The rescue scenario is evolving every day, with both the evolution and the industrial Toxic Materials, the globalization of infectious diseases, it's favored by the current need for people to travel to other states, and the import of foreign products. The need for training for rescue operations increases exponentially in response to natural events that interact with human activities, and especially in response to man-made events, including terrorist attack that come every day more in the field of CBRNe events. Currently in Italy the rescue system is fragmented into various territorial entities, and there is no coordination capillary unified and standardized nationwide. Every European country has a different system response. An international course may be the answer to unify the rescue in Europe. ABSTRACT 1 2 3 5 IW CBRNe 2015 TRAINING • Access to public competition and overcoming of physical preselettive test (equal for both sexes) This steps will have a selection ensuring physical fitness professionals with the hard work of aid person. • University exams on-line The entrance examination consists of 4 multiple answers on the portal of the state, under the control of committees with police officers Examination on-line, and the presence of a police officer during the exam (multiple choice) allow the capillarity in the universities of the controls and the proper conduct of the trial, limiting fraud, ensuring fair assessment, and a training uniform in every state. This step will allow a rigorous selection process to logical skills, while providing all the knowledge of the university where the professional needs. The university held in English will allow the formation of an international first responder • Advanced Emergency Medical training More than an Emergency Medical Technician. This specific training will enable the state to have a professional who is able to handle medical emergencies and administer drugs and perform highly specialized maneuvers with approved protocols and standard procedures, training in the use of PPE for CBRNE events, and the action scenes in extra urban. • Public security officer First responders with the new laws will make arrests and detentions of person where compromise public health and safety. • Firefighter training Only after the competitions, the university exams and the emergency medical training, the responders will access to this part of the course. The first responders will be trained in all rescue techniques and facilities expected of a firefighter by increasing the capacity of this professional At the end of this training the first rescuer will be prepared to deal effectively with the challenges of aid and work safely in each scenario.

INTERNATIONAL FIRST RESPONDER COURSE Luca Zelinotti1, Jessica Gabriele1 1International Master courses in “Protection against CBRNe events”, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy 1 ABSTRACT The rescue scenario is evolving every day, with both the evolution and the industrial Toxic Materials, the globalization of infectious diseases, it’s favored by the current need for people to travel to other states, and the import of foreign products. The need for training for rescue operations increases exponentially in response to natural events that interact with human activities, and especially in response to man-made events, including terrorist attack that come every day more in the field of CBRNe events. Currently in Italy the rescue system is fragmented into various territorial entities, and there is no coordination capillary unified and standardized nationwide. Every European country has a different system response. An international course may be the answer to unify the rescue in Europe. Keywords: First responder; international course. 2 3 STRENGTHS POINTS • National coordination of rescue • Selection of candidates • International standard procedure • Advanced training of first responders • Versatility of first responders (skills) • CBRNe training • Post graduates retraining • International response and cooperation TRAINING •Access to public competition and overcoming of physical preselettive test (equal for both sexes) This steps will have a selection ensuring physical fitness professionals with the hard work of aid person. •University exams on-line The entrance examination consists of 4 multiple answers on the portal of the state, under the control of committees with police officers Examination on-line, and the presence of a police officer during the exam (multiple choice) allow the capillarity in the universities of the controls and the proper conduct of the trial, limiting fraud, ensuring fair assessment, and a training uniform in every state. This step will allow a rigorous selection process to logical skills, while providing all the knowledge of the university where the professional needs. The university held in English will allow the formation of an international first responder Selection of candidates • Advanced Emergency Medical training Access quiz More than an Emergency Medical Technician. This specific training will enable the state to have a professional who is able to handle medical emergencies and administer drugs and perform highly specialized maneuvers with approved protocols and standard procedures, training in the use of PPE for CBRNE events, and the action scenes in extra urban. Physical fitness test University exams • Public security officer First responders with the new laws will make arrests and detentions of person where compromise public health and safety. Advanced Emergency Medical training • Firefighter training Only after the competitions, the university exams and the emergency medical training, the responders will access to this part of the course. The first responders will be trained in all rescue techniques and facilities expected of a firefighter by increasing the capacity of this professional Firefighter training 5 At the end of this training the first rescuer will be prepared to deal effectively with the challenges of aid and work safely in each scenario. CONCLUSIONS The rescuer thus formed, will be a professional highly specialized in assisting in any environment and situation. The central management of the state will allow an extensive protection of the territory and people. The standard international training enable international cooperation. In particular in Italy this training will convey under a single body all the management of the aid, being able to ensure national coordination, a centralized event management of any kind, advanced training in the field of CBRNE and response to terrorist attacks, and what is even more important to ensure the right to health for all as required by Article 32 of the constitution. The First responders unified and standardized at European level will have a capacity to respond to international events, and the ability to bring together professionals from all over Europe with the standard language of protocols and procedures. 5 4 STEP EVALUTATION AFTER TRAINING, AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT • Evaluation: monthly physical aptitude to rescue Simple physical tests to ensure the continued training of first responders and the constant physical capacity to rescue. •Update and annual evaluation with patent renewal required by law (Eg. Defibrillator) Important to ensure the continuous updating and ongoing training and updating of the rescuer with a continuing education program International Web sites: E-mail : [email protected] IW CBRNe 2015