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AMCIS 2004 Proceedings
Americas Conference on Information Systems
A Systemic Methodological Framework for IS
Maria Perez
Universidad Simón Bolívar
Anna Griman
Universidad Simón Bolívar
Luis Mendoza
Universidad Simón Bolívar
Teresita Rojas
Universidad Simón Bolívar
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Perez, Maria; Griman, Anna; Mendoza, Luis; and Rojas, Teresita, "A Systemic Methodological Framework for IS Research" (2004).
AMCIS 2004 Proceedings. Paper 544.
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Perez et al.
Systemic Methodological Framework for IS Research
A Systemic Methodological Framework for IS Research
Perez, M.
Processes and Systems Department – LISI
Universidad Simón Bolívar
Caracas – Venezuela
[email protected]
Griman, A.
Processes and Systems Department – LISI
Universidad Simón Bolívar
Caracas – Venezuela
[email protected]
Mendoza, L.
Processes and Systems Department – LISI
Universidad Simón Bolívar
Caracas – Venezuela
[email protected]
Rojas, T.
Processes and Systems Department – LISI
Universidad Simón Bolívar
Caracas – Venezuela
[email protected]
When speaking about Research, it is mandatory to deal with the method to guide the knowledge construction process.
Making a systematization and consolidation to facilitate this process is not a simple task. Taking this into account and also
considering: the results of any research activity should be applied to its context; information systems (IS) are embed in
complex organizational systems; each organization has its own characteristics; and IS must meet those particular needs; the
goal of this paper is to propose a systemic methodological framework for IS research, based on the Action Research method
and combined with DESMET methodology. This framework is systemic because: it considers the contextual conditions of
the research, it is flexible respect to the studied object, and it is able to import or exclude techniques, instruments or relations
in every instantiation. More than thirty case studies have been applied and five research areas have been consolidated.
Framework, Research, Systemic, Action Research
The Information Systems Research Laboratory (LISI) is a research group of the Simón Bolívar University (USB), whose
main area of work is concerned with the study of the technologies produced and the progress made in the field of Information
Systems (IS) development. In addition to this, it endeavors to create an infrastructure of material, technological and human
resources to facilitate research and interaction with the latest progress made in the field of IS (LISI, 2004), both efficiently
and effectively. LISI’s mission is translated in a set of objectives which drives all the activities undertaken (LISI, 2004) such
as: the study of Information Technologies that support the IS development process, and the guidelines for action that support
firms in the Information Technology Sector.
To achieve those goals, beginning in 1995, LISI implemented the Action Research method, given that it is ideal for studying
IS, as affirmed by Baskerville (1999): “the Action Research domain is clearer when human organizations interact with IS and
when they are more oriented towards the understanding of a complex human process than towards prescribing a universal
social law” LISI has led more than thirty (30) Case Studies and consolidated twelve (12) research areas; those are reflected in
numerous undergraduate and postgraduate degree theses and national and international publications, as well as in the
preparation of human resources of different universities in Venezuela (USB, UC, UCAB, UCV). At the same time, the
Venezuelan productive sector has benefited from these studies by participating in them and obtaining information related,
among other things, to their processes, strengths, weaknesses and products. After the Introduction, this article briefly
describes the Action Research method, the DESMET methodology and the Case Studies. The description of a systemic
methodological framework adopted by LISI is presented later on. The research areas being undertaken by LISI, and the
results obtained from implementing the framework suggested by each of these, are also described. The paper ends with the
Proceedings of the Tenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New York, New York, August 2004
Perez et al.
Systemic Methodological Framework for IS Research
The methodological framework suggested is based on: Action Research (AR) method (Checkland, 1993), the DESMET
methodology (Kitchenham, 1996) and the Case Studies (CS).
The framework suggested by LISI is the result of an evolution process in which two maturity or knowledge construction
stages can be identified through lessons learned. The first, within the context of the implementation of the AR method with
Case Studies; and the second, when DESMET is incorporated to the Evaluation phase of the AR method.
Action Research Method
The classic research methods such as field studies and, more specifically, exploratory studies, are not easily adaptable for use
with the type of research undertaken by LISI. It is thus necessary to use other research methods that enable “soft” problems to
be studied. Checkland defines a “soft” problem as: “a problem related to the manifestations of the real world of human
activity systems, characterized by a sense of maladjustment, that eludes the precise definition between what is perceived as
reality and what is perceived as what reality could be (Checkland, 1993). So, clearly research in the field of IS is “soft.”
According to Baskerville (1999): “the Action Research domain is clearer when human organizations interact with IS and
when they are more oriented towards the understanding of a complex human process than towards prescribing a universal
social law.” On the other hand, the basis of AR is that the process of Human Activity Systems can be studied better if
changes are introduced in these processes and the effects produced by these changes are observed. This is because human
organizations, in a context where they interact with IT, can only be understood as a total entity (Baskerville, 1993).
So, the ideal domain of the AR method is characterized by a social configuration where (Baskerville, 1999):
• The researcher is actively involved, with benefits expected for both researcher and organization. Since in our case, one of
the researchers works in the organization where the research’s object is evaluated.
• The knowledge obtained can be applied immediately, not separately from the observer but as an active participant hoping
to use any new knowledge based on a clear and explicit conceptual framework. One of the advantages of our investigation
is that the results can be immediately fed back into the organization where the study is conducted.
• Research is a process (generally cyclical) that links theory to practice (Baskerville, 1996).
The most frequent description of AR was proposed by Susman and Evered (1978), where the cyclical process is detailed in
five phases (see Figure 1):
• Diagnosing: Identification of the primary problems that means the underlying reasons for which the organization wants to
• Action Planning: Stipulates the organizational action through which the principal problems should be eliminated or
• Taking Action: Implements the action planned. The participants and researchers cooperate in active intervention in the
client organization, channeling certain changes.
• Evaluating: The researcher and the participants evaluate the results in order to determine whether the theoretical effects of
the action were accomplished and if these effects solved the problems.
• Specifying the Learning: the researchers must specify the knowledge acquired based on the results of the evaluation.
Proceedings of the Tenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New York, New York, August 2004
Perez et al.
Systemic Methodological Framework for IS Research
Reconstruction of the
norms bases for next
Hypothesisof work
Specifying the Learning
Action Planning
Objectivesof the
Frame for the next
Taking Action
Infrastructure client/system
Figure 1. The Action Research Cycle.
Source: Adapted from Baskerville (1999).
Thus, AR supports a qualitative research process that inspires soft systems methodologies to enable us to make judgments
about the results of research from different points of view or angles (Abu-Samaha, 2003). Natural Science Methods are very
difficult to apply to human affairs. Since the field of information provision belongs to the domain of human affairs, AR is a
relevant way of investigating it and the issues surrounding it. (Checkland and Holwell, 1998). Therefore AR will be the
reference for the framework proposed. This is where the AR application materializes as a coherent framework that gives it
DESMET Methodology
The objective of an evaluation methodology is to reduce the risk of selecting an invalid or incorrect evaluation method
(Kitchenham, 1996b). In the methodological framework, the DESMET methodology will be useful in the Evaluation Phase
of the AR method. DESMET Methodology arises from the necessity of the software engineers to count on a method to
evaluate methods and tools used in this area (Kitchenham, 1996a). The authors try to give support, among other rolls, to
academic investigators who develop or investigate a new method.
With the exception of formal experiments, DESMET evaluations are context-dependent, which means that we do not expect a
specific method/tool to be the best in all circumstances, what reveals its systemic character. DESMET constitutes an
important methodology since it can be used by academia institutions interested in experimental software engineering
(Kitchenham, 1996a).
DESMET identify nine (9) different evaluation methods (Kitchenham, 1996a):
Quantitative Experiments: an investigation of the quantitative impact of methods/tools organized as a formal experiment.
Quantitative Case Studies: an investigation of the quantitative impact of methods/tools organized as a case study.
Quantitative Surveys: an investigation of the quantitative impact of methods/tools organized as a survey.
Feature Analysis- Screening mode: a feature-based evaluation done by a single individual who not only determines
the feature to be assessed and their rating scale but also does the assessment.
Feature Analysis- Experiment: a feature-based evaluation done by a group of potential user who are expected to try
out the methods/tools on typical tasks before marking their evaluations.
Feature Analysis- Case Study: a feature-based evaluation performed by someone who has used the method/tool on a real
Feature Analysis - Survey: a feature-based evaluation done by people who have experience of using the method/tool,
or have studied the method/tool.
Qualitative Effects Analysis: a subjective assessment of the quantitative effect of methods and tools, based on expert
Benchmarking: a process of running a number of standard tests using alternative tools/methods (usually tools) and
assessing the relative performance of the tools against those tests.
Proceedings of the Tenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New York, New York, August 2004
Perez et al.
Systemic Methodological Framework for IS Research
DESMET suggests a set of technical criteria that affect the selection of the evaluation method. These are: the evaluation
context, nature of the impact, nature of the object evaluated, the impact’s reach, the maturity of the item, the time spent on
learning and the maturity of the evaluating organization. It also suggests three (3) restrictions that can influence the final
selection of the evaluation method, such are (Kitchenham, 1996b): the time required for different evaluation options, the trust
that the user has in the results of an evaluation and the cost of an evaluation. All these criteria stress systemic characteristic
of DESMET. In other words, it supports the choice of evaluation method, not only by considering the internal aspects of the
object evaluated, but its contextual aspects, focusing even more on the relations between the researchers and the object
Case Study
In the field of methods and tools evaluation, the CS is a means for enabling them to be evaluated as part of the normal
software development activities undertaken by an organization. The main benefit of the CS is that it enables the effects of
new methods or tools to be known when they are applied in real situations. A “real” project that has been used in a CS is
referred to as a pilot project or host project. Case study development is a well-established and widely-used research method
in social sciences and management fields (Tellis, 1997). IS researchers also recognize it as one of the most important ways in
which IS theories are developed or confirmed. (Klein and Myers, 1999) (Pare and Elam, 1997) (Trauth, 2001). There are
seven (7) activities for designing and managing a CS (Parikh, 2002): Scanning and preliminary investigation, Selecting the
research topic and subject organization, Collecting and analyzing secondary data, Collecting and analyzing primary data,
Overall assessment, Structuring and Preparing the write-up.
Kitchenham (1998a), proposes four criteria for designing quality in research and validating the conclusions of a CS. These
1. Validations in the Construction: establishing operational measure for the concepts that have been studied.
2. Internal Validations: establishing causal relationships and distinguishing illegitimate relationships.
3. External Validations: establishing the domain for which the findings in the research are generalized.
4. Experimental Reliability: demonstrating that the study can be repeated with the same results.
Note that a CS also fosters cooperation between researchers and the organization in which the case was developed. With the
analysis of the data and the preparation of the report, the reflection of what was investigated was reaffirmed. The context in
which the case is undertaken will be strongly influenced by the specific experience of the application of the action; this
reaffirms its social focus. All of this highlights its systemic nuances.
According to Abu-Samaha (2003) the literature review on IT evaluation shows a significant bias toward using economical
and tangible measures that represent the management’s view of what is “good” and “bad”. Reith, quoted by Abu-Samaha
points out that the purpose of the evaluations is to provide feedback (straightforwardly). Finally, Ezingeard, also quoted by
Abu-Samaha, reiterates the importance of evaluating not just the system but its impact on the organization. All this led to the
proposal of a framework inspired by AR since the research conducted by LISI is aimed at the study of a Human Activity
System; in other words “on a number of activities connected as a result of some principle of coherence” (Checkland, 1993);
(Checkland and Scholes, 1994); (Checkland and Holwell, 1998). Furthermore, the incorporation of the DESMET
methodology gives thoroughness to the choice of the evaluation method. A methodological framework is given below (See
Figure 2).
Documentary and bibliographical research to make up the theoretical referential framework: this activity
corresponds to the revision of the bibliographical material related to the topic investigated. It is extracted from different
available sources (electronic included) with a view to building a conceptual base that would serve as a reference for the
research work. The products obtained include: a set of social, technological and organizational aspects to be considered
in the research.
Analysis of the background: based on the experience of companies around the world on the topic investigated, during
this activity critical success factors, possible reasons for failure, best practices and, performance measures that may be
useful in the research can be established, in addition to open results and/or problems that guide the objectives of the
Formulation of the objectives and scope of the research: During this activity, the scope of the research is formulated.
Its inputs are the results of the two previous activities.
Instantiation of Action Research: in this activity the framework is specified, considering aspects related to the purpose
of the research.
Proceedings of the Tenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New York, New York, August 2004
Perez et al.
Systemic Methodological Framework for IS Research
Design of the product to meet the objectives: this is the first activity in the phase Taking Action; in which, based on
the previous activities, a product proposal is designed (for example: a method, a system, a model, etc.) in a test version,
as well as the considerations of the context in which it must be applied.
Analysis of the context: this is the second activity of the Taking Action phase; the technical criteria proposed by
DESMET are analyzed, in order to decide on the right evaluation method to be applied to the product of the previous
Application of the DESMET methodology: is last stage of the Taking Action phase; during this activity the DESMET
evaluation that adapts best to the research was selected so as to be able to evaluate the product proposal.
Evaluation of the product proposal: first activity of the Evaluating phase; where the product proposal is evaluated
using the method selected according to DESMET in the previous activity.
Analysis of the Results: second activity in the Evaluating phase; consists of studying the results based on the objectives
set in the research, in terms of: the application of the evaluation method proposed by DESMET, the tangible products
achieved and the changes in the environment. By incorporating the changes needed, a second formal version of the
product proposal is obtained for future iterations. In the case where the results were not satisfactory it is necessary to go
to activity 10 to review the design.
To Diagnose
Analysis of
Theoretical Bases
Better practices
Formulation of the objectives
and scope of the research
To Plan the
Instantiation of Action Research
To take the
Desing of the product to
meet the objectives
Desing of the
in Beta version
Analysis of the
Application of
DESMET Methodology
Evaluation of the product
To Evaluate
Analysis of the
Aspect for the reformulation
To Specify
the learning
It fulfills the
Definition of the scope
of the next iteration
Proposal of the product in first version
Conclusions and
Figure 2. Methodological Framework Proposed.
10. Definition of the Scope of the Next Iteration: this activity can take place in the Specifying the Learning phase, if the
results of the evaluation were not satisfactory. By so doing the structure is established for a new iteration of the AR
11. Conclusions and Recommendations: in this activity into the Specifying the Learning phase, the conclusions on the
product proposal already applied in the event that the results are satisfactory are established; otherwise the scopes of the
next interaction of the AR cycle are reinforced.
The framework proposed supports the cooperation process between the researchers and the people from the context
investigated; its approach is social, open to the application of the evaluation method that best adapts to the circumstances, and
fosters a deliberate reflection of the knowledge built.
The methodological framework proposed also has the following systemic characteristics:
Being inspired by the AR method, it inherits its systemic characteristics.
Proceedings of the Tenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New York, New York, August 2004
Perez et al.
Systemic Methodological Framework for IS Research
In activity Nº 4; there is an instantiation which depends on the context. This activity enables the research to be feasible
(Beer, 1970).
DESMET methodology stresses that the evaluations are not independent of the context. This is highlighted by activity
Nº 6 which makes the conditions of the context become incorporated during the evaluation.
Within the framework, basic relations between the activities are proposed; however, they can be modified. These
changes are introduced in activity Nº 4.
At least two feedback links are foreseen; this guarantees that it will be iterated as often as necessary in order to attain the
goals of the research. This strengthens its feasibility.
All the foregoing makes the framework proposed systemic, because it is open to the conditions of the research context, its
flexibility vis-à-vis the object investigated and due to its ability to import or exclude techniques, instruments or relationships
every time an instantiation takes place.
As can be seen in Figure 3, LISI has reported and organized its research topics through 12 fundamental areas, oriented
toward specific solutions and leading to a quality Information Systems Development Process in keeping with Venezuela’s
current reality.
Adoption of
Adoption of
new technologies
new technologies
Systemic Quality
Figure 3. Schematic Diagram of LISI’s research areas.
Source: LISI (2004).
In each research area, LISI seeks to develop Projects that enable effective knowledge to be generated for its practical use.
The results obtained are disseminated through publications in specialized magazines and journals, conferences, seminars,
workshops, etc., aimed mainly at the information technology sector.
By applying this framework, LISI has managed to generate knowledge and reflect it in:
The formulation of referential frameworks for different productive sectors in the country, regarding the state of IS and
the adoption of IT.
The generation of more than 70 national and international publications,
The undertaking of 8 research projects.
Participation in the design and development of the USB’s DID-KMS.
The design and development of SSD-LISI to select the CASE tools.
The development of the SIGA-USB system.
Proceedings of the Tenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New York, New York, August 2004
Perez et al.
Systemic Methodological Framework for IS Research
Accordingly, through the application of this methodological framework, thirty (30) Case Studies have been conducted in the
country in the different sectors of the economy: academic, government, banking, marketing, consulting and development, oil
and services, among other sectors. During that time, the level of maturity of the methodological framework was enhanced
and the context within which the study was carried out was adapted. The incorporation of the DESMET methodology
formalized the selection of the most appropriate evaluation method and the specification of the learning made it possible to
disseminate the lessons learned within the context of the study. Table 1 shows the research in which the framework proposed
has been applied; in this one it can be seen that most of them were carried out in the Evaluation Phase with case studies.
* ”Methodological Approach for developing a KMS:a case
study” Grimán A., Pérez M. ,Rojas T. CLEI Electronic Journal
.Vol. 5, Mayo 2002
* “Feature Analysis for Quality-Based Architectural Design
Methods” Losavio F., Chirinos L., Pérez M. Jornadas Chilenas
de Computación 2001. Punta Arena, Chile. Noviembre 2001.
* “Proceso Sistémico para la Selección de Herramientas
CASE" Mendoza, L. y Pérez, M. AsoVAC
Barquisimeto, Venezuela. 17-22 de noviembre de 2002.
* "Organizational Indicators for CASE Tools Selection: A
Case Study".Mendoza, L.; Rojas, T.; Perez, M. Revista
Vol. 2, N° 2 Diciembre 2001
* “Características de las empresas venezolanas que han sido
exitosas en la selección de Herramientas Case" Mendoza, L.;
Pérez, M. y Rojas, T. ASOVAC 2001. San Cristóbal, Venezuela.
18-23 Noviembre de 2001.
* "Aplicación de un Modelo de Calidad para la Evaluación de
Herramientas CASE adaptado al Estándar Internacional
ISO/IEC 14102". Diaz, M.; Perez, M., Mendoza, L; Rojas, T.
1ras Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Ingenierías de Software e
Ingeniería del Conocimiento (JIISIC 2001) Buenos Aires,
Argentina. 2001
* "Evaluación de Arquitecturas de Software para un KMS
bajo un Enfoque de Calidad" Angulo, A.; Vargas, X.; Pérez,
M. y Grimán, A. AsoVAC 2002. Barquisimeto, Venezuela. 1722 de Noviembre de 2002.
* Architectural Quality in Development Process: A case
study" Grimán, A. Pérez, M., Universidad Simón Bolívar.
* "Evaluating Critical Success Factors According to
Integration Maturity Level" Mendoza, L.; Montoya, H.;
Pérez, M. y Grimán, A. Sixth Annual Conference of the
Southern Association of Information Systems SAIS 2003.
Savannah, USA. 7-8 de Marzo de 2003.
* "Factors for Guaranteeing the CRM Strategy
Implementation" Mendoza, L.; Marius, A.; Pérez, M. y
Grimán, A. Sixth Annual Conference of the Southern
Association of Information Systems SAIS 2003. Savannah, USA.
Proceedings of the Tenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New York, New York, August 2004
Perez et al.
Systemic Methodological Framework for IS Research
7-8 de Marzo de 2003.
* Orientaciones para la Selección de Tecnologías de
Integración de Sistemas de Software" Perez, M.; Mendoza,
L.; Carvajal, Y. III Workshop de Ingeniería de Software Chillán,
Chile - 3 al 8 de noviembre de 2003
* “Modelos de integración: El Caso de las Organizaciones
Venezolanas". Titaeva, I.; Mndoza, L.; Perez, M. AsoVAC
Maracaibo, Venezuela - 24 al 29 de noviembre de 2003
* Proposed Knowledge Reuse Model for Application in
Venezuela".Rojas, T.; Pérez, M.; Rivas, L. American
Conference of Information Systems AMCIS 2003. Tampa, USA.
August, 2003.
* "Propuesta Metodológica para Gerenciar el conocimiento al
implantar un ERP " Rojas, T.; Pérez, M. y La Rosa, D.
AsoVAC 2003. Maracaibo, Venezuela. 17-22 de noviembre de
* "Análisis del Impacto del Proceso de Desarrollo en las
Características de Calidad del Software". Mendoza, L.,
Pérez, M. y Grimán, A. 6º Workshop Iberoamericano de
Ingeniería de Requisitos y Ambientes Software (IDEAS 2003).
Asunción, Paraguay - 30 de abril a 2 de mayo de 2003.
* "Modelo de Calidad (MOSCA) para Evaluar software de
simulación de eventos discretos”. Gladys Rincón, Maria
Pérez, Sara Hernández y Marinelly Alvarez. 6º Workshop
Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Requisitos y Ambientes
Software (IDEAS 2003). Asunción, Paraguay - 30 de abril a 2 de
mayo de 2003.
* "Integration of Systemic Quality and the Balanced
Scorecard" Juan Solano, María Pérez, Teresita Rojas, Anna
Grimán y Luis E. Mendoza. Revista: Information Systems
Management 01/12/2002, Volumen 20, Issue/número 1, pp. 66 –
* "Medición de la Calidad de los Sistemas de Software: Caso
Aplicación Web Bancaria" Fontcuberta, C.; Belfort, M.;
Pérez, M. y Mendoza, L. AsoVAC 2002. Barquisimeto,
Venezuela. 17-22 de noviembre de 2002.
* Instrumento de evaluación de software educativo bajo un
enfoque sistémico" M.G.Díaz-Antón, M.A. Pérez, A.C.
Grimán, L. Mendoza. En el 6to. Congreso Iberoamericano, 4to.
Simposio Internacional, 7mo. Taller Internacional de Software
Educativo: Vigo, Nov 2002, Llamas M., Fernández M., Anido L.
Universidad de Vigo, Servicio de Publicaciones. Colección:
Congresos 37.
* "Algoritmo para la Evaluación de la Calidad Sistémica del
Software" Luis E. Mendoza, María Pérez, Anna Grimán y
Teresita Rojas. 2das. Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Ingeniería del
Software e Ingeniería del Conocimiento (JIISIC 2002) Salvador,
Brasil. Noviembre de 2002.
Proceedings of the Tenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New York, New York, August 2004
Perez et al.
Systemic Methodological Framework for IS Research
* "Quality Evaluation Framework: the Venezuelan case " T.
Rojas, M. Pérez, L. Mendoza; A. Mejías. AMCIS 2002. Dallas,
USA. 3-5 August de 2002.
* "Evaluation of Environments for Portal Development: A
Case Study" Luis E. Mendoza, Anna C. Grimán, María Pérez
y Teresita Rojas. Revista: Information Systems Management
28/02/2002, Volumen 19, Issue/número 2, pp. 70 – 84.
* "Indicators for the Selection of Software Quality
Management Tools" Luisa A. de Luca, Luis E. Mendoza,
María A. Pérez, Teresita Rojas. CLEI 2001. Mérida,
Venezuela. 24-28 septiembre de 2001.
* "Systemic Quality Model for System Development Process:
Case Study" M. Pérez, T. Rojas, L. Mendoza, A. Grimán.
USB. AMCIS 2001.Boston, USA. 3-5 Agosto de 2001.
Table 1. Research Areas in which the methodological framework proposed has been applied
Source: LISI (2003).
Although it can be seen that the evaluation method most frequently applied is the CS, this is not institutionalized in the
framework proposed, since DESMET methodology gives the evaluation a systemic character when the technical criteria are
analyzed. It may be preferable to use another type of evaluation method, given the analysis of the context.
In this article a methodological framework based on the AR method is proposed, incorporating the DESMET methodology in
the evaluation phase to select the most appropriate evaluation method.
The methodological framework proposed is systemic because of the treatment given to the contextual aspects of the research
and its flexible application vis-à-vis the object evaluated. It also allows the inclusion or exclusion of techniques, instruments
and/or relationships each time it is instantiated.
The framework is flexible and suited to LISI’s needs. In turn, it enables knowledge to be managed, constructed through the
handling of the research conducted at LISI.
Its application has made it possible to take into account the knowledge constructed, obtained through over 30 application
The systematic application of this framework has made it possible to consolidate twelve (12) research areas that have
produced several tangible results and, further, enable LISI to evolve as a research group that operates with the support of its
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Proceedings of the Tenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New York, New York, August 2004
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Systemic Methodological Framework for IS Research
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Proceedings of the Tenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New York, New York, August 2004