Edited by A. Wiœniewski, T. P³onka and J.M. Burdukiewicz
Wroc³aw 2006, p.11-22
Lithic artefacts - typology, technology and morphometrics
Jan Micha³ Burdukiewicz
Since the beginning of archaeology, classification of
archaeological finds was one of the most important
targets. F. Bordes in his well-known book Typologie
du Paléolithique ancient et moyen wrote "La typologie paléolithique est la science qui permet de reconnaître, de définier et de classer les différentes variétés
d'outils se rencontrant dnas les gisements de cette longue période de évolution de l'humanité" (Bordes 1961).
Bordes believed in existence of types, which is still
one of the most disputable problems of archaeology.
types, their proximity, etc. (Hill, Evans 1972; Whallon,
Brown 1982).
The archaeologists who developed their classifications
did not develop their own methods. These methods
were usually borrowed from biology, geology or other
sciences. According to Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia "in archaeology a typology is the result of the
classification of things according to their characteristics". We cannot also agree with F. Bordes "typology
is a science", because it is only a method of classification, common for all variety of knowledge. Mystery of
type as a term resulted probably from unclear definitions in numerous dictionaries and philosophical background connected with Plato's metaphysics. Such approach is called essentialism. Plato believed in existence
of ideal types of things in opposite to unclear "shadows" observed by humans. However, recent humanists are usually far from Plato' concepts they are still
essentialists. For example, numerous archaeologists
accept division of things into K.L. Pike (1982) separation of "emic" and "etic" (Minta-Tworzowska 1994: 52),
"profound reality", etc. (Hodder 1986).
Broader analysis of types in archaeology and general
in a whole culture was made by Russian humanists in
a small book Types in culture. Methodological problems of classification, systematic and typology in
socio-historical and anthropological sciences
(Klejn 1979).
In Polish archaeology, D. Minta-Tworzowska summarized classification problems in her book Classification in archaeology as a means of expressing research results, hypotheses and archaeological theories (1994). It is rather a summary of various approaches in archaeology and history. Unfortunately, she
did not evaluate if differences between various approaches were real or just apparent. There was also missing statement of diversity between classification and
typology. Archaeologists or humanists in general repeat usually general idea of German philosophers W.
Dilthey and W. Windelband or M. Weber (1968) that
idiographic or respectively typological approach is basic for humanistics in opposite to nomothetic purpose
of science (Leszczak 2001). It is quite easy to recognize that archaeologists, in opposite to their declarations, continue or slightly improve old classification systems built already in 19th century. Of course, there are
differences in methods used to establish classes or
Classification theory, including typology is a domain of
logic and logicians established what typology is already in the first part of 20th century by C.G. Hempel
and P. Oppenheim (1936). In a few words, typology is
an ordered classification and nothing more. However,
methods of ordering should be different and they depend on measurement methods. Traditional typology
is usually intuitive but methods that are more recent
enable exact calculation like in taxonomy or other numeric methods (Sokal, Sneath 1963). It is worth to
stress that some logicians go back to symbolic classification methods (Gatnar 1998).
Strong opposition against essentialism in classification
or "typology" was well articulated in the evolutionary
biology. E. Mayr (1962) argued that a "populationist"
approach is completely opposite to the "typologist"
approach. He stressed in particular that every life form
is unique and common description of a population must
be statistical. There is a misunderstanding, because
typology as an ordered classification does not depend
on essentialism. Every biological systematics is an ordered classification - it means typology. The difference is lying only in an ordering scale (Paw³owski 1977:
72). Similar circumstances are in the humanities in
general and in archaeology in particular, which use traditionally intuitive or weak scale of ordering in opposite to well-defined ordering in numerical taxonomy used
in biology.
is possible refitting of artefacts and reconstruction of
technological modus operandi including analysis of
flaking directions on both flake sides, type of dorsal
side, types of butts, flaking angle, general shape, shape of transversal and longitudinal sections, etc.
Operating base of dynamic technological classification are list of artefacts and list of taxonomic units.
For example, in Middle Palaeolithic assemblages as
separate groups should be distinguished flaking technologies, like discus core or Levallois technologies with
quantitative characteristics (Wendorf, Schild 1974: 57).
Further development of dynamic technological classification led to technological analysis, what was necessary in case of Lower Palaeolithic microlithic assemblages. There standardisation of artefacts is less evident than in later ones. In that case, usage of additional morphometric analysis is necessary, because size
of artefacts is so diagnostic (Burdukiewicz et al. 1979;
1982; Burdukiewicz 1993).
Technological ordering
Archaeologists following geology use still "type fossils" as main scheme of classification archaeological
units. Archaeological "type fossils" are some selected
artefacts used as diagnostic forms for these units, like
paleontological organisms characteristic for certain
geological periods. Such approach was later strongly
criticized because artefacts are not living organisms.
Dynamic technological analysis is competitive or supplementary to the concept of chaîne opératoire (operational chain or sequence method) developed in France in fact since eighties of 20th century (Pélegrin et al.
1988; Grace 1997a; 1997b). This method is rather popular in Western Europe and it will be useful to compare with dynamic technological analysis. Chaîne
opératoire is expansion of an older idea of M. Mauss
and A. Leroi-Gourgan (Julien 1992: 174). First part or
sequence is raw material procurement with stressed
choice criteria of lithic nodules, called sometimes "raw
material economy". In chaîne opératoire method should be distinguished two aspects. One of them is going
to recognize technological sequences (core preparation, blank processing, rejuvenation, etc.) and the second one is directed into unintentional changes (like
techniques of tool alterations or accidental changes)
showing proficiency of craftsmen, teaching experience, etc. concept of operational sequences is a base of
ordering classification including temporal and spatial
In opposite to "type fossils" analysis of the lithic assemblages should be made on technological principle
as result of human activity. Such method of artefact
classification was developed in Poland by S. Krukowski (1939-1948: 80). Krukowski's technological ordering artefacts according followed processing sequences with fitting morphological classification. As a basic unit was seen lithic concentration (krzemienica in
Polish) - all artefacts left by isolated human group living short time in limited area (few square meters).
Technological analysis allowed to S. Krukowski to distinguish domestic and workshop facies. Similar lithic
concentrations were seen as "industries" - second classification level. Afterwards similar industries were grouped into "cycles" - third classification level.
Krukowski's method was later developed into comprehensive dynamic technological classification of lithic assemblages (Schild 1980; Wendorf, Schild 1974).
All elements found in lithic concentration are analyzed
in this method according to processing sequences from raw material procurement, preparation and early
stage of core exploitation, advanced core exploitation,
final core exploitation and retouched tools with waste
from their production. First step is detailed study of all
cores, flakes, blades, tools and wastes. The next step
Human factor influencing into realization of operational sequences is a way of acting and understanding,
which resulted as "conceptual scheme" of all chaîne
opératoire (Pelegrin et al. 1988). A sum of remains
after usage of "operational sequences" is seen as archaeological assemblage, what enables an archaeologist to distinguish "types" or general chaîne opératoire. This way an assemblage can be characterized in
technological (methods and techniques of processing),
functional and social terms (Pelegrin et al. 1988).
consists of "size" and "shape", although it should be
expressed rather by intuitive way (fig. 1). The specialists discussing basic morphometric terms indicate that
shape should be defined as "...surrogate for size, so
that as the choice of size measure changes, so does
the definition of shape" (Richtsmeier et al. 2002: 67).
Morphometric features are very important for archaeologists, because in several cases differences between
archaeological units can be seen in size or shape. Recent morphometric analysis in archaeology is rather
simple but archaeological data is very suitable for more
sophisticated methods, which are used in geometric
Important part of chaîne opératoire is refitting method and experiments. First one enables recognizing
of detailed flaking techniques (lithic biography) and the
second one is useful when some refittings are missing. For example, E. Boëda (1991) argued that experiments enabled better understanding Levallois technique or "trifacial technique". Further analysis is focused on "blank economy" and selection of blanks for
retouch. It enabled including traditional typology of lithic artefacts into chaîne opératoire. Another important method is microwear analysis used to establish
real usage traces supported also by experiments (Grace 1987b). Microwear analysis is also very helpful to
establish activity areas in an encampment or even personal experience of individuals inhabiting such encampment.
There will be shown an example of application of
morphometric criteria in the archaeological analysis.
It is a case of microlithic assemblages in Lower Palaeolithic. The main trait of these assemblages is small
size of artefacts comparing with other Lower Palaeolithic assemblages like Acheulean ones. In addition,
several archaeologists consider these assemblages as
almost amorphic, without any standardisation of artefact shape or size (Peretto 1994). Somewhat small
size and variability of shapes of these artefacts can
make impression of chaos. Application of morphometric methods and statistic analysis enabled ordering of
these artefacts according to technological sequences.
Both approaches, dynamic technological analysis and
chaîne opératoire are very similar, however, a main
advantage of the first one is broader application of
statistical methods in opposite chaîne opératoire
which is more descriptive. In addition, dynamic technological analysis is more useful and efficient in searching of taxonomic clusters and facial differentiation
(Burdukiewicz 2000). Anyway, dynamic technological analysis and chaîne opératoire cannot be seen as
opposite approach than typological one - again it is a
problem of ordering scale. Fast development of computer databases and application of statistical methods
is very helpful in all these approaches.
One the most interesting questions was looking for
criteria of intentional choice of blanks for retouched
tools in Lower Palaeolithic microlithic assemblages.
The decisive factors of blank selection for retouched
tools are not easy to establish for us. The most objective method is an examination of relation between size
of cores, flakes and retouched tools as well as reliance of their shapes (longitudinal and transversal sections). Such analysis was done for Lower Palaeolithic
microlithic assemblages in Bilzingsleben (Germany)
(Burdukiewicz et al. 1979; 1982), Rusko 33, Rusko
42, Trzebnica 2 lower and upper horizons (Poland)
(Burdukiewicz 1993; 2003).
Morphometric approach
Quantitative methods are well known in archaeology
since its beginning. However, morphometric methods
were mostly developed in biology to solve questions of
systematics in botany, zoology or biological anthropology. Morphometric features were used by biologists
to follow "which biological forms varied from one another, to establish the correspondence between form
and function, and to quantify the description of characteristic traits used in the identification of species"
(Richtsmeier et al. 2002: 64).
Morphometric analysis allowed establishing a degree
of standardisation of lithic processing in Lower Palaeolithic assemblages. These assemblages cannot be
seen as "chaotic" or "opportunistic" (Peretto 1994;
Longo et al. 1997), however, their standardisation is
obviously lower than in case of Middle Palaeolithic
Levallois technology or Upper Palaeolithic blade technology. Additional arguments for standardisation should be given by analysis of technological sequences:
Archaeologists do mostly morphologic or stylistic analysis and technological one. Morphometrics enable to
extend analysis by quantitative study of form. R. Corruccini (1995) and other biologists argued that "form"
I. Raw material procurement
II. Preparation and early core exploitation
III. Advanced core exploitation
IV. Final core exploitation
V. Tool production.
Lower Palaeolithic cores is presence of numerous percussion points. Sometime on striking platform or butt
are present from one to five percussion points. The
most numerous are two or three points. Such points
indicate unsuccessful blows. Cores with changed orientation in this sequence are three times more frequent
as single platform cores with quite low (10%) participation of double platform cores in Trzebnica 2LH as
well as in Bilzingsleben. A tendency in flaking performance in the Lower Palaeolithic microlithic assemblages started from single platform cores and changing striking direction was the most favourable method of core rejuvenation. This assessment was supported by high amount of prepared butts on flakes from
sequence III. These artefacts make from 7% in Trzebnica 2UH to 25% in Rusko 33.
All artefacts were classified according to hierarchical
list of artefact categories arranged by technological
shape and metrical attributes (Burdukiewicz et al. 1979;
1982; Burdukiewicz 1993; 2003). Then artefacts were
included into appropriate technological sequence according to their attributes, including cores, flakes, tools
and wastes. Such investigation we call dynamic technological analysis (DTA). Comparative analysis was
done by statistical methods (fig. 2).
The sequence I consists more or less of flint nodules
and chunks with rare presence of chert or hornstone.
They were collected in neighbourhood of every site
and brought to encampment. Amount of nodules and
chunks is quite high and varied about 22 to 26% in
Bilzingsleben and Trzebnica 2UH. Rusko assemblages were somewhat redeposited and not contain nodules and chunks in secondary position. In Bilzingsleben the most numerous (42%) was raw material 21 to
30 mm long. Several archaeologists believe that small
size of microlithic artefacts was limited by absence of
enough large nodules of flint or other used raw material (Keates 2003; Zeidner 2003). Such explanation
seems to be false, because in the area of presence of
microlithic assemblages are known other Lower or Middle Palaeolithic sites with much bigger artefacts (Burdukiewicz 2003: 84; Burdukiewicz, Ronen 2003).
Products of sequence IV, final core exploitation, are
the most abundant. There are residual cores, core remains and various flake fragments, which represent
from 29% of whole assemblage in Bilzingsleben, 48%
in Trzebnica 2UH up to 56% in Rusko 33 and 76% in
Rusko 42. Residual cores not numerous and they are
usually smaller and more exploited than cores from
earlier sequences of exploitation. Between residual
cores the most numerous are pieces with changed
orientation, what was a main method of core rejuvenation in Lower Palaeolithic. Another indication of
advanced exploitation is lower presence of cortex or
natural surface. Percussion cones, scars and wavy
rings were considered as diagnostic features of core
exploitation technique. Higher abundance of cores fragments should be explained as possible effect of application of direct percussion by hard hammer or just
bipolar technique. Such flaking limits checking of percussion precision and it results in higher amount of
wastes. In Bilzingsleben collection should be stressed
high amount of chunks, which resulted by testing of
raw material. Numerous chunks were suitable for core
processing. Sometime these chunks were also used
for tool production.
The next sequence of preparation and early core exploitation is represented by initial cores, cortical and in
partly cortical flakes. Lower Palaeolithic cores are quite
simple and it is difficult to distinguish early exploitation
from platform preparation, etc. Initial cores are quite
numerous, from 7% in Bilzingsleben up to 30% in
Trzebnica 2LH. Third part of them has prepared platforms. In opposite to the cores, prepared flake butts
are more numerous, up to 50% in average. Artefacts
in this sequence make from 3.6% in Rusko 42 up to
9% in Rusko 33 and Trzebnica 3LH of all specimens.
The sequence V is connected with manufacture of
retouched tools. There are included all retouched tools and wastes from their production. In case of Lower Palaeolithic microlithic assemblages' designation
of retouch is sometime not clear, because some flakes
from core processing are so small as chips produced
during retouch. Several these specimens were not finished, broken or reused. This way main aim of the
dynamic technological analysis was evaluation of mo-
Advanced core exploitation sequence consist of cores
with more than three removals and flakes covered less
then 50% by cortex or natural surface on dorsal face
and non-cortical flakes. The most important feature
of advanced cores is prepared platform, but core edge
preparation is much rarer. Quite interesting feature of
dification degree of every retouched blank together
with the statistical extent of this modification.
nica 2LH 16.9 mm. The median of retouched tools is
more diversified: in Rusko 42 - 19.1 mm and in Trzebnica 2UH - 26.8 mm. Artefacts from other sites are
located between ranges of above-mentioned sites. The
thickness of flakes is the most similar. The median of
flake thickness varied from 3.6 mm in Rusko 42 up to
5.6 mm in Trzebnica 2UH. However, median thickness of retouched tools is twice bigger for Rusko 42 6.1 mm and for Trzebnica 2UH - 8.9 mm. Other sites
are closer the last one.
The artefacts of sequence V are not numerous. In the
study of Palaeolithic assemblages is quite frequent
calculation of ratio of cores, flakes and tools. In the
examined Lower Palaeolithic microlithic assemblages'
tools, meaning retouched artefacts, made up no less
than 15% all lithic artefacts in Bilzingsleben, nearly
13% in Trzebnica 2 LH, 10% in Rusko 33, 8% at Trzebnica 2UH and a mere 4% in Rusko 42 (fig. 3). Evaluation of blank selection for further modification was
done according to correlation of size of cores, flakes
and retouched tools and change in the frequency of
flake shapes comparing to tool shapes.
In general, median of retouched tool length, width and
thickness of Lower Palaeolithic microlithic assemblages is clearly bigger than median of ordinary flakes.
For an evaluation of differences between means of
length, width and thickness of flakes and tools (fig.
10-11) was used Student t test for independent samples. Received values show significant differences in
length, width and thickness, which are bigger for tools. It means that only some blanks were chosen for
retouch. Moreover, retouching did them smaller by
removing some parts of flakes. Such regular differences in size of flakes and retouched tools should be
seen as an argument for intentional choice of blanks
for retouch and suitable resizing, which is observable
in all analysed populations of the Lower Palaeolithic
microlithic assemblages.
Size of blanks and tools is rather homogeneous. Median length of ordinary flakes varied from 15 mm in
Bilzingsleben to 17.7 mm in Trzebnica 2LH and 18.1
mm in Trzebnica 2UH (fig. 4). Median length of retouched tools is proportionally bigger comparing to the
flakes. It makes 20.4 mm in Bilzingsleben up to 24.2
mm in Trzebnica 2LH (fig. 5). Similar relations can be
observed in case of flake and tool width; however,
they are more homogenous from this point of view.
In Rusko 42 median width of flakes is 14.3 mm and in
Trzebnica 2LH is 16.9 mm (fig. 6). Median of width
of retouched tools is somewhat bigger, from 19.1 mm
in Rusko 42 up to 26.8 mm in Trzebnica 2UH (fig. 7).
Median of flake thickness is even more homogenous
with extreme values 3.6 mm in Rusko 42 up to 5.6 mm
in Trzebnica 2UH and other sites in between (fig. 8).
Median of tool thickness is usually as twice bigger as
by flakes: 6.1 mm in Rusko 42 up to 8.9 mm in Trzebnica 2UH (fig. 9). Median of three important dimensions of retouched tools is bigger than median of blanks
prepared for further modification, especially in case
of tool thickness. Such recurring differences can be
explained as tendency in intentional choice of flakes
for further modification.
An additional analysis was done by comparing of shape of ordinary flakes and retouched tools. Some differences are visible in frequency of certain shapes. It is
necessary to stress that retouch was used to modify
shape of flakes. There are quite interesting differences between analysed sites. In Bilzingsleben the most
numerous are irregular flakes (31%). In other sites
more numerous are divergent flakes - up to 31% in
Rusko 42 and 42% in Trzebnica 2UH. Irregular flakes
are usually in second position according to their frequency. In third place are convergent or parallel flakes.
Quite sparse are oval and segment flakes.
The shapes of retouched tools allow distinguishing two
groups of assemblages. One of them: group of Bilzingsleben and Rusko 33 is dominated by convergent
tools. The second one: Rusko 42, Trzebnica 2LH and
Trzebnica 2UH is characterised by majority of divergent tools. Anyway, retouch was used to modify artefact shape, what is clearly visible in differences between frequencies certain shapes of blanks and tools
(fig. 13). Such features as intentional choice of raw
material, flaking techniques and secondary shape mo-
Size of blanks and retouched tools give us an idea how
homogenic they are. The median of flake length varied from 15 mm in Blizingsleben to 17.7 mm in Trzebnica 2LH and 18.1 mm in Trzebnica 2UH. The median of retouched tools is evidently superior up to 20.4
mm in Bilzingsleben and 24.2 in Trzebnica 2LH. Comparable dependence can be observed between width
of flakes and retouched tools. Even the median flake
width is less spread: in Rusko 42 - 14.3 mm and Trzeb-
dification (retouch) are evident arguments against "opportunistic approach" of early hominids to stone processing what suggested C. Peretto (1994) and L. Longo with team (1997).
of those of us, who dispute still inexplicable philosophical questions. Archaeological data have quantitative character and need suitable methods of ordering.
However, artefacts as results of human activity have
additional properties, which should be taken into consideration.
Ending remarks
Further development of ordering of archaeological data
needs an explanation of used methods. Numerous researchers did an opposition between "traditional" and
"new" archaeology showing important differences in
classification systems (Binford 1965; Clarke 1968).
Misunderstandings in evaluation of classification methods are more connected with their philosophical background than with their own rules. General methodological differences between humanistic and scientific
approaches play important role in recent debate about
status of modern archaeology. It should be nomothetic
(processual) or idiographic and hermeneutic (postprocessual). Such opposition is quite false, because "postprocessual" approach cannot offer any scientific explanation and its final result is usually reduction of archaeology into "raise questions" without any reasonable
answers or just epistemological pessimism (Hodder
1986). However, "postprocessual" ideas should be seen
as quite constructive in so-called context of discovery
of scientific research (Popper 1972).
Typological method is not an opposition to populational
or technological ones. Traditional typology is usually
seen as a method with intuitional or week scale of
ordering. What's more, it is not characteristic method
for idiographic or descriptive humanistics. Ordering
systems in archaeology should be built in the most effective way, like numerous scientific achievements in
our knowledge about human origin and development
of human culture during last fifty years. Natural sciences, biology and geology, especially some fields of biology: systematics, ecology and genetics extend archaeological methods of research and their epistemological background.
Potential of archaeology needs to turn theoretical debate into constructive way with respecting common
scientific principles instead of philosophic speculations.
Archaeology is not obliged to share all theoretical difficulties with narrative history in searching the past.
Another possibility for archaeologists is to pursue epistemological approach of palaeontologists and geologists, which investigate the past (including origin of
cognition) very closely with archaeologists or instead
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Author’s address:
Jan Micha³ Burdukiewicz
Institute of Archaeology
University of Wroc³aw
ul. Szewska 48
50-139 Wroc³aw
Fig. 1. Change in form is intuitively thought of as the result of
a combination of change in size and change in shape
(after Richtsmeier et al. 2002)
Fig. 2. Frequency of technological sequences in the Lower
Palaeolithic microlithic assemblages of Central
Europe: I - Sequence of raw material procurement,
II - Sequence of preparation and early core
exploitation, III - Sequence of advanced core
exploitation, IV - Sequence of final core exploitation,
V - Sequence of tool production.
Fig. 3. Frequency of main artefact groups in Lower Palaeolithic microlithic assemblages.
Fig. 4. Median of length of flakes in Lower Palaeolithic microlithic
Fig. 5. Median of length of tools in Lower Palaeolithic microlithic
Fig. 6. Median of width of flakes in Lower Palaeolithic microlithic
Fig. 7. Median of width of tools in Lower Palaeolithic microlithic
Fig. 8. Median of thickness of flakes in Lower Palaeolithic microlithic
Fig. 9. Median of thickness of tools in Lower Palaeolithic microlithic
Fig. 10. Comparison of mean length of flakes and tools in
Lower Palaeolithic microlithic assemblages.
Fig. 11. Comparison of mean width of flakes and tools in
Lower Palaeolithic microlithic assemblages.
Fig. 12. Comparison of mean thickness of flakes and tools in Lower Palaeolithic microlithic
Fig. 13. Differentiation of flake shapes (A) and tool shapes (B) in Lower Palaeolithic microlithic