for thirteen thousand years.
The story of Abraham as deconstructed is the story of BA-RA-HAM, as used herein to
mean the Spirit of the Father. The BA was everything that makes an individual unique, similar
to the notion of personality, or soul. This would hold true for both animate and inanimate
objects. HAM is taken as the golden warm, life giving, rays of the Sun, the Father. So BA-RAHAM is the living, life-giving Father of us all. Abraham is the Sun in the sky, that which gives
life to the planet. Within the tradition of Human Oral History, we posit that the intent of the oral
tradition story of Abraham is to render an account of the 13k catastrophic event.
Tzemah Yoreh explains that the Torah may be deconstructed according to the writing style of its
authors. There are two relevant versions of Genesis to focus on, the “J,” or YHWH, text and the
earlier “E” author of the Elohim text.28 In the earliest version of the Elohim narrative, Abraham,
the Father RA, sacrifices one of his two sons. In the Bible, Isaac is the sacrifice, but in the
Koran, Ishmael, the older son, is the sacrificial lamb. The two sons of RA are the Silver Moon
and the Red Crescent Moon.
The photo left is believed to be Babylonian; however, the three objects in the sky always refers to the Sun,
and the two moons, the Red Crescent Moon and the Silver Moon.
Depending on which familial tradition is
followed, either Isaac or Ishmael represents the
Red Crescent Moon, which is sacrificed and made
a burnt offering. Without recounting Professor
Yoreh’s complete theory, sufficed to say the angel of the
Lord that stops the execution of Isaac, is a later addition, imposed in the age of writing. Use of
the word “Lord” or YHWH was added by the “J” text author and is itself a combination of
several distinct versions or additions. What is important for this language game is that in lieu of
the angel stopping Abraham, the sacrifice would have been made and the child killed. In its
earliest oral version, this tradition represents the catastrophic event of 13k. After the tradition
was transformed into religion, the catastrophic event “story,” the meaning of which the ancestors
created the tale to tell, is lost and Abraham is anthropomorphized into a man, while the Sun is
transformed into “God.” After the oral tradition is absorbed into religion, the Heavenly Father,
the metaphysical being who separated the waters, and created the world in six days, completely
replaces the meaning of the oral tradition. It is the Elohim tradition that is earliest, with EL
representing the “power” of God. It is Elohim who creates the world in six days, and it is to
Elohim that Jesus prayed before his life ended. It is Elohim who causes the mountains to rise,
who separates the waters below from the waters above; it is Elohim who stops the Earth from
shaking after six days of horrific loss and destruction. The chosen people of God also survive
the Great Flood, because Elohim warns Noah to construct an ark to save the chosen. As the selfrealization of humans begins to develop, humanity’s conception of God, changes. Elohim is
eventually subsumed into YHWH; he, who cannot be named. The Lord concept is introduced
late, perhaps as late as 750 bce, at or during the time that the “J” manuscript is created. The
concept of “God” changes from the raw power of the creator, to the unnamed drogulus, “I am
that I am,” YHWH. As part of the anthropomorphism of the Sun, “God” is first identified as the
power of creation (essentially, animism) to becomes the power of the unnamed one, because to
name a thing, controls a thing, and “God” cannot be controlled or limited. The covenant
between God and man is most fully realized in the Hebrew story of Passover. When the power
of God (through his sacrificed son), passed over the chosen people, those who made blood
sacrifices and marked their lintels in blood, did so to show Elohim that they were true children of
BA-RA-HAM, and it is the Sun, who allowed them to survive, at the same time destroying the
first born of God’s enemies for their sinful ways. By the time YHWH replaces Elohim, religion
has taken control of the story and added text to the 13k event storyline, deteriorating the meaning
of the original authors with admixture and obfuscating the true meaning of the story.
Both the Bible and the Koran are sacred texts, but not because they are imbued with the
word of God. What they say about this world is more important than what anyone thinks the
documents mean about the drogulus of God. There is a rational, scientific explanation for how
humans developed on this planet and any interpretation dependent on religious belief is deficient
for discussing the meaning of the sacred texts at the time they were made. Ultimately, most
people want to believe in God and so they should. Religion should never be permitted to limit
science, because of anyone’s personal or collective opinion that science might bring the wrath of
the Father down on us. It is the chilling effects of religion that has terrified scientists and
prevented them from seeing the big picture. There is a plethora of seemingly unrelated
information out there that if properly assembled, tells the story of humankind on this planet. It is
only through abandonment of the current paradigm that both religion and science may be purged
of their cross-contamination.
In the new paradigm of 13k Theory, we see humanity as a victim of terror, not because of
a wrathful Destroyer/Creator, but because of an interstellar extraterrestrial encounter of two
planets for the second time in their existence. From Chinese Oral History we learn that the Red
Crescent Moon spent seven hundred years in a deteriorating orbit around the Earth. The death of
the Son of God, be it Isaac, Ishmael, or Jesus Christ, is expressive of the destruction of the Red
Crescent Moon that had been in orbit for the entirety of life on this planet. The “Chi Rho” of the
Greek alphabet is nothing more than the Egyptian KA-RA, the Ka being the vital essence of life,
distinguishing the living from the dead. When the Ka leaves the body, death occurs. So
transliterated into the Greek from the Egyptian, Christ is a combination of letters representing the
living spark of the Sun God. The trinity of the Sun and two moons is anthropomorphized into
the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, or Holy Ghost of God, in the Hebrew tradition, as opposed by
the Arab tradition of the unified godhead; there is no God, but Allah, and Mohammed is his
prophet. Farther from the blast, religion transforms the Vedas, from the story of 13k, the Sun
and two moons, with the Great Flood that destroyed humanity and transforms it into the Hindu
Trimurti, the chief god of which is responsible for creation, BA-RA-MA, Brahma, the red
skinned one, the Red Crescent Moon, the Grandfather, the primeval first God. The original
meaning of the oral tradition embodied in the sacred Vedas is also lost when written. What can
science do about the tales of old? They can start to treat them as serious fields of study. Then
science can start taking the story seriously and cross reference the numerous other fields that
have proven the theory, without any one of them being able to see the big picture or extrapolate
the proper meaning to take from the available facts. It is only through extensive crossreferencing between fields of study will people begin to see the pattern of circumstances, which
changed our world forever. Cross-referencing allows a counter-check for the theory and a valid
form of testing whether a theory fits or how it fits into the new paradigm of science, the 13k
Returning to the Gobekli Tepe site, the religious significance of the site was its use as a
temple of worship and sacrifice, rather than archeoastronomy. Given the location of the site in
Turkey, we cannot contend that Gobekli Tepe was a Jewish site, and therefore dedicated to
animal sacrifice, or if the site was designed for child sacrifice, as adult human sacrifice would be
difficult to support, given the small size of the sacrificial alter. The hearths are remarkably
“baby” sized, but their exact use is not specifically important at this time.
What is interesting to note is the three bulls lining one side of the altar, like sentinels.29
When compared to the ritual explained in Leviticus 8:15 and related texts, (Lev. 9:9; 16:18; 4:18,
34; 5:9 Ex 30:1-10; Hebrews 9:12-15; Psalms 118:27. Revelations 6:9), sacrificial altars were
used by many people of the Levant. The Bible relates that, “Moses slaughtered the bull and took
some of the blood, and with his finger he put it on all the horns of the altar to purify the altar. He
poured out the rest of the blood at the base of the altar. So he consecrated it to make atonement
for it.” We see that the altar of Gobekli Tepe, built thousands of years after the actual event of
13k, was a sacrificial altar adorned with the horns of the bull. Likewise, the Hebrews were using
sacrificial altars adorned with the horns of the bull and wiped the blood on the horns of the bull
as part of the obeisance to YHWH. The reason the symbology of the bull is relevant, is because
it explains the early worship of bull cults and symbology. The horns of the bull are the Red
Crescent Moon; this is why Islam adopted the Red Crescent Moon as its historic symbol, and not
that of the cross, which more appropriately represents the trinity of Sun, the two moons, and
Mother Earth, completing the star points. The Red Crescent Moon is the reason there was early
bull and auroch worship and inclusion in art.30
In the Chinese Oral History we are told of the Three Sovereigns. Yandi, “The Flame
Emperor” also known as the Yan Emperor, or Red Emperor, is the Red Crescent Moon; while
Huangdi, “The Yellow Emperor” is the Sun, and Shennong is the Silver Moon. They battle and
the Yellow Emperor is victorious and the Red Crescent Moon is defeated. The story varies in
many ways with different combinations of mythic emperors including Fuxi and Nuwa, brother
and sister, first of the Three Emperors, being the Red Crescent Moon and the Silver Moon, who
depending on the myth, marry and procreate to repopulate the Earth after the Great Flood.
Wikipedia is filled with variations on the creation story and the Great Flood. Chi-You, is the
Hmong version of the Red Crescent Moon, and later is anthropomorphized as the God of War.
The Epic of Darkness recounts the creator God Pangu who separates the waters and the sky, by
splitting the Heavens and the Earth. In one story, Pangu raises the heavens, to account for the
elevation of the planetary boundary layer, when the lithosphere rose by 29,000 feet after 13k,
when the mountain chains formed.
The Pushpaka Vimana flies in the sky in both Hindu and Sanskrit and is described in the
House of Life as a circle of fire, descending in a group from the sky and shining brighter than the
Sun and extended to the limits of the four supports of heaven until they disappeared to the
South.31 The concept of fire and brimstone raining down on mankind relates to the 13k event.
Brimstone is literally the burning molten iron that showered the land with devastating results.
Some accounts tell of how the iron core was so close to the Earth, that humans were immolated
by the heat. In North America, the Clovis/Gainey people are annihilated in the air-blast with all
of the other megafauna on the continent. The black mat forms over the areas of the world that
were most affected by the catastrophe. The peoples of Europe are wiped into the sea in the
moments following the explosive air-blast, removing the original M haplogroup from the
continent. Humanity need not seek answers in the convoluted and contorted scientific theories of
the last century any longer. Humanity need not fear the wrath of an angry God. What happened
to the planet at 13k was devastating, but the survivors were left with a broken and damaged
world that happened to “create” a window of opportunity for the species inflation of Homo
From the Book of Enoch it is recorded that the Earth tilted on its axis to the present
position of 23.5 degrees off the zero degree axis. This memory is within the common memory of
the people, and cannot be purely coincidental that it should be preserved in Human Oral History,
but the fact is, that is exactly what happened. The Earth is tilted; the North Pole has plunged
23.5 degrees out of alignment from the zero degree axis the Earth rotated on for 4.5 billion years.
As North America is incinerated, it becomes a fertile territory to repopulate the species of
humans that once thrived there. The reason we are the most invasive and dominant species on
the planet, is because the Earth was knocked out
of ecological balance at 13k. The climate that
varied between warm and cold periods was
nonplussed by weather as we know it, since the
atmosphere was so close to the lithosphere, the
planet remained moist for over 500,000,000
million years. The 13k air-blast of the Red
Crescent Moon over Michigan resulted in the creation of the Great Lakes Basin and is equally
responsible for the depth of the antipodal location in the Indian Ocean caused by the recoil of
energy that punched the Earth so hard its own iron core was damaged. Had it been an asteroid,
comet, meteorite, or any other impacting structure it would have hit the Earth in a way that the
impact energy was dissipated by the planet and the climactic stasis of Earth would have
remained unchanged for millions of years.
Pre-13k, the Earth was at ecological balance. The glacial cycles of the planet that had
provided a static environment for millions of years, was forever changed. The 13k extinction
level event created an ongoing extinction debt that has yet to be paid by humanity. Since 13k,
the planet has experienced unchecked aridification and desertification of the land surface, caused
largely by the mountain chains that formed when the Earth absorbed orders of magnitude of
energy released by the 13k event. The deserts of the Earth are caused by the mountains that
interfere with the Jet Steam and redirect precipitation from areas of the planet that were once
fertile lands. The aridification of the planet will leave the Earth as sterile as Mars at some distant
future date. If 20% of the surface land has inalterably become desert in 13k years, then how long
will it be until the planet turns into a desert wasteland? Global “warming” has never been a
problem on the planet as long as the Earth remained in the ecological balance it was in.
Once 13k damages the planet, the moisture which protected the lithosphere for eons was
gone. Water is now distributed from the clouds, not as dew, but as rain. This method of
distributing water over the planet is inefficient and unsustainable. The planet Earth is doomed, it
is only a question of how long before the pent up energy absorbed by the planet, releases in such
a great calamity, that it will make 13k seem like a summer storm. Between earthquakes and
tsunami, the concept of a great flood will be known to billions, as this planet adjusts to the
geologic and ecological changes wrought by 13k.
Even to this day, the “natural” magnetic axis of the
Earth searches to get back to its former location at
zero degrees north, moving ever slowly towards
equilibrium. It is not surprising that humanity
should begin as animist, identifying the Sun in the
sky as Father and life-giver. In this language game,
God is the Sun. The concept of trinity is also spread across the continents of Human Oral
History, meaning the Father, and his two sons, the Red Crescent Moon and the Silver Moon, or
Grandfather and Grandmother Moons, with their children, the Earth and the Sun. This triune
manifestation is the event of 13k, when the Red Crescent Moon fell out of the sky and wiped out
much of the life on Earth. The survivors, victims of post-traumatic stress, universally develop
the psychosis of religion and anthropomorphize God and his two sons into the Father, Son, and
Spirit/Ghost. Make no mistake, in the new paradigm of science, “God,” be he Allah, or Elohim,
or YHWH, or Christ, is the anthropomorphism of the Sun and the two moons that formerly
orbited the Earth.
Humanity need not attribute the 13k event to any intelligent design, deist manifestation,
or wrathful God. Space is a dangerous place. Likely on numerous worlds in the universe, or
multiverse, worlds with intelligent life are forming and being destroyed at all times. How long
this one survives, after the sixth extinction level event of 13k, is unknown. In an insignificant
amount of geological time, this planet has transformed from Mother Earth, capable of preserving
life under any condition, into an erratic, neurotic, crazy woman of a planet, capable of releasing
compressive energy from the brittle continental shelves that will wipe out billions in natural
disasters, even now escalating across the planet. As they say, what goes up must come down.
Humanity can continue in its burnt offerings to an unknowable God, but the discipline of science
must forever bar the door to the religious mind, if for no other reason than human belief systems
are incapable of being contained by language, defined by context, or limited by usage. Religion
is the child of the metaphysical world. There it must end. In the physical world, humanity need
not attribute their “creation” to any Act of God, interstellar aliens with a breeding program, or
any other power, or force exerted with intelligence. The processes of the universe are by
definition, universal. The process of developing life on other planets, likely happens over and
over on millions or billions, out of trillions of worlds. Some intelligent bipedal species may
develop self-realization and self-consciousness through processes that do not involve posttraumatic stress disorders, or religious psychosis on a planetary scale. It has been reported that
Mars may have been impacted or interacted with another planet and the remnants of that
interaction formed the 9 Trojan asteroids, made of olivine, which is only formed under the
greatest of pressure. The most recent theory holds that Mars and another planet collided, ruining
the Martian atmosphere and turning it into a cold lifeless desert planet. That extraterrestrial
interaction resulted in the remnant asteroids that now orbit the Red Planet.32
When the evidence that continues to accrue is fully analyzed and properly interpreted, we
believe that we may learn a great deal about humanity’s past. Human Oral History cannot be
treated as an orphan any longer. Once religion is exorcised from the discipline of science, as
fruit of the poisonous tree, humanity will be on the correct path to discovering our history on this
planet. It should not come as a surprise that the catastrophe, which created our “perfect” world,
was caused by common space interactions, when viewed on the macro scale. Some people will
not care to hear the truth and continue to adhere to their religious beliefs. Those souls will not
change their minds about what they believe no matter who tells them they are wrong. However,
we believe that there is a growing discomfort with the very concept of religion and original sin
that does not sit well with people. However, through a focused analysis of information largely
available to anyone willing to spend some time researching the issue, a pattern emerges, clearly
showing that our planet survived an near fatal catastrophe a mere 13,000 years before the
present. The effects of that catastrophe continue to be felt and the extinction debt continues to
grow beyond humanity’s ability to protect and save itself from the inevitable climactic horrors
that await our future.
If you abandon your preconceived notions of God and religion, a pattern emerges that can
no longer be ignored. Below is an amulet showing what we believe to be the trinity of Sun, the
center disc with rays emanating; the Red Crescent Moon, or the Cow to the left of the Sun and
the Silver Moon, reportedly as a trussed goose, which is also seen in the Temple of Hathor, at the
base of the Dendera Light, as seen below. Notwithstanding what animal is portrayed, the amulet
represents the trinity of the Sun and two moons.
Amulet-(2.70cm wide): Hotep offering table, with
Ox-head, Trussed Goose, Grape Bunch, and Sunshining-with-rays. Rama and one more author Own work. Amulet featuring a gift plate Silver;
(en:Charm bracelet size.). Amulet-(2.70cm wide):
Hotep offering table, with Ox-head, Trussed
Goose, Grape Bunch, and Sun-shining-with-rays.
Sully, Rez-de-chaussée, Matériaux et techniques,
Salle 7; Credit line E 32428;References Louvre.fr;
Source/Photographer Rama Found at Wikipedia 33
In a future paper, we shall discuss the Genesis account and deconstruct the imagery, to
explain where the symbolism comes from, what it references, how animist humans would have
interpreted the story, who presumably compiled the oral traditions, and why. However, in this
work, we feel it important to press our point to demonstrate that any inclusion of the concept of
God within the discipline of science is misplaced. There are two paradigms that currently
control the debate about what happened on this planet. Religion and science have been fighting
over the issue of God forever. One can be defined and explained, the other cannot. The
discipline of science must exclude all traces of religion in its discipline, if humanity is ever to
reach beyond belief and superstition, for a true understanding of the natural world. However, if
any doubt that there once was two moons orbiting the Earth and those celestial bodies with the
Sun are the root of belief in the trinity and that the crescent moon is the symbol of Islam because
of the adaptation of the Red Crescent Moon, which once orbited the planet. If the simplest
explanation is favored in science, then how much simpler for the proofs than to associate the
multiplicity of imagery created solely in memory of the story of 13k. The Jethro Cairn near the
Sea of Galilee is approximately 150 meters long and seven meters high. Buried in the Sea of
Galilee is a cone shaped structure about 70 feet wide at the base and 30 feet wide as it tappers to
a cone. It is made out of basalt and it dwarfs the Great Pyramids, Stonehenge, and Gobekli Tepe.
It may also be the oldest of them all.34
This photo is Jethro Cairn, a large
crescent-shaped stone monument dating to
3050-2650 BC. Image credit: © Google
Earth. The reason it is crescent shaped is
in memory of the Red Crescent Moon that
formerly orbited the planet Earth. The
monument was built to tell the story of 13k,
even if the oral tradition did not carry on
its original meaning. There can be no
mistaking the reason this was constructed.
13k, provides the reason why early modern humans, in transition from hunter/gatherers to
farmers at the end of the Younger Dryas, begin to construct megalithic monuments of
astronomical significance? Early modern humans begin constructing pyramids as monuments to
God, at first understood as RA the Sun and later becoming the Lord, because the Earth was flat
before 13k and mountain chains exist after 13k. While science can debate the merits of plate
tectonics over catastrophism, the failure to acknowledge catastrophism as the cause of our belief
in God and the basis of all religion has blinded humanity to its own past history. Human Oral
History tells the story of 13k, and we do not need to posit any power in the drogulus of God
because it is something that is beyond explanation by its very definition. What science can and
does prove is that the catastrophic event that nearly wiped out humanity was the single most
important incident humanity has ever encountered, and our forefathers left clues that have
survived as long as the oral tradition, but cannot be corrupted by dissemination through the ages.
To suggest that the Jethro Cairn is some territorial claim or property right is wrong.35 The
massive size of monument was intentional. Mountains are recreated across the globe, because
that is where God lives. We know this because mountains did not exist before 13k. We know
this, because that is what Human Oral History tells us. It is not just one reference in one
people’s sacred text, but spread across the planet. From the Mesoamericans comes the Shasta
legend of “How Old Man Created the World,” which reports that “Long long ago, when the
world was so new that even the stars were dark, it was very very flat.”36 Compare this to the
indigenous Australian story of the Rainbow Serpent. According to Wikipedia, Dreamtime (or
The Dreaming or Tjukurrpa or Jukurrpa) stories tell of the great spirits and totems during
creation, in animal and human form that molded the barren and featureless earth. The Rainbow
Serpent came from beneath the ground and created huge ridges, mountains, and gorges as it
pushed upward. The Rainbow Serpent is understood to be of immense proportions and inhabits
deep permanent waterholes] and is in control of life's most precious resource, water. In some
cultures, the Rainbow Serpent is considered to be the ultimate creator of everything in the
The original uploader was Digitaltribes at English Wikipedia - Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons. Australian
Aboriginal rock painting of "The Rainbow Serpent". Photo by: Mark O'Neil www.DigitalTribes.com
To that end, let us discuss the “snake” in human literature. Deciphering the meaning of
symbols is a tricky business, when you are dealing with proto-language. Even now, scholars
heatedly debate the issue of the alphabet and whether the Phoenicians are the progenitors of the
modern alphabet, or whether the alphabet was a development of the proto-Hebrew language,
making the alphabet a derivative of Hebrew.38 Our point being that what everyone thinks
happened in the past, is likely wrong. Unless and until the paradigm changes, and science purges
religion from any consideration, humanity will be on the wrong track. The rails of science, if
greased by religion, will lead future generations astray. The light at the end of the tunnel is not
an indication that science has cleared the tunnel, but indeed is the light of another train, barreling
down on the current paradigm. The crash should destroy the old paradigm, leaving room for this
century and the new understanding that God did not “create” this world for us, but this world is
the product of natural processes that occurs independent of any drogulus
in explanation of how it all began.
The snake as represented at Gobekli Tepe. It is the bolide of the
second moon crashing to Earth, with its tail, the plume stretching across
the sky, which would have been remembered by early modern humans.
Humanity has wasted precious time arguing over syllogisms that
are incomplete and make no sense. Neither science, nor religion has
been able to adequately advance our knowledge and understanding of
this planet. It is time to call for the official divorce of these two
contenders. Heretofore, science shall be the discipline of the physical world, without resort to
metaphysical belief systems, and religion shall be the crown jewel of metaphysics, and lord over
that dimension undisturbed. The image of the snake is the representation of the Red Crescent
Moon. This holds true for the Book of Genesis in the Bible and the Cow in the Koran. The
snake is associated with the second moon, every time a snake appears in the oral tradition. This
includes serpents and dragons from differing cultures from the Chinese culture to that of the
Aztec, to that of the Indigenous Australians and Mesoamericans. The major differences between
all of them, stem not from the admixture and development of cultures, which is a much later
date, but from their distance from ground zero of the 13k event.
Chapter 3 of Genesis introduces us to Adam and Eve and the fall of humankind from
Eden. The serpent entices Eve to eat from the tree of that which is functional and dysfunctional,
if we are to accept the literal translation from the Hebrew.39 The serpent later becomes identified
with Lucifer, the light-bringer, or in popular culture, Lucifer Morningstar. This symbology is
repeated over and over throughout the cultures of humanity. In China, the Chinese Dragon, a
snake-like mythical being, is the embodiment of the 13k event. The dragon generally symbolizes
control over water, rainfall, typhoons and floods.40 The mythology from China includes the
Chinese Dragon fighting over a pearl, suggesting that the pearl represents the Silver Moon,
which of course the dragon being the Red Crescent Moon.
Pictured left is “Dragons Chasing Flaming
Pearl,” from the Qing dynasty. Long Dragons
have three joints (the trinity of Sun and two
moons) and controls the weather. The pearl
likely refers to the Silver Moon. Chinese
Dragons have three “joints” or parts. The
recurring theme of the snake/serpent/dragon
being associated with water/rain and creation
is a through- line in many oral traditions.
The link of dragon/water would be
particularly relevant, since the destruction of
the second moon caused the Great Flood. No
wonder that rain is associated with the Chinese Dragon, since the destruction of the second moon
resulted in the seasons of our planet, the rising of the atmosphere by Pangu, and the phenomena
of rain, all post-13k constructs. Shennong, becomes the god of agriculture and association with
the Yan Emperor, or Flame Emperor, i.e., the Red Crescent Moon, who fights with the Yellow
Emperor, i.e., the Sun, and loses. With Chi You (Chi-Rho?) the myth of the Three Emperors is
complete. Note that Chi You is associated with the bull, likely a bit of admixture between
regional tribes.41
Recall our discussion of the Rainbow Snake, also associated with water. This can be
compared then to the Mesoamerican Zuni legend “The Serpent of the Sea.”42 Here the Serpent of
the Sea is associated with a sacred spring, the “Pool of the Apaches” where a young maiden with
a “peculiar passion for neatness” washed herself in the sacred spring. The Serpent of the Sea
swallows the maiden and the story goes on to speak of sacrifice of the maiden, obeisance to the
Serpent of the Sea, and ends with the admonition, “It was thus in the days of the ancients.
Therefore, the ancients, no less than ourselves, avoided using springs, except for the drinking of
their water, for to this day we hold the flowing springs the most precious things on Earth, and
therefore use them not for any profane purposes whatsoever.”
Among the Mesoamericans, particularly the Aztecs, we have Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered
Serpent, or Plumed Serpent in the Mayan tradition, alternatively known as the Precious Twin of
the god Xolotl, the god of lightening and death and protector of the Sun during his night travels,
i.e., the Silver Moon 43 The 13k event is also told in the Popol Vuh, or Book of the People,
telling the story of the Hero Twins, Xbalanque and Hanahpu, a creation myth involving a Great
Xochicalco Temple Of The Plumed Serpent; Español: Templo de la Serpiente Emplumada en Xochicalco; picture
from Wikipedia, dated 8 June 2008, by Giovani V (CC0 1.0)
From Mesoamerica, we turn back to Egypt and the Egyptian Snake, Apep, the god of
Chaos, another example of the 13k event.45 The Egyptian Snake is the Enemy of Ra. This story
is interesting for the perception of the survivors. The second moon becomes the Enemy of Ra, as
opposed to the son of Ra as noted in the Hebrew tradition.
From Wikipedia: “Tales of Apep's battles against Ra
were elaborated during the New Kingdom.
Storytellers said that every day Apep must lie just
below the horizon. This appropriately made him a
part of the underworld. In some stories Apep waited
for Ra in a western mountain called Bakhu, where
the sun set, and in others Apep lurked just before
dawn, in the Tenth region of the Night. The wide
range of Apep's possible location gained him the title
World Encircler. It was thought that his terrifying
roar would cause the underworld to rumble. Myths
sometimes say that Apep was trapped there, because
he had been the previous chief god overthrown by
Ra, or because he was evil and had been imprisoned. The Coffin Texts imply that Apep used a magical gaze to
overwhelm Ra and his entourage. Ra was assisted by a number of defenders who travelled with him, including Set
and possibly the Eye of Ra. Apep's movements were thought to cause earthquakes, and his battles with Set may have
been meant to explain the origin of thunderstorms. In some accounts, Ra himself defeats Apep in the form of a cat.
The reason modern humans associated the 13k event and the destruction of the Red
Crescent Moon with the snake, is largely because that is what they would have seen fall from the
sky. The iron core of Theia would have melted as it reached temperatures hotter than the Sun.
The brightness of the molten iron would also have been significantly brighter than the Sun.
According to National Geographic, the 2013 air-blast over Russia was 30 times brighter than the
Sun. As quoted in the article, “Russian Meteor's Air Blast Was One for the Record Books” by
Dan Vergano, National Geographic, “Some witnesses reported being burned by the light,” says
Science study co-author Peter Jenniskens of NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field,
California.”46 This is not unfamiliar imagery, with stories in the oral tradition of how the races
were created. The sight of the second moon crashing to earth would have been a story worth
retelling. The effects of the event would have spread across the path of the moon as it rained fire
and brimstone from heaven. While we can draw representations of an air-blast, or an air-burst
projectile burning up in Earth’s orbit, stone-age man would have represented the physical event
as a snake, serpent, flying lizard, or dragon. The 13k event is then memorialized using symbols
which most accurately described the astronomical phenomena people witnessed.
The picture to the left is a 3-D
simulation of the Chelyabinsk
airburst that shows the immense
power of the meteor's air blast, the
strongest to hit Earth in a century,
according to National Geographic.
How much more shocking would
the remnant core of Thea look to
pre-modern man as it streaked
across the sky. Illustration by Andrea
Carvey, Mark Boslough & Brad Carvey
There are two very interesting concepts between the Egyptian myth of the goddess Nut
and Ra, which we find remarkably similar to that of the indigenous Australian peoples concept of
the Rainbow Snake or Rainbow Serpent. The sole reason these two disparate cultures have such
remarkably similar paintings of their god-mythos, is due to the 13k event. It is not because they
were somehow related clans at the beginning of the modern era, but because they were two
separate and distinct cultures, half the planet away from one another creating myths based on the
most impacting and devastating event of human history. For the sake to the discussion let us
look at the two cultural images and compare.
Sarcophagus of Uresh-Nofer, Priest of the
Goddess Mut (XXXth dynasty, 378-341
B.C.) (In the Metropolitan Museum of the
City of New York).
Here, we proffer that the three discs
you see in the body of Nut, is the
trinity of the Sun god and his two
offspring, the Red Crescent Moon
and the Silver Moon.
The implications for the concept of
the trinity of celestial bodies in orbit
around the Earth are repeated
throughout the oral tradition across
the globe. The reason for similarity
is not due to cultural contamination,
but because independently survivors
of the catastrophe witnessed the 13k
event and spent the next 13,000
years talking about it.
Compare this photo of Nut to the pictures of the Nut at the Temple of Hathor at Dendera,
The picture below tells the story of 13k, where Nut, the sky goddess, also known as
the Cow, bends in a crescent around the picture, representing the Red Crescent Moon. Ra, the
Sun with his life giving rays providing for plant and animal, stands to the left, at the womb of
Nut, with the Silver Moon, being literally “kissed” by the Cow, making up the trinity of the story
of creation, and explaining the Mark of Cain, or the Man in the Moon.
In some texts, Nut is not pictured as a woman bent in a crescent shape, as goddess of the
sky, but as a cow. The “Myth of the Heavenly Cow” by Nadine Guilhou tells the story of a
goddess that is related to Mehet-Weret who is named Hathor. Hathor is seen as more
troublesome than Mehet-Weret, because she creates chaos in the human world. The title of
the story of the “Myth of the Heavenly Cow” is also known as “The Destruction of
Mankind” because Hathor was sent to kill the rebels who acted against the sun god Ra and
his plans to rearrange the cosmos. While Hathor is the bloodthirsty warrior cow, focused on
the destruction of humankind, Mehet-Weret is responsible for creating some of the most
basic needs for humankind: sun and water. 48 Professor Guilhou wrote, “The events in the
narrative take place in a mythical time at a moment when the sun god Ra has reached old
age and mankind stirs up rebellion against his rule. Upon the advice of the council of gods,
Ra sends his daughter Hathor, the fiery, protective “Sun Eye,” to kill the rebels. When she
returns in the evening from her slaughterous undertaking, Ra feels pity for humankind and
decides against continuing the massacre. To appease the raging goddess he orders that beer
be mixed with red ochre, so as to make it look like blood, then spread throughout Egypt
during the night. The next morning, the goddess discovers the red liquid and, in her
bloodthirst, drinks it until she is intoxicated. Thereupon she returns appeased to the palace,
leaving the rest of humanity undisturbed. As an alternative solution, the sun god decides to
leave the earth for the sky, which is created for him in the form of the Heavenly Cow, a
manifestation of the sky goddess Nut. Humanity is now left without the presence of the gods
on earth. Subsequently the sun god reorders the cosmos into three layers of existence —the
sky, the earth, and the beyond (duat)—and assigns specific tasks to the gods Geb, Osiris,
and Thoth in this new configuration. 49
The sky goddess Nut depicted as a cow
The image was scanned and uploaded
by w:en:User:King Vegita. - Published
in The Gods of the Egyptians Volume 1
by E. A. Wallis Budge, circa 1904. It is
clearly stated by the British Museum
that Budge's works are out of copyright
and so any republication of his book,
in part or in full is fully allowed. We
are republishing part, a plate from his
book. It is fully within the public
There is a relief at the Hathor Temple which has puzzled scholars for years, called
the Dendera Light.50 We believe this relief represents the path of the second moon as it fell
to Earth. It is stylized, true. It is oddly shaped, true. It is definitely not a light bulb,
although its shape is similar. The object in the center of the “bulb” is a snake that represents
the fall of the Red Crescent Moon, presumably the path of its destruction, but that too is
high stylized.
Below is another example of the right panel of the Dendera Light, with the blue
circle highlighting the repeating pattern of goose alternating with moon, or Sun. In
comparing this motif to that of the
amulet above showing the bull,
Sun, and trussed goose, would
indicate that the ancient Egyptians
equated the goose with the Silver
Notwithstanding the interpretation associated with the “Dendera light,” The
representation of Nut, goddess of the sky, as the Red Crescent Moon, along with the
representation of Hathor as a cow, shows the admixture inherent in the transfer of information
between generations. The only
through-line in all of it is the
presence of symbolism relating
to the Red Crescent Moon, be it
cow, bull, auroch, or otherwise,
horns are, at their root, symbols
of the Red Crescent Moon.
Science must cross the Rubicon and burn the bridge behind it, so that religion never again
undermines the people in their attempt to understand any and all things related to this world. The
spectacles must come off the nose of science and both should go their separate ways. Those who
choose to believe should believe. Those who choose not to believe should feel free to disbelieve
without the oppression of guilt, fostered by dogmatic laws and ancient rituals that have
oppressed humans from understanding their own history far too long. The 21st century must look
forward, never back. The death and destruction that awaits mankind will not be ameliorated by a
metaphysical being. While a belief in a metaphysical God may be comforting, especially in the
wake of the growing destabilization of planet Earth, the future catastrophic horrors must be faced
by humanity alone. In the end, we are on our own. The sooner humanity realizes this, the
sooner people will be able to get past the petty conflicts that separate us, and figure out a way to
preserve our species, before Mother Earth unleashes her wrath, born by the bitter oppression of
God the Sun, when he sacrificed his son, for the sins of humankind.
By Kevin A. Casey and Patrick J. Casey. The opinions contained herein are the personal opinions of the authors
and not intended to represent any opinion other than their own.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Egyptian_concept_of_the_soul. Hence, Ba is the “Living Soul,” while Ka,
is the “Vital Spark” of Life, which leaves the body at Death. The stark contrast between the living soul of Elohim
worshipped by those primarily speaking Hebrew, as opposed to those who speak Arabic, later separate as a tribe into
two groups, with the Arabs worshipping the vital spark of Ra. Ra at this point in the language game is the Sun,
which represents a unified godhead. While humanity was still animist, the Ka of Ra represented God’s death and
resurrection every morn. Eventually the story of 13k, is the oral tradition of the BA of EL, or Bible, and the oral
tradition of the KA of RA, or Koran. During the oral tradition period both the Bible and Koran would have
represented the story of the 13k event. By the time those stories are written down, the original meaning is lost,
primarily because humanity converts, or transforms more so from animist worshippers of the Sun to religious
believers in God. In this language game, while the former may be subject to definition, the latter certainly is not. If
a word cannot be defined and there is no agreement as to its meaning, the word becomes nonsense. It must be
relegated to the realm of the Dead, or metaphysics; the word and its convoluted meaning, but be excluded from
either science or philosophy, in discussion of the physical world.
The aim of philosophy is to erect a wall at the point where language stops anyway. Ch. 9: Philosophy, p. 187.
https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Ludwig_Wittgenstein. Wittgenstein has several related quotes all dealing with the
unknowable name of God. “What do I know about God and the purpose of life? I know that this world exists.”
“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” (5.6). Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss
man schweigen. Translated:” Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.” (7). Without
oversimplification, we are leaving God out of the equation as by definition a phenomena incapable of being named.
The disciplines of science and philosophy have tried differing methods to exclude or minimize the effects of religion
on their proofs. Both like to rely on Bayesian probabilities to evaluate information about the natural world, and then
draw conclusions that are incomplete and incorrect; however probable they may seem. If the basic assumptions
used to calculate the probabilities are corrupted by religious belief, the analysis is corrupt. Both science and
philosophy have failed to explain the natural world. It is the 21st century and there is no agreement as to what the
standard model of science should be. There can be only one correct answer to explain the development of the
human species and the ecological history of this planet. Neither science, nor philosophy should be restricted as
useful tools of humanity with limitation of theories based on mathematical probabilities. In the new paradigm of
the 21st century, Bayesian analysis should be replaced with legal analysis, and the tools of both science and
philosophy be honed, through use of legal reasoning to redefine the method of analyzing information about the
natural world. Our goal is to create a new language game for discussion of the natural world, by excluding the God
Paradigm as “fruit of the poisonous tree” for all evidentiary purposes. Any and all information including or
premised upon the God Paradigm must be excluded, if not wholly abandoned, in order to properly assemble
information that we think self-evident. Religious beliefs blinded by the indefinable notion of God, warp any
analysis or theory. While there is no reason not to believe in God, inclusion of the concept of God taints the
analysis. God cannot be defined and the use of God in a sentence cannot be parsed. This language game is a
philosophical experiment to identify the God Paradigm, isolate the concept of God, and explain why it developed.
Once identified, the God Paradigm must be removed from the discussion of either science or philosophy. The
explanation of the physical world has been available for many years now, the only problem with science and
philosophy to put it all together, is the influence of religion. By transferring the God Paradigm to the realm of the
metaphysical, and excluding the concept of God as a construct of either science or philosophy, humanity should be
able to finally settle on a standard model of the physical world. The Bereshis is Hebrew for “In the Beginning,” and
this is where we must start. Religion developed in the human mind earlier than either philosophy or science.
Science had to scratch and claw its way out of religion since the early days of alchemy. The complicated
relationship between religion and science must end. 13k Theory resolves many of the anomalies currently
burdening the standard model of plate tectonics. 13k Theory also resolves many philosophical and literary
dichotomies without resort to any intelligent design. The limit of a word is the meaning of the word, as used in the
context of the discourse. We can all say the word God, and for every person in the room, a separate and distinct
understanding of what the word God means will immediately be understood by everyone. Your understanding is
different from anyone else’s understanding of what the word means. Humanity has been failed by the collective
efforts of philosophy, science, or religion to explain a cohesive and coherent theory of the natural world. Therefore,
everything is corrupted, so no matter what theory, authority, belief, thought systems, religion, science, philosophy
you believe must be abandoned in favor of a new legal fiction. Hence, we propose that harmonization of the
disciplines is not possible. The limits of science prevent its ability to test for the metaphysical. Humanity has
suffered from the efforts of philosophers to rationalize the natural world within the expectations of religion.
Therefore, as religion is the limiting factor to both, we should adopt the legal fiction that religion and its belief
systems be excluded from explanation of the physical world. Our discussion must begin at the Wu of Nothingness.
This is the point from which a new paradigm must arise, like a phoenix from its own ashes. At this point of
nothingness, we reject all human knowledge, whether scientific, philosophical, or religious. We accept no
definition, or understanding of any word, other than as specifically defined herein, within this specific language
game. No belief may be accepted without first defining what the symbol or sign means. Language must be
understood as a relative late comer as a tool of humanity, and as such, the written word, cannot be relied upon to
understand, the meaning, or original intent of the spoken word. The spoken word, even if purely transliterated word
for word into writing over the millennia, has lost its original meaning. Therefore, we accept the hierarchy of
familial relationship in human understanding to be primary motivation in the creation of language. Language begins
to allow communication within the tribe. Words begin by identifying familial relationships and develop from there.
The oral tradition is the earlier form of human communication. Oral communication likely existed very early in the
development of Homo sapiens sapiens. For several hundred thousand years a proto-language would have been
common to all members of the species. This accounts for the commonality of root words used for identification of
family members. However, just as humans did not change their tool making ways, continuing to flake chert weapon
points for millennia, human language would have developed, but remain in stasis, being no more sophisticated than
was necessary to fill the need at the time, for which the tool was created. This is the way of humans.
Written Language was a tool developed to support the legal fiction of human property rights, so the meaning
attributed to any written word is never absolute, but cultural and local. This is in apposition to Oral Language,
where here we mean the Oral Tradition. As a primary source, we accept the priority of Oral Tradition over writing.
The written version of any Oral Tradition is by the process of transliteration, a corruption of the original meaning.
Therefore, any meaning imbued to any word by any person, is subjective to the person proffering the meaning of a
word. The only method of logic worthy of explaining the natural world must be premised upon a language game
where no meaning of any word is acceptable, unless defined by a unified system of thought. In order to purge the
taint of religion from science, it will be necessary to reject all explanation or interpretation that has come before. In
order to achieve this, we must start from the point of nothingness. Our intent by starting from the point of
nothingness is to create a new Demarcation Point for human understanding that guides future minds. Our standard
of proof is that of the civil law, reasonable minds who accept their proof by a preponderance of evidence. The
evidence that a catastrophic extinction level event occurred thirteen thousand years ago is overwhelming now, even
if the conclusions drawn by from those facts is currently wrong. With further scientific analysis and examination,
the next generation will raise the bar of proof from the civil standard of preponderance of the evidence, to proof
beyond a reasonable doubt. The antimony of science and religion has tainted a correct understanding of the
natural world. A new understanding of how we arrived at this point in time is essential to understand the impact of
global warming. The volatility of our planet is due to an extinction debt, imposed by a catastrophic level event that
almost destroyed the planet, thirteen thousand years before present. An extinction level event occurred that resulted
in the rampant inflation of the Homo sapiens sapiens species. The 13k event is the new Demarcation Point in
science. From Descartes to Wittgenstein, the only constant message of philosophy is doubt. “There are more
things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” The problem with all the disciplines, is
that they each try for too much, crossing the Demarcation Point of each area of learning and trying to make a square
peg fit into a round hole. Humanity should have a credo of human understanding that does not rely upon any
explanation incorporating the metaphysical, regardless of how that field is defined. We turn to philosophy as our
medium of choice to explain the natural world, because the academic model is by its nature, myopic. Their desire to
study the micro blinds them to an understanding of the macro. Religion is the spectacle at the tip of our nose,
interpreting the world we see. Because the paradigm of the current model is so tainted by the notion of religion we
must excise it with legal exactitude. If the God Paradigm becomes the poisonous tree, then our search for the truth,
must exclude any religious belief system. What remains, when understood properly, is a world that is capable of
explanation without the resort to a belief in God. This paper is not intended to preclude any possibility of what may
or may not exist, but unless that which exists, may be subject to physical manifestation or study, we do not accept its
existence within this language game. It is our intent to focus on that, which is physically manifested in this world.
Hence, we do not preclude metaphysics; however, we do not rely upon such, to explain any aspect of the natural
world. To that end, we posit that humanity accept an explanation of the natural world by taking off the glasses of
religion, which sit at the end of the nose of science. We seek the philosophical restructuring of science, without the
blinders imposed by the religion of any individual. It is time to pull the door open and understand that science and
human oral tradition explain the history of humanity, without the assistance of religion. Cognizant that this
language game excludes that which is beyond definition, we must exclude from any human understanding of the
natural world the drogulus, God. God, as the foundation for any concept of intelligent design, creationism, or any
attribution whatsoever, is not subject to a unified definition in anyone’s mind. Therefore, it is not capable of being
the explanation of the natural world. Even though the standard model now posits the Big Bang, there is no proof
that this is not a regular process of the universe. In other words, no one need posit that God “switches on” the Big
Bang, it is simply the process by which matter is recycled in all the multiverses. How that process ends, if one
follows the logic, is for black holes to reclaim the whole of matter and condense it to a weak singularity to start the
process afresh. The new paradigm does not include the existence or the non-existence of God as a principal
construct. God is and always will be a manifestation of the metaphysical, just as souls, spirits, and other drogulus
must be. As Carl Jung was fond of saying, bidden or unbidden, God is present. What we are stating, is that God
does not need be included in any explanation of the physical world, and therefore, we do not posit a place for God at
the table of science, to explain any aspect of the natural world.
“Although the Cretaceous-Tertiary (or K-T) extinction event is the most well-known because it wiped out the
dinosaurs, a series of other mass extinction events has occurred throughout the history of the Earth, some even more
devastating than K-T. Mass extinctions are periods in Earth's history when abnormally large numbers of species die
out simultaneously or within a limited time frame. The most severe occurred at the end of the Permian period when
96% of all species perished. This along with K-T are two of the Big Five mass extinctions, each of which wiped out
at least half of all species. Many smaller scale mass extinctions have occurred, indeed the disappearance of many
animals and plants at the hands of man in prehistoric, historic and modern times will eventually show up in the fossil
record as mass extinctions.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/extinction_events
We propose that ancient oral tradition is not just limited to the sacred texts of humanity, but includes other
mnemonic devices recounting the 13k event, including the nursery rhyme, “Hey diddle diddle, The cat and the
fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon. The little dog laughed, To see such sport, And the dish ran away with the
spoon.” Like an onion, it is time to peel back the layers and deconstruct the poem. The cat is the constellation Leo.
The fiddle is the Lyre constellation. The Sphinx, which dates to about 10k years ago was contemporary, or prior to
Gobeckli Tepe in Turkey, and originally had the head of a lion. It was the Lion of Judah and faced the constellation
of Leo which was visible from about 14k to 10k years ago in Egypt. The Jews were perhaps the first Masons and
built the Sphinx as the Lion of Judah. The 13k event is memorialized in thousands of ways. Science needs to start
looking through Human Oral History to find the evidence that abounds within. It is only after the literary field of
mythology is analyzed and reinterpreted that it will be ripe to stand with oral tradition to form Human Oral History.
Transantarctic Mountains. The Transantarctic Mountains (abbreviated TAM) comprise a mountain range of
uplifted sedimentary rock in Antarctica which extends, with some interruptions, across the continent from Cape
Adare in northern Victoria Land to Coats Land. These mountains divide East Antarctica and West Antarctica.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transantarctic_Mountains. This is an anomaly, which the current paradigm has no
proof to explain. The continent has never been compressed by any other body of land which would result in an
east/west divide by the TAM which travels north to south across the continent. The theory of plate tectonics is only
useful if it accounts for how mountains were formed. Here the theory breaks down and yet no one stops to think the
paradigm that controls the theory of plate tectonics and continental drift is currently wrong. Wittgenstein is correct
when he notes that a man will feel imprisoned in an unlocked room if it never occurs to him to pull instead of push
the door open. He also stated, “Don't get involved in partial problems, but always take flight to where there is a free
view over the whole single great problem.” Cf., Don't get involved in partial problems, but always take flight to
where there is a free view over the whole single great problem, even if this view is still not a clear one.” Journal
entry, (1 November 1914). There it is. The partial theory of plate tectonics has governed scientific thought for the
better part of sixty years, but for all of its promise as an explanation for our natural world, it fails time and time
again, and no one thinks to tell the Emperor he has no clothes. The greater offense is the use of mid-ocean ridges as
the engine or mechanics of plate movement, as it relates to mountain building. This was discovered in the mid-20th
century by the United States Navy. The problem is that this “proof” should have undone the theory, yet the
scientific community touted it as proof of their theory. If so, take a page from T. H. White’s novel, The Once and
Future King, “but don’t they fight each other for the pasture?’ “Dear me, you are a silly,” she said. “There are no
boundaries among the geese. …How can you have boundaries if you fly?” Right so, and as for Wittgenstein, he
encourages us to take flight, even if in the fancy of our own minds, to reach the view wherein the solution to the
whole problem may be seen. A single problem deserves a single solution and that is what 13k Theory provides.
Please note that we make no attempt to convince those august persons whose academic credentials, professional
employment, or personal belief/disbelief preclude them from entertaining the new paradigm, content that the current
world view is correct, God is in his heaven, and all its multiple anomalies, exceptions, and counterintuitive forced
explanations for that, which does not fit into the standard model, is all well on earth. Be forewarned, history will
abandon those supporting the current paradigm. To them we say, in the end your life’s work will be reduced to a
footnote, explaining a school of thought that was once so fashionable that everyone believed it earnestly, but like
the “flat-earth” society, it is no longer believed by anyone. Fear not future luddites, we flat-earthers will grant
succor, in your time of need. God I believe, now help my unbelief. The conspiracy of the ivory tower, is the last
great bastion of medieval knowledge, preserved unadulterated since Martin Luther condemned academia to its
myopic obsession of harmonizing religion and science. The Alchemist Luther, replaced the infallibility of the Pope,
with the infallibility of the written Word of God, as expressed in the synoptic gospels; his “sin” against humanity,
bad alchemy, iron cannot be made into gold. Post Reformation protestant liberalism, grows into the intelligentsia of
the Age of Reason, grandfathers of our current academics; those sad souls wander the Elysian Fields like heroic
asses, fitted with blinders they do not see, forcing their gaze ever forward in whatever direction they are pointed, ad
Drogulus, n. an entity whose presence is unverifiable because it has no physical effects; A.J. Ayer coined this
word spontaneously while describing his “principle of verification” during a 1949 broadcast: Suppose I say,
‘There’s a drogulus over there’ and you say … ‘What’s a drogulus?’ ‘Well,’ I say, ‘I can’t describe what a drogulus
is, because it is not the sort of thing you can see or touch. It has no physical effects of any kind, but it’s a
disembodied being.’ And you say, ‘Well, how am I to tell if it’s there or not?’ and I say, ‘There’s no way of telling.
Everything’s just the same if it’s there or it’s not there. But the fact is it’s there. There’s a drogulus there standing
just behind you.’ Does that make sense? https://www.futilitycloset.com/2012/11/14/in-a-word-397/ ;
Ch. 7 : Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough, p. 119. https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Ludwig_Wittgenstein
Wittgenstein goes on to state, “An entire mythology is stored within our language.” Ch. 7 : Remarks on Frazer's
Golden Bough, p. 133. This is certainly true. The whole point of our exercise is to demonstrate the value of Human
Oral History, which to date has been minimized as oral tradition and mythology. Both words should be abandoned
as historical anachronisms and relegated to the past. The sacred texts and oral traditions of humanity, need to be
elevated to a new field of Human Oral History.
Philosophical Occasions 1912-1951 (1993), Edited by James Carl Klagge and Alfred Nordmann, Chapter 7:
Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough, p. 119.
Boole, George (1854). An Investigation of the Laws of Thought on Which are Founded the Mathematical Theories
of Logic and Probabilities. Macmillan. Reprinted with corrections, Dover Publications, New York, NY, 1958.
(reissued by Cambridge University Press, 2009; ISBN 978-1-108-00153-3).
https://www.academia.edu/s/44c3b9b0a0/13k-theory-the-six-days-of-creation, here we explain our theory of what
happened at 13k in greater depth. The intent of this paper is to discuss the God Paradigm as it should now be seen in
light of the 13k extinction level event.
Science is only now becoming aware of the potential energy released in an air-blast event. The 13k event damaged
the Earth’s core, with antipodal consequences. A future computer modelling of 13k will demonstrate that the
amount of energy needed to cause the type of damage that occurred would exceed any previous estimate of energy
released upon Earth.
Earth’s inner core: Innermost inner core of hemispherical variations? Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
Volume 385, 1 January 2014, Pages 181–189; K.H. Lythgoe, A. Deuss, J.F. Rudge, J.A. Neufeld. Retrieved
February 5, 2016 @ http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X13005888.
See 13k Theory, The Origins of Self-Consciousness, by the authors, available at
The proposition is sometimes given as dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum. This fuller form was penned by the eloquent
French literary critic, Antoine Léonard Thomas, in an award-winning 1765 essay in praise of Descartes, where it
appeared as "Puisque je doute, je pense; puisque je pense, j'existe." In English, this is "Since I doubt, I think; since I
think, I exist"; with rearrangement and compaction, "I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am", or in Latin, "dubito,
ergo cogito, ergo sum".[i] The 1765 work, Éloge de René Descartes,[10] by Antoine Léonard Thomas, was awarded
the 1765 Le Prix De L'académie Française and republished in the 1826 compilation of Descartes's work, Oeuvres de
Descartes[11] by Victor Cousin. The French text is available in more accessible format at Project Gutenberg. The
compilation by Cousin is credited with a revival of interest in Descartes.
The spread of humans and their large and increasing population has had a profound impact on large areas of the
environment and millions of native species worldwide. Advantages that explain this evolutionary success include a
relatively larger brain with a particularly well-developed neocortex, prefrontal cortex and temporal lobes, which
enable high levels of abstract reasoning, language, problem solving, sociality, and culture through social learning.
Humans use tools to a much higher degree than any other animal, are the only extant species known to build fires
and cook their food, and are the only extant species to clothe themselves and create and use numerous other
technologies and arts. Humans are uniquely adept at utilizing systems of symbolic communication (such as
language and art) for self-expression and the exchange of ideas, and for organizing themselves into purposeful
groups. Humans create complex social structures composed of many cooperating and competing groups, from
families and kinship networks to political states. Social interactions between humans have established an extremely
wide variety of values, social norms, and rituals, which together form the basis of human society. Curiosity and the
human desire to understand and influence the environment and to explain and manipulate phenomena (or events) has
provided the foundation for developing science, philosophy, mythology, religion, anthropology, and numerous other
fields of knowledge. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human; see also, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homo_sapiens.
Paradise Lost: Gulf Oasis Was Home to Earliest Humans that Existed Africa – But What Forced them Out? By
Andrew Bold, http://www.ancient-origins.net/human-origins-science/paradise-lost-gulf-oasis-was-home-earliesthumans-existed-africa-what-forced-021390 Professor Bold asserts the Gulf Oasis was occupied for 60,000 years,
which would accord with the understanding that pre-13k the planet’s ecology was stable and self-renewing, because
it was both warmer and wetter, than the warm dry climate that has transformed 20% of the planet’s land mass into
desert within the last thirteen thousand years.
The Rules of Reconstruction: Making our Etymologies More Grounded, by Andrew Miles Byrd, University of
Kentucky, at
Professor Byrd’s website is at https://linguistics.as.uky.edu/users/amby222. There are scores of young academics
willing to reinterpret our understanding of what came before. We encourage the new thinkers, greater in talent and
knowledge that the free thinkers of the prior era; we most earnestly hope that we can all suspend our faith based
beliefs and look at the common concerns of humanity without the blinders imposed by religion for the last thirteen
thousand years.
Taking Animism Seriously, but Perhaps Not Too Seriously? By Rane Willerslev
https://www.academia.edu/27918092/Taking_Animism_Seriously_but_Perhaps_Not_Too_Seriously; see also,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animism; https://www.britannica.com/topic/animism; E. Britannica defines animism
as, Animism, belief in innumerable spiritual beings concerned with human affairs and capable of helping or
harming human interests. Animistic beliefs were first competently surveyed by Sir Edward Burnett Tylor in his
work Primitive Culture (1871), to which is owed the continued currency of the term. While none of the major
world religions are animistic (though they may contain animistic elements), most other religions—e.g., those
of tribal peoples—are. For this reason, an ethnographic understanding of animism, based on field studies of
tribal peoples, is no less important than a theoretical one, concerned with the nature or origin of religion.
Generally accepted fields of knowledge support a finding that animism is a precursor to religion. With this
understanding, we agree animism precedes religion, but argue the defining human characteristic of selfconscience, is the catalyst of transformation from animism to religion. This would account for the vast array
of animistic ethnographies throughout time, which post-13k become the mythologies of the ancients. We find
it unconscionable that science has ignored mythology, abandoning it to the banal analysis of religion that
minimizes this essential and important human oral tradition, qualifying it with pejorative terms such as
paganism, heresy, voo doo, magic, witchcraft, and associating all of it with the evil realm of Satin. Wrong,
wrong, wrong. Mythology should cease to exist as a term in the 21st century. What we are dealing with is not
myth, but fact. So as to not incur the ire of some, we do not propose the field be renamed “Factology,” due to
the admixture of thirteen thousand years of human storytelling. However, “false-facts,” notwithstanding as a
trendy term, we suggest that mythology, oral tradition, and religion be subsumed into the discipline of Human
Oral History, dispensing with any previously associated human understandings, be they faith based or
otherwise. Ancient knowledge was preserved through human oral tradition. We argue that at the moment the
oral tradition is converted to writing, its original meaning is lost. Therefore, writing cannot and should not be
trusted for idiom or meaning of any oral tradition. Philological analysis, incorporating Bayesian probabilities,
might best be suited for reinterpreting human oral tradition, but the rules of construction developed in that
discipline, should include a restriction of any prior explanation or interpretation of meaning. Philology should
start afresh and develop robust forensic standards for the future academic analysis of human oral tradition
divorced from any prior religious interference. Religion can no longer control the dialogue of discourse
between enlightened, reasonable minds. Religion is the ultimate Dutch Book. It is a bet you cannot win.
Even Vegas gives better odds. The key to the fundamental understanding of animism is a lesson on the
Ancient Egyptian notion of soul. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Egyptian_concept_of_the_soul
13k Theory, The Six Days of Creation, by the authors, which may be retrieved at
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sitchin/Adda_Guppi_Harran.htm; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harran
http://www.catalhoyuk.com/. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%87atalh%C3%B6y%C3%BCk
Of course this is a gross oversimplification of Professor Yoreh’s thesis about the various versions of text making
up the Old Testament. Useful for our discussion, Professor Yoreh’s relates the “E” text is known as The Elohistic
Source. This is the kernel of the Pentateuch's narrative, in five story cycles focusing on the early Israelite heroes
Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses and Balaam. This text uses the name “Elohim” exclusively for God. The other
source is the “J” text, which Professor Yoreh described as “J,” The Yahwistic Source, which adapts “E, N, C” for a
Judean, specifically (southern Israel audience and incorporates them into a historiographical account beginning with
the creation and culminating with David. Professor Yoreh’s webpage is at http://www.biblecriticism.com/, in
discussing the theory of Biblical construction.
This picture is from Gobekli Tepe, where hunter/gatherers built a sacred place to worship their God to prevent the
wrathful Destroyer/Creator from destroying humanity a second time.
https://www.thoughtco.com/auroch-1093172 according to the author of the site, “The Auroch is one of the few
prehistoric animals to be commemorated in ancient cave paintings, including a famous drawing from Lascaux in
France dating to about 17,000 years ago. As you might expect, this mighty beast figured on the dinner menu of early
humans, who played a large part in driving the Auroch into extinction (when they weren't domesticating it, thus
creating the line that led to modern cows). However, small, dwindling populations of Aurochs survived well into
modern times, the last known individual dying in 1627. One little-known fact about the Auroch is that it actually
comprised three separate subspecies. The most famous, Bos primigenius primigenius, was native to Eurasia, and is
the animal depicted in the Lascaux cave paintings. The Indian Auroch, Bos primigenius namadicus, was
domesticated a few thousand years ago into what are now known as Zebu cattle, and the North African Auroch (Bos
primigenius africanus) is the most obscure of the three, likely descended from a population native to the Middle
East. One historical description of the Auroch was written by, of all people, Julius Caesar, in his History of the
Gallic War: "These are a little below the elephant in size, and of the appearance, color, and shape of a bull. Their
strength and speed are extraordinary; they spare neither man nor wild beast which they have espied. These the
Germans take with much pains in pits and kill them. The young men harden themselves with this exercise, and
practice themselves in this sort of hunting, and those who have slain the greatest number of them, having produced
the horns in public, to serve as evidence, receive great praise."
http://www.ancient-origins.net/unexplained-phenomena/what-did-ancients-see-unidentified-flying-objects-madeimpact-early-history-021327, What Did the Ancients See? Unidentified Flying Objects that Made an Impact on
Early History by Kerry Sullivan.
THE DEAD PLANET: The wreckage of a mysterious ancient planet is orbiting Mars, astronomers discover. Lost
world may have smashed into the Martian surface, creating a number of asteroids, which are still locked into orbit
around the Red Planet, By Jasper Hamill and Margi Murphy, retrieved at
https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/3411347/the-wreckage-of-a-mysterious-ancient-planet-is-orbiting-mars-astronomersdiscover/. Simply put, if it can happen there, it can happen here. It is time humanity drop the scales from their eyes
and see their own history for what it is. Human Oral History should be reinterpreted from the sacred texts of the
people, without the burden of an undefinable drogulus such as the metaphysical God. When God is used in this
theory, the word will always mean the Sun, the Silver Moon, and the Red Crescent Moon.
http://www.sci-news.com/archaeology/science-jethro-cairn-stone-monument-israel-02151.html Jethro Cairn, a
large crescent-shaped stone monument dating to 3050-2650 BC. Image credit: © Google Earth.
The abstract from the original article by Wachtel, Ido 6.1 Reports Region, “This study focuses on 'Jethro Cairn', a
unique and enigmatic Early Bronze Age (EBA) site located in the upper Galilee, Israel. The main feature of the site
is a monumental lunate-shaped cairn, which was previously interpreted as a fortification of an EBA city. Two
seasons of excavation conducted at the site yielded the basic archaeological and environmental data which helped to
determine the site’s chronology and character. The results of the excavations support the initial EBA date, but negate
the interpretation of main edifice as a fortification. Calculation of the cairn’s volume shows a remarkable investment
in manpower, no less than that found in the well-known Rujum el-Hiri structure. However, there is no actual
evidence for a permanent settlement nearby the cairn. Examination of contemporary sites in the vicinity, and
comparison to other Early Bronze Age fortified sites in northern Israel, often termed 'enclosure sites', helps to situate
the phenomenon of Jethro Cairn in its cultural and social context, emphasizing its unique nature. The proposed
interpretation for the site is that it constituted a prominent landmark in its natural landscape, serving to mark
possession and to assert authority and rights over natural resources by a local rural or pastoral population. See
http://www.sci-news.com/archaeology/science-jethro-cairn-stone-monument-israel-02151.html with link to abstract.
We also speculate that Rujum el-Hiri is slightly off because they incorrectly assume the date is 3000 bce and not
13,000 years before present.
https://www.academia.edu/s/1f7f8ec52b/2017-a-reply-to-alan-millards-response-to-my-hebrew-as-the-languagebehind-the-worlds-first-alphabet. Given the history of 13k and the premise that the spoken word predates writing, it
seems to us that attributing the alphabet to the Phoenicians, may account for the transmission of the alphabet to parts
unknown by way of their trading routes, but as the actual root of the alphabet, it would seem that proto-Hebrew
makes far more sense as the root language for the modern alphabet. The arguments made by Professor Douglas
Petrovich are persuasive in demonstrating that proto-Hebrew is the original source. While unsolicited, we find it
interesting that Dr. Petrovich proposes proto-Hebrew as the genesis of the modern alphabet, which would go far in
explaining why proto-Hebrew script is found in petroglyphs from the American Southwest. Professor James R.
Harris argues for a proto-Canaanite script, when compared to petroglyphs from Old Negev Script. (See “The Name
of God, From the Sinai to the American Southwest, by James R. Harris and assisted by Dann W. Hone, published by
Harris House Publications, 1998. With Dr. Petrovich’s new book proffering proto-Hebrew as the original source of
the modern alphabet, we think he is on the correct path. The 13k event is the single most important event in human
history. All early oral tradition is created for the specific purpose of disclosing the destruction experienced by
humanity and warning future generations of what happened when “God” i.e., the Sun, sacrificed one of his sons, to
create the perfect world for humanity to flourish. This is the true origin of both the Bible and the Koran, both oral
traditions created to memorialize the 13k event.
http://www.mechanical-translation.org/mt/index.html; http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/ahlb/; See. A Mechanical
Translation of the Book of Genesis, by Jeff A. Benner.
According to legend, Chiyou had a bronze head with metal foreheads. He had 4 eyes and 6 arms, wielding
terrible sharp weapons in every hand. In some sources, Chiyou had certain features associated with various
mythological bovines: his head was that of a bull with two horns, although the body was that of a human. He is said
to have been unbelievably fierce, and to have had 81 brothers. Historical sources often described him as 'cruel and
greedy', as well as 'tyrannical'. Some sources have asserted that the figure 81 should rather be associated with 81
clans in his kingdom. Chiyou knows the constellations and the ancient’s spells for calling upon the weather. For
example, he called upon a fog to surround Huangdi and his soldiers during the Battle of Zhuolu.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiyou Note the recurring themes are often mixed over time. The story of the Three
Sovereigns or Three Emperors is the story of the 13k event.
Guilhou, Nadine. “Myth of the Heavenly Cow.” UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology 1, no. 1 (August 12, 2010).
What is most amazing here are the parallels to the Genesis story, even Jacob and Essau, where Hathor is the
second moon. The reason Hathor is the “Heavenly Cow” and the “eye of Ra” is because of 13k, with Hathor
exhibiting the symbol of the second moon, the crescent moon. As noted above, this is also the reason the Sea People
have horns on their helmets. All of this rich iconography is based upon the oral tradition surviving in Egypt of the
13k event. The parallel to Jacob is in the concept of Jacob wrestling with God and thereafter being known as
“Israel,” or “he who struggles with God.” (see Genesis 32:22-32). Note that in both the Bible and in the Myth of the
Heavenly Cow, both Ra and YHWH leave this earth, never to live here again. We believe that this is also why the
Cow is associated with the second moon. This is the basis for early religions worshiping the bull. According to the
Hebrew Bible, prior to a meeting with his brother Esau, the biblical patriarch Jacob wrestles an angel on the shores
of the Jabbok River and is given the name Israel. Throughout the rest of the Torah, Jacob is referred to at times as
both Jacob and Israel. The name "Israel" first appears in the Hebrew Bible in Genesis. It refers to the renaming of
the biblical patriarch Jacob, who, according to the Bible, wrestled with God who gave him a blessing and renamed
him "Israel" because he had "striven with God and with men, and have prevailed". The Hebrew Bible etymologizes
the name as from yisra "to prevail over" or "to struggle/wrestle with", and el, "God, the divine". The name "Israel"
first appears in non-biblical sources c. 1209 BCE, in an inscription of the Egyptian pharaoh Merneptah. The
inscription is very brief and says simply: "Israel is laid waste and his seed is not."
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israelites; See also, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qais_Abdur_Rashid