International Journal of Nursing Practice (2013) 19 (Suppl. 2), 34–38
Temari Reiki: A new hands-off approach to
traditional Reiki
Jane Stewart Townsend
Temari Reiki, Wilmington, NC, USA
Accepted for publication January 15, 2013
Townsend JS. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2013; 19 (Suppl. 2): 34–38
Temari Reiki: A new hands-off approach to traditional Reiki
This paper encapsulates the history of Reiki, an ancient healing art, from its origins in Japan to current practice in the
United States. It defines Reiki therapy and discusses the development of a new Reiki method called Temari Reiki and the
use of two additional chakras. Lastly, sample clients scenarios are provided. Because of the success of Temari Reiki in my
practice, recommendations include that it be integrated as therapy to augment traditional Western medicine-based patient
care plans for patients with cancer, pain, stress and other disabling health issues. Also, additional research using
randomized clinical trials is recommended to examine the benefits of Temari Reiki for improving patients’ well-being
in mind, body and spirit.
Key words: complementary therapy, energy fields, healing, Reiki, Temari Reiki.
Since the 1920s, the Japanese art and science of Reiki has
provided strength and healing to people through its use of
the body’s natural energy centres. Reiki is a complementary health practice that uses energy fields or biofields to
improve health and well-being. Energy biofield therapies
are based on the belief that each person has ‘subtle forms
of energy’ that surround and interpenetrate the body.1
Such hands-on therapies including therapeutic touch and
healing touch work with the patient’s energy field.2–4 The
techniques used in Reiki vary geographically and in scope.
In the following paper, I will share my experiences in
transforming it into an even more powerful energy force
via an expanded set of energy centres—chakras—and a
new technique for the application of Reiki, which I call
Temari Reiki.
Correspondence: Jane Stewart Townsend, 2092 Albert Circle, Wilmington, NC 28403 USA. Email:
[email protected]
© 2013 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
Traditional Reiki is a complementary therapy where
the practitioner uses his/her hands to touch specified areas
of the body to enhance the person’s body ability to heal
using their own innate energy augmented by the practitioner’s energy.5 In contrast to traditional Reiki, Temari
Reiki,6 as a hands-off technique, is a simultaneously physical, emotional and spiritual experience that clients state
takes them to a deeper level of healing.6 In my experience
with energy healing, clients were referred or came to me
because neither Western medicine nor energy work
modalities were effective. Energy work had turned into a
treatment to cure their symptoms instead of getting to
the root of the problem. Their bodies’ innate ability
to heal was overlooked. Because it impedes a person’s
ability to heal, what I call ‘non-beneficial’ energy survives
through mutation, similar to bacterial or cancer cells.
Non-beneficial energy has mutated itself so that traditional healing energy methods either no longer work or
are at best less effective, just as antibiotics become ineffective in healing an infection because the bacteria they
Certified Reiki Master
targeted mutated. In the same dynamic, energy work
must adapt in order to become more effective.
Interest in learning how energy heals the body is not new.
The origins of this healing art can be traced to the Buddhist
monk, Kukai (774–835), founder of Shigon Buddhism.5
Reiki is an ancient healing therapy that came to Western
civilization from Japan.5,7 Dr Mikao Usui, Buddhist and
spiritualist (1865–1926),5 was interested in how people
were healed by touch and subsequently searched for 7
years until he found a 2500 year-old healing technique
which he called Reiki.
Dr Usui gave lectures on Reiki all over Japan and
trained over 2000 students including Dr Chijuro Hayashi,
a retired naval officer, who became his most ardent
student. Usui passed on Reiki knowledge and techniques
to Hayashi, who founded an internationally renowned
Reiki clinic in Tokyo (April 1922)1 where he held classes
and lectured. A Japanese American woman, Hawayo
Takata, was referred by her surgeon to Hayashi. After
receiving treatments, Takata’s health was restored. As a
result, she wanted to become a Reiki practitioner but at
the time only men were allowed. After 3 years of persistence, Takata surmounted that obstacle and became a
Reiki Master in 1938.8
Takata returned to the United States in 1937, taught
Reiki and initiated 22 Reiki Masters.8,9 The above explains
how Japanese Reiki came to the United States but, since
then, it has undergone a Western-style transformation.
Usui and Petter note: ‘. . .Western Reiki . . . is a type of
large-scale treatment; (while) the Japanese, intuitive
treatment is specifically directed: the more precise (sic) we
work, the better the results will naturally be.’5 This is
what I have attempted to do—and to refine—in Temari
Traditional Reiki involves the use of 12 hand positions.
Those positions ‘cover the entire system of endocrine
glands, as well as all of the inner organs.’5 They energize
the human being on the physical, mental, emotional and
energetic level simultaneously through the Reiki power
In the United States Reiki treatments are provided by
reiki masters, nurses who have received Reiki training,
and massage therapists in a variety of inpatient and outpatient settings.10 Reiki is often one of the modalities offered
at Integrative Medical Clinics. Also, independent practitioners offer therapy in clinics or private practices. Nurses
and massage therapists incorporate the use of Reiki into
their ‘healing touch’ as they provide spiritual support for
patients in experiencing mental, physical and spiritual distress. There are three levels in Reiki certification up to
and including the Master level. The Reiki Master level
focuses on training and certifying individuals to practice
I feel privileged to have been certified by Reiki Master
Annie Miller, who has a very close lineage to the purest
form of Reiki. Dr Usui took on Hawayo Takata as a
protégé and, subsequently, a Third Generation Reiki
Master certified Annie Miller.
As a strong believer and practitioner of Reiki for 7 years,
I have learned that its methods need not be static. Also,
after reflection about many Reiki sessions, I decided that
the technique needed refinement. My technique, Temari
Reiki,6 directs healing energy to specific areas of the body
in a purer form. This is done by applying the same physics
principles that are demonstrated with the use of Styrofoam balls attached to car radio antennae for the purpose
of improving reception. That is, Western Reiki imparts a
general feeling of well-being, whereas Japanese Reiki,
which Temari Reiki resembles, focuses on specific parts of
the body that need healing. Those specific areas then
radiate the results into the rest of the body. Therefore, it
effectively accomplishes the original role of healing as set
forth by Dr Usui, as noted by Usui and Petter.5 My clients
express feelings of intense energy transference into
afflicted areas, which they claim initiates the healing considerably more rapidly than other treatments. Some sense
a laser-like energy, others describe the sensation that
something is being pulled out of them, still others feel as
if a major infection is compressed to a point and then
released by the body. They also observe a feeling of the
greatest sense of peace they have ever experienced.
Traditional Reiki is a hands-on method of energy
therapy, whereas Temari Reiki is hands-off and focuses on
the chakras, or body’s energy centres, as recognized in
Japanese, Chinese, Indian and other Eastern medical practices. Kalashatra Govinda notes that the first mention of
chakras came about in the 1500B.C.E text of the Vedas.11
‘These energy centers are neither physical nor anatomical. . . . found in the subtle energy system, although their
radiant energy does correspond to positions within the
body.’11 Table 1 was adapted from Kalashatra Govinda
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JS Townsend
Table 1 The chakras of Temari Reiki†
Temari Ball
Relationship/Body Functions
Solar plexus
Red/Red star
Dark orange/Gold star
Orange/Light green star
Yellow/Purple star
Third eye
Green/Orange star
Turquoise/Dark blue star
Light blue/Dark blue star
Dark blue/Light blue star
Purple/Yellow star
White/Silver star
Pelvis, bones, large intestine, rectum, sphincter muscle, nails, teeth
Kidneys, bladder, renal, blood circulation (arterial/ venal)
Male/Female sexual organs
Digestive system, small intestine, colon, liver, spleen, gall bladder, muscles, autonomic
nervous system
Heart, lungs, pulmonary arteries and veins (blood flow to internal organs) arms, hands
Bones of the head, neck, jaw, shoulders, clavicle, vertebrae, bone marrow
Tissues of the throat, neck, oesophagus and trachea
Brain/cerebellum, hormonal system, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses
Brain/cerebrum, balance of blood flow to brain, autonomic nervous system (sympathetic
and parasympathetic)
Aura, energetic functions:
Levels of energy, life force, consciousness, frequency, prosperity
Adapted from Govinda and Dale.11,12 ‡New Chakra.
and Cyndi Dale11,12 and depicts the traditionally accepted
chakras as well as two more I will discuss later.
Temari Reiki is provided in sessions that last for 60 to
90 minutes by certified Temari Reiki practitioners who
place their hands above the temari balls, situated over the
corresponding chakras, as described in Table 1, and transmit energy through the balls to the chakras. I increase the
energy transmission to and reception by the chakras,
through the medium of Japanese temari balls made with
styrofoam, a material used for many years to boost radiowave reception by placement on car antennas.
Modifying the usual type of Reiki energy transmission
technique has given me access to wider frequency ranges
with stronger energy flowing to the recipient. Viewing
the human body as a form of ‘suspension bridge’, and
understanding that each energy centre vibrates at a different frequency, we can discern that if one part of that
bridge is awry it will effectively skew other portions of the
bridge, or the body’s superstructure.
Temari Balls
I first began to think about a new technique for providing
Reiki between my Level II and Reiki Master certifications.
On several occasions I thought that there had to be a
better way to more effectively transmit energy without
touching the client.
While studying ikebana, the Japanese art of flower
arranging, I learned about a Japanese craft, temari balls.
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Diana Vandervoort notes that ‘Te-mari’ translates literally into ‘hand-ball’. From the humble origins of a toy ball
for games, temari has evolved over a thousand years into
a revered art form. ‘Through the centuries, the tradition
of temari has continued, perpetuating . . . love and . . .
beauty. Temari is . . . a very special gift . . . from the
heart . . . and unconditional . . . love.’13
As I further studied temari balls, I postulated that I
might be able to transmit Reiki through them to my
clients. I designed and crafted a unique ‘skin’ of yarn and
an appliqué pattern for the balls but varied each one to
correspond with each chakra (see Table 1). For the
primary design, I chose a six-pointed star with radiating
interlinking bars. A hospice healing arts director
exclaimed that they were ‘healing mandalas’.11 In various
spiritual traditions, the encircled pattern of a mandala
could be employed as a spiritual teaching tool by aspirants
and adepts alike. It focuses their attention, helps to establish a sacred space, and aids in meditation and trance
induction. According to psychologist David Fontana, the
symbolic nature of the mandala can help the meditator to
access the unconscious at deeper levels.14
In the process of working on clients with the temari balls,
I found what I believe to be two new chakras. They are
connected to major organs or glands that govern body
Certified Reiki Master
parts previously thought to be a part of—instead of distinct from—previously recognized chakras.
The first of the new chakras was the ‘Renal’, between
the Root and the Sacral, and the other was the ‘Superstructure’, between the Heart and Throat. I discovered
that they were absolutely necessary in order to make this
new form of Reiki work. Without them, the session
would be incomplete because crucial parts of the body,
and their corresponding energy centres, would be
Similar to the protocols noted in the literature, in my
practice, I recommend that a client go through a
minimum of three Temari Reiki sessions in order to build
a good healing foundation.9,15 Additionally, each session
addresses a different aspect of the healing process, and
each creates a deeper potential for long-term success. This
knowledge ultimately leads to self-empowerment and
stewardship over their own health and well-being.
As I performed this new type of Reiki, my clients and I
recognized that I was on to something. A client who had
experienced one or more traditional Reiki sessions stated
that traditional Reiki seemed to feel like ‘Reiki “lite”‘.
Virtually all of those clients described Temari Reiki as
more ‘pure’ and ‘direct’, because the energy from the
chakras travelled to the places in their bodies that needed
it most. Many clients noted that they felt far better after
experiencing a Temari Reiki session than any other form
of energy work. In addition, they claimed that it augmented their treatment plans and/or independently alleviated their symptoms. The following vignettes from
clients are examples of client perceptions of their Temari
Reiki experience (names are fictitious).
Client A—Relief of chronic pain from
plantar fasciitis and chronic wrist pain
Reiki; I had heard of it but didn’t really know anything about
it. As a product of the Western medical tradition, I first sought
Reiki methods to help alleviate wrist pain, in addition to what
I suspected was plantar fasciitis . . . Not only did I obtain
relatively immediate relief from the two physical problems I
was having, but I began to experience increased clarity and
insight into my emotions and spirit . . . I am experiencing
greater awareness and understanding of my physical, mental
and spiritual states.
Client B—PTSD and depression
After literally years of therapy, medication, no medication,
recreational drugs, sobriety, all of those ‘devices’ weren’t
helping to solve any of my anxiety, depression, mania or panic
attacks. After Temari Reiki . . ., I could step out of my panic
attack, manage my anxiety and relax. I can deal with things
and become stronger by facing them. Currently I am on the
lowest dose of medication for my PTSD that I have ever taken.
One day soon I believe I will need no medicine at all.
Client C—Liver failure
On 1 April 2011, I was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis. My body was rejecting my liver as though it were a
transplant. Subsequently, my liver was inflamed and my body
wasn’t receiving any liver enzymes. I couldn’t digest anything. My urine was a reddish brown colour; my faeces were
white. My skin was the colour of tangy honey mustard; people
turned their heads to stare at me . . . I was incredibly weak.
I really thought I was going to die. Fortunately, I saw a doctor
who jumpstarted my liver with large doses of prednisone . . .
My sister recommended that I see a Reiki master . . . It was
one of the most incredibly moving, healing experiences of my
life. During the session, I felt actual physical changes occurring in my body, even though Jane never touched me. I also
felt a huge enlightenment, a deep knowledge of why I got sick
and how to heal . . . With every session, I got better and
better. My liver enzymes returned to normal much sooner than
expected and I was able to get off the medication much faster.
My doctor was amazed!
Often Reiki training includes learning the Reiki techniques and theory, practice, receiving treatments and
reflection with mentors, Reiki Masters, and clients.15
Reiki has minimal reported risks and side effects. Temari
Reiki can complement health-care treatment for individuals with chronic pain, acute illnesses, cancer, mental pain
and so forth. As the vignettes above imply, this synergy of
East and West is integral to the best of both worlds—
philosophy and practice and to patients’ well-being in
body, mind and spirit. My forthcoming book The Vessel:
Temari Reiki, a New Way of Healing6 will offer a deeper,
more detailed exploration of the principles highlighted in
© 2013 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
JS Townsend
this article so that in the future practitioners of both
Temari Reiki and other energy therapies can be pioneers
and enhance their knowledge in order to incorporate this
type of energy therapy into their practices.
Reiki is recognized by the U.S. National Institutes of
Health National Center as Complimentary and Alternative Medicine and many Holistic Medical Centers as a
complementary energy therapy16 and emerging as one of
the common therapies used in integrative medical care. A
review in Chocrane of Reiki research concludes that Reiki
therapy has some significant results in a number of experimental clinical studies;16,17 and that some Reiki studies are
small with conflicting results.18–20 Future research implications for Reiki therapy include the need for more randomized clinical trials with large samples and qualitative
and quantitative research. Also needed are comparative
studies using Temari Reiki, traditional Reiki, healing
touch and other energy modalities. Particularly needed
are interdisciplinary randomized controlled and placebo
clinical trials with clients who have varied diseases and
lifestyle issues. Lastly, continued exploration of outcomes
of Reiki treatments and use in traditional and emerging
health-care settings21 is encouraged.
The author declares no conflict of interest.
1 Miles P. Reiki. Center for Spirituality and Healing and the
Life Science Foundation, University of Minnesota. 2012.
Available from URL: http://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.
edu/explore-healing-practices/reiki. Accessed 11 November 2012.
2 Healing Touch International, Inc. What is healing touch?
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3 Jain S, McMahon GF, Hasen P et al. Healing touch with
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© 2013 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
5 Usui M, Petter FA. The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao
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6 Townsend J. The Vessel: Temari Reiki, a new way of healing (In
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8 Haberly HJ. Reiki : Hawayo Takata’s Story. Olney, MD, USA:
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9 Miles P. Reiki: A Comprehensive Guide. New York, USA:
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12 Dale C. The Complete Book of Chakra Healing: Activate the
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