The Policy Studies Journal, Vol. 37, No. 1, 2009
The Implementation of Public Policy:
Still the Missing Link
Robbie Waters Robichau and Laurence E. Lynn Jr.
Although theories of public policy and theories of governance both seek to establish relationships
between policymaking and its consequences, they do not complement each other very well. Public policy
models tend to de-emphasize that which governance theories tend to emphasize: the influence on
government performance of implementation, broadly described as the actions taken by those engaged in
administration (including managers at all levels, those engaged in service delivery, and third-party
agents) after a policy has been lawfully promulgated by elected officials and interpreted by the courts.
A comparison of a recently developed theory of public sector performance with several prominent
theories of policymaking suggests that multilevel governance theories can supply what continues to be
the missing link in public policy theories. At the same time, governance theories might be enriched by
the process modeling of public policy theories.
The increasing use of “governance” as a conceptual frame for research on the
determinants of government performance has produced valuable insights into causal
relationships among public choice processes, public management, service delivery,
and citizen and stakeholder assessments and reactions. Paralleling these efforts,
public policy theorists have developed a variety of models to depict relationships
between policymaking processes and their outputs and outcomes. Although both
types of research seek to relate policymaking to its consequences, they do not
complement each other very well. Public policy models tend to de-emphasize that
which governance theories tend to emphasize: the influence on government performance of implementation through administrative systems, broadly described as the
actions taken by public managers at all levels, those engaged in service delivery, and
third-party agents after a policy has been promulgated by elected officials and
interpreted by the courts.
This article offers a preliminary consideration of how theories of governance and
of public policy might better complement each other. We juxtapose a theory of
Prepared for presentation at the Next Generation Policy Workshop in Norman, Oklahoma,
February 27–29, 2008.
0190-292X © 2009 Policy Studies Organization
Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc., 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA, and 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ.
Policy Studies Journal, 37:1
government performance that features the influence of administrative systems on
outputs and outcomes (Forbes, Lynn, & Robichau, 2008) with some of the major
public policy theories found in Sabatier’s edited volume, Theories of the Policy Process
(Sabatier, 2007). We will argue that, because they do not conceptualize the distinction
between policy outputs and policy outcomes, public policy theories tend to slight
the administrative processes that constitute implementation. Erwin Hargrove
argued in 1975 that implementation was the missing link in the study of public policy
(Hargrove, 1975). As we see it, that link is still missing. We will show how even a
parsimonious theory of public sector performance framed by a logic of governance
(LOG) can provide the missing link.
The discussion will proceed as follows. The next section explains why and how
an “LOG” framework was used to develop a theory of public sector performance.
The description of this theory will be used to provide insights into how and why
government produces its outputs and outcomes. The article will then analyze several
public policy theories in relation to what they are missing and neglecting to study,
that is, the failure to distinguish between outputs and outcomes and the disregard
of administrators’ and administrative systems’ impacts on policy outcomes. We will
conclude with a discussion of how using governance theory can advance public
policy theorizing and suggest that governance theories might be similarly enriched
by public policy theories.
A Theory of Public Sector Performance
Public governance is defined in this article, following Lynn, Heinrich, and Hill
(2001, p. 7), as “regimes of laws, rules, judicial decisions, and administrative practices that constrain, prescribe, and enable the provision of publicly supported goods
and services” through formal and informal relationships with third parties in the
public and private sectors. Using concepts from positive political economy, Lynn,
Heinrich, and Hill develop a multilevel “LOG” that postulates that politics, public
policymaking, public management, and service delivery are hierarchically linked
with one another in the determination of public policy outputs and outcomes.
A large body of research uses hierarchical logic when designing empirical
studies of governance and public management (Boyne, 2003; Boyne, Meier, O’Toole,
& Walker, 2006; Forbes, Hill, & Lynn, 2006, 2007; Forbes & Lynn, 2005; Forbes et al.,
2008; Heinrich, 2003; Hill & Lynn, 2005; Lynn, Heinrich, & Hill, 2001). Being sufficiently confirmed in theory and in the empirical research literature, the multilevel
LOG was used by Forbes, Lynn, and Robichau as the point of departure for a theory
of public sector performance which focuses on the operations of the administrative
system in the determination of government performance (Forbes et al., 2008). A brief
explanation of how the theory was developed will set the stage for showing how
public policy theories can benefit from the governance literature and, in particular,
the implementation process.
Development of the multilevel theory of public sector performance used in this
article drew on findings from an analysis of nearly thirteen hundred published
empirical studies, each of which incorporated hierarchical and causal relationships
Robichau/Lynn: The Missing Link
Table 1. Logic of Governance Levels and Variables
Citizen preferences and interests expressed politically
1. Expressions of citizen preferences and interests
2. Activities of private firms and organizations
3. Activities of interest groups
Public choice and policy designs
1. Socioeconomic context
2. Level/type of government (e.g., state, council/manager)
3. Political atmosphere
4. Fiscal situation/budget constraints
5. Type of ownership (public, nonprofit, proprietary)
6. Mandates by internal government entities (e.g., Office of Management and Budget)
7. Mandates by elected executives
8. Mandates by legislatures
9. Court decisions
10. Other
Public management
1. Initiation of administrative structures
2. Usage of management tools (policy planning, total quality management)
3. Management values and strategies
Service delivery
1. Initiation of program design features
2. Fieldworker/office discretionary behavior
3. Fieldworker/office beliefs and values
4. Initiation of administrative processes and policies
5. Work/treatment/intervention
6. Client influence, behavior, and/or preference (coproduction)
7. Use of resources
Outputs; means to an end
1. By government/public sector
2. By markets/firms/private sector
3. By individuals/society
Outcomes; ends
1. By government/public sector
2. By markets/firms/private sector
3. By individuals/society
Stakeholder assessments of policy, agency, or program performance
among at least two levels of governance. The original LOG analyses categorized each
study’s dependent and independent variables at each level under investigation using
the scheme in Table 1 (e.g., in Hill & Lynn, 2005; Forbes et al., 2006, 2007). Policy
studies are more likely to inform levels of citizen interests and preferences, public
choice and policy design, outputs/outcomes and, to a lesser extent, stakeholder
assessments than variables found at the management and service delivery level,
which ultimately lie at the heart of policy output production.
In subsequent analyses by Forbes et al. (2008), Scott’s conceptualization of organizational effectiveness indicators were used to reclassify the independent and
dependent variables in each study (Scott, 2003; Scott & Davis, 2007). Scott says that
“proponents of rational, natural, and open system models privilege differing indicators of effectiveness” that can nonetheless be grouped into three general indicator
Policy Studies Journal, 37:1
types that “point to important distinctions regarding what is being assessed” (Scott
& Davis, 2007, p. 327).
Scott’s typology of effectiveness indicators has three categories: structures, processes, and outcomes. Structural indicators reflect the production function, that is,
the way the organization’s work is organized. Process indicators measure the quantity or quality of the organization’s work, that is, effort or output. Outcome indicators
purport to identify changes in an individual or organization that have been the object
of some kind of intervention, service, or regulation. Thus, the effectiveness of each
level of governance can be measured in terms of some combination of structures,
processes, and outcomes.
Analyzing the multilevel governance literature using these indicators led to the
following findings. First, the presumption is warranted that implementation is generally hierarchical; influences flow downward through a chain of delegation to the
retail level of service delivery. Second, in the great majority of studies, policymaking
took the form of structures; that is, the primary function of policymaking was to
organize administrative systems to accomplish the purposes of public policies.
Third, within administrative systems, management, that is, the authorized and necessary exercise of managerial discretion, took the form of a relatively balanced
combination of structures and processes. Finally, measures of service delivery effectiveness were, in most cases, process indicators. The cumulative products of policymaking, management, and service delivery consisted of outputs, which comprised
both process and outcome indicators of effectiveness, and the “final” outcomes of
policymaking and its implementation.1
These findings are incorporated by Forbes, Lynn, and Robichau into their
theory of public sector performance. Some of the findings were not so readily
accepted, however. For example, most of the investigations were oriented toward
outputs rather than outcomes. But few empirical models recognized or incorporated an outputs-cause-outcomes logic; most used either outputs or outcomes
without considering how outputs influence the ultimate outcomes of policies and
their implementation.
In Bureaucracy, James Q. Wilson (1989) helps helps us understand how outputs
and outcomes are related. Similar to Scott’s explanation, Wilson defines outputs as
“the work the agency does” and outcomes as “how, if at all, the world changes
because of the outputs” or “results” (p. 158). Grouping outputs as the “work” and
outcomes as the “results” enables scholars to think about the logical flow of cause
and effect relationships in governance and policy studies. Based on the empirical
findings concerning the political science and public administration literature, we
found that distinguishing between outcomes and outputs was both possible and
instrumental in advancing our theory of public sector performance.
It is possible, however, that, in special cases, outputs of an agency may be
unobservable and unknowable (Wilson, 1989). One consequence might be that some
agencies will be able to see only outcomes without knowing how outputs influenced
them. If outcomes are undesirable, then an agency faces the challenge of trying to
decide how to fix the problem without knowing whether it is a question of structure
or process. For example, a program like Head Start provides various services, such as
Robichau/Lynn: The Missing Link
education, health care, parental education and involvement, and nutritious meals
to underprivileged children. They claim that children in their programs show
improved cognitive and language abilities as well as higher health status ratings
when compared to their peer groups (National Head Start Association, 2008); yet, it
is hard to say which services produce which results. Outcomes could be produced
from any one of these provisions or a combination of services, thereby making the
determination of outputs unknowable and unobservable.
Wilson (1989) proceeds to create a typology of four kinds of government agencies based on the extent to which both outcomes and outputs are observable and
measurable. He categorizes these agencies as: production (where outcomes and
outputs are recognizable); procedural (where outputs not outcomes are observable);
craft (where outcomes not outputs are distinguishable); and finally, coping organizations (where neither outcomes nor outputs can be observed) (pp. 158–71).
This useful heuristic has a twofold consequence for thinking about both governance and policy theories. First, how administrators manage their agencies will be
dependent on the type of agency in which they work and whether they focus on
processes or outcomes. And second, either outcomes and/or outputs are frequently
observable; therefore, they can often be measured or at least considered in agency
performance. Wilson (1989) states that “people matter, but organization matters also,
and tasks matter most of all” (p. 173). If we think of tasks as the work agencies and
their agents produce, then depicting outputs as necessary to achieving outcomes
seems intuitive.
Further, a significant number of studies “skipped” levels in the LOG, excluding,
for example, the mediating effects of management or service delivery in transforming policy structures into outputs and outcomes (see Figure 1). The percentages in
Figure 1 are proportions of the total studies in the database that employ this particular causal logic. In the absence of convincing substantive reasons for excluding these
Enacted Policy
6.8% (Skip levels)
3.5% (No skip)
9% (Skip levels)
2.7% (No skip)
Figure 1. Empirically Modeled Governance Relationships.
Policy Studies Journal, 37:1
Environment/Policy Context
Public Policymaking
Management Structures &
Management Processes
Service Delivery
Outputs as Processes
Figure 2. Theory of Public Sector Performance.
*The dotted line represents potential modeling patterns that skip the management level and represent
public policies that are self-executing.
mediating effects from explanatory models, there is a high likelihood that the findings of such studies are incomplete or biased. In their analysis of studies concerned
with health policy implementation, Forbe et al. (2007) concluded that “in general, the
choices of organizational arrangements, administrative strategies, treatment quality,
and other aspects of health care services by policymakers, public managers, physicians, and service workers, together with their values and attitudes toward their
work, have significant effects on how health-care policies are transformed into
service-delivery outputs and outcomes” (p. 453).
The basic theory, then, incorporates both outputs-cause-outcomes logic and all
mediating levels (unless it can be plausibly argued that policies have been designed
so as to be self-executing, thus requiring little managerial intervention). The theory
of public sector performance is depicted in Figure 2. It consists of hierarchically
related public policymaking structures,2 management structures and processes,
service delivery processes, outputs, and outcomes, with an acknowledgement of
self-executing policies.
Robichau/Lynn: The Missing Link
It is important to note that these relationships all occur within a social, economic,
and political context. Whereas these contextual considerations may influence governance at any level in complex ways, the theory assumes that such contextual influences do not nullify the fundamental hierarchical logic that links the multiple levels
of governance, a logic that is the consequence of America’s constitutional scheme of
governance, which defines the American version of the rule of law.
The implications of this theory have the potential to contribute to public policy
theorizing. First, given the hierarchical nature of governance, it is difficult, if not
impossible, for policy outputs and outcomes to be produced without administrative
systems. Further, it is difficult to imagine that public policy outcomes can occur
without administrative system outputs. In part for this reason (and in part because
outputs are easier to measure), administrative systems tend to be output-, not
Analyzing Policy Theories
With the above discussion as a point of departure, we next examined a selection
of the public policy theories included in Sabatier (2007). This examination reveals
two problematic aspects of these theories: the failure to distinguish between outputs
and outcomes and the imprecise treatment of the role of administrative systems in
mediating the relationship of policymaking to its ultimate consequences.
Outputs and Outcomes
Sabatier (2007) notes that Institutional Rational Choice (IRC) theory is “clearly
the most developed of all the frameworks in this volume” (p. 9). In her chapter, on
IRC theory, Ostrom discusses an action arena where actors and action situations
occur that can lead to predicting outcomes inside this arena. Then, her framework
moves from this arena to patterns of interactions, followed by outcomes, in which
both are moderated by evaluated criteria. Ostrom (2007, p. 33) states that “evaluative
criteria are applied to both the outcomes and the processes of achieving outcomes.”
But these “processes” are not clearly defined, partly, it would appear, because
outputs and outcomes have not been differentiated.
Other policy theories exhibit similar ambiguity concerning outputs and outcomes. For instance, the Multiple Streams (MS) Framework is sensitive to how
information affects choice and how inputs gets transformed to outputs; yet, Zahariadis (2007) does not clearly define what he means by “policy outputs” in this
chapter. It might be the case that outputs are simply decisions (good or bad) that
have been made, the actual policy that is produced from decisions made, or perhaps,
both of them combined.
Another policy approach that can be seen as providing vague descriptions about
outputs and outcomes is the Network Approach. Adam and Kriesi (2007) state that
“the impact of policy networks clearly shows that network structures are not only
connected to specific policy outcomes (‘what’) but also to the type of change (‘how’)
that creates these outcomes. A systematic analysis of the impact of policy networks
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requires that the types of networks be linked to the potential for and types of change
creating different outcomes” (p. 145). If outputs are regarded as the “work” of an
agency or in this case, the “work” of a network, then the reference to “outcomes”
seems inappropriate.
Finally, the Social Construction and Policy Design framework (Ingram,
Schneider, & deLeon, 2007) has an inherent output focus, which becomes particularly apparent when examining their propositions and diagram.3 The fundamental
idea of this framework is that future policy design stems from past and current
policy designs. Moreover, these policy designs are mediated by institutions, culture,
and target populations, followed by society and policymaking dynamics (p. 96). But
outputs, as distinguished from outcomes, are not clearly defined.
One policy theory acknowledges a distinction between outputs and outcomes.
The Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) depicts a relationship where policy
outputs precede policy impacts (Sabatier & Weible, 2007, p. 202). But, this part of the
policy subsystem, in our reading, is not defined or discussed in Sabatier and Weible’s
chapter or in the previous models of ACF (Sabatier & Jenkins-Smith, 1999).
From a governance perspective, lack of clarity concerning the distinction
between outputs and outcomes is problematic. As discussed earlier, outcomes and
outputs have distinguishable characteristics (Donabedian, 1966; Hall, 1999; Scott,
1977, 2003; Scott & Davis, 2007; Suchman, 1967). It is hard to tell whether policy
theorists assume that those working in the field know the difference or, alternatively,
do not think that the difference is important. Our argument is that drawing clear
distinctions between outputs and outcomes is essential for understanding how
administrative systems are influenced by and, in turn, influence the consequences of
Administrators and Administration
Terry Moe (1990) crafts a theory of the public bureaucracy that takes into account
politics and political organization in a two-tiered hierarchy in which “one tier is the
internal hierarchy of the agency, and the other is the political control structure
linking it to politicians and groups” (p. 122). Designed around the politics of bureaucratic structures, Moe emphasizes how political uncertainty and the need for compromise leads to rational bargaining among political actors that, in the end, produces
technically irrational agencies. In other words, administrative systems are designed
more to protect political bargains struck in order to guard various stakeholder
interests than as to facilitate the achievement of outputs and outcomes.
Our examination of the public policy theories discussed in the previous section
suggests that the performance of administrative systems is not generally held to be
of particular significance to public policy achievement. It seems intuitively clear,
however, that managers are in a position to use their discretion to shape the relationship between enacted policy structures and administrative system outputs.
Moreover, the analysis of empirical health policy studies cited earlier (Forbes et al.,
2006) supports this view. Wilson (1989) notes that public managers have preferences,
and in a similar vein, Sabatier and Weible (2007, pp. 194–96) contend that they are
Robichau/Lynn: The Missing Link
often influenced by “policy core beliefs.” Lindblom and Woodhouse (1993) claim
that “administrators indeed are policymakers” (p. 62). A convincing literature has
established the influential role in policy implementation played by “street-level
bureaucrats.” From a governance perspective, then, the relative neglect of administrative systems in public policy theories seems unwarranted.
We found that administrative systems are either referred to loosely through a
discussion of managerial influences on the policymaking process or they are ignored
altogether. The Institutional Analysis Framework, for example, is vague on whether
the “action arena” and/or the “patterns of interactions” could be seen as places
where bureaucracy and its’ administrators enable outputs to be achieved. Perhaps,
the framework is set up so that administrative influences and implementation occur
in both arenas, but without specific discussion of these matters, we are left wondering why such a vital part of the policy process was not discussed explicitly.
Similarly, the MS Framework considers bureaucrats as part of the policy community that is involved in the policy stream, but no logic linking administrators as
policy entrepreneurs to administrative system outputs is indicated. Authors of the
Network Approach examine how coalitions or networks are formed. They claim that
these coalitions are composed of either “state actors” or “system of interest intermediation” (Adam & Kriesi, 2007, p. 134). Adam and Kriesi specifically and clearly
define those who belong to the “system of interest intermediation” as “political
parties, interest groups, and nongovernmental organizations/social movement organizations” (p. 134). These authors’ explanation of “state actors,” however, is ambiguous; “state actors constitute a special type, because they ‘have access to a very
particular resource: their decisions are considered binding in society and are backed
by the possibility of legitimate use of force’ ” (p. 134). In this context, state actors
could be viewed as legislators, judges, political appointees, or administrators. For
governance scholars, greater clarity and specificity of when, or even if, administrators and their agencies are involved in the policy process is essential.
Administrative Systems
Of even greater concern than the vague references to administrators is that
administrative systems as part of the policy process are left out entirely. Policy
process theories tend to analyze the progression of policy development through
design and negotiation, and then assume that policy outcomes are a result of particular policies. Yet, external policymaking is only the first stage in the logic of how
outputs and outcomes are produced.
To see the issue more clearly, several theories of the policy process have been
modified to demonstrate visually the point that policy process theories have missing
links that are logically and empirically essential to the determination of government
performance. Graphically lacing the theory of the public sector performance to some
of the major policy process theories enables us to see how they can complement one
another in providing further explanatory specificity to current policy and governance theories. By rotating the figures of policy process theories to a vertical orientation, a new and clearer picture emerges about what these theories are emphasizing
Policy Studies Journal, 37:1
Environment/Policy Context
Attributes of
Public Policymaking
Action Arena
Management Structures &
Management Processes
Service Delivery
Patterns of
Outputs as Processes
Evaluative Criteria
Figure 3. A Framework for Institutional Analysis Modified Hierarchically from Sabatier (2007, p. 27)
Juxtaposed with the Theory of Public Sector Performance.
from a governance perspective. Policy theories appear to be focusing primarily on
the public choice and policy level of governance and at the output/outcome level,
thus, in effect skipping the mediating levels of administration.
The model most closely approximating the LOG is the IRC framework (see
Figure 3). Ostrom does consider levels of analysis (i.e., operational, collective choice,
constitutional, and metaconstitutional) intermediate to outcomes in her IRC model.
However, her main focus is on the effects of rules (which are governance structures)
at each level. Her framework might be expanded to include more discussion of the
relationships of administrative systems to structures and processes beyond rules. In
Figure 3, though, it is difficult to tell whether policymaking structures, management
structures and processes, service delivery processes, and outputs as processes all
occur in the action arena, in the patterns of interactions, or various links occur before
the action arena or even after patterns of interactions.
In examining the MS Framework, it must first be noted that Zahariadis (2007,
p. 65) regards this framework as one that “could conceivably be extended to cover
the entire process of policymaking at various levels of government, it is examined
here only in its capacity to explain policy formation (agenda setting and decision
making).” Despite this caveat, locating where “policy outputs” occur in the policymaking environment is challenging but nonetheless necessary in developing
better theories of the policy process. Perhaps “policy outputs” could follow the
policymaking structures, or they could be at the lower level of outputs as processes in comparison to the theory of public sector performance (see Figure 4). If
Robichau/Lynn: The Missing Link
Focusing Events
Party Ideology
National Mood
Value Acceptability
Technical Feasibility
Environment/Policy Context
Public Policymaking
Management Structures &
Management Processes
Coupling Logic
Decision Style
-More Cautious
-Less Cautious
-Salami Tactics
-Affect Priming
Service Delivery
Outputs as Processes
Figure 4. Diagram of Multiple Streams Framework Modified Hierarchically from Sabatier (2007, p. 71)
Beside the Theory of Public Sector Performance.
the MS framework is to be expanded to account for the complete policy process or
used by governance scholars to obtain greater insight into the policy process, then
one step in doing so would be to clarify the role of administrative systems in
output production. Zahariadis contends that some critics of this framework question whether the three steams are independent of one another and that “stream
independence is a conceptual device” (p. 81). In the comparison to the theory of
public sector performance, all three streams would fall into a larger category of
public policymaking.
The Network Approach is juxtaposed with the theory of public sector performance in Figure 5. Although Adam and Kriesi (2007) note that depicting network
structures as being vertically organized violates network premises, doing so does
produce an interesting way of thinking about the structures and processes of networks and how they interact with other levels of governance. The “structure of
policy networks” could involve participants from multiple levels of governance. That
such capacious networks eliminate all vestiges of hierarchical governance is an issue
to be investigated, not assumed, however.
The final illustration is from a 2005 version of the ACF.4 Although its predominant focus is on what happens before and while policy structures are being determined, the framework does assume that the results of this process are “policy
outputs and impacts.” Policy outputs and impacts occur in the context of the policy
subsystem, which offers an opportunity for elaborating on the explanatory logic of
the framework. As noted earlier, the ACF, like many other policy theories gives short
Policy Studies Journal, 37:1
Specific Context
Environment/Policy Context
Public Policymaking
Structure of Policy
of Power
Management Structures &
Management Processes
Type of
Service Delivery
Potential for
Type of
Outputs as Processes
Figure 5. The Network Approach Summary Modified Hierarchically from Sabatier (2007, p. 148) Beside
the Theory of Public Sector Performance.
shrift to the influence of administrative systems on the production of outputs. These
systems arguably account for much of the fundamental complexity found in policy
subsystems. Expanding upon implementation in the policy subsystem, based on
what has already been studied in the governance literature (i.e., the role of management and distinguishing outcomes from outputs), would give both governance and
policy scholars insights into one another’s fields. In Figure 6, it is easy to imagine
that the levels of management structures and processes and service delivery processes in the theory of government performance could be incorporated to follow
the “institutional rules, resource allocations and appointments” part of the ACF
The argument in this article is that the policymaking process happens within the
context of governance, which is usefully defined within the framework of a multilevel LOG and formally expressed in terms of a parsimonious theory of public sector
performance. The policy theories examined in this article are implicitly or explicitly
embedded in the larger arena of governance, but the links between policymaking
and the multiple levels of governance within administrative systems are not made
explicit and their influence on outputs and outcomes are not carefully considered. By
including these levels into policy theories, they could become more complete and
Robichau/Lynn: The Missing Link
Relatively Stable
External (System)
1. Basic attributes of the problem
area (good)
2. Basic distribution of natural
3. Fundamental socio-cultural
values and social structure
4. Basic constitutional structure
1. Changes in socioeconomic
2. Changes in public opinion
3. Changes in systemic governing
4. Policy decisions and impacts
from other subsystems
Long Coalition
Opportunity Structures
Short-Term Constraints
and Resources of
Subsystem Actors
1. Degree of consensus
2. Openness of political system
Policy Subsystem
Coalition A
Policy Broker
a. Policy Beliefs
b. Resources
Coalition B
a. Policy Beliefs
b. Resources
re. guidance
re. guidance
Decisions by Governmental
Institutional Rules, Resource Allocations
and Appointments
Policy Outputs
Policy Impacts
Figure 6. 2005 Diagram of the Advocacy Coalition Framework Modified Hierarchically from Sabatier
(2007, p. 202).
Policy Studies Journal, 37:1
A similar prospect is available to governance theorists. The interactions linking
the “stakeholder assessments of policy, agency, or program performance,” “citizen
preferences and interests expressed politically,” and the “public choice and policy
designs” levels in the LOG (see Table 1) as well as the types of influences on
governance originating in the environment and policy context might be better specified if public policy theories were adapted to the LOG’s hierarchical logic. In general,
theorists from these two traditions are likely to profit by reading each other’s work.
Robbie Waters Robichau is a second year doctoral student in the School of Public
Affairs at Arizona State University.
Laurence E. Lynn is a Sidney Stein, Jr. Professor of Public Management Emeritus
from the University of Chicago and currently holds a position as the Sid Richardson
Research Professor at the University of Texas at Austin.
1. Scott (2003, p. 366) asks two questions that help clarify process indicators of effectiveness: “What did
you do?” and “How well did you do it?” Service delivery process indicators that measure “What did
you do?” are often more appropriately regarded as outputs in the logic of governance (LOG). Answers
to the question of “How well did you do it?” take the form of what we refer to as “outputs-as process”
indicators or “final” outputs. Examples include the number of students passing a state examination or
vaccinations given in a given year.
2. The construct “policy structures” is similar to the construct “policy designs” as used by Schneider and
Sidney (2008). Policy design elements include “problem definition and goals to be pursued, benefits
and burdens to the distributed, target populations, rules, tools, implementation structure, social constructions, rationales and underlying assumptions.” See also Schneider and Ingram (1997). In the LOG
framework, policy variables have traditionally been identified as type of ownership, level of government, policy design elements, mandated actions/behaviors, and fiscal/resource constraints.
3. Proposition 1: Policy designs structure opportunities and send varying messages to differently constructed target groups about how government behaves and how they are likely to be treated by
government. Both the opportunity structures and the messages impact the political orientation and
participation patterns of target populations. Proposition 2: The allocation of benefits and burdens to
target groups in public policy depends upon their extent of political power and their positive or
negative social construction on the deserving or undeserving axis. Proposition 3: Policy design elements, including tools, rules, rationales, and delivery structures, differ according to the social constructions and power of target groups. Proposition 4: Policymakers, especially elected politicians,
respond to, perpetuate, and help create social constructions of target groups in anticipation of public
approval or approbation. Proposition 5: Social constructions of target groups can change, and public
policy design is an important, although certainly not a singular, force for change. The seeds for altering
social constructions can often be found in the unanticipated or unintended consequences of previous
policy designs” (Ingram et al., 2007, pp. 98–108).
4. Unfortunately, we were unable to place the theory of public sector performance beside the Advocacy
Coalition Framework (ACF) diagram due to the complexity of the ACF figure.
Adam, Silke, and Hanspeter Kriesi. 2007. “The Network Approach.” In Theories of the Policy Process, 7th ed.,
ed. Paul A. Sabatier. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, pp. 129–54.
Boyne, George A. 2003. “Sources of Public Service Improvement: A Critical Review and Research
Agenda.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 13 (3): 367–94.
Robichau/Lynn: The Missing Link
Boyne, George A., Kenneth J. Meier, Laurence J. O’Toole Jr., and Richard M. Walker. 2006. Public Services
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Donabedian, Avedis. 1966. “Evaluating the Quality of Medical Care.” Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly
44 (2): 166–206.
Forbes, Melissa K., and Laurence E. Lynn Jr. 2005. “How Does Public Management Affect Government
Performance? Findings from International Research.” Journal of Public Administration Review and
Theory 15 (4): 559–84.
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