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OSINT = information that has been deliberately discovered, discriminated, distilled and disseminated to a select audience, generally the commander and their immediate staff, in order to address a specific question – creates intelligence. OSINT – V = OSINT Validated – is information to which a very high degree of certainty can be attributed. The four pillars to an OSINT strategy = sources + software + services + analysis Traditional Media Sources = prior the Internet – foreign print, broadcast media, radio and TV Grey literature = both legally and ethically available, but only from specialized channels or through direct local acces. Este literatura care nu se poate obtine prin furnizorii obisnuiti de achizitie: edituri, redactii, agentii de carte, fiind deci dificil de identificat. Poate fi: rapoarte de cercetare, studii tehnice, lucrari de conferinte, simpozione, traduceri, teze, dizertatii, lucrari de diploma. OSD (Open Source Data) = emisiuni radio/TV, tipărituri
Proceedings of the World Conference on Innovative Research in Education, 2024
This paper discusses various transcoding systems that convert non-Latin texts into Latin script. Particularly significant is the Romanization of Slavic languages. The Latinization systems generally fall into two classes: those based on the transliteration approach and those based on practical transcription. During transliteration, the main attention is paid to simple correspondence (mutual unambiguity) between original and converted characters that allows for text reversibility, i. e. the ability to restore the original text after re-transliteration. During practical transcription, the primary concern is the sound of words. In the last scenario, it is not always possible to restore the original text. The significance of transliteration extends to historical texts written in non-Latin scripts as well. Latinization systems are broadly utilized in multilingual Natural Language Processing tasks, resulting in their wider use and enhanced need.
General elections are the focal points when citizen journalism becomes more active on the internet. In Singapore, the 2006 general election was heralded as the “internet” election as bloggers put out articles and videos about the opposition in spite of government threats of prosecution. Across the border, the alternative media in Malaysia, operating in a much less constrained online environment, were able to provide extensive coverage of the opposition in the 2008 polls. The impact of citizen journalism in these elections was mixed. In Singapore, it did not translate to an increase in opposition numbers in parliament, while in Malaysia research is inconclusive that the Internet played a pivotal role in the opposition parties’ spectacular electoral gains. Nevertheless, the use of the new media demonstrates the internet’s potential as a democratising force in these two semi-democracies. With the rise of online citizen journalism the ruling regimes in both countries have maintained the pressure on ‘unfriendly’ news websites, blogs, online networks and other manifestations of the alternative media before their next general election scheduled for no later than 2011 and 2013 respectively. This paper compares the situation in Singapore and Malaysia and reflects on the significance of citizen journalism during elections in the coming years.
kan leiden tot meer invloed van regionaal grondwater. Een goede monitoring van de buffercapaciteit van ven-en grondwater (peilbuizen) is hier essentieel. Opnieuw oppompen van grondwater is een laatste redmiddel om te sterke verzuring te voorkomen. Eventueel kan het grondwater niet direct in het ven worden geleid, maar worden gebruikt om het inzijggebied te bevloeien, zodat de kwelstromen naar het ven minder zuur worden. Er lijken voldoende mogelijkheden aanwezig om de levensgemeenschap van zwak gebufferde vennen hier over grote oppervlakten verder te herstellen. Literatuur
El que segueix és la transcripció d’una conversa de Miquel Berga amb Declan Donnellan, director de la prestigiosa companyia britànica “Check by Jowl”, coneguda pels seus nombrosos muntatges de Shakespeare, que va tenir lloc al Teatre de SALT, durant el Festival Temporada Alta, el novembre de 2009. Donnellan hi va presentar “Macbeth”.
The workflow in historic architecture projects presents problems related to the lack of clarity of processes, dispersion of information and the use of outdated tools. Different heritage organisations have showed interest in innovative methods to resolve those problems and improve cultural tourism for sustainable economic development. Building Information Modelling (BIM) has emerged as a suitable computerised system for improving heritage management. Its application to historic buildings is named Historic BIM (HBIM). HBIM literature highlights the need for further research in terms of the overall processes of heritage projects, its practical implementation and a need for better cultural documentation. This work uses Design Science Research to develop a protocol to improve the workflow in heritage interdisciplinary projects. Research techniques used include documentary analysis, semi-structured interviews and focus groups. HBIM is proposed as a virtual model that will hold heritage data and will articulate processes. As a result, a simple and visual HBIM protocol was developed and applied in a real case study. The protocol was named BIMlegacy and it is divided into eight phases: building registration, determine intervention options, develop design for intervention, planning the physical intervention, physical intervention, handover, maintenance and culture dissemination. It contemplates all the stakeholders involved.
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IJCSIS July Vol 17 No 7, 2019
Dolores Corbella, Josefa Dorta and Rafael Padrón (eds), Perspectives en linguistique et philologie romanes. II volumes. Paris : Éditions de Linguistique et de Philologie, Bibliotèque de Linguistique Romane (BiLiRo), nº 18.1-18.2, 2023, 2023
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