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Πρακτικά Γ΄ Συνεδρίου Κυπριακής Αγιολογίας, Παραλίμνι, 25-27 Φεβρουαρίου 2016 , 2024
This article examines the depiction of saints in the frescoes of the churches of Medieval Famagusta during the Latin rule. Στο άρθρο αυτό εξετάζονται οι απεικονίσεις αγίων σε ναούς της μεσαιωνικής Αμμοχώστου κατά την περίοδο της Λατινοκρατίας.
Kairos: evangelical journal of theology , 2024
This article discusses the relationship between Christology and discipleship. It argues that Christology is the driving force, or trigger, behind becoming a disciple of Jesus and can also be used to revitalize existing disciples. The first part of the article examines the use of the term mathētēs, asking the question, "Who is directly or indirectly called a disciple of Jesus?" The second part explores concepts related to discipleship, which provides a basis for the third part of the article, which delves into why someone becomes a disciple of Jesus, i.e., questions of motivation. Since the topic is extensive, this section will only focus on the parts of the Gospel that contain explicit Christological titles and where the response to Jesus is positive. Since, in the Gospel of John, Christology is the means of initiating discipleship, the fourth part analyzes whether the main message of the gospel is centered on Christology or soteriology and how different messages impact discipleship. The article concludes that the Gospel of John emphasizes Christology as the center of its message rather than focusing on man's fallen state and need for salvation. It also states that Christology triggers discipleship and plays a crucial role in motivating believers to commitment, zeal, sanctification, and sacrificial service within the Church today.
Iako je već bio objavljen u opširnom katalogu: Zakladi slovenskih cerkva., Ljubljana, 1999., 88, nisam imao spoznaja o ovom relikvijaru u vrijeme kad sam o problemu pljačke u Kotoru pisao 2006. godine.
Deux sources de la philosophie de l'infini de Bruno : Copernic et Telesio La philosophie de Giordano Bruno est une pensée de l'infini. Bruno dynamite l'ordre clos, hiérarchique et monolithique de l'univers aristotélicien et ptoléméen. C'est l'étude de l'oeuvre de Copernic qui permet à Bruno d'affirmer l'infinitisation de l'univers (1). Il convient toutefois de rappeler que l'astronome de 1 Sur les rapports entre Bruno et Copernic il y a une vaste bibliographie, je renvoie, entre autres, à : P. H. Michel, « Giordano Bruno et le système de Copernic d'après la Cène des Cendres (1584) », in dir. H. Bédarida [éd.], Pensée humaniste et tradition chrétienne aux XVe et XVIe siècles,
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection, W. Neuabauer, I. Trinks, R.B. Salisbury and C. Einwögerer (eds), pp 92-94. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien., 2013
Portuguese Studies Review, 2017
AS IN OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES, such as Spain, France and Germany, albeit limited here to small clusters and lacking the social, economic and scientific resources available in other regions, we can find in Portugal examples of the search for elements to confirm both the country’s antiquity and its originality, not only in geological strata and stratigraphic units, but also through the knowledge produced by archaeology, history, and anthropology. However, despite having some similarities with other countries, the Portuguese case is differentiable, taking into account its history and its geopolitical situation, as I will expose. The quest for the origins of the Portuguese, centred on the topic of the nation, caught the attention of several authors from the late nineteenth century. However, an interest in its roots could probably be found in Portugal since the establishment of the liberal regime (in the 1820s) and even before that.
Sappiamo dalle Memorie di Lorenzo Da Ponte che ai primi del 1787 egli stava lavorando simultaneamente a tre libretti che dovevano esser consegnati nella primavera seguente ad Antonio Salieri, Vicente Martín y Soler e Wolfgang Amadé Mozart. Per il primo scelse Tarare, da un dramma di Beaumarchais. Al secondo fornì L'arbore di Diana, d'argomento mitologico. Al salisburghese propose invece Il dissoluto punito, o sia Il Don Giovanni, soggetto di lunga e consolidata tradizione, fresco d'una recente ripresa sulle scene musicali veneziane (5 febbraio 1787) per opera di Giovanni Bertati e Giuseppe Gazzaniga (Don Giovanni o sia Il convitato di pietra). Il libretto dapontiano fu ultimato alla fine di aprile. Con tutta probabilità Mozart ne aveva avviato la composizione già in marzo, man mano che Da Ponte gli passava le scene che completava, e la concluse a Praga, dove giunse il 4 ottobre. La première dell'opera era prevista per il 14 ottobre in onore dell'arciduchessa Maria Teresa, sorella dell'imperatore Giuseppe II, ma per quest'occasione vennero riprese Le nozze di Figaro, già trionfalmente accolte nel capoluogo boemo nel dicembre 1786, e Don Giovanni andò in scena il 29 ottobre 1787 con una compagnia interamente italiana. Il successo fu enorme, tanto che a Praga l'opera rimase in cartellone per anni. Quando nel maggio 1788 giunse al Burgtheater di Vienna, fu invece accolta senza particolari entusiasmi, tanto da non riapparire più sulle scene viennesi se non dopo la morte di Mozart (nel 1792 in tedesco e in un teatro minore; nel 1798 all'Opera di corte).
The author has granted a nonexclusive licence ailowing the National Library of Canada to reproduce, loan, distn'bute or seil copies of this thesis in microform, paper or electronic formats. L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive permettant à la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou vendre des copies de cette thèse sous la forme de microfiche/fih, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownersbip of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts fiom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or odKNnse de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation.-1 Chapter 2 Preliminary Exposition of the Proceos of G r o ũ d i n g. .
Biology Direct, 2015
Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2024
Magnetochemistry, 2021
Modern Applied Science, 2016
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1999
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 2011
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2012
Applied Financial Economics, 2013
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2013