MAY 2017
Rescuing a Gothic Clock
Part 1 – The Frame, Striking Train and Strike-Work
John Robey
Figures 1 and 2. An early Gothic clock before and after ‘restoration’. The escapement, balance, hour wheel, dial, hand, finials, hammer, bell and bell
frame are all new. (Photos: Derek Pratt)
he title of this article has been deliberately chosen, as
it is not about a simple restoration and definitely not
conservation, but a sympathetic conversion of a much- altered
movement into an attractive and working clock. Members of
the conservation lobby, and those of a nervous disposition,
might like to skip to another article. If presented with this
clock the museum approach would be to leave it with all its
additions and imperfections, but that was something that
did not appeal to me. When the former curator of horology
at a national museum was asked what they would do if they
May 2017
were given an important Tompion with a piece of orange
box nailed to the base (an unlikely scenario but it was a
hypothetical question), the reply was that they would not
remove the offending piece but persuade the donor to remove
it before presentation! I have no qualms about the work done
on this movement as photographic and other records were
made as the work proceeded. New parts have been made
to match those that would have been there originally and
while they look the part an expert would be able to identify
them. Where appropriate new iron parts, such as the fly, were
Figure 4. Most of the excrescences removed to show the conversion to
anchor escapement and a crude universal joint for the leading-off work.
Figure 3. Movement as received with crude additions to use it as a small
turret clock.
made by forging, though my limited smithing skills had to
be supplemented by more filing than the original clockmaker
would have used. This is horological rescue, not fakery.
It is the rescue of an interesting example of a type of clock
that was widely used in Europe before the introduction of the
pendulum. Though not rare or with technical sophistication,
it is a type not often found in Britain outside museums. Many
readers may not be familiar with Gothic clocks, although
comparisons are made with English lantern clocks, especially
where there are constructional or technical differences.
The most obvious difference is that Gothic clocks are made
completely of iron and the movements are like miniature
turret clocks, while lantern clocks are made largely of brass.
There are three important points to make about these
clocks. Firstly, there are very few completely original
Gothic clocks, even in major museums throughout Europe:
many have been restored back to balance after ‘updates’ to
pendulum, sometimes with new (or at least repainted) dials
and bell frames. Figures 1 and 2 show before-and-after
images of a Gothic clock rebuilt by the late Derek Pratt.
While he is justifiably renowned for his fine watchmaking,
one of his other interests that many are unaware of was early
iron clocks. This one is not untypical of the transformation
often made to these clocks in recent times.
Secondly, there are many fakes and reproductions,
some quite convincing but also ‘fantasy’ clocks made in the
nineteenth century which bear little resemblance to genuine
items, and the collector needs to be aware of this. The third
general point to make is that there are two ‘schools’ of Gothic
clocks: Germanic, from Germany, Austria and the German
speaking areas of Switzerland, and French/Flemish. The
former have square sub-frames at the bottom and top of
the movement, while the latter have a top plate held to the
pillars with wedges, as well as other detailed differences.1 In
general a balance was usual and most foliots are incorrect
reinstatements. Original foliots are normally only found on a
very few French/Flemish clocks, usually large examples.
While the pillars of early Germanic clocks, such as that
shown in Figures 1 and 2, are of rectangular cross-section
with decorative ‘noses’ and are fitted to both the top and
bottom sub-frames with dovetail joints, on the clock described
here the pillars are simple flat iron strips, forged to shape and
riveted to the sub-frames to form a solid structure that cannot
be dismantled. This indicates a late clock, probably made in
the early seventeenth century. As received, Figure 3, there
had been very amateurish attempts to operate it as a small
turret clock. The bell was supported by fencing wire, the rope
pulleys had been replaced by motorcycle chain sprockets
jammed in place with lumps of wood (how it was intended
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Figure 5. The riveted frame with the later supports for the warning arbor
removed and the hammer spring reinstated. Note the holes for the ends
of the bell frame.
Figure 6. The movement bars with extensions riveted to the top when
converted to anchor escapement and one on the central bar for an internal
fly. The brass bushes are repairs. Note the holes where supports for the dial,
and cocks for the crownwheel and balance were originally fitted.
to be wound is anyone’s guess), there was a crude anchor
escapement, leading-off work and the striking had been
converted from nag’s head to warning. Clearly a museum or
conservation approach would not appeal to most collectors.
The Frame and Movement Bars
The first task was to remove all the recently added ‘junk’ so the
extent of the alterations could be assessed, Figure 4. It should
be noted that the following descriptions and photographs are
not necessarily in the order in which the work was carried out.
The main frame was found to be almost untouched, apart
from extra supports for the added warning arbor, Figure 5.
The balls on the ends of the finials appear to be separate
and forced on and not forged integral with the pillars. The
sub-frames are 53∕4in (146mm) square at the top and 61∕16in
(154mm) square at the bottom, the pillars being 12in (305mm)
tall. The three movement bars had been mutilated at the top
and additional pieces riveted on to accommodate the arbor of
the anchor escapement and an internal fly, Figure 6. These
were removed and the tops reinstated by welding on mild steel
pieces and filing them to shape. The dovetails at the bottom of
the front and rear bars which hook on to the lower frame were
intact, Figure 7. The brass bushes are later repairs and if not
excessively worn they were left, but any that needed rebushing
were replaced with mild steel. Though technically inferior,
iron pivots running in iron holes are quite satisfactory on
these and later iron clocks.
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Figure 7. Dovetail hooks at the lower end of the rear (left) and front
(right) movement bars. The rear bar has its original post for the
countwheel, the front bar has a replaced post for the hour wheel and
a support for the dial.
Figure 8. Restored movement bars and top and bottom cross bars.
The original top cross bar had been replaced with a thin
strip during the conversion to anchor escapement, so a new
one was made with tenons in the ends that fit into the existing
slots in the front and rear bars and held with taper pins.
A tenon on the central bar fits into a slot in the top bar
(taper pin not necessary), while an original tapered tenon
at the bottom fits into a mortice that had been forged into a
thicker section of the lower cross bar. Figure 8 shows all five
removable bars after restoration, including the cocks for the
crownwheel and balance (see Part 2) and the arm that holds
the top of the dial.2 The assembled frame and bars, including
the top cock and gallows for the balance suspension (see Part
2) are shown in Figure 9.
It should be noted that no screws are used on Gothic clocks
— only taper pins or wedges. In comparison an English
lantern clock of the same period has a total of 17 screwed
connections, including those securing the hammer spring
and stop, balance cock and frets. While the frame of this late
clock is riveted together, the 11 components of the frame of
the earlier type of construction are held rigidly together using
dovetail joints and just two taper pins.
The Striking Train and Strike-Work
The first Gothic clocks were made long before the introduction
of the single-weight Huygens’ loop system. Separate
weights for the going and striking trains were the norm on
German pull-wind iron clocks, even until the nineteenth
century. Lantern clocks also used two weights until English
clockmakers enthusiastically adopted the Dutch system for
all type of pull-wind domestic clocks. Both greatwheels had
lost their winding pulleys so they had to be made. There is
wear on the crossings indicating that a circular spring click
had been there originally. While this is the usual type of
click found on English and French pull-wind clocks, it is not
common on Germanic iron clocks, which usually have ratchet
teeth cut into the edge of inner shroud of the pulley and a pawl
fixed to the wheel rim. This suggested that the movement
had been made towards the western side of Germany. The
replacement circular clicks were forged and filed from mild
steel, hammering imparting sufficient springiness – heattreated carbon steel is quite unnecessary.
Figure 9. Assembled frame after restoration.
Since the striking train and its associated levers was largely
complete with more parts added than removed, this was tackled
next. During conversion from nag’s-head striking to warning
the external fly had been removed, a brass warning wheel
fixed to its arbor and a small internal fly added, Figure 10.
The conversion to pendulum would have necessitated removal
of the original external fly. The added parts were removed
and the fly arbor extended to take a large two-bladed fly
complete with a small ratchet wheel and click of the type often
found on turret clocks. The striking train now consists of just
two wheels: greatwheel and second wheel with a single-slot
overlift cam with locking on an arm on the fly arbor.3 This
arrangement of only two wheels plus an external fly is not
uncommon on medium-to-large Gothic clocks. The wheel
counts are:
Wheel Counts
Overlift Wheel
Greatwheel (6 hammer pins)
The striking greatwheel is 4.8in (122mm) diameter. As is
usual on Gothic clocks, the countwheel has internal teeth and
outside slots for the detent to drop into. To give enough room
for the pinion of report to mesh positively, the crossings of the
countwheel have to be offset. This construction is only found
on very early British turret clocks, not domestic clocks.
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Figure 10. Striking train as found.
Clockwise from top left: greatwheel,
second wheel with single ‘heart’ overlift
cam, countwheel with internal teeth,
later fly, third arbor with locking arm
and added brass warning wheel.
Note the wear on the crossings of the
greatwheel caused by the winding click.
Figure 11. The strike-work as received, top: hammer arbor; bottom:
arbor with striking detents, an added link and hole where the lifting
piece with nag’s head once fitted.
Figure 12. The restored ironwork: hammer (left), fly and its ratchet
(centre) and strike-work with the nag’s head (right).
Figure 11 shows the strike work and hammer arbors as
found. When striking had been converted to warning, the
arm with the nag’s head became redundant and had been
removed, but a hole in the arbor indicated its former position.
The arm and nag’s head were reinstated. While on small
clocks the flipping back of the nag’s head is assisted by a
small flat spring, on larger clocks such as this one gravity is
sufficient. A short horizontal bar had been added to act as a
link when the warning detent was lifted. Since this was now
superfluous it was removed. The end of the striking detent,
which is U-shaped to straddle the rear movement bar, is
multi-functional. The lower edge on the left is lifted by the
overlift cam, the bent-over piece locks against the arm on the
fly arbor, while the extension on the right is the countwheel
detent. The hammer had been replaced by an arm to operate
an overhead hammer, presumably via a wire link, but the
hammer tail and a short arm to link it to the hammer spring
remained. A fragment of the original thin flat hammer
spring remained riveted to the right-hand side of the lower
frame. It would have passed underneath the movement and
connected to the hammer arbor by a wire link. This is the
usual arrangement for hour-striking Gothic clocks and while
a vertical twisting hammer shaft was commonly used on later
Germanic iron clocks, it is rare on Gothic clocks and then
usually associated with French/Flemish clocks. Figure 12
shows the restored ironwork. Unlike English lantern and later
30-hour posted-frame clocks, Gothic clocks usually have no
separate stop, the thin hammer shaft simply contacts the top
of the frame to avoid the hammer jangling on the bell.
In Part 2 the reinstatement of the balance escapement and
the fitting of a bell frame and dial completes the project.
May 2017
1. John Robey, ‘The Origin of the English lantern Clock. Part 1:
Comparison with European Gothic Clocks’, Antiquarian Horolog y, 37
(Dec 2016) 511–521.
2. See next month's HJ.
3. John Robey, ‘Nag’s Head Striking’, The Horological Journal, 153 (Nov
2011) 494–7.