The Middle East and Europe Two Separate Regions

The EU should understand that security management is not simply ignoring the problems but dealing with them smartly. By Sedat Laciner - 25 November 2015

03.05.2016 The Middle East and Europe: Two Separate Regions? | The Turkish Sun Sedat Laciner Sedat Laciner: Prof. Dr. of International Relations. BA (Ankara University), MA (Sheffield U.) PhD (King’s College London).   The Middle East And Europe: Two Separate Regions? The EU should understand that security management is not simply ignoring the problems but dealing with them smartly. By Sedat Laciner - 25 November 2015 When Turkey’s membership attempt was de facto rejected by the great powers of the European Union, it was argued that the EU should not has borders with the Middle East. Turkey is a Middle Eastern country and its borders with Syria, Iraq, Iran and the Caucasus are not easy places. However, the EU should understand that security management is not simply ignoring the problems but dealing with them smartly. Thanks to the refugee crisis and the recent terror attacks in Paris it is realized more that European security is inseparable from the Middle East developments. The Middle East and Europe are not separate places but close neighbors. Therefore the EU must be more active in the Middle Eastern politics and Turkey’s possible membership could be useful in EU­Middle East relations. REFUGEE­CRISIS AND THE UNION OF EUROPE The influx of more than 700,000 Syrian and Iraqi refugees this year coming to the Western Europe through Turkey, the Balkans and across the Mediterranean met a barely prepared Union. Many member states did not want to share the burden. While Germany, Sweden and Austria took the vast majority of the refugees, the United Kingdom announced it would take in only a few thousand. Similarly Poland declared that it admits only Christian­middle­east­and­europe­two­separate­regions­2­1565/ 1/4 03.05.2016 The Middle East and Europe: Two Separate Regions? | The Turkish Sun refugees. Some EU countries closed down the borders for the victims of the Middle East conflicts. The EU obviously failed in an international humanitarian crisis. The EU neither solved the problem nor adhered to its main values. By the way, while the EU members accusing each other harshly for 10 or 20 thousands refugees Turkey accepted more than 2 million Syrian and Iraqi people. The refugee crisis continues and it threatens the EU integration. The EU has very little tool to solve the crisis because it has no border with the problematic regions and no representative in the source of the problem. RELATIONS WITH MUSLIMS In Paris terror attacks the entire world saw once more that European security is inseparable from the Middle East developments. While civil wars continue in the southern states of the Mediterranean the peoples in the northern coasts of the Sea cannot be in peace. Similarly ignoring the Muslims even they were citizens of the EU cause great damage to the European integration. Muslims on the continent are also part of the European integration and we understand that the EU states have no collective and effective policy towards the Muslim world outside and European Muslim peoples. While the EU has postponed the crises and takes temporary measures hostilities are increasing among the peoples and the states. This unacceptable approach even threatens the European integration by increasing the disagreements between the member states. TERRORISM Terrorism is another challenge to the EU security. After the Paris attacks French President Hollande swore to destroy the ISIS militants. France’ jets bombed and bombed the Syrian territories like the Russians and Americans but all of us knew that the bombing is not the solution to terrorism and extremism. This is a defining moment for the Union states, and the EU must learn from the mistakes of the United States in the aftermath of the 9/11­middle­east­and­europe­two­separate­regions­2­1565/ 2/4 03.05.2016 The Middle East and Europe: Two Separate Regions? | The Turkish Sun attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan. European leaders use the language of war to unite Europe and its peoples but this violence language at the same time divide the European peoples. Millions of Muslims in Europe are paid no attention and left to the radicals and terrorists. The EU should understand that Europe is not only belonging to the non­Muslims but all the Europeans. The recent terror attacks have also showed us that the European integration is about something bridging the gaps between the faiths and cultures too. Military action needs to be taken against terrorists yet the combating terrorism should not damage relations between faiths and peoples. The EU needs to develop a new strategy against terrorism and extremism and needs strong partners in the Muslim world. FUTURE OF THE UNION AND TURKEY In conclusion, the future of the EU is not only dependent on the European developments but also on the relations with the Middle East and northern Africa. Turkey’s position between the European and the Middle East has long cast it as crucial to solutions in both regions. Turkey as part of the Middle East and Europe could play a vital role in developing a new Europeans approach. Turkey also can be a good partner in implementing this strategy. As current experience shows, in the absence of firm ties with Turkey, Europe Union’s influence in the region and beyond is practically nothing. Without Turkey the potential for European Union influence in the Middle East remains low, and without the EU the region remains dangerous for both of the regions. As Joschka Fischer, former German foreign minister, puts it “Turkey is even more important for European interests in this regard. European leaders gravely miscalculated at the start of Turkey’s EU accession talks, believing that­middle­east­and­europe­two­separate­regions­2­1565/ 3/4 03.05.2016 The Middle East and Europe: Two Separate Regions? | The Turkish Sun close ties would make the Middle East’s conflicts Europe’s problem”. The refugee crisis, recent terror attacks and problematic the West –Islam relations highlight the paramount importance for Europe of the Balkan Peninsula, Black Sea, Middle East and beyond where Turkey is a vital partner.­middle­east­and­europe­two­separate­regions­2­1565/ 4/4