2011 11th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology
Portland Marriott
August 15-18, 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA
Transport of charge in DNA heterostructures
Jianqing Qi, Md. Golam Rabbani, Suranga Edirisinghe and M. P. Anantram
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract — We study the transmission and conductance in
poly{G}(T)Npoly{G} strand, where G refers to Guanine and T
refers to Thymine. We show that T plays a role as a barrier and
the transmission decreases exponentially with the increasing
number of Ts. We also investigate the transmission and
conductance through superlattices poly{GGTT} and poly{GT}.
Minibands are observed in these structures. The effect of
coupling between DNA molecule and metal contacts is also
(iii) Conformation / distance between base pairs. It has
reached a consensus that π-π stacking is the dominant
element in determining the conducting behaviour of DNA.
Theoretical calculations have confirmed that changes in the
distance and the angle between consecutive bases can cause
variability in conduction channels by influencing the
hybridization between the π orbitals of adjacent bases [11].
In this paper, we consider dry single-stranded DNA
heterostructures of B-configuration. The purpose is to study
charge transport process in DNA by modeling the
conduction in barriers and superlattices constructed of G and
T bases and investigate the possible effect of the DNA
molecule-metal contact coupling. The paper is organized as
follows: we first describe the model and method in Section
II. In this part, the Green’s function formalism is briefly
reviewed. Then, we present and discuss the transmission and
poly{GT} and poly{GGTT} strands in Section III. We also
study the influence of the coupling between a DNA molecule
and metal contacts using a simplified model. The moleculemetal contact coupling is treated as a parameter in this study.
Finally, we make some conclusions in Section IV.
Index Terms – DNA, charge transport.
The intrinsic electrical conductivity of DNA continues to
be of immense interest in both biochemistry [1] and
electrical engineering [2, 3]. The interest in biochemistry
stems from oxidative damage of DNA while the potential to
build devices and electrically sequence biomolecules poses
interesting questions to electrical engineers. However, the
mechanism of charge transport in DNA is still an unresolved
problem. Experimental measurements of conduction in DNA
cover all possible results. Researchers have found that DNA
can either be an insulator [4], a semiconductor [5], an Ohmic
conductor [6] or even an induced superconductor [7].
Theoretical efforts have also been devoted to this area [811]. Many factors contribute to the intrinsic conductivity of
charge transport in DNA, making the study in this field a
challenging problem. Mainly speaking, the intrinsic
conductivity of charge through DNA is determined by:
In this computational work, we generate the coordinates
of atoms in B-DNA strands with nucleic acid builder (NAB)
software package. Since the HOMO and LUMO levels of a
nucleotide primarily lie on the bases, it is believed that the
low bias transport in native DNA occurs along the base pairs
and the backbone does not play a role apart from providing
mechanical stability to the structure. Hence, we replace the
backbones of the structures generated by NAB with
hydrogen atoms. The Hamiltonian and overlap matrices are
calculated with GAUSSIAN09, where the B3LYP exchangecorrelation functional and 6-31 G basis sets have been used.
We consider only the interaction between nearest-neighbor
bases and a block tridiagonal matrix representation of the
Hamiltonian is obtained [9, 14, 15].
(i) Environment. For wet DNA the role of water molecules
is critical in influencing the structure and hence the
electronic properties. A-DNA usually has five to ten water
molecules per base, while for B-DNA more than 13 water
molecules per base are preferred [12]. At different hydration
levels, different local densities of states (DOS) are obtained
[8]. Besides, because the backbone of DNA is negatively
charged in phosphate groups, it is believed that a DNA
molecule is surrounded by cations such as Na+, K+, Mg+ and
H3O+. From previous study, variations in cations’ type [9]
and position [8] can bring different highest occupied
molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular
orbital (LUMO) levels. There have been experimental efforts
to engineer the environment of DNA to mitigate its role on
transport by chemically modifying the backbone [13].
The transmission through the molecule is computed using
the Green’s function approach [16]. In this approach, we
calculate the retarded Green’s function, defined by
Gr (E)
(ii) Sequence. It has been shown that each of the four bases
in DNA, Guanine (G), Adenine (A), Cytosine (C) and
Thymine (T), has a different ionization potential (IP) [10].
As a result, the intrinsic conductance depends on the
978-1-4577-1515-0/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE
ES H ( E ) rR ( E )
for each energy point E. Here H is the device Hamiltonian
matrix, S the overlap matrix and ΣrL(R) the lead (contact) selfenergy (L (R) stands for left (right)). The self-energies
represent connection of the device (here, one unit cell of
We show transmission through poly{G}(T)Npoly{G} at
the energy points around the HOMO levels in terms of
different numbers of Ts in Fig. 1. We find the width of the
conduction channel around HOMO is about 370meV (inset
plot) which agrees with our earlier work. We plot the
transmission versus N at energy E=-5.44eV (red stars and
blue curve). We see that the values of transmission decrease
exponentially with the increasing number of Ts. Thus we
conclude T to be a large barrier. From the fitting equation at
the energy point E=-5.44eV, log10(Transmission)=-1.86N0.24, we find that the addition of each T can cause a
reduction in transmission by approximately 72 times. This
can be understood by considering the difference in HOMO
levels of G and T. In our calculation, the HOMO level of an
isolated G base without the backbone is about -5.69eV,
while the HOMO level of an isolated T base without the
backbone is about -6.63eV. This indicates that for hole
transport T represents a barrier. As the valence band offset
between G and T is approximately 1eV (comparison of IPs
leads to a similar conclusion), we test the possibility of
modeling the transmission through the poly{G}(T)Npoly{G}
by a simple square potential barrier, poly{G}(g)Npoly{G},
where g refers to the modified G whose on-site potential has
been decreased by 1eV. The resulting transmission is
significantly higher and the agreement with the square
potential barrier is poor (magenta circles and green curve in
Fig. 1).
DNA structure) to the leads, which are assumed to be semiinfinite in extent and are repetitions of the same unit cell (for
each lead). The lead unit cell can be the same as the device
DNA unit cell, or it can be unit cell of a metal, such as gold.
In this work, we first focus on the first case and then present
some results for the latter case by roughly approximating the
connection between the DNA molecule and the metal
contacts as a constant value. The self-energies are calculated
using the following equation
rL ( R ) ( E ) H D L ( R ) g Lr ( R ) ( E ) H L ( R ) D
is the retarded surface Green’s function of the
left (right) lead, HD-L(R) is the coupling between the device
and the left (right) lead and HL(R)-D=H+D-L(R). We use an
iterative approach to calculate grL(R). Details of this
calculation can be found in [16]. Next, we calculated the lead
broadening functions given by
L ( R ) ( E ) 2 Im rL ( R ) ( E ) ,
where Im(x) represents the imaginary part of x. For the
calculation of Gr, we use the fast recursive Green’s function
(RGF) algorithm and calculate only the diagonal, first upper
and first lower diagonal blocks of Gr, which are sufficient for
calculating transmission, conductance and density of states
(DOS), the quantities that we are interested in. The
transmission T(E) through the DNA molecule is found from
T ( E ) tr L ( E )G r ( E ) R ( E )G a ( E ) (4)
where the advanced Green’s function Ga is given by
Ga=Gr+. The linear response conductance G(Ef) is given by,
G( E f )
f ( E E f )
dET ( E )
Once the magnitude of T as a barrier was ascertained,
we considered the transmission in the following
superlattices: (i) poly{GT} and (ii) poly{GGTT}, with the
aim of observing minibands in these structures. Minibands
are expected because G serves as a quantum dot for holes
while T is a barrier connecting the quantum dots, akin to that
seen in semiconductor superlattices [17]. In Fig. 2, we
present the transmission through poly{GT} at the energy
close to the HOMO level. A miniband with a width of
approximately 40meV is predicted. Compared to the width
of 370meV in poly{G}, the role of T as a barrier for hole
transport is very obvious. It is worth noting that the four dips
in the blue solid curve are not real gaps. We have confirmed
that the occurrence of these dips is due to the variations in
the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian for the bases. In the ideal
situation, the eigenvalues for all G bases and all T bases
should be identical. However, when we construct the DNA
structures, small numerical errors may exist in parameters
such as the distance and the angle between adjacent bases,
which may cause variations in the eigenvalues of bases. By
constructing the structure with Hamiltonians of identical
eigenvalues, the dips will disappear. We also show the DOS
for poly{GT} in Fig. 3. For clarity, we only show the DOS at
the first four bases in the molecular device. DOS at other
bases provides similar information. DOS indicates the
number of states per energy interval at each energy level that
can be occupied in various spatial regions. The transmission
at a given energy depends on the availability of delocalized
state at that energy. The transmission in Fig. 2 corresponds
to the DOS in Fig. 3. In Fig. 4, we show the transmission
where G0=2e2/h≈77 μS is the conductance quantum, T(E) is
the transmission as defined above, f is the Fermi function and
Ef is the Fermi level in the contacts. Finally the density of
states D(E) is calculated from
D( E )
Im G ( E)
where the summation is performed over all the atomic
orbitals in a DNA strand.
Conduction behavior involves either electron transport
in conduction bands or hole transport in valence bands. Here
we consider the latter situation. We first model the
transmission through a barrier for holes constructed from the
sequence poly{G}(T)Npoly{G}, where N is the number of
Ts, varying from 0 to 8. We treat the 10 bases in the middle
as the device part and construct the two semi-infinite
contacts by repeating the 10 bases in a unit cell of G. Then
we calculate the surface Green’s function as mentioned
above. A similar method is applied to poly{GT} and
poly{GGTT}. For poly{GT} and poly{GGTT}, we construct
the contact leads by repeating the 10 bases in a unit cell of
poly{GT} and the 20 bases in a unit cell of poly{GGTT} (10
G bases and 10 T bases) respectively.
through poly{GGTT} at energy points that are close to the
HOMO level. In the case of poly{GGTT}, the width of the
miniband is only 3µeV, which is about thirteen thousand
times smaller than the bandwidth of poly{GT}. This narrow
width is rationalized by noting that the transmission through
poly{G}TTpoly{G} is 72 times weaker than the transmission
through poly{G}Tpoly{G} (Fig. 1). The DOS for
poly{GGTT} is also calculated, as shown in Fig. 5.
coupling between the molecule and the metal contacts. To
get an initial feeling of how the molecule-metal contact
coupling influences the transport, we consider a unit cell of
poly{GT} connected to two metal contacts and study the
transmission at energy around HOMO level by treating the
coupling with various strengths, ranging from weak-coupling
limit to strong-coupling limit. The transmission results at
ΓL=ΓR=10meV, 50meV, 100meV, 300 meV and 500 meV
are presented in Fig. 8. We see that when the coupling
increases from 10meV to 50meV and then to 100meV, the
magnitude of the transmission keeps increasing. When the
coupling is increased further, to 300meV and 500meV, the
magnitude of the transmission decreases. This is expectable
because the transmission is determined by the product of the
DOS and the coupling. As the coupling is increasing, DOS in
the molecule is broadened. When the coupling is not too
strong, the broadening is small; hence the DOS doesn’t
change much. As the coupling increases from the weak
limit, the transmission increases. However, when the
coupling is strong enough, the DOS will broaden
significantly and its value is very small, causing a reduction
in the transmission. The transmission results under different
coupling strengths can be used to compare with the
experimental results.
We also model the conductance through these
sequences. When the size of a conductor is much shorter
than the mean free path, the conductance can not be given by
the traditional equation in terms of the conductivity, the area
and the length of the conductor any more. It has to be
calculated by considering the interface effect between the
conductor and the contacts. Here we focus on the low bias
limit and evaluate the linear response conductance at 300 K.
The Fermi level Ef in the contacts together with the
molecular energy levels is critical in understanding the flow
of charge through the molecule. Experimentally, it is difficult
to determine the position of Ef because of the complicated
details of the molecule-contact coupling. Here, we explore
the conductance when the Fermi level is in the HOMO
The conductance through poly{G}(T)Npoly{G} at energy
points around the HOMO level in terms of the number of Ts
is shown in Fig. 6 (inset). Again, we see that with the
increasing number of Ts, the conductance keeps decreasing.
Similar to the case for transmission in poly{G}(T)Npoly{G},
we also choose an energy point at Ef =-5.44eV and plot the
conductance versus the number of Ts. From the fitting
equation, we again see that barrier effect of T: with the
addition of one T the conductance decreases approximately
by 72 times. Experimental results show an exponentially
decreasing relation between the conductance through a G-C
rich DNA molecule and the number of A-T base pairs [11].
In Fig. 7, We present the conductance versus Fermi energy
in the HOMO vicinity through poly{GT} and poly{GGTT}.
Compared to the conduction through poly{G} the maximum
value for poly{GT} decreases about 3 times, while for
poly{GGTT} the conductance we obtain is on the order of
10-5G0, which is reasonable because of the strong barrier
effect of T.
Finally, we explore the role of the coupling between
the molecular device and a metal contact in influencing the
transmission. The strength of the coupling between the
molecular device and the contacts is important in
determining the flow of current. In the previous part, we
construct the two contacts with repetitions of the unit cell of
the DNA molecule, either with the unit cell being the same
as that of the device such as in poly{G}, poly{GT} and
poly{GGTT}, or with the unit cell different from the device
unit such as in poly{G}(T)Npoly{G} (when N ≠ 0). In both
cases, the couplings between the device and the contacts are
chosen to be perfect, producing a transmission with the
maximum value almost equal to 1. However, in an
experiment, usually a molecular device is connected to two
metal contacts. Experimentally, it is difficult to control the
We have carried out density functional theory
calculation of dry single DNA strands, poly{G}(T)Npoly{G},
poly{GT} and poly{GGTT}. By studying the transmission
and conductance through poly{G}(T)Npoly{G}, we
confirmed that T is a barrier for hole transport, which has
been observed experimentally. The transmission and
conductance decrease exponentially when the number of Ts
is increasing. By calculating the fitting equation at energy
point when E=-5.44eV, we find one more T can cause 72
times reduction in transmission and conductance. For
superlattices poly{GT} and poly{GGTT}, we find minibands
with width of about 40meV and 3μeV respectively.
Compared to the bandwidth in poly{G}, which is around
370meV, the narrow bandwidths in poly{GT} and
poly{GGTT} are attributed to the large barrier effect of T.
We also investigate the influence of coupling between DNA
molecule and the metal contacts. By modeling the
transmission through a unit cell of poly{GT} connected to
metals contacts at different coupling strengths, we show that
when the coupling increases from the weak limit, the
magnitude of transmission also increases. When the coupling
increases further into the strong limit, the transmission
begins to decrease. This is because the transmission is
determined by the product of the DOS and the coupling. At
small coupling the DOS does not broaden a lot and the
coupling dominates, while at strong coupling the value of
DOS is very small because of the large broadening and
therefore the transmission decreases.
We acknowledge financial support from NSF grant
number 1027812.
poly{G}(T)Npoly{G}. The width of the conduction channel is about
370meV. With the increasing number of Ts, the magnitude of transmission
decreases. From top to bottom, N = 0 (black solid), 1 (red points), 2 (blue
solid), 3 (magenta stars), 4 (green x), 5 (yellow circles), 6 (black dots), 7
(cyan plus), 8 (blue dashdot).
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Fig. 2 Transmission versus energy for poly{GT}. The width of the
conduction channel is about 40meV. The blue solid curve represents the
calculated transmission result, while the red dashed curve shows the ideal
conduction channel. The four dips in the blue curve are due to the
variations in eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian for the bases. The dips will
disappear if we construct the structure with Hamiltonians of identical
Fig. 3 DOS for poly{GT} at the first four bases in the molecular deivce.
DOS indicates the number of states per energy interval at energy levels that
can be occupied. Upper, DOS for the first two G bases in the molecular
device; lower, DOS for the first two T bases in the molecular device. Again,
for ideal situation, the variations along the miniband will disappear.
Fig. 1 Common logarithm of transmission versus N for
poly{G}(T)Npoly{G} (red stars) and poly{G}(g)Npoly{G} (magenta circles)
when E=-5.44eV. The fitting relation for Ts is log10(Transmission)=-1.86N0.24 (blue line), indicating that with the addition of each T the transmission
decreases about 72 times. The fitting relation for modified Gs is
log10(Transmission)=-1.69N+0.44 (green line). The poor agreement
between the blue line and green line is because of the weak coupling
between G and T. Inset, the transmission versus energy (in unit of eV) for
Fig. 4 Transmission versus energy for poly{GGTT}. The width of the
miniband is only 3 eV because of the strong barrier effect of T.
Fig. 8 Transmission versus Fermi energy through poly{GT} when the
strength of coupling between DNA molecule and the contact varies from
10meV, 50meV, 100meV, 300meV and 500meV. The magnitude of
transmission first increases and then decreases when the strength of the
coupling increases from weak limit to strong limit.
Fig. 5 DOS for poly{GGTT} at the first eight bases in the molecular device.
Upper, DOS for the first four G bases in the molecular deivce; lower, DOS
for the first four T bases in the molecular device.
Fig. 6 Common logarithm of conductance versus N through
poly{G}(T)Npoly{G} when E=-5.44eV (red stars). The fitting relations are
log10(Conductance) =-1.86N-0.32 (blue line). Inset, conductance versus
Fermi energy (in unit of eV) for poly{G}(T)Npoly{G} at low bias limit.
With the increasing number of Ts, the conductance decreases. From top to
bottom, N = 0 (black solid), 1 (red points), 2 (blue solid), 3 (magenta stars),
4 (green x), 5 (yellow circles), 6 (black dots), 7 (cyan plus), 8 (blue
Fig. 7 Conductance versus Fermi energy through poly{GT} (upper) and
poly{GGTT} (lower). Compared to poly{G}, the maximum value of
conductance in poly{GT} decreases about 3 times, while the magnitude of
conductance through poly{GGTT} is only on the order of 10-5G0. The
reason is the large barrier effect of T.
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