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ABSTRACT The paper is inspired by the description of a small rock-shelter discovered at "Il Cavone" near Spinazzola (Bari, Apulia, South Italy). In this shelter there is a rock with smoothed surface which shows many fine engravings. Studies and analysis on ceramic complex found in limited excavations pits near the shelter allows to attribute the site to the Bronze Age, chronology confirmed also by the iconography of the engravings in the shelter. On the plateau it was also identified a number of lithic structures such as corridors, alignments and areas probably linked to the exploitation of bauxite. The site is located at the mouth of a small valley that still represents an important communication and controls the whole vast plain below. It is also near a fortified site probably of the same period (the walls is clearly visible from aerial photos). Also on the basis of the most recent discoveries the goal of this study was to frame the scene and the items discovered at "Il Cavone" within the manifestations of rock art from Neolithic to Metal Ages widespread in central and southern Italy and in Sicily.
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Université de Nantes, 2022
Monografie di preistoria, di arte preistorica e tribale Collana di grande formato e riccamente illustrata: fotografie, disegni, cartine e grafici. Ogni volume è una sintesi di soggetti riguardanti manifestazioni d'arte preistorica ed altre espressioni della vita culturale dell'uomo preistorico; ogni volume comprende un corpus di reperti raccolti in uno studio diretto del materiale.
The paper presents the new discoveries in the "Quattro Dossi" area, in the UNESCO site Valcamonica, Italy. This area is comprised of 4 rocky hills in a tight sequence, all interested by prehistoric rock art and, in two cases, also by material evidence of settlement. Between 2016 and 2017, University of Pavia has initiated a new research project that led to the finding of a great number of new engraved rock surfaces, giving also the opportunity to re-think the role of this central place in the wider picture of prehistoric Valcamonica.
ArchéoSciences, 2008
Analyses archéométriques de céramiques du Néolithique ancien et moyen de l'abri de Pian del Ciliegio (Finale Ligure, Italie du Nord
This paper presents the research method applied to the Archaeological Map of Italy -Forma Italiae project, comprising to date the Ager Venusinus project (completed) and the Ager Lucerinus project (ongoing). The methodology of the project is based on the extensive and systematic survey of the entire selected district. The countryside is systematically searched by groups of students and researchers in different seasons, time of the day, weather and visibility conditions, and status of cultivation of the ground. The GPS georeferenced data are integrated in a GIS specifically realised. The results of the research projects relating to the territory of the Luceria's colony, in Apulia, starting from the area of the medieval site of Montecorvino, in the Daunian district is presented. So far the part of the vast territory of Lucera studied concerns the area North-East of the ancient Latin colony. Discussed here are studies conducted on the western area, towards the Daunian subappennine and in particular focused on the territory of the municipalities of Lucera, Pietramontecorvino, Motta Montecorvino, and Volturino. This area, in fact, is the object of research that includes the whole of the Fortore River valley. The data emerging from recent surveys show a large population over the time-span from prehistory to the High Middle Ages. The settlements of the Neolithic and Bronze ages, so far identified, are placed on vast plains; on the northern sector of the territory, it is possible to catch a glimpse of traces of a village characterised by the typical C shaped ditch, with huts located inside. A very interesting part of our project regards Dauni and Samnite settlements in the period preceding the arrival of the Romans and the Romanisation of the area. The most notable transformations in the ancient landscape were undoubtedly produced by the Roman intervention that gave birth to the new colony and the planning of the village centre, which consequently led to the reorganisation of a vast territory and the division of the rural area into a dense network of small properties assigned to the settlers.
ArcheoSciences, 32, pp. 115-124, 2008
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