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Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 35, 2012
Flow-batch analysis
Paulo Henrique Gonçalves Dias Diniz, Luciano Farias de Almeida,
David Peter Harding, Mário César Ugulino de Araújo
Since its inception, flow-based analysis has dramatically transformed the way that sample analysis is handled. What used to be
manual, slow and prone to error has become automated, rapid and precise.
Though many improvements and modifications have already been explored, a most promising development has been the flowbatch analyzer. Through use of an instantaneous stop-mixing chamber and computer-controlled, flow-based sampling, it achieves
extraordinarily high sampling rates. We review its historical evolution, components, features and operation, and analytical
ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Concentration gradient; Flow analysis; Flow-batch analyzer; Instantaneous stop-mixing chamber; Multi-component simultaneous
analysis; Sample analysis; Sample pre-treatment; Screening analysis; Standard-addition method (SAM); Titration
Paulo Henrique Gonçalves
Dias Diniz, Luciano Farias de
Almeida, David Peter Harding,
Mário César Ugulino de
Universidade Federal da
Paraı́ba, CCEN, Departamento
de Quı́mica, P.O. Box 5093,
58051-970 João Pessoa, PB,
Corresponding author.
Tel./Fax: +55 83 3216 7438;
[email protected]
1. Introduction
Since the publication of the first flow-based
techniques, several approaches to automated flow analysis have been developed
and reviewed in the literature [1–6]. In
parallel with these developments, hybrid
systems or analyzers exploiting characteristics of both flow and batch have also
been developing, with most of them
exploring the flexibility and the versatility
of mixing chambers [7–12]. The first
hybrid system was proposed in 1969 by
Javier and co-workers [7] using an approach that involved features of both
batch and flow injection; it included the
use of an automatic stopped-flow system
for phosphate determinations. Other
hybrid systems applied to flow titrations
have also been developed, exploring the
use of chambers [8–12]. Different
approaches to calibration of flow systems
have been described in the literature and
were recently reviewed [13–16].
In 1999, Honorato et al. [11] developed
the flow-batch analyzer (FBA), created as an
alternative to the then existing methods for
flow titrations. The basic technique joins
flow, discrete (or batch), and programmable
multi-commutation principles to the sampling and analytical process. In the past
12 years, new, surprisingly interesting
applications of this basic design have been
successfully explored. The main advantages
derive from the complete programmability
of the process – from the control of flows and
samplings to instantaneous stop-chamber
mixing, detection and evacuation, the
process never leaves the control screen.
Programmable commutation and instantaneous stop-chamber sample preparation,
followed by detection give to FBA systems an
immense operational advantage.
The main component of this manifold is
the mixing chamber [14] (MC), into which
different solutions can optionally be
defined, added, or removed with complete
control, because of a loop system in which
the samples and the reagents are always
returning to their containers, allowing
intermittent sampling.
FBA systems are already being mentioned in flow-analysis textbooks [5,6].
Trojanowicz [5] has included FBA in the
classification of flow-based analytical systems in which six kinds are presented:
continuous flow (CF), flow injection (FI),
sequential injection (SI), multi-commutation in flow injection (MCFI), stopped flow
(SF) and batch-flow injection (BFI). Trojanowicz [5] describes the hybrid system
proposed by Honorato et al. [11] without
conceptual loss, but, in FBA systems, the
fluids are sequentially or simultaneously
(drawn) into the chamber instead of being
In 1994, van der Linden [18] proposed
definitions and classification of analytical
methods based on flowing media. The
main criterion for classification of these
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Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 35, 2012
methods is the type of sampling involved, which is
divided into two major groups:
(1) analysis with continuous sampling; and,
(2) analysis with intermittent sampling, where sample
portions are injected into the system from a sampling loop.
Different combinations of features [e.g., confluence
type, propulsion fluid(s), pumping or aspiration, and
segmentation scheme] define the peculiarities of each
method. Amplifying these recommendations, Zagatto
[19] in 2002 classified flow-analysis methods and procedures as shown in Fig. 1. In Fig. 1, we have placed the
typical FBA system appropriately.
In this article, we present a comprehensive, critical
discussion of the fundamentals, the applications, and the
outlook for FBA.
2. Basic components
A basic FBA system usually comprises five essential
(1) a propulsion system, which propels the fluids towards
the analysis. Most FBA systems described in the literature employ peristaltic pumps. Nevertheless, FBA
systems employing an SIA valve [20–24] or a piston
[25] have been used for this purpose;
(2) a transport system to all units, which constitutes
the FBA system, usually pumping or conducting
tubes with diameter 0.2–2.0 mm;
(3) a multi-commutation system (valves), three-way
solenoid valves for directing the fluids towards the
mixing chamber or continuing the loop flow;
(4) a mixing/reaction chamber, where aliquots (e.g.,
sample, reagents, calibration solutions, buffer, and
indicators) are added and subsequently processed;
(5) a detection system, monitoring a given property of a
sample, its product, or the analytical matrix.
The solutions or mixtures prepared in the mixing chamber are usually sent to the detector, but several approaches
also have been developed with the detection system as
part of the mixing chamber [17,20–22,24,26–30].
Fig. 2 shows the main components of a typical FBA
system. A personal computer is used to control the
peristaltic pump, valve actuator and detector.
In Fig. 3, we see that the fluids are transported (in
continuous flow) through flexible tubes, from their
respective containers through the peristaltic pump and
back again. Solenoid valves serve to commutate each
respective flow to the mixing chamber. One of the solenoid valves directs the final mixed/prepared solution to
detection and subsequent discard.
As mentioned before, the mixing chamber is the main
FBA component, and precisely carries out calibrationsolution preparations, sample conditioning, and analyte/
reagent additions, and is where even detection is possible.
Fig. 4 shows the details of a typical mixing chamber.
The next section describes the fundamentals of FBA
with comprehensive descriptions of the analyzer and its
operating modes.
3. Fundamentals
In Fig. 3, the manifold (flexible tubes) of the typical FBA
is at start-up, where reagents and samples are always
recycling (returning to their respective flasks), and being
propelled by a peristaltic pump. The dotted lines inside
the solenoid valves indicate closed channels. A single
valve positioned at the outlet of the mixing chamber for
aspiration is also connected to a channel of the peristaltic
pump to flush the MC, sending mixtures towards detection (valve ON), or cleaning solution to clean and to
Figure 1. Classification of the flow-based analytical methods with an appropriate placement for flow-batch systems (adapted from [18]).
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Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 35, 2012
Figure 2. The main components of a flow-batch analysis (FBA) system: (a) peristaltic pump; (b) valve actuator; (c) personal computer; (d) threeway solenoid valve; (e) mixing chamber; (f) magnetic actuator; and, (g) detector.
Figure 3. Basic manifold of a typical flow-batch analyzer (FBA). C1–C4, Containers of samples, reagents or standard solutions; PP, Peristaltic
pump; V1–V5, Solenoid valves; MS, Magnetic stirrer; MC, Mixing/reaction chamber; MA, Magnetic actuator; D, Detector; W, Waste.
discharge the detection unit (valve OFF). FAAS, FES, and
ICP-OES/MS systems have their own cleaning systems.
Switched ON, the inlet solenoid valves can send accurate
amounts of the fluids towards the mixing chamber,
simultaneously or sequentially, (while the detector is
washed). Afterwards, the MC mixture is drawn towards
the detector and sent out as waste.
In FBA systems, the flow channels transport the fluids
while sample processing is accomplished in the mixing/
reaction chamber, before detection (or monitoring), just
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Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 35, 2012
Figure 4. Typical mixing chamber: (a) solid, (b) internal, and (c) transversal view. The bottommost channel is always for mixture exit/detection/
as in batch analysis. Detection/monitoring can be
accomplished at the MC or afterwards.
The addition of fluids to the chamber is by three-way
solenoid valves acting as fluid conductors to direct the
fluids towards the MC. The ON/OFF timing of the valves
is programmed on a microcomputer (or dedicated microcontroller PIC) to deliver precise fluid volumes to the
chamber, making possible simultaneous or sequential
multi-commutation of the fluids.
Sample processing is performed in discrete batch mode
inside the MC. Highly sensitive measurements can be
made because the physical and chemical equilibriums
inherent in the analytical process are reached without
dispersion or dilution of the sample. Analytical signal
measurements can be performed in continuous [11] or
stopped flow [22] modes, directly in the MC [30].
In general, FBA allows implementation of wellestablished classical methods while minimizing operator
errors. Also, by automating the method, it offers greater
flexibility to configure the particular sample. The ability to
work with a very wide range of analyte concentrations is
an intrinsic advantage of FBA. Both sample and reagent
concentrations are preset and controlled by changing the
timing and flow-rate parameters on the control software.
The FBA system can perform separate analytical
processes without changing the physical configuration
of the system, and is programmable to the point of
permitting linear and non-linear concentration-gradient techniques for samples and reagents (which go
beyond multi-tasking). FBA samples may be kept inside
the analyzer for extended periods of time without significant sampling-rate reduction, making FBA suitable
for slow kinetic reactions. As such, FBA systems combine intrinsic features of flow and batch analysis. The
result is a robust, automated system with high analytical frequency and low reagent/sample consumption
that allows varied applications with good figures of
However, as with other automatic analyzers, FBA
systems present some inherent inconveniences. Most
FBA systems use peristaltic pumps to propel the fluids. A
time-consuming step, an average 5 s for emptying the
sample channel, is required when the sample is changed
(the whole analytical sample path must be emptied before the next sampling). The physical properties of the
pumping tubes also change with time. When the
peristaltic pump tubing is changed, a completely new
calibration of the flow system must be performed for
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Figure 5. Piston pump coupled to the mixing chamber for propulsion of fluids in a flow-batch analysis (FBA) system. (a) Stepper motor (b) mixing
chamber (c) internal view of a mixing chamber with a piston inserted inside. The red arrows indicate the directions of piston movement (adapted
from [25]).
flow-rate parameters, and the system instructions set, as
described in one paper [31].
Roller pulsation inherent in the tube system has serious implications for valve-activation times of less than
1 s. Pulsation negatively affects volume accuracy for
each and every aliquot delivered to the MC. This is always the case when fluid volumes are below 10 lL; any
dead volumes in the conducting tubes (proportional to
the tube length between each valve and the mixing
chamber) must be minimized to avoid serious measurement problems. In order to overcome these drawbacks,
Almeida and co-workers [25] proposed a new FBA system using piston propulsion – a piston-propelled flowbatch analyzer (PFBA) (Fig. 5). Using a piston to drive
the system has proved to be convenient because it costs
much less, is portable and self-flushing, and avoids
altogether the possibility of pulsation problems occasioned with peristaltic pumps.
Due to the hydrophobic characteristic of PTFE materials used in the mixing chambers, valves and transmission lines of FBA manifolds, a cleaning step may be
unnecessary. However, carry-over may occur in some
applications if organic species in the sample matrix adhere to the surface of the PTFE materials. In this case, a
cleaning step can be performed by switching ON a dedicated cleaning solution line valve for an appropriate
time, homogenizing the content in the FB chamber (FBC)
for a similar time span, and then switching ON a discard
valve in order to empty the FBC and the line between the
FBC and the detection unit (or spectrophotometer). This
procedure should be repeated (one, two or three times)
until the baseline signal is restored.
4. Analytical applications
Several analytical procedures and methods based on FBA
have been developed providing a wide range of applications. Table 1 summarizes the analytical applications
performed with FBA and their respective figures of merit.
4.1. Titration
Classical titrations are generally laborious and time
consuming, and require a good amount of reagent,
sample, and patience. They are also prone to error. The
precise physical characteristics of timed stop-chamber
filling, mixing, and measurement (with flushing after
each discrete sample) answer these complaints while
FBA automated titrations [11,12,20,24,29–34] conform
remarkably to IUPAC titration guidelines [35].
To illustrate the versatility, Honorato and co-workers
[11] applied a single-dimension optimization algorithm,
based on the Fibonacci-sequence method for end-point
search when determining acidity in white wines by
titration with NaOH using an m-cresol purple indicator.
Reducing the number of data points in Fe2+ ion
determination for steel, iron ores, and similar samples
using permanganimetric titration, Honorato and
co-workers [32] designed and utilized a prior (preliminary) assay scheme to predict the analyte concentration, by processing known amounts of sample and
titrant, and evaluating the titrant excess.
Classical metronidazole determinations in drugs by
spectrophotometric titration use perchloric acid to titrate,
and malachite green as indicator. In order to circumvent
the inherent drawbacks in this determination, Medeiros
Detection technique
Detection limit or range
Sampling rate (/h)
White wines
5.2–7.3 g/L
Plant materials
1.00–6.00 % N
Estuarine waters
10.0–50.0 lg/L
Plant tissues
0.22 mg/L
Hydrated ethanol fuel
0.04 mg/L
Apprehended drug samples
29.4 mg/L
Mineral waters
0.0048 ng
LED-based photometry
5.1 mg/L
LED-based photometry
1.0–10.0 mg/L
Acid content
Fruit juice
LED-based photometry
Ca2+ and Mg2+
River and dam waters
Flame photometry
Alloys and ores
1.0–10 mmol/L
Acidity determination in wines;
algorithm based on Fibonacci
method for end-point search
In-line individual sample-matrix
matching; analysis of samples with
highly variable acidity
Determination of Fe(III) in estuarine
waters with high saline variability
In-line specific pH conditioning of
digested vegetal samples
Internal standard calibration; iron
determination in hydrated ethanol
Spectrophotometric determination of
cocaine using cobalt thiocyanate as a
complexing reagent
Piston-propelled flow-batch
analyzer; automatic preparation of
calibration solutions
Spectrophotometric determination of
amoxicillin by using a reaction of
diazotised o-nitroaniline in an
alkaline medium
Chemiluminescent determination of
dopamine, norepinephrine and
epinephrine in pharmaceutical
Miniaturized analyzer using an
urethane–acrylate photo-resist
ultraviolet-lithographic technique
Determination of bromine index and
bromine number for petrochemicals
Photometry based on a twin-LED
assembly as radiation source and
photo-detector; determination of acid
content of fruit juices by using
titration with NAOH
Screening analysis; water hardness
quality control; LED-based
photometry at 650 nm
Titration of ferrous ions by
permanganate; analyte concentration
preview by prior assay
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Tartaric acid
Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 35, 2012
Table 1. Analytical applications of flow-batch analysis
Ascorbic acid
Natural orange juices
0–9.0 · 10
9.7 · 10
Alcoholic beverages
1.0–7.0 mg/L
Alcohol fuel
Flame photometry
0.5–2.5 mg/L
Chlorinated waters
8.261 · 10
Distilled spirits
Cu2+, Mn2+ and
Levodopa and
Albumin and total
Blood serum
50 and 60
0.036 mg/L
0.12 lg/mL
mol triiodide/L
Exploitation of concentration
gradients; spectrophotometric
determination of metronidazole
Determination of ascorbic acid in
natural orange juice using a
coulometric flow cell for generation
of triiodide ions as a titrant
Determination of monosodium
glutamate in dehydrated broths using
nephelometric detection
Copper determination in alcoholic
beverages standard addition automatic method
Alcoholic grade determination,
standard addition method
In-line electrochemical reagent
generation; standard-addition
technique; determination of total
available chlorine in commercial
formulations and chlorinated water
Screening analysis for quality control
of wines; multivariate chemometric
Adulteration detection in distilled
spirits using SIMCA classification
Preparation of calibration-standard
mixtures for simultaneous multicomponent spectrometric analysis by
using PLS
Simultaneous enzymatic
determination of levodopa and
carbidopa, using chemometric
Kinetics-independent spectrometric
analysis; non-linear calibration
modeling; exploitation of
concentration gradients
Liquid-liquid extraction of glycerol
and simultaneous oxidation with
periodate, generating formaldehyde
that reacts with acetylacetone
Hydrolysis of hydroxyproline and
spectrophotometric detection in
separate chambers
N-total, Total nitrogen; UV–Vis, UV–Vis spectrophotometry; ICP-AES, Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry; FAAS, Flame atomic absorption spectrometry; GFAAS,
Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry; Turbid./nephel., Turbidimetry/nephelometry; Coulomb./amp., Coulometry/amperometry; PLS, Partial Least Squares; SPA, Successive Projections Algorithm; SIMCA, Soft Independent Modeling of Class Analogy; PLS, Partial Least Squares. N/A, Not Applicable.
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and co-workers [33] proposed a flow-batch-multi-commuted titrator successfully exploiting concentration gradients generated inside the MC. The proposed methods
avoid analytical curves.
Another titration application of the FBA system for
determination of the bromine index and bromine number
relative to the total content of reactive olefin in petrochemical samples was explored by Pasquini and
co-workers [29]. In this procedure, two pairs of platinum
electrodes were used for coulometric generation of reagent (titrant), and biamperometric end-point detection.
The titration was performed in batch, with excess titrate
being detected by biamperometry following analysis of the
titration curve.
Oliveira and co-workers [34] employed triiodide ions
freshly prepared by electro-generation in a coulometric
flow cell in instantaneously controlled amounts and
subsequently used them as the titrant in an FBA system
for determination of ascorbic acid in orange-juice samples.
The procedure was carried out by introducing fixed
amounts of sample together with iodide solution into the
mixing chamber of the FBA system. Successive amounts
of triiodide were then generated until a significant excess
was obtained. The titration equivalence point was precisely identified using statistical line-regression analysis.
4.2. Sample pre-treatment
The following procedures for liquid-liquid extraction
[24], in line matching of pH [22], acidity [20] and
salinity [21] demonstrate flow-batch techniques for
sample pre-treatment.
A pre-treatment strategy was developed by Honorato
and co-workers [22] using an FBA system to perform
in-line pH conditioning of vegetable-sample digests for
spectrometric determination of aluminum with eriochrome cyanine R (ECR) as the chromogenic reagent.
In-line individual pH sample conditioning was performed, because Al-ECR complex absorbance depends on
pH. The individual pH sample conditioning was based on
a feedback procedure involving absorbance monitoring
of m-cresol purple indicator in the pH range 1.2–2.8.
In plant materials, the determination of total nitrogen
using Kjeldahl digests normally presents high acid variability. To overcome this drawback, an FBA system was
implemented for in-line acidity matching [20]. To adjust
pH, thymolphthalein was used as the pH indicator and a
2.0 mol/L NaOH / 0.5 mol/L Na2B4O7 solution was
incrementally added until the processed sample achieved
a pH value of about 12.
To minimize systematic errors caused by salinity
variations in estuarine waters during spectrophotometric catalytic determination of Fe3+, Carneiro and
co-workers [21] proposed an FBA system employing a
matrix-matching technique. The method was based on
iron-catalyzed oxidation of N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediammonium dichloride by H2O2. The rate of the indi46
cator reaction was sensitive to variations in salinity, so
different amounts of NaCl were added to every sample to
permit an individual conductance adjustment, which
provided both better and more easily reproducible conditions for the indicator reaction.
Silva and co-workers [24] proposed a successful FBA
procedure for spectrophotometric cocaine determination
in a biphasic medium using cobalt thiocyanate as the
complexing reagent. In this reaction, two phases were
formed: the superior aqueous phase (pink) contained an
excess of cobalt thiocyanate solution; and, the lower
organic phase layer (blue) contained the cocaine–cobalt
thiocyanate complex from which the signal was measured.
During the crystallization of organic compounds, the
presence of some substances even at trace levels can
produce a delay in the precipitation process. Flow batch
was used to implement and control both nucleation and
crystallization [36], which permitted nephelometric
detection in the determination of monosodium glutamate (MSG) for food samples. The method was based on
the inhibitory effect of MSG on the crystallization of
l-lysine in an isopropanol/acetone mixture. The calibration curve was prepared on-line.
4.3. Analyte or standard addition
Analytical approaches employing samples with different
matrix compositions generally give inaccurate results,
with statistically different tendencies, or matrix effects.
Procedures implementing the standard-addition method
(SAM) are in the IUPAC recommendation [37]. Notwithstanding the advantages, this method is slow and
relatively laborious. These drawbacks were circumvented by automating the SAM using FBA, as described
for the first time by Almeida and co-workers [38].
A flow–batch SAM was employed for copper determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS)
in a group of sugar-cane-based alcoholic beverages,
known as ‘‘Cachaça’’, which present significant compositional differences and matrix effects for each brand.
Copper determinations by analytical curve using matrixmatching standards can yield inaccurate results, thus
requiring the use of the SAM [38].
Alcohol fuels also present significant variability in
matrix composition and consequent matrix effects in
flame-emission spectrometry (FES) analysis, justifying
the use of the SAM. A flow-batch SAM analyzer developed for alcohol fuels in sodium determination by flame
photometry has also been developed [39].
Nascimento and co-workers [40] developed a biamperometric FBA system for determination of total available chlorine in commercial bleaches and chlorinated
tap-water samples without the need for unstable chlorine standards. The procedure was based on standard
additions of an in line electrochemical-generated
reagent. The system used an electrochemical flow cell for
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in-line generation of triiodide ions, which reacted with
chlorine in the samples.
4.4. Screening analysis
Flow-batch screening analysis and analyte quantification can use the same manifold configuration, which
minimizes set-up costs while providing a more complete
picture [31,41,42].
An FBA water-hardness screening/quantification
system was developed and employed for quality control
of river and dam waters in Paraı́ba, Brazil [31]. Detection
was based on spectrophotometric monitoring at 650 nm
for the well-known quantitative reaction of calcium/
magnesium ions with EDTA, using eriochrome black T
as indicator.
Nascimento and co-workers [41] accomplished
screening analysis of wines employing an FBA system
with spectrophotometric detection in the UV-vis range.
Due to the strong absorption of the pure samples in the
spectral region studied, the samples of wines were
automatically diluted (with distilled water) and mixed in
the chamber before recording their spectra. The study
was evaluated using chemometric models for exploratory analysis and classification.
Nascimento and co-workers [42] also proposed an
automatic FBA system for adulterated distilled spirits
using UV-vis spectrophotometry and soft independent
modeling of class analogies (SIMCA) classification
models. Automatic dilutions of the non-adulterated
samples, and simulated adulterations using water, ethanol, and methanol were performed in an FBA system.
4.5. Multi-component simultaneous analysis
FBA systems have also facilitated an increasing variety
of simultaneous determinations, which effectively eliminate the needs for comprehensive examination and
interference separation [43,44].
Visani and co-workers [43] developed an FBA system
with UV-vis spectrophotometric detection and automatic
preparation of both standard calibration and validation
mixtures. The mixtures were evaluated applying 4-(2piridilazo)resorcinol as the complexing reagent for
simultaneous determination of Cu2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+ ions
in polyvitaminic and polymineral pharmaceutical formulations.
Grünhut and co-workers [44] developed simultaneous
determination of levodopa and carbidopa in pharmaceutical preparations using an enzymatic FBA system
with spectrophotometric detection. This study was based
on oxidization (to their respective dopaquinones) of both
analytes using the enzyme polyphenol oxidase.
4.6. Concentration gradients
Analytical procedures using FBA-gradient techniques
can be easily implemented where only one standard
solution is available for slow kinetics reactions (involving
non-linear calibration), and for titrations where the
sample is incrementally added to the mixing chamber by
programmed multi-commutation [33,45].
Medeiros and co-workers [33] proposed metronidazole
spectrophotometric determination in drugs using concentration gradients generated in a flow-batch-multicommutated titrator. The titration used perchloric acid as
titrant and malachite green as indicator.
Souza and co-workers [45] developed an FBA system
that exploits concentration gradients for total-protein
and albumin determination in blood serum involving
slow kinetics reactions. The study was evaluated successfully using kinetics-independent spectrometric analysis with non-linear calibration modeling.
4.7. Chemiluminescence
Flow-batch controlled chemiluminescent detection was
developed for determination of dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine in pharmaceutical preparations.
The method was based on the inhibitory effect of these
catecholamines on a luminol-potassium hexacyanoferrate (III) chemiluminescent system in an alkaline
medium. The optimization was carried out using an
experimental Box-Behnken design at 28 samples/h [27].
4.8. Internal-standard addition
A flow-batch manifold coupled to an atomic absorption
flame spectrometer was evaluated for assessing the iron
content of hydrated automotive ethanol using the
internal-standard method. Nickel was selected as the
internal standard, since it is usually absent in samples,
and because it requires similar atomization conditions.
Samples were collected randomly from service stations in
Pernambuco, Brazil, and iron concentrations were
determined using the proposed procedure at about 10
samples/h [23].
4.9. Fluorescent determination of free glycerol in
Commercial biodiesel has residual amounts of glycerol
that can cause engine, fuel-tank and filter damage. A
flow-batch method to determine free glycerol in biodiesel
used in-line analyte extraction, and a fluorescent product for automatic signal analysis. The preparation of
standards and samples, and derivations and analysis
were fully automated. A sampling rate of 14 samples/h
and a detection limit of 0.036 mg/L glycerol agreed with
the reference method (ASTM D6584-07) at a 95%
confidence level [46].
4.10. Miniaturization of the flow-batch analysis system
Technology always tends toward miniaturization and
portability, particularly when considering medical
applications, or field/outpost applications far from local
access. A complete FBA system has been miniaturized
and tested [28], using deep UV-lithography on urethane
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acrylate photoresin, in determining Fe(II) in iron-based
supplements (oral solutions) using the 1,10-phenanthroline method. The micro FBA (lFBA), using a lowcost microprobe and discrete (100 lL) high frequency
sampling rates, was compared to a manual UV-Vis
photometric reference procedure with no statistically
significant differences.
4.11. Automated two-system arrangement
The presence of hydroxyproline is often used as an
analytical approach to assess the amount of collagen
present in meat products. The versatility of FBA systems
was underlined in this study which used two stop
chambers in series [43]. The FBA system was simple, and
used both chambers (hydrolysis and detection) simultaneously. The reference method used 16 h of hydrolysis,
while, in the proposed method, the hydrolysis time was
15 min. For this purpose, a pressure hydrolysis chamber
was used with a low-cost halogen lamp [43].
5. Conclusions
When FBA systems are compared to other types of flow
analyzer, their versatility stands out. Given the immense
amount of control and flexibility available for whichever
type of system is used in applying FBA or PFBA, one
could conceivably perform markedly different analytical
procedures without significantly changing the physical
configuration. Using FBA, for example, one could carry
out an automatic spectrometric titration for determination of iron in a given sample, and immediately afterwards perform simultaneous determinations of
carbidopa and levodopa in pharmaceutical samples. To
do this, it would be necessary only to actuate more
solenoid valves, and to adjust the control software.
Operational parameters in FBAs are changed and specified for different analytical systems, purely and simply as
a function of valve-switch-timing control.
Analytical curves can be adjusted to the working calibration solution used. This is possible because, in FBA,
only one standard solution is necessary to construct a
calibration curve. All dilutions are carried out automatically (controlled by the timing of the valves for each
application). These programmed automatic dilutions can
be applied to the samples as well, so that samples with
analyte concentrations out of the linear range of detection
can be analyzed after dilution. Virtually any analytical
procedure or technique coupled to any detection system
can be automated using FBA, and new applications are
being explored with continued success.
The authors gratefully acknowledge Capes and CNPq
Brazil scholarships and research fellowships. The
authors also thank Herbertty Vieira and Renato Navarro
for collaboration in the design of figures.
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