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Topic 6: Describe how children acquire their mother tongue. TESOL Diploma program, Module-1, Assignment-2
Traduction et Langues , 2006
Cet article tente d'éclairer la manière dont l'enfant apprend sa langue maternelle. Des considérations théoriques ont été données pour expliquer les mécanismes d'acquisition du langage chez l'enfant. Ensuite, les enjeux de l'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère ont été abordés. L'apprentissage des langues étrangères a soulevé de nombreuses controverses. Aucune méthode n'a réellement montré de résultats satisfaisants. Chaque nouvelle méthode est saluée avec beaucoup d'enthousiasme, elle reste en vogue plus ou moins longtemps, puis elle est finalement abandonnée soit parce que sa faisabilité n'a pas été prouvée, soit parce qu'une nouvelle méthode l'a supplantée. Il est en effet très difficile de proposer une méthode générale applicable tant les situations et les besoins des apprenants présentent de nombreuses variables. L'apprenant est-il un enfant ou un adulte ? Apprend-il avec un enseignant ou seul ? à l'aide d'enregistrements ou de diffusions de leçons ? sur quel système peut-il se concentrer ? at -il besoin d'un cursus s'étalant sur plusieurs années ou cherche-t-il à acquérir l'essentiel dans un temps beaucoup plus limité ? Quelles que soient les réponses à ces questions, il faut admettre que dans presque tous les cas, l'enfant apprendra l'anglais de manière artificielle, c'est-à-dire très différemment de la manière naturelle dont il a acquis sa langue maternelle, avec une exposition constante à la langue de sa famille, de son environnement et avec une forte motivation instinctive pour apprendre un moyen de communication verbale efficace. Apprendre une langue, que ce soit sa langue maternelle ou une langue étrangère, c'est apprendre à l'utiliser, à répondre aux situations en y disant les choses qui conviennent, à comprendre ce que les autres y disent et, finalement, à lire et à écrire dans cette langue.
The current study investigates the accessibility of a systematic pattern to children learning their first language, and also it is a try to show the effect of the quantity of input on first language acquisition. To these aims, two case studies were carried out on six children learning as their first language. The participants of the first study were three children acquiring their first language in Indramayu being followed for 12 months (24-36 months) to see if they all passed the same pattern in language development. The participants of the second study were three Children (who were exposed to less input) acquiring their first language in Indramayu being followed for 12 months (24-36 months) to see if the language development was affected considering the amount of input they were exposed to. In-depth interviews, observations, audio and video recordings, notes and reports were used to collect the data for this study. The data collected for each Children was analyzed separately, and the stages of development were reported for each children accordingly. The findings support the claim that the process of language acquisition depends on an innate language ability which holds that at least some linguistic knowledge exists in humans at birth, and also the input that learners receive plays a very important role in the language acquisition since the input activates this innate structure.
Infants and very young children develop almost miraculously the ability of speech, without apparent effort, without even being taught – as opposed to the teenager or the adult struggling without, it seems, ever being able to reach the same level of proficiency as five year olds in their first language. This useful textbook serves as a guide to different types of language acquisition: monolingual and bilingual first language development and child and adult second language acquisition. Unlike other books, it systematically compares first and second language acquisition, drawing on data from several languages. Research questions and findings from various subfields are helpfully summarized to show students how they are related and how they often complement each other. The essential guide to studying first and second language acquisition, it will be used on courses in linguistics, modern languages and developmental psychology.
LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal
This research discusses a case study of children in acquiring their first language at age 18 months old in Bukittinggi. The process deals with some stages namely cooing, babbling, holophrastic, the two-word stage, telegraphic stage, and multiword stage. The purpose of this study is focused on how the children learn the language in the real life. To find out the answer of the problem in this research, the researcher uses the related theories, they are Lyons (1981), Varshney (2003), Chomsky (2009), Bolinger (2002), Gleason (1998), Steinberg (2003), Fromkin (1983), Bolinger (2002) and Steinberg (2003). This research is conducted with descriptive qualitative research where the subject and object is taken from the children at age 18 months old in Bukittinggi. The researcher takes the observed baby named Azka as the subject and gets the data by observation and video recording. After the data had been collected, the researcher finds out that Azka was 18 months old baby who was in holophras...
Acitya: Journal of Teaching and Education
Studying children’s language acquisition is quite fascinating to be conducted because as we know that the astonishing advancement of their language obtaining from 0 to 3 years or more. The aim of the study is to obtain deep understanding about language acquisition on a three-year old child "Gadis Mardhiyah" and to observe language development of her. Besides, this study uses qualitative approach. In this case, researcher observes her daily conversation in her surrounding in order to get the natural result without any setting. This study was conducted at her house in Bintaro sector 9 Pd. Pucung Tangerang Selatan. Regarding this, the study was conducted for four weeks and preliminary study was done for a month before the researcher doing her observation. Data analysis was carried stage by stage in accordance prior to the focus of the problems. After the data obtained through observation and document inductively processed, then the next step is to define the meaning on th...
Historia de la Psicología_403001 UNIDAD 2 Rafael es un joven de 21 años, de origen campesino que recién terminó el bachillerato en un colegio agrícola de su región, desde niño se ha interesado por la lectura, especialmente por la historia y las ciencias sociales. Durante los grados 10 y 11, su interés por la Filosofía y el conocimiento se incrementó gracias a la metodología por el profesor empleada en su clase. Por diferentes circunstancias no pudo ingresar a la Universidad y se dedicó a apoyar a su familia en las labores agrícolas de la parcela familiar y a participar en actividades comunitarias en las que siempre se destacó por su liderazgo. Durante una feria universitaria en su pueblo, en su paso por el stand de la UNAD, se interesó por el programa de Psicología, considerando que como líder comunitario y por la escasez de psicólogos en la región ésta podría ser una excelente opción para su formación profesional. Rafael solicitó un pensum del programa de psicología, lo llevó a su casa y con mucho detenimiento y dedicación lo estudió; se matriculó en el período intersemestral que estaba abierto en esta primera matrícula; desarrolló tres cursos académicos, entre ellos Epistemología de la psicología, este curso le
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