Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 23 (2009) 244 – 248
Serum lipid profile in diabetic macular edema
Pinar Altiaylik Ozer⁎, Nurten Unlu, Muhammed Necati Demir, Dicle Oncel Hazirolan,
Mehmet Akif Acar, Sunay Duman
Ophthalmology Department, Ankara Education and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
Received 30 August 2007; received in revised form 17 November 2007; accepted 7 December 2007
Purpose: To evaluate the correlation of lipid profile and clinical presentation of macular edema in Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM)
patients. Materials and Methods: The study included 20 patients with chronic diabetic macular edema and plaque-like hard exudates
(Group 1), 20 patients with diabetic macular edema (Group 2), and 20 DM patients but without retinopathy (Group 3). Diabetic
retinopathy was classified according to the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study grading system. Sample t test was used to
evaluate the association between the fasting serum lipid [total cholesterol, triglyceride, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density
lipoprotein (HDL)], glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), fasting blood glucose, creatinine levels, and the clinical findings. P values b.05
were considered statistically significant. Results: There was no difference between fasting serum lipids and HbA1c levels. Duration of
diabetes was shorter in Group 3 than in Groups 1 and 2. Patients in Group 1 had longer duration of diabetes than others (Pb.05).
Creatinine levels in Group 1 were higher than in other groups (Pb.05). Although there was no correlation between fasting blood
glucose and HbA1c levels, HbA1c was higher in all three groups from the baseline-normal limits (Pb.05). Conclusion: No correlation
was found between serum lipid levels and macular edema severity, but the duration of diabetes was demonstrated as a significant
factor in the progression of macular edema. High HbA1c levels in all patients highlight the importance of intense glycemic control in
diabetic patients.
© 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Diabetic macular edema; HbA1c; Total cholesterol; Triglyceride; LDL; HDL
1. Introduction
Previous studies have shown that the risk factors for
diabetic retinopathy (DR) are the degree of glycemic and
blood pressure control, duration of diabetes, presence of
nephropathy, and raised serum lipids (Aiello & Cahilli, 2001;
Porta & Bandello, 2002). The association between serum
lipids and DR has been widely studied but has produced
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 312 2870376/+90 505 670 56 47;
fax: +90 312 5620808.
E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (P.A. Ozer),
[email protected] (N. Unlu),
[email protected]
(M.N. Demir),
[email protected] (D.O. Hazirolan),
[email protected] (M.A. Acar),
[email protected]
(S. Duman).
1056-8727/07/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
conflicting results due to differences in the methodology and
ethnicity (Avci & Kaderli, 2006; Chew & Klein, 1996;
Dornan, Carter, Bron, Turner, & Mann, 1982; Early
Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group,
1985; Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study
Research Group, 1991; El Haddad & Saad, 1998; Ferris &
Chew, 1996; Klein & Klein, 1984; Klein & Klein, 1999;
Kordonouri & Danne, 1996; Marshall & Garg, 1993;
Mouton & Gill, 1988; Rema & Mohan, 1984; Sinav &
Onelge, n.d; Weber & Burger, 1986).
Macular edema is the most important cause of deterioration of vision in patients with DR. Approximately 29% of all
patients with diabetes of more than 20 years duration are at
risk of macular edema (Klein & Klein, 1984). Macular
edema can be subdivided into focal and diffuse types, and in
severe cases, the central vision of patients declines because
P.A. Ozer et al. / Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 23 (2009) 244–248
Table 1
The demographic characteristics of the patients and severity of retinopathies
Range of
age (years)
Group 1 (n=20)
Group 2 (n=20)
Group 3 (n=20)
Female (%)
Male (%)
Mean duration
of diabetes (years)
55 (n=11)
50 (n=10)
60 (n=12)
45 (n=9)
50 (n=10)
40 (n=8)
Mean time of
follow-up (months)
60 (n=12)
55 (n=11)
75 (n=15)
Severity of retinopathy
NPDR (%)
PDR (%)
50 (n=10)
75 (n=15)
50 (n=10)
25 (n=5)
Group 1, chronic diabetic macular edema with plaque-like hard exudates; Group 2, DR with macular edema; Group 3, non-DR.
of confluent hard exudates in the macular region. In these
cases, the visual loss is usually severe and irreversible
(Avci & Kaderli, 2006).
Pathogenesis underlying the diabetic microvascular
pathologies seem to be similar. Changes in the extracellular
matrix, increased thickness of basement membranes, and
loss of pericytes are the common, early events of DR and
diabetic nephropathy (Camera & Hopps, 2007). In addition
to the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of retinopathy, elevated lipid concentrations may be correlated to an
increase in diabetic macular edema, by way of increased
deposition of hard exudates in the retina. Rema and Mohan
(1984) showed a relationship between increased serum lowdensity lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels and severity of
diabetic maculopathy.
This study aims to provide a contribution to the literature,
in terms of determining the effect of serum lipids on diabetic
macular edema, which is one of the most common results of
endothelial dysfunction in retinal vasculature. We also
examined the correlation of serum creatinine levels with
the severity of macular edema, which is supposed to reflect
the dysfunction in renal vasculature that may accompany the
dysfunction in retinal vasculature.
2. Materials and methods
Data from 20 Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) patients with
chronic diabetic macular edema and plaque-like hard
exudates (hard exudates larger or equal to a half optic disc
diameter) (Group 1), 20 Type 2 DM patients with macular
edema in association to DR (Group 2), and 20 patients with
Type 2 DM but without any retinopathy (Group 3) were
included in the study. Patients with Type 1 DM, chronic renal
failure, uncontrolled hypertension with antihypertensive
medications, and patients with a history of any intraocular
surgery were excluded.
Time of follow-up was retrospectively examined for
patients in Groups 1 and 2 since these patients were in
regular follow-up by our retina department. Patients in
Group 3 were randomly selected from our outpatient
department, included in the study as a control group and
cross-sectionally analyzed. Age, gender, duration of diabetes, and type of the current treatment (with oral
antidiabetics or insulin) were determined; and fundus
examinations with 90D lenses in each visit and four field
retinal color photography were retrospectively examined
for each patient. Optic coherence tomography (OCT) was
applied to all patients with macular edema, and fundus
flourescein angiography (FFA) was carried on patients in
whom the necessity of additional treatment was needed.
Fundus examinations were graded using the Early Treatment
Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) grading system (Early
Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group,
1991). Fundus photographs were assessed in comparison
with the ETDRS standard photographs for severity of
retinopathy (Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy
Study Research Group, 1991) The minimum criterion for
the diagnosis of DR was the presence of at least one definite
microaneurysm in any field of the eye. Photographs were
assessed and assigned a retinopathy level, and the final
diagnosis for each patient was determined from the grading
of the worst eye using ETDRS final retinopathy scale for
individual eyes. Briefly, Level 10 represents no retinopathy
(no DR); Level 20, Level 53, nonproliferative retinopathy
(NPDR); and Level ≥61, proliferative DR (PDR). Diabetic
macular edema was defined as retinal thickening at or within
one disc diameter of the center of macula or the presence of
definite hard exudates (Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group, 1985).
Fasting serum lipid levels, fasting blood glucose,
creatinine, and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels of
patients were detected simultaneously at the same visit of
each patient. Records of the subjects were retrospectively
searched for these biochemical parameters checked out in
each visit. But due to the deficient recordings of some visits,
instead of taking an average, values of the last visit were
taken. The association between the fasting serum lipid levels
[total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, high-density lipoprotein
(HDL)], HbA1c, fasting blood glucose, creatinine levels, and
macular edema status were investigated.
2.1. Statistical analysis
Analysis was performed with SPSS (SPSS for Windows,
version 10.0, SPSS, Chicago, IL) software. One-way
ANOVA (with post hoc Tukey analysis) or Student's t
test, as appropriate, was used to compare groups for
continuous variables. Logistic regression was used to
calculate the association between fasting serum lipid levels
P.A. Ozer et al. / Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 23 (2009) 244–248
Table 2
Serum glucose, creatinine, and HbA1c levels of patients
Group 1 (n=20)
Group 2 (n=20)
Group 3 (n=20)
Table 4
Classification of the patients according to their current treatment type
Mean glucose
Mean HbA1c
Mean Creatinine
(total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, HDL), glucosylated
hemoglobin (HbA1c), fasting blood glucose, creatinine
levels, and the correlation of these levels to the clinical
findings. P values b.05 were considered statistically
3. Results
The demographic characteristics of the patients and
severity of their retinopathies are given in Table 1.
Serum glucose, creatinine, and HbA1c levels of patient
are given in Table 2.
Serum lipid levels of the patients are given in Table 3.
There was no difference between Groups 1 and 2 in terms
of mean follow-up time and between three groups in terms of
presence of hypertension (PN.05). The clinical judgment from
fundus examination of the patients was not different from
OCT and FFA findings. Fifty percent of the patients in Group
1 had PDR, whereas 25% of those in Group 2 had PDR. No
significant difference was found among Groups 1 and 2 in
terms of severity of retinopathy (PN.05). Duration of diabetes
was 14 (±12) years in Group 1, 10 (±7) years in Group 2, and
5 (±4) years in Group 3. It was significantly shorter in Group
3 than in Groups 1 and 2. Patients in Group 1 had significantly
longer duration of diabetes than in Groups 2 and 3 (Pb.05).
There was no significant difference between total
cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, HDL, and HbA1c levels of
the patients in three groups. Creatinine levels in patients with
chronic diabetic macular edema and plaque-like hard
exudates were significantly higher than the other two groups
(Pb.05). Although there was no significant correlation
between levels of fasting blood glucose and HbA1c, levels
of HbA1c were significantly higher in all three groups from
the baseline-normal limits (Pb.05). The correlation of serum
Table 3
Serum lipid levels of the patients
Mean total
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Mean HDL
Mean LDL
Group 1 (n=20)
Group 2 (n=20)
Group 3 (n=20)
Insulin (n=33)
Oral antidiabetics (n=27)
lipid levels and the clinical presentation of macular edema
are found to be independent from age, gender, duration of
diabetes, and HbA1c levels.
Classification of the patients according to their current
treatment type is given in Table 4. No significant difference
exists among groups when their current treatment type is
concerned. HbA1c, creatinine, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL,
and triglyceride levels did not show any difference among
two treatment types (PN.05).
4. Discussion
Association of lipid fractions with macrovascular complications of diabetes (e.g., coronary artery disease) has been
studied in many studies, but a few number of them were
interested in the association of serum lipids with microvascular complications such as DR, and the available results
are conflicting (Avci & Kaderli, 2006; Camera & Hopps,
2007; Chew & Klein, 1996; Dornan et al., 1982; Early
Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group,
1985; Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study
Research Group, 1991; El Haddad & Saad, 1998; Ferris &
Chew, 1996; Klein & Klein, 1984; Klein & Klein, 1999;
Kordonouri & Danne, 1996; Larsson & Alm, 1999; Marshall
& Garg, 1993; Mouton & Gill, 1988; Rema & Mohan, 1984;
Sinav & Onelge, n.d; Sjolie & Stephenson, 1997; Weber &
Burger, 1986). This conflict is thought to arise from the
heterogeneity in subject selection with variable inclusion
criteria and differences in the methodology of assessment
and classification of DR.
Dornan et al. (1982) first showed the association of LDL
cholesterol in subjects with DR in a landmark study. Klein
and Klein (1999) reported an association of unadjusted
serum cholesterol with severity of hard exudates in the
macula. Rema et al contributed to the literature with a study
in which the association of LDL cholesterol and diabetic
macular edema was investigated, and with another study
in which the association between total cholesterol, LDL
cholesterol, and non-HDL cholesterol with diabetic macular
edema (DME) in subjects with Type 2 diabetes was searched
(Camera & Hopps, 2007; Early Treatment of Diabetic
Retinopathy Study Research Group, 1985; El Haddad &
Saad, 1998; Kordonouri & Danne, 1996; Larsson & Alm,
1999; Marshall & Garg, 1993; Mouton & Gill, 1988; Sinav
& Onelge, n.d; Sjolie & Stephenson, 1997; Rema &
Srivastava, 2006; Van Leiden & Dekker, 2002; Weber &
Burger, 1986). Results of the ETDRS study and the study of
Van Leiden et al. also show a close relationship of total
cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels with retinal hard
P.A. Ozer et al. / Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 23 (2009) 244–248
exudate formation and severity of retinopathy (Camera &
Hopps, 2007; Chew & Klein, 1996; Early Treatment of
Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group, 1985; Early
Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group,
1991; El Haddad & Saad, 1998; Kordonouri & Danne, 1996;
Larsson & Alm, 1999; Marshall & Garg, 1993; Mouton &
Gill, 1988; Sinav & Onelge, n.d; Rema & Mohan, 1984;
Sjolie & Stephenson, 1997; Van Leiden & Dekker, 2002;
Weber & Burger, 1986). In a study conducted on Type 2
diabetic patients in a South Indian population, non-HDL
cholesterol and total cholesterol levels were significantly
higher in patients with DR, and these levels were also
significantly higher in patients with DME than the ones
without. Since this correlation is found to be independent
from age, gender, and the duration of diabetes, but
significantly dependent on HbA1c levels, the importance
of glycemic control was the point in the study (Rema &
Srivastava, 2006). As we also investigated the correlation of
serum lipid levels and DR, particularly the effect of serum
lipids on macular edema, our study is similar to these
previous studies. Since diabetic patients without any
retinopathy and patients with chronic macular edema with
plaque-like hard exudates in association to DR are involved
as the control groups, our study is supposed to be different
from the previous studies in the literature.
The mechanisms by which high serum lipids cause the
development and progression of DR are not fully understood. It has been postulated that an increase in blood
viscosity and alterations in the fibrinolytic system occur in
hyperlipidemia and lead to the formation of hard exudates
(Freyberger & Schifferdecker, 1994). Incorporation of
triglycerides into the cell membrane may lead to changes
in membrane fluidity and leakage of plasma constituents in
the retina (Ebeling & Koivisto, 1997). This results in
hemorrhage and edema in the retina. Also, high lipid levels
are known to cause endothelial dysfunction (Langeler &
Snelting-Havinga, 1989; Rangaswamy & Penn, 1997). In
animal models, it has been shown that endothelial dysfunction in the diabetic vasculature results in blood–retinal
barrier breakdown (Joussen & Murata, 2001; Joussen &
Poulaki, 2002). This endothelial dysfunction is the common
aspect of DR and nephropathy that was documented in many
of the previous studies (Bergner & Lenz, 2006; Izzedine &
Fongoro, 2001). Progressive glomerulosclerosis after
endothelial injury results in microalbuminuria in diabetic
patients, which is marked as the first sign of glomerular
injury (Izzedine & Fongoro, 2001; Paueksakon & Revelo,
2002). Serum creatinine levels and creatinine clearance are
also important landmarks of renal function reflecting the
dysfunction in renal endothelial cells. It is also well known
that retinopathy, especially the presence of proliferative DR,
is an independent predictor for nephropathy (El-Asrar & AlRubeaan, 2001). Plasma triglycerides were reported to be an
important predictor of renal failure in Type 2 DM (Colhoun
& Lee, 2001). The primary aim of our study was to
investigate the effect of serum lipid levels on the severity of
maculopathy, but due to this close relationship, we also
investigated the correlation of serum creatinine levels with
the maculopathy severity. As far as we know, this was the
first study that searched the association of serum creatinine
levels of patients with different stages of diabetic maculopathies with the maculopathy severity. In our study, the
serum creatinine levels were found to be higher in patients
with chronic macular edema. This may be explained with the
concomitant pathology in diabetic vasculature in kidneys
and retina, which is microangiopathy.
In our study, we were not able to show a correlation
between serum lipid levels and macular edema. This is
probably due to the small sample size of our groups. The
correlation of serum lipid levels and the clinical presentation
of macular edema are found to be independent from age,
gender, duration of diabetes, and HbA1c levels. It may also
be related to the limited number of cases in the study.
But the effect of the duration of diabetes on macular
edema presentation was found to be significant. Patients
with longer duration of diabetes presented frequently with
chronic macular edema with hard exudates. There was no
literature about serum lipid profiles of the patients with DR
under different treatment modalities. In our study, any
effect of current treatment modality (oral antidiabetics or
insulin) on macular edema status was not shown. Serum
lipid profiles and serum creatinine levels were found to be
similar in patients treated with insulin or oral antidiabetics.
Due to our small sample size in each group, proper
evaluation of our results is limited. Since retrospective
nature of our study puts some biases, new controlled
studies on larger series with stringent criteria should be
carried out about this subject.
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