The Processes, Patterns and Impacts of Low Flows Across
Donald H. Burn, James M. Buttle, Daniel Caissie, Greg MacCulloch, Chris Spence and
Kerstin Stahl
Abstract: his paper provides an overview of low flow characteristics for six regions of Canada: the
Arctic; the Mountains; the Prairies; southern Ontario; the Canadian Shield and the Atlantic. Processes
that influence low flows are contrasted between the six regions examined. Data from a common analysis
period for 51 gauging stations are used to evaluate flow duration curves and to explore the relationship
between low flows and drainage area. he results reveal a diversity of processes influencing low flows
and illustrate important regional differences in low flow characteristics and the impacts associated with
low flows.
Résumé : La présente communication offre un survol des caractéristiques de basses eaux pour six régions
du Canada : l’Arctique; les Rocheuses; les Prairies; le sud de l’Ontario; le Bouclier canadien et la région
de l’Atlantique. Les processus qui influent sur les étiages sont comparés entre les six régions étudiées.
Les données obtenues à partir d’une période d’analyse commune pour 51 stations hydrométriques sont
utilisées afin d’évaluer les courbes des valeurs classées des débits et d’analyser la relation entre les basses
eaux et les bassins hydrographiques. Les résultats révèlent une diversité de processus qui influent sur les
basses eaux et illustrent les importantes différences régionales dans les caractéristiques des basses eaux et
dans les impacts qui y sont associés.
Donald H. Burn1, James M. Buttle2, Daniel Caissie3, Greg MacCulloch4, Chris Spence5 and
Kerstin Stahl6
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1
Department of Geography, Trent University, Peterborough, ON K9J 7B8
Fisheries and Oceans, Moncton, NB E1C 9B6
Water Survey of Canada, Calgary, AB T2G 4X3
Environment Canada, Saskatoon, SK S7N 3H5
Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
Submitted June 2007; accepted October 2007. Written comments on this paper will be accepted until December
Canadian Water Resources Journal
Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques
Vol. 33(2): 107–124 (2008)
© 2008 Canadian Water Resources Association
Canadian Water Resources Journal/Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques
Low streamflow can have important socio-economic
impacts for water supply, reservoir operation, waste
load allocation as well as implications for the health
of aquatic ecosystems. As an example, the recreational
fishery in Atlantic Canada and Québec has a significant
economic value, exceeding $200 million annually
(Loftus et al., 1995). Many communities depend on
the well-being of fisheries resources for sustenance
and financial survival. Water use and low flow can
have a significant impact on fisheries and other aquatic
resources, particularly during the summer period
when such events are associated with high water
temperatures. It is thus important to understand the
processes that affect low flows to manage properly the
available water resources and to mitigate the impacts
of low streamflow values. he considerable diversity in
climate, landscape and land use in Canada results in
geographic regions of the country exhibiting distinct
differences in low flow characteristics. he intent of
this paper is to compare and contrast critical low flow
characteristics for major regions of Canada to improve
comprehension of the processes that result in low flows
and the impacts of low flows on Canada’s economy,
culture and environment.
Smakhtin (2001), in an excellent review of low
flow hydrology, devotes considerable discussion
to defining what is meant by low flow. Smakhtin
distinguishes between drought events and low flows,
the latter representing a regular occurrence when
runoff input to a water body is reduced. In this paper,
a similar interpretation of low flows is adopted such
that low flows represent hydrological conditions
expected to occur once or more during a year. During
low flow events, streamflow contributions are typically
maintained with catchment storage from groundwater,
lakes, wetlands, or glaciers. he nature of low flows
across Canada and the relative importance of these
contributions to low flow over space, time and scale are
discussed below.
Streamflow data from 51 Water Survey of Canada
(WSC) gauging stations are used, with each station
representing natural (unregulated) flow conditions.
he gauging stations are drawn from six regions of
Canada: the Arctic; the Mountains; the Prairies;
southern Ontario; the Canadian Shield; and the
Atlantic. Stations were selected to be representative
of the regions but were not intended to encompass
all available stations in a region. he goal was to have
a similar number of stations for each of the regions;
station availability for the Arctic region was thus the
limiting factor. Figure 1 shows the location of the
gauging stations. Figure 2 shows plots of runoff depth
versus day of the year for a representative river from
each region. he plots depict daily hydrographs for a
common year (1991) and illustrate the timing of low
flows for each region. he next sections describe unique
low flow features of each region. his is followed by an
analysis and comparison of low flows for the regions.
Arctic Region
Description of Region
Canada’s subarctic and arctic regions are vast, stretching
from the Yukon in the west to northern Québec in the
east and from Hudson Bay in the south to Ellesmere
Island in the north. he physiography is diverse.
Wetlands are predominant across the Hudson Bay
Lowlands and subarctic plains of the Mackenzie River
Valley. hese two areas of low relief are characterized by
flat peat bogs, palsa bogs, and ribbed or channel fens.
he Canadian Shield is the largest physiographic region
in northern Canada and is characterized by shallow
soils with numerous outcrops of Precambrian bedrock.
Bedrock outcrops are common across the Arctic because
the Cryosolic soils that have developed on sparse
colluvial and morainal deposits tend to be thin. Glaciers
and ice caps predominate in the mountainous regions
on the eastern rim of the Archipelago. Precipitation
tends to decrease with distance northward while the
eastern arctic tends to be wetter than the west at similar
latitudes. Mean annual precipitation ranges from less
than 100 to 600 mm. he Arctic region experiences
a mean annual air temperature less than 0°C and
discontinuous permafrost in the southern Arctic
that grades to continuous permafrost further north
(Ecological Stratification Working Group, 1996).
Unique Features of Region from Low Flow
he pervasive cold conditions control the nature of
low flows in the region. Sub-freezing temperatures
cause precipitation to fall as snow, nullifying landscape
© 2008 Canadian Water Resources Association
Burn, Buttle, Caissie, MacCulloch, Spence and Stahl
Figure 1. Location map of stations used in the analysis. Dashed lines indicate the approximate limits of each
runoff to streams for up to nine months of the year.
he low storage capacity of the thin permafrost active
layer allows for fast delivery of water from hillslopes
to the stream (Woo, 1983) leaving little water on the
landscape to maintain streamflow between rainfall
events. Storage within the drainage network increases
with watershed size and flows are maintained longer
between rainfall events in larger watersheds.
he lowest levels of precipitable water in Canada
are in the north (Hay, 1971), a condition exaggerated
at inland locations. In winter, areas of upland or
mountainous terrain with adjacent open water tend to
accumulate the most precipitation (Rouse, 1993). hese
highlands also intercept atmospheric moisture in the
summer, reducing precipitable water in the atmosphere
over much of the northern interior (Walsh et al., 1994)
and often creating dry conditions.
he biophysical differences between the palsa
bogs and fens of the subarctic plains and Hudson Bay
Lowlands result in different hydrological functions.
he presence of permafrost in the bogs and peat
plateaus makes these areas natural sources for runoff
© 2008 Canadian Water Resources Association
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Figure 2. Runoff hydrographs for a representative river from each region showing the timing of the annual low
flow event for the year 1991. For graphing purposes, zero flows are plotted as 0.0001 m3/s.
© 2008 Canadian Water Resources Association
Burn, Buttle, Caissie, MacCulloch, Spence and Stahl
to the permafrost free fens. Early in the warm season,
runoff is readily generated with ample snowmelt input
relative to the small soil storage capacity created by thin
active layers. As the summer progresses and the active
layer grows, small precipitation amounts cannot offset
the storage capacity of the high porosity peat. When
it manages to do so, water is conducted much less
readily because of the lower hydraulic conductivities
encountered at depth (Quinton and Hayashi, 2005)
minimizing the contributing area to the stream and
significantly reducing flow. he resulting disconnected
state of the drainage network remains until precipitation
or snowmelt is large enough to fill storage capacity
and reconnect the system (Quinton et al., 2003). he
impact is that low flow conditions can be extended for
some time after precipitation inputs return to normal
(Stewart et al., 2002). he cold conditions of the
region can create stores of frozen water that can partly
alleviate low flows at small scales. In the high arctic,
dense late lying snowpacks can provide continuous
runoff throughout the summer, maintaining wetland
storage and hydrologic connectivity (Woo, 1993).
In the subarctic, melting aufeis plays a similar role
(Reedyk et al., 1995).
Timing of Low Flows
In this region, low flows almost always occur during
winter (see Figure 2). hey can be at the end of winter,
when the streams have been denied landscape runoff
for several months, mid-winter when the streams freeze
completely, or early winter during freeze up, when
increases in hydraulic resistance constrict water moving
downstream (Prowse and Carter, 2002). Summer
period low flows are caused by low precipitation
relative to evapotranspiration, which reduces storage,
contributing areas and streamflow. his is particularly
prevalent in the dry interior of the subarctic plains.
Socio-Economic Impacts of Low Flows Specific
to this Region
he small population in northern Canada relative
to the generally ample water supplies keeps socioeconomic impacts of low flows to a minimum. Some
communities experience drinking water quality issues
when the levels of lakes used for supply become low.
Road networks in the Canadian north are not very
extensive. In the summer, the most cost effective
way to transport goods to communities along the
Mackenzie River is often by barge. Low water levels in
certain reaches can be problematic if not forecast well
in advance (Kerr, 1997).
Mountain Region
Description of Region
he Pacific and western mountain region of Canada
(the “Canadian Cordillera”) stretches from the
Pacific Ocean in the west to the Rocky Mountains
in the east and encompasses much of the Province
of British Columbia and southwestern Alberta. he
region is characterized by several mountain chains
with elevations over 3000 m.a.s.l., vast plateau areas
and deep valleys. Geology and geomorphology are
highly variable. he mountains expose volcanic and
sedimentary bedrock. Pleistocene glacial, fluvioglacial
and glaciolacustrine deposits are found throughout the
region; considerable Holocene alluvial deposits exist in
the large river valleys.
he complex relief of the Canadian Cordillera
creates strong gradients and differences in temperature
and precipitation. Mean annual precipitation ranges
from 250 to over 7000 mm. During the winter months
frontal weather systems formed over the Pacific Ocean
bring moisture into the region. Orographic effects
result in high amounts of precipitation on the western
slopes of the mountain ranges while the eastern slopes
and the valleys in the lee of the mountains are very
dry. Except at low elevations along the coast, winter
precipitation falls as snow. Summers are relatively
dry throughout the region and considerable climatic
moisture deficits develop, particularly in the southern
interior where summer temperatures are highest.
As a result of the diverse physiographic and climatic
characteristics, all large river basins encompass many
different biogeoclimatic zones (Krajina, 1969) and even
small basins commonly span a large range of elevations
and include a diverse landscape of exposed rock, old and
young forest, and possibly alpine meadows with small
wetlands and lakes. Almost half of the currently gauged
watersheds in British Columbia contain a glacier.
© 2008 Canadian Water Resources Association
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Unique Features of Region from Low Flow
Perspective and Timing of Low Flows
Climatic influences on low flow timing and influences
of basin storage properties on streamflow recession
and magnitude are modified by elevation and basin
hypsography. Hydrological regimes in the Canadian
Cordillera are predominantly nival with winter low
flows (see Figure 2). he winter low flow season begins
when temperatures drop below freezing and ends when
temperatures rise above zero. As winter temperatures
generally decrease with elevation, with distance from
the coast, and with latitude, the timing of winter
low flows is controlled by the location as well as the
elevation of the basin. Exceptions are low-elevation
pluvial regimes along the coast, where summer is the
primary low flow season.
During summer, after a prolonged period with a
climatic moisture deficit, a secondary low flow period
typically develops in basins where snowmelt occurred
early in spring and/or over a short period of time
(i.e., basins at low elevations or with small elevation
differences). In glaciated basins, increased ice melt
contributions during the warm season maintain
high streamflow levels beyond the snowmelt period.
Otherwise, summer streamflow depends on availability
and release of surface (lakes and wetlands) and
subsurface (groundwater) storage. As mountain soils
tend to be shallow and aquifers have limited storage
capacity, during a dry year it is not unusual for small
catchments in the southern part of the Cordillera
to become dry in August or September. In the large
valleys across the region, extensive alluvial aquifers
can provide late summer baseflow to rivers after being
recharged from the river during the spring freshet
(Scibek et al., 2007).
Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of
Low Flows
While dilution of effluents from industry and mining
can be a problem during both winter and summer low
flows, environmental and socio-economic impacts
of reduced flows and degraded water quality tend
to be greatest during the warm and dry season. he
salmon fishery is an important industry in British
Columbia and an economic and cultural pillar for
many First Nations. Low water levels and high stream
temperatures threaten the habitat for cold-water
species such as salmonids. In dammed rivers, reservoir
operation has to be adjusted during low flow periods
to meet instream flow targets (mainly for fish but also
for other aquatic species), which affects hydropower
production during the summer. In the wetter parts
of the Cordillera, municipal water supplies as well as
irrigation facilities rely on sustained inflow during the
dry season. In dry years many communities need to
impose water restrictions.
Prairie Region
Description of Region
he Canadian Prairies refer to the interior continental
plains of North America stretching from the Rocky
Mountains on the west to Lake Winnipegosis on the
east. Prairie landscapes are generally considered to be
grasslands; however, this study also includes the aspen
parkland belt that buffers the true prairie grassland. he
combined grasslands and aspen parkland landscapes of
the interior plains are almost exclusively within the
Nelson River Basin, which drains the land from the
Rocky Mountains to Hudson Bay.
he combined grasslands and parkland area of the
Canadian Prairies corresponds to the most populated
areas of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba due to
agricultural opportunities in the area. he extensive
agricultural development makes it difficult to
distinguish a dividing line between the prairie and
parkland regions; however, they are distinct in many
ways. Native vegetation in the grasslands is low lying
and drought resistant. he Prairies are generally too
arid for shrubs and trees (Spalding, 1980); however,
trees can be found in protected coulees that incise the
plain and offer protection from the harsh winds as
well as being collection points for winter snow drift,
thus increasing moisture availability. In contrast, the
aspen parkland supports the growth of groves of trees
interspersed with fescue grass prairie.
he geomorphology for both landscapes is
predominantly glacial. Most of the Prairie region is
covered with clay-rich glacial deposits with a thickness
of 100 m or more. he region is dotted with pothole
lakes left behind by the retreating continental ice
sheet. hese ponds and sloughs create opportunities
for a variety of vegetation and wildlife not common
© 2008 Canadian Water Resources Association
Burn, Buttle, Caissie, MacCulloch, Spence and Stahl
on the Prairie. he natural interception and storage
potential due to the hummocky terrain, pothole lakes
and sloughs creates opportunities for reduced rate of
contribution to the main stem rivers.
he Prairies accumulate only about 15% of the
amount of snow that amasses on the eastern slopes of
the Rocky Mountains. Potential evapotranspiration
ranges from 600 to 900 mm per year and tends
to exceed the average annual precipitation on the
Prairies. he Prairies represent one of the driest parts
of the country; total precipitation is generally less than
500 mm/year with significant portions of the prairie
showing average accumulation of less than 300 mm/
year (Fisheries and Environment Canada, 1978).
Unique Aspects of the Region in the Context of
Low Flows
he Prairies are impacted by intensive water
management schemes in support of agriculture.
hroughout the region all major streams exhibit some
degree of regulation. Discussing low flow streams
that rise in the prairie grasslands of Canada presents
an interesting paradox in that they exhibit “extreme
low flows” on a regular basis. hat is, frequently,
natural prairie streams are unable to maintain flow
with catchment storage from groundwater, lakes and
wetlands. Many streams demonstrate periods of zero
flow annually and some for significant portions of time
during any one year.
Timing of Low Flows
For grassland sites, flows generally peak during the last
week of March to mid-April and steadily decline until
the end of October. Due to the lack of record for the
winter months from November to February for many
grassland sites, the conclusion that the lowest flows
occur during that time is anecdotal. Nevertheless,
indications are that there is very little surface water
available during these times. For parkland sites, peaks
generally occur during the first two weeks of April.
As in the case of the grasslands, parkland streams
experience steady decline through to the end of
December and reach their lowest flows in early January
(see Figure 2).
Socio-Economic Aspects of Low Flow
he limited availability of water on the grasslands has
necessitated the development of water management
and delivery infrastructure. Water is captured and
stored in reservoirs for distribution to farms and rural
municipalities to serve agricultural, municipal and
recreation needs of many communities. Good soil,
ample sunshine and the availability of water throughout
the growing season make irrigated agriculture possible
in some areas, mostly in southern Alberta, where
under natural conditions surface water resources are
extremely limited by late July. he limited availability
of surface water resources was well known during the
building of the trans-continental railway in the late
1800s. To accommodate settlement, the development
of irrigation projects began at the same time, where
water was available. Low flows also limit the effluent
release opportunities from community and industrial
Southern Ontario Region
Description of Region
he southern Ontario region is bounded by the
Great Lakes on the south and west and the Canadian
Shield to the north and is part of the Great LakesSt. Lawrence Lowlands (Bird, 1980). Bedrock for
much of this area consists of Paleozoic sedimentary
rocks (sandstones, limestones, dolomites and shales)
that overlie the Precambrian Shield basement. hese
sedimentary formations dip to the southwest, thus
creating a series of plains and escarpments that are
overlain with surficial materials deposited by numerous
glaciations (Bird, 1980). he retreating ice resulted in
large plains that have been modified by melt waters
and lakes in some areas (Bird, 1980). Drumlins formed
by the glaciations are notable in the Peterborough area
and south of the Bruce Peninsula as are extensive end
moraines, many of which are important groundwater
recharge areas. he surficial hydrology is determined
by a combination of physiography and land use. Areas
with widespread deposits of sand and gravel tend to be
well drained with little permanent water while areas
with gentle slopes and shallow soils are often poorly
drained and contain extensive wetlands.
© 2008 Canadian Water Resources Association
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Southern Ontario possesses a continental
climate that is modified by the presence of the Great
Lakes. Annual precipitation varies from 800 mm
in the eastern and western portions of the region
to 1000 mm in the lee of the Great Lakes, where
lake effect snow results in greater accumulation of
precipitation. Evaporation increases from north to
south and runoff varies from approximately 200 mm
in the south to close to 400 mm in the north, with
the impact of lake effect snow again very noticeable
(Fisheries and Environment Canada, 1978).
Unique Aspects of the Region in the Context of
Low Flows
he southern Ontario region is characterized by a
high level of development with the largest population
density in Canada. Urban areas, major industries,
along with important agricultural areas, create high
demands for water implying that low flows are of great
concern in this region. here are extensive aquifers in
the region and a large portion of the population derives
potable water supply from groundwater systems (Kelly
et al., 2004). he unique geographic position of this
region results in there being few large watersheds
and because of its highly developed state even fewer
watersheds with natural flow conditions. he Grand
River Basin is the largest watershed in the region with
a drainage area of 6800 km2, although this watershed
is highly developed with only the headwater tributaries
representing natural flow conditions.
Surficial geology conditions exert a strong control
on spatial variations of low flows both between and
within drainage basins. hus, basins draining major
aquifer complexes, such as the Oak Ridges Moraine,
generally produce substantial quantities of baseflow
and sustained and relatively large low flows (Hinton,
2005). Conversely, the drainage networks of basins
located on till-covered plains that do not receive
regional groundwater inputs can often become spatially
disconnected due to water losses to evaporation and
infiltration through the channel bed during summer
droughts, leading to the cessation of streamflow (Todd
et al., 2006).
Timing of Low Flows
he occurrence of low flows in the southern Ontario
region is extremely regular. he annual minimum daily
low flow tends to occur in late summer or early fall (see
Figure 2). For the ten sites examined (see Figure 1)
the median date of occurrence of the annual minimum
flow, based on a common 11-year analysis period,
ranges from August 27 to September 10, a window
of only 14 days. he annual minimum daily low flow
generally results from low precipitation and high
evapotranspiration losses characteristic of late summer
and early fall in this region. Annual minimum daily
low flows occasionally occur in the winter; however,
frequent melt events and rain-on-snow events during
the winter tend to maintain baseflow at a higher level
than that experienced towards the end of the hot dry
Socio-Economic Aspects of Low Flow
he large population of this region (close to 12 million
people) results in a large demand for potable water
supply. Industrial activity and agriculture are also
large users of water resulting in considerable concern
with regard to low flow conditions and substantial
economic impacts when water shortages occur. As a
result of the large level of development in the region,
ecological systems are under considerable stress,
which can be exacerbated by low flow conditions. he
Ontario government recently introduced the Ontario
Low Water Response, a plan to manage low water
conditions resulting from low precipitation and high
Canadian Shield Region
Description of Region
he Canadian Shield consists largely of gneissic
Precambrian rocks with small enclaves of
metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rock (Bird,
1980). he exposed surface of the Shield occupies
much of eastern and central Canada, although this
discussion is confined to the area south of 60°N
since the more-northerly portions of the Shield are
© 2008 Canadian Water Resources Association
Burn, Buttle, Caissie, MacCulloch, Spence and Stahl
discussed in the section on Arctic low flows. he largescale morphology of the Shield consists of basins
(e.g., Hudson Bay), domes (e.g., Algonquin dome in
southern Ontario) and arches (e.g., the Frontenac axis
in southeastern Ontario). Flat uplands occupy the
crests of the domes and arches. he outer margins of
the Shield range from low-relief portions where the
unfaulted Shield dips below younger sedimentary rock
(e.g., central Manitoba and south-central Ontario)
to deeply dissected and mountainous faulted sections
(e.g., the north shore of the estuary and Gulf of St.
Lawrence) (Bird, 1980).
Glacial removal of preglacial, deep-weathered
mantles has left extensive areas of exposed bedrock
(Bird, 1980). he surficial geology is relatively thin
(<1 m thick) till blankets and till veneers with extensive
areas of lacustrine silts and clays, and major glacial and
glaciofluvial deposits. hese may be several meters
thick and can act as major local aquifer systems. hin,
well-drained stony soils predominate, interspersed
with pockets of poorly drained but deeper silt/clay and
organic soils. Luvisols have developed on clay-rich tills
and lacustrine deposits (e.g., the Clay Belt in northeastern Ontario and north-western Quebec). Northern
parts of the Shield in Manitoba and Quebec consist
largely of rockland and cryosols (Clayton et al., 1977).
he Shield possesses a continental climate, with
long, cold winters and short warm summers. Annual
precipitation (P) decreases from southeast (>1200 mm
below Quebec City) to northwest (∼400 mm in northern
Saskatchewan) and mean annual temperatures increase
from north to south (Fisheries and Environment
Canada, 1978). Mean annual potential evaporation
decreases from south (∼700 mm in southern Ontario)
to north (<200 mm in Ungava) resulting in an increase
in P – PET (potential evapotranspiration) in a roughly
west to east direction across the Shield; almost all the
Shield south of 60°N has an annual water surplus
available for streamflow.
lakes) in the basins. In the south, water availability
to sustain low flows is controlled by the balance
between precipitation and evapotranspiration. hese
controls on water availability are superimposed on a
landscape that is relatively restricted in its capability
to deliver groundwater to streams and thus sustain
baseflow. Groundwater in the Shield’s bedrock areas
is largely confined to faults and fractures (Fisheries
and Environment Canada, 1978) and bedrock porosity
is low even when it is fractured (Steedman et al.,
2004). Groundwater systems are generally shallow
and localized, and substantial groundwater inputs
to Shield surface waters usually occur only in areas
with significant surficial deposits of sand and gravel
(Steedman et al., 2004).
he influence of a basin’s morphological properties
on its low flows depends on basin scale. Steedman et
al. (2004) suggest that perennial streams develop on
the Shield where the drainage area exceeds ∼25 ha,
although records from the Dorset research basins of
south-central Ontario show that streams in basins
>50 ha in size may periodically dry up during summer.
Areas of thin or no soil cover shed water quickly
(Allan and Roulet, 1994; Buttle et al., 2004) and basins
dominated by this surface type experience several days
of zero flow during the summer each year. his issue
is exacerbated by “fill-and-spill” processes in stream
networks (Spence and Woo, 2003) where network
connectivity in small basins can become disrupted
during summer drought as groundwater levels along
the stream channel drop below the elevation of downvalley bedrock sills (Buttle et al., 2004). Conversely,
basins that have appreciable till cover (>1 m in depth)
can store considerable quantities of spring snowmelt
and rainfall and deliver it to the stream network
throughout the summer (Devito et al., 1996; Buttle et
al., 2004).
Unique Aspects of the Shield in the Context of
Low Flows
In northern parts of the Shield, low flows generally
occur in late winter/early spring in advance of spring
snowmelt (see Figure 2). his reflects the long period
of sub-zero temperatures and the lack of liquid water
inputs to the basins, such that streamflow is only
sustained by groundwater inputs and the draining of
surface water reservoirs. In southern parts of the Shield,
periodic water inputs during winter (e.g., rain-on-
In the north, prolonged cold periods during winter
mean that the precipitation that falls as snow does not
immediately contribute to streamflow, such that low
flows in northern Shield basins are dictated by the
rate of drawdown of storage reservoirs (groundwater,
Timing of Low Flows on the Shield
© 2008 Canadian Water Resources Association
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snow) that can sustain some winter flows coupled with
summer evaporation losses from basins mean that low
flows generally occur in late summer. hus, the timing
of low flows in Shield basins exhibits a transition from
a unimodal distribution of late summer low flows
in the southern portion of the Shield, to a bimodal
distribution (both late winter and late summer flow
minima) in central parts of the Shield, to a unimodal
distribution of late winter low flows in the northern
Socio-Economic Aspects of Low Flow
Conditions on the Shield
he Canadian Shield supports over two million people
(Urquizo et al., 1998), and although the region’s
economy is dominated by forestry and mining, tourism
and recreation are of increasing importance. Steedman
et al. (2004) estimate that forestry directly affects 60%
of the Boreal Shield surface area, agriculture affects
<1%, while urbanization and mining both affect <0.1%.
hus, the influence on low flows of such activities as
water extractions for irrigation of agricultural lands
is relatively insignificant on the Shield. Many Shield
rivers have been impounded for hydroelectric power
production. Reservoir operations generally increase
downstream low flows relative to pre-impoundment
conditions (Prowse et al., 2004). Changes in stream
low flows as a result of reservoir operations and flow
diversions can affect communities on the Shield in
a variety of ways. hese include the capability of
receiving streams to dilute inputs of municipal and
industrial wastewater to acceptable concentrations, and
the impacts of modified low flow quantity and quality
on fish communities that may support recreation and
tourism activities.
Atlantic Region
Description of the Region
he Atlantic region comprises the four Atlantic
Provinces; New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward
Island and Newfoundland. his region is characterized
by an extensive forest cover and an extensive coastline.
he mountains within Atlantic Canada are the old
and weathered northern extension of the Appalachian
Range with the highest peaks just over 800 m.a.s.l.
Drainage basins in Atlantic Canada are composed
mostly of granite, metamorphic and sedimentary rock.
Two main types of forest are observed in Atlantic
Canada, namely the Boreal and Acadian Forest. he
Boreal Forest is observed mainly in Newfoundland,
Cape Breton and northern New Brunswick whereas
the Acadian Forest occupies much of the southern part
of the Maritime Provinces.
throughout New Brunswick and Prince Edward
Island, at approximately 1100 mm annually; however,
the southern part of New Brunswick along the Bay
of Fundy experiences slightly higher precipitation as
well as cooler temperatures. Higher precipitation is
also observed in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland with
values typically in the range of 1200 to 1500 mm.
Newfoundland shows a gradient in precipitation from
north (≈ 1200 mm) to south (≈ 1500 mm). he region
generally experiences a Maritime and cool climate,
especially along the coast; however, hot summer
temperatures (>30°C) can be experienced particularly in
central New Brunswick. Mean annual air temperature
varies between 2°C (northern Newfoundland) and 3°C
(northern New Brunswick) to the north and up to 7°C
in the southwestern portion of Nova Scotia.
Unique Features of the Region – Low Flow
here are regions of Atlantic Canada that have large
groundwater contributions, such as Prince Edward
Island, where baseflow conditions are maintained
throughout the low flow periods. As such, these areas
do not normally experience severe low flows. As
observed in other regions in Canada, the storage within
drainage networks increases with basin size, such that
larger rivers experience less severe low flows. Although
small catchments generally experience more severe low
flow conditions, only a few of the smallest drainage
basins (i.e., less than 300 to 500 ha) experience zero
flow during the most severe dry periods.
Timing of Low Flows
he Maritime climate of Atlantic Canada results in
highly variable occurrence of low flow conditions
© 2008 Canadian Water Resources Association
Burn, Buttle, Caissie, MacCulloch, Spence and Stahl
throughout the region; this is somewhat related to
the mean annual air temperature. he colder regions
of northern New Brunswick and Newfoundland
experience more winter low flow occurrences
whereas the warmer regions of Atlantic Canada
almost exclusively experience summer low flows
(see Figure 2). For example, both northern New
Brunswick and Newfoundland can experience over
70 to 90% of the annual low flows during winter. In
contrast, Nova Scotia generally experiences less than
20% of low flows in winter while the warmer region
of Nova Scotia (southwestern area) experiences only
summer low flow periods.
Socio-Economic Impacts of Low Flows Specific
to this Region
Low flows in Atlantic Canada have a significant socioeconomic impact on a variety of instream (e.g., fish
habitat related) and off-stream (e.g., municipal water
supplies, small irrigation projects and aquaculture)
water uses. Some areas are more problematic than
others as a result of higher demand for off-stream use,
particularly for agriculture. For instance, Prince Edward
Island has a significant water demand for irrigation
as does the northwestern part of New Brunswick
and the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia. Municipal
water supplies also exert a significant demand on water
resources throughout Atlantic Canada and probably
represent one of the most significant water demands
in Newfoundland, as agriculture is not as intensive in
this province.
Comparison of Low Flow Characteristics
he diversity of processes that affect low flows in Canada
is clear from the summary listed in Table 1. Lack of
precipitation and moisture is a fundamental cause
of low flows and is therefore common to all regions.
Low flows in all regions except southern Ontario and
the immediate west coast are affected by sub-freezing
temperatures that prevent runoff and therefore result
in winter low flow conditions. In many of the regions,
low flow conditions are moderated by the slow release
of moisture from storage in lakes and wetlands. In a
similar manner, moisture from the soil layer can sustain
flow conditions during dry periods if the soil layer is
thick enough and capable of transmitting flow. Basin
size affects low flow conditions in some regions with
larger basins generally experiencing less severe low flow
conditions because of increased storage. Contributions
from aquifers also tend to mitigate low flow conditions
in areas where aquifer storage exists and is hydraulically
connected to the river. Finally, contributions from the
melting of the snowpack and glacier melt impact low
flows in the Mountain region. It should be noted that
the relative contribution of the different processes to
low flows varies from region to region.
Several analyses were conducted for the selected
gauging stations (see Figure 1) for each region. For
a common period of record (1990 to 2000) a flow
duration curve (FDC) was derived for each gauging
station. he 1990 to 2000 period was selected to
maximize the data availability for the stations during a
common period of record. A common period of record
is important to minimize, as much as possible, the role
of climate in producing variations in the FDCs. With
a common period of record it can be assumed that all
regions experienced similar continental-scale climatic
variations. he common period selected was driven by
the data limitations for the Arctic region. he FDCs are
summarized in Figure 3. For each region, the median
FDC and the upper and lower bound for the collection
of curves for each region were calculated, although only
the median FDCs are displayed in Figure 3 to avoid
excess clutter on the graph. Figure 3 plots discharge
standardized by catchment drainage area to facilitate
comparison of the results. Apparent from Figure 3 is
the extreme dryness of the Arctic and Prairie regions,
where some catchments experience intermittent
streamflow. he FDCs have a steeper slope (i.e., faster
decreasing flow with increasing percentage, Figure 3)
for these two regions, which generally indicate relatively
low baseflow contributions from groundwater and/or
lakes or larger reductions in contributing areas during
dry periods compared to other regions. he Mountain
region experiences the greatest range in FDCs with the
lower bound similar to the wettest Prairie conditions
and the upper bound representing, by a considerable
margin, the wettest conditions of all stations. he
southern Ontario, Shield and Atlantic regions exhibit
similar magnitude and range of FDCs. hese results
suggest similar low flow processes are observed within
these regions and these similarities in processes are also
reflected in Table 1. he FDCs of the Shield region
have a noticeably milder slope (i.e., smaller decreasing
© 2008 Canadian Water Resources Association
Canadian Water Resources Journal/Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques
Figure 3. Flow duration curves for each region. Shown are the median curves derived from the stations for
each region. The values of Q50, Q75 and Q90 are highlighted.
Table 1. Summary of the dominant processes influencing low flows in regions of Canada.
Low precipitation or moisture
Sub-freezing temperatures
Lake and wetland storage
Soil water storage and release
Basin size
Aquifer storage and hydraulic
Snowpack, snowmelt and glacier melt
S. Ontario
© 2008 Canadian Water Resources Association
Burn, Buttle, Caissie, MacCulloch, Spence and Stahl
flow with increasing percentage) than all other regions,
including the southern Ontario and Atlantic regions,
which suggests that this region experiences more stable
flows and corresponding baseflow contributions.
Median flows (Q 50) for most regions are very close
to each other at approximately 0.02 m3/s/km2 with
the exception of the Arctic and Prairie regions which
showed much lower Q 50. he low 0.0007 m3/s/km2 Q 50
value for the Arctic region and the 0.0003 m3/s/km2
on the Prairies reflects the dry climatic conditions in
these two regions. Flows at a higher percentage of time
equalled or exceeded were also very consistent among
all regions (e.g., at Q 80 and Q 90) except the Arctic and
Prairie regions. Systematically dry conditions often
cause intermittent flows in smaller Prairie streams
and reduce the Q 80 and Q 90 values. he extremely
cold conditions experienced by Arctic catchments
exacerbates this pattern of common zero flows in the
already dry environment of northern latitudes. At the
higher percentages, flows for the Arctic region were
generally lower than those of the Prairie region.
he characteristics of the FDCs were further
explored using a low flow index (LFI) derived based
on values from the FDCs resulting in
where Q90, Q75 and Q50 represent the flow value exceeded
90, 75 and 50% of the time, respectively. Clausen and
Biggs (1997; 2000) suggest the use of the LFI and
indicate that the LFI has been found to be correlated
with other low flow indices, such as the mean annual
minimum flow divided by Q50. Large values of LFI are
associated with FDCs with a gradual slope while small
values of LFI result from comparatively steep FDCs.
Values of LFI versus drainage area are displayed in
Figure 4. he intermittent nature of streamflow in the
Arctic and, to a lesser extent, the Prairies, is apparent
from the predominance of low LFI values from these
regions (Figure 4). he Shield catchments tend to have
comparatively large values for LFI, presumably as a
result of the predominance of lake storage available to
maintain streamflow during dry periods. he low flow
index of the Arctic and Shield streams converges at
larger scales (see Figure 4) perhaps because the larger
Arctic streams (i.e., Back, helon) travel through
the Canadian Shield. he wide landscape variability
commonly experienced at smaller scales is reflected in
a general tendency for a greater range of LFI values for
smaller catchments than for larger catchments.
Figure 5 is a log-log plot of average annual minimum
daily flow for each station (calculated for the reference
period) versus drainage area. Bars on the graph show the
range of values for each station. For graphing purposes,
zero annual minimum flows are plotted in Figure 5 as
0.0001 m3/s. Hamilton and Saso (2007) suggest that a
plot of minimum annual flow versus drainage area for a
collection of sites can be useful for predicting low flows
at ungauged sites. Yue and Wang (2004) argue that,
based on the scaling behaviour of low flows, drainage
area can be used to describe most of the variability in
low flows. However, other authors (Kroll et al., 2004;
Laaha and Blöschl, 2007) have developed multivariate
regression relationships to estimate low flows. Since the
focus in this paper is more on understanding regional
differences in low flow processes, and less on developing
a low flow estimation model for Canadian conditions,
a univariate regression model is explored. It should be
noted that some of the annual minimum values may be
from summer and others from winter (this will be more
prevalent in some regions than in others). Since the
processes causing low flows differ between seasons, the
relationship with basin characteristics may vary as well.
his implies that estimation of low flows at ungauged
basins is a challenging undertaking (Smakhtin, 2001).
Superimposed on the graph in Figure 5 is the best fit
line relating annual minimum flow to drainage area of
the form
where Qmin is the annual minimum daily flow (m3/s), A
is the drainage area (km2) and α and β are parameters
estimated by regression. he adjusted R2 for the data fit
is 0.355 and the equation is shown on Figure 5. here
is clearly considerable scatter around this line both in
terms of the annual minimum flows for a given site
and in terms of the overall position of the collection
of flows for individual sites. Several sites exhibit a
variation in annual minimum flow, over the analysis
period, of several orders of magnitude and a range of
annual values that encompasses at least one order of
magnitude is common. here is evidently a difference
between the majority of the Arctic and Prairie sites and
the sites from the remaining regions, with the Arctic
and Prairie sites falling well below the regression line
for all stations. As a result, two subsequent relationships
© 2008 Canadian Water Resources Association
Canadian Water Resources Journal/Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques
Figure 4. Low Flow Index (LFI) for the stations analyzed versus drainage area for the different regions.
were fit, one for the Arctic and Prairie stations and a
second for the remaining stations. hese are also shown
on Figure 5 as dashed lines, with the resulting equations
provided. he line fit to the Arctic and Prairie stations
results in an adjusted R2 of 0.548 while the line fit to
the stations from the remaining regions has an adjusted
R2 of 0.893. While there is still considerable scatter
around the Arctic/Prairie relationship, it is apparent
that the behaviour of these stations is different from
the behaviour of the data for the remaining regions.
he slopes of the two new relationships are similar, but
the intercepts are not. his may reflect a combination
of lower moisture availability for the Arctic and
Prairie regions as well as limited contributions from
groundwater. he new relationship for the remaining
regions now provides a much better fit. he southern
Ontario stations generally fall somewhat below the
best fit line, although the deviation from the line is not
excessive. In addition to the best fit lines, there may
also be interest in a lower envelop curve indicating
the minimum low flow observed for basins of a given
size. his information could be useful for determining
the availability of streamflow for dilution of effluent
from sewage treatment plants or for deciding on flow
abstractions for irrigation or other uses. In these cases,
knowing the minimum low flow may be more useful
than knowing the average annual low flow for a given
basin area. Based on the data in Figure 5, a prudent
approach may be to develop lower envelop curves on
a regional basis.
Low flows have a variety of impacts in different regions
of Canada, including fisheries concerns, assimilative
capacity of receiving water bodies, availability of
potable water supply, navigation, and recreation and
tourism. Diverse processes have been shown to be
influential in controlling low flows in various regions of
© 2008 Canadian Water Resources Association
Burn, Buttle, Caissie, MacCulloch, Spence and Stahl
Figure 5. Annual minimum daily flow versus drainage area. Each station is plotted as a point that corresponds
to the mean annual daily minimum flow while the bars define the upper and lower bounds for the annual low
flow values. The solid line depicts the best fit relationship fit to all data. The two dashed lines show separate
fits to the Arctic/Prairie stations and the remaining stations.
Canada. Although there are some common controlling
processes, such as low moisture availability, there are also
region specific processes, such as snowmelt and glacier
melt. Each region was demonstrated to have distinct
features that exerted a control on the low flow regime
for that region. Flow duration curves dramatically
illustrated the relative dryness of the Prairie and Arctic
regions and the similarity in the low flow response for
the remaining regions. he Prairie and Arctic regions
were also shown to respond differently in terms of the
relationship between minimum annual daily flow and
drainage area. he scatter in this relationship indicates
that estimating low flows at ungauged catchments
remains a challenge. Future research should focus on
this topic.
he research described in this paper was supported by
the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
of Canada (NSERC) and the Sustainable Forest
Management Network. he authors acknowledge the
advice and assistance provided by Stuart Hamilton,
William Quinton, Ming-ko Woo and Kathy Young.
he authors appreciate the helpful comments provided
by three anonymous reviewers.
© 2008 Canadian Water Resources Association
Canadian Water Resources Journal/Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques
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© 2008 Canadian Water Resources Association