PIXE Simulation With Geant4
Maria Grazia Pia, Georg Weidenspointner, Mauro Augelli, Lina Quintieri, Paolo Saracco, Manju Sudhakar, and
Andreas Zoglauer
Abstract—Particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) is an important physical effect that is not yet adequately modelled in Geant4.
This paper provides a critical analysis of the problem domain associated with PIXE simulation; it evaluates the conceptual approach,
design and implementations of PIXE modelling so far available in
Geant4, and describes a set of software developments to improve
PIXE simulation with Geant4. The capabilities of the developed
software prototype are illustrated and applied to a study of the passive shielding of the X-ray detectors of the German eROSITA telescope on the upcoming Russian Spectrum-X-Gamma space mission.
Index Terms—Geant4, ionization, Monte Carlo, PIXE.
HE use of charged particle beams like protons, particles
and other heavy ions as a means of characteristic X-ray
production has received considerable attention in recent years.
The origin of the emission lies in the ionization of target material
atoms by incident energetic charged particles: some atoms are
ionized by removing an electron from an inner electronic shell;
this inner shell vacancy is subsequently filled by an electron
from an outer shell. Such an electron transition may give rise to
the emission of characteristic X-rays at energies corresponding
to the difference in the binding energies of the involved atomic
The application of particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE)
to non-destructive trace element analysis of materials has first
been proposed by Johansson and co-workers in 1970 [1]. Today,
this experimental technique is widely exploited in diverse fields,
from industrial applications to biological, environmental, geological and forensic sciences, as well as in archeometry and
studies of the cultural heritage. An overview of PIXE experimental methods and scope of application is documented in [2].
Manuscript received April 03, 2009; revised September 06, 2009. Current
version published December 09, 2009.
M. G. Pia and P. Saracco are with INFN Sezione di Genova, 16146 Genova,
Italy (e-mail:
[email protected];
[email protected]).
G. Weidenspointner is with the Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische
Physik, 85740 Garching, Germany, and also with MPI Halbleiterlabor, 81739
München, Germany (e-mail:
[email protected]).
M. Augelli is with the Centre d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), 31401 Toulouse,
France (e-mail:
[email protected]).
L. Quintieri is with INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, I-00044 Frascati,
Italy (e-mail:
[email protected]).
M. Sudhakar is with INFN Sezione di Genova, 16146 Genova, Italy and also
with the Department of Physics, University of Calicut, India. She is on leave
from ISRO, Bangalore, India (e-mail:
[email protected]).
A. Zoglauer is with the Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California,
Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA (e-mail:
[email protected]).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNS.2009.2033993
The physical process of PIXE may also give rise to unwanted
instrumental background X-ray lines, as is the case for space
missions and for some laboratory environments. It also affects
the spatial distribution of the energy deposit associated with the
passage of charged particles in matter: in this respect, its effects
may become significant in the domain of microdosimetry.
The wide application of this experimental technique has motivated the development of several dedicated software systems;
nevertheless, despite its large experimental interest, limited
functionality for PIXE simulation is available in general-purpose Monte Carlo codes.
This paper discusses the problem of simulating PIXE in the
context of a general-purpose Monte Carlo system; it analyzes
the current status of PIXE simulation with Geant4 [3], [4] and
describes a set of developments to improve it. Finally, it illustrates an application of the developed PIXE simulation prototype to a concrete experimental problem: the study of the passive
shield of the X-ray detectors of the German eROSITA [5] (extended Roentgen Survey with an Imaging Telescope Array) telescope on the upcoming Russian Spectrum-X-Gamma [6] space
Software tools are available in support of PIXE experimental
applications as specialized codes or included in general-purpose
simulation systems. Their main characteristics are briefly summarized below with emphasis on modelling the physics interactions underlying PIXE.
A. Specialized PIXE Codes
Dedicated PIXE codes are focussed on the application of
this technique to elemental analysis. They are concerned with
the calculation of experimentally relevant X-ray yields resulting
from the irradiation of a material sample by an ion beam: primarily transitions concerning the K shell, and in second instance
transitions originating from vacancies in the L shell.
For this purpose various analysis programs have been
developed, which are able to solve the inverse problem of
determining the composition of the sample from an iterative
fitting of a PIXE spectrum; some among them are GeoPIXE
[7], GUPIX [8]–[10], PIXAN [11], PixeKLM [12], Sapix [13],
WinAxil [14] and Wits-HEX [15]. A few codes concern PIXE
simulation [16]–[18] specifically.
Physics modelling issues are considered in specialized codes
insofar as they can affect the measurable X-ray spectrum; other
physics effects are often subject to simplification or neglected.
These codes adopt similar strategies to address the problem
domain: they share basic physics modelling options, like the
0018-9499/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE
adoption of the ECPSSR (Energy-Loss Coulomb-Repulsion
Perturbed Stationary State Relativistic) [19] model for the
calculation of ionization cross sections; they handle simple
experimental geometries, such as target materials consisting of
layers, and impose limitations on the type of samples that can
be analyzed. Approximated algorithms are adopted to calculate
the X-ray yield, like artificially dividing the material sample
into thin slices and summing-up yields derived from each one.
The capabilities of various dedicated software systems for
PIXE spectra analysis have been compared in controlled conditions [20]; the results have shown similar performance, as well
as room for improvement, for all the examined codes.
B. PIXE Simulation in General-Purpose Monte Carlo Systems
Dedicated PIXE software systems have a limited application
scope, as they lack the capability of dealing with complex experimental configurations.
Comprehensive modelling capabilities are usually associated
with general-purpose Monte Carlo systems. However, the simulation of PIXE is not widely covered by large scale Monte Carlo
codes treating hadron interactions, while the conceptually similar simulation of electron impact ionisation is implemented in
the EGS [21]–[23] and Penelope [24] electron-photon Monte
Carlo systems. The Geant4 simulation toolkit addresses X-ray
emission induced both by electrons and heavy particles like protons and particles.
The physics that needs to be considered for the simulation
of PIXE includes the energy loss and scattering of the incident charged particle, atomic shell ionization cross sections,
and atomic transition probabilities and energies. On top of these
physics features, consistency should be ensured, when modelling PIXE, with the particle transport schemes governing the
Monte Carlo simulation.
Intrinsically, PIXE is a discrete process: X-ray emission
occurs as the result of producing a vacancy in atomic shell
occupancy, in competition with Auger electron emission and
Coster-Kronig transitions. Nevertheless, this discrete process
is intertwined with the ionization process, which determines
the production of the vacancy; this process, for reasons which
are elucidated below, is treated in general-purpose Monte Carlo
codes with mixed condensed and discrete transport schemes.
The transport scheme to which ionization is subject affects the
simulation of PIXE.
The simulation of the energy loss of a charged particle due
to ionization is affected by the infrared divergence of the cross
section for producing secondary electrons, leading to a large
production of low energy electrons. In the context of general
purpose Monte Carlo systems, a discrete treatment of each individual ionization process, and subsequent atomic relaxation,
poses a problem: explicitely considering the production of soft
secondary particles may soon become inhibitive, since, due to
their large number, the required computation time becomes excessive.
Infrared divergence is usually handled in general-purpose
Monte Carlo codes by adopting a condensed-random-walk
scheme [25] for particle transport. In such a scheme, the particle’s energy loss and deflection are treated as averaged net
effect of many discrete interactions along the step, thereby
substituting in the simulation a single continuous process for
the many discrete processes that actually occur. In a mixed
scheme, like the one adopted by Geant4 [3], two different
régimes of particle transport are introduced, which are distinguished through a secondary production threshold setting, i.e.
a threshold for the kinetic energy of the electron that is kicked
out of an atom as a result of ionization (the so-called -ray):
all ionizations that would generate -rays below the threshold
are treated as a continuous process along the step, while the
ionizations that produce -rays above the threshold are treated
as a discrete process.
While this combined condensed-random-walk and discrete
particle transport scheme is conceptually appealing and appropriate to many simulation applications, it suffers from drawbacks with respect to the generation of PIXE.
One drawback is that atomic relaxation, therefore the emission of characteristic X-rays or Auger electrons, occurs only in
connection with the discrete part of the transport scheme, where
the event of producing a -ray can be associated with the creation of a vacancy in the shell occupancy. For the same reason,
the fluorescence yield depends on the threshold value set for the
kinetic energy of the electron resulting from ionization.
This problem cannot be avoided by simply setting the -ray
production threshold to zero, which effectively would eliminate the continuous part of the energy loss, because, apart from
the prohibitive computational time demands, the theoretical assumptions on which the cross section calculations rely are only
valid for -ray kinetic energies that are much greater than the
mean excitation energy of the material.
Another drawback of the current transport scheme is that the
cross section for discrete hadron ionization, i.e. for production
of a -ray, is calculated in Geant4, like in other general-purpose
Monte Carlo codes, from a model for energy loss that is independent of the shell where the ionization occurs. While theoretical calculations are available to determine the spectrum of the
emitted electron for each sub-shell in the case of electron impact ionization [26] for any element, to the authors’ knowledge
no such facilities are currently available for the ionization induced by protons and ions. Experimental data are not adequate
either to complement the lack of theoretical calculations. It is
worthwhile stressing that a cooperative theoretical and experimental effort into this direction would be desirable.
Attempts to deal with fluorescence emission outside the
scheme of ionization outlined above have not found a satisfactory solution in other Monte Carlo systems either. For instance,
the Penelope code treats fluorescence emission resulting from
electron impact ionization as an independent discrete process
along with a conventional mixed transport scheme; however,
this strategy has been reported to lead to negative dose computations in spatial regions of the experimental setup that are
subject to large statistical fluctuations [27].
The simulation of PIXE in the context of Geant4 must deal
with the constraints imposed by the condensed-random-walk
schemes adopted for charged particles transport, as well as with
the limitations of the theoretical calculations which are currently
available in this problem domain.
Software models for the simulation of PIXE induced by protons and particles are currently available in the Geant4 low
energy electromagnetic package [28], [29]. Their main features
are briefly reviewed here, and their shortcomings are discussed.
A. First PIXE Development Cycle
The first development cycle [30] to provide functionality for
PIXE simulation in Geant4 involved a fairly general software
design to handle ionization cross sections, which was originally
developed by one of the authors of the present paper, and a set
of implementations.
It concerned the simulation of PIXE associated with the discrete part of the continuous-discrete hadron ionization process
in Geant4 low energy electromagnetic package. The software
design allows the ionization process to use interchangeable
models of cross sections, detailed at the shell level, through
a Strategy design pattern [31]: a common abstract base class
G4VhShellCrossSection is provided, while a variety of physics
models can be implemented in derived concrete classes. A
user application can be configured by instantiating the desired
concrete cross section model; the hadron ionization process
uses shell cross section models polymorphically through their
abstract base class in its algorithm for the simulation of PIXE.
Based on the cross section calculations, the process determines
the creation of a vacancy in the shell occupancy, and uses
Geant4 Atomic relaxation [32] package for producing fluorescence photons and Auger electrons as a consequence of it.
Three implementations of cross section models for the determination of the vacancy in the shell occupancy are currently
available in Geant4, based on the above described design.
The G4hShellCrossSection class, derived from G4VhShellCrossSection, implements ionization cross sections based on
Gryzinski’s theoretical model [33], [34] for all elements from
hydrogen through uranium and all atomic shells. This implementation appears to be affected by a severe problem: this is
illustrated in Fig. 1, which compares the cross section for K
shell ionization of gold by protons calculated by this class to
the cross section compilation by Paul and Sacher [35] based on
experimental data. It is not clear whether the observed large discrepancy is due to an error in the software or the deficiency of
the theory or both, but clearly this implementation is inadequate
to describe PIXE correctly.
Apart from the gross discrepancy with respect to reference
values associated with experimental data, Fig. 1 shows another
undesirable feature of the G4VhShellCrossSection cross section
implementation: the value of the K shell ionization cross section as a function of the proton energy appears to depend on the
threshold set by the Geant4 user for producing -rays (respectively 1 keV and 1 MeV in the test case illustrated in the figure).
K shell ionization cross sections based on fits to tabulated
data are implemented [36]–[38] in two other classes derived
from G4VhShellCrossSection: G4hShellCrossSectionExp and
G4hShellCrossSectionDoupleExp; the latter involves more
refined fitting functions to describe the data. These models have
been documented by their implementers [36], [37] as cross
sections for K shell ionization by protons based on Paul and
Sacher empirical compilation [35]. Nevertheless, these classes
Fig. 1. A comparison of the K shell ionization cross section for Au, implemented in G4hShellCrossSection (open symbols), with the experimental reference [35] (black dots); the two sets of cross sections calculated by G4hShellCrossSection correspond to 1 MeV (triangles) and 1 keV (squares) settings of
the threshold for producing secondary electrons from ionization.
Fig. 2. A comparison of K shell ionization cross sections, implemented in
G4hShellCrossSectionDouble [36], [37] (black circles), with Paul and Bolik
[39] empirical reference for particles (open symbols): the curves are respectively for Si (squares), Cu (triangles), Cd (crosses) and Au (white circles). The
line represents ECPSSR K shell cross sections for particles resulting from the
software developments described in Section IV.
appear to describe the cross sections for K shell ionization by
particles compiled by Paul and Bolik [39]: this is evident
in Fig. 2, where cross sections calculated by G4hShellCrossSectionDoupleExp are compared to data in [39] for various
atomic numbers (Z); G4hShellCrossSectionExp shows similar
behaviour consistent with Paul and Bolik tabulations. The
software verification plots in [36], [37] also show the fitting
functions to be consistent with the cross sections for particles
listed in [39]. Therefore, one can conclude that these implementations calculate cross sections correctly; rather, they have
been incorrectly documented by their implementers regarding
the type of particle they are pertinent to.
Fig. 3. An illustration of the effect of the -ray production threshold on the discrete part of the ionization cross section, concerning silicon as target atom. The
filled symbols represent ionization cross sections for individual shells (summed
over all sub-shells) from an ECPSSR calculation: K shell (black circles) and L
shell (black squares). The total cross section for the discrete part of ionizations
as computed in Geant4 is depicted with open symbols for different -ray production thresholds: 1 keV (white circles), 10 keV (white squares) and 100 keV
(white triangles). For some -ray production thresholds it may occur that the
total cross section is smaller than the cross section for ionising any shell.
Nevertheless, even if K shell ionization cross sections appear
to be correctly calculated, the simulation of PIXE, currently
based in Geant4 by default on G4hShellCrossSectionDouble, is
affected by other issues concerning the production of a vacancy
in the K shell. Both these classes determine the probability of
creating a vacancy in the K shell according to the ratio of its
ionization cross section with respect to a total ionization cross
section. The software design of their base class assumes that
the value of the total ionization cross section is supplied from an
external source. In the current Geant4 PIXE implementation the
total ionization cross section value is provided by the low energy
hadron ionization process, and coincides with the cross section
at a given proton energy for producing a -ray above the secondary electron production threshold [40]. The secondary production threshold is set in a Geant4 user application in terms of
the electron range; for convenience of computation, it is converted by Geant4 kernel into an energy cut associated with each
material and region of the experimental set-up.
Therefore, like in the case illustrated above with the class implementing the Gryzinski cross section model, this algorithm
introduces a dependency of PIXE simulation on the user-defined electron energy cut. This feature is prone to generate inconsistent behavior: for instance, as it is illustrated in Fig. 3, for
some -ray production threshold settings the cross section for
ionizing the K shell (which is smaller than the cross section for
ionizing outer shells) may be larger than the total cross section
for producing a -ray supplied by the hadron ionization process.
The logic of the implemented algorithm fails in association with
the occurrence of these conditions: it prevents the generation of
PIXE, despite the occurrence of a discrete ionization. Fig. 3 also
shows that, even when the K shell cross section is smaller than
the value of the total cross section supplied to the vacancy creation algorithm, other issues may arise, since the determination
of the probability of creating a vacancy in the K shell neglects
outer shells, whose cross section may in turn become larger than
the supplied total cross section. Anomalous behavior of the software occurs in Geant4 user applications related to these features
of the algorithm.
At least in principle, this drawback could be overcome by
setting a lower value for the -ray production threshold (e.g.
well below 1 keV in a case like the one depicted in Fig. 3):
however, this would not represent a satisfactory solution, both
considering the required large computational time and the assumptions under which the applied theoretical models are well
grounded. The key issue is that the validity itself of a mixed
continuous-discrete simulation scheme relies on the assumption
that the relevant processes (i.e. those producing particles that the
user wants to be tracked) happen at a much higher energy scale
than the applied cuts.
A further evolution of the software belonging to the first
development cycle implemented the capability of generating
PIXE associated with the continuous part of the hadron ionization process. An algorithm implementing this functionality is
currently available in Geant4 G4hLowEnergyIonisation hadron
ionization process and can be optionally activated by the user;
however, its underlying physical model does not appear to
be documented. To the authors’ knowledge, no usage of this
algorithm has been reported in experimental applications, nor
its validation.
B. Software Released in Geant4 Version 9.2
A set of ionization cross section implementations [41] for
PIXE simulation were first released in Geant4 9.2-beta version,
and subsequently in 9.2 version in identical form. These developments originate from the same project described in this paper;
therefore, the selection of cross section models in [41], out of
those documented in literature, partly overlaps with those described in this paper, while the modelling strategy, software design, implementation and test process are different in the two
The implementations in Geant4 9.2 include two cross section
models for K shell ionization by protons and particles, and
one model for L shell ionization by protons. The cross sections
for K shell ionization in Geant4 9.2 are based on interpolations
of empirical data compilations (Paul and Sacher [35] for protons, Paul and Bolik [39] for particles) and on the ECPSSR
theory [19]; they are respectively implemented in the Geant4
G4PaulKCrossSection and G4ecpssrCrossSection classes. The
cross sections for L shell ionization by protons are based on the
semi-empirical model of [42], which consists of polynomials
derived from fits to experimental data complemented by data
calculated through the ECPSSR theory; they are implemented
in the G4OrlicLCrossSection class.
Comparison plots are reported in [41] to demonstrate the capabilities of the implementations released in Geant4 9.2 with
respect to the previous Geant4 cross section models and experimental data. Nevertheless, they compare cross section implementations for K shell ionization by protons released in Geant4
9.2, and proton ionization experimental data, with the cross section models for particles described in Section III-A: this comparison is not pertinent.
The software for the calculation of ionization cross sections
described in [41] and released in Geant4 9.2 is affected by several drawbacks.
G4PaulKCrossSection calculates cross sections for particles consistent with those provided by the previously released
G4hShellCrossSectionExp and G4hShellCrossSectionDoupleExp classes, and with the Paul and Bolik data on which all
the three implementations are based: in this respect, it does not
contribute new functionality to Geant4. However, it is much
slower in execution than the previously existing classes described in Section III-A implementing the same functionality;
as documented in Section IV-F, it is slower than G4hShellCrossSectionDoupleExp (the more complex of the two previous
models) by a factor 40 to 60 approximately depending on
the target atomic number. The computational performance of
G4PaulKCrossSection for proton cross section calculation is
two orders of magnitude slower than the one measured with the
developments described in this paper. The slow performance
of G4PaulKCrossSection resides in its design: this class is
deprived of attributes, therefore objects instantiated from it
cannot be characterized by a state, which may vary along with
the simulation execution. As a result of this design feature, the
calculation of a cross section for a given incident particle energy
and type, and target particle type is charged with the heavy
burden of instantiating and constructing an object responsible
of data management, and of loading the entire data tabulations
associated with the target particle, every time a client invokes
the corresponding function.
The G4PaulKCrossSection [41] class released in Geant4 9.2
attempts to open an external file, which should contain the data
corresponding to K shell ionization cross section values tabulated as a function of energy derived from [35] and [39] respectively for protons and particles, and reformatted for use by
this class; nevertheless, the required associated data files are not
released in Geant4 9.2. This omission prevents the execution
of the code by any Geant4 user. The evaluation reported here
has been possible by supplying the necessary data files derived
by the authors of the present paper from the original references
[35] and [39]. In addition, this class exhibits a memory leak that
causes an abnormal end of execution of simulations using a sufficiently high number of histories.
The G4ecpssrCrossSection class computes K shell ionization
cross section for protons and particles nominally based on the
ECPSSR formulation [19]. However, it does not appear to reproduce ECPSSR cross sections correctly: for instance, Fig. 1 to 3
in [41] exhibit an evident divergence at higher energies of these
implementations with respect to the empirical data by Paul and
Sacher. Reference ECPSSR cross sections for the corresponding
elements are tabulated in the same Paul and Sacher publication
[35]: they are documented to reproduce the ECPSSR theory of
[19] with accuracy better than 1.3%, and are close to the empirical values. The ECPSSR cross sections calculated with the
Fig. 4. Cross sections for copper K shell ionization by protons: reference
ECPSSR tabulations reported in [35] (stars), ECPSSR as calculated by the
G4ecpssrCrossSection class released in Geant4 9.2 [41] (white crosses),
ECPSSR model as calculated by the software described in Section IV based
on ISICS tabulations (solid line), and empirical model of Paul and Sacher
[35] (black circles). G4ecpssrCrossSection does not appear to implement the
ECPSSR theoretical model correctly.
models described in this paper, based on the interpolation of
values produced by ISICS [43], [44], are also consistent with
the reference ECPSSR tabulations and the empirical values of
Paul and Sacher [35]. As an example, Fig. 4 compares software
implementations and reference values for K shell ionization of
copper by protons: cross sections calculated by the G4ecpssrCrossSection class of Geant4 9.2, ECPSSR cross sections from
the model described in Section IV, ECPSSR reference cross sections tabulated in [35] and the empirical cross sections of [35].
Similarly, one can observe in Fig. 2 that the ECPSSR cross
sections for particles described in Section IV are in agreement with the empirical cross sections of Paul and Bolik [39],
while the ECPSSR implementation of G4ecpssrCrossSection is
shown in [41] to produce significantly different results at higher
energies with respect to the same empirical model.
Therefore, based on these verifications, the discrepancy
shown in [41] between the ECPSSR cross sections calculated
by Geant4 9.2 models and the empirical models of [35] and
[39] hints to a flawed software implementation of the ECPSSR
theoretical model in G4ecpssrCrossSection rather than a deficiency of the ECPSSR theory.
G4ecpssrCrossSection implements the analytical formulae
required for the ECPSSR cross section calculation; apart from
not reproducing the expected theoretical values correctly, this
software strategy determines significantly slower code with
respect to interpolating pre-calculated look-up tables, which
is a common practice in Monte Carlo codes when intensive
computation of physical quantities is required.
The computational performance of the cross section models
released in Geant4 9.2 is documented in detail in Section IV-F
in comparison to the previous models and those described in
Fig. 5. The unified modelling language [51] class diagram of the developments for PIXE simulation described in this paper, illustrating the main features of the
this paper. The significant performance penalty charged by the
models released in Geant4 9.2 with respect to the already available ones and the models presented in this paper makes them
inefficient for practical experimental applications.
The semi-empirical model by Orlic et al. [42] implemented
in G4OrlicLCrossSection for the calculation of L shell ionization cross sections has limited capabilities. It computes cross
sub-shells only for elements with
sections for individual
atomic number greater than 40; for lighter elements, it provides
total L shell ionization cross sections. This limitation of the
model prevents the simulation of fluorescence for such lighter
elements, since the sub-shell where a vacancy in the shell occupancy is produced by ionization cannot be univocally determined to initiate the process of atomic relaxation. As it is emphasized in [42], this semi-empirical model is valid only in a
restricted interval of proton energies, up to approximately 10
MeV, corresponding to the range of the data on which it is
based; this limits its usefulness for experimental applications
concerned by higher energy ranges, like astrophysics, precision
dosimetry or high energy PIXE techniques. This model is also
affected by physics limitations: in fact, as demonstrated in Section V-D, it is less accurate than other available models, when
compared to experimental data.
The cross section models released in Geant4 9.2 exhibit
severe software design limitations, that prevent client code
from exploiting polymorphism, i.e. one of the key features
of the object oriented technology, in the simulation of PIXE.
The related classes do not derive from a common base class,
which would allow the client to treat different models through
dynamic polymorphism according to basic object oriented
programming techniques. They do not share common syntactic
constructs either, which would make them suitable for static
polymorphic usage consistently with generic programming
techniques. The public interface is different for each one of the
cross section classes released in Geant4 9.2: the basic operation
of providing the client a cross section, which is conceptually
identical for any atomic shell and any physics modelling option,
is associated with a CalculateCrossSection member function
in G4ecpssrCrossSection, a CalculateKCrossSection member
function in G4PaulKCrossSection and CalculateL1CrossSection, CalculateL2CrossSection and CalculateL3CrossSection
member functions in G4OrlicLCrossSection. Moreover, the
member functions for K shell cross section calculation have a
different argument list than those for L shell cross sections.
G4OrlicLCrossSection contains a semantic flaw: the CalculateL1CrossSection public member function returns the total
cross section for L shell ionization for target elements with
atomic number between 14 and 40 instead of the cross section
for L1 sub-shell ionization, as its name suggests and as it indeed
implements for targets with atomic number greater than 40.
This design would oblige the client to implement ad hoc code
to use each physics model, both for dealing with either model
for K shell ionization (ECPSSR or empirical) and for handling
the ionization of different shells or sub-shells.
The low energy hadron ionization process released in Geant4
version 9.2 still relies on the design described in Section III-A
for the generation of PIXE. The cross section models of [41]
released in Geant4 version 9.2 are not compatible with it, nor
any client process using them has been released in Geant4 9.2.
Due to their design features, these models are not practically usable for PIXE simulation applications based on Geant4;
their implementation features—correctness, computational performance and physical accuracy—motivate concerns about their
use in experimental studies.
charged particle transport schemes in a general-purpose Monte
Carlo environment.
The developments described in this paper adopt a software
process model based on the Unified Process [46] framework.
The Unified Process is use case driven and architecture-centric;
the software developments are motivated by concrete experimental applications, one of which is discussed in Section VI,
and significant effort is invested in the software design, as described in Section IV-B.
The adopted software process framework involves an iterative and incremental life-cycle: the final product is the result
of incremental extensions of functionality and iterative refinements. This software process model is well suited to the complex problem domain associated with PIXE: it allows the developers to address the identified physics and software issues
through a series of coherent developments, but at the same time
producing functional versions of the software at intermediate
stages of the development process. The concrete produced deliverables—which include both code and other work products
of the software process, like validation results—can be used to
address experimental requirements and to get feedback for further improvements.
The development cycle described in this paper addresses
a significant subset of the simulation requirements associated with PIXE, while it is still based on the current conventional Geant4 particle transport scheme. The adopted
component-based design provides the ground for reusing the
components for PIXE simulation developed at this stage in
future evolutions of Geant4 kernel; in this respect, it mitigates
the risks associated with ongoing investigations about particle
transport schemes concerning impact ionization [47].
The test process included the verification of the software, the
validation of its components, and the evaluation of computational performance.
As part of the validation process, consistently with [48], the
developed software prototype was applied to a concrete use case
to demonstrate whether it satisfies its intended use and user
needs. Its application to a real-life experimental study is illustrated in Section VI.
The software described in the following sections is meant
to be available for public use following the publication of this
paper. Until the subject software is approved for release through
the Geant4 collaboration, it is available from the corresponding
author. Users obtaining the software prior to release through
Geant4 will be required to acknowledge that they are using prototype software.
At the present time, the Geant4 toolkit does not provide adequate capabilities for the simulation of PIXE in realistic experimental use cases.
The first development cycle had a limited scope: the implementations concerned only PIXE induced by particles and
involving K shell ionization—apart from the implementation
based on Gryzinski’s theoretical model, which produces physically incorrect results. Even with the models which calculate
K shell ionization cross sections correctly, inconsistencies arise
in the simulation of PIXE related to the algorithm implemented
for determining the production of a K shell vacancy.
The deficiencies exhibited by the software released in Geant4
9.2 did not contribute to improve PIXE simulation with respect
to the previous version.
A set of developments for PIXE simulation is described in
the following sections, which followed the first development
cycle described in Section III-A. A preliminary overview of
their progress was reported in [45]; this paper documents them
in detail, and shows that they can be concretely used to study a
realistic experimental problem. It also discusses the remaining
open issues and proposes a path for further improvements to
PIXE simulation with Geant4 over a longer time scale.
The vision underlying these developments derives from the
problem domain analysis discussed in Section II-B. The complexity of PIXE simulation in a general-purpose Monte Carlo
code and the issues which are still open in this respect motivate the adoption of sound software methods and technology:
their purpose is to ensure the development of reusable solutions, which would stand the challenge of evolutions in transport schemes. The adopted software process model, described
in Section IV-A, supports this vision; the domain decomposition and software design, described in IV-B, enable it.
The physics aspects associated with PIXE involve the creation of a vacancy in the shell occupancy due to ionization,
and the emission of X-rays from the following atomic deexcitation. The former requires the knowledge of ionization
cross sections detailed at the level of individual shells: for this
purpose several models have been implemented and validated
against experimental data. The latter exploits the existing functionality of Geant4 Atomic Relaxation package. The physics
features involved with PIXE simulation are described in Sections IV-C through IV-E, while the computational performance
and accuracy of the cross section models are documented in
Sections IV-F and V.
A. Software Process
A satisfactory treatment of PIXE in Geant4 requires addressing its specific requirements along with the complexity of
B. Analysis and Design
This discipline plays a critical role in PIXE software development, considering the complexity of the problem domain described in Section II-B. It is a key issue to provide operational
software for concrete experimental applications within the current constraints, while setting the ground for further smooth evolution and reuse, should new theoretical physics developments
or novel transport schemes become available.
The domain decomposition at the basis of PIXE simulation
with Geant4 identified three main entities with associated responsibilities: the hadron ionization process, the creation of a
vacancy in the shell occupancy resulting from ionisation, the
deexcitation of the ionised atom with the associated generation
of X-rays. The simulation of PIXE is the result of the collaboration of these entities.
The ionisation process is a client of both the vacancy creation
and the atomic relaxation sub-domains; it interacts with the
Geant4 tracking domain regarding the evaluation of the mean
free path of a particle and the effects of its occurrence, like
delivering secondary products for further tracking or depositing
energy in the volume that the particle traverses.
The interaction with Geant4 particle transport (Geant4
tracking domain) is limited to the ionisation process; the vacancy creation and the atomic relaxation sub-domains interact
with the ionisation process, but do not with Geant4 kernel.
The software design addresses the issues identified by the
problem domain analysis with the support of appropriate object
oriented techniques. It adopts a component-based scheme,
where components are associated with the rigorous underlying
domain decomposition and are responsible for the required
On top of the specific analysis issues to be considered, PIXE
simulation should take into account performance issues as well.
For this purpose a data-driven modelling strategy has been
adopted for the calculation of the physical quantities involved
with creating a vacancy in the shell occupancy. Ionisation cross
sections as a function of energy are pre-calculated from analytical models or experimental compilations, and provided for use
in the simulation as ASCII text files; cross sections at a given
energy are calculated through interpolation over the tabulated
values. This approach minimizes the necessary computational
investment; its previous application in the library-based processes of the Geant4 low energy electromagnetic package has
demonstrated that satisfactory accuracy can be achieved [49],
The requirement of dealing with physical computations
through a data-driven approach determines another component
in the software design, specifically responsible for handling
physics data.
A class diagram in the Unified Modelling Language (UML)
[51] illustrates the main features of the software design in Fig. 5.
The data management component deals with the low level
management of ionisation cross section data. Its interface, the
G4VDataSet abstract base class, defines the operations associated with the component; a set of derived concrete classes implement the functionality specific to the data management associated with a single entity, like an atomic shell, or a composed system, like an atom with an underlying shell structure,
or a material consisting of atoms. The software design exploits
a Composite design pattern [31] to handle all such entities transparently through a common interface. Interpolation over tabulated values can be performed according to different algorithms,
which are handled transparently through a Strategy pattern [31].
The data management component also provides functionality
for randomly selecting a sub-shell based on associated cross section data.
The design of the data management package is more general
than the functionality required for PIXE simulation: it can
manage generic data, which may correspond to individual or
composed structures. It extends and improves the preliminary
functionality for this purpose developed by one of the authors
of this paper for use in Geant4 low energy electromagnetic
package. Thanks to its generality, it can find application in
other physics simulation domains.
The client deals with the data management only through the
interface class. Therefore a variety of data sets can be supplied
for use by the client software, which can either be interchangeable alternatives for the same functionality, for instance tabulations deriving from theoretical or empirical models, or correspond to complementary functionality, e.g. data for different
particle types or (sub-)shells.
The originally developed G4PixeCrossSectionHandler class
is responsible for the physical management of cross sections
and the creation of the initial shell vacancy by hadron impact.
It provides functionality for the calculation of various types of
cross sections: the cross section for emitting a ray above a
given energy threshold (implemented as in [40]), the ionization
cross sections corresponding to a single (sub-)shell, and the ionisation cross section calculated from the summation over individual (sub-)shells. It exploits the lower level functionality of
the data management package for obtaining cross section values
at a specified energy according to the model selection indicated
by the user. The vacancy produced by ionisation is determined
by delegating the lower level data management package the responsibility of randomly selecting a shell according to the relative weight of shell ionization cross sections.
The deexcitation of the atom, once a vacancy has been created, is delegated to Geant4 Atomic Relaxation package [32],
which is also responsible for the generation of secondary particles: X-rays and Auger electrons. Since Geant4 Atomic Relaxation package provides functionality for elements with atomic
number larger than 5, this limitation also applies to the simulation of PIXE.
The G4RDHadronIonisation class is an improved version
of the hadron ionization process implemented in the Geant4
low energy electromagnetic package [52]. Its responsibilities
regarding the simulation of PIXE have been minimized: they
are entirely delegated to G4PixeCrossSectionHandler and
Atomic Relaxation, respectively for what concerns the creation
of a shell vacancy and the following creation of secondary
products resulting from atomic deexcitation. For what concerns
PIXE, its role is limited to triggering the operations of G4PixeCrossSectionHandler and of the Atomic Relaxation interface
(G4AtomicDeexcitation) in its PostStepDoIt member function,
which is responsible for the actions pertinent to the discrete behaviour of ionisation. The ionisation process is responsible for
handing the products of atomic relaxation to Geant4 tracking
together with the -ray electrons produced by ionisation.
Thanks to the component-based design, the functionality provided by the components specific to PIXE simulation (G4PixeCrossSectionHandler and Atomic Relaxation) is not limited to
being used in G4RDHadronIonisation according to the above
outlined scheme. Other client processes can be envisaged to
manipulate the functionality they provide—creation of a vacancy in the shell occupancy and deexcitation of the atom where
a vacancy has been created, without requiring any modification of the PIXE specific software. For instance, these com-
ponents could be used by a dedicated client process to handle
PIXE resulting from impact ionization as an independent discrete process, similarly to the approach adopted in Penelope;
they could also be reused in future evolutions of Geant4 kernel.
This versatility of the design represents an improvement over
the design of the first development cycle.
The attribution of most of the responsibilities for PIXE simulation to specific components, along with the limitations of the
responsibilities of the process class in this respect, is propedeutic to further evolutions in this physics sub-domain: thanks
to this design, PIXE functionality can improve independently
without requiring modifications to the ionisation process, while
the process would benefit of such evolutions transparently to
provide an overall improved description of ionisation and its associated physics effects.
Even if presently applied only to protons and particles, this
design is suitable to handle PIXE production by any particles.
C. Ionisation Cross Section Models
The simulation of PIXE concerns a variety of experimental
applications, that require the capability of calculating ionisation
cross sections over an extended energy range: from a few MeV
typical of material analysis applications to hundreds MeV or
GeV range of astrophysical applications.
Various theoretical and empirical models are available in literature to describe ionisation cross sections for different interacting
particles, as well as compilations of experimental data. However,
there is limited documentation in literature of systematic, quantitative assessments of the accuracy of the various models.
The current software prototype has adopted the strategy of providing an extensive collection of ionisation cross section models
as a function of element, atomic (sub-)shell, and incident particle
kinetic energy. The availability of a wide choice of modelling options allows the study of the characteristics of the various models
in a systematic and comprehensive way, also in relation to experimental data, and the evaluation of the different observable effects
they may produce in concrete simulation use cases.
According to the chosen strategy, the provision of a cross section model is reduced to the construction of tabulations of its
values at preset energies. The cross sections associated with the
models described in this paper have been pre-calculated either
using existing software documented in literature, or developing
ad hoc code. The data are stored in files, which make up a data library for PIXE simulation with Geant4—but could be used also
by other codes. The cross section data sets selected by the user
are loaded into memory at runtime; cross section values at a
given energy are calculated by interpolation over the tabulated
values whenever required.
The adopted data-driven approach for the provision of ionization cross sections presents various advantages. It optimizes
performance speed, since the calculation of the interpolation
is faster than the calculation from complex algorithms implementing theoretical models. The performance of this approach
is superior to that of the models currently released in Geant4. as
is demonstrated in Section IV-F.
This approach also offers flexibility: chosing a cross section
model simply amounts to reading the corresponding set of data
files; adding a new set of cross sections simply amounts to providing the corresponding set of data files, which are handled
transparently. Cross section tabulations may be based on experimental data or derive from pre-calculating analytical formulae,
that represent either theoretical or empirical models. Different
modelling approaches, like exploiting cross sections based on
experimental data or theoretical calculations for different shells,
can be combined for use in a simulation as desired by the user.
Finally, the cross section data are transparent to the user: the
files are accessible to the user and human readable.
Various sets of cross sections for K, L, and M shell ionization
by protons and particles have been tabulated based on theoretical and empirical models. The available models are summarized
in Table I. The lower limit of atomic number 6 for the provision of
individual shell ionization cross sections is determined by Geant4
capability of handling atomic relaxation [32]. The documentation
Fig. 6. Comparison of implemented models of K shell ionization cross sections for incident protons: ECPSSR calculation (thick line), ECPSSR with HartreeSlater correction (dashed line), ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dotted line), ECPSSR with high energy correction as in [56] (thin line), PWBA calculation
(triangles), empirical values from Paul &Sacher [35] (filled circles) and from Kahoul et al [58] (filled squares); overlapping curves may not be visible in the picture.
The horizontally shaded band represents one standard deviation around Kahoul et al empirical values; the vertically shaded band represents one standard
deviation around Paul and Sacher empirical values; ECPSSR and PWBA cross sections are interpolated from ISICS calculations. The plots span a wide range of
; (b) Cu
; (c) Cd
; (d) Au
target element atomic numbers. (a) Si
of theoretical calculations of ionization cross sections for outer
shells is very limited in literature [53], and experimental measurements are scarce as well; therefore they could not be provided at
the present time. Tabulated data sets for outer shells can be added
at a later stage, if they become available, and would be treated
transparently by the software.
The tabulations corresponding to theoretical calculations
span the energy range between 10 keV and 10 GeV; empirical
models are tabulated consistently with the energy range of
validity documented by their authors, that corresponds to the
range of the data used in the empirical fits and varies along with
the atomic number and sub-shell.
Theoretical cross section models include Plane Wave Born
Approximation (PWBA) and variants of the ECPSSR model:
the original ECPSSR formulation [19], ECPSSR with United
Atom correction (ECPSSR-UA) [54], ECPSSR with corrections for the Dirac-Hartree-Slater nature of the K shell [55]
(ECPSSR-HS), as well as calculations based on recent improvements to K shell cross section specific to high energy
[56] (ECPSSR-HE). Tabulated data sets based on theoretical
calculations are provided for K, L and M shells; some of the
ECPSSR variants are specific to the K shell.
ECPSSR tabulations have been produced using the ISICS
software [43], [44], 2006 version; an extended version, kindly
provided by ISICS author S. Cipolla [57], has been exploited
to produce tabulations associated with recent high energy mod-
elling developments [56]. Tabulations of ECPSSR calculations
as reported in [35] are also provided: they differ slightly from
those produced by ISICS, presumably due to different values of
atomic parameters used in the calculations.
Empirical cross section models based on experimental data
for K shell ionization include the tabulations for protons documented in [35] and a more recent one [58], which also accounts
for experimental measurements performed after the publication
of [35]. An empirical cross section model for K shell ionization by particles is based on the tabulations published in [39].
The software implementation to produce tabulations from the
analytical curves documented in [58] provided slightly different
results with respect to the reference values at selected energies
reported in [58]. This behaviour can be attributed to different
values of K shell binding energies used by Geant4 and by Kahoul et al. in the calculation of the empirical formula describing
the fit to the experimental data. The accuracy of the binding energies used by Geant4 is documented in [59]. Anomalous cross
section values resulting from the analytical formula reported in
[58] for elements with atomic number between 61 and 70 suggest that one of the polynomial coefficients listed in [58] may
be affected by a typographic error; cross section values in line
with expectations can be calculated changing its sign.
The various K shell ionization cross sections for protons developed for use in Geant4-based simulations are plotted in Fig. 6
for a few representative target elements spanning a wide range
of atomic numbers. The figures show the Paul and Sacher and
Kahoul et al. empirical models, the ECPSSR model in its original formulation and variants (High Energy, Hartree-Slater and
United Atom corrections) and the Plane Wave Born Approximation model. The empirical models are plotted with shaded bands
corresponding to the uncertainties documented in their respective reference publications. The variants of the ECPSSR model
show relatively small differences; in some cases the cross section values deriving from different models are undistinguishable
in the plots, as they overlap.
Empirical models for L shell ionization by protons, based on
experimental data compilations [60], [61], have been developed
by Miyagawa et al. [62], Sow et al. [63] and Orlic et al. [42].
The last model is actually semi-empirical, since it incorporates
calculations from the ECPSSR theory to extend its applicability
beyond the limited energy range covered by experimental data.
Cross section tabulations are provided for all such models. Due
to limitations of the available experimental data, these empirical models provide cross section values for L sub-shells only
for elements with atomic number larger than 40 or 42. All such
empirical models involve polynomial fits to experimental data;
they differ for the pools of experimental measurements, the criteria to identify the data subsets to be fitted, and the degrees of
the fitting polynomials.
The empirical models for L sub-shell cross sections exhibit
visible differences, as illustrated in Figs. 7 and 8 for two elements; the different functional behaviours resulting from the
polynomial fits to the data and their large uncertainties derive
from the spread of the available measurements. The Sow et al.
model is characterized by much smaller uncertainties than the
two other empirical models; it is also valid in a more limited energy range.
Software implementing the empirical models of Kahoul et
al. [58], Miyagawa et al. [62], Orlic et al. [42] and Sow et al.
[63] has been developed to produce the tabulations; however,
once the cross section data sets have been produced, this code
is not further needed nor requires maintenance over all Geant4
supported platforms.
The ISICS software allows the calculation of cross sections
for heavier ions as well based on PWBA and ECPSSR theoretical models. Methods to calculate cross sections for ions derived
from those for protons have been proposed [64] as well. Therefore, the current provision of PIXE simulation capabilities can
be easily extended to heavier ions in future development cycles
based on the already developed models.
The creation of a data library, encompassing the cross section
tabulations described in this paper, is in progress. This data library is intended for public distribution; it could be of interest
to Monte Carlo and analysis codes dealing with PIXE.
Fig. 7. A comparison of different sets of cesium
L sub-shell ionization cross sections for incident protons: ECPSSR/ISICS calculation (thick
line), empirical model by Miyagawa et al [62] (vertically shaded band), empirical model by Sow et al [63] (dark shaded band), semiempirical model by Orlic
et al [42] (horizontally shaded band); the filled bands represent one standard
deviation around the nominal values of the empirical models. (a) ; (b) ; (c)
D. Generation of a Vacancy
The determination of which atomic (sub-)shell is ionised is
related to its ionisation cross section with respect to the total
cross section for ionising the target atom.
However, as discussed in Section II-B, the condensedrandom-walk scheme raises an issue as to estimating the total
ionisation cross section at a given energy of the incident particle.
The secondary electron production threshold, that is introduced
in Monte Carlo codes adopting a mixed transport scheme to
distinguish the occurrence of a discrete ionization event from
the continuous energy loss integrating the soft electron production, is prone to generate inconsistencies in the determination
of the shell vacancy, as discussed in Section III-A.
The solution implemented in the first development cycle, that
related the determination of the vacancy to the cross section for
This algorithm provides a correct distribution of the produced
vacancies as long as ionisation cross sections can be calculated
for all the atomic shells involved in the atomic structure of the
target element. Since cross section models are currently available for K, L and M shells only, at the present status of the
software this algorithm overestimates PIXE for elements whose
atomic structure involves outer shells, because of the implicit
underestimation of the total ionization cross section. This approach, however, preserves large flexibility towards further improvements: adding the treatment of outer shells is straightforward. It is adequate for studies interested in higher energy X-ray
emission deriving from inner shell vacancies, which are experimentally measurable, and provides better control on the simulation results than the algorithm implemented in the first development cycle: the outcome of the PIXE simulation component
does not depend on the user’s setting of the secondary electron
production threshold.
A solution to the open issues would derive from the availability of hadron ionisation cross sections for outer shells, similar to calculations collected in the Evaluated Electron Data Library (EEDL) [26]. The exploitation of calculations methods for
N shells as outlined in [53] is being investigated, as well as the
possibility of extending the calculations to outer shells; nevertheless, such a theoretical effort would require a substantial investment of resources and an extended time scale. Once available, cross section tabulations for outer shells would be transparently incorporated into the existing software design.
Further opportunities for improvement over the current approximation could derive from an ongoing effort [47] to explore
particle transport in Geant4 kernel, that addresses in particular
the issue of co-working condensed-random-walk and discrete
transport schemes.
E. Generation of Secondary Particles
Fig. 8. A comparison of different sets of mercury
L sub-shell ionization cross sections for incident protons: ECPSSR/ISICS calculation (thick
line), empirical model by Miyagawa et al [62] (vertically shaded band), empirical model by Sow et al [63] (dark shaded band), semiempirical model by Orlic
et al [42] (horizontally shaded band); the filled bands represent one standard
deviation around the nominal values of the empirical models. (a) ; (b) ; (c)
producing a ray above the user selected threshold, demonstrated the weakness of this algorithm, as illustrated in Fig. 3.
A different algorithm has been adopted in the developments described in this paper: the vacancy in the shell occupancy is determined based on the total cross section calculated by summing
all the individual shell ionisation cross sections.
The production of secondary particles by the atomic relaxation of an ionized atom is driven by the PostStepDoIt member
function of the G4RDHadronIonisation class shown in the UML
class diagram of Fig. 5, and is delegated to the Atomic Relaxation component.
The PostStepDoIt function interacts with the vacancy creation and the atomic relaxation components through their respective interface classes; it retrieves the ionised shell from the
former and hands it to the latter to initiate the atomic deexcitation process, which in turn generates fluorescence X-rays and
Auger electrons. It applies a further filter to the candidate secondary products resulting from the atomic relaxation, based on
the thresholds in range set by the user. X-rays that would be
below the threshold for producing secondary photons are not
considered for further tracking, and the corresponding energy is
converted into a local deposit.
An example of an X-ray spectrum produced by the PIXE
model described in this paper is depicted in Fig. 9: it shows the
energy distribution of characteristic photons originating from
vacancies produced by proton ionization of Cu in K, L, and
M shells, respectively. The relative importance of the different
lines appearing in the spectrum is the result of the ionization
cross sections for the various shells, combined with the respective probabilities of allowed atomic transitions.
Fig. 9. X-ray spectrum produced by proton ionization of Cu respectively in K,
L and M shells; the energy of primary protons is uniformly distributed between
1 keV and 10 MeV.
Fig. 10. Relative difference, expressed in percent, between the ECPSSR cross
sections for K shell ionization by protons, calculated as described in Section IV,
and reference ECPSSR cross sections tabulated in [35].
F. Performance Tests
The computational performance of the cross section models
described in this paper has been measured and compared to previously available Geant4 implementations with similar physics
The performance has been evaluated on an Intel Core2 Duo
Processor E6420, 2.13 Gz, 4 GB RAM, by instantiating the
calls to the cross section
cross section classes and making
calculation functions. The timing results in seconds are reported
in Tables II and III, respectively for protons and particles;
those concerning the models described in this paper are identified as “this work”.
The models described in this paper are faster than all the previous implementations. The various cross section models (based
on theory or empirical) are characterized by similar computational performance; their differences in performance are related
to the size of the tabulated data sets, since this parameter affects
the time spent to search across the tabulation the appropriate
values to be interpolated.
The data-driven approach determines a gain of a factor 6 to 8
approximately with respect to performing the t calculations on
the fly during the simulation execution and of about a factor 2
with respect to using analytical fits to the data; the better design
of the K shell empirical models is responsible of a gain factor
that is in general larger than 100 with respect to the equivalent
cross section models released in Geant4 9.2.
The component-based design adopted for the simulation of
PIXE facilitates the software verification and validation: the
components can be tested independently, while the correctness
of their collaboration in a simulation application is ensured by
Geant4 kernel design.
The validation of simulation software is a key issue to estimate the accuracy achievable in experimental applications; for
a toolkit like Geant4, the comparative evaluation of the available models also provides experimentalists objective guidance
for selecting an appropriate model for a use case.
As described in the previous sections, the production of
X-rays, once a vacancy has been created in the shell occupancy
due to the ionisation of the target atom, is delegated to Geant4
Atomic Relaxation component. The validation of the energies
of fluorescence photons and Auger electrons generated by this
component is documented in [59]. The accuracy of the fluorescence transition probabilities tabulated in the Evaluated Atomic
Data Library [65], on which Geant4 fluorescence generation
is based, is documented in [66]; consistent qualitative results
specific to the Geant4 use of EADL have been reported [67].
Cross section calculations were subject to verification tests to
ensure that the software reproduced the underlying theoretical
or empirical models correctly. Special emphasis was invested
into evaluating the differences betweeen theoretical and empirical models, and among the variants of the ECPSSR model.
The availability of a wide variety of cross section models for
the first time in the same computational environment allowed a
detailed comparative assessment of their features. The various
cross sections were compared to experimental data to estimate
their validity, and among them to evaluate their similarities and
differences. The use of statistical methods for the comparisons
provides objective data to appraise the accuracy of the simulation quantitatively and to guide the choice of the models in an
experimental application.
The analysis focussed on proton cross sections, due to the
larger availability of cross section data for the validation of simulation models and the greater variety of models. Detailed evaluations concerning cross section models for K and L shell ionization are reported below; the scarce availability of experimental
data prevented a similar study for the M shell.
A. Verification of Ionization Cross Section Models
The verification of the software developed for the calculation of ionisation cross sections was performed by means of unit
tests, that ensured the consistency of the software with the specifications of the physics models it implements.
The most critical part of this process consisted of the verification of the correctness of the cross sections reproducing the
ECPSSR theory. For this purpose ECPSSR cross sections calculated as described in Section IV were compared to reference
compilations of ECPSSR cross sections for protons and particles available in literature. An example is illustrated in Fig. 10,
which shows the distribution of the percent difference with respect to tabulations of ECPSSR cross sections for K shell ionization by protons published in [35] over all the elements with
atomic number between 6 and 92. The small differences observed between the ECPSSR cross sections calculated by the
simulation software and reference tabulations can be ascribed
to different atomic parameters used in the computation of the
cross section and, to a smaller extent, to the interpolation procedure. The observed differences are compatible with the precision of ECPSSR calculations reported in [35]. A significant
discrepancy with respect to the reference tabulations was observed only for europium (atomic number 63); investigations
are in progress to ascertain its origin.
Similar verifications against published ECPSSR cross section
references have been performed for the produced L sub-shell
data sets and for particles, and to a smaller extent for M shell
cross sections due to the scarce literature on this topic.
B. Methods for the Comparison of Cross Sections
Cross sections were compared by means of statistical
methods: goodness-of-fit testing complemented by categorical
analysis based on contingency tables.
The comparison of cross sections as a function of energy was
test [68]. This
performed for each element by means of the
test was selected since, among non-parametric goodness-of-fit
tests, it takes into account experimental uncertainties explicitly.
The null hypothesis in the goodness-of-fit testing process was
defined as the compatibility that the two cross section distributions subject to comparison derive from the same parent distribution. Unless differently specified, a 95% confidence level was
set to define the critical region of rejection of the null hypothesis.
test was performed on pairs of cross section distriThe
butions, that were calculated or measured at the same energies
for each element. The data samples corresponded either to a
simulation model and experimental data for the validation of
cross sections, or to two simulation models for the comparison
of their respective features. The whole range of atomic num-
bers from 6 to 92 was subject to testing for the inter-comparison of models; only the elements for which experimental data
were available were considered in the validation tests to estimate the model accuracy. Some experimental data identified as
outliers were excluded from the tests; they concerned measurements exhibiting large discrepancies ( 3 standard deviations)
with respect to other data at the same energy, or anomalous data
series from the same experiment suggesting the presence of systematic effects. Guidance for this analysis derived also from [35]
and [69].
Contingency tables were built on the basis of the outcome
test to determine the equivalent, or different behavior
of the
over model categories: for instance, the compatibility of dif-
ferent simulation models, or the agreement of a simulation
model with experimental data, over the whole range of target
elements. Their analysis estimates whether the number of
elements for which a model is compatible with experimental
data is independent of the model, in other words whether both
models under test describe the data equally well. The input
to contingency tables derived from the results of the
they were classified respectively as “pass” or “fail” according
to whether the corresponding p-value was consistent with the
defined confidence level. The null hypothesis consisted in
assuming, for each contingency table, the equivalence of the
two models subject to comparison in it.
The contingency tables were analyzed with Fisher exact test
test applying Yates continuity correction
[70] and with the
[71]; the latter ensured reliable results even with small number
test [72] was also performed
of entries in the table. Pearson
on contingency tables, when their content was consistent with
its applicability. The use of different tests in the analysis evaluates the robustness of the results: it contributes to the identification of possible systematic effects, which could be due to the
peculiar mathematical features of a test. A signigficance level
of 0.05 was set to determine the rejection of the null hypothesis,
corresponding to a 95% confidence level, unless specified differently. The results summarized in the following sections show
that all the tests produce equivalent results in terms of rejection,
or non rejection, of the null hypothesis at the defined confidence
level—with one exception, which is discussed in detail in Section V-D.
Fig. 11. L shell proton ionization cross sections of silicon (black symbols) and
chlorine (white symbols): ECPSSR model (stars) and experimental data from
C. K Shell Ionization Cross Sections
The cross sections for K shell ionization by protons based
on the various theoretical and empirical models were compared
against experimental measurements to evaluate their accuracy.
The reference experimental data were extracted from the
compilation in [35]. This collection includes various types of
cross section measurements associated with the K shell: X-ray
production cross sections, Auger electron production cross sections and ionization ones. K shell ionization cross sections can
be calculated from X-ray and Auger production ones according
to the formulae:
where is the ionization cross section,
are respectively the X-ray production and Auger electron production cross
sections, and
is the fluorescence yield for the K shell. The
fluorescence yields compiled in [73] were used to calculate ionization cross section from production ones, consistently with the
data handling reported in [35]; their uncertainties were propagated into the rescaled reference ionization cross sections.
Two analyses were performed to evaluate possible systematic effects due to deriving ionization cross sections from production ones: the first concerned only the small data sample of
ionization cross section measurements, while the second was
performed over the whole experimental data sample, also including rescaled production cross sections. It should be noted
that, apart from the different size of the data samples, ionization cross section measurements concern a low energy range,
while the full sample including production cross sections spans
a wider energy range. A few production cross section measurements at 160 MeV were not considered in this test; a dedicated
test specific to high energy PIXE is reported in Section V-E.
The experimental ionization cross sections and the ones calculated by the simulation models are plotted in Figs. 13 to 24.
test are listed in Tables IV
The p-values resulting from the
and V, respectively concerning the validation against ionization
cross section data and the whole set of measurement, including
rescaled production cross sections too. The p-values concerning
the comparison with the PWBA model are not listed, since they
are less than 0.001 in almost all the cases.
test fails to reject
The fraction of test cases for which the
the null hypothesis at the 95% and 99% confidence level are
listed in Table VI.
The ECPSSR model with Hartree-Slater correction stands out
in the test concerning ionization cross section measurements as
the model exhibiting the highest agreement at 95% confidence
level with respect to the experimental data. Contingency tables
are reported in Tables VII and VIII concerning the comparison
of the ECPSSR-HS model and the Paul and Sacher one against
experimental data; the contingency tables associated with the
ECPSSR with United Atom and High Energy corrections, and
the Kahoul et al. have identical entries as Table VII, therefore
the results obtained for Table VII hold for the comparison of
ECPSSR-HS with those models too. From the analysis of the
contingency tables one observes that the ECPSSR model with
Hartree-Slater correction appears more accurate than the original ECPSSR model, the ECPSSR with United Atom and High
Energy corrections, and the Kahoul et al. empirical model at the
90% confidence level; its difference of accuracy with respect to
the Paul and Sacher model is not statistically significant.
test summarized in
According to the results of the
Table VI, all the cross section models implemented in the
simulation exhibit equivalent behaviour regarding the compatibility with the full set of experimental cross section data,
including the rescaled X-ray and Auger production cross
sections, with the exception of the Kahoul et al. model. The
contingency table comparing the accuracy of the Kahoul et al.
and ECPSSR-HS models is documented in Table IX: it confirms
that the two models show a statistically significant difference
regarding their accuracy. The contingency tables associated
with the other models show that they are statistically equivalent
regarding their accuracy over the whole experimental data
However, when only the lower energy range (below 5–7 MeV,
depending on the atomic number) is considered, a statistically
significant difference at the 95% confidence level is observed
between the ECPSSR model and the ECPSSR-HS one; the latter
is more accurate with respect to experimental data. The related
contingency table is reported in Table X. This result is consistent
with the analysis concerning ionization cross section measurements only.
From this analysis one can conclude that the K shell ionization cross section models implemented for PIXE simulation
exhibit a satisfactory accuracy with respect to experimental
measurements; in this context, one should take into account
the discrepancies exhibited by experimental data. The results
of the goodness-of-fit test show that in more than 90% of
the test cases at least one simulation model is compatible at
95% confidence level with ionization cross section measurements, while all the simulation models, with the exception of
Kahoul et al., are compatible at 99% confidence level with
the extended experimental data sample in more than 80%
of the test cases. The ECPSSR model with Hartree-Slater
corrections shows the best accuracy in the lower energy range,
while all the other models appear equivalent regarding their
accuracy, apart from Kahoul et al.
A few inter-comparisons were performed among the implemented cross section models to characterize their similarities
and differences. The method of comparison was the same as for
test over inthe comparison against experimental data: the
dividual elements, complemented by categorical analysis over
the whole set of test results. The tests were performed on all elements with atomic number between 6 and 92, with the exception
of 63, since, as reported above, inconsistencies were observed
for this element between the produced ECPSSR cross sections
and those reported in [35]. The empirical models were subject
to comparison in the energy range of their applicability.
The two empirical models are equivalent within their respectest they are compatible at 95%
tive uncertainties: from the
confidence level over 85% of the considered elements, and in
91% of the test cases they are compatible at 99% confidence
The Kahoul et al. model is compatible at 95% confidence
level with the theoretical cross section models in the majority of
the test cases (from 71% regarding ECPSSR with United Atom
Fig. 13. K shell proton ionization cross sections, C: ECPSSR model (thick
line), with Hartree-Slater (dashed), United Atom (dotted) and high energy (thin
line) corrections, PWBA (triangles); Paul & Sacher [35] (filled circles) and Kahoul et al [58] (squares) empirical models, experimental data from [35] (empty
circles). Shaded bands represent Kahoul et al (horizontal) and Paul and Sacher
(vertical) uncertainties. Overlapping curves may not be visible.
Fig. 14. K shell proton ionization cross sections, N: ECPSSR model (thick
line), with Hartree-Slater (dashed), United Atom (dotted) and high energy (thin
line) corrections, PWBA (triangles); Paul & Sacher [35] (filled circles) and Kahoul et al [58] (squares) empirical models, experimental data from [35] (empty
circles). Shaded bands represent Kahoul et al (horizontal) and Paul and Sacher
(vertical) uncertainties. Overlapping curves may not be visible.
Fig. 12. A comparison of the fluorescence background due to ionization
by cosmic-ray protons in an L2 orbit for three different graded Z shield
designs for the eROSITA X-ray detectors. (a) Cu shield; (b) Cu-Al shield; (c)
correction to 79% regarding ECPSSR with Hartree-Slater correction).
test, the Paul and Sacher
According to the results of the
model appears to be compatible at 95% confidence level with
ECPSSR-like cross section models in a small fraction of test
cases, approximately 20%. In most cases the null hypothesis
test when the sample under test covers
is rejected by the
the whole energy range of the compilation in [35], but it is
not rejected over a large subset of the sample. In the same
test cases, the unbinned Kolmogorov-Smirnov test over the
Fig. 15. K shell proton ionization cross sections, O: ECPSSR model (thick
line), with Hartree-Slater (dashed), United Atom (dotted) and high energy (thin
line) corrections, PWBA (triangles); Paul & Sacher [35] (filled circles) and Kahoul et al [58] (squares) empirical models, experimental data from [35] (empty
circles). Shaded bands represent Kahoul et al (horizontal) and Paul and Sacher
(vertical) uncertainties. Overlapping curves may not be visible.
whole sample does not reject the null hypothesis; unlike the
test, this goodness-of-fit test does not account for uncertainties
explicitly. These results suggest that the uncertainties of the
Paul and Sacher model may be underestimated in some energy
Fig. 16. K shell proton ionization cross sections, F: ECPSSR model (thick
line), with Hartree-Slater (dashed), United Atom (dotted) and high energy (thin
line) corrections, PWBA (triangles); Paul & Sacher [35] (filled circles) and Kahoul et al [58] (squares) empirical models, experimental data from [35] (empty
circles). Shaded bands represent Kahoul et al (horizontal) and Paul and Sacher
(vertical) uncertainties. Overlapping curves may not be visible.
Fig. 19. K shell proton ionization cross sections, Sm: ECPSSR model (thick
line), with Hartree-Slater (dashed), United Atom (dotted) and high energy (thin
line) corrections, PWBA (triangles); Paul & Sacher [35] (filled circles) and Kahoul et al [58] (squares) empirical models, experimental data from [35] (empty
circles). Shaded bands represent Kahoul et al (horizontal) and Paul and Sacher
(vertical) uncertainties. Overlapping curves may not be visible.
Fig. 17. K shell proton ionization cross sections, K: ECPSSR model (thick
line), with Hartree-Slater (dashed), United Atom (dotted) and high energy (thin
line) corrections, PWBA (triangles); Paul & Sacher [35] (filled circles) and Kahoul et al [58] (squares) empirical models, experimental data from [35] (empty
circles). Shaded bands represent Kahoul et al (horizontal) and Paul and Sacher
(vertical) uncertainties. Overlapping curves may not be visible.
Fig. 20. K shell proton ionization cross sections, Tb: ECPSSR model (thick
line), with Hartree-Slater (dashed), United Atom (dotted) and high energy (thin
line) corrections, PWBA (triangles); Paul & Sacher [35] (filled circles) and Kahoul et al [58] (squares) empirical models, experimental data from [35] (empty
circles). Shaded bands represent Kahoul et al (horizontal) and Paul and Sacher
(vertical) uncertainties. Overlapping curves may not be visible.
Fig. 18. K shell proton ionization cross sections, Nd: ECPSSR model (thick
line), with Hartree-Slater (dashed), United Atom (dotted) and high energy (thin
line) corrections, PWBA (triangles); Paul & Sacher [35] (filled circles) and Kahoul et al [58] (squares) empirical models, experimental data from [35] (empty
circles). Shaded bands represent Kahoul et al (horizontal) and Paul and Sacher
(vertical) uncertainties. Overlapping curves may not be visible.
The inter-comparison of cross section models confirmed the
difference of the ECPSSR model with Hartree-Slater correction
with respect to the original ECPSSR formulation; the differences are more substantial at higher energies and for heavier
elements, as it is also visible qualitatively in Fig. 6.
Fig. 21. K shell proton ionization cross sections, Ho: ECPSSR model (thick
line), with Hartree-Slater (dashed), United Atom (dotted) and high energy (thin
line) corrections, PWBA (triangles); Paul & Sacher [35] (filled circles) and Kahoul et al [58] (squares) empirical models, experimental data from [35] (empty
circles). Shaded bands represent Kahoul et al (horizontal) and Paul and Sacher
(vertical) uncertainties. Overlapping curves may not be visible.
As a result of this analysis, one can recommend the ECPSSR
model with Hartree-Slater correction for simulations concerning
the lower energy range (below 10 MeV approximately), the
ECPSSR model in its plain formulation or the empirical Paul
and Sacher one (within its range of applicability) otherwise.
Fig. 22. K shell proton ionization cross sections, Tm: ECPSSR model (thick
line), with Hartree-Slater (dashed), United Atom (dotted) and high energy (thin
line) corrections, PWBA (triangles); Paul & Sacher [35] (filled circles) and Kahoul et al [58] (squares) empirical models, experimental data from [35] (empty
circles). Shaded bands represent Kahoul et al (horizontal) and Paul and Sacher
(vertical) uncertainties. Overlapping curves may not be visible.
Fig. 23. K shell proton ionization cross sections, Ta: ECPSSR model (thick line),
with Hartree-Slater (dashed), United Atom (dotted) and high energy (thin line)
corrections, PWBA (triangles); Paul & Sacher [35] (filled circles) and Kahoul et
al [58] (squares) empirical models, experimental data from [35] (empty circles).
Shaded bands represent Kahoul et al (horizontal) and Paul and Sacher (vertical)
uncertainties. Overlapping curves may not be visible.
Fig. 25. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
Fig. 24. K shell proton ionization cross sections, Th: ECPSSR model (thick line),
with Hartree-Slater (dashed), United Atom (dotted) and high energy (thin line)
corrections, PWBA (triangles); Paul & Sacher [35] (filled circles) and Kahoul et
al [58] (squares) empirical models, experimental data from [35] (empty circles).
Shaded bands represent Kahoul et al (horizontal) and Paul and Sacher (vertical)
uncertainties. Overlapping curves may not be visible.
D. L Shell Ionization Cross Sections
The cross sections for L sub-shell ionization cross sections
were compared to the experimental data collected in two com-
plementary compilations [60], [61]. The same method was applied as described for the validation of K shell cross sections.
The experimental compilations report only total L shell cross
section data for a few lighter elements; sub-shell data are listed
only for elements with atomic number larger than 44. The experimental data often exhibit large discrepancies; systematic effects are clearly visible in some data sets for different elements
deriving from the same experimental source.
Fig. 11 shows the total L shell ionization cross section for
and chlorine
calculated by the
ECPSSR model compared to experimental data: while the theoretical model appears compatible with the the chlorine data, it
Fig. 26. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
Fig. 27. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
shows a large disagrement for silicon. Considering the scarcity
of L shell ionization cross section measurements for light elements and the large systematic effects documented in the L
shell experimental compilations, it is hard to say whether the
observed discrepancy for silicon is due to a deficiency of the
theory, or to systematic effects in the measurements.
test against experimental data are
The p-values from the
listed in Tables XI and XII, respectively for the theoretical and
empirical cross section models.
The fraction of test cases in which the various models are
compatible with the experimental data at 95% and 99% confidence level is summarized in Table XIII. The ECPSSR model
appears to provide a satisfactory representation of L shell ionisation cross sections with respect to experimental data, especially
with its United Atom variant.
The ECPSSR-UA model exhibits the best overall accuracy
among the various models; it is compatible with experimental
measurements at 95% confidence level in 89% of the test cases
sub-shell, 79% for the
sub-shell and 64% for the
for the
sub-shell. The degradation of the compatibility with experimental data observed for the
sub-shell could be due either
to the lower accuracy of the theory or to poorer quality of the
experimental data.
The Orlic et al. model exhibits the worst accuracy with respect to experimental data among the available theoretical and
Fig. 28. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
empirical models. This semi-empirical model is the only option
implemented in Geant4 9.2 for the calculation of L shell ionization cross sections.
The accuracy of the various cross section models was studied
by means of contingency tables to evaluate their differences
quantitatively. The categorical analysis was performed between
the ECPSSR model with United Atom correction, i.e. the model
showing the best accuracy according to the results of the
test, and the other cross section models. The contingency tables
were built based on the results of the
test at the 95% confidence level, summing the “pass” and “fail” outcome over the
three sub-shells; they are reported in Table XIV.
Fig. 29. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
The Orlic et al. semi-empirical model is found to be significantly less accurate than the ECPSSR-UA model: the hypothesis of equivalence of their accuracy with respect to experimental data is rejected at 99% confidence level. The p-values
concerning the comparison of the Miyagawa et al. empirical
model are close to the critical region for 95% confidence, and
slightly different for the three tests performed on the related contingency table. The Sow et al. empirical model and the ECPSSR
model in its original formulation appears statistically equivalent
in accuracy to the ECPSSR model with United Atom correction.
As a result of this analysis, the ECPSSR model with United
Atom approximation can be recommended for usage in Geant4based simulation applications as the most accurate option for L
Fig. 30. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
shell ionization cross sections. The ECPSSR model in its original formulation can be considered a satisfactory alternative; the
Sow et al. empirical model has satisfactory accuracy, but limited
applicability regarding the target elements and proton energies
it can handle.
E. Cross Section Models for High Energy PIXE
PIXE as a technique for elemental analysis is usually performed with proton beams of a few MeV. In the recent years,
higher energy proton beams of a few tens MeV have been effectively exploited for PIXE applications; they present various
advantages, due to the larger penetration depth of higher energy
Fig. 31. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
protons, and the possibility of exciting K-lines of heavy elements. High energy protons are a source of PIXE in the space radiation environment, which motivates simulation studies to estimate their effects.
The interest in high energy PIXE has motivated recent theoretical investigations [56] concerning cross section calculations
at higher energies. Despite the emerging interest of high energy
PIXE, only a limited set of experimental data is available above
the energy range of conventional PIXE techniques.
The accuracy of the implemented K shell cross section
models was evaluated against two sets of measurements at
higher energy [74], [75], respectively at 66 and 68 MeV. The
Fig. 32. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
Fig. 33. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
experimental measurement with uranium was not included in
the comparison, since it appears affected by some experimental
test was performed first separately on either experiThe
mental data set to evaluate the possible presence of any systematics in the two test cases, then on the combined data set. The
test against these experimental data are
p-values from the
listed in Table XV. The original ECPSSR formulation is compatible with both data sets at 90% confidence level; the ECPSSR
with United Atom correction produces identical results. The
ECPSSR model with Hartree-Slater correction is compatible at
95% confidence level only with the data in [74]; regarding the
data of [75], its compatibility at 95% confidence level is limited
to target materials with atomic number up to 83. The ECPSSR
model with the correction in [56], specifically meant for cross
section calculations at high energy, is compatible with each one
of the experimental data sets at 95% confidence level; nevertheless, it is compatible with the combined data set only at 99%
confidence level, while the ECPSSR model in its original formulation is compatible with the whole set of data at 95% confidence level.
Over the limited data sample considered in this test, this
model does not appear to provide better accuracy than the
original ECPSSR formulation; nevertheless more high energy
Fig. 34. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
Fig. 35. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
experimental data would be required to reach a firm conclusion.
Also, this analysis should be verified over tabulation deriving
from a published version of the ISICS code, when it becomes
test over the experimental data at 160 MeV collected
in [35] results in p-values less than 0.001 for all the ECPSSR
model variants. The rejection of the null hypothesis could be
ascribed either to the deficiency of the theory or to systematic
effects affecting the measurements; further data would be required for a sound assessment.
A further test was performed on the experimental data in [76],
that concern two target materials (aluminium and copper) rele-
vant to the shielding study demonstrated in Section VI and cover
energies up to 40 MeV. The p-values from the test varied between 0.999 and 1 for all the ECPSSR modelling variants. While
this test did not provide any discriminant power among the various modelling options, it confirmed the validity of the physics
models used in the simulation application described in the next
The prototype components for PIXE simulation described in
the previous sections were applied to a study of the passive,
graded Z shielding of the X-ray detectors of the eROSITA tele-
Fig. 36. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
scope [5] on the upcoming Russian Spectrum-X-Gamma space
The purpose of the passive shielding is two-fold. Firstly, the
passive shielding prevents abundant low-energy cosmic-ray particles from reaching the detectors and thus from causing radiation damage. Secondly, the passive graded Z shielding serves to
reduce instrumental background noise to a minimum [77]. This
background noise consists of both fluorescence lines and continuum background due to bremsstrahlung photons and rays
from cosmic-ray interactions.
The event timing accuracy of current imaging Si detectors
for X-ray astronomy (photon energy range 0.1–15 keV) is
limited by the signal integration time of these devices. For
Fig. 37. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
such detectors, an active anti-coincidence system cannot be
used for background reduction because discarding complete
readout frames correlated with an anti-coincidence signal would
result in unacceptable dead time. Detector triggers due to
primary cosmic-ray particles can be discriminated in imaging
detectors due to their high energy deposit and their pixel image
pattern. However, interactions of primary cosmic-ray particles
in the detector and surrounding passive material give rise to
secondary X-rays and charged particles. These may in turn
lead to detector triggers within the accepted energy range.
Such triggers contribute to the instrumental background noise
because they cannot be distinguished from valid events due
Fig. 38. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
to cosmic X-ray photons that were focused by the telescope
mirror system onto the detector.
The production of secondary photons and particles by the
ubiquitous cosmic radiation is inevitable, but graded Z shielding
permits the shifting of the energy of secondaries from atomic
deexcitation to low values. The probability that an atomic
shell vacancy is filled by radiative transitions (emission of
fluoresence X-ray photons) decreases with decreasing atomic
charge number Z; by contrast, the probability for non-radiative
transitions (emission of Auger and Coster-Kronig electrons)
increases. The average energy of secondaries from atomic deexcitation decreases with decreasing charge number Z. Therefore,
Fig. 39. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
in a graded Z shield cosmic-ray induced fluorescence X rays
produced in an outer, higher Z layer of the shield are absorbed
in an inner, lower Z layer. Subsequent atomic deexcitation, for
instance following photoionization, in this inner layer gives
rise to fluorescence photons and Auger electrons with energies
that are lower than the energies of the deexcitation particles
from the outer layer; in addition, there will be relatively more
deexcitation electrons than X-rays. If the effective charge
number Z of the innermost shield layer is sufficiently low,
ionization results in the generation of mainly Auger electrons
with energies below 1 keV, which can easily be stopped in a
thin passivation layer on top of the detectors. Ionization can
also create rare fluorescence X rays of similarly low energy.
Fig. 40. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
Fig. 41. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
A first set of graded Z shield designs was studied by Monte
Carlo simulation, using the PIXE prototype software together
with Geant4 versions 9.1-patch 01. The detector chip was modthick square slab of pure Si with dimensions
elled as a 450
5.6 cm
3.7 cm. The sensitive detector, which is integrated
into the chip, covers an area of 2.88 cm 2.88 cm or 384
384 square pixels of size
. This detector model
was placed inside a box-shaped shield; figures of the actual design can be found in [78]. In its simplest form, the passive shield
consisted only of a single 3 cm thick layer of pure Cu; the outer
dimensions of the shield were
A second version of the graded Z shield had a 1 mm thick Al
layer inside the Cu layer, and a third version in addition a 1 mm
layer inside the Al layer. The physics configuration in
the simulation application involved the library-based processes
of the Geant4 low energy electromagnetic package for electrons
and photons, along with the improved version of the hadron ionisation process and the specific PIXE software described in Section IV. Among the ionization cross section models documented
in Table I, the ECPSSR ones were selected for K, L and M shells.
Spectrum-X-Gamma is expected be launched in 2012 into an
L2 orbit. The background spectra due to cosmic-ray protons
were simulated for the three different eROSITA graded Z shield
designs. A model for the detector response, taking into account
Fig. 42. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
Fano statistics (and hence the energy resolution) and detector
noise, was then applied to obtain a simulated data sets. These
simulated data were further processed with algorithms that have
been developed to eliminate charged particle tracks or invalid
pixel image patterns and to select and reconstruct events that
are most likely due to single photons [79]; these procedures are
identical to those applied to actual laboratory or satellite data.
A comparison of the results is depicted in Fig. 12. The spectra
represent the average background in a detector pixel. Qualitatively, the PIXE prototype implementation is working properly
(see also Fig. 9): protons produce the expected fluorescence
lines with correct relative strengths. In case of a pure Cu shield,
Fig. 43. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
fluorescence lines
shown in Fig. 12(a), strong Cu
at about 8.0 and 8.9 keV are present in the background spectrum. In case of a combined Cu-Al shield, depicted in Fig. 12(b),
the Cu fluorescence lines are absorbed in Al, but ionization in
fluorescence line at about 1.5
Al gives rise to a clear Al
keV. In case of the full graded Z shield configuration, shown in
layer absorbs the Al line, but at the same is
Fig. 12(c), the
not a source of significant fluorescence lines, which is expected
due to the low fluorescence yield of these light elements.
Except for an excess below 0.3 keV for the case of the
graded Z shield, which appears because the
Fig. 44. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
simulated detector model does not yet include a thin passivation layer, there is no significant difference in the continuum
background for the three different designs. The inclusion of a
thin layer for the treatment of the low energy background will
be the object of a further detector design optimization.
This application demonstrates that the developed software is
capable of supporting concrete experimental studies. Nevertheless, the concerns outlined in Sections II-B and IV-D should be
kept in mind: while the present PIXE simulation component can
provide valuable information in terms of relative fluorescence
yields from inner shells, the intrinsic limitations of the mixed
transport scheme in which ionization is modelled and the lack
Fig. 45. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
of cross section calculations for outer shells prevent an analysis
of the simulation outcome in absolute terms. Improvements may
come from the ongoing efforts mentioned in Section IV-D.
This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the status,
open issues and recent developments of PIXE simulation with
the Geant4 toolkit.
The analysis of the related models currently available in
Geant4 showed their limitations under various aspects: physics
functionality, correctness of implementation, accuracy, consistent behavior, software design, performance and usability.
Fig. 46. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
The developments described in this paper represent a significant step forward regarding PIXE simulation with Geant4. They
extend the simulation capabilities of the toolkit by enabling the
generation of PIXE associated with K, L and M shells for protons and particles; for this purpose a variety of cross section models are provided. Methods to extend the simulation to
heavier ion projectiles have been devised and can be easily incorporated in the new design. The adopted data-driven strategy
and related software design contribute also a significant improvement in computational performance with respect to previous models available in Geant4.
Fig. 47. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
The validation of the implemented models has been quantitatively estimated with respect to extensive collections of experimental data. The availability of several modelling options
for the first time in the same computational environment has allowed their comparative evaluation through rigorous statistical
methods. The results documented in this paper provide objective
guidance for the optimal selection of simulation models in experimental applications. Experimentalists can further compare
their effects in real-life use cases and full-scale Geant4-based
An extensive ionisation cross section data library has been
created as a by-product of the development process: it can
Fig. 48. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
Fig. 49. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
be of interest to the experimental community for a variety
of applications, not necessarily limited to PIXE simulation
with Geant4.
Some issues identified in the course of the development
process are still open: they concern the consistency of PIXE
simulation in a mixed condensed-discrete particle transport
scheme, in particular for heavier target materials. A possible
approach to address them, while preserving the current continuous-discrete design scheme of hadron ionisation in Geant4,
would involve the calculation of ionization cross sections for
outer shells than M, similarly to what has been done for electron
ionisation. This calculation is feasible, exploiting known theoretical methods, yet it would require a significant investment of
resources. Further improvements would also derive from more
refined models of hadron ionization, capable of correlating
the spectrum of emitted -rays with the determination of the
ionized shell. In parallel, a project is in progress to address
in a more general way design issues concerning co-working
condensed and discrete transport methods in a general purpose
simulation system. In this respect, the sound component-based
design described in this paper would allow the reuse of the
developed PIXE software in connection with other modelling
Fig. 50. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
Fig. 51. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
approaches of hadron ionization or evolutions of particle transport schemes.
Despite the known limitations related to mixed transport
schemes, the software developments described in this paper
provide sufficient functionality for realistic experimental
investigations. An application to a concrete use case of physical interest, concerning the optimization of the shielding of
the German eROSITA telescope on the upcoming Russian
Spectrum-X-Gamma space mission, has demonstrated the
capabilities of the new simulation software in response to a
real-life experimental problem.
The authors express their gratitude to A. Zucchiatti for
valuable discussions on PIXE experimental techniques and to
S. Cipolla for providing a prototype version of ISICS (ISICS
2008) including updates for high energy K shell cross sections.
Also, the authors thank the INFN Genova Computing Service
(A. Brunengo, M. Corosu, P. Lantero, and F. Saffioti) for
technical support throughout the project, and S. Bertolucci and
U. Bratzler for helpful comments and advice regarding this
paper. Finally, the authors are grateful to the RSICC staff at
ORNL, in particular B. L. Kirk and J. B. Manneschmidt, for the
support to assemble a ionization cross section data library for
Fig. 52. L sub-shell proton ionization cross sections for
model (solid line) and ECPSSR with United Atom correction (dashed line); empirical models by Miyagawa et al (vertical shaded band), Orlic et al (horizontal
shaded band) and Sow et al (solid shaded green band); experimental data from
[60] (squares) and [61] (circles). Shaded bands represent model uncertainties.
Overlapping curves may not be visible. (a) ; (b) ; (c) .
public distribution resulting from the developments described
in this paper.
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