Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685 (DOI: 10.1002/wcm.149)
Ultra-wideband wireless communications
Weihua Zhuang1,*,y , Xuemin (Sherman) Shen1 and Qi Bi2
Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University
of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada
Lucent Technologies Inc., 67 Whippany Road, Whippany, New Jersey 07981, USA
Ultra-wideband (UWB) communication techniques have attracted a great interest in both academia and industry in
the past few years for applications in short-range wireless mobile systems. This is due to the potential advantages
of UWB transmissions such as low power, high rate, immunity to multipath propagation, less complex transceiver
hardware, and low interference. However, tremendous R&D efforts are required to face various technical
challenges in developing UWB wireless systems, including UWB channel characterization, transceiver design,
coexistence and interworking with other narrowband wireless systems, design of the link and network layers to
benefit from UWB transmission characteristics. This paper is to provide an overview of UWB communications,
summarize the previous research results, and identify further research issues that need to be tackled. The emphasis
is placed on the commercial wireless communications. Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
call admission control (CAC); channel characterization; coexistence; medium access control
(MAC); monocycle waveform; interworking; transceiver structure; ultra wideband (UWB)
Ultra-wideband (UWB) transmission is a widely used
technology in radar and remote sensing applications
[3] and has recently received great attention in both
academia and industry for applications in wireless
communications [5,37,38,41,75,79,94,97,116,117]. A
UWB system is defined as any radio system that has a
10-dB bandwidth larger than 25 percent of its center
frequency, or has a 10-dB bandwidth equal to or larger
than 1.5 GHz if the center frequency is greater than
6 GHz [32]. The trends that drive recent R&D activities carried out for UWB transmission for commer-
cial communication applications include [66]: (a)
increasing demand for low-cost portable devices providing high-rate transmission capability at lower
power than currently available, (b) lack of available
frequencies, and crowding in currently assigned unlicensed frequency bands, (c) increasing availability
of wireline high-speed Internet access in enterprises,
homes and public places, and (d) decreasing semiconductor cost and power consumption for signal
processing. Preliminary results demonstrate that
UWB radio is a viable candidate for short-range
multiple access communications in dense multipath
environments. The preliminary approval of UWB
*Correspondence to: Weihua Zhuang, Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC), Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada.
[email protected]
Contract/grant sponsor: Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada; contract/grant numbers:
RGPIN155131 and RGPIN203560.
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
technology made by Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the United States reserves the
frequency band between 3.1 and 10.6 GHz for indoor
UWB communication systems [32]; however, most of
the works reported in the open literature so far were
carried out before the FCC approval. As a result, the
frequency bands of some UWB transmission schemes
presented in this paper go beyond the FCC limits. In
general, UWB technology has many benefits due to its
ultra-wideband nature, which include the following:
1. High data rate—UWB technology is likely to provide high data rates in short- and medium-range
(such as 20 m, 50 m) wireless communications [75];
2. Less path loss and better immunity to multipath
propagation—As UWB spans over a very wide
frequency range (from very low to very high), it
has relatively low material penetration losses. On
the other hand, UWB channels exhibit extremely
frequency-selective fading, and each received signal contains a large number of resolvable multipath
components [115,118]. The fine-time resolution of
UWB signals facilitates the receiver to coherently
combine multipath signal components with path
length differentials down to about 30 cm [70].1 The
carrier-less nature of UWB signals results in less
fading, even when pulses overlap. This reduces
fade margin in link budgets [111,118];
3. Availability of low-cost transceivers—The transceiver structure may be very simple due to the
absence of the carrier. The techniques for generating UWB signals have existed for more than three
decades [90]. Recent advances in silicon process
and switching speeds make commercial low-cost
UWB systems possible [35,38,46,64,65,102].
4. Low transmit power and low interference—For a
short-range operation, the average transmit power
of pulses of duration on the order of one nanose1
This approach to mitigating channel impairments is totally
different from some techniques used in narrowband systems.
For example, a basic approach to combating frequencyselective fading in high-rate narrowband systems is to
partition the signal into contiguous frequency bands, each
of which is narrow compared with the coherence bandwidth
of the channel. Each of the signal components is then
modulated onto a different subcarrier and the signal components are sent over the channel in parallel. In this way,
each of the signal components experiences frequency flat
fading. This can be achieved by converting the high rate
serial data sequence into a number of lower rate parallel
sequences and then modulating each onto a subcarrier. An
effective method to achieve this is orthogonal frequency
division multiplexing (OFDM).
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
cond with a low duty cycle is very low. With an
ultra-wideband spectrum bandwidth, the power
spectral density of UWB signals is extremely
low. This gives rise to the potential that UWB
systems can coexist with narrowband radio systems operating in the same spectrum without
causing undue interference. Also, UWB operates
with emission levels commensurate with common
digital devices such as laptop computers, palm
Pilots, and pocket calculators. It may further utilize
the frequency spectrum used by existing services.
On the other hand, there exist many technical
challenges in UWB deployment. These include: (a)
distortion of the received waveform from each distinct
delayed propagation path, which makes it difficult to
explore path diversity inherent in the received signal
[17]; (b) synchronization of very short pulses at the
receiver; (c) performance degradation due to multiple
access interference and narrowband jamming; (d)
employing higher order modulation schemes to improve capacity or throughput; (e) development of link
and network layers to take advantage of the UWB
transmission benefits at the physical layer.
UWB technology has potentials for applications in
communications, radar and location [1,37,39,40,97].
In recent years, R&D efforts have resulted in advances
of UWB technology in areas such as antennas
[31,52,92,102], power amplifiers [60], timing chips
and synchronizers [33,59]. For wireless communications in particular, the applications and hardware that
have been developed and demonstrated in the past few
years include the following [37,97,109]: (a) For short
range operation up to 5 m, data rates up to 600 Mbps
are possible within the limits specified in the Code of
Federal Regulations for intentional radiators [107]
while introducing only negligible interference to coexisting users; (b) At a range of 10 m with an effective
average output power of 50 mW, a simplex 2.0 GHz
data link can support a data rate of 5 Mbps at less than
108 bit error rate without forward error correction;
(c) At a range of 1–2 km, a full duplex 1.5 GHz handheld radio unit provides a data rate of up to 128 kbps
with an average output power of 640 mW; (d) At a
range beyond 16 km, a full duplex 1.3 GHz radio
system has a variable data rate of either 39 kbps or
156 kbps with an average output power of 250 mW. In
addition, a highly mobile, multimode, ad hoc wireless
communication network based on UWB technology is
under development to provide a secure, low probability of intercept and detection, and to support encrypted voice/data (up to 128 kbps) and high-rate
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685
video (1.544 Mbps T1) transmissions. In general,
there is a tradeoff between the average power (and
correspondingly the distance) and data rate. For short
distance transmission, such as in an indoor wireless
system or a home entertainment network [124], UWB
technology has the potential to enable simple, lowcost and high-rate applications such as digital video;
as the distance increases, UWB wireless systems are
likely to support a data rate such as 20 Mbps in local
area and wide area networks (LAN/WANs).
Even though R&D results so far have demonstrated
that UWB radio is a promising solution for high-rate
short-range wireless communications, further extensive investigation, experiment, and development are
necessary towards developing effective and efficient
UWB communication systems and developing UWB
technology. This paper is to make a contribution to the
development of UWB systems.2 It provides an overview of UWB communications, summarizes the previous research results, and identifies further work that
should be looked into. The emphasis is placed on the
commercial wireless communications. This paper is
organized as follows: Section 2 describes the principles of UWB transmission, including impulse radio
(IR) using pulse position modulation (PPM) and pulse
amplitude modulation (PAM). In Section 3, we present some existing models for the UWB radio channel
based on preliminary experiments. Receiver structures
and their performance are discussed in Section 4.
Section 5 is devoted to resource allocation issues at
the link layer (for medium access control) and network layer for quality-of-service (QoS) provisioning,
followed by conclusions in Section 6.
2. UWB Transmission
UWB usually refers to impulse based waveforms that
can be used with different modulation schemes. The
transmitted signal consists of a train of very narrow
pulses at baseband, normally on the order of a nanosecond. Each transmitted pulse is referred to as a
monocycle. The information can be carried by the
position or amplitude of the pulses. In general, narrower pulses in the time domain correspond to electromagnetic radiation of wider spectrum in the
In this paper, narrowband transmission refers to non-UWB
transmission, which includes conventional wideband transmission such as wideband code-division multiple access
(CDMA) transmission in the third-generation cellular systems.
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
frequency domain. Thus, the baseband train of nanosecond impulses can have a frequency spectrum
spanning from zero to several GHz, resulting in the
so called UWB transmission.
2.1. Monocycle Waveforms
The frequency-domain spectral content of a UWB
signal depends on the pulse waveform shape and the
pulse width. Typical pulse waveforms used in research
include rectangular, Gaussian, Gaussian doublet, and
Rayleigh monocycles, etc. [11,17,44,93,125]. A monocycle should have zero DC component to allow it to
radiate effectively. In fact, to satisfy the UWB emission
constraint specified in FCC regulation 47 CFR Section
15.5(d), the desired frequency spectrum of the monocycle waveform should be flat over a target bandwidth
not including the zero frequency.
A rectangular monocycle with
qffiffiffiffiwidth Tp and unity
energy can be represented by T1p ½UðtÞ Uðt Tp Þ,
where UðÞ denotes the unit step function. The rectangular pulse has a large DC component, which is not
a desired property. Even so, the rectangular monocycle has often been used in academic research
because of its simplicity.
A generic Gaussian pulse is given by
1 t 2
pg ðtÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi exp
where defines the center of the pulse and determines the width of the pulse. Some popular monocycles are derived from the Gaussian pulse. The
Gaussian monocycle is the second derivative of a
Gaussian pulse, and is given by
t 2 1 t 2
pG ðtÞ ¼ AG 1
where the parameter determines the monocycle
width Tp . The effective time duration of the waveform
that contains 99.99% of the total monocycle energy is
Tp ¼ 7 centered at ¼ 3:5. The factor AG is
introduced so that the total energy
of the monocycle
is normalized to unity, i.e. p2G ðtÞdt ¼ 1. The frequency spectrum of the Gaussian monocycle is
PG ð f Þ ¼ AG 2ð2f Þ exp ð2f Þ
expðj2f Þ
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685
The Gaussian doublet is a bipolar signal, consisting
of two amplitude reversed Gaussian pulses with a time
gap of Tw between the two pulses. The mathematical
expression for the monocycle is
1 t
pGD ðtÞ ¼ AGD exp
1 t Tw 2
which has a Fourier transform given by
PGD ð f Þ ¼ 2AGD 2 sinðf Tw Þ exp ð2f Þ
exp j½2f ð þ 0:5Tw Þ 0:5
The pulse width is determined by the parameters , ,
and Tw . The truncated pulse with Tp ¼ 14 for
Tw ¼ 7 contains 99.99% of the total monocycle
The Rayleigh monocycle is derived from the first
derivative of the Gaussian pulse and is given by
ht i 1 t 2
pR ðtÞ ¼ AR
Fig. 1.
with the Fourier transform
PR ð f Þ ¼ AR 2ð2f Þ exp ð2f Þ2
exp jð2f þ 0:5Þ
The effective time duration of the waveform that
contains 99.99% of the total monocycle energy is
Tp ¼ 7 centered at ¼ 3:5 , which is the same as
that of the Gaussian monocycle.
Different from the rectangular waveform, an important feature of the above monocycles is that they do
not have a DC component, which makes the radiation
of the monocycles more efficient. Figure 1 shows the
UWB monocycles and their frequency spectra in dB,
where the maximum magnitudes of the monocycles
and spectra are normalized to unity and 0 dB respectively. Define the 10-dB bandwidth of the monocycles
as B10dB ¼ fH fL , where fH and fL are the frequencies
at which the magnitude spectrum attains 1= 10 of its
peak value, and the nominal center frequency as
fc ¼ ð fH þ fL Þ=2. Table I lists the 10-dB bandwidth
and center frequency for the monocycles, where
The waveforms and magnitude spectra of Gaussian monocycle, Rayleigh monocycle, and Gaussian doublet with
Tp ¼ 1 ns and Tw ¼ 0:5 ns; (a) Monocycle waveforms; (b) Magnitude spectra.
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685
Fig. 1. Continued
Table I. The 10-dB bandwidth and center frequency of the monocycles.
Gaussian doublet
B10 dB
Tw ¼ Tp =2 for the Gaussian doublet. Note that the
Gaussian doublet has a larger out-band radiation than
the other two monocycles, even though it has a
smaller 10-dB bandwidth.
Important criteria in designing the monocycle waveform include (a) simplicity of the monocycle generator and (b) minimal interference between the UWB
system and other narrowband systems coexisting in
the same frequency band (as to be discussed later in
this section).
2.2. Modulation
The two most popular UWB transmission models are
based on the concepts of time hopping spread specCopyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
trum (TH-SS) and direct sequence spread spectrum
(DS-SS) respectively. Data information can be modulated to the UWB impulse train using pulse position
modulation (PPM) or pulse amplitude modulation
(PAM).3 For simplicity, consider binary modulation.
In both TH-SS and DS-SS UWB models, one information bit is spread over multiple monocycles to
achieve a processing gain in reception.
In order to represent the transmitted signals, the
following mathematical symbols are introduced:
Tf —the nominal pulse repetition interval
Tc —chip interval
Ns —the number of monocycles modulated by each
information bit, referred to as spreading factor
Td —bit interval, equal to Ns Tf in TH-SS and to Ns Tc
in DS-SS
fcd g—a binary pseudorandom noise (PN) code sequence of length Ns in DS-SS, cd 2 f1; þ1g
Here we consider binary antipodal PAM. Note that phase
modulation in general is not applicable to UWB transmission due to its carrier-less nature.
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685
fct g—a binary PN code sequence for TH, which
defines unique code phases in the interval
½0; Nt where Nt Tc < Tf and ct 2 f0; 1g
j—chip index of the PN sequence
fdn g—information data sequence, dn ¼ 0 for symbol
‘‘1’’ and dn ¼ 1 for symbol ‘‘0’’ in PPM, and
dn ¼ 1 for symbol ‘‘1’’ and dn ¼ 1 for
symbol ‘‘0’’ in PAM
—an extra delay of monocycles for symbol ‘‘0’’ in
n—information bit index
pðtÞ—monocycle waveform, examples including
those given in Equations (2), (3) and (4)
Ep —monocycle energy
The transmitted signal in TH-SS using PPM is
given by
xðtÞ ¼
1 N
s 1
pffiffiffiffiffi X
p½ðt nTd jTf ðct Þj Tc dn Þ
n¼1 j¼0
with the energy of the pulse pðtÞ being unity. On a
large scale, the time is partitioned to frames of bit
interval Td . Within each frame, there are Ns monocycles. Each monocycle experiences a distinct extra
delay ðct Þj Tc different from the rest of the monocycles
within the frame in order to avoid catastrophic collisions in multiple access. Depending on the information bit, all the monocycles in the frame experience an
extra common delay ð> 0Þ for information symbol
‘0’. The ratio Nt Tc =Tf represents the percentage of
time in each frame over which TH is allowed. The
ratio should not be too small in order to avoid
catastrophic collisions. Similarly, the transmitted
signal in DS-SS using PPM is given by
xðtÞ ¼
1 N
s 1
pffiffiffiffiffi X
ðcd Þj pðt nTd jTf dn Þ
n¼1 j¼0
The DS-SS PPM is also referred to as hybrid DS-TH
UWB [56]. Here, we consider orthogonal PPM where
all the monocycles do not overlap, i.e. Tp in
Equations (5) and (6).
Correspondingly, using PAM, the transmitted signal
xðtÞ ¼
1 N
s 1
pffiffiffiffiffi X
p½t nTd jTf ðct Þj Tc dn
n¼1 j¼0
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
in TH-SS and is
xðtÞ ¼
1 N
s 1
pffiffiffiffiffi X
ðcd Þj pðt nTd jTf Þdn
n¼1 j¼0
in DS-SS. In summary, the transmitted signal can be
represented as
xðtÞ ¼
1 N
s 1
pffiffiffiffiffi X
pt ðt nTd jTf Þ
n¼1 j¼0
where the modulated monocycle pt ðtÞ is a function of j
and n, and is given by
p½t ðct Þj Tc dn
<ðcd Þ pðt dn Þ
pt ðtÞ ¼
p½t ðct Þj Tc dn
ðcd Þj pðtÞdn
The transmission data rate Rs in bps is equal to
1=ðNs Tf Þ in TH-SS and to 1=ðNs Tc Þ in DS-SS. Given
the spreading factor Ns, the information data rate Rs
depends on the pulse repetition interval Tf or the chip
interval Tc .
Figure 2 shows the difference between TH-SS and
DS-SS [44], where PAM is used for illustration clarity.
A similar illustration can be drawn for PPM. From the
figure, the following observations can be made:
1. In DS-SS PAM, we have Tc ¼ Tp ¼ Tf , leading to
a duty cycle of 100%. The DS-SS PAM is basically
DS-CDMA using BPSK (binary phase shift keying) except that the carrier frequency is zero and
the chip pulse is the UWB monocycle. Within each
frame, the information bit is to modulate Ns evenly
distributed (in the time axis) monocycles and each
PN code chip is to determine the polarity (positive
or negative) of the corresponding monocycle after
the data modulation. Signals for different users are
to be separated through PN code correlation as in
2. The power spectral density (psd) of the above
UWB signals can be calculated using the mathematical expressions given in Reference [114]. In
DS-SS PAM, with a constant Tf , line spectrum
appears in the frequency domain and the separation
between the adjacent lines is proportional to 1=Tf .
The spectrum lines are not desired as they can
introduce noticeable interference to other radio
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685
Fig. 2. Comparison of TH-SS PAM and DS-SS PAM waveforms [#2002 IEEE. Reproduced from Hämäläinen M, et al. On
the UWB system coexistence with GSM 900, UMTS/WCDMA and GPS. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
2002; 20(9): 1712–1721. DOI: 10.1109/JSAC.2002.805242, by permission of the IEEE.]
systems in the same frequency spectrum. This is a
drawback of DS-SS PAM as compared with the
other three schemes where the monocycles are not
evenly distributed in each frame;
In the other three schemes (TH-SS PPM, DS-SS
PPM, and TH-SS PAM), Tf Nt Tc and Tc Tp ,
leading to a very small duty cycle (i.e.,
Tp =Tf 1). Given the same monocycle width
Tp , Tf in DS-SS PAM is much smaller than that
in the other three schemes. As a result, the information rate Rs in DS-SS PAM is much higher than
that in the other cases when the Tp and Ns values
are the same for all the four schemes;
For the same spreading factor Ns and information
data rate Rs , the repetition interval Tf and the
number of monocycles within each frame (bit
interval) are the same among all the four schemes.
However, the DS-SS PAM scheme has a much
larger monocycle width Tp (with a duty cycle of 1)
than that in the other schemes (with a duty cycle
much smaller than 1), leading to a small ratio of
peak power to average power and an overall
smaller bandwidth;
The psd mainly depends on the width and waveform of the monocycle and on whether TH-SS or
DS-SS is used. Based on the application, the
monocycle waveform can be designed for minimum interference at certain frequency bands;
In TH-SS PPM, all the monocycles have the same
polarity and the modulation is achieved completely
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
by time shifting of monocycles, which is not the
case in the other schemes. Therefore, early research on UWB for wireless communications focused on TH-SS PPM due to its implementation
advantage of not requiring pulse inversion
In Equations (5), (7) and (8), it is assumed that the
PN sequences are periodic with period Ns for simplicity of presentation. Also, higher order modulation
(such as M-ary PPM and other M-ary orthogonal
modulation) is possible [28,86,123], which achieves
a higher throughput at the expense of implementation
complexity and transmission accuracy.
In addition to using UWB monocycles in the conventional UWB transmission, UWB systems using
narrowband signals have been explored as a design
alternative [24,121]. In Reference [121], UWB based
on the well-known family of frequency-hopping (FH)SS multiple access technique is proposed, where
multistage FH multiple access, the associated spectrum assignment and the residue number system
(RNS) based FH strategy are investigated and proposed. The UWB based on the conventional narrowband signalling has the advantages of exploring
numerous well-understood and spectral-efficient techniques originally developed for narrowband signalling
in order to achieve high transmission efficiency, in
addition to using elements of the existing standards. In
Reference [24] multi-bands UWB is proposed, where
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685
each UWB signal occupies 500 MHz of spectrum and
does not have to be an impulse train. The approach is
adaptive and scalable, and is flexible in accommodating various transmission rate requirements. Interference mitigation techniques should be developed to
protect existing narrowband systems in UWB interfering with narrowband and to ensure that UWB is
robust in narrowband interfering with UWB.
2.3. UWB Coexistence
As UWB systems will coexist with other existing
narrowband systems/standards in the same frequency
spectrum, how UWB transmission and narrowband
transmission interfere with each other is an important
issue to ensure that both these systems operate properly in the mutual interference. The information will
help to design UWB systems for a minimum mutual
interference. Initial investigation has been carried out
and reported in References [44,45,125] for a correlator receiver in an additive Gaussian white noise
(AWGN) channel. The coexistence issue of UWB
systems using TH-SS PAM and DS-SS PAM (with
the same bit energy and spreading factor) has been
investigated via computer simulations [44,45], where
the narrowband systems include GSM900, UMTS/
WCDMA and GPS.4 It is concluded that the mutual
interference can be reduced by properly designing the
monocycle waveform and properly choosing its width.
In terms of the interference from UWB systems to the
narrowband systems, it is observed that: (a) UWB
systems cause less interference to the frequency
spectra of the narrowband systems when higher order
Gaussian waveforms are used (up to the third derivative of the Gaussian pulse is considered); (b) in the
GPS L1 and L2 channels, DS-SS UWB introduces
less interference than TH-SS UWB; (c) both TH-SS
and DS-SS UWB systems generate a similar level of
interference in GSM900 and UMTS/WCDMA bands.
As to the UWB transmission performance degradation
due to jamming from the narrowband systems, it is
observed that: (a) the UWB transmission performance
suffers most when the interferer spectrum overlaps
with the nominal center frequency of the UWB
systems. Thus, the UWB monocycle waveform and
bandwidth should be designed carefully to reduce
interference from a given band; (b) TH-SS UWB
outperforms DS-SS UWB at a low interference level;
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Communications, UMTS for Universal Mobile Telecommunications
Service, and GPS for Global Positioning System
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
(c) both TH-SS and DS-SS UWB systems have
similar performance at a high jamming power level.
In Reference [125], the effect of narrowband jamming
on TH-SS PPM systems using rectangular pulse,
Gaussian and Rayleigh monocycles is analyzed. It is
demonstrated that, comparing with narrowband DSSS with Gaussian chip waveform, the UWB system
using Gaussian monocycle has a significant advantage
in suppressing both narrowband and wideband interference.
Further investigation on the interference for UWB
system coexistence is necessary for more practical
UWB channels using a rake receiver, and in the
presence of multiple access interference using an
optimal or suboptimal receiver (see Section 4 for
more details of the receivers). Also, the effect of
narrowband jamming at multiple bands on UWB
transmission performance should be studied.
3. Channel Characterization
Accurate channel characterization is vital for UWB
transceiver design and for efficient utilization of the
system resources (such as frequency spectrum and
transmit power), as the propagation channel sets
fundamental limits on the performance of UWB
communication systems. Due to reflection, refraction
and scattering, wireless signals usually experience
multipath propagation. In a narrowband system, this
phenomenon leads to multipath fading, while in UWB
systems the monocycles often do not overlap because
the pulse width is often smaller than the channel
propagation delays. Extensive work has been done
in the characterization of the narrowband indoor
propagation channel [47]. Given the wideband nature
of UWB transmission, the conventional channel
models developed for narrowband transmissions are
not adequate for UWB transmission. So far, only
very limited measurement results and preliminary
investigation on the channel modelling are available
in the open literature for UWB transmission [8,21,29,
53,84,113,115,117,119,122]. In the following, we
first discuss UWB channel statistics and models
based on the measurements, and then present some
attempts to model the UWB channel using theoretical
3.1. Large-Scale Path Loss
In wireless systems, as the distance between the
transmitter and receiver increases, the received signal
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685
becomes weaker because of the growing propagation
attenuation with the distance. Large-scale path loss
characterizes the local average of the path loss. The
log-distance path loss model is a popular choice for
narrowband systems in both indoor and outdoor cellular environments [47,89]. Preliminary measurement
results indicate that the model is also valid for UWB
p ðdÞ denote the logindoor propagation [8,122]. Let L
distance path loss, which is a function of the distance
d separating the transmitter and the receiver. Then,
Lp ðdÞ /
d d0
distributed random variable (in dB) with standard
deviation (in dB). Measurements indicate that
is 4.3 dB [8], and is 4.75 dB, 4.04 dB and 3.55 dB for
the peak, peak plus rake and total received power
respectively [122]. The values are in general smaller
than the typical value (4.3 13.3 dB [89] and
6 12 dB [42]) of narrowband systems, suggesting
that a relatively small fading margin is required for
UWB transmission.
The signal quality in dB is defined as
or equivalently,
where Etot is the received energy at a specific measurement position u and Eref is the reference energy
chosen to be the energy in the line-of-sight (LOS) path
measured by the receiver located at d0 ( ¼ 1 m).
Measurement data given in Reference [119] show
that the received signal energy varies by at most
5 dB as the receiver position changes over the measurement grid within a room having 49 measurement
points on a 7 7 square grid with 6-inch spacing.
Compared with the fading margin in narrowband
systems (such as 20–30 dB reported in Reference
[72]), the variation in the received signal energy is
very small. Again, this indicates the potential of UWB
radio for robust indoor communications at a low
transmit power level.
p ðdÞ ¼ L
p ðd0 Þ þ 10log10 d dB;
d d0
where is the path loss exponent and d0 is the close-in
reference distance. A typical value for d0 is 1 m for
indoor systems [8,89]. Analysis of the measurement
data from a modern laboratory/office building [8]
indicates that the ¼ 2:04 for d 2 [1,11] m and
¼ 7:4 for d > 11 m. The measurement data collected from a single-floor, hard-partition office building (fully furnished) of recent construction [122] show
that ¼ 2:9 for the peak received power, ¼ 2:1 for
the total received power, and ¼ 2:5 when using a 4finger rake (referred to as peak plus rake) receiver
locking to the strongest paths. This suggests that
receiver architectures should make use of the total
received power in order to combat path loss more
effectively. In comparison, the path loss exponent
value of the UWB channels is smaller than that of
narrowband systems (where ¼ 2:68 4:33 [89]
and ¼ 3 4 [42]).
Lognormal Shadowing
As the receiver moves in an indoor environment, it
often travels into a propagation shadow behind obstacles much larger than the wavelength of the transmitted signal and therefore, experiences a severe
attenuation of the received signal power. This phenomenon is called shadowing. A lognormal distribution is often used to characterize the shadowing
process in narrowband systems [47,89] and is assumed for UWB transmission [8]. As a result, largescale path loss is a combination of log-distance path
loss and lognormal shadowing. Let ðdBÞ represent the
shadowing effect, which is a zero-mean Gaussian
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
QðuÞ ¼ 10log10 Etot ðuÞ 10log10 Eref
Small-Scale Fading Characteristics
Analysis shows that the well-established tappeddelay-line channel model with independently faded
tap (bin) gains for narrowband systems [91] is also
valid for UWB transmission [8,20]. The power delay
profile is an exponential function of the excess delay,
with the decay constant (in a dB scale with reference
value of 1 ns) following the lognormal distribution
with mean 16.1 and standard deviation 1.27. Also, the
power ratio of the first path to the second path follows
the lognormal distribution with mean 4 and standard
deviation 3. Different from the narrowband channel
models, the energy statistics due to small-scale effects
follow a Gamma distribution ð ; mÞ with parameters
and m for all bins. The parameter m is a random
variable following a truncated Gaussian distribution
given by
fm ðxÞ ¼
Km exp ðx
x 0:5
x < 0:5
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685
R 1 by m T N ðm ; m Þ, where Km is chosen so
that 1 fm ðxÞdx ¼ 1. Let l ¼ 2ðl 1Þ ns, denoting
the excess delay of the lth bin, then the parameters m
and 2m as a function of l are given by
m ðl Þ ¼ 3:5 ðl =73Þ
2m ðl Þ ¼ 1:84 ðl =160Þ
The linear tapped-delay-line model is also used in
the data post-processing reported in [53], where the
Rician fading model is assumed for each tap gain.
Each complex tap gain contains a deterministic component (s2dB ) from the LOS path and a random com2
ponent (dB
) from NLOS paths, and the k-factor in
logarithmic scale of the Rician distribution is denoted
by k (¼ s2dB dB
). The k-factor is a function of the
propagation delay and the transmitter-receiver
distance d. A linear regression line
kð; dÞ ¼ aðÞd þ bðÞ
¼ ½as ðÞ a ðÞd þ ½bs ðÞ b ðÞ
can be fitted to the k-factor normalized to the average
power level, where d is the logarithmic antenna
separation, and subscripts s and are associated
with s2dB and dB
respectively. At ¼ 0, aðÞ 0
and, at ¼ 5 ns, aðÞ ¼ 1:67. Piecewise linear regression lines also apply to the parameters as , a , bs ,
and b , given by
as ðÞ ¼
a ðÞ ¼
bs ðÞ ¼
b ðÞ ¼
Table II lists the values for the exponential
decay coefficients extracted from the measurement
Table II. Parameters for exponential decay coefficients
6 60
0 10
10 60
0 28
28 60
0 28
28 60
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The root-mean-square (rms) delay spread increases
with the distance between the transmitter and receiver,
because the propagation paths become more nonuniform as the distance increases [122]. Also, the rms
delay increases with the path loss, likely due to the
earliest arriving multipath components being attenuated and not dominating the delay spread over the
later arriving components. The rms delay spread is
5.72 ns and 4.26 ns versus distance (ranging approximately from 1 to 20 m) and path loss (ranging
approximately from 0 to 50 dB) respectively. In comparison, in narrowband indoor systems, the rms value
is 19 49 ns [78], and increases with the propagation
distance [42,47] and with the path loss [47].
Deterministic Channel Modelling
In addition to channel measurements, preliminary
research efforts have been devoted to characterizing
the UWB channel based on theoretical approaches
[81–84,106]. One important characteristic of UWB
propagation is that each path has its own impulse
response or frequency transfer function that is frequency dependent [104], which is different from
narrowband transmission where the frequency independence assumption is implied [105] and widely
adopted. One approach is based on the geometrical
theory of diffraction (GTD) which has been used in
UWB radar identification [73]. Due to the similarity
between the radar objects and the wireless channel
obstacles, the approach can be applied to UWB
channel modelling with multiple-edge scatterers and
the corresponding time-domain resolutions to lower
frequencies by including the higher-order multiple
diffractions in terms of wave number. All the multiple
diffractions are treated together and the total field is
decomposed into several leading terms, using the
scattering center model. The scattering center model
is generalized to include the scattering and diffraction
mechanisms, by introducing a frequency dependence
factor to the channel gain of each scattered signal
component. The multiple diffractions distort the UWB
signal waveform significantly and therefore, degrade
the signal-to-noise ratio at the correlator output. This
suggests that the frequency-dependent effects on the
received waveform should be taken into account in the
transceiver design, even though the effects are usually
negligible in narrowband systems. Another theoretical
approach is based on the uniform theory of diffraction
(UTD). The received waveform is modelled as a
superposition of channel significant rays, taking into
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685
account the effects of the transmitter antenna, multipath propagation, and receiver antenna. For the lth
significant ray, the channel is modelled as the tandem
of three filters with the transmitter antenna impulse
response in the emission direction of the lth ray. The
lth channel impulse response takes into account not
only the attenuation but also the dispersion due to
interaction, and the receiver antenna impulse response
in the arrival direction of the lth ray, respectively. The
channel for each ray modifies the shape and amplitude
of the corresponding impulse in a realistic way. The
significant rays and their associated delays between
the transmitter and receiver are to be determined by
ray tracing. The channel transfer function associated
with each ray is determined based on UTD. Based on
the delay associated with each ray, the contribution of
each ray to the received waveform in the time domain
can be obtained from the frequency domain channel
In summary, preliminary studies of UWB propagation have confirmed that the well-developed narrowband indoor wireless channel models or parameter
values are not appropriate for UWB propagation.
Measurement results given in [53,119,122] demonstrate the potential of UWB radio for robust indoor
communications at a low transmit power level, which
is also confirmed by the measurements reported in
[29,113]. However, multiple diffractions are expected
to distort UWB signal waveform significantly and
therefore, degrade the transmission performance
[87]. Extensive field measurements and analysis for
various propagation environments, together with more
comprehensive theoretical modelling, are required in
order to obtain more insights of UWB channel behaviours and, thus, to design the transmitter and receiver
to mitigate channel impairments.
4. Receiver Techniques and Transmission
The UWB channel introduces large-scale path loss,
shadowing, small-scale fading, and propagation delay
dispersion to the transmitted monocycle train. The
distorted waveforms arriving at the receiver are
further corrupted by multiple access interference,
narrowband jamming, and background noise. The
function of the receiver is to extract the information
bit sequence modulated on the monocycle train from
the distorted and corrupted receiving waveforms with
a high accuracy. In general, the receiver consists of a
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
detector and a decision device. The detector is different from the demodulator in narrowband systems, due
to the fact that UWB transmission is carrier-less.
However, many receiver techniques of narrowband
systems for forming the decision variable can be
directly applied to UWB receivers.
The most common UWB receiver implementations
include threshold detectors, autocorrelation receivers,
and correlation or rake receivers. The threshold detectors are simple to implement and are suitable for
UWB radar systems [3]. An autocorrelation receiver
correlates the received waveform with a previously
received waveform [16,50,103,104,108], which is
similar to the suboptimal differential detector for
differential phase shift keying (DPSK) in narrowband
systems. It can capture the entire received waveform
energy for a slowly varying channel without requiring
channel estimation, as the transmitter transmits a pilot
(reference) waveform to generate side information
about the channel. The receiver suffers from the
noise-on-noise effect and 3 dB loss for transmitting
the reference waveform [16]. Most research on the
receiver focuses on the correlator receiver [9,16,34,
36,85,86,101,116–118,123], which can achieve the
optimal performance. As a result, we mainly discuss
the correlator receiver in the following.
Optimum Receiver for AWGN Channel
Consider an AWGN channel in the absence of multiple
access interference. The received signal is given by
rðtÞ ¼ xðtÞ þ nðtÞ
where xðtÞ is the transmitted monocycle train given in
Equations (9) and (10), depending on the modulation
scheme used, and nðtÞ is zero-mean white Gaussian
noise with two-sided psd of N0 =2. Here it is assumed
that the effects of the transmitter and receiver antennas on monocycles have been compensated by the
pulse generation at the transmitter and receiver respectively. The optimum receiver for the channel is a
correlator (i.e. matched filter) receiver. The receiver
block diagram is shown in Figure 3, where the
receiver locally generated monocycle signal xr ðtÞ is
synchronized with the incoming monocycle train and
is given by
1 N
s 1
1 X
pr ðt nTd jTf Þ
xr ðtÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi
Ns n¼1 j¼0
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685
where pr ðtÞ is a function of j and has unity energy,
given by
fp½t ðct Þj Tc p½t ðct Þj Tc g= 2
pr ðtÞ ¼ ðcd Þj ½ pðtÞ pðt Þ= 2
p½t ðct Þj Tc
: ðc Þ pðtÞ
d j
At the end of the nth information symbol interval,
t ¼ nTd , the decision variable is
Z nTd
rðtÞxr ðtÞdt
yðnTd Þ ¼
Z ðn1ÞTd þð jþ1ÞTf
s 1
ðn1ÞTd þjTf
rðtÞxr ðtÞdt
ð1 ÞNs Ep
þ Nn
be modelled by a linear tapped-delay-line. Consider a
linear tapped-delay-line channel model with the maximum excess delay m ð>> Tp Þ. For presentation
clarity, assume that Tf Tp þ Nt Tc þ þ m and
that jl l0 j Tp for l 6¼ l0 in PPM so that there is
no inter-symbol and inter-monocycle interference.
Assume that the channel is time invariant over the
duration of a few symbol (bit) intervals. Let hðtÞ
denote the channel impulse response over the time
interval. The received signal is then
rðtÞ ¼ xðtÞ ? hðtÞ þ nðtÞ
1 N
s 1
pffiffiffiffiffi X
½ pt ðt nTd jTf Þ ? hðtÞ þ nðtÞ
n¼1 j¼0
q½t nTd jTf ðct Þj Tc dn ðTH-SS PPMÞ
pffiffiffiffiffi X X ðcd Þj qðt nTd jTf dn Þ
¼ nðtÞ þ Ep
>q½t nTd jTf ðct Þj Tc dn
n¼1 j¼0 >
ðcd Þj qðt nTd jTf Þdn
where the ‘‘þ’’ sign is for the case that information bit
‘‘1’’ was sent and the ‘‘’’ sign for the case that ‘‘0’’
was sent, and (equal to 0 for PPM and to 1 for
PAM) is the correlation coefficient between the two
signals for symbols ‘‘1’’ and ‘‘0’’,
R nTd respectively, Ns Ep
nðtÞxr ðtÞdt is a
is the bit energy, and Nn ¼ ðn1ÞT
Gaussian random variable with zero mean and variance N0 =2. Let d^n denote the detected nth transmitted
information symbol. Then, the maximum likelihood
(ML) decision rule is that: if yðnTd Þ 0, then d^n is
‘‘1’’; otherwise, d^n is ‘‘0’’. The probability of bit error,
or bit error rate (BER), is given by [48]
ð1 ÞNs Ep
Pb ¼ Q
4.2. Rake Receiver for Frequency-Selective
Fading Channel
As discussed in Section 3, the UWB channel introduces frequency-selective fading and the channel can
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
where the sign ‘‘?’’ denotes convolution, and
qðtÞ ¼ pðtÞ ? hðtÞ with a duration Tq ¼ Tp þ m . As
the channel exhibits frequency-selective fading due to
the extremely wideband nature of the transmitted
signal, the received signal rðtÞ is inherent with path
diversity. A rake receiver [80] can be used to exploit
the diversity by constructively combining the separable monocycles from distinguishable propagation
paths for improving transmission performance. Consider a rake receiver with L fingers to collect received
signal energy from the L strongest paths having
excess delays fl gjL1
0 < 1 <
l¼0 , where 0
< L1 m . Figure 4 shows the receiver block diagram, which consists of L correlators (excluding the
decision device shown in Figure 3). The lth correlator
(finger), l ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; L 1, is to correlate the received signal rðtÞ with the receiver locally generated
reference signal delayed by l, xr ðt l Þ. Without loss
of generality, consider the detection of the nth information symbol, n ¼ 1; 2; . . . . The output of the lth
correlator is
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685
Figure 3. Block diagram of the correlator receiver.
Fig. 4.
yl ðnTd Þ ¼
Block diagram of the rake receiver.
rðtÞxr ðt l Þdt
Ns Ep
n ðl Þ
þ Nl;n
where the ‘‘þ’’ sign is for symbol ‘‘1’’ and the ‘‘’’
sign is for symbol ‘‘0’’,
n l
represents the cross-correlation in magnitude between
qðtÞ and pr ðt l Þ, and
Z nTd
Nl;n ¼
nðtÞxr ðt l Þdt
is a zero-mean Gaussian random variable with variance N0 =2 and is independent of nl0 ;n0 for l 6¼ l0 and/or
n 6¼ n0 .
The output of the correlators can be linearly combined in different ways to form the decision variable
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
maximal ratio combinyðnTd Þ [80], among whichp
ing approach, with gl;n ¼ Ns Ep n ðl Þ, provides the
optimal performance [6]. The performance is
achieved at the cost that the channel information
hðtÞ is required at the receiver. The output of the
maximum ratio combiner is given by
yðnTd Þ ¼
L1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
N s Ep
N s Ep
n ðl Þyl ðnTd Þ
n ðl Þ
þ Nn
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi P
where Nn ¼ Ns Ep L1
l¼0 n ðl ÞNl;n follows the
Gaussian distribution
zero mean and variance
equal to ½Ns Ep L1
0 =2Þ. Derivation of the
l¼0 n l
transmission bit error probability in general is very
complex as the decision variables for symbol ‘‘1’’ and
symbol ‘‘0’’ are not independent. For PPM, under
the simplified assumptions
R 1 that n ðÞ ¼ 0 for Tp
or Tq, and that 1 pr ðtÞpr ðt Þdt ¼ 0 for
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685
Fig. 5.
Block diagram of the multiple-access transmission system.
jj > Tp , the probability of bit error can be derived as
Ns Ep L1
l¼0 n ðl Þ
Pb ¼ Q @
Note that Eq. (19) includes Eq. (17) as a special case
for PPM with ¼ 0, L ¼ 1, and n ð0 Þ ¼ 1.
4.3. Detection in the Presence of Multiple Access
Consider a multiple-access system with K active
users. Let superscript (k) indicate the functions and
variables associated with user k. The transmitting
signals are fxðkÞ ðtðkÞ ÞgjKk¼1 , where the clocks of the
transmitters are not synchronized and tðkÞ denotes the
kth user transmitter clock time. The composite received signal in a frequency-selective fading environment is
rðtÞ ¼
xðkÞ ðt ðkÞ Þ ? hðkÞ ðt ðkÞ Þ þ nðtÞ ð20Þ
where t is the receiver clock time, ðkÞ is the difference
between the receiver clock and the kth transmitter
clock (i.e., ðkÞ ¼ tðkÞ t), and hðkÞ ðtðkÞ Þ is the channel
impulse response experienced by the kth transmitted
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
signal. Without loss of generality, consider the detection of the first ðk ¼ 1Þ user’s signal using the rake
receiver with maximal ratio combining and assume
that the receiver clock is synchronized with the
transmitter clock (i.e., ð1Þ ¼ 0). The system block
diagram is shown in Figure 5. The decision variable is
given by
yðnTd Þ ¼
Ns Epð1Þ
L1 h
n ðl Þ
þ Nn þ In ð21Þ
which is the same as Equation (18) except the third
term In representing the multiple access interference
(MAI). The MAI is given by
K qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi X
ðkÞ ð1Þ
In ¼
1 N
s 1 h
n1 ¼1 j1 ¼0
hðkÞ ðt ðkÞ Þ
n ðl Þ
pt ðt ðkÞ n1 Td j1 Tf Þ?
1 N
s 1
n2 ¼1 j2 ¼0
prð1Þ ðt n2 Td j2 Tf Þ dt
Statistics of the MAI are difficult to compute in
general due to the large number of variables involved
and the correlation among the variables. As a result,
the probability of bit error versus K (the number of
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685
users) is obtained via computer simulation and reported in [101] for TH-SS PPM for flat fading channel
and exponentially decaying frequency-selective fading channels.
In TH-SS PPM, with a sufficiently large ratio
Ns Tc =Tf and properly designed TH sequences, the
MAI in an AWGN channel can be approximated by a
Gaussian random process [93]. Under the assumption
of Gaussian distributed interference, the performance
in terms of achievable transmission rate and multipleaccess capability is estimated and presented in [116].
The rake receiver shown in Figure 5 is the conventional signal-user detector. For PPM, when the received monocycle positions between any two users do
not overlap, the rake receiver with a large number of
taps is approximately optimum. In general, MAI is not
Gaussian and therefore, the receiver is non-optimal
for all the four UWB schemes.
The optimum receiver in the presence of MAI is
one that performs maximum-likelihood sequence detection jointly across all users’ sequences [25,110].
Many multi-user detection techniques [110] developed for narrowband systems can be applied to multiple access UWB systems to combat MAI and to
improve the system performance, at the cost of
much more complex receiver design [68,76,123].
each propagation path experiences frequencydependent fading. The distortion results in receiver performance degradation [84]. The distortion
should be characterized and the transceiver
should be designed to compensate for the channel
(3) Further research is necessary to compare the four
UWB schemes given in Equations (9) and (10)
and to investigate higher-order modulation for
UWB transmission in terms of the tradeoff between the implementation cost and performance
(such as transmission accuracy and system capacity or throughput over a multipath propagation
channel in the presence of multiple access
(4) Channel estimation (in terms of amplitude attenuation and propagation delay) is necessary
for the operation of the rake receiver and multiuser detection. Errors in the channel estimation can
significantly degrade the transmission performance, especially when the number of active
users is relatively large [70]. Furthermore, the
application of multiuser detection techniques to
UWB receivers deserves more attention. A good
compromise between performance improvement
and receiver complexity should be reached for a
practical UWB transmission system.
Challenges in Receiver Design
One advantage of UWB systems is the availability of
low-cost transceivers, as mentioned in Section I.
However, current embodiments of UWB receivers
sacrifice performance for low-complexity operation.
A large discrepancy in performance exists between
the implementations and the theoretically optimal
receiver [16]. Extensive R&D activities are required
to improve the transmission performance and, at the
same time, to reduce the receiver complexity. Issues
that should be addressed include the following:
(1) In the above study of correlator receivers, it is
assumed that the receiver locally generated monocycles are synchronized with the target input
signals. Indeed, high synchronization accuracy
is required, because UWB system performance
is very sensitive to the timing jitter due to the
extreme short monocycle width [71]. Rapid and
accurate time synchronization techniques need to
be investigated and developed;
(2) In addition to amplitude fading and propagation
delay spread, the UWB channel introduces monocycle waveform distortion, due to the fact that
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
5. Resource Management for QoS
In the past few years, first-generation multimedia
capabilities have become available on portable PCs,
reflecting the increasing mainstream role of multimedia in computer applications. As multimedia features continue their inevitable migration to portable
devices such as laptop PCs, personal digital assistants
(PDAs), and personal information assistants (PIAs),
wireless extensions to wireline broadband networks
will have to support an integrated mixture of multimedia traffic (such as voice, high-rate data, and
streaming video) with guaranteed quality of service
(QoS). With the potential high transmission rates,
UWB systems are expected to provide multimedia
services in a wide set of applications, from wireless
personal area networks (PAN) to wireless ad hoc
The multimedia services can be of any nature,
including the constant-rate traffic for uncompressed
voice and video, variable-rate traffic for compressed
voice and video, and available-rate traffic for data.
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685
The information sources can exhibit highly bursty
traffic rates. Packetized transmission over UWB links
makes it possible to achieve a high statistical multiplexing gain. Depending on the application, the QoS
requirements of each connection can be specified by
physical layer parameters such as BER, link layer
parameters such as packet loss rate, packet delay and
delay jitter, and network layer parameters such as new
call-blocking probability and handoff call-dropping
probability. As a result, effective and efficient resource and mobility management at both link and
network layers are essential to UWB multimedia
services to achieve service quality satisfaction, in
addition to transmission technologies at the physical
Up to now, most of the R&D efforts on UWB
systems have been devoted to the transmission issues
at the physical layer. Resource and mobility management at the link and network layers is still embryonic,
but its important role has started to be recognized
[2,23,35,62,77,100,112]. As far as the resource and
mobility management is concerned, there are many
open issues. Special network mechanisms are needed
in order to efficiently accommodate a large variety
of mobile users with different service rates in a
band width-on-demand fair-sharing manner. A defining characteristic of wireless mobile networks is that
the point of attachment to the network changes. The
expected provision of flexible high-rate services in the
mobile environment leads to increased complexity in
resource control and management because of the
variable and unpredictable bandwidth requirements
of multimedia applications. Heterogeneity is another
dimension induced by different behaviours of the
coexisting networks.
intermediate node along the path for each traffic flow.
In this model, every change in a mobile host5 (MH)
attachment point requires new RSVP signalling to
reserve resources along the new path. Also, the heavy
signalling overhead reduces the utilization efficiency
of the wireless bandwidth. On the other hand, the
‘DiffServ’ approach uses a much coarser differentiation model to obviate the above disadvantages, where
packets are classified into a small number of service
classes at the network edge. The packets of each class
are marked and traffic conditioned by the edge router,
according to the resource commitment negotiated in
the service level agreement (SLA). In each core router,
QoS for different classes is differentiated by different
per-hop behaviours. Resource allocation is performed
by the bandwidth broker in a centralized manner,
without dynamic resource reservation signalling and
reservation status maintaining in the core routers.
Figure 6 shows a generic hybrid UWB wireless/IP
network architecture based on the DiffServ approach,
where the wireless segment includes both infrastructure-based pico-cellular subnets and infrastructureless
ad hoc subnets. Some of the pico-cellular subnets are
based on UWB technologies, depending on the system
design performance criteria and application environment. In the ad hoc subnets, each MH assumes a
double role of terminal and router; an MH is connected
to the wireline domain probably via a multiple-hop
link. An important design strategy for the network
architecture is to have a generic IP network layer
which is compatible with the network layer of the
Internet and other narrowband wireless systems, and to
design a link layer which adapts to and utilizes the
particular properties of the physical-layer UWB transmission. How to solve the backward compatibility is a
key issue and needs further research.
Network Architecture
In recent years, the proliferation and universal adoption of the Internet as the information transport platform have escalated it as the key wireline network for
supporting fixed terminals. As a result, the next-generation wireless networks are evolving toward a versatile IP (Internet Protocol) based network that can
provide various real-time multimedia services to mobile users [74]. Various mechanisms have been proposed for QoS provisioning in the IP networks, among
which the integrated services (IntServ) approach and
the differentiated services (DiffServ) approach [4] are
the two main architectures. The IntServ approach uses
the Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) to explicitly signal and dynamically allocate resources at each
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Domain-Based Call Admission Control
In the network architecture, all the registration domains are DiffServ administrative domains in which
all the routers are DiffServ IP routers. The gateway
and base stations are edge routers, and they are
connected through core routers. The gateway is the
interface connecting to the DiffServ Internet backbone, where an SLA is negotiated to specify the
resources allocated by the Internet service provider
Here, the terms mobile user and mobile host are used
interchangeably, as these terms are being used quite freely
in the literature.
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685
Fig. 6.
A conceptual model of DiffServ registration-domain-based UWB wireless network architecture.
to serve the aggregate traffic flowing from/into the
gateway. The gateway conditions the aggregate traffic
for each class according to the SLA resource commitments. All the MHs in the same registration domain
are connected to the same gateway router. All DiffServ routers use three separate queues to provide the
premium service, the assured service and the besteffort service respectively [12]. The three buffers are
served under priority scheduling or weighted fair
queue (WFQ) scheduling. The traffic classes provided
by the UWB wireless subnets can be mapped to these
three DiffServ classes. For example, the conversational class and the streaming class can be mapped to
the premium service and the assured service, respectively, while the interactive class or the background
traffic can be mapped to the best effort class. The
advanced two-tier resource management (ATTRM)
model [14] can be applied for efficient resource
allocation in the DiffServ network, where the multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) technique is used to
establish a path-oriented environment in a DiffServ
domain. By proper boundary SLA arrangements, perflow explicit admission control and routing, the bandwidth broker can configure the core routers accurately.
End-to-end QoS support is achieved through the
concatenation of QoS support in each and every
domain along the connection path. The domain under
consideration has a general architecture, and can
deploy IP based micromobility protocols (such as
Cellular IP [7], MCIP [69] and HAWAII [88]) which
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
complement the Mobile IP by providing fast, seamless
and local handoff control.
An important issue to maintain satisfactory service
quality is call admission control (CAC) which limits
the number of concurrent users. For each connection
request, the CAC routine is to check whether there are
sufficient resources available to serve the new call and
the rest on-going calls with guaranteed QoS. If the
answer is yes, the new call is admitted; otherwise,
rejected. The objective of CAC is to simultaneously
guarantee QoS and achieve high resource utilization.
A significant amount of research on CAC has been
done for packet-switching wireline networks [96], and
more recently for circuit-switching wireless communications [30,49,120]. In the research for wireline
networks, QoS of interest is mainly at the network
layer as there is no handoff in the network and
wireline links provide reliable transmission. Due to
its complex nature, most previous works on CAC
for wireless mobile systems are limited to circuitswitching voice services, and the performance criteria
are specified at the network and physical layers, under
the assumptions that the interval between call arrivals,
cell residence time and call duration are independently and exponentially distributed [15]. For packetswitching UWB systems, CAC needs to ensure QoS
provisioning at all the three (network, link, and
physical) layers. The capacity calculation in the previous work for continuous transmission [100] needs
to be extended to discrete packetized transmission,
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685
taking into account the packet data traffic characteristics. Moreover, performance of a CAC algorithm
depends on user mobility. Even though simplified
assumption of Poisson new and handoff call arrivals
and exponential channel holding time could facilitate
initial investigation of CAC, more practical user
traffic models and user mobility models should be
developed for CAC in the UWB environment.
One approach to represent the amount of resources
required by each traffic flow from a mobile or fixed
host is to use the effective bandwidth concept
[13,26,27,43,55,58,61]. Effective bandwidth is defined as the minimum link capacity required to satisfy
the physical-layer and link-layer QoS requirements,
taking into account the packet flow statistics, the user
mobility pattern, and possibly the statistical multiplexing among all the users sharing the common
resources. In this way, the call-level QoS provisioning
at the network layer can be decoupled from that at the
physical and link layers [67,126]. The resource commitments specified in the SLA can then be represented
in terms of number of calls of each class is allowed in
the registration domain. As a result, the admission
control procedure can be straightforward: whenever a
new MH requests admission to a registration domain,
the bandwidth broker determines whether to admit or
reject the new call, based on the number of the calls
currently in service and the SLA allocation for the
service class to which the new call subscribes. The
new call has to be dropped if all the SLA allocation
has been occupied. This procedure requires very
simple communications between the edge router (the
base station) and the bandwidth broker (in the gateway router) and can be executed instantly. Furthermore, once an MH is admitted to a registration
domain, it can hand off to other cells within the
domain without the involvement of further call admission control in the bandwidth broker.
5.3. Resource Allocation and Medium
Access Control
In the network architecture, as the layers of the
protocol stack cannot operate independently of each
other, vertical coupling between layers is critical to
high resource utilization and QoS provisioning. In this
vein, resource allocation at both link and network
layers should be adaptive to network conditions (i.e.
‘network-aware’) and specific user application characteristics (i.e. ‘application-aware’). For each mobile
connection, the network conditions include UWB link
quality (such as fading status, propagation path loss,
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
multiple access interference, narrowband jamming,
and noise disturbance), power constraint in UWB
transmission, available bandwidth in each node along
the connection path, and user mobility information.
User application characteristics include service priority/class, transmission delay and delay jitter requirements, required transmission accuracy (in terms of
BER and packet loss rate), and peak/average transmission rates. For example, the quality of real-time
applications such as video depends very heavily on
packet loss and/or jitter due to fading and handoff,
whereas application requirements are met for besteffort (data) traffic as long as the network provides
some reasonable throughput. Therefore, real-time
applications that require more stringent guarantees
are more susceptible to such QoS fluctuations. Also,
applications that consist of many components (e.g.
Web browsing) with temporal dependency among
these components need to have certain guarantees
which are a combination of non-real-time and realtime requirements. In order to balance the QoS
rendered to individual users and the efficient use of
the available network resources, adaptive mobility
and resource management should allow a tradeoff
between different objectives, for example, taking
into account the cost of a call dropping and the cost
of using link capacity.
Medium access control (MAC) is a link-layer
resource management function for QoS provisioning
at both the physical layer and link layer. Given the
statistics of the UWB channel, spread spectrum and
modulation scheme, rake receiver structure and diversity combining technique, the required BER can be
mapped one-to-one to the required ratio of signal
energy per bit to interference plus noise density at
the receiver. The BER requirement can then be
satisfied by proper transmit power allocation (probably via power control for a given estimate of the
propagation path loss, MAI and background noise)
and error control such as using automatic retransmission request (ARQ) techniques. The packet loss rate,
delay, and delay jitter requirements can be guaranteed
by proper packet scheduling at the link layer [54]. In
particular, characteristics of UWB physical layer
transmission should be exploited in the link-layer
resource allocation. These include the following:
(1) UWB transmission has the flexibility in reconfiguring data rate and power, due to the availability
of a number of transmission parameters as given
in Section 2, which can be tuned to better match
different signalling/information data transmission
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685
requirements on a per-packet and/or per-link
basis. The flexibility facilitates joint power and
rate allocation at the link layer for maximal
resource utilization under the QoS constraint
(2) UWB transmission offers the potential of accurate
user location. The location information can be
used for transmission synchronization, power and
rate allocation, and for traffic routing in an ad hoc
environment. QoS provision in ad hoc networks
involves QoS support in MAC protocols [98] and
QoS routing [57]. QoS support in wireless ad hoc
networks is a new but growing area of research
[10]. The availability of accurate MH position in
UWB systems can greatly simplify traffic routing
and improve throughput in ad hoc systems. In
addition, UWB transmission requires the synchronization of each transmitting-receiving pair
(communicating through a link), but works efficiently even though different links in the network
are asynchronous. This feature is particularly
suitable for the ad hoc subnet, where the absence
of a fixed infrastructure implies a highly complex
synchronization of all the network terminals;
(3) UWB systems will coexist with other wireless
systems in the same coverage area. Interference
from/to other systems will limit the UWB
throughput and should be monitored in the link
layer resource allocation;
(4) Handoff from/to other wireless systems (in the
same or different coverage areas) will occur to
provide ubiquitous coverage. In such a heterogeneous networking environment, a distributed
MAC mechanism is a preferred choice to a centralized one, even though the distributed solution
introduces complexity in the resource allocation.
Distributed MAC that allows flexible, fast, and
efficient resource sharing for QoS satisfaction is a
desired solution [18,23]. The inherent spread
spectrum in UWB transmission can facilitate
multiple access by proper PN code design and
CAC; furthermore, time-division multiple access
can be implemented for packetized transmission,
which adds more design choices and control flexibility in the link-layer resource allocation [54].
Physical layer state information needs to be identified and defined, and techniques to estimate the state
information/parameters need be developed. A flexible
resource allocation scheme for medium access control
and for packet transmission scheduling based on the
physical layer state information is required to effiCopyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
ciently accommodate multimedia traffic flows in
UWB transmission.
In summary, the perspective of today’s information
society calls for a multiplicity of devices, including
IP-enabled home appliances, personal computers,
sensors, and so on, to be globally connected. To
cope with these complex connectivity requirements,
current mobile and wireless systems and architectural
concepts must evolve. This evolution has far reaching
implications, with users and information devices capable of roaming across a variety of heterogeneous
network and service environments, operating in various frequency bands, and employing adapted air
interfaces for optimal use of radio resources. In this
context, the key issue is how to achieve cooperation
and seamless interworking at service and control
planes of multiple pervasive-access wireless technologies (including cellular, personal area, local area,
fixed wireless, ad hoc wireless, etc.) over a common
IP-based platform, supporting a variety of service
requirements. Among these, seamless interworking
between UWB wireless systems and the Internet is a
key research area in order to unleash the full potential
of UWB applications and services. Further research
on network architectures, mobility management protocols, and resource allocation algorithms are required
for providing multimedia services with QoS support
using UWB technologies.
UWB transmission systems have advantages including
high data rate, robust to multipath fading, potential
low-cost transceiver implementations, accurate mobile
user location, and coexistence with narrowband wireless systems. However, development of UWB technology to live up to its full potential still poses significant
technical challenges. These include accurate channel
characterization, transceiver design with high performance at low implementation complexity, narrowband
interference suppression and, in particular, resource
allocation at the link and network layers to support
multimedia services with QoS provisioning.
This paper provides an overview of the fundamentals of UWB wireless high-rate short-range communications. It studies the details of impulse radio
transmission techniques, channel models and statistics, and reception techniques. It also discusses some
important issues in resource allocation at the link and
network layers for multimedia services with QoS
support, such as the UWB/IP interworking architecture, call admission control, and medium access
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685
control. The previous research results are presented,
and further research topics are identified.
Weihua Zhuang, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen wish to
thank their Ph.D. students (J. Cai, Y. Cheng, and L.
Xu) at the Centre for Wireless Communications,
University of Waterloo, for collecting previous publications on UWB which helped this research.
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IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (to appear).
Authors’ Biographies
Weihua Zhuang received the B.Sc.
and M.Sc. degrees from Dalian
Marine University, China, in 1982
and 1985, respectively, and was
awarded Ph.D. from the University
of New Brunswick, Canada, in
1993, in Electrical Engineering.
Since October 1993, she has been
with the Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada, as a professor. She is a co-author of the textbook
Wireless Communications and Networking (Prentice-Hall,
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA, 2003). Her current
research interests include multimedia wireless communications, wireless networks and radio positioning. Dr. Zhuang is
a senior member of the IEEE, and a licensed professional
engineer in the Province of Ontario, Canada. She received
the Premier’s Research Excellence Award (PREA) in 2001
from the Ontario Government for demonstrated excellence
of scientific and academic contributions.
Xuemin (Sherman) Shen received
the B.Sc. (1982) degree from
Dalian Marine University (China)
and the M.Sc. (1987) and was
awarded Ph.D. (1990) from Rutgers University, New Jersey
(USA), in Electrical Engineering.
From September 1990 to September 1993. He was first with Howard
University, Washington DC and
then University of Alberta, Edmonton (Canada). Since October 1993, he has been with the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada, where he is a full professor. Dr.
Shen’s research focuses on mobility and resource management in interconnected wireless/wireline networks, stochastic process and control. He is a co-author of two books and
has publications in communications networks, control and
filtering. Dr. Shen received the Premier’s Research Excellence Award (PREA) in 2003 from the Province of Ontario
for demonstrated excellence of scientific and academic
contributions, and the Distinguished Performance Award
in 2002 from the Faculty of Engineering, University of
Waterloo, for outstanding contribution in teaching, scholar-
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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ship and service. He serves as the Technical Vice Chair,
IEEE Globecom’03 Symposium on Next Generation Networks and Internet; the Editor, Dynamics of Continuous,
Discrete and Impulse Systems, Series B: Application and
Algorithm—an International Journal; and the Technical
Program Vice Chair, International Symposium on Parallel
Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks. Dr. Shen is a
senior member of the IEEE, and a registered professional
engineer of Ontario, Canada.
Qi Bi received his B.S. and M.S.
from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1978 and 1981, and was
awarded Ph.D. from the Pennsylvania State University in 1986. He
joined the Bell Labs as a member
of technical staff in 1988, was
awarded the Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in 1995 and
became a technical manager in
1997. Dr. Qi Bi was the recipient
of numerous honours including the Advanced Technologiesogy Laboratory Award of 1995, the Advanced Technologiesogy Laboratory Awards of 1996, the Bell Labs
President’s Gold Award 2000, guest Professor of Shanghai
Jiao Tong University in 2000 and the Bell Labs President’s
Gold Award 2002. In 2002, he was awarded the prestigious
Bell Labs Fellow ‘for his pioneering contributions in analysis, design and optimization of CDMA systems that
resulted in Lucent Technologiesogies’ global success in
digital wireless communications’.
Dr. Bi is also an active leader in his areas of expertise. He
served as either the technical chair or the vice chair in many
international conferences including: 3G Wireless Symposium 2003, IEEE Wireless Communications and Network
Conference 2003, Wireless Symposium of IEEE Globecom
2002, 3G Wireless 2002, Wireless Symposium of IEEE
Globecom 2001, International Conference on Wireless
Internet Technologies 2001, 3G Wireless Conference
2001, International Conference on Broadband Wireless
Access 2001, Wireless Broadband Symposium of IEEE
Globecom 2000, 3G Wireless Conference 2000, Organizer
of The 2nd Lucent IS-95 & UMTS Technical Conference in
2000, Organizer of The 1st Lucent IS-95 & UMTS Technical Conference in 1999, Wireless Mobile ATM Conference
1999, and Wireless Mobile ATM Conference 1998. He also
served or is serving as the guest editor of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing from Wiley, Feature Editor
of IEEE Communications Magazine, 2001, Editor of IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications and the
Editor of IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications.
Dr. Bi holds more than 20 US patents, and has published
many Journal and Conference papers. He was listed in
Who’s who in America, and featured in Bund Magazine in
8 November 2002.
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2003; 3:663–685