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Microsoft Excel merupakan program dari Microsoft Office yang dikhususkan untuk pengolahan lembar kerja (worksheet) atau biasa dikenal dengan istilah spreadsheet program. Excel biasa identik dengan pengolahan angka, dengan menggunakan Excel kita dapat membuat proposal biaya, rencana bisnis, form aplikasi, buku kerja akuntansi, dan masih banyak jenis dokumen lain yang memerlukan perhitungan angka. Selain itu lembar kerja Excel juga dapat menampilkan data dalam bentuk grafik dan gambar. Pengolahan database sederhana juga dimungkinkan dalam aplikasi Microsoft Excel.
Band 33 der Rilke-Blätter beginnt mit Texten der Erinnerung und Würdigung zum Tod des Schirmherrn der Rilke-Gesellschaft Christoph Sieber-Rilke, dessen Hinscheiden am 20. Juni 2014 wir in Band 32 nur noch kurz vor Drucklegung mitteilen konnten. Die im ersten der beiden Hauptabschnitte versammelten Beiträge gehen auf die Tagung der Rilke-Gesellschaft zurück, die im September 2014 in Florenz stattgefunden hat, die Beiträge im zweiten Hauptabschnitt gründen sich auf das Rilke-Treffen vom September 2015 in London, einschließlich des Panels für Nachwuchswissenschaftler "Rilke intermedial". Als Herausgeber bedanken wir uns bei dieser Gelegenheit bei allen Referenten, die uns Ihre Vorträge zur Veröffentlichung überlassen haben, aber auch bei den Institutionen, Organisatoren, Gastgebern und Freunden, die diese Ereignisse möglich gemacht, vorbereitet und begleitet haben. In Florenz standen Rilkes Begegnungen mit der Stadt und mit der italienischen Renaissance aber auch seinen gleic...
La presente obra, más que un intento de reconstrucción histórica, pretende germinar la reflexión a través de seis ensayos escogidos de grandes intelectuales peruanos, quienes meditan sobre el restablecimiento de la democracia de una de las dictaduras más perversas, abyectas y corruptas de la historia reciente latinoamericana: el fujimorato. Recopilado en el 2001, este libro aún conserva los matices sobre los cuales debemos reflexionar:
MAARC Annual Meeting, Sydney, Australia, 2024
This presentation considers three predynastic ancient Egyptian artefacts and their role in establishing ancient Egypt’s astronomical iconography. Meteorites were not referred to in literature until the Middle Kingdom, and were not named until the late Eighteenth Dynasty (biA n pt – “iron of the sky”). However, the Naqada II Gerzeh iron beads show early familiarity with meteoric iron. Likewise, astronomical knowledge would not be communicated in an extant form until the Pyramid Texts of the Old Kingdom. Yet, stars were already appearing as an iconographic element in Naqada III. Both the Abu Zaidan ritual knife (Brooklyn Museum 09.889.118), and the ivory hair comb decorated with rows of wild animals (MET 30.8.224) depict stars. The stars appear in their recognisable 5-pointed form, and their deliberate placements indicate there was meaning associated with them. So, not only do these three artefacts show that the night sky was being observed and represented, but also that meaning was being applied to it, and that this meaning was becoming codified.
Abstract— this paper aims to discuss a different issues About the IPv6 As the next generation of the internet protocol and to give a brief understanding of some of the most important migration mechanisms .these include Dual-Stack, Tunneling .the paper pays especial attention for tunneling mechanism, it tries to explore its related attempts in depth .
According to the established interpretation, the pagan Great Midwinter Sacrifice at Old Uppsala, in Uppland province, took place every ninth year. In our modern way of counting, this means every eighth year. The starting date was determined by the full moon that occurred between 21 January and 19 February in the Julian calendar. After the introduction of Christianity, the tradition with a great assembly at Old Uppsala at midwinter was continued by the Disting, which consisted of an assembly and a market. By combining historical data and calculations of the dates of the full moons within the Disting period, it has been possible to establish the exact years of the eight-year cycle. One such year was AD 852 the same year as St Ansgar's second missionary journey to Birka, the oldest Swedish town. At the end of the 17 th century, the farmers of Uppland were still using the so-called rule of King Aun, according to which the phases of the moon in the Julian calendar fell one day earlier after 304 years. Such displacements in the eight-year cycle took place in 1692, 1388, 1084, 780, and 476. The semi-legendary king Aun is considered to have reigned about AD 450-500 and t o have been buried at Old Uppsala. The three 'royal' burial mounds there have been dated to AD 450-550. These mounds are oriented in such a way that they could have been used to regulate the sacrificial calendar. Historical sources for our knowledge of the Great Midwinter Sacrifice at Old Uppsala Vita Ansgarii, written before 876 by Rimbert (Rieper 1995), the successor of Ansgar as archbishop in Hamburg-Bremen, tells about the earliest known Christian Missions to Sweden, the two visits by Ansgar and some other priests to Birka in Lake Mälar 829-830 and 852. The ruler during the first visit (Rieper 1995: 37-40), King Björn, invited them because he wanted better relations with the Christian countries in northern Europe. One big problem in these relations was the Great Midwinter Sacrifice, including human sacrifice, which was celebrated regularly and was lead by the king. During Ansgar's second visit to Birka in 852 (Rieper 1995:66-76), he learned that there recently had been such a Great Sacrifice and that the Christian priests were no longer popular. The situation was similar in Denmark and Norway, but the Christian influence in Denmark was greater than in Sweden. Chronicon, written by Thietmar from Merseburg about 1000 (Trillmich 1957, chapter I:17), tells about the last Great Sacrifice at the ancient Danish heathen centre at Lejre. Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae pontificium, by the German missionary Adam from Bremen, written about 1075, gives details about the Great Midwinter Sacrifice at Old Uppsala, the ancient main heathen cult centre in Sweden (Tschan 1959: 207-208 [Adam 4.26-27]). In the original text, Adam wrote "Solet quoque post novem annos communis omnium Sueoniae provintiarum sollempnitas in Ubsola celebrari". This means that every ninth year all the Swedish provinces had to send representatives to Old Uppsala for a common celebration. We must note, however, that when the early Swedes said every ninth year this corresponds to every eighth year, as they had no zero and counted the beginning of the first year as year one and reached year nine when only eight years had elapsed. It was the German Historian of Astronomy Otto Sigfried Reuter who first realized that post novem annos corresponds to every eighth year in the our way of counting (Reuter 1934: 483-484). Most Swedish scholars, however, continue to believe that it was a true nine-year cycle. In fact, this celebration took place every eighth year according to an eight-year cycle determined by the phases of the moon. The eight-year cycle is the shortest period after which the same lunar phase is repeated approximately on the same date, as eight tropical years = 2921.934 days and 99 synodic months = 2923.528 days. This means that the same phase of the moon will appear delayed by one and a half days after eight years. After 19 eight-year cycles (= 152 years), the cycle is shifted by a whole month, which was already mentioned by the Greek astronomer Geminos ca 70 BC (Aujac 1975: 47-58). He also explained why this cycle was called both the nine-year and the eight-year cycle in antiquity. Aside from the above works, the earliest available written sources for early Swedish history are the old Nordic sagas and chronicles preserved on Iceland, written by Christian scholars such as Snorre Sturlason, who wrote a history of the kings of Norway ca 1230 (Monsen 1932). The first chapter gives the history of the earliest kings in Old Uppsala, from ca AD 150-200, as they were also the ancestors of the Norwegian kings. They were reckoned as offspring of the fertility god Freyr, who is said to be buried in Old Uppsala. An extensive collection of sources concerning early Scandinavian literature can be found in Sundqvist (2002: 39-62).
IPEA eBooks, 2023
Islamic Art, 2021
Physical Review B, 2009
History Workshop Journal, 1996
International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, 2020
[w:] red. K. Kaczmarek, J. Linetty, M. Przybył, Między archeologią a historią. Księga dedykowana pamięci prof. dr. hab. Andrzeja Marka Wyrwy (1955-2022), Poznań, 2024
Research Journal of Social Sciences and Economics Review (RJSSER), 2021
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Journal Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik Engineering, Social Science, and Health International Conference (UMGESHIC), 2021
Sleep Medicine, 2016
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2021