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The culture of legal scholarship has become preoccupied with article placement, citations, and download numbers, thus obscuring a deeper appreciation for the contributions of scholarly work. This article proposes that therapeutic jurisprudence (“TJ”), a theoretical framework that examines the therapeutic and anti-therapeutic properties of the law and legal practice, provides us with tools for understanding and changing that culture. More prescriptively, the article applies a TJ lens to: (1)identify a set of good practices for legal scholarship; (2) examine the TJ movement as an example of healthy scholarly practice; (3)consider the role of law professors as intellectual activists; and, (4)propose that law schools nurture a scholar-practitioner orientation in their students to help them become more engaged members of the legal profession.
Baltic-Pontic Studies, 2018
in 2015 near the village of ivonivka, mohyliv-Podilskyi region, Vinnytsia Oblast, a hoard of copper objects was found by chance by the river murafa. The majority of objects belonging to the hoard were fashioned out of a rather pure copper with a combination of admixtures, which can be named 'the ivonivka group' .
La primera parte del curso trata sobre conceptos matemáticos (longitud, ´ area, volumen, campos de vectores, circulación, flujo, gradiente, divergencia, rotacional, Laplaciano) y físicos (masa, centro de masas, momento de inercia, trabajo, campos de fuerza de tipo gravitatorio, magnético o eléctrico, campos de velocidades de fluidos, flujos de calor) que se definen mediante (o aparecen en) integrales. En la asignatura Cálculo 2 se fundamentó la integración en dominios de R n. Es imperativo dominar las dos herramientas básicas allí desarrolladas: el teorema de Fubini y los cambios de variable a coordenadas polares, polares adaptadas a una elipse, cilíndricas, cilíndricas adaptadas, esféricas y esféricas adaptadas a un elipsoide. Aquí llevaremos un paso más allá el estudio de integrales. Algunas de las preguntas que queremos responder, si el tiempo lo permite, son las siguientes: ¿Cómo podemos calcular la longitud de una curva o eí area de una superficie? Tenemos dos cuerpos sólidos homogéneos del mismo "tamaño", masa y densidad, pero distinta forma. ¿Cuál posee menos resistencia a girar sobre un eje que los atraviesa por su "centro"? ¿Podemos calcular eí area de un lago sin mojarnos? ¿Cómo funciona un planímetro? ¿Qué relación hay entre el flujo eléctrico a través de una superficie cerrada y la carga eléctrica que encierra? (La respuesta es la ley de Gauss, una de la cuatro ecuaciones de Maxwell.) ¿Es verdad que el campo gravitatorio creado por un planeta en su exterior es igual al creado por una masa puntual situada en su centro que concentra toda su masa? (La respuesta es sí. Una de las mayores contribuciones de Newton, sin duda.) Para evitar complicaciones innecesarias, todas las funciones que aparecen en este curso son, al menos, continuas a trozos y todos los dominios seran compactos y conexos con fronteras C 1 a trozos. Aplicaciones Esta sección persigue dos objetivos. Con la teoría, presentar algunas aplicaciones físicas de las integrales. Con los ejercicios propuestos, evaluar los conocimientos de integración sobre dominios de R n. Todo aquel que no sepa hacerlos debe repasar sus apuntes de Cálculo 2. No es broma. Longitud, ´ area y volumen. Estos tres conceptos son la base sobre la que se construyen muchos otros. Se obtienen integrando la función constante igual a uno sobre el dominio correspondiente: Long(I) := b a 1 dx = b − a es la longitud del intervalo I = [a, b] ⊂ R; Area(D) := D 1 dx dy es eí area del dominio 2D (plano) D ⊂ R 2 ; y Vol(W) := W 1 dx dy dz es el volumen del dominio 3D (espacial) W ⊂ R 3. Ejercicio. Calcular eí area de una elipse de semiejes a y b. Se puede hacer de dos formas: usando polares adaptadas a la elipse o deformando un círculo por una transformación lineal. Solución: πab. Ejercicio. Calcular el volumen del sólido de Steinmetz de radio R (la intersección de dos cilindros de radio R cuyos ejes se cortan perpendicularmente). Conviene aplicar el principio de Cavalieri a los cuadrados que se obtienen al seccionar la región por planos paralelos a ambos ejes. Solución: 16R 3 /3.
A PROVINCE DE L'ORYX (XVI) 1 fait partie de ces régions qui ont fait couler beaucoup d'encre mais dont on ne connaît que peu de choses et qui ont été relativement peu fouillées. Dès les débuts de la science égyptologique, cette province a livré ses plus beaux vestiges, comme les hypogées des gouverneurs du Moyen Empire de Béni Hasan 2 , le temple troglodyte du Spéos Artémidos 3 , décoré sous les règnes conjoints d'Hatchepsout et Thoutmosis III puis sous celui de Séthy I er. La nécropole du Kôm al-Ahmar, avec ses tombes de la V e dynastie 4 ainsi que la pyramide à degrés datée du règne de Houni ou de son successeur, Snéfrou 5 , font partie de ses monuments les plus anciens.
Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies, 2023
The article examines the semantics of the Russian discourse marker stalo byt', using the data obtained by analyzing translational correspondences extracted from parallel corpora of the Russian National Corpus (RNC). Typically, this discourse marker is an indicator of inferential evidentiality, by which the speaker marks the fact that the given statement is a conclusion made by the speaker on the basis of the information they received and accepted as true by default. In addition, stalo byt' has two secondary types of usage-"rhetorical" and "narrative"-where the basic semantics of this discourse marker is subject to certain modifications. One of the key points of analysis is the reconstruction of semantic mechanisms providing the actual semantics of stalo byt'.
Los transformadores pueden clasificarse de distintas maneras, según su operación, construcción o la utilización, a continuación, detallaremos cada una de ellas: a. Por la Operación: Se refiere a la energía o potencia que maneja dentro del sistema eléctrico.
Sürgün ve Ötesi: Kutsal Kitap’taki Daniel, Hagay, Zekeriya ve Malaki Bölümleri üzerine Yorum, 2004
Following an introduction to the writing prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures I comment in some detail on the books of Daniel, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. This is an unedited English translation from the original Turkish.
With the increasing role of the state in modern societies, bureaucratic control in social and economic fields and the increasing use of administrative discretion in various matters, scholars and development partners have put emphasis on the quality of its governance. Experts opine that while making decisions public bureaucracy always faces two conflicting situations such as between serving the personal or group interest and serving public interest. Therefore, for keeping the behaviour of public officials congruent with public interest, along with various institutional checks, the question of morality of the administrators becomes a principle concern in modern administrative process. An attempt has been made in this article to analyse the dynamics of public administration and the consequent role of ethics in them. The author further argues that the universal basis for achieving uniformity in human behaviour regarding rightness and wrongness should be some impersonal ethical code, which can only be achieved from religion.
The first wave of behavior therapy countered the excesses and scientific weakness of existing nonempirical clinical traditions through empirically studied first-order change efforts linked to behavioral principles targeting directly relevant clinical targets. The second wave was characterized by similar direct change efforts guided by social learning and cognitive principles that included cognitive in addition to behav-ioral and emotive targets. Various factors seem to have set the stage for a third wave, including anomalies in the current literature and philosophical changes. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is one of a number of new interventions from both behavioral and cognitive wings that seem to be moving the field in a different direction. ACT is explicitly contextualistic and is based on a basic experimental analysis of human language and cognition, Relational Frame Theory (RFF). RFT explains why cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance are both ubiquitous and harmful. ACT targets these processes and is producing supportive data both at the process and outcome level. The third-wave treatments are characterized by openness to older clinical traditions, a focus on second order and contextual change, an emphasis of function over form, and the construction of flexible and effective repertoires, among other features. They build on the first-and second-wave treatments, but seem to be carrying the behavior therapy tradition forward into new territory. Over the last several years quite a number of behavior therapies have emerged that do not fit easily into traditional categories within the field.
Posted on 07/21/2013 8:34 PM | Updated 07/24/2013 2:15 PM PUBLIC HEALTHCARE. Nurses tend to a woman at the Jose Reyes M emorial M edical Center in M anila. File photo by AFP MANILA, Philippines -Thirty-year-old housewife Evelyn Bautista-Dumangas rushed her crying 3-year-old son to the Kitcharao District Hospital in Agusan del Norte province, only to find out there was no stay-in doctor to attend to their needs.
The turn of the century has brought news on natural disasters such as quakes, floods, tsunamis, some of them caused by the climate change, but also others as lethal virus outbreaks as Ebola, SARS and Swine Flu by the lack of control of health system, without mentioning terrorism which places tourism industry in jeopardy. In this respect, policymakers and experts accept the idea that new techniques of marketing and programs are needed to protect the organic image of tourist destinations. In this vein, post-disaster marketing situates as a more than interesting sub-discipline that sheds the ink on the acceleration of recovery process timeframe through the articula-tion of tourism and leisure consumption. This chapter discusses the main strengths and weakness of post-disaster marketing critically to offer an all-encompassing model which can be used by marketing-led scholars in these difficult times. In some respect, post-disaster marketing centers on (dark) tourism to foster a positive discourse revolving around the tragedy, which is conducive to buttress attractiveness in the effaced site.