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su ayuda en los proyectos de investigación del GRISO, a los cuales pertenece esta publicación.
Editorial Dear Readers, The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) wishes to announce the publication of Volume 2, Issue 2, November 2018. This issue contains research articles from interdisciplinary sciences such as psychology, education, sociology, gender studies, health sciences, and so forth. The JIS appreciates the authors’ contributions to the journal’s vision through constant interaction and the sharing of knowledge, in order to reach the wider readership community. The academic journey towards the publishing of scientific and academic papers, and reaching the wider readership, has always been the exciting path that the JIS intended to follow. In its broader meaning, the journal’s vision, to enrich beautiful minds towards intelligent minds, is an academic innovation to make academic research Accessible, Available, Affordable, Acquirable, Achievable, and Admirable (A6) to the wider readership community. Nevertheless, this vision is not easily achieved. Many daunting challenges need to be overcome. However, these challenges present an enthralling and adventurous academic journey for the JIS. Our next issue will be published in May 2019. We invite authors, scientists, scholars, researchers, students, managers, and leaders from multi and interdisciplinary areas to submit their articles and essays on both conceptual and empirical studies. The Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS) also wishes to extend its appreciation and gratitude to the reviewers who contribute to the journal’s vision through constructive comments and suggestions made to maintain the quality of this scientific and academic publication. The JIS contains a separate section called Acknowledgment to Reviewers, which contains the names of the reviewers who contributed their intellectual knowledge by timely reviewing the manuscripts. Let us join and collaborate together to ENRICH the BEAUTIFUL MINDS TOWARDS INTELLIGENT MINDS Mani Man Singh Rajbhandari. Ph.D. Founder and Editor-in-Chief Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (JIS)
Problématique théorique « Sois le changement que tu veux voir dans le monde » Gandhi Entre cadre et processus : Quelles sont les limites du coach ? « N'allez pas où le chemin vous mène, allez plutôt là où il n'y a aucun chemin et tracez une voie. » Ralph Waldo Emerson « Un être humain ne peut qu'être désadapté dans son rapport aux autres, à soi et au monde ; il n'existe que déplacé, jamais adéquat. C'est de là que naît la capacité de penser, de créer (…). La vie du désir ne se confond pas avec le nirvâna ; elle est quête perpétuelle, issue d'un mal-être, d'une faille fondatrice de son destin. Son inadaptation première est inaugurée par sa confrontation aux réalités préexistantes, quand il se croit tout puissant. Le monde ne sera jamais selon ses désirs et l'autre jamais à son entière disposition… L'accepter, c'est au moins ne plus courir après ce qui n'existe pas et se meurtrir de ne pas y arriver » (Cifali, M.1994, p44) Pour moi le cadre me rassurait, il est nécessaire certes mais il ne suffit pas. J'ai découvert la théorie de la relation éducative durant ce master et le concept d'agir professionnel. Cette problématique au travers de contradictions profondes va me permettre d'affiner mon style de coach. J'ai découvert que le coaching est un processus qui s'inscrit dans le temps. « La plupart des usages du terme restent intimement liés à une temporalité-durée, constituant une forme de processus. C'est un point essentiel. L'accompagnement, qui suggère immédiatement l'espace (le cheminement commun, le «bout de route» fait ensemble) ne peut toutefois se comprendre proprement que dans le temps et l'histoire vécus. C'est justement ce qui va distinguer le «passage» de Winnicott, ou la « passe» de Lacan, de l'accompagnement tel que nous l'entendons. L'image très usitée du «passeur» suppose bien le franchissement d'une ligne, d'un «cap ». Le symbole éternel de la traversée du Styx reste présent. On y progresse, certes! On y change de territoire et, peut-être, d'ordre, mais on ne découvre pas forcément, pour autant, que le changement, la modification (Michel Butor) attendus impliquent beaucoup plus encore une initiation-réitération, une altération, une maturation et une appropriation, qui, elles, ne peuvent être que temporelles. L'accompagnement s'effectue donc à la fois dans le temps et dans l'espace.» (Ardoino, J. 1994, p11 Editorial De « l'accompagnement », en tant que paradigme à René Lourau)
Nuevo Tris Tras 5 UNIDAD 1 AUTONOMÍA PERSONAL Objetivos didácticos · Descubrir la propia acción corporal y su utilidad en la resolución de tareas de diversa índole. · Desarrollar los aspectos cognitivos, afectivos y relacionales implicados en la vida cotidiana. · Contribuir a la construcción de la propia identidad. · Reconocer las partes de la cabeza. · Expresarse libremente con movimientos.
Not: Kitap, dil ve yazım açısından Dr. Adil Özme tarafından denetlenmiştir. Yayımlanan yazıların içeriğinden yazarlar sorumludur.
Monuments and Sites de-colonial! will be dealing with the architectural relics of the German colonial era and investigating post-colonial strategies of appropriation and critical communication regarding these buildings. In addition to possible references to pre-colonial legacies, the focus will be primarily on the period of the German colonial era from around 1880 to 1920. The spectrum of case studies will refer both to the territory of the German Empire itself at the time, as well as to the former Ger-man colonies in Africa, East Asia and the South Pacific. With regard to the identification, systematic inventory and visualization of colonial-era individual buildings and ensembles, of monuments and even entire cities and infrastructural landscapes, as well as of today's commemorative and memorial sites and places, the focus of interest will primarily be on the political, civic and architectural / artistic forms of appropriation on site and the strategies of dealing with them in terms of scientific methodology and monument conservation. The two-day symposium aims to increase the visibility and knowledge of this architectural heritage from the German colonial era and to promote dialogue with today's custodians or those concerned on site. Four sections will question for instance: Which architectural traces of German colonialism are still visible today in Germany and in the former German colonies? How can these buildings be identified and documented, especially with regard to their post-colonial existence? Which contem-porary methods and critical strategies of dealing with former German colonial architecture are emerging today? How can these methods and strategies be systematically documented and under-stood? And how do today's users and custodians or heirs and heritage communities on the territory of the former German Reich and in the former German colonies in Africa, Asia and Oceania contrib-ute to the decolonization of this building stock? How can constructive dialogue and professional ex-change in the sense of “shared heritage” be promoted beyond today's national borders? The conference will be a cooperation between ICOMOS Germany (Homepage) and the TU Munich (Project Homepage). Selected papers will be published after the conference in the series ICOMOS – Journals of the German National Committee.
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