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A programme to abstractly represent the reproduction, symbiosis and migratory process of the Palauan golden jellyfish. This programme could be developed into relationship laws which similar to Brownian motion and Voronoi tassellation, can be an important architectural resource especially in the fields of architectural symbiosis and biomimicry.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2014
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2019
Fish–jellyfish interactions are important factors contributing to fish stock success. Jellyfish can compete with fish for food resources, or feed on fish eggs and larvae, which works to reduce survivorship and recruitment of fish species. However, jellyfish also provide habitat and space for developing larval and juvenile fish which use their hosts as means of protection from predators and feeding opportunities, helping to reduce fish mortality and increase recruitment. Yet, relatively little is known about the evolutionary dynamics and drivers of such associations which would allow for their more effective incorporation into ecosystem models. Here, we found that jellyfish association is a probable adaptive anti-predator strategy for juvenile fish, more likely to evolve in benthic (fish living on the sea floor), benthopelagic (fish living just above the bottom of the seafloor), and reef-associating species than those adapted to other marine habitats. We also found that jellyfish ass...
Marine Biology, 2020
The medusae of cubozoan jellyfishes have sophisticated behaviours and are strong swimmers. Therefore, they have the potential to influence their distribution and connectivity among populations. We used ecological and behavioural data in combination with local oceanography to estimate the potential of medusae in the cubozoan Copula sivickisi to disperse from local populations at scales of hundreds of meters to kilometres. The distribution of C. sivickisi was mapped on a fringing reef at Magnetic Island, Queensland, Australia, with underwater jellyfish camera units (JCams). The availability of reef habitat, dominated by Sargassum sp. algae and coral, had a significant effect on the abundance of medusae. Medusae were 11-7 times more abundant at shallow (≤ 4.1 m) and mid-depth (4.2-7 m) sites with high to moderate habitat availability, compared to deep sites (≥ 7.1 m) where habitat availability was low. Further, medusae were absent at sites far from suitable habitat, both alongshore and in deeper waters. Medusae displayed preferential habitat selection. They were found low in the water column near reefs in depth stratified plankton tows and they preferentially attached to Sargassum in a habitat choice experiment. The swimming speeds of C. sivickisi medusae were determined experimentally and were equivalent to or faster than most of the current speeds measured where the populations occured. The results suggested that medusae can attach to habitat and swim against currents to maintain positions on reefs, thereby restricting dispersal. Incipient speciation is highly likely within the species' cosmopolitan distribution. Responsible Editor: X. Irigoien. Reviewed by undisclosed experts.
Jellyfish Blooms: Causes, Consequences, and …, 2009
Hydrobiologia, 2009
There are indications that pelagic cnidarians and ctenophores ('jellyfish') have increased in abundance throughout the world, or that outbreaks are more frequent, although much uncertainty surrounds the issue, due to the scarcity of reliable baseline data. Numerous hypotheses have been proposed for the individual increases or outbreaks that are better documented, but direct experimental or
Journal of Plankton Research, 2013
There has been debate in the literature recently about increases in jellyfish populations in response to anthropogenic change, and this has attracted widespread media interest. Despite an international collaborative initiative [National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) working group on jellyfish blooms] to investigate trends in global jellyfish numbers, interpretations from the data remain ambiguous. Although this is perhaps to be expected given the diversity of potential drivers, the debate has not been helped by a general lack of rigorous data and loose definitions. There is a need for the community to refocus its attention on understanding the implications of jellyfish blooms and managing them, because regardless of global trends, jellyfish are a problem in some coastal marine ecosystems. Here, we provide recommendations for advancing jellyfish research. These include directing research toward better managing jellyfish impacts, expanding research into socioeconomic consequences to grow the money available for research, building more operational and ecosystem models for tactical and strategic management, filling in the gaps in our biological knowledge for supporting models, improving surveillance using observing systems and making jellyfish research more rigorous. Some vehicles
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2009
Hydrobiologia, 2001
The scyphozoan Aurelia aurita (Linnaeus) is a cosmopolitan species, having been reported from a variety of coastal and shelf sea environments around the world. It has been extensively studied over the last 100 years or so, and examination of the literature reveals three striking features: (1) the presence of populations in a wide range of environmental conditions; (2) large inter-population differences in abundance and life history patterns over large and small spatial scales; and inter-annual variability in various aspects of its population dynamics. A. aurita is clearly a highly flexible species that can adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions. While various physiological and behavioural characteristics explain how A. aurita populations can take advantage of their surrounding environment, they do not explain what governs the observed temporal and spatial patterns of abundance, and the longevity or lifespan of populations. Understanding these features is necessary to predict how bloom populations might form. In a given habitat, the distribution and abundance of benthic marine invertebrates have been found to be maintained by four factors: larval recruitment (sexual reproduction), migration, mortality and asexual reproduction. The aims of this review are to determine the role of reproduction and life history strategies of the benthic and pelagic phases of A. aurita in governing populations of medusae, with special attention given to the dynamic interaction between A. aurita and its surrounding physical and biological environment.
Sebeb-i Telif: Osmanlı Literatüründe Açık ve Örtük Yazma Nedenleri, 2024
Sebeb-i Telif: Osmanlı Literatüründe Açık ve Örtük Yazma Nedenleri, ed. Mustakim Arıcı ve Sami Arslan (İstanbul: Ketebe, 2024) içinde, s. 33-60. Bu makalede paylaşacağım tahmîd –veya hamdele– örnekleriyle Tanrı’nın farklı yüzleri olduğunu vurgulayıp İslam geleneğinde erken modern dönemden beri mütemadiyen güçlenen, modern zamanlarda kamusal alanda egemenlik kurmayı başaran ve şu yaşadığımız günlerde bazılarımızı artık soluk alamayacak bir hâle getiren çoğunlukçu anlayışın yanında, orta çağlarda dört başı mamur bir hâlde yaşanmış bir çoğulcu tahayyülün de olduğunu hatırlatmak istiyorum. Bu makalenin ana eksenini oluşturan çalışmayı, ilk olarak “The multiple faces of the One: the invocation section of Ottoman literary introductions as a locus for the central argument of the text” başlığıyla Harvard Üniversitesi’nde 16-17 Kasım 2006 tarihlerinde düzenlenen “Sebeb-i Telif: A Symposium on Ottoman Primary Sources” adlı akademik toplantıda sunmuştum ki, bu sunumu, biraz geliştirdikten sonra, aynı başlıkla Middle Eastern Literatures dergisinde de yayımlamıştım (12 [2009]: 27-41). Bu makale, o İngilizce makalenin Zeynep Yelçe tarafından yapılan ve daha önce yayımlanmayan Türkçe çevirisinin genişletilerek gözden geçirilmiş hâlidir ve Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi Yazma Eserler Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi’nde 8-10 Haziran 2022'de düzenlenen Sebeb-i Telif Sempozyumu'nda sunulduktan sonra son halini almıştır. Makalede okuyacağınız Kemalpaşazade'ye atf edilen metne dikkatimi çeken Abdurrahman Atçıl'a makalede teşekkür etmeyi unuttuğumu çok geç fark ettim, kendisinin affına sığınıyorum. Son olarak, FSM VÜ Yazma Eserler Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Uzmanı Elif Derin Can'a da teşekkür etmeliydim, atlamışım, umarım o da beni affeder.
Effective leadership Situational leadership
Revista Direitos Humanos e Democracia
International Review of Sociology, 2024
Gabriel Leite, 2023
Journal of Econometrics, 2010
Neotropical Entomology, 2001
Bishir Gambo Saulawa , 2018
Andrea Bonoldi, Andrea Leonardi (eds.), Recovery and Development in the European Periphery (1945-1960), Bologna, il Mulino / Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2009, pp. 129-161, 2009
Nature Biotechnology, 2011
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2017
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2021
NPG Neurologie - Psychiatrie - Gériatrie, 2012
Science Journal of Business and Management, 2016
Journal of the International AIDS Society
Ciência e Natura, 2019
Elgi Yulia Fitri , 2025
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2001
Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research, 2024