

OSINT = information that has been deliberately discovered, discriminated, distilled and disseminated to a select audience, generally the commander and their immediate staff, in order to address a specific question – creates intelligence. OSINT – V = OSINT Validated – is information to which a very high degree of certainty can be attributed. The four pillars to an OSINT strategy = sources + software + services + analysis Traditional Media Sources = prior the Internet – foreign print, broadcast media, radio and TV Grey literature = both legally and ethically available, but only from specialized channels or through direct local acces. Este literatura care nu se poate obtine prin furnizorii obisnuiti de achizitie: edituri, redactii, agentii de carte, fiind deci dificil de identificat. Poate fi: rapoarte de cercetare, studii tehnice, lucrari de conferinte, simpozione, traduceri, teze, dizertatii, lucrari de diploma. OSD (Open Source Data) = emisiuni radio/TV, tipărituri

OSINT = information that has been deliberately discovered, discriminated, distilled and disseminated to a select audience, generally the commander and their immediate staff, in order to address a specific question – creates intelligence. OSINT – V = OSINT Validated – is information to which a very high degree of certainty can be attributed. The four pillars to an OSINT strategy = sources + software + services + analysis Traditional Media Sources = prior the Internet – foreign print, broadcast media, radio and TV Grey literature = both legally and ethically available, but only from specialized channels or through direct local acces. Este literatura care nu se poate obtine prin furnizorii obisnuiti de achizitie: edituri, redactii, agentii de carte, fiind deci dificil de identificat. Poate fi: rapoarte de cercetare, studii tehnice, lucrari de conferinte, simpozione, traduceri, teze, dizertatii, lucrari de diploma. OSD (Open Source Data) = emisiuni radio/TV, tipărituri Motoare de cautare: Bing, Google, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo!, MSN, Soso, Picsearch, TinEye, Torproject Retele de socializare: Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, YouTube Google operatori: “ “ – exact match OR logical or, google puts defaults logical AND intre termini Tesla -motors – merge ca not Intitle:”tesla vs Edison” – cauta numai in titlurile paginilor web Filetype:pdf sau filetype:xls