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Dialogue act labels are being used to represent a higher level intention of utterances during human conversation (Stolcke et al., 2000). Automatic dialogue act recognition is still an active research topic. The conventional approach is to train one generic classifier using a large corpus of annotated utterances (Stolcke et al., 2000). One aspect that makes it so challenging is that people can express the same intentions using a very different set of spoken words.
This paper deals with automatic dialogue act recognition. Dialogue acts (DAs) are utterance-level labels that represent different states of a dialogue, such as questions, statements, hesitations, etc. Information about actual DA can be seen as the first level of dialogue understanding. The main goal of this paper is to compare our dialogue act recognition approaches that model the utterance structure, and are particularly useful when the DA corpus is small, with n-gram based approaches. Our best approach is also combined successfully with prosodic models. We further show that sentence structure-based approaches significantly outperform n-gram based methods.
In this chapter we present our experience with automatic dialogue act recognition using empirical methods for exploiting lexical semantics in an unsupervised framework. Moreover, we show how automatic dialogue act annotation of human-ECA (Embodied Conversational Agent) interactions may be used as a preliminary step in conversational analysis for modeling the users' attitudes. Experiments are presented, by exploiting corpora of English and Italian natural dialogues. In both cases the approaches employed have been conceived as general and domain-independent and may be relevant to a wide range of both human-computer and human-human interaction application domains.
Abstract In this work we study the effectiveness of speaker adaptation for dialogue act recognition in multiparty meetings. First, we analyze idiosyncracy in dialogue verbal acts by qualitatively studying the differences and conflicts among speakers and by quantitively comparing speaker-specific models. Based on these observations, we propose a new approach for dialogue act recognition based on reweighted domain adaptation which effectively balance the influence of speaker specific and other speakers' data.
Computing and Informatics / Computers and Artificial Intelligence, 2010
This paper deals with automatic dialogue act (DA) recognition. Dialogue acts are sentence-level units that represent states of a dialogue, such as questions, statements, hesitations, etc. The knowledge of dialogue act realizations in a discourse or dialogue is part of the speech understanding and dialogue analysis process. It is of great importance for many applications: dialogue systems, speech recognition, automatic machine translation, etc. The main goal of this paper is to study the existing works about DA recognition and to discuss their respective advantages and drawbacks. A major concern in the DA recognition domain is that, although a few DA annotation schemes seem now to emerge as standards, most of the time, these DA tag-sets have to be adapted to the specificities of a given application, which prevents the deployment of standardized DA databases and evaluation procedures. The focus of this review is put on the various kinds of information that can be used to recognize DAs, such as prosody, lexical, etc., and on the types of models proposed so far to capture this information. Combining these information sources tends to appear nowadays as a prerequisite to recognize DAs.
We present recent experiments which build on our work in the area of Dialogue Act (da) tagging. Identifying the dialogue acts of utterances is recognised as an important step towards understanding the content and nature of what speakers say. We describe a simple dialogue act classifier based on purely intra-utterance features -principally word n-gram cue phrases. Such a classifier performs surprisingly well, rivalling scores obtained using far more sophisticated language modelling techniques for the corpus we address. The approach requires the use of thresholds effecting the selection of n-gram cues, which have previously been manually supplied. We here describe a method of automatically determining these thresholds to optimise classifier performance.
Dialogue act classification becomes a complex task when dealing with fine-grain labels. Many applications require such level of labelling, typically automatic dialogue systems. We present in this paper a 2-level classification technique, distinguishing between generic and specific dialogue acts (DA). This approach makes it possible to benefit from the very good accuracy of generic DA classification at the first level and proposes an efficient approach for specific DA, based on high-level linguistic features. Our results show the interest of involving such features into the classifiers, outperforming all other feature sets, in particular those classically used in DA classification.
Automatic dialog act (DA) modeling has been shown to benefit meeting understanding, but current approaches to DA recognition tend to suffer from a common problem: they underrepresent behaviors found at turn edges, during which the "floor" is negotiated among meeting participants. We propose a new approach that takes into account speech from other talkers, relying only on speech/non-speech information from all participants. We find (1) that modeling other participants improves DA detection, even in the absence of other information, (2) that only the single locally most talkative other participant matters, and (3) that 10 seconds provides a sufficiently large local context. Results further show significant performance improvements over a lexical-only system -particularly for the DAs of interest. We conclude that interaction-based modeling at turn edges can be achieved by relatively simple features and should be incorporated for improved meeting understanding. Index Terms: vocal interaction, cross-speaker modeling, speech/non-speech, dialog acts, meetings As mentioned earlier, inference of DA type in this work is made using only the vocal interaction record of a meeting. This
We describe an integrated approach for statistical modeling of discourse structure for natural conversational speech. Our model is based on 42 ~dialog acts’ (e.g., Statement, Question, Backchannel, Agreement, Disagreement, Apology), which were hand-labeled in 1155 conversations from the Switchboard corpus of spontaneous human-to-human telephone speech. We developed several models and algorithms to automatically detect dialog acts from transcribed or automatically recognized words and from prosodic properties of the speech signal, and by using a statistical discourse grammar. All of these components were probabilistic in nature and estimated from data, employing a variety of techniques (hidden Markov models, N-gram language models, maximum entropy estimation, decision tree classifiers, and neural networks). In preliminary studies, we achieved a dialog act labeling accuracy of 65% based on recognized words and prosody, and an accuracy of 72~o based on word transcripts. Since humans ac...
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Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 2019
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