Papers by Dhananjay Vasudeo Dwivedi
Journal of The Oriental Institute, 2024
Tila, one of the oldest cultivated seed crops, is known for its nutritional and medicinal values ... more Tila, one of the oldest cultivated seed crops, is known for its nutritional and medicinal values from time immemorial. Believed to be originated from sweat of Bhagavān Viṣṇu, Tila is part and parcel of Indian culture and tradition. It finds mentions in Vedic Literature, Rāmāyaṇa, Māhābhārata, Purāṇa and other classical Sanskrit Literature. There are numerous synonyms for Tila and all of them have special significance. Medicinal significance of this plant has been described in at length in Āyurvedic texts. Going by various texts it is loud and clear that Tila bestows strength, is laxative, aphrodisiac, mitigate Vāta, Pitta & Kapha, is nourishing, holds urine, increases digestive fire, improves intelligence, mitigates ulcer, checks the pain of head, good for teeth and is helpful it treating various kinds of fractures apart from many other things. Traditional healers use Tila in increasing appetite and treating abdominal pain. There are various preparations of Tila and they too are highly useful from medicinal point of view. It is also used as pests and preservative. The word ‘Taila’, which is Sanskrit equivalent for oil, has been derived from Tila. This indicates that Tila oil was among the first oil manufactured in ancient India. This is astringent, sweet, hot and sharp. It decorates hairs provides strength and alleviates itching. It is highly useful in treating wounds. It is treated is nature’s gift to mankind. Tila is used in various forms in enriching various plants. It is also an important ingredient of various formulations that are used in treating various diseases related to plants.
Indian journal of history of science, Aug 1, 2017
शोधप्रभा, 2023
ãä å aeAE çÅÉà ÊË Í èé é ê ëìèìèìèíî ëìèìèïèð Úñ òóË Í ôõ ö Âõ ö ÷ øùÅú î íûÍüä ö Äõ ö î ýÂAE þåÿ... more ãä å aeAE çÅÉà ÊË Í èé é ê ëìèìèìèíî ëìèìèïèð Úñ òóË Í ôõ ö Âõ ö ÷ øùÅú î íûÍüä ö Äõ ö î ýÂAE þåÿ0åÚ1 î ãà þÛõ ê é é èèèû
Journal of Sukrtindra Oriental Research Institute, 2023
Articles/Research papers invited Standard articles (original and unpublished) written in error-fr... more Articles/Research papers invited Standard articles (original and unpublished) written in error-free language (Sanskrit / English) and prepared according to proper research methodology as in MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers on topics of Indological/ Oriental importance are invited. Manuscripts should be neatly typed in double space with correct diacritical marks wherever necessary. Correctness of details of works referred should be verified. Short articles are preferred.
Journal of Ganganath Jha Campus, 2023
From times immemorial, Harītakī is known for its cultural and medicinal importance. Its synonyms,... more From times immemorial, Harītakī is known for its cultural and medicinal importance. Its synonyms, which have been mentioned in Nighaṇṭu texts, clearly indicate its habitat, morphology, cultural significance and medicinal properties. Apart from Nighaṇṭu texts like Rāja Nighaṇṭu, Bhāvaprakāśa Nighaṇṭu, Madanapāla Nighaṇṭu etc. and Āyurvedic texts like Caraka Saṃhitā, Suśruta Saṃhitā etc., and several Purāṇas have also mentioned medicinal qualities of Harītakī. Fruits of Harītakī are used for medicinal purposes. Various preparations of Harītakī are known for rejuvenation. It is used as tonic and anti-dysenteric. It is useful in treating asthma, vomiting, hiccough, eye diseases, heart diseases, urinary discharges, fever, constipation, itching, skin diseases etc. In effect, Harītakī is useful in treatment of diseases caused by vitiation of all three humours or doṣas. Seven types of Harītakī have been mentioned in various Nighaṇṭu texts. Āyurvedic texts have prescribed the diversified use of Harītakī in accordance with seasons. Harītakī is also used in treatment of diseases related to plants.
The Journal of Sanskrit Academy , 2021
The great ancient Indian scholars have made valuable contributions to conceptualize the plant dis... more The great ancient Indian scholars have made valuable contributions to conceptualize the plant diseases and formulations for their treatment. There are great amount of references in this context in Sanskrit texts. On any living beings (plants or animals or humans) general health and vitality is the first line of defence against disease. It is a fact that the plants do undergo ailments and diseases caused by natural forces and other aliens like pests and animals. Some of these are difficult to prevent, and some were treated using specific herbs. Various Sanskrit texts including Atharvaveda, Agnipurāa, Kauilīya Arthaśāstra, Vkāyurveda, Upavanavinoda and Bhatsahitā etc. contain chapters dealing with diseases and treatment of plants.
Journal of Oriental Institute , 2022
Āmra, botanically known as Mangifera indica L.; well known for its delicious and nutritious fruit... more Āmra, botanically known as Mangifera indica L.; well known for its delicious and nutritious fruits, is commonly known as Mango. This large, evergreen tree is one of the highly revered and most admired trees of India. It has more than 50 synonyms in Sanskrit language as mentioned in Ayurveda. Besides, its cultural and economic value, various ancient Indian texts describe its medicinal importance. It is majorly recommended for treatment of gastrointestinal disorders like diarrhoea, dysentery, vomiting and constipation. Ethnomedicinally also, it has been used for treatment of several diseases by diverse ethnic communities of the country. Many of its medicinal properties have been scientifically demonstrated in various studies and bioactive molecules have been isolated. The present paper is an attempt to describe medicinal properties of Āmra in brief as mentioned in various ancient Indian texts.
वास्तुशास्त्रविमर्श, 2022
शाश्वती (डा. सन्तोष कुमार पाण्डेय स्मृतिग्रन्थ), 2022
शाश्वती (डा. सन्तोष कुमार पाण्डेय स्मृतिग्रन्थ), 2022
शाश्वती (डा. सन्तोष कुमार पाण्डेय स्मृतिग्रन्थ), 2022
शाश्वती (डा. सन्तोष कुुमार पाण्डेय स्मृतिग्रन्थ), 2022
शाश्वती (डा. सन्तोष कुमार पाण्डेय स्मृतिग्रन्थ), 2022
शाश्वती (डा. सन्तोष कुमार पाण्डेेय स्मृतिग्रन्थ), 2022
Yw a Am¡ a emókmZ go n[any U© Wr& {Og ñWmZ na Amn ~¡ R> Vo Wo dh AmnHo $ ^ì` ì`{º$Ëd go Xo Xrß`'m... more Yw a Am¡ a emókmZ go n[any U© Wr& {Og ñWmZ na Amn ~¡ R> Vo Wo dh AmnHo $ ^ì` ì`{º$Ëd go Xo Xrß`'mZ hmo OmVm Wm& AmnH$m ñ'aU H$a lr'ØJdÒrVm '| d{U© V X¡ dr` Jw Um| H$m ghO ñ'aU hmo AmVm h¡ {Oggo Amn n[any U© Wo & X¡ dr` Jw Um| Ho $ gå~ÝY '| lr'ØJdÒrVm '| H$hm J`m h¡-A^` § gÎdgëw {Õ… kmZ`mo Jì`dpñW{V…& XmZ § X'ü `kü ñdmÜ`m`ñVn AmO© d'² && Aqhgm gË`'H« $mo YñË`mJ… empÝVan¡ ew Z'² & X`m ^y Vo îdbmo bw ßËd § 'mX© d § õraMmnb'² && Vo O… j'm Y¥ {V… em¡ M'Ðmo hmo Zm{V'm{ZVm& dpÝV gånX § X¡ dr'{^OmVñ` ^maV&&
शाश्वती (डा. सन्तोष कुमार पाण्डेय स्मृतिग्रन्थ), 2022
S> m°. YZÄO`dmgw Xo dmo {Ûdo Xr Z'mo @ñVw Vo ì`mg {demb~w Õo 'w $"ma{dÝXm`VnÌZo Ím& o Z Ëd`m ^maV... more S> m°. YZÄO`dmgw Xo dmo {Ûdo Xr Z'mo @ñVw Vo ì`mg {demb~w Õo 'w $"ma{dÝXm`VnÌZo Ím& o Z Ëd`m ^maVV¡ bny U© … àÁdm{bVmo kmZ'`àXrn…&& OJX² ì`m{nZ… gmañdVàmgmXñ` gd© 'mÝ`… nw amo Ym gäjH$ü H¥ $îUÛ¡ nm`Zmo do Xì`mg… AZw n'… {doe'"b{dYm`H$mo {dÚVo & do Xdo Xm"mZm § ì`dñWmnH$… Aï> mXenw amUm § 'hm^maVñ`, ~« ÷gy ÌmUm § M àUo Vm {ÌH$mbXeu gd© k… H¥ $îUÛ¡ nm`Zmo ^JdmZ² do Xì`mg… ^maVñ` ^m½`{dYmVm ggmañ` nWàXe© H$… Ed § km{ZZm'² AZw n'mo Jw é… dV© Vo & dñVw V… Abmo H$gm'mÝ` § do Xì`mg¨ ny U© ê$no U kmVw § Z H$mo @{n g'W© …& 'h{f© … do Xì`mg… ^maVr`gñH¥ ${Vgä`V`mo … àdV© H$… àgmaH$ûM& lr'Ôo dr^mJdVñ` 'hmnw amUñ` àW'ñH$ÝYñ` V¥ Vr`o @Ü`m`o ì`mgmZm § g»`m Aï> mqde{V… CXmöVm@pñV& Vo fw H¥ $îUÛ¡ nm`Zmo do Xì`mg… 'y Y© Ý`…& g km{ZZm § namH$mð> m Ed& ^JdV… lrH¥ $îUñd MZ{'X § gd© Wm gË` § à{V^m{V-AZo H$OÝ'g{gÕñVVmo `m{V nam § J{V'² & ì`mgñ`mñ` OZH$… 'h{f© … namea… OZZr M gË`dVr AmgrV² & B`'o d gË`dVr H$m¡ adnmÊS> dmZm § à{nVm'hr {d{XVm& amkm emÝVZw Zm gh {ddm{hVm ^y Ëdm gm {MÌm § JX § {d{MÌdr`ª Mo {V nw ÌÛ` § OZ`m'mg& gÝVmZ'² AZw ËnmÚ¡ d {d{MÌdr`© … {Xd § JV…& VXZÝVa § 'mVw … gË`dË`m… AmXo emV² ì`mg… {d{MÌdr`© ñǹ ËZrÛ`o Z gh {Z`mo J{d{YZm gånHª $ gñWmß` Y¥ Vamï> § nmÊSw > #m CËnmX`m'mg& Ed'o d Vñ`¡ d dr`m© X² EH$ñ`m… Xmñ`m… J^m© V² gË`dmXr {dXw a… gÄOmV…& lr'Ôo dr^mJdVnw amUo d¥ ÎmmÝV{'X § g{dñVa § d{U© V'pñVì`mgdr`© ñVw gÄOmVmo Y¥ Vamï> mo @ÝY Ed M& 'w qZ Ñï² > dm@W H$m{'Ý`m Zo Ìg'rbZo H¥ $Vo && oeo Vê$nm `Vmo OmVm Ñï² > dm ì`mg¨ Z¥ nmË'Om& ì`mgH$mo nmV² g'w ËnÞ… nmÊSw > ñVo Z Z gë`…&& gVmo {fVñV`m ì`mgmo Xmñ`m H$m'H$bm{dXm& {dXw añVw g'w ËnÞmo Y'mª e… gË`dmŠ`ew {M…&& lr'Ôo dr^mJdVnw amUo-2/6/2-4 gÝVmo f Hw $'ma nmÊS> o ¶ ñ'¥ {VJ« § W, 2022 Aa{Ugå^d… ew H$Xo dmo @{n ì`mgdr`m© Xo d g'w ËnÞ… 'Ý`Vo & ì`mgñ` gmYZm^y {'… {h'mb`… AmgrV² & {h'mb`o ~X`mª Vñ` Aml'… AmgrV² & Apñ'Þo d Aml'o ì`mg… {eî`o ä`… do
शाश्वती (डा. सन्तोष कुमार पाण्डेय स्मृतिग्रन्थ), 2022
Papers by Dhananjay Vasudeo Dwivedi