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The use of a methodology for the evaluation, comparison and quality improvement of Health Web Sites is justified by its widespread adoption and visibility to Internet users. Due to the sensitiveness of their content and impact on users, health related sites should be evaluated. This chapter proposes three different dimensions for the development of quality evaluation methodologies of Health Web Sites: contents, services and technical. We consider that these dimensions should be addressed transversally, providing an integrated and better overall evaluation.
The use of a methodology for the evaluation, comparison and quality improvement of Health Web Sites is justified by its widespread adoption and visibility to Internet users. Due to the sensitiveness of their content and impact on users, health related sites should be evaluated. This paper proposes three different dimensions for the development of quality evaluation methodologies of Health Web Sites: contents, services and technical. We consider that these dimensions should be addressed transversally, providing a better overall evaluation.
Frontiers in Health Informatics, 2020
Introduction: The significant usage of health websites and their roles as diagnostic and therapeutic tools have increased the importance of evaluating their credibility. Health websites are evaluated using the criteria introduced in the health guidelines; therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the adequacy of these criteria.Materials and Methods: In this critical review study, the guidelines for "Health Websites Evaluation" and "Website Evaluation in Other Subject Areas" were extracted using sensitive keywords from valid databases, classification, comparison and content analyses were performed using scientific methods designed in this study.Results: The results indicate that in terms of various components of health websites, the evaluation criteria are not adequate. Note that health website evaluation criteria are designed based on the evaluation criteria of other subject areas. Therefore, the criteria share problems similar to those of the guidelines for other ...
With the Internet becoming a growing source of health information, evaluating the quality of the webbased health information is essential. A number of consumer-oriented instruments were designed to assess the quality of health information. However, existent tools are incomprehensive, unvalidated, not easy to use, and difficult to understand. The main objective of this study is to provide a framework for systematically developing validated and usable instruments to evaluate the quality of web-based health information. The framework incorporates item-to-total correlation and factor analysis. Next, weighting scores for the quality criteria are assigned based on the application of the Kano model to classify quality criteria as basic, performance or attractive. The development process ends with testing the instrument in terms of its usability, readability, reliability and validity. Among the implications and contributions of this research is improving the quality of the evaluation instru...
With the Internet becoming a growing source of health information, evaluating the quality of the web-based health information is essential. A number of consumer-oriented instruments were designed to assess the quality of health information. However, existent tools are incomprehensive, unvalidated, not easy to use, and difficult to understand. The main objective of this study is to provide a framework for systematically developing validated and usable instruments to evaluate the quality of web-based health information. The framework incorporates item-to-total correlation and factor analysis. Next, weighting scores for the quality criteria are assigned based on the application of the Kano model to classify quality criteria as basic, performance or attractive. The development process ends with testing the instrument in terms of its usability, readability, reliability and validity. Among the implications and contributions of this research is improving the quality of the evaluation instr...
Psychiatric Quarterly, 2012
Content quality indicators are warranted in order to help patients and consumers to judge the content quality of health-related on-line information. The aim of the present study is to evaluate web-based information on health topics and to assess particular content quality indicators like HON (Health on the Net) and DISCERN. The present study is based on the analysis of data issued from six previous studies which assessed with a standardized tool the general and content quality (evidence-based health information) of health-related websites. Keywords related to Social phobia, bipolar disorders, pathological gambling as well as cannabis, alcohol and cocaine addiction were entered into popular World Wide Web search engines. Websites were assessed with a standardized proforma designed to rate sites on the basis of accountability, presentation, interactivity, readability and content quality (evidence-based information). ''Health on the Net'' (HON) quality label, and DISCERN scale scores were used to verify their efficiency as quality indicators. Of 874 websites identified, 388 were included. Despite an observed association with higher content quality scores, the HON label fails to predict good content quality websites when used in a multiple regression. Sensibility and specificity of a DISCERN score [40 in the detection of good content quality websites were, respectively, 0.45 and 0.96. The DISCERN is a potential quality indicator with a relatively high specificity. Further developments in this domain are warranted in order to facilitate the identification of high-quality information on the web by patients.
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Puji syukur kita panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena rahmat dan hidayah-Nya, Pedoman Telaah Sejawat Auditor .Intern Pemerintah Indonesia ini dapat diselesaikan . Pedoman Telaah Sejawat ini dimaksudkan untuk menjadi acuan bagi Tim Penelaah dalam melaksanakan penilaian terhadap efisiensi dan efektivitas organisasi APIP dan kesesuaian aktivitas APIP dengan Standar Audit. Telaah sejawat dilaksanakan setiap tiga tahun sekali oleh APIP terhadap APIP lainnya. Untuk menjaga independensi maka telaah sejawat tidak dilakukan secara resiprokal (saling telaah). Pedoman ini berisi langkah-Iangkah yang dilakukan dalam pelaksanaan telaah sejawat dari mulai persiapan, pelaksanaan sampai dengan pelaporannya. Pedoman juga dilengkapi alat bantu berupa kertas kerja yang diperlukan dalam pelaksanaan telaah. Akhir kata, semoga Pedoman Telaah Sejawat Auditor Intern Pemerintah Indonesia ini dapat digunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya dalam menjaga dan meningkatkan mutu hasil pengawasan intern yang dilakukan oleh APIP dalam rangka mewujudkan cita-cita auditor intern memberi nilai tam bah bagi organisasi. Jakarta, Februari 2014 Komite Telaah Sejawat AAIPI Ketua V. Sonny Loho, Ak., MPM
The article examines the significance of history-themed passages (historiae) in Vitruvius' architectural treatise De architectura and assesses their veracity vis-à-vis their rhetorical impact. The article's particular focus lies on Vitruvius' reflections on history, since the sound knowledge of it-as the author claims-is vital for any competent architect. It asserts that Vitruvius tends to stretch the historical truth whenever he makes an attempt at self-promotion (as an author or an architect) or seeks to win the approval of his patron emperor Augustus, to whom he dedicated his work.
Social Inclusion, 2015
Mukt Shabd Journal, UGC Care List I, ISSN No: 2347-3150, 2024
Guía CPTED Comuna Puente Alto, 2023
Frontiers in Big Data, 2024
Earth's Energy Balance and Thermodynamic Properties, 2022
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Revista Brasileira de Economia, 2014
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2020
Remote Sensing, 2020
Studies in health technology and informatics, 2023
Historia y Comunicación Social, 2014