Review of Matthew Beaumont, Nightwalking


For Matthew Beaumont, in this fascinating literary and cultural history of nightwalking, Dickens represents something like the culmination of a tradition stretching back to at least the middle ages, when night was legally defined as a separate sphere, and those who trespassed against the daily curfew (beginning between 8 and 10pm) were subject to persecution and arrest. It is this social and cultural division between the nocturnal and the diurnal that Beaumont is interested in tracing, and especially in identifying those more or less marginalized figures who walked at night in London, the "great wen" as Cobbett called it, where night-time was at once an ordeal (or refuge) for the poor and a playground for the rich. Dickens's Master Humphrey is one such nightwalker, who wanders "by night and day, at all hours and seasons, in city streets and quiet country parts" (385), making him, like many others in this book, "the victim of popular prejudices about men of slightly odd appearance who walk about the metropolis at night because they do not feel at home in it during the day" (385). His fading from view after the opening chapters of The Old Curiosity Shop is lamented by Beaumont, for whom "Dickens squandered a subtle and insidiously unsettling sense of moral and psychological danger when he expelled Master Humphrey" (390). Perhaps the major success of Nightwalking is its excavation, across a period of five hundred years, of the historical and cultural conditions that allowed this sense of "moral and psychological danger" which Dickens partially suppressed to attach itself to the nightwalker in Britain.

Matthew Beaumont. Nightwalking: A Nocturnal History of London. London and New York: Verso, 2015. Pp. xii + 484. £20/$29.95. For Matthew Beaumont, in this fascinating literary and cultural history of nightwalking, Dickens represents something like the culmination of a tradition stretching back to at least the middle ages, when night was legally defined as a separate sphere, and those who trespassed against the daily curfew (beginning between 8 and 10pm) were subject to persecution and arrest. It is this social and cultural division between the nocturnal and the diurnal that Beaumont is interested in tracing, and especially in identifying those more or less marginalized figures who walked at night in London, the g eat e as Cobbett called it, where night-time was at once an ordeal (or refuge) for the poor and a playground for the rich. Di ke s s Maste Hu ph e is one such nightwalker, who wanders by night and day, at all hours and seasons, in city streets a d uiet ou t pa ts 385), making him, like many others in this book, the victim of popular prejudices about men of slightly odd appearance who walk about the metropolis at night because they do not feel at home in it during the da 385). His fading from view after the opening chapters of The Old Curiosity Shop is lamented by Beaumont, for whom Dickens squandered a subtle and insidiously unsettling sense of moral and psychological danger whe he e pelled Maste Hu ph e 390). Perhaps the major success of Nightwalking is its excavation, across a period of five hundred years, of the historical and cultural conditions that allo ed this se se of o al a d ps hologi al da ge which Dickens partially suppressed to attach itself to the nightwalker in Britain. Beaumont pursues his investigation chronologically in four parts, with the medieval and earlymodern origins of the nightwalker as the topi of Pa t O e. The ph ase o o ight alke , he demonstrates, was originally applied equally to men and women, only later coming to specifically designate female prostitution (16). From at least 1285 the act of nightwalking was criminalized irrespective of any illicit activity, so that Anyone on the streets [at night] with no good reason was auto ati all lia le to a est 19). Nighttime activity thus came to demarcate the line between the respectable and the non-respectable citizen, although good eputatio 31) could also be used as a justification for appearing outside after curfew, so that the law served primarily to victimize the poor, unemployed and indigent, who were feared by those with wealth and property. Beaumont later argues that this class distinction can be used to divide nightwalkers into two main groups. No ta ula ts (136), a term coined around 1700, were those at the upper end of the social scale, who made excursions into the nocturnal streets be ause the had hose to do so (138), while no ti aga ts (138) were those who had no choice but to walk the streets at night, such as the destitute, the unemployed and unemployable, the i dige t, the aged (138). One figure firmly in the first category was Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, who in 1543 blazed a trail of destruction across Cheapside with a group of friends, smashing windows, shouting obscenities and throwing stones at prostitutes (45-6). While in prison followi g this e e t, “u e ote a Satire against the Citizens of London, attacking the sins of which he was himself a part (48), and hence providing a typically complex example of the subject positions Beaumont interrogates. Though Beaumont attempts to uncover the stories of female nightwalkers, his writers are usually male, and often significant literary figures, such as Shakespeare and Thomas Dekker, the latter of whom wrote pamphlets following the journeys of an imagined Bell a (91) (or nightwatchman) which were at least partly on the side of the at h a s nightwalker quarry. Part Two begins with Willia Hoga th s pai ti g Night 3 , described by Beaumont as one of the greatest illustrations of the eighteenth-century ight a e (112) of Enlightenment s ollapse into chaos and unreason, a fear which according to Foucault haunted the period. The century was also marked by the colonization of the night by gaslight (pioneered in London in 1684 (118)), driven by the expansion of capitalism and commodity culture. Among the inhabitants of this newly lighted, if not wholly enlightened city were the self-appointed moralists who pat olled the st eets at ight (126), at once appalled and fascinated by the nighttime lives of female prostitutes. Samuel Johnson responded to this trend in anti-moralistic terms in a series of articles in the Rambler in 1751 (12729). Another major genre of this period was the o tu al pi a es ue (141), adventure stories of (mainly male) rambles through the night-time streets by authors such as Ned Ward. Night was also important to the writers of Grub Street, ho li ed se i- i i al li es (174) working on low-paid commissions, and typically rejected the day-time world of the bourgeoisie. Allied to this group was Johnson s friend Richard Savage, who created the proto-‘o a ti figu e of the Wa de e i a poem of 1728 (206), and was involved in a murder during one drunken night-time incident. Wordsworth, Clare, De Quincey and Blake are the key characters in Part Three. Wordsworth emerges as a visitor of the night, expressing sympathy with the noctivagants he meets, such as the discharged soldier encountered in Book IV of The Prelude (1805), whom Beaumont interprets as a spectral or distorted other of the poet (249-53). John Clare, meanwhile, was an unwilling nightwalker, especially in 1841, when he escaped from an insane asylum in Essex one evening and proceeded to walk home to Northborough, over 100 miles away (255). In his tortured and delirious account of this journey, Beaumont identifies the authentic voice of the vagrants that Wordsworth loved to encounte o the pu li oad at ight (257). If Wo ds o th s ight-time is predominantly rural, Willia Blake s is esolutel u a . Indeed, in many ways London is darkness for Blake, its defi i g s ols the ha g a s oose at T u a d Lo do “to e (278); symbols of the apital s ancient repressions. In De Quincey, meanwhile, Beaumont finds a hypocritical inhabitant of the night, who grew up amid prostitutes and poverty, yet displayed contempt and disgust for the poor. The final section is dominated by Dickens, though also finds space for Pie e Ega s Life in London (1821) and Leigh Hu t s Walks Ho e Night (1828). Beaumont explores events that will be fa ilia to Di ke s s hola s, su h as Di ke s s famous nightwalk of October 1857, during his growing estrangement from Catherine, when he crossed 30 miles from London to Gad s Hill. Beau o t d ells o the ele tless e e g of Di ke s s ight alks, calling him a spe ies of ad t a ele (356), his jou e to Gad s Hill Pla e a flight f o oth his e e da life, i ludi g his wife, and from his self 356). Nightwalking, like writing, be a e a o pulsi e a ti it 358) for Dickens, as he himself expressed in the a ti le Night Walks . Like Wordsworth, it brought him into s patheti elatio s 366) with those condemned to wander through the lack of a secure home. As noted, The Old Curiosity Shop is Beau o t s ke example of ight alki g i Di ke s s o els, but Barnaby Rudge and A Tale of Two Cities are also discussed, including Sidney Ca to s sti ight alk 396) at the end of the latter, before his final redemptive act of self-sacrifice. Nightwalking has clearly been designed with a general as well as academic readership in mind, having a foreword and afterword by novelist Will Self and an affordable price tag. It deserves to find one. Although little of the material on Dickens will be new to informed readers, the book convincingly reframes his restless nighttime habit as more than the eccentricity of one man. It instead becomes part of a long history of noctambulism and noctivagancy, which is here carefully detailed and compellingly presented. University of Manchester Ben Moore