International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and
Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016
Multiple Biometric Features Extraction Using
2-D and 3-D Hand-Geometry
P Ashwini [2] P Aruna Sree, [3] Prasad B
II/IV, [2][3]Associate Professor
Department of CSE, Marri Laxman Reddy Institute of Technology and Management (MLRITM)
[email protected] [2]
[email protected] [3]
[email protected]
Abstract Personal authentication by multiple biometric is the main purpose to identify moderate performance because
the information carried is discriminatory by Two-dimensional (2-D) hand-geometry features. So it investigates a new
approach to achieve performance improvement by simultaneously acquiring and combining three-dimensional and 2-D
features from the human hand. Two new representations that effectively characterize the local finger surface features are
extracted from the acquired range images and are matched using the proposed matching metrics. In addition, the
characterization of 3-D palm surface using Surface Code is proposed for matching a pair of 3-D palms. The proposed 3-D
hand-geometry features have significant discriminatory information to reliably authenticate individuals. By consolidating
3-D and 2-D hand-geometry features results in significantly improved performance that cannot be achieved with the
traditional 2-D hand-geometry features alone.
Keywords: Two-dimensional (2-D) hand-geometry features, Hand-Geometry-Based biometric systems,
Feature extraction algorithm, Digital scanner.
Two-dimensional (2-D) hand-geometry
features carry limited discriminatory information and
therefore yield moderate performance when utilized
for personal identification. This paper investigates a
new approach to achieve performance improvement
by simultaneously acquiring and combining threedimensional (3-D) and 2-D features from the human
hand. The proposed approach utilizes a 3-D digitizer
to simultaneously acquire intensity and range images
of the presented hands of the users in a completely
contact-free manner. Two new representations that
effectively characterize the local finger surface
features are extracted from the acquired range images
and are matched using the proposed matching
metrics. In addition, the characterization of 3-D palm
surface using Surface Code is proposed for matching
a pair of 3-D palms. The proposed approach is
evaluated on a database of 177 users acquired in two
sessions. The experimental results suggest that the
proposed 3-D hand-geometry features have
significant discriminatory information to reliably
authenticate individuals. Our experimental results
demonstrate that consolidating 3-D and 2-D handgeometry features results in significantly improved
performance that cannot be achieved with the
traditional 2-D hand-geometry features alone.
Furthermore, this paper also investigates the
performance improvement that can be achieved by
integrating five biometric features, i.e., 2-D
palmprint, 3-D palmprint, finger texture, along with
3-D and 2-D hand-geometry features, that are
simultaneously extracted from the user’s hand
presented for authentication.
Hand-Geometry-Based biometric systems
typically exploit shape features from the human
hands to perform identity verification. Commonly
used hand-geometry features include length, width,
thickness, and area of fingers and palm. Due to
limited discriminatory power of these features, handgeometry systems are rarely employed for
All Rights Reserved © 2016 IJERCSE
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and
Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016
applications that require performing identity
recognition from large-scale databases. Nevertheless,
these systems have gained immense popularity and
public acceptance as evident from their extensive
deployment for applications in access control,
attendance tracking, and several other verification
tasks. History of hand-geometry biometric
technology/systems dates back over three decades. It
is generally believed that the hand-geometry
system—Identimat developed by Identimation [23]—
is one of the earliest reported implementations of any
biometric system for commercial applications. Since
then, the hand-geometry biometric systems have
found applications in wide variety of fields ranging
from airports to nuclear power plants [23].
A number of techniques for the personal verification
based on hand-geometry features have been proposed
in the literature. Often, users are required to place
their hand on flat surface itted with pegs to minimize
variations in the hand position [1]–[3]. Although such
constraints make the feature extraction task easier
and consequently result in lower error rates, such
systems are not user-friendly. For example, elderly or
people with arthritis and other conditions that limit
dexterity may have difficulty placing their hand on a
surface guided by pegs. In order to overcome this
problem, a few researchers have proposed to do away
with hand position restricting pegs [4], [8], [9], [13],
[18] the feature extraction algorithm in their
approaches takes care of possible rotation or
translation of the hand images acquired without
guiding pegs. However, users are still required to
place their hand on a flat surface or a digital scanner.
Such contact may give rise to hygienic as well as
security concerns among users. Security concern on
the contact-based approaches arises from the
possibility of picking up fingerprint or palmprint
impressions left on the surface by the user and
thereby compromising the user’s biometric
traits.Moreover, most of the hand-geometry
systems/techniques proposed in the literature are
based on users’ gray level hand images. These
approaches extract various features from the
binarized version of the acquired hand image. Unique
information in such binary images is very limited,
leading to low discriminatory power from the handgeometry biometric systems.With the advent of
advanced three-dimensional (3-D) data acquisition
devices, researchers have investigated the use of 3-D
features for face [15], and ear [16], biometrics. Few
researchers have also explored 3-D hand/finger
information for identity verification and recognition
[5], [17]. The objective of this work is to further
explore 3-D hand/finger geometry features and to
build a robust and reliable hand-geometry system,
acceptability. We investigate how much performance
improvement can be achieved by combining 2-D and
the 3-D hand-geometry information. In addition, we
combine multiple 3-D and 2-D hand features, i.e., 3D hand geometry, 2-D hand geometry, 3-D
palmprint, 2-D palmprint, and finger texture, that can
be simultaneously extracted from the acquired data
and ascertain the performance improvement that can
be achieved by such unified framework for hand
Project Scope:
Hand-geometry biometric technology/systems is one
of the earliest reported implementations of any
biometric system for commercial applications. Since
then, the hand-geometry biometric systems have
found applications in wide variety of fields ranging
from airports to nuclear power plants. So the scope of
the project is personal verification based on handgeometry features.
Problem Definition:
The objective of this study is to achieve performance
improvement by simultaneously acquiring and
combining three-dimensional and two dimensional
features from the human hand. The proposed
approach utilizes a 3-D digital camera to
simultaneously acquire intensity and range images of
the presented hands of the users in a contact-free
manner. The proposed approach acquires hand
images in a contact-free manner to ensure high user
friendliness and also to avoid the hygienic concerns.
Simultaneously captured range and intensity images
of the hand are processed for feature extraction and
matching. Besides hand-geometry information, other
hand biometric features such as 2-D palmprint, 3-D
palmprint, and 2-D finger texture can also be
simultaneously extracted from the acquired images.
Existing System:
The overview of the proposed approach for biometric
authentication that simultaneously employs multiple
All Rights Reserved © 2016 IJERCSE
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and
Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016
2-D and 3-D hand features is shown in Fig 3.1. Major
computational modules of the proposed approach
involve image normalization (in the pre-processing
stage), feature extraction and feature matching. The
intensity and range images of the user‟s hand,
acquired by a 3-D digital camera, are processed to
locate and extract individual fingers and palm print.
Feature extraction modules further process the
respective Regions of Interest (ROIs) in order to
extract the discriminatory features. Individual
matching modules compute the matching distance by
comparing the extracted features with the
corresponding feature templates enrolled in the
database. Multiple matching scores generated by the
preceding stage are then combined at the fusion
module, to obtain a consolidated match score.
Finally, the decision module compares the
consolidated match score with the preset threshold to
determine whether the claimant is genuine or an
Proposed System:
This project presented a new
approach to achieve reliable personal authentication
based on simultaneous extraction and combination of
multiple biometric features extracted from 3-D and 2D images of the human hand. The proposed approach
acquires hand images in a contact-free manner to
ensure high user friendliness and also to avoid the
hygienic concerns. Simultaneously captured range
and intensity images of the hand are processed for
feature extraction and matching. In order to extract
discriminatory information for 3-D hand-geometrybased biometric authentication, this system
introduced two representations, namely, finger
surface curvature and unit normal vector. The
proposed 3-D hand-geometry features explicitly
capture curvature variation on the cross-sectional
finger segments. Simple and efficient metrics,
capable of handling limited variations in the hand
pose, are proposed for matching a pair of 3-D hands.
A new approach for reliable
personal authentication using simultaneous extraction
of 3-D and 2-D hand-based biometric features is
investigated. The key advantage of the proposed
approach is that it simultaneously acquires range and
gray-level images from the palm side of user‟s hand
and thereby offers range of features (2-D and 3-D
hand geometry and finger texture) that can be
simultaneously extracted and combined to achieve
authentication. The unified framework for hand
identification described in this paper is evaluated on a
relatively large database of intensity and range
images to achieve more reliable estimates of
performance for contact less hand imaging. The
objective of this study is to achieve performance
improvement by simultaneously acquiring and
combining three-dimensional and two dimensional
features from the human hand. The proposed
approach utilizes a 3-D digital camera to
simultaneously acquire intensity and range images of
the presented hands of the users in a contact-free
Fig 1: Block Diagram of the proposed system
The acquired intensity image is pre-processed in
order to improve the clarity of the picture by
removing the noises present in the image, to adjust
the resolution of the image according to the
requirements and finally in order to improve the over
all performance rate. First in order to remove noises
present in the image, it is subjected to the filter called
median filter. The median filter is nonlinear digital
filtering technique, often used to remove noise.
Second we need to binarize the image to improve the
performance rate. A binary image is a digital image
that has only two possible values for each pixel.
Typically the two colours used for a binary image are
black and white though any two colours can be used.
The gray level intensity images are first binarized
using Otsu‟s thresholding algorithm.
All Rights Reserved © 2016 IJERCSE
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and
Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016
Fig 2: Binarized image
Finger Edge Location :
Traversing the extracted hand contour, local minima
and local maxima points, which correspond to finger
tips and finger valleys, are located. In order to
estimate the orientation of each finger, four points on
the finger contour (two points each on both sides of
the fingertip) at fixed distances from the fingertip are
identified. Two middle points are computed for
corresponding points on either side and are joined to
obtain the finger orientation. Points at the center and
bottom part of the finger are not considered for the
estimation of orientation, as some of the fingers are
found to be no symmetric at these parts. Once the
finger orientation and fingertip Valley points are
determined; it is a straightforward task to extract a
rectangular ROI from the fingers. Similarly, based on
the two finger valley points (between little-ring and
middle-index fingers), a fixed ROI can be extracted.
Fig. 3 shows the extracted finger edge locations.
scheme to extract features from the 2-D hand images.
The competitive coding scheme proposed in has been
one of the best performing feature extraction
methods. This approach uses a bank of 2-D Gabor
filters to extract information. The three parameters of
the Gabor filter are empirically determined to be (35,
2.6, 0.7), respectively.In Image Processing, a Gabor
filter, named after Dennis Gabor, is a linear filter
used for edge detection. Frequency and orientation
representations of Gabor filters are similar to those of
the human visual system and they have been found to
be particularly appropriate for texture representation
and discrimination. In the spatial domain, a 2D Gabor
filter is a Gaussian kernel function modulated by a
sinusoidal plane wave.
Hand-geometry features are extracted from the
binarized version of the acquired intensity images of
the hand. Features considered in this work include
finger lengths, finger widths at equally spaced
distances along the finger area and finger perimeters.
The Extracted 2-D features are shown in Fig 4.
Fig 4: 2-D features of the hand image
Fig 3: Finger Edge Located Image
2-D Hand Geometry and Texture Process:
This system acquire low-resolution hand images and
employ a 2-D Gabor filter-based competitive coding
3-D Hand Geometry and Texture Process:
The finger localization algorithm developed in the
previous section is employed to locate and extract
individual fingers from the acquired range images.
This system uses the terms 3-D hand geometry and 3D finger geometry synonymously as they represent
features extracted from the 3-D hand data. Each of
the four finger range images is further processed for
feature extraction. The 3-D feature extraction
approach adopted in this work is inspired by the
conventional finger width features in the handgeometry verification. For each finger, a number of
cross-sectional segments are extracted at uniformly
spaced distances along the finger length. The
Extracted 3-D curvature of the hand image are shown
in Fig 5.
All Rights Reserved © 2016 IJERCSE
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and
Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016
Matching Module:
In order to match hand and finger surface features,
two simple but efficient matching distance metrics
are introduced. The proposed metrics of using
hamming distance can effectively deal with small
changes resulting from hand pose variations during
the imaging process. Features extracted from each of
the four fingers are matched individually and then
combined to obtain a consolidated match score. The
Hamming distance between two strings of equal
length is the number of positions at which the
corresponding symbols are different. Put another
way, it measures the minimum number of
substitutions required to change one string into the
other, or the number of errors that transformed one
string into the other.
The acquired intensity images are first processed to
automatically locate the finger tips and finger valleys.
These reference points are then used to determine the
orientation of each finger and to extract them from the
acquired hand image. Since the acquired intensity and
range images are registered, we work only on the
intensity image to determine the key points and the
finger orientation. The key processing steps involved in
the automated extraction of fingers are illustrated in
Fig. 6.
Fig 7 : Two-dimensional hand geometric features
marked on a hand
Fig 5: 3-D curvature of the hand image
Hand-geometry features are extracted from the
binarized version of the acquired intensity images of
the hand. Features considered in this work include
finger lengths, finger widths at equally spaced
distances along the finger length, finger area, palm
length, and finger perimeters. Fig. 7 illustrates the
hand-geometry features utilized in this work. Note
that these features are similar to the ones employed in
[1] and [2].
Fig 6: Hand Image
All Rights Reserved © 2016 IJERCSE
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and
Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016
Fig 8 : Two-dimensional hand geometric features
marked on different positions on hand
However, the finger width features employed in [1]
and [2] require a mirror to reflect the side view of the
hand on to the CCD. Since our imaging scheme does
not acquire a lateral view of the user’s hand, finger
width features are not utilized in this work. Features
extracted from individual fingers (excluding thumb)
are concatenated to form a feature vector. The
computation of matching distance between the
template and query feature vectors is based on the
simple Euclidean distance.
Fig 11 : Acquired intensity image
Fig 9 : Two-dimensional hand geometric features
marked on a hand for a single sample and Rendered
view of the acquired 3-D data.
Fig 12 : Binary hand image after thresholding
Fig 10: Preprocessing and finger
The Project presents a new approach to achieve
simultaneous extraction and combination of multiple
biometric features extracted from 3-D and 2-D
images of the human hand. The proposed approach
acquires hand images in a contact free manner to
ensure high user friendliness and also to avoid the
hygienic concerns. Simultaneously captured range
and intensity images of the hand are processed for
feature extraction and matching. In order to extract
discriminatory information for 3-D hand-geometrybased biometric authentication, two representations
are introduced, namely, finger surface curvature and
unit normal vector. The proposed 3-D hand-geometry
features explicitly capture curvature variation on the
cross-sectional finger segments. Simple and efficient
metrics, capable of handling limited variations in the
hand pose, are proposed for matching a pair of 3-D
hands. A new feature representation, namely, Surface
Code, for 3-D palm print which achieves better
performance and results in significant reduction in
All Rights Reserved © 2016 IJERCSE
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and
Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016
template size. The results on a database of 177
subjects demonstrate that the 3-D hand-geometry
features have high discriminatory information for
biometric verification. In addition, the
presented in this paper further demonstrate that
significant performance improvement can be
achieved by combining the 3-D hand-geometry
information with the 2-D hand-geometry features
extracted from user’s 2-D hand images. Besides
hand-geometry information, other hand biometric
features such as 2-D palm print, 3-D palm print, and
2-D finger texture can also be simultaneously
extracted from the acquired images. Therefore,
investigated the potential of integrating these handbased features into unified framework and obtained
the best performance when all of the features are
combined. Although combining these hand features is
a straightforward task, there is actual need to quantify
the performance improvement that can be achieved
by such combinations, especially in the touchless
imaging setup. Moreover, all hand biometric features
considered in this work can be simultaneously
extracted from the acquired images with little
additional cost for imaging. Therefore, it is prudent to
combine all available biometric features. Slow
acquisition speed of 3-D imaging device, such as
Vivid 910 3-D digitizer employed in this work, limits
the online usage of the proposed system for the
civilian applications. This limitation can be
potentially overcome by acquiring 3-D data with
alternative imaging technologies, such as stereo
imaging, which is part of our future work. Also, the
3-D digitizer employed in this work is quite
expensive and large in size. However, customized
low-cost and compact 3-D scanners can be
developed(similar to the one developed for 3-D
fingers in or for 3-D palm in to overcome this
problem. Future work would also involve increasing
the size of the current hand image database and
exploring more feature sets for 3-D hand-geometrybased authentication. We are currently investigating
the possibility of combining the proposed 3-D finger
feature representations at the feature level. It would
also be interesting to assess the vulnerability of the
proposed 3-D hand-geometry approach to sensor
level attacks using fabricated hand models and is
suggested for future work.
At the tests the effectiveness of EHD and the
dynamically parameterized HOG implementation
was compared. It was examined with more databases.
In our experience the HOG in more cases was much
better than the EHD based retrieval. However, the
situation is not so simple. The edge histogram
descriptor can mainly look better for informationpoor sketches, while in other case better results can
be achieved for more detailed. This is due to the
sliding window solution of HOG. Using the SIFTbased multi-level solution the search result list is re
ned. With the categorization of retrieval response a
bigger decision possibility was given to the user on
that way, he can choose from more groups of results.
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