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We commonly represent a class with a curve enclosing individuals that share an attribute. Individuals that are not predicated with that attribute are left outside. The status of this outer class has long been a matter of dispute in logic. In modern notations, negative terms are simply expressed by labeling the spaces that they cover. In this note, we discuss an unusual (and previously unpublished) method designed by Peirce in 1896 to handle negative terms: to indicate the position of the terms by the shape of the curve rather than by labeling the spaces.
In the common use of logic diagrams, the positive term is conveniently located inside the circle while its negative counterpart is left outside. This practice, already found in Euler's original scheme, leads to trouble when one wishes to express the non-existence of the outer region or to tackle logic problems involving negative terms. In this chapter, we discuss various techniques introduced by Euler's followers to overcome this difficulty: some logicians modified the data of the problem at hand, others amended the diagrams, and another group changed the mode of representation. We also consider how modern diagrammatic systems represent negation.
Peirce's manuscript MS 479 (1903) on Euler diagrams was partially printed in the Collected Papers in 1933 (CP 4.347-4.371). That transcription omitted some paragraphs, figures and important variants of the main text. Some diagrams were reproduced misleadingly or imprecisely. Another important and unpublished paper (MS 481, 1896) presents a novel extension of Euler's diagrams. Among the discarded pages of a published article MS 1147 (1901) there is a variant on logical graphs with examples of novel extensions of Euler diagrams. MS 855 (1911) contains a draft with existentials and shading. We restore Peirce's original drawings from these four manuscripts and explain their main innovations. Euler diagrams were not designed to reason about relative terms, and Peirce's interest in them was not mathematical application or problem solving but showing the basic elements of syllogistic reasoning.
Semiotica, 2000
he was working with the computational correspondence between truth functions and electrical circuitry that was later independently developed by Claude Shannon (W 5: 421-422; Gardner 1982). He insisted on the relevance of logic in both metaphysics and epistemology and, thus, is a founding father of what Jaakko Hintikka has called the tradition of "logic as calculus" as a current competing with the major modern tradition of "logic as a universal language" (Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein, Quine, etc.). His algebraical logical notation developed in the 1880s was the first draft of a modern formal logic and developed, through Schröder and Peano, into the standard formalism used today. Later, he also developed an alternative logical notation using topological forms (existential graphs) that anticipated hybrid systems of notation-heterogeneous logicbased on graphs, diagrams, maps, networks, and frames (Roberts 1973; Shin 1994; Barwise and Etchemendy 1995; Allwein and Barwise 1996). Peirce's system of existential graphs (EGs) is a geometric-topological logic notation. According to Gardner (1982 [1951]: 55-56), the existential graph (EG) is the most ambitious diagrammatical system ever built, and the most understandable and versatile system of geometrical logic ever constructed. Developed in different periods, starting in 1882 (Roberts 1973: 18) this revolutionary system (Shin 1994: 11) or group of systems (Alfa, Beta, and Gamma Graphs), not only overcomes several limitations of Euler and Venn diagrams (CP 4.356), but also allows for the beginning of the diagrammatization of modal logic (Houser 1997: 3). To Peirce, the merit of EGs is double: first, they (CS4) WDG (155×230mm) TimesNewRoman J-2449 SEMI, 186 pp. 1-4 2449_186_01 (p. 1) (idp) PMU: (A1)
Journal of Philosophical Logic, 2019
Logicians have often suggested that the use of Euler-type diagrams has influenced the idea of the quantification of the predicate. This is mainly due to the fact that Euler-type diagrams display more information than is required in traditional syllogistics. The paper supports this argument and extends it by a further step: Euler-type diagrams not only illustrate the quantification of the predicate, but also solve problems of traditional proof theory, which prevented an overall quantification of the predicate. Thus, Euler-type diagrams can be called the natural basis of syllogistic reasoning and can even go beyond. In the paper, these arguments are presented in connection with the book Nucleus Logicae Weisaniae by Johann Christian Lange from 1712.
Semiotica, 2003
Besides his best known division of signs into Icons, Indexes and Symbols, C.S.Peirce devised other classifications that should allow us to better understand the complexity of sign processes and structures. A division into 10 classes is extensively described in his 1903 Syllabus (MS 540, EP2: 289-99), while divisions into 28 and 66 classes, outlined in various passages of his December 1908 letters and manuscripts (L463: 132-46, 150; EP2: 478-91; Lieb 1977: 80-85), never received the same kind of treatment. Peirce also designed several diagrams for 10 classes, but apparently never did the same for 28 or 66 classes. Starting from an analysis of two diagrams for 10 classes of signs designed by Peirce in 1903 and 1908, this paper sets forth the basis for a diagrammatic understanding of all kinds of classifications based on his triadic model of a sign. We will show that it is possible to observe a common pattern in the arrangement of Peirce's diagrams for 3-trichotomic classes, and that this pattern can be extended to the design of diagrams for any n-trichotomic classification of signs. The method of construction of such diagrams, explained below, does not concern the establishment of the correct set or the correct order of trichotomies for those classifications. Although it can guarantee the production of diagrams containing the correct quantity of valid classes for a specified number of trichotomies, as well as the adequate numerical notation for such classes (ordered strings of integers between 1 and 3), it does not contain rules for the mapping between numerical and verbal notation for the classes (e.g. deciding between 'rhematic indexical legisign' or 'iconic dicent legisign' for 321). Once those diagrams are built, it is possible to diagrammatically compare the conflicting claims made by Peircean scholars regarding the divisions of signs into 28, and especially into 66 classes. We believe that the most important aspect of this research is the proposal of a consolidated tool for the analysis of any kind of sign structure within the context of Peirce's classifications of signs.
Synthese, 2015
1 2 3 Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science +Business Media Dordrecht. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at". Synthese Abstract The following two review papers have a common origin. Pietarinen's book Signs of Logic (2006) and Stjernfelt's book Diagrammatology (2007) were both published in the same Synthese Library Series being published by Springer. The two books also share the common topic of diagrammatic reasoning in Charles Peirce's work. Beginning in a conference Applying Peirce held in Helsinki in conjunction with the World Congress of Semiotics in June 2007, two authors have commented upon these books under the headline of Synthese Library Book Session on several occasions, including the Aarhus meeting on Signs and Meaning held in February 2008, the Diagrammatology and Diagram Praxis workshop in Lisboa in March 2009, and the Peirce and Early Analytic Philosophy symposium in Helsinki in June 2009
Semiotica, 2003
Starting from an analysis of two diagrams for 10 classes of signs designed by Peirce in 1903 and 1908 (CP 2.264 and 8.376), this paper sets forth the basis for a diagrammatic understanding of all kinds of classifications based on his triadic model of a sign. Our main argument is that it is possible to observe a common pattern in the arrangement of Peirce’s diagrams of 3-trichotomic classes, and that this pattern should be extended for the design of diagrams for any n-trichotomic classification of signs. Once this is done, it is possible to diagrammatically compare the conflicting claims done by Peircean scholars regarding the divisions of signs into 28, and specially into 66 classes. We believe that the most important aspect of this research is the proposal of a consolidated tool for the analysis of any kind of sign structure within the context of Peirce’s classifications of signs. Keywords: Peircean semiotics, classifications of signs, diagrammatic reasoning.
Cybern. Hum. Knowing, 2001
This essay explores the Mathematics of Charles Sanders Peirce. We concentrate on his notational approaches to basic logic and his general ideas about Sign, Symbol and diagrammatic thought. In the course of this paper we discuss two notations of Peirce, one of Nicod and one of Spencer-Brown. Needless to say, a notation connotes an entire language and these contexts are elaborated herein. The first Peirce notation is the portmanteau (see below) Sign of illation. The second Peirce notation is the form of implication in the existential graphs (see below). The Nicod notation is a portmanteau of the Sheffer stroke and an (overbar) negation sign. The Spencer-Brown notation is in line with the Peirce Sign of illation. It remained for Spencer-Brown (some fifty years after Peirce and Nicod) to see the relevance of an arithmetic of forms underlying his notation and thus putting the final touch on a development that, from a broad perspective, looks like the world mind doing its best to remember...
Las revistas culturales en el ámbito internacional. Latinoamérica y España, 2024
Este estudio presenta un panorama de las revistas culturales argentinas en la actualidad. El trabajo analiza distintos aspectos de esta clase de publicaciones (temas tratados, frecuencia, soportes, suscripciones, distribución, etc.) partir de una encuesta realizada entre septiembre y octubre de 2023. El estudio fue publicado en febrero 2024 por la Asociación de Revistas Culturales de España (ARCE) dentro del informe “Las revistas culturales en el ámbito internacional. Latinoamérica y España.”, que, además de Argentina, incluye análisis de los casos colombiano, español y mexicano.
Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l’étranger , 2023
Dalla Troade a Cuma in Opicia. Gli Eoli, la Sibilla, Apollo Smintheo, a cura di A. Mele, I Quaderni di Oebalus. 7, ed. Scienze e Lettere, pp. 67-76., 2019
IntechOpen eBooks, 2024
Puissances privées et droits de l’homme,, 2024
Convocatoria El Otro Derecho 62 (2024) Teoría general del derecho y marxismo: 100 años, 2024
Climate Change - Geophysical Foundations and Ecological Effects, 2011
Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry , 2023
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 2002
Gestão & Produção, 2017
Tribology and Materials
Journal of Babol University of Medical Sciences, 2018
Macromolecules, 2007
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 2008
International Journal of Speleology, 2004