IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 4, Issue 11, 2017 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613
A Review on Reactive Power Compensation Technologies
Minal Dilip Sathe1 Gopal Chaudhari2
PG Student 2Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
YTIET, Bhivpuri Road (Karjat), Mumbai University, India
Abstract— In general, the problem of reactive power
compensation is viewed from two aspects: load
compensation and voltage support. In load compensation the
objectives are to increase the value of the system power
factor, to balance the real power drawn from the ac supply,
compensate voltage regulation and to eliminate current
harmonic components produced by large and fluctuating
nonlinear industrial loads .Voltage support is generally
required to reduce voltage fluctuation at a given terminal of a
transmission line. This paper presents an overview of the
state of the art of static VAR technologies. Static
compensators implemented with thyristors and selfcommutated converters are described. Their principles of
operation, compensation characteristics and performance are
presented and analyzed. A comparison of different VAR
generator compensation characteristics is also presented.
New static compensators such as Unified Power Flow
Controllers (UPFC), Dynamic Voltage Restorers (DVR),
required to compensate modern power distribution systems
are also presented and described.
Key words: Unified Power Flow Controllers (UPFC),
Dynamic Voltage Restorers (DVR), IPFC, STATCOM,
power have been developed. Based on the use of reliable
high-speed power electronics, powerful analytical tools,
advanced control and microcomputer technologies, Flexible
AC Transmission Systems, also known as FACTS, have
been developed and represent a new concept for the
operation of power transmission systems.
In a linear circuit, the reactive power is defined as the ac
component of the instantaneous power, with a frequency
equal to 100 / 120 Hz in a 50 or 60 Hz system. The reactive
power generated by the ac power source is stored in a
capacitor or a reactor during a quarter of a cycle, and in the
next quarter cycle is sent back to the power source. In other
words, the reactive power oscillates between the ac source
and the capacitor or reactor, and also between them, at a
frequency equals to two times the rated value (50 or 60 Hz).
For this reason it can be compensated using VAR
generators, avoiding its circulation between the load
(inductive or capacitive) and the source, and therefore
improving voltage stability of the power system. Reactive
power compensation can be implemented with VAR
generators connected in parallel or in series. The principles
of both, shunt and series reactive power compensation
alternatives, are described below
VAR compensation is defined as the management of
reactive power to improve the performance of ac power
systems. The concept of VAR compensation embraces a
wide and diverse field of both system and customer
problems, especially related with power quality issues, since
most of power quality problems can be attenuated or solved
with an adequate control of reactive power. Reactive power
compensation in transmission systems also improves the
stability of the ac system by increasing the maximum active
power that can be transmitted. It also helps to maintain a
substantially flat voltage profile at all levels of power
transmission, it improves HVDC (High Voltage Direct
Current) conversion terminal performance, increases
transmission efficiency, controls steady-state and temporary
over voltages and can avoid disastrous blackouts. Series and
shunt VAR compensation are used to modify the natural
electrical characteristics of ac power systems. Series
compensation modifies the transmission or distribution
system parameters, while shunt compensation changes the
equivalent impedance of the load . In both cases, the
reactive power that flows through the system can be
effectively controlled improving the performance of the
overall ac power system. Traditionally, rotating synchronous
condensers and fixed or mechanically switched capacitors or
inductors have been used for reactive power compensation.
However, in recent years, static VAR compensators
employing thyristor switched capacitors and thyristor
controlled reactors to provide or absorb the required reactive
A. Shunt Compensation
The device is connected in parallel with the transmission
line. It always connected in the middle of transmission line
it can be provided by either a current source, voltage source
or capacitor. The ideal shunt compensation provides the
reactive power to the system. Shunt connected reactor are
used to reduce the line over voltges by consuming the
reactive power while shunt connected capacitors are used to
maintain the voltage levels by compensating the reactive
power to transmission line
Figure 1 shows the principles
and theoretical effects of shunt reactive power compensation
in a basic ac system, which comprises a source V1, a power
line and a typical inductive load. Figure 1-a) shows the
system without compensation, and its associated phasor
diagram. In the phasor diagram, the phase angle of the
current has been related to the load side, which means that
the active current IP is in phase with the load voltage V2.
Since the load is assumed inductive, it requires reactive
power for proper operation and hence, the source must
supply it, increasing the current from the generator and
through power lines. If reactive power is supplied near the
load, the line current can be reduced or minimized, reducing
power losses and improving voltage regulation at the load
terminals. This can be done in three ways: a) with a
capacitor, b) with a voltage source, or c) with a current
source. In Fig. 1-b), a current source device is being used to
compensate the reactive component of the load current (IQ)
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A Review on Reactive Power Compensation Technologies
(IJSRD/Vol. 4/Issue 11/2017/070)
[4]. As a result, the system voltage regulation is improved
and the reactive current component from the source is
reduced or almost eliminated. If the load needs leading
compensation, then an inductor would be required. Also a
current source or a voltage source can be used for inductive
shunt compensation[3]. The main advantages of using
voltage or current source VAR generators (instead of
inductors or capacitors) is that the reactive power generated
is independent of the voltage at the point of connection.
Fig. 2: Principles of series compensation. (a) The same
system of figure 1-a) without compensation. (b) Series
compensation with a voltage source.
Fig. 1: Principles of shunt compensation in a radial ac
system. a) Without reactive compensation. b) Shunt
compensation with a current source.
B. Series Compensation
VAR compensation can also be of the series type. Typical
series compensation systems use capacitors to decrease the
equivalent reactance of a power line at rated frequency. The
connection of a series capacitor generates reactive power
that, in a self-regulated manner, balances a fraction of the
line's transfer reactance. The result is improved functionality
of the power transmission system through:
increased angular stability of the power corridor,
improved voltage stability of the corridor,
optimized power sharing between parallel circuits.
Like shunt compensation, series compensation may
also be implemented with current or voltage source devices,
as shown in Fig. 2. Figure 2-a) shows the same power
system of figure 1-a), also with the reference angle in V2,
and Fig. 2-b) the results obtained with the series
compensation through a voltage source, which has been
adjusted again to have unity power factor operation at V2.
However, the compensation strategy is different when
compared with shunt compensation. In this case, voltage
VCOMP has been added between the line and the load to
change the angle of V2’, which is now the voltage at the
load side. With the appropriate magnitude adjustment of
VCOMP, unity power factor can again be reached at V2. As
can be seen from the phasor diagram of Fig. 2-b), VCOMP
generates a voltage with opposite direction to the voltage
drop in the line inductance because it lags the current IP
In general, VAR generators are classified depending on the
technology used in their implementation and the way they
are connected to the power system (shunt or series).
Rotating and static generators were commonly used to
compensate reactive power. In the last decade, a large
number of different static VAR generators, using power
electronic technologies have been proposed and developed
[3]. There are two approaches to the realization of power
electronics based VAR compensators, the one that employs
thyristor-switched capacitors and reactors with tap changing
transformers, and the other group that uses self-commutated
static converters. A brief description of the most commonly
used shunt and series compensators is presented below.
A. Fixed or mechanically switched capacitors
Shunt capacitors were first employed for power factor
correction. The leading current drawn by the shunt
capacitors compensates the lagging current drawn by the
load. The selection of shunt capacitors depends on many
factors, the most important of which is the amount of
lagging reactive power taken by the load. In the case of
widely fluctuating loads, the reactive power also varies over
a wide range. Thus, a fixed capacitor bank may often lead to
either over-compensation or under-compensation. Variable
VAR compensation is achieved using switched capacitors .
Depending on the total VAR requirement, capacitor banks
are switched into or switched out of the system. The
smoothness of control is solely dependent on the number of
capacitors switching units used. The switching is usually
accomplished using relays and circuit breakers. However,
these methods based on mechanical switches and relays
have the disadvantage of being sluggish and unreliable. Also
they generate high inrush currents, and require frequent
B. Synchronous Condensers
Synchronous condensers have played a major role in voltage
and reactive power control for more than 50 years.
Functionally, a synchronous condenser is simply a
synchronous machine connected to the power system. After
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A Review on Reactive Power Compensation Technologies
(IJSRD/Vol. 4/Issue 11/2017/070)
the unit is synchronized, the field current is adjusted to
either generate or absorb reactive power as required by the
ac system. The machine can provide continuous reactive
power control when used with the proper automatic exciter
circuit. Synchronous condensers have been used at both
distribution and transmission voltage levels to improve
stability and to maintain voltages within desired limits under
varying load conditions and contingency situations[4].
However, synchronous condensers are rarely used today
because they require substantial foundations and a
significant amount of starting and protective equipment.
They also contribute to the short circuit current and they
cannot be controlled fast enough to compensate for rapid
load changes. Moreover, their losses are much higher than
those associated with static compensators, and the cost is
much higher compared with static compensators. Their
advantage lies in their high temporary overload capability.
C. Thyristorized VAR Compensators
As in the case of the synchronous condenser, the aim of
achieving fine control over the entire VAR range, has been
fulfilled with the development of static compensators (SVC)
but with the advantage of faster response times .Static VAR
compensators (SVC) consist of standard reactive power
shunt elements (reactors and capacitors) which are
controlled to provide rapid and variable reactive power.
They can be grouped into two basic categories, the thyristorswitched capacitor and the thyristor-controlled reactor.
D. Thyristor-Switched Capacitors
Figure 3 shows the basic scheme of a static compensator of
the thyristor-switched capacitor (TSC) type. The shunt
capacitor bank is split up into appropriately small steps,
which are individually switched in and out using
bidirectional thyristor switches. Each single-phase branch
consists of two major parts, the capacitor C and the thyristor
switches Sw1 and Sw2[4]. In addition, there is a minor
component, the inductor L, whose purpose is to limit the
rate of rise of the current through the thyristors and to
prevent resonance with the network (normally 6% with
respect to Xc). The capacitor may be switched with a
minimum of transients if the thyristor is turned on at the
instant when the capacitor voltage and the network voltage
have the same value. Static compensators of the TSC type
have the following properties: stepwise control, average
delay of one half a cycle (maximum one cycle), and no
generation of harmonics since current transient component
can be attenuated effectively[3].
Fig. 3: The thyristor-switched capacitor configuration.
E. Thyristor-Controlled Reactor
Figure 4 shows the scheme of a static compensator of the
thyristor controlled reactor (TCR) type. In most cases, the
compensator also includes a fixed capacitor and a filter for
low order harmonics, which is not show in this figure. Each
of the three phase branches includes an inductor L and the
thyristor switches Sw1 and Sw2. Reactors may be both
switched and phase-angle controlled. When phase-angle
control is used, a continuous range of reactive power
consumption is obtained. It results, however, in the
generation of odd harmonic current components during the
control process. Full conduction is achieved with a gating
angle of 90°. Partial conduction is obtained with gating
angles between 90° and 180°. By increasing the thyristor
gating angle, the fundamental component of the current
reactor is reduced. This is equivalent to increase the
inductance, reducing the reactive power absorbed by the
reactor. However, it should be pointed out that the change in
the reactor current may only take place at discrete points of
time, which means that adjustments cannot be made more
frequently than once per half-cycle. Static compensators of
the TCR type are characterized by the ability to perform
continuous control, maximum delay of one half cycle and
practically no transients. The principal disadvantages of this
configuration are the generation of low frequency harmonic
current components, and higher losses when working in the
inductive region (i.e. absorbing reactive power).
Fig. 4: Static compensator of the thyristor controlled reactor
(TCR) type.
F. Combined TSC and TCR
Irrespective of the reactive power control range required,
any static compensator can be built up from one or both of
the above mentioned schemes (i.e. TSC and TCR), as shown
in Fig. 5. In those cases where the system with switched
capacitors is used, the reactive power is divided into a
suitable number of steps and the variation will therefore take
place stepwise. Continuous control may be obtained with the
addition of a thyristor-controlled reactor. If it is required to
absorb reactive power, the entire capacitor bank is
disconnected and the equalizing reactor becomes
responsible for the absorption. By coordinating the control
between the reactor and the capacitor steps, it is possible to
obtain fully stepless control. Static compensators of the
combined TSC and TCR type are characterized by a
continuous control, practically no transients, low generation
of harmonics (because the controlled reactor rating is small
compared to the total reactive power), and flexibility in
control and operation[3]. An obvious disadvantage of the
TSC-TCR as compared with TCR and TSC type
compensators is the higher cost. A smaller TCR rating
results in some savings, but these savings are more than
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A Review on Reactive Power Compensation Technologies
(IJSRD/Vol. 4/Issue 11/2017/070)
absorbed by the cost of the capacitor switches and the more
complex control system.
Fig. 5: Combined TSC and TCR configuration
Based on power electronics converters and digital control
schemes, reactive power compensators implemented ith selfcommutated converters have been developed to compensate
not only reactive power, but also voltage regulation, flicker,
harmonics, real and reactive power, transmission line
impedance and phase-shift angle. It is important to ote, that
even though the final effect is to improve power system
performance, the control variable in all cases is basically the
reactive power. Using self-commutated converters the
following high performance power system controllers have
been implemented: Static Synchronous Compensator
(STATCOM), the Static Synchronous Series Compensator
(SSSC), the Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), the Unified
Power Flow Controller (UPFC), the Interline Power Flow
Controller (IPFC) and the Superconducting Magnetic
Energy Storage (SMES). The principles of operation and
power circuit topology of each one are described below.
A. Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM)
The static synchronous compensator is based on a solid-state
voltage source, implemented with an inverter and connected
in parallel to the power system through a coupling reactor,
in analogy with a synchronous machine, generating
balanced set of three sinusoidal voltages at the fundamental
frequency, with controllable amplitude and phase-shift
angle. This equipment, however, has no inertia and no
overload capability.
B. Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC)
A voltage source converter can also be used as a series
compensator as shown in Fig. 6. The SSSC injects a voltage
in series to the line, 90º phase-shifted with the load current,
operating as a controllable series capacitor. The basic
difference, as compared with series capacitor, is that the
voltage injected by an SSSC is not related to the line current
and can be independently controlled[3].
Fig. 6: Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC).
C. Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR)
A DVR, shown in Fig. 7, is a device connected in series
with the power system and is used to keep the load voltage
constant, independently of the source voltage fluctuations.
When voltage sags or swells are present at the load
terminals, the DVR responds by injecting three ac voltages
in series with the incoming three-phase network voltages,
compensating for the difference and prefault between
faulted voltages. Each phase of the injected voltages can be
controlled separately (ie, their magnitude and angle). Active
and reactive power required for generating these voltages
are supplied by the voltage source converter, fed from a DC
link. In order to be able to mitigate voltage sag, the DVR
must present a fast control response. The key components of
the DVR are[3]:
Booster transformer
Harmonic filter
IGCT voltage source converter
DC charging unit
Control and protection system
Energy source, that is, a storage capacitor bank
When power supply conditions remain normal the
DVR can operate in low-loss standby mode, with the
converter side of the booster transformer shorted. Since no
voltage source converter (VSC) modulation takes place, the
DVR produces only conduction losses. Use of Integrated
Gate Commutated Thyristor (IGCT) technology minimizes
these losses. Static Synchronous Series Compensators
(SSSC) and Dynamic Voltage Restorers (DVR) can be
integrated to get a system capable of controlling the power
flow of a transmission line during steady state conditions
and providing dynamic voltage compensation and short
circuit current limitation during system disturbances.
Fig. 7: Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR)
D. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC)
The unified power flow controller (UPFC) consists of two
switching converters operated from a common dc link
provided by a dc storage capacitor. One connected in series
with the line, and the other in parallel. This arrangement
functions as an ideal ac to ac power converter in which the
real power can freely flow in either direction between the ac
terminals of the two inverters and each inverter can
independently generate (or absorb) reactive power at its own
ac output terminal. The series converter of the UPFC injects
via series transformer, an ac voltage with controllable
magnitude and phase angle in series with the transmission
line. The shunt converter supplies or absorbs the real power
demanded by the series converter through the common dc
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A Review on Reactive Power Compensation Technologies
(IJSRD/Vol. 4/Issue 11/2017/070)
link. The transmission line current flows through the series
voltage source resulting in real and reactive power exchange
between it and the ac system. The real power exchanged at
the ac terminal, that is the terminal of the coupling
transformer, is converted by the inverter into dc power
which appears at the dc link as positive or negative real
power demand. The reactive power exchanged at the ac
terminal is generated internally by the inverter.
The basic function of the inverter connected in
parallel (inverter 1) is to supply or absorb the real power
demanded by the inverter connected in series to the ac
system (inverter 2), at the common dc link. Inverter 1 can
also generate or absorb controllable reactive power, if it is
desired, and thereby it can provide independent shunt
reactive compensation for the line. It is important to note
that whereas there is a closed “direct” path for the real
power negotiated by the action of series voltage injection
through inverter 1 and back to the line, the corresponding
reactive power exchanged is supplied or absorbed locally by
inverter 2 and therefore it does not flow through the line.
Thus, inverter 1 can be operated at a unity power factor or
be controlled to have a reactive power exchange with the
line independently of the reactive power exchanged by
inverter 2. This means that there is no continuous reactive
power flow through the UPFC.
examples show that VAR compensators will be used on a
much wider scale in the future as grid performance and
reliability becomes an even more important factor. Having
better grid controllability will allow utilities to reduce
investment in the transmission lines themselves. The
combination of modern control with real-time information
and information technologies will move them very close to
their physical limits. Besides, the development of faster and
more powerful semiconductor valves will increase the
applicability of VAR generators to higher limits.
[1] A Review on Reactive Power Compensation
Techniques using FACTS Devices Volume-4, Issue-1,
February-2014, ISSN No.: 2250-0758
[2] Reactive Power Compensation Techniques in
Transmission lines Volume: 3 Issue: 5 3224 – 3226
[3] Reactive Power Compensation Technologies, Stateofthe-Art Review (Invited Paper)
[4] Narain G. Hingorani, “Understanding FACTS Concept
and Technology of Flexibal AC Transmission System,’’
E. Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC)
An Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) consists of two
series VSCs whose DC capacitors are coupled, allowing
active power to circulate between different power lines.
When operating below its rated capacity, the IPFC is in
regulation mode, allowing the regulation of the P and Q
flows on one line, and the P flow on the other line. In power
losses addition, the net active power generation by the two
coupled VSCs is zero, neglecting.
Better efficiency of power generation, transmission
and distribution.
Improvement in voltage.
Reduced KVA demand.
Higher load capability.
Reduced system losses.
Increase transfer capability.
An overview of the technological development of VAR
generators and compensators has been presented. Starting
from the principles of VAR compensation classical solutions
using phase controlled semiconductors have been reviewed.
The introduction of self-commutated topologies based on
IGBTs and IGCTs semiconductors produced a dramatic
improvement in the performance of VAR compensators:
they have a faster dynamic behavior and they can control
more variables. The introduction of new self-commutated
topologies at even higher voltage levels will increase the
impact of VAR compensation in future applications. Some
relevant examples of projects have been described, where it
can be observed that modern VAR compensators improve
power systems performance, helping to increase reliability
and the quality of power delivered to the customers. These
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