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Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 2002
Information is required on pesticide risk indicators used in Europe in order to optimise their use to reduce the environmental impact of pesticides. The present study was performed to compare and evaluate eight pesticide risk indicators developed in Europe and to give recommendations for further use and harmonisation of these risk indicators. This paper is based on the results of the CAPER project (concerted action on pesticide risk indicators). First the indicators and their methodologies were characterised. The eight indicators differed with regard to the compartments, effects and methods used to calculate environmental impact scores. Subsequently, the environmental risk of 15 individual pesticide applications was assessed with the eight indicators and the outcomes were compared. The rankings of the 15 applications by the indicators differed when the score for the environment as a whole was concerned. This was caused by the large variety in environmental compartments taken into account by the indicators. However, for the individual compartments surface water, groundwater and soil the indicators gave similar rankings of the 15 pesticide applications. The ranking based on the indicator 'kilograms of active ingredient' did not correlate with most of the rankings by the risk indicators. Indicators are regarded as useful tools for the reduction of : S 0 1 6 7 -8 8 0 9 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 9 7 -9 J. Reus et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 90 (2002) [177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187] the environmental impact of pesticides. The development of a scientific framework for indicators in farmer decision tools is needed to harmonise and increase the use of pesticide risk indicators in the European Union.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2010
Introduction Human health and the environment are major concerns for European Commission policy on the authorisation of plant protection products. The new regulation that revises and replaces the directive 91/414/EC moves towards the adoption of a Persistent Bioaccumulation Toxicity cutoff criterion because current pesticide risk assessment (PRA) is deterministic, based on few standard cases and therefore characterised by uncertainty. This revision could create concerns about sustainability. Discussion This paper analyses some effects of this directive on the agrochemical market and assumes new effects resulting from the introduction of the revision. Suggestions are made as to how pesticide risk assessment will have to adapt to answer the request of legislators on safety standards and sustainability, introducing probabilistic PRA. Toxicity and exposure functions will be fully characterised, producing distributions of predicted impact and quantifying the variability and uncertainty. For adopting PRA studies at the local/catchment scale, new assessment schemes will be necessary.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013
Savoir/Agir, 2015
Distribution électronique pour Editions du Croquant. © Editions du Croquant. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.
Rabies in West Cork 1885-1894, 2024
I stumbled across this. What I did not know was that other farm animals could be infected. Due to legislative action not an issue post 1897. The one good news story here is that a young McCarthy girl from the Skibbereen District was bitten by a rabid dog. She went to Paris to be treated by Dr. Pasteur at public expense and made a full recovery.
The main idea aimed in this dissertation is to deconstruct the transposition process of the concept of time from a term of art history into that of architecture. Thesis begins with the transforming effects of the art historical space conceptions in the 19 th century German architectural theories on the formation of 20 th century modern architectural space conception as "Space-time." Space-time is termed by the avant-gardist architectural historian-critic Sigfried Giedion in the beginning of the first quarter of the twentieth century to characterize the morphological and structural forms of the new modes of spatial experience, temporal consciousness and self-evidency as the new characteristics of architectural Modernity. Apart from the Swiss art history tradition he has been trained, Giedion undertakes a leading role and owing to his historian background, constitutes a model both in establishment of historiography of modern architecture and in shaping the role of an architectural historian. Within the framework of his dual programmatic roles of Avant-gardist architectural historian and of mediator historian, suggesting the unification of architecture and life, Giedion renders architecture as the origin and apparatus of the holistic cultural renewal he has been striving to realize. In line with his Hegelian Telos of Unity, in order to justify his unification ethos he has proposed in every field of life between "feeling" and "thought," Giedion invents scientific and artistic footings. Giedion sets on his Hegelian understanding of history as Zeitgeist to support the self-evidencies of scientific and artistic indications, which are operatively selected and connected by himself. Under the effect of this unification ethos, having made an attack on transposing the concept of time into architectural realm as "Space-time," Giedion has constructed it to characterize the architectural Modernity and at the same time, has paradoxically started to equip the meaning of his "Space-time" invention with the therapeutic ideology, which aimed to dissolve "tensions" and to eliminate all symptomatic "illnesses" of the modernization process. Within the context of the operative historian figure of architectural Modernity, the thesis reveals how Giedion has constructed the Space-time conception throughout his book Space, Time and Architecture written in 1941 and with continuous additions to the book, how he has transformed the concept both in terms of content and meaning. This dissertation presents under which traditions, conditions, motivations and mentalities Giedion has invented the Space-time concept, deciphering how the content of the concept has been transformed through deconstruction of persuasion mechanisms and narrative techniques used in order to render this invention as selfevident. Within the framework of this demystifying and deconstructing approaches, thesis examines how the idea of space constituted and framed by the psychology, physiognomy and Gestalt theories of the 19 th century have been transformed into spatial experience at the beginning of the 20 th century and how Giedion transposes this spatial experience into "Space-time" as the morphological, spatial, temporal and syntaxial characteristics of modern architecture. This dissertation presents how the diversified traces of time theorizations ranging from the 19 th century pseudo-scientific fourth dimension theories to non-Euclidean Geometry theories, from Einstein's General Theory of Relativity to anthropomorphic time conceptualizations in philosophy are continued by Giedion have been deciphered. Transforming the static relationship between subject-object by suggesting the mobilization of Subject and the disengagement in syntax between the parts and totality of the Object, Giedion addresses the Cubist painting as a shift in the reception of "hidden" and "unseen" fragments of the Reality and it's "contemporaneous" Einstein's General Theory of Relativity as the scientific footing for the temporal characteristic of the spatial experience. Elaborating the 19 th century art-historical space conceptions, the principles of a-perspectival view in the new mode of visual perception theories, which include time consciousness within the spatial experiences and the fragmented totality of the mentally constructed images of modern space conception in post-cubist reception theories, this dissertation scrutinizes, the techniques of expanding the meaning of Space-time conception and the mechanisms of persuasion that convert the meaning into a metaphoric narrative and the representative instrument of Modernity in the last edition of the book Space, Time and Architecture. Consequently, it has been analyzed how the two important concepts of Space and Time have undergone changes and transformations until they have been reached to Giedion, and how he has adopted this intellectual heritage and transformed it into "Space-time" that amounts to the modern space conception of the 20 th century.
Journal of Food Engineering, 2005
The isothermal semi-logarithmic survival curves of certain bacterial spores, C. botulinum and B. sporothermodurans among them, are non-linear. Hence, the methods to calculate the efficacy of processes to destroy them need to be revised. These sporesÕ survival curves could be described by a power law model, which is based on the assumption that the sporesÕ heat resistances have a Weibull type distribution, with a practically temperature independent shape factor. The temperature dependence of the Ôrate parameterÕ of the power law model (related to the reciprocal of the distributionÕs scale factor) could be described by a log logistic or a discontinuous linear model. The survival characteristics of the two spores are described in terms of the power law modelÕs exponents and the log logistic and discontinuous linear modelsÕ two parameters; the temperature level where the inactivation accelerates and the rate at which it rises with temperature at the lethal range. These three parameters, together with the temperature profiles were used to simulate the outcome of different heat processes by solving, numerically, a rate based survival model. The resulting survival curves could then be compared and the processesÕ lethality assessed in terms of the final survival ratio that they had produced. The method to calculate the survival curves is applicable to thermal processes having either a continuous or a discontinuous temperature profile. The same survival model could also be used to estimate the sporesÕ survival parameters directly from the non-isothermal survival curves in simulated inactivation data to which a scatter had been added.
Zu den an sich schönsten Exponaten der Archäologischen Sammlung der Universität Wien zählt der sog. Nereidenkrater. Datiert um 430/20 v. Chr. und dem Athener Maler Polygnotos zugeschrieben, zeigt das großformatige Weinmischgefäß drei Szenen aus dem Kampf um Troja, die miteinander zu einer komplexen Bilderzählung verwoben sind. Von diesem einstigen Prachtgefäß vermitteln die erhaltenen Fragmente bisher aber kaum einen Eindruck, obwohl die Scherben bereits 1888 Eingang in die Sammlung fanden und seither in der Forschung gut bekannt sind. Diesen Zustand sollte eine Neubearbeitung ändern, von welcher der Vortrag berichtet: Er verfolgt die Spur des Nereidenkraters zurück zu dessen Fundort, dem etruskischen Vulci, rekonstruiert die Umstände des Ankaufes und zeichnet die Verflechtungen des Objekts mit der Geschichte der Wiener Klassischen Archäologie nach, zuvorderst mit Otto Benndorf und dem jungen Ludwig Pollak. Ausgehend von einer neuen Rekonstruktion beleuchtet der Vortrag die einzelnen Vasenbilder, stellt diese in ihre ikonographische Tradition und fragt nach dem Verhältnis der Bilder zu Bühnenfassungen derselben Stoffe im klassischen Athen. Nicht zuletzt lotet der Beitrag aus, welche Möglichkeiten digitale Methoden, etwa 3D-Scan, 3D-Modellierung und Visualisierungsverfahren, bieten, um disparate Sammlungsobjekte wissenschaftlich zu dokumentieren, aber auch für eine breitere Öffentlichkeit zu erschließen.
Pathways through Aggadah, 2011
Bестник древней истории/ Journal of Ancient History, 2020
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich, 2010
Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 21 , 2024
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International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 2020
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2020
Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 1997
Universitas Telkom, 2017
Italian journal of anatomy and embryology, 2010
Molecular human reproduction, 2006
Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies, 2018
International Journal of Trauma Nursing, 1999
Journal of genetic counseling, 2002