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2008, 2008 Second UKSIM European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation
6 pages
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configuring multi-hop network that does not rely on infrastructure being available. Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANET) are an application of MANET, with most research focusing on road traffic. The possibility of constructing a VANET for shipping at sea is presented in this paper. Most research into MANET technologies is done using simulations that contain models of the physical space in which the MANET operates, the number of nodes deployed and the movement patterns and communications requirements of the nodes. A method of producing a realistic model for a specific application is presented. Data from the international standard Automatic Identification System (AIS) used by commercial shipping is gathered and processed to produce a realistic movement model. This model is used in ns-2 simulations to evaluate the application of MANET technologies to shipping. Experiments are performed using different transmission ranges with 802.11 Wireless Ethernet as the MAC layer and marine VHF radio as the physical layer. It is demonstrated that the model produces results that are in line with known transmission ranges of marine radio and further concluded that it is possible to construct a MANET for ships in the north Irish Sea using marine VHF as the physical layer. Second UKSIM European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation 978-0-7695-3325-4/08 $25.00
We developed a framework for simulating wireless communications in the ocean environment, The framework incorporates three unique maritime features: the wave motion and its effect on wireless transmissions, the ocean surface path loss characteristics, and the mobility pattern of the ships conducting wireless transmissions. We implemented our design in the Qual-Net network simulator. Using the enhanced simulator, we were able to produce simulation results comparable to experimental measurements carried out under similar settings. In addition, we observed the expected communication quality changes as the sea condition worsens in the network simulator.
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2017
High data rate communication in terrestrial wireless scenarios can be accomplished by setting up Base Stations (BS) on the ground. But applying the similar technique to maritime communication may not be suitable because owing to the geographically constrained nature of the ocean, henceforth, MF/HF modems, extensive-distance transmission characteristics with low data-rate are commonly employed in maritime communiqué. Inmarsat is conservatively used in Maritime satellite communiqué in order to reimburse for low data-rate transmission of MF/HF modems, but its main negative aspect is high cost. To improve the transmission speed along with low price, in general, a network whose architecture is similar to Vehicular Adhoc Network (VANET), that permits peer-to-peer transportation without BS, i.e., ad-hoc network is critical. An ad-hoc network for nautical environment named as Nautical Ad-hoc Network (NANET) was proposed. Multiple access and duplexing schemes are used to implement the nautical network for corresponding NANET scenarios.
Maritime networks establish wireless multi-hop networks to provide wireless broadband service at sea, connecting various kinds of ships, maritime buoys, and beacons. The maritime networks possess two distinguishing characteristics highly affected by maneuver at sea-dynamic link quality and bandwidth constrained, and dynamic network topology-that warrant specific attention. Unlike land vehicles, maneuver at sea is affected by sea surface movement and wave occlusions, which can cause unstable environment with a high rate of link breakages caused by low link stability, as well as low and highly variable bandwidth. In spite of the need to achieve performance close to high-speed terrestrial wireless broadband service on land, there is only a perfunctory effort to investigate maritime networks. There is an urgent need to refresh the interest to investigate, as well as to further enhance, maritime networks. This paper presents a review of the limited research works of this topic, which revolve around the networking issues in the link, network, and upper layers, in the literature. The objective is to establish a foundation in order to motivate a new research interest in maritime networks. Open issues are also presented to foster new research initiatives in this burgeoning and exciting area.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011
The rapid evolution of terrestrial wireless systems has brought mobile users more and more desired communication services. Maritime customers are asking for the same, such as the concepts of "Broadband at Sea" and "Maritime Internet". Quite a lot of research work has focused on the development of new and better maritime communication technologies, but less attention has been paid on interworking of multiple maritime wireless networks or on satisfying service provisioning. To address this, an integrated wireless Communication Architecture for Maritime Sector (CAMS) has been introduced in this article. CAMS is aimed at 1) granting maritime customers uninterrupted connectivity through the best available network and 2) providing them with the bestprovisioned communication services in terms of mobility, security and Quality of Experience (QoE). To address mobility challenge, the IEEE 802.21 standard is recommended to be used in CAMS in order to achieve seamless handover. CAMS provides application-level QoE support attending to the limited communication resources (e.g. bandwidth) at sea. Certain security considerations have also been proposed to supplement this architecture.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
This paper analysed the potentialities that have not yet been exploited of the Automatic Vessel Identification System on Medium Frequency (AVISOMEF) that was previously presented to the scientific community. This system expanded the spectrum of possibilities of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). By the time AVISOMEF was presented, one of the unexpected benefits was that it could constitute a platform capable of supporting a Maritime Communication Network on Medium Frequency; all remotely located vessels could communicate with each other by using AVISOMEF, making use of the new established network, within the geographic area of implementation, without needing to use satellite techniques. Medium frequency propagation is stable and is not subject to coverage restrictions. To conduct this experiment, we collaborated with the Spanish Maritime Safety Agency (SASEMAR). It was thanks to them that we gathered real-time information about the nationwide maritime traffic th...
Polish Maritime Research, 2018
In case of maritime communications, we observe a growing interest in deployment of multitask satellite-based solutions and development of new maritime-specific systems intended for improvements in safety of e-navigation. Analysis of different types of currently used maritime communication systems leads, however, to a conclusion that neither global and still very expensive satellite systems nor cheaper, but short-ranged transmission technologies can, on their own, fully meet the today's expectations and quality requirements formulated for broadband maritime systems. This lack of reliable solutions, offering high throughput and ubiquitous availability of coverage to a wide audience at a relatively low price is one of the main barriers in a widespread implementation of e-navigation initiatives. This issue is addressed in the netBaltic project with the objective to design, deploy and validate in a real maritime environment a non-satellite wireless communication system enabling ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore information exchange via a multi-hop network composed of onshore base stations, maritime vessels and other transit elements such as buoys. In this paper, the idea of a heterogeneous wireless maritime system is presented. Details of the proposed netBaltic node architecture are described highlighting the solutions introduced in the project as a response to specific maritime communication requirements. Numerical results of communication area coverage are presented for four different scenarios utilizing different wireless transmission technologies. In particular, they indicate that when using appropriate wireless communication solutions, the number of vessels being able to connect to Internet is significantly increased as compared to traditional wireless systems (capable of one-hop communication) from 14% for short-range transmission technologies up to as high as 127% in case when relatively long-range transmission technologies are employed within the system.
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring wireless network in which each node could act as a router, as well as a data source or sink. Its application areas include battlefields and vehicular and disaster areas. Many techniques applied to infrastructure-based networks are less effective in MANETs, with routing being a particular challenge. This paper presents a rigorous study into simulation techniques for evaluating routing solutions for MANETs with the aim of producing more realistic simulation models and thereby, more accurate protocol evaluations. MANET simulations require models that reflect the world in which the MANET is to operate. Much of the published research uses movement models, such as the random waypoint (RWP) model, with arbitrary world sizes and node counts. This paper presents a technique for developing more realistic simulation models to test and evaluate MANET protocols. The technique is animation, which is applied to a realistic scenario to produce a model that accurately reflects the size and shape of the world, node count, movement patterns, and time period over which the MANET may operate. The animation technique has been used to develop a battlefield model based on established military tactics. Trace data has been used to build a model of maritime movements in the Irish Sea. Similar world models have been built using the random waypoint movement model for comparison. All models have been built using the ns-2 simulator. These models have been used to compare the performance of three routing protocols: dynamic source routing (DSR), destination-sequenced distance-vector routing (DSDV), and ad hoc n-demand distance vector routing (AODV). The findings reveal that protocol performance is dependent on the model used. In particular, it is shown that RWP models do not reflect the performance of these protocols under realistic circumstances, and protocol selection is subject to the scenario to which it is applied. To conclude, it is possible to develop a range of techniques for modelling scenarios applicable to MANETs, and these simulation models could be utilised for the evaluation of routing protocols.
Когда я, лѣтомъ 1862 года, посѣтилъ юго-восточную часть Киргизской степи, то случайно встрѣтилъ въ городе Копалѣ несколько выходцевъ изъ Китайской части Илійской долины, такъ называемыхъ Таранчей (земледѣльцевъ), и началъ уже тамъ изучать интересный ихъ говоръ. По причинѣ краткаго своего пребыванія въ этомъ городѣ я успѣлъ записать тамъ только несколько коротенькихъ разсказовъ и, убедившись, что говоръ этотъ отличается очень интересными особенностями и значительно разнится отъ говора сосѣднихъ Сартовъ и Узбековъ, я считадъ нужиымъ посѣтить таранчинскія селенія, находящіяся около города Кульджи. Къ сожалѣнію мне не удалось выполнить этого намѣренія. Китайскія власти дозволили мне лишь въ сопровожден^ конвоя отправиться по горной дороге до г. Кульджи, где я долженъ былъ жить въ русской Факторіи. Только днемъ мне дозволено было посѣщать китайскій городъ и я думать не могъ о какихъ-либо экскурсіяхъ въ таранчинскія селенія. Въ Факторіи и въ городѣ я встретилъ много Таранчей, живущихъ въ Кульдже и занимался съ ними тамъ, на сколько это мне дозволяли обстоятельства. Здесь мне удалось познакомиться съ главными Фонетическими особенностями этого говора и записать также несколько текстовъ; но все это представляло еще довольно скудный VI. 1 *) Vambéry, Cagataische Sprachstudien, стр. ISO u 187. **) Cagataische Sprachstudien, стр. 35. Дагандш кін Хоі.іа аітіпту: «коіувдін каідак іш Kälcä, шун! kill ман camp андак созіарщдін кокмаіман», дііп, сурідан Хітаі біігіаріга каттік соз кіИпту. Андш ХоренІ сурап кіріп Хопеніи аіткан сОзІаріні аніетіпту: «У кіші міін Ханда jegi боіуп KälräH, аннщ коп чарікіарші оітурган, хаинір шаітріда häMä ішні kilgan Хора MÜH ! даді», дап аітіиту, «мура амді каідак азап кіісак, ені Хан Озі біііду, хан HäMä буріса, біз шуні кіііміз», дапту. Хан аітіпту: «муні иачан кун бір jäprä бакітіп kojyglap ! муні оітурміікка аідіргеіі боімаіду. Мунур канчан кісма ішіарі боіса, ені сурап, андін KÎH оітурса боіуду» дапту. Дагандін кін Хопені Беііін шаііііріда біііа тутуп барган кішіläpl бііан бакітіпту. Барінда уч ai турдандш кін Хан: «бу Хореи! Kinriläpl бШн Щу діігіін mähäprä naplaplap!» дагандін йн, Хорені кішііарі бЩн ІГіпу mähäplrä паріапту. о Барін uiähäpirä Хітаііарда коп адріпту, тоіа Хітаііар шу адрікта Оіупту, ol jill jajigyp радианту, таріган auilepî курунту, jajiaH кімат jil боіупту, канчан xalk аштін Оіупту; шундак боідан ішіарні ханда аніетіпту. Хан сурапті: «мундак боімакнір сабабі HäMä? бу iuiKä мінаріміар Kyp'ä саісун!» дапту. Ханнщ кешідекі Кадірвар аітіпту: «ХорееІ Берін іпаЬаріда токтассак jaxuii боіатті, ені Ціцуда паріап äßäTTyK, енір учун бу iuiläp шундак боіді», даді. Мінапіміар кур'а celïn уіарма Кадірвар даган созш даді. Дагандір кін Хан ХоренІ Цірудін бір jepiM рідін кін Берінга elïn каіді. МИ Хан Хоііені тоіа jaxrnî коруду,)аідідан ічідідан, КІДІдан кім xämläwgaH xäppim ханнір дазнісідін баріп турді, häli бу кунда Хора Бнрінда ханнір кешіда бар. Хора Кашкарда jegï боіданда Ііініц ічідакі начан аімак хахlapga тоіа jana болдан. Таранчііар, бір таранчі ікі ат бііан Кашкарда ун, гуруч, чарікнщ дііідідан ічідідан шдідае KïMlâpïHl то-ШІДІ. 01 jilï кіш узак каіді, сок каттік боіді, начан туман ат, Hä4äH мір туга, канчан адаміар Кашкарнщ jolïAa ун тошуп музіап Оіді. Ол вахта gylpa uiähäpiAä Ташкаііік, Анраііік, Kokallik, Бухаріік ol аітті: ман кона äMäc, ман бір уйтімчі еаудігар дагіту. Амбаі аітті : сан xogeligïgin HäMä ішка TamcäH? дан, муні кліадіар дапту. Ені кінетіпту; тоіа кішдандін KÏH, рас ман хода дапту. Андін кін xoiienï туттук дап Iliga ііанпунда аватіпту, нанду и ходені тутуп капті дап Ханда хат аватіпту. Хан xogem туткан багіарга Кашкарнщ амбеііда тоіа іітшатіарш kilïn мундін KÏH jap бошіса cläpm чод 6är kiliMäH, дан хат каііпту. У саудідарда Бузурук Хан дап ат kojynry. Пандун ені суранту: «Кашкар jegï боіуп KälräH Бузурук Хан дагйн хода санму?» дапту. Дагйндід KÏH ол аітті: «ман хода амас ман Кашкар-Іік» дапту, Пандун аітті: «сан растіні аіткін, сан амді бізнід коИыізда тутуідуд, jalgaH созбііан кутуімаісйн», дап Шуамуінщ Aalojeclga тапшуруп баріпту: бу xogem бак бакітіп jaxnii caxleдін! дапту. Шуамуіда elin беріп ені бак бйкітіп баш аіті jaji caxlïgelï kojynTy. Андін кін Пандун сакіз даідаінід Шуамуінуд Дущамуінуд AalojecïHl буріпту: бу Бузурук Хан даган ход em сурап рас xogelikka іхра Kälrypigläp! даді, Кашкарнщ амбеіі xogenï туттум дан бізга em аватіпту; бу ман Хода äMäc! даіду, дан, буіарні cypaglap дап авйтіпту. Бу сакіз Ijalgai торт Дакуа, ікі уш ai муш суреді, бу ман и Хода амас дап бір сбздб турді. Mäiiig Кашкарда анам бар, öjiM паіані кочіда, мііні тонідідан хошнЙерім бар, дйп хошнііерінід CTltJî бйтамам аітіп баріпту, буіар häMäcl мані біііду. Ах-суда уш jil турдум, Ax-суда мані бііщдан кішііар бар, уіарнід етіні аітіп баріду. Ман хода амас дагандід KÏH ІІандун буіарда хат аватіиту, ylap Fjylgaga Kälin Пандунда кбрунупту. Цандун ylapga аітіпту. Кашкарнікі амбеіі, бйгіарі Бузурук Хан xogem туттум дііп Iliga муні мада аватіпту, ман euï сурісам ман хода амас даіду, ман Кашкаріік даіду. Cläpm маш тоШду, ман хода амас іканні біИду дан ryalikka тартті. Cläp беріп коруп хода äMäc боіса раст! бііан хода äMäc діідіар! дап Бузурук Ханнід кешіда äßäTinTy. Уіар кбрсо Кашкарда кішіакта сауда кіИдідан уйтімчі саудідар хода äMäc. Уіар Kälin ІІандунда растли аітіпту. ДІІГІІНДІІІ KÏH У Хамбін нітті: «Män оі пузуідін elïn каімаімш, аісаніар, маніц туткеіі elïn KälräH шу nâpcalâpïMHï еіщіар ! abiïcaiilap Зундуда Kipïn аітщіар ! MäH Зунда 6ïlâH Ханніц аідіда дйрваИішмйн, даді, ман! ханда бё-Іап барсун!» ДЙДІ. Дагандін KÏH jocyl кіріп Зундуда аітті: «Бір міс нуцсуіук Хамбіц туткеіі боіёк пузуідін näpcä KäpäK elïn Känry. Біз аіттук 6i3rä Зунда japlïK кііді бёіёк нузуідш äK-nälräHHl аімаціар дап, саніц бу elïn KälräH näpcäm аімаіміз, cäH 6epïn паіані пузуідш elïn Kälrto! дадук, дапіндш кін оі Хамбіц аітті; аісац шут al! боМса Kipïn Зундуда аіткш! мані Ханда боіап барсун ман Зунда бііан дарваішнман ! даіду. Андш KÏH Зунда Хамбіщн тамгуCÏHÏ бесіп ханда ббіап біірді. 01 Хамбін Баиінга jâTÏn Зунденііі кіідан iniläpim ханда дадва кііді, Хан Зундуда хат аватті сан пат Kâlïn бу хамбіцнщ дадвеcïga jy'a6 баргш! дап. Бір мунча аідш KÏH Зунда Бацінга каіді
1. Navigating on the Danube, from Ptolemy the son of Lagus to Neacșu of Câmpulung. The year 2021 marks the 500 anniversary of the moment when Neacșu of Câmpulung wrote his letter, which many specialists considers to be the earliest attested document written in Romanian language. Since this is an important document for the history of Romanian literature, the following note will also be written in Romanian language. The sender of this letter, Neacșu of Câmpulung, was a merchant who was sending information to Hans Benkner, the mayor of Brașov, about the movements of Ottoman army along the Danube in the summer of 1521. Among the information are some regarding the way in which ships coming from the Bosphorus and the Black Sea navigated upstream on the Danube, through the Iron Gates, to Belgrade. This story echoes a quite similar one that happened eighteen centuries and a half earlier – the expedition of Alexander the Great to the Danube in 335 BC. The events were described by one witness who was part of the expedition: Ptolemy, the son of Lagus, a general of Alexander and future king of Egypt. The fragments describing the Danubian expedition are preserved in later works by Arrian and Strabo. According to them, while preparing the expedition to the east, Alexander the Great sought to first stabilize and pacify the northern territories of the kingdom. Therefore, in the spring of 335 BC, Alexander left Amphipolis to initiate a new expedition against the Triballi, who were chased up to the Danube. Led by king Syrmos, they took refuge on an island of the river, being also helped by the Getae living on the left bank of the Danube. Upon reaching the river, Alexander the Great met the “big ships” that came to help him from Byzantium, through the Black Sea and along the Danube (Arrian I, 3, 3). The alliance of the Getae and Triballi motivated Alexander to organize a one-day punishing raid to the north of the Danube. A number of hypotheses have been proposed over time regarding the entire campaign and the location of the island on which the Triballi led by Syrmos took refuge, or the area where Alexander crossed the Danube (Fig. 1). F. Medeleţ had convincingly demonstrated that the army led by Alexander the Great reached the Danube near the Morava confluence. Al. Vulpe has objected to this hypothesis, mostly bringing into discussion the supposed difficulties encountered by the Macedonian fleet when attempting to navigate through the Iron Gates. However, the problem of passing through the Iron Gates cataracts was already solved in ancient time by towing the ships. The difficult conditions for the navigation through the cataracts were more or less similar both before and after the Roman times, and until the modern age. Therefore, the information provided by Neacșu of Câmpulung about the Ottoman campaign along the Danube in 1521 is important. His description confirms that the Ottoman ships were towed, also indicating the way in which passage through the Danube’s Iron Gates was organized. Consequently, the idea suggesting that the “big ships” from Byzantium navigated upstream the Iron Gates while coming to support Alexander the Great in 335 BC is plausible. This hypothesis, proposed by Florin Medeleț, continues to be the most convincing one, ahead of all others proposed so far. 2. “Panoplies” of weapons and warrior identities from the “Celtic” to the “Dacian horizon” in Transylvania. The Late Iron Age in Transylvania was defined by two cultural and chronological horizons: the “Celtic horizon” (between ca. 350 and 190/175 BC) and the “Dacian horizon” (between ca. 190/175 BC and AD 106). One aspect that has seldom been discussed is the manner in which these “panoplies” defined a particular social identity of these elites during each of the aforementioned cultural and chronological horizons which characterized the inner Carpathians region during the Late Iron Age. The comparison of the “standard” panoplies of weapons specific to the “Celtic” and the “Dacian horizon” indicates the existence of both similarities and differences. More precisely, these panoplies are quite similar in what concerns their functionality. In funerary contexts, these weapons are meant to define symbolically the warlike identity. However, the ways in which martial identity was constructed and expressed within the social environment differed from one horizon to another.The “Celtic” warrior was closely connected to the community within which he lived, being buried alongside other members of the community, in an area belonging to his group, clan or family, using all markers of his social status and identity. On the other hand, the “Dacian” warrior belonged to a hierarchic society that was defined by the emergence of hilltop fortresses surrounded by a dependent rural hinterland. Therefore, despite the apparent similarities in the functional structure of the panoplies of weapons, the warriors of these two horizons belonged to two very different models of social organization.
Lahore Garrison University Journal of Life Sciences
О русском ориентализме, «русском мире» в колониальной литературе и их переосмыслении в постколониальной литературе, 2020
History of Philosophy Quarterly, 2017
Reliability Academy, 2024
Revista Lumen Gentium, 2020
Journal of Medieval History, 1980
Tạp chí Khoa học Đo đạc và Bản đồ, 2017
Journal of Mental Health, 2011
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019
Journal of Communications and Computer Engineering, 2012