Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-3, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,
Study of Temperature Load on Structure’s
Dr. Amit Bijon Dutta1 & Er. Tapas Sarkar 2
Mecgale Pneumatics Pvt. Ltd.,
Hingna MIDC Nagpur 440016
Abstract: Thermal load is defined as the high
temperature that causes the effect on any structure,
such as outdoor air temperature, solar radiation,
underground temperature, indoor air temperature
and the heat source equipment inside the building or
material storage tanks with variation in temperature.
The basic thermal load is the 100-year-return period
of transform in outdoor air temperature, solar
radiation, underground temperature or equivalent
Performance of any structure as soon as ex- posed to
fire depends on the material properties and inbarriers to withstand or to confine fire, Concrete
structures be capable to have enormous performance
for the duration of fire event if the concrete has
lower thermal conductivity which leads to slower
increase of the concrete temperature. For steel
structures, strength, ductility, consistency of the steel
material, shape of the structure and the applied load
are significant factors which should be observed for
fire resistance calculation. The critical/essential
temperature depends on the load ratio and steel
Keywords: Thermal Load, Thermal Expansion,
Thermal bowing, Fire, Steel Concrete, Solar,
1. Introduction
Thermal load is defined as the high temperature
that causes the effect on any structure, such as
outdoor air temperature, solar radiation, underground
temperature, indoor air temperature and the heat
source equipment inside the building or material
storage tanks with variation in temperature. The
change of the temperature in the structural and nonstructural member causes thermal stress and is
defined as the effect of thermal load. Sustainability
of structures is a main concern in the construction
industry. Exposure to snow or fire or elevated
temperature is an extreme condition that leads to
change in material properties, consequently, change
in overall behaviour is expected. If member
expansion is restrained then thermal stresses are
developed. High temperature causes loss of strength
and stiffness which weaken the structure. Response
of member to combined thermal and mechanical
loading for different types of restrains is studied
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
which is helpful in understanding the behaviour of
mechanical structure.
Largely situations in real structures under
temperature variation have a complex mix of
mechanical strains due to applied loading and
mechanical strains due to restrained thermal
expansion developed. All methodical analytical
fundamental structural mechanics. The mainly
fundamental relationship that governs the behaviour
of structures while subjected to thermal effects is
governed by relationship
Є Total =Є Thermal +Є Mechanical ………….(1)
Sum of strain in structural member is the
summing up of thermal strain and mechanical strain.
The stress in structure depends only on mechanical
strain. Thermal stress will be developed only when
thermal strains are fully restrained. Mechanical stress
will depend upon the cross sectional area of the
The initial temperature is defined as the
temperature which causes no thermal effect on a
building. The temperature variation Δ T has two
parts, mean cross-section temperature Δ Td and the
temperature gradient in the cross-section Δ Tg / t.
2. Consideration of thermal load
Thermal loads must be considered for the
following construction types: building constructed in
an area where there is a considerable transformation
in outdoor air temperature, building with huge
length, building with huge space inside, building
with straight influence of solar emission like a
building with glass roof, building or structure with
heat resource such as a chimney, silo containing hot
or warm material, heat storage tank, refrigerated
warehouse and electric power plant. When the
building is divided into smaller parts with expansion
joints to diminish the movement in each part, or the
temperature change in the structural member is
reduced by thermal filling, thermal load may not be
3. Thermal Load
The basic thermal load is the 100-year-return
period of transform in outdoor air temperature, solar
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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-3, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,
radiation, underground temperature or equivalent
The fundamental thermal load of outdoor air
temperature is based on the 100-year-return period
value of the twelve-monthly highest and lowest
temperature. The temperature in a member must be
designed using the outdoor air temperature and/or
solar radiation, in consideration of the category of
the structure, reinforced concrete structure or steel
structure, solar radiation incorporation factor,
thermal inertia, heat transfer coefficient, and the
annual and daily variations of temperature and solar
It is suggested that the temperature in the member
be designed using time-history analysis considering
the change of outdoor air temperature and solar
radiation. It is also feasible to calculate the
temperature in member with steady state of highest
or lowest temperature, ignoring the everyday change,
but the consequence of the calculation may be too
conservative when the member has large thermal
inertia, like a reinforced concrete member.
Outdoor air temperature:
(1) 100-year-reccurence value of uppermost and
lowest outdoor air temperature: The 100-yearreccurence value of peak and lowest outdoor air
temperature is calculated using fitting of acute value
distribution on data obtained from Meteorological
(2) Time history data of outdoor air temperature
and solar radiation: The time history statistics based
on the 100-year-reccurence value is still not
Solar radiation:
The consequence of solar radiation on a building
should be considered using Sol-Air
TSAT = T0 + J a/0 …………………. 2
T0: Outdoor air temperature
J: Solar radiation
a: solar absorptive
α0: total heat transfer coefficient of outer surface
Underground temperature :
The underground temperatures have to be
considered to settle on the thermal effects on
basement structures and foundations. A day by day
change of temperature reduces to only 0.5 meter
below grade. Where it is deeper than 10 meters from
the ground surface, it is considered that the
temperature do not vary and is equal to the twelvemonthly mean air temperature.
Indoor temperature:
The interior temperatures have to be determined
by evaluating the planned air-conditioning
environment. It is as well significant to mull over the
indoor temperature for the stipulation when the
building’s air-conditioning does not function as
expected. It is perfect that the indoor temperature
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
once it is not air-conditioned be calculated bearing in
mind the thermal insulating properties of the
building, but it is also possible to regard as the
temperature of the structural members of the building
to be the equivalent as the outdoor air temperature.
Other temperatures:
A number of data from the actual measurement of
a variety of building structures are introduced.
4. Thermal Expansion
Heating induces thermal expansion strains (say
eT) in the majority portions of the structural
materials. These are given by
Є T = ∆ T ……………………… 3
If a consistent temperature rise, ∆T; is applied to
a simply supported beam devoid of axial restraint,
the effect will simply be an expansion or increase in
distance end to end of l∆T as shown in Figure 1. As
a result the total strain (say Є T) is equal to the
thermal strain and there is no mechanical strain (say
Є M) which means that no stresses develop in the
Thermal Expansion Against Rigid
Lateral Restraints
Evidently, beams in actual structure do not have
the freedom to elongate in the method explained
above. As a result, a more rational case to consider,
an axially restrained beam subjected to a
homogeneous temperature increase, ∆ T (as shown in
Figure 2). It is apparent to perceive that in this case
the totality of strain Є T is zero (i.e. no
displacements). This is for the reason that the
thermal expansion is annulled out by equal and
opposite contraction caused by the restraining force
P (i.e. Є T = Є T + Є M = 0 therefore Є T = - Є M).
There at present exists a consistent axial stresses in
the beam equal to E Є M: The magnitude of the
restraining force P is,
P = EA Є M = - EA Є T = - EA∆ T
………………….. 4
If the temperature is allowed to increase for an
indefinite period, then there will be two basic
responses, depending upon the slenderness of the
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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-3, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,
If the beam is adequately stocky, after that
the axial stress will sooner or later reach the yield
stress y of the material and if the material have an
elastic–plastic stress–strain association, then the
beam will persist to yield without any additional
increase in stress, however it will also store an
increasing magnitude of plastic strains. The yield
temperature increase ∆Ty is,
∆Ty = /E
If the beam is slender after that it will
buckle earlier than the material reaches its yield
stress. The Euler buckling load Pcr for a
beam/column, as in Figure 2 is
Equating this to the restraining force P; we have,
This leads to a critical buckling temperature of,
and critical buckling temperature is now given by
From Eq. (8) it be capable of, be seen that buckling
and post-buckling phenomena have to be observable
at reasonable fire temperatures in structures with
translational restraint stiffness’s ‘kt’ which are
relatively comparable by means of the axial
stiffness’s of the member ‘EA/L’ Figure 5 shows a
plot derived from Eq. (8), where critical buckling
temperatures be plotted in opposition to slenderness
ratio for different restraint stiffness’s. The results
undoubtedly demonstrate that the amount of restraint
required is not large intended for slender sections to
reach buckling temperature. Bearing in mind with the
intention of the axial stiffness’s of the member
‘EA/L’ is reduced by heating through the reduction
in ‘E’; these post- buckling phenomena are very
probable to be observed in beams in typical fires.
Where ‘r’ is the radius of gyration and ‘λ’ is the
slenderness ratio (l/r) This expression is applicable
for other end-restraint conditions if ‘l’ is interpreted
as the effective length.
In this case, if the temperature is allowed to increase
further, after that the totality of restraining force will
stay steady (assuming an elastic material and no
thermal dilapidation of properties) and the thermal
expansion strains will carry on to be accommodated
by the outward deflection of the beam d as revealed
in Figure 3.
The above cases characterize the two elementary
responses in beams subjected to controlled thermal
expansion. Either of the two (yielding or buckling)
can occur on its own (based upon the slenderness of
the beam) or an extra complex response consisting of
a grouping of yielding and buckling may possibly
also occur [1].
Thermal Expansion against Finite
Lateral Restraints
In the preceding discussion it was assumed the axial
restraints to be flawlessly rigid. This is an upper limit
and virtually impossible to accomplish in real
structures which offer merely finite restraints. Figure
4 describes such a beam restrained axially by a
translational spring of stiffness ‘kt’. The compressive
axial stress developed by thermal expansion is
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Thermal bowing
In real fires the temperature distributions are
no matter what, but uniform. In a small to moderate
size compartment of a regular shape one may
perhaps assume that the compartment temperature
will be approximately uniform at a given time. The
temperature of the structural members in the
compartment depends in the lead the material they
are made of and other information of geometry,
construction and design (such as insulation).
Concrete beams and slabs on the ceiling of the
compartment can be subjected to very towering
temperature gradients due to the very slow rates of
heat transfer to concrete. As a result, the surfaces
exposed to fire will be at a great deal of higher
temperature than the surfaces on the exterior of the
compartment. This causes the inner surfaces to
increase a great deal more than the outer surfaces
inducing bending in the member. This effect is called
thermal bowing is one of the main reasons of the
deformations of concrete slabs and masonry walls in
fire. Another very significant source of thermal
bowing in composite beams/slabs is the great
difference between the temperatures of the steel joist
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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-3, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,
and the slab. This effect is much more significant in
the early stages of the fire when steel retains for the
most part of its strength [4].
Relationships are able to be derived for
thermal bowing analogous to the one derived earlier
for thermal expansion. Figure 6 shows a beam
subjected to a consistent temperature gradient all the
way through its depth‘d’ along its whole length ‘l’.
Assuming the beam is simply supported (as shown in
Figure 6), it can derive the subsequent relationships.
1. The thermal gradient ‘T,y’ over the depth is,
2. A uniform curvature ‘f’ is induced all along the
length as a result of the thermal gradient
3. Due to the curvature of the beam, the horizontal
distance between the ends of the beam will decrease.
If this reduction is interpreted as a contraction strain
(not literally) ‘ef ‘ (analogous to the thermal
expansion strain Є T; earlier), then the assessment of
this strain can be calculated from analysing Figure 6
Considering laterally restrained beam as depicted in
Figure 3, if a uniform thermal gradient ‘T,y’ (without
any average rise in temperature) is applied to this
beam (as shown in Figure 7), subsequently the result
is a thermally induced tension in the beam and
corresponding reactions at the holdup points
(opposite to the pure thermal expansion case
discussed earlier). This is clearly caused by the
restraint to end translation against the contraction
) induced by the thermal gradient. Figure
strain (
8 depicts a fixed ended beam (by adding end
rotational restraints to the beam of Figure 7)
subjected to a homogeneous temperature gradient
throughout its depth.
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
One interesting aspect of structural response
to fire is huge deflections that are found in structural
members like beams and slabs. Large deflections are
normally connected with the loss of strength in
structures under ambient conditions. In case of fire,
such a simple interpretation can be exceedingly
misleading. The main or chief reason for large
deflections is that the structural member tries to
accommodate the extra length generated by thermal
expansion, known that it is not possible for it to
expand longitudinally owing to end restraints.
Consider a slender beam (very low buckling
temperature) subjected to uniform heating alongside
rigid lateral restraints (as in Figure 3). Buckling will
occur incredibly early (at very low elastic strains),
following which any further expansion will make the
beam deflect outwards. The resulting deflection at
mid-span ‘d’ can be approximated pretty accurately
√( ε T+ε²T/2)……………………10
5. Structural Performance and Design
Performance of any structure as soon as exposed to fire depends on the material properties and
in- barriers to withstand or to confine fire.
Nevertheless, fire resistance rating is an indicator
concerning the expected fire resistance of a structure
in half-hour or hourly increments [2].
Thermal expansion, structure end conditions
(re- strained or unrestrained), and loss of materials’
strength and stiffness have an effect on the overall
performance of an explicit structure.
Concrete structures are capable to have
enormous performance during fire event if the
concrete has lesser thermal conductivity which leads
to slower increase of the concrete temperature.
Spalling of concrete during high temperature could
affect the mechanical properties of concrete due to
the rise of vapour pressure. This pressure leads to
internal cracks and stress which exceeds the tensile
strength of the concrete. Hertz and Sorensen
established that concrete does not spall if the
moisture content was kept less than 3% per weight,
however, if the moisture content is more than 3%,
spalling /explosive spalling may possibly be avoided
by means of cementations materials such as silica
fume or fiber concrete.
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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-3, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,
For steel structures, strength, ductility,
consistency of the steel material, shape of the
structure and the applied load are significant factors
which should be observed for fire resistance
calculation. The critical/essential temperature
depends on the weight ratio and steel composition.
The weight ratio value is the ratio of the applied
design load to that would generate a stress equal to
yield stress at room temperature [1,2]. It is essential
to apply padding material such as magnesia,
vermiculite, sprayed mineral and ablative coatings to
shield the steel structure from high temperature [2].
In composite structures, stresses and
displacements caused by thermal expansion direct
the structural behavior in fire, until just earlier than
the failure reduction in material strength and stiffness
control the behavior again.
6. Conclusion
Thermal loads must be considered for the
following construction types: building constructed in
an area where there is a considerable transformation
in outdoor air temperature, building with huge
length, building with huge space inside, building
with straight influence of solar emission like a
building with glass roof, building or structure with
heat resource such as a chimney, silo containing hot
or warm material, heat storage tank, refrigerated
warehouse and electric power plant.
For steel structures, strength, ductility,
consistency of the steel material, shape of the
structure and the applied load are significant factors
which should be observed for fire resistance
calculation. The critical/essential temperature
depends on the load proportion and steel
Concrete’s outstanding fire resistance has
been proven by numerous tests performed for more
than 60 years. Various building codes have
developed prescriptive and systematic analytical
methods based on the fire tests on concrete
components of structures. These methods present
architects and engineer a relatively easy way to select
member proportions and reinforcement necessities
for all, but the very unusual structures.[1,2] For the
very unusual structures, alternate methods are
available to satisfactorily model or to test the
complex behavior of reinforced concrete components
subject to fire.
[2.] Sherif Yehia, Ghanim Kashwani, Performance
of Structures Exposed to Extreme High
Temperature—An Overview, Open Journal of
Vol. 3 No. 3 (2013) , Article ID: 36202 , 8
pages DOI:10.4236/ojce.2013.33018
[3.] Darshan1, Sanjith J2, Ranjith A3, Chethan G4,
A Critical Review On Fire Resistance
Structures, International Journal Of Current
Engineering And Scientific Research (IJCESR),
ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 23940697, VOLUME-3, ISSUE-3, 2016.
[4.] 1Manish Nigam, 2Awadhesh Kumar Singh
,3Abhishek Dixit, Fire Load Calculation on
Hospital Buildings in India, International
Journal of Engineering Development and
Research (, 2016 IJEDR |
Volume 4, Issue 2 | ISSN: 2321-9939.
[5.] Konstantinos Miamis, A Study Of The Effects
Of High Temperature On Structural Steel
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,West Lafayette, Indiana.
[6.] A.S. Usmani*, J.M. Rotter, S. Lamont, A.M.
Sanad, M. Gillie, Fundamental Principles Of
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Zhou 1, Investigation On Temperature
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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
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